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yczhu171018 2020-6-8 17:25
可以实现指定时间段内的气温和降水数据的下载和写入 代码运行条件:1.气象部门内网;2.MUSIC接口需要开通API权限(用户名和密码) #-*-coding:utf-8-*- Modifiedin2020年6月3日2 该代码用于下载全国2018年的气象数据,要素主要包括: 1.每小时的降水; 2.每小时的温度; @author:朱永超 #导入库文件 importsuds fromdatetimeimporttimedelta fromdatetimeimportdatetime importos #定义开始和结束时间 onedate=timedelta(days=1)#定义1天时间 datetime_sta=datetime(2019,1,1,0,0,0)#开始的时间 datetime_end=datetime(2020,1,1,0,0,0)#结束的时间 time1=datetime_sta cwd=os.getcwd() ifnotos.path.exists(cwd+'\\progress.ini'): withopen('progress.ini','w+',newline='')asf1: f1.write(datetime_sta.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) #time1为当前时间 time1=datetime_sta else: withopen('progress.ini','r+',newline='')asf1: timeread=datetime.strptime(f1.read(),'%Y%m%d%H%M%S') iftimereadtime1: time1=timeread #MUSIC接口的webservices wsdl= #2.调用接口 client=suds.client.Client(wsdl) #最大尝试下载次数 tryMax=0; #下载数据 whileTrue: #定义搜索数据的开始和结束时间 time1_str1=time1.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') time1_str2=(time1+onedate).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') #搜索数据的参数parameters params='userId=username\\ pwd=password\\ interfaceId=getSurfEleByTimeRange\\ dataCode=SURF_CHN_MUL_HOR_N\\ elements=Station_ID_C,Province,Lat,Lon,Year,Mon,Day,Hour,PRE_1h,TEM\\ timeRange=['+time1_str1+','+time1_str2+')\\ orderby=Station_ID_C:ASC\\ dataFormat=csv' #连接服务器,下载数据 try: result=client.service.callAPI_to_serializedStr(params) tryMax=0#resettryMaxvalue except: print('下载数据错误,第'+str(tryMax)+1+'尝试!') iftryMax10: tryMax=tryMax+1 continue else: print('已超过最大尝试次数,程序结束!') break withopen('./2018气象数据/降水和温度数据_,'+time1.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'.csv','w+',newline='')asw: w.write(result) print('已完成'+time1.strftime('%Y%m%d')+'数据的下载和写入') time1=time1+onedate#时间增加一天 withopen('progress.ini','w+',newline='')asf2: f2.write(time1.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S')) #如果时间大于2018年,则跳出循环 iftime1=datetime_end: break
个人分类: 程序代码|3466 次阅读|0 个评论
Genome MuSic(Mutational Significance in Cancer)Linux下的安装
xbinbzy 2016-5-5 14:40
参考资料: http://gmt.genome.wustl.edu/packages/genome-music/install.html http://readline.net/?tag=music Genome MuSic是perl包,安装过程主要是 1、 perl -MCPAN -e shell 进入CPAN界面 2、 i /Genome/ 查询Genome相关模块 3、install Genome 安装Genome的相关包 4、i / Genome::Model::Tools::Music/ 查询Music的相关模块 5、install Genome::Model::Tools::Music 安装Music的相关包 (一) 在安装过程中,第一步操作时发现出现 google查找可以通过yum install perl-CPAN进行安装,尝试过发现 没有该包的存在,利用yum search perl- 也未发现此包。于是从 http://search.cpan.org/~andk/CPAN-2.10/lib/CPAN.pm 下载到服务器上进行安装,安装步骤如下: (1)tar -zxvf CPAN-2.10.tar.gz 文件解压 (2)cd CPAN-2.10 进入目录 (3)perl Makefile.PL 生成makefile (4)make (5)make test 提示all test ok时,进行下一步 (6)make install 此处cpan.pm模块安装成功后,尝试perl -MCPAN -e shell时,显示 (二)i /Genome/ 一切正常 (三) install Genome 按照提示操作,一切正常,需要点时间 (四) i / Genome::Model::Tools::Music/ 一切正常 (五)install Genome::Model::Tools::Music 显示Can't locate Bit/Vector.pm, 利用命令“sudo perl -MCPAN -e 'install Bit::Vector'”进行Vertor.pm安装 重新 install Genome::Model::Tools::Music时,提示错误信息如下: 进入/root/.cpan/build/Genome-Model-Tools-Music-0.04-mEWDzk,删除 Genome-Model-Tools-Music-0.04-mEWDzk,然后再重新运行 install Genome::Model::Tools::Music,一切正 常。 这五步成功运行后,输入命令genome music -h,显示如下
个人分类: 科研文章|4931 次阅读|0 个评论
[原][Matlab][04] Midi音乐键盘
nwang1986 2015-11-20 18:55
以前在网上读到一个用matlab播canon音乐的源码感觉很有意思,但声音还不够好。 http://emuch.net/html/201205/4521134.html http://wenku.baidu.com/view/31fb6dd476a20029bd642d85 于是想做个自己的音乐播放器,有键盘,有对应的钢琴声音,读取乐谱就能播。如下。 (1)按键的音高与频率 从1到下一个音高的1之间有12个音,分别是:1,1#,2,2#,3,4,4#,5,5#,6,6#,7,1(高)。 假设1的音波振动频率是f,而1(高)的频率是2f,那么这十二个半音之间的频率间隔是2对12开方,即2^(1/12)。 于是各个音的相对频率就确定了。 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piano_key_frequencies http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-81613-673825.html (2)按键的绝对中心频率 钢琴C调1的中心频率是261.626Hz,对应88键钢琴中的第24个白键。这样根据中心频率和相对频率,所有琴键的振动频率就都知道了。 http://www.360doc.com/content/11/0815/08/3416571_140455810.shtml http://my.popiano.org/?508271/action_viewspace_itemid_61861.html (3)采样频率 多种音波采样频率,在此选标准的44100Hz,即每秒钟从声音中采集44100个点。 http://baike.baidu.com/view/23380.htm (4)音速与采样时间 通常的节拍每分钟对应120个四分之一音符,即每个1/4音符的时长是0.5秒,由此可得1/2音符是1秒,1/8音符是0.25秒,1/16音符是0.125秒。 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E9%80%9F%E5%BA%A6_(%E9%9F%B3%E6%A8%82) (5)乐器音色 不同的乐器演奏出的音色不同,主要是因为发声时不但有中心频率的振动,还有谐波甚至和频波。在网上下载了标准C键钢琴音进行分析。 http://www.vibrationdata.com/piano.htm 频率:将声音波形FFT变换到频域,发现除中心频率,还有2阶到6阶的谐波,各阶的谐波也有对应的强度。 时域:是一个近似的指数衰减,可以通过拟合曲线得到包络参数。 最终可以将基频与谐波的采样曲线线性叠加并乘以时域的包络曲线得到单个钢琴按键的声音。 (6)变音与升降调 有的时候音符需要升降调,感觉很复杂,看不懂,目前我主要采用升降半音或升降一个全音的方式来实现调的转换。 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%8D%87%E9%9F%B3%E7%AC%A6 https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E8%87%AA%E7%84%B6%E5%A4%A7%E8%B0%83 这样通过(1)-(6),钢琴的发声基本完成。 (7)键盘布局 标准钢琴共有88键,其中白键52个,黑键26个。白键长144mm*24mm,黑键长86mm*9mm,以以上参数在matlab中使用rectangle函数分别采用edgecolor和facecolor参数设置边框颜色和填充颜色没有问题。 (8)按键的动态显示 当按下键时使用set函数改变对应按键handleID的facecolor可以实现变色。由于会出现图形图层的变化,可以使用uistack函数将白键设置为底层,黑键设置为顶层。 这样通过(7)-(8),钢琴的按键动画基本完成。 (9)按键声音与按键动画的配合 在程序中首先初始化所有声音,钢琴键盘和为每个按键分配一个handleID,将每个ID与该ID进行声音和图像关联。当需要对一个音符响应时,首先将音符翻译到对应的handleID,然后设置该ID的键变色,然后开始播放声音,根据音符的长度使用pause函数停顿对应的时长,然后将ID的按键颜色复原。 (10)乐谱读取 最方便的播放方法是将乐谱写在一个文本文件中,程序读取文本文件,然后翻译成音符,然后再翻译成handleID,然后播放。我用一个6位字符表示一个音符,比如1#+104表示音高为1升半音再高一个八度音符是1/4音符;比如3-216表示音高为3再减2个八度音符是1/16音符;1/4-108表示音高为1的键和音高为4减一个八度的键同时按下持续时长对应1/8音符。 在程序中使用fgets读取文件,并将所有行连接成一个单行字符串,然后使用regexp的split方法将字符串用空格分开,再用split方法用/符号将各元胞分开得到单个音符,然后判断音符的音高,是否升降半音,是否升降八度,音符长度。之后根据音调得到这个按键对应的handleID,是否是黑键,和音符长度。 通过(9)-(10),乐谱读取和播放的功能就实现了。 (11)音乐保存 想把生成的音乐保存下来,首先要把所有的音符根据其时长间隔加到同一个一维数组上,然后使用audiowrite函数保存为文件。 (12)视频保存 想把视频保存下来,首要要把所有的按键响应动画使用getframe获取,然后使用VideoWriter,open,writeVideo,close函数实现。中间需要根据帧速和音符长度设置每帧写入的数量。 (13)合成多媒体 将视频和音乐合成在一起就完美了,但我还没有实现,有个toolbox可以做,但目前由于采样率的不同遇到一些问题。可以在matlab的命令行窗口中输入ex_combine_video_and_andio_streams打开示例查看。最终将matlab生成的视频和音乐用moviemaker合成,可以得到初级的视频效果。 附件: CanonC.mp4 (CanonC调), CanonD.mp4 (CanonD调)
个人分类: [原创]|6041 次阅读|0 个评论
Sibiling 2013-8-20 15:10
维也纳的音乐,已经不再是这个城市的音乐,与来他乡异国的朋友闲谈时,他说了一个很贴切的词: world music ,是的,当维也纳的旋律响起来的时候,世界就充满了音乐的力量。我从小就喜欢它,没有理由的,为之疯狂的,身心沉浸的发自骨子里面的喜欢,音乐超越着语言,是世界文化领域通行的默认通行证。 第一次是在维也纳大学主楼走廊,一个没有着任何目的的维也纳音乐人,忘情的给我们的晚餐配给了最为华美的维也纳音乐。来自不同国家的学者和科学家,却都能跟着他的节奏哼上一段。看到五线谱的那一刻,我不仅也怦然心动,这已是数个世纪留下来的华章。而我熟悉的音乐里也有同样的节奏,但一定不被欧洲的同行所熟知,需要交流则使用一种通行的情感和手段。感谢这位不知名的演奏家与深入的切磋和不通过语言的默契,只在音符上找到了熟悉的似水流畅。 来到维也纳,一定会为音乐而活着。我晚归的路上,多瑙河道人为铺就的沙滩上,就有乐队和歌手在夕阳里在那里表演,维也纳有着最好的听众,躺在沙滩躺椅上,饮着啤酒看着晚霞听着歌,以及给予音乐人最为发自内心的唱和与掌声。我想不到几个世纪以前,大师们是怎么样的书写下他们的作品,但那些音符一定与这些街头巷陌里普通百姓的感情有关,一定是抒发着任何一个在此情此景里共鸣了的心底的声音。维也纳城市的音乐的群众积淀是极其丰富的,这就是需求。 诗曰:在心为志,发言为诗 ×××××× 言之不足故嗟叹之,嗟叹之不足故永歌之,永歌之不足,不知手之舞之,足之蹈之。任何地方你真正听懂音乐的时候,情绪即刻会被调动,这是今古中外人类一以同之的情愫。维也纳将这种感情发挥到了极致,城市里面最为漂亮的建筑就是为音乐而建的,音乐超越了文学上升为城市的意志,辅以多种形式的舞蹈,是人们日常已经离不开的精神消费品。 一个晚上,组委会的主席找到了我,邀请去在市政厅里的晚宴和舞会,顺便准备些东方的乐曲演奏。这确实是个难得的机会,因为当晚维也纳的市长也出席了,我们一起坐在一桌,和这位主席,以及维也纳的一位校长,整晚都在谈论东西的 Culture Difference ,可贵的是这位校长一口流利的汉语,态度也非常和蔼,她来自波兰,懂得德语、英语和波兰语等多种语言,确实非常令人佩服。 当今中国的学术论文数量一路飙升,已经超越了很多国家仅次于美国之下,国内科技成果层出不穷,大到航天小到芯片,太空授课以及航母服役,均在同行面前高调展示,因此中国的学人自然很吸引到欧洲等地的目光了。这个晚上我选了两首曲子用笛子吹奏了下,很多朋友很好奇的过来看来自东方的乐器和乐谱。这个意外的举动给我带来了很多很好关系的朋友,让我在同行交流上受益匪浅。 欧洲人的乐感很强,他们随时可随着曲调起舞,几位专业的歌舞明星更是发挥的淋漓尽致,这个情况下不善歌舞的我就只有当摄影师了,留了很多影像片段。夜深天晚的时候,市长和晚会主持人,尤其是主席一家人还过来与我合影后离场,这些均让我首次到欧洲就受宠若惊,感觉一路而来因乐而通真的不虚此行。 音乐之城,就欧洲中心留给我的印象而言,有了这些如诗如梦的生活片段的点染,让原来在想象里的音乐碎片,以及遥不可及的金色大厅的音乐会的场面,随着我们现场到歌剧院欣赏了维也纳的表演之后,变得更为丰满而具体。如果当一个维也纳的市民,他会每周都有条件身临现场体验莫扎特、贝多芬和舒伯特的名作演奏,真正的与音乐融为一体,与他们千百年来最为辉煌的艺术形式水乳交融,在这样的情景下续写现代的诗乐篇章,想想都是美丽的。
个人分类: 科普之光|3499 次阅读|0 个评论
test music
nqed 2013-5-1 00:53
We'll let them come true
3 次阅读|0 个评论
Do you like music?
Master123 2013-4-30 20:09
Do you like music? Well, it depends. Do you think the music is well matched? No, I think the music is too fast. How about the words of the song? Sounds nice. I like it. Naturally they can arouse your feelings. Yes, I think so. It's very emotional. Of course, and I also like the rhythms. Full of energy and hope. Really? It's worth listening and enjoying. Certainly it is. It's worth an academy award.
个人分类: Oral English|2193 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 charlesqwu 2012-6-5 13:03
颜色感知觉中的一个未解之谜 An Unsolved Puzzle in Color Perception 吴全丰 (Charles Q. Wu) In my previous blog “ An Unsolved Puzzle in Sound/Music Perception ”, we have encountered the issue of pitch circularity. In color perception, as a matter of fact, we have a similar, if not completely identical, puzzle -- that is, the issue of hue circularity. Physically, the “visible” (to the human eye) electromagnetic spectrum is a linear dimension, approximately ranging from 390 to 750 nm, as illustrated in Figure 1. Perceptually, however, the hues experienced by humans can be arranged in a circular manner, as illustrated in Figure 2. Doubtlessly, the transformation from a physical linear dimension to a perceptual circular variable is accomplished in the human brain. What is the brain or neural mechanism responsible for this transformation? -- This is still an unsolved puzzle in color science and neuroscience! Believe it or not, Sir Isaac Newton is the first to notice the parallel between pitch circularity in sound perception and hue circularity in color perception. Figure 3 is taken from his book “Optics” -- as you can see, he arranged seven sounds (do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti) and his seven primary colors on the same circle. Figure 4 is a modern, colored version of Newton's color circle. Figure 1: Physical Spectrum Figure 2. CIE color map (colors are arranged in a semi-circular manner) Figure 3: Newton's original color circle Figure 4: A modern, colored version of Newton's color circle
5941 次阅读|5 个评论
[转载]Top 30 Most Popular Music Genres
spirituallife 2012-4-9 10:46
Note: These rankings are based on estimates, the values of which are always hard to provide because of piracy in the music industry, inaccuracy of figures and values reported by recording companies, the fact that a sale in the store or a music download over the internet always happen every minute and every second all over the world, and other factors. Top 1 - 10 Most Popular Music Genres 1. Pop 2. Rock 3. Hard Rock 4. Rhythm Blues (RB) 5. Country 6. Rock Roll 7. Soul 8. Country Pop 9. Latin 10. Disco Top 11 - 20 Most Popular Music Genres 11. Pop Rock 12. Heavy Metal 13. Progressive Rock 14. Alternative Rock 15. Dance 16. Jazz 17. New Wave 18. Synthpop 19. Hip Hop 20. Adult Contemporary Top 21 - 30 Most Popular Music Genres 21. Dance Pop 22. Folk 23. Swing 24. Arena Rock 25. New Age 26. Blues Rock 27. Reggae 28. Grunge 29. Glam Metal 30. Easy Listening
个人分类: 文学艺术|1 次阅读|0 个评论
jiangdm 2012-2-25 20:13
Contents 没那么简单.mp3 小螺号.mp3 风雨兼程.mp3 熊猫咪咪.mp3 大约在冬季.mp3 费玉清-梦驼铃.wma 红楼梦_红豆曲.mp3 来自心海的消息.wma 恋曲1990.mp3 明天也要作伴.wma 那就是我.mp3 你那好冷的小手.mp3 年少时候谁没有梦.wma 边走边唱.mp3 离歌.mp3 没那么简单.mp3 那就这样吧.mp3 怒放的生命.mp3 青春无悔.mp3 中国人民解放军军歌.mp3 女人花.mp3 朋友别哭.mp3 秋窗风雨夕.mp3 人在旅途-翁素英.wma 天凉好个秋.mp3 铁血丹心.mp3 听说爱情回来过.mp3 枉凝眉.mp3 细说往事.wma 相逢是首歌.mp3 国际歌.mp3 中国人民志愿军战歌.mp3 中国人民解放军军歌.mp3 咱们工人有力量.mp3 社会主义好.mp3 我的歌声里.mp3 中国好声音 张玮 High歌.mp3 学会离开.mp3 父亲的草原母亲的河.mp3 雨花石 李雨儿+石头.mp3 陈力 秋窗风雨夕 红楼梦插曲.mp3 好了歌 陈力.mp3 好了歌.mp3 妈妈留给我一首歌.mp3 晴雯歌.mp3 叹香菱.mp3 题帕三绝.mp3 枉凝眉 陈力.mp3 枉凝眉.mp3 引子.mp3 勇敢一点.mp3 葬花吟.mp3 紫菱洲歌.mp3 洋葱.mp3 离不开你 朱克 .mp3 血染的风采 徐良王虹.mp3 姚贝娜 - 也许明天.mp3 最远的你是我最近的爱.mp3 最真的梦.mp3 李维-一江水MP3下载.mp3 张婧懿-斑马斑马.mp3 两两相忘 辛晓琪.mp3 the corrs - summer wine.mp3 关牧村 - 浪花里飞出欢乐的歌.mp3 关牧村 - 假如你要认识我.mp3 关牧村 - 月光下的凤尾竹.mp3 关牧村 - 吐鲁番的葡萄熟了.mp3 欧美经典 - 在紫罗兰色的月光下.mp3 欧美经典 - 生命因你而动听美国乡村音乐.mp3 欧美经典 - 无心快语.mp3 欧美经典 - 斯卡布罗集市.mp3 欧美经典 - 巴比伦河.mp3 欧美经典 - 往日重现.mp3 欧美经典 - 卡萨布兰卡.mp3 欧美经典、英文歌 - 有人说这是最好听的英文歌.mp3 欧美经典 - 我的名字叫伊莲.mp3 汪峰 - 存在.mp3 汪峰 - 再见青春.mp3 汪峰 - 当我想你的时候.mp3 汪峰 - 尘土.mp3 汪峰 - 甘心情愿.mp3 汪峰 - 忠诚.mp3 汪峰 - 大桥上.mp3 汪峰 - 梦想的光芒.mp3 汪峰 - 直到永远.mp3 汪峰 - 你有没有听见我在哭泣.mp3 汪峰 - 加德满都的风铃.mp3 汪峰 - 你是我心爱的姑娘.mp3 汪峰 - 怒放的生命.mp3 游鸿明 - 爱一回伤一回.mp3 游鸿明 - 爱我的人和我爱的人.mp3 游鸿明 - 下沙.mp3 汪峰 - 花火.mp3 lana del rey - summer wine.mp3
个人分类: 杂论|84 次阅读|0 个评论
Danbury Music Learning Center 的 Musical History Map
黄安年 2011-12-14 09:43
Danbury Music Learning Center 的 Musical History Map
Danbury Music Learning Center 的 Musical History Map 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 / 2011 年 12 月 13 日 ( 美东时间 ) 发布 美国康州 Danbury Music Learning Center 集聚了一批富有教学经验热心普及音乐事业的音乐教学工作者 , 位于 Danbury 主街的音乐学习中心教学现场条件简陋 , 在地下室进行教学 , 但是专业素质很强 , 崇尚敬业。在地下室的走廊上有一张 Musical History Map ,十分引人瞩目。让人们对于音乐史上代表性人物对音乐发展历史的影响有清晰的了解。 照片 5 张是近日拍摄的。
个人分类: 教育改革思考(07-11)|7323 次阅读|0 个评论
Danbury Music Learning Center举行汇报演出掠影(2011-11-19 5
黄安年 2011-11-20 22:16
Danbury Music Learning Center举行汇报演出掠影(2011-11-19 5
Danbury Music Learning Center 举行汇报演出掠影( 2011-11-19 5 : 00PM ) 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 / 2011 年 11 月 20 日 ( 美东时间 ) 发布 11 月 19 日 5:00PM ,在 Danbury Music Learning Center 学习的小朋友,在 Danbury 音乐厅举行了另一场汇报演出 , 集中汇报在专业老师指导下的联系钢琴的成果 , 家长们均参加观看汇报演出 , 孩子们穿着盛装分别登台表演。我们的小外孙参加下午 5 : 00 的演出。由于他的年龄最小 , 所以第一个汇报演出。 照片 24 张 , 是 5 : 00-5 : 50PM 拍摄的。
个人分类: 教育改革思考(07-11)|2359 次阅读|0 个评论
Danbury Music Learning Center举行汇报演出掠影(2011-11-19 3
黄安年 2011-11-20 11:29
Danbury Music Learning Center举行汇报演出掠影(2011-11-19 3
Danbury Music Learning Center 举行汇报演出掠影( 2011-11-19 3 : 00PM ) 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 / 2011 年 11 月 20 日 ( 美东时间 ) 发布 11月19日 下午 3:00PM 和 5:00PM , 在 Danbury Music Learning Center 学习的小朋友,在 Danbury 音乐厅 举行了两场汇报演出 , 集中汇报在专业老师指导下的学习成果 , 家长们均参加观看汇报演出 , 孩子们穿着盛装分别登台表演。我们的大外孙和小外孙分别参加下午 3 : 00 和 5 : 00 的两场演出。 照片 29 张 , 是 3 : 00-3 : 40PM 拍摄的。
个人分类: 教育改革思考(07-11)|2353 次阅读|0 个评论
Danbury Music Learning Center举行汇报演出
黄安年 2011-11-20 10:56
Danbury Music Learning Center举行汇报演出
Danbury Music Learning Center 举行汇报演出 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 / 2011 年 11 月 19 日 ( 美东时间 ) 发布 在 Danbury Music Learning Center 学习的各个不同程度小朋友每年两度举行学习回报演出 , 今天下午 3:00PM 和 5:00PM 分别有两次钢琴汇报演出 , 集中汇报在专业老师指导下的学习成果 , 家长们均参加观看汇报演出 , 孩子们穿着盛装分别登台表演。我们的大外孙和小外孙分别参加下午 3 : 00 和 5 : 00 的两场演出。 照片 8 张中前两张是两场演出的合影 , 后 6 张分别是演出节目单。
个人分类: 教育改革思考(07-11)|2642 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Creating simplicity: How music fools the ear
okxy 2011-1-21 17:55
Creating simplicity: How music fools the ear January 20th, 2011 in Other Sciences / Mathematics What makes music beautiful? The best compositions transcend culture and time – but what is the commonality which underscores their appeal? New research published in BioMed Central's open access journal BMC Research Notes suggests that the brain simplifies complex patterns , much in the same way that 'lossless' music compression formats reduce audio files, by removing redundant data and identifying patterns. There is a long held theory that the subconscious mind can recognise patterns within complex data and that we are hardwired to find simple patterns pleasurable . Dr Nicholas Hudson used 'lossless' music compression programs to mimic the brain's ability to condense audio information. He compared the amount of compressibility of random noise to a wide range of music including classical, techno, rock, and pop, and found that, while random noise could only be compressed to 86% of its original file size, and techno, rock, and pop to about 60%, the apparently complex Beethoven's 3rd Symphony compressed to 40%. Dr Nicholas Hudson says "Enduring musical masterpieces, despite apparent complexity, possess high compressibility" and that it is this compressibility that we respond to. So whether you are a die hard classicist or a pop diva it seems that we chose the music we prefer, not by simply listening to it, but by calculating its compressibility . For a composer – if you want immortality write music which sounds complex but that, in terms of its data, is reducible to simple patterns. More information: Musical beauty and information compression: complex to the ear but simple to the mind? Nicholas J Hudson, BMC Research Notes (in press). Provided by BioMed Central "Creating simplicity: How music fools the ear." January 20th, 2011. http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-01-simplicity-music-ear.html
1022 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Research reveals the biochemical connection between music an
okxy 2011-1-21 17:13
Research reveals the biochemical connection between music and emotion January 19th, 2011 in Medicine Health / Neuroscience Enlarge The universal structures of music can produce dopamine-induced anticipation and release even if the music is unfamiliar. Credit: ISNS You are in a concert hall, listening to music you love, Ludwig von Beethoven's Ninth Symphony交响曲. You are happily awaiting the glorious climax in the fourth movement乐章 -- you know it's coming -- when the full orchestra and chorus erupt with the "Ode to Joy."欢乐颂 The moment is here and you are exhilarated, awash in a sudden wave of pleasure. When music sounds this good, there's a reason: dopamine. In research published in the journal Nature Neuroscience, scientists at McGill University in Montreal have established the direct link between the elation stimulated by music and the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is the same substance that puts the joy in sex, the thrill in certain illegal drugs, and the warm feeling within a woman breast-feeding her child . The substance also may explain why the power of music crosses human cultures, the scientists said. Valorie N. Salimpoor and other researchers in the lab of Robert J. Zatorre took eight subjects and asked them to bring in music they loved. They chose a broad range of instrumental music, from Samuel Barber's Adagio for Strings (the most popular) to jazz and punk. The test used only familiar music, Zatorre said, because he wanted to make sure he was getting a " maximal response ." What the subjects had in common was that the music they brought in gave them the " chills ," which is actually a technical term for a kind of emotional response. A positron emission tomography, or PET scan , measured dopamine release . Dopamine is synthesized in the brain out of amino acids and transmits signals from one neuron to another through the circuits of the brain. The structure in the brain Zatorre's team looked at is the striatum , deep inside the forebrain. The striatum has two subparts: the upper, or dorsal, and the ventral below. Zatorre said the dorsal part of the striatum is connected to the regions of the brain involved in prediction and action, while the ventral is connected to the limbic system, the most primitive and ancient part of the brain, where emotions come from . "When you are anticipating, you are engaging the prediction part of the brain; when you feel the chills, that's emotion," Zatorre said, whose team found that the dopamine triggered both parts. According to the McGill research, during the anticipation phase dopamine pours into the dorsal striatum when the climax occurs, triggering a reaction in the ventral striatum that results in a release of pure emotion. The idea that there was some biochemical reaction involved goes back to the work of the late Leonard B. Meyer in the 1950s. Meyer was a musicologist not a scientist, but he connected music theory with psychology and neuroscience, emotional response to music patterns. He did not know the biochemical mechanism. Great composers don't know it either but play on this process. German composer Gustav Mahler is famous for creating tension that needs resolution, building intensity until the orchestra explodes in a wave of sound. The listener knows there is going to be an emotional resolution和音 even if the piece is unfamiliar. And, if the listener knows it is coming, the reaction can be even more intense. It turns out, said Zatorre, that Mahler -- and conductors performing his music -- play with the emotions of the audience by manipulating dopamine. "What we're finding is that this is the brain mechanism that underlies this phenomenon," Zatorre said. Zatorre hypothesizes that something similar happens when you hear music for the first time, and preliminary results from recent testing show a similar result. The universal structures of music can produce dopamine-induced anticipation and release even if the music is unfamiliar. According to Sharon Levy, who teaches music theory and piano literature at the Juilliard School in New York and the Peabody Institute at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, sometimes the emotional release comes from simply relieving harmonic tension -- the use of relatively dissonant chords begging to be resolved -- as Mahler does. On occasion the composer deliberately changes expectation in happy, surprising ways, a device Meyer wrote that Mozart had mastered. Either way, it's dopamine affecting the striatum. Zatorre said he does not know what is happening in the brain of the composer who is writing the music. "My guess is that composing is such a complex act that you may not get that emotional touch until later when you are actually experiencing it for the first time," Zatorre said. The question is will knowing the role of dopamine change the way musicians approach their art? "Not much," said Levy. "It just reminds me of something I knew all the time, that music can change moods ." Zatorre used orchestral music to avoid having emotions linked to words affect the results. He is planning another study using vocal music, perhaps to see whether Lady Gaga or Frank Sinatra can turn on the dopamine. More information: Paper online: http://www.nature . … nn.2726.html Provided by Inside Science News Service "Research reveals the biochemical connection between music and emotion." January 19th, 2011. http://www.physorg.com/news/2011-01-reveals-biochemical-music-emotion.html
887 次阅读|0 个评论
Music Plus One and Machine Learning
petrelli 2010-9-15 09:26
Very interesting.作者是双簧管的演奏家,也是一位统计学的学者,现在是MIT数学统计系的教授。 他研究的工作非常有意思,大概过程是这样: 在演奏时,通常会有独奏者和伴奏者,他所作的工作是先将伴奏者的音乐录音,通过学习得到一个伴奏模型,使得模型可以随着独奏者的音乐节奏变化做出实时的伴奏变化,非常有趣,但是这可不是一般人可以做的工作,我为作者的创意欢呼。
个人分类: ICML2010|57 次阅读|0 个评论
好的狠啊!“红卫兵搞精英主义”!精英们上台吧!Ready? Music!
RAOH 2010-4-7 22:43
好的狠啊!科学网终究刮起左倾翻案风了。红卫兵搞精英主义!精英们上台吧!Ready?Music! 先来一段忠字舞吧! 再来段歌,样板戏的唱法:春风吹,战鼓雷!群众开了碰头会!劳动人民要富贵!红卫兵将把权拿回!革命人士齐海归!精英更是心里美,心里美! 感谢科学网!俺要成名符其实的真精英了!(www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=306003)。真在俺得意洋洋之际,马上智商高的科管又来了,大叫一声红卫兵搞精英主义!(见留言#14,www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=309107).妈呀,搞了半天,俺成红卫兵了?当年根红苗正的,苦大仇深的红卫兵把那么多不知量力的精英,权威们都给整的服服贴贴就为了这个!科学网奇谈?红卫兵搞精英主义!哪红卫兵有成精英了?真是长见识了! 好的狠啊!精英们有红卫兵撑腰,有大牛级的老同志摇旗,上台吧!是时候了,该到精英治国了!有人高叫精英误国!精英误国不可怕,因为谁都会做错事;其实更可怕的是有精英,但精英不(敢)站出来做事,给专制的城管们逼成了伪精英;城管们的目的也就达到了。这种事,文化大革命天天发生,文革后就没绝迹过。很多精英们也学会了夹着尾巴做人。 搞了这么久,若大的科网总算有2个公开的精英了,一个是俺这太湖精英,另一是孙博主。怪哉啊!讲给人听都奇怪,这社会上一般可是把我等教授之流,正而八经的高知,当精英看待的啊。 问街上的一般人,谁是精英?多会说是教授们;问大学的一般教授,谁是精英?多会往上推,说是系主任们;问大学的系主任,谁是精英?多会说是校长们;问大学的校长,谁是精英?多会说是部长们。所以俺们已是精英治国了?要不您下面留个言,具体说这些部长中,哪一位不是精英。如果哪位要说:中国还没到精英治国。那就更该请精英们上台吧? 其实精英到处都有,而且很多,站出来吧,和城管们斗,和科管们逗啊。 精英治国好不好呢?错误肯定有犯的,人无完人,总体还行吧?必竟这些年还是突飞猛进的吧?这后30年比前30年泥腿子为主的要好些吧? 其实精英各行各业都有,城管和科管们中也有,早就听说您几位还在专业里是大牛呢,智商又高,太妞捏了,咋还拼命说自个儿是草根呢?别逗了,站出来吧!要不只有看着别人治国了。让我们迎接无产阶级精英专政的新世代吧!精英治国是时候了!有红卫兵撑腰呢!
个人分类: 超超超严肃篇|16713 次阅读|12 个评论
试问科学网编,Where is my favorite music?
丁dot 2010-1-28 18:22
如题 忽然发现以前在本暂住地上收藏的歌曲居然没了,点击管理音频,居然如下图所示的界面,莫不是网络整风一并将音频都咔嚓了?不知其他看官是否出现同样情形? 让我想起一件事情,是去年11月,我通过KC发短信,英文的,只因为其中有一句making the progress,然后死活发布出去,电话咨询,回复曰:包含敏感词,我问之哪个是敏感词,曰:making,我辩之,make the progress是个词组,不包含任何敏感词,回复曰:他们不懂英文,反正making是个敏感词,然后把我的帐号封之。很是恼火,怎么连making 都要管制?我又没有发什么fucking或者making love之类的很色情的词,只是非常健康绿色加养眼顺带鼓励的的making the progress而已,可怜这个making,哎~,感觉这网络管制实在有觉得洗脚水脏连脚盆里的孩子一并倒了之嫌啊,好不容易从良了,却发现音乐没了,失败~
个人分类: 唾面|3318 次阅读|1 个评论

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