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Computers and Data Processing
黄安年 2019-3-14 09:11
Computers and Data Processing 【Steven L. Mandell著 《 计算机和数据处理 》, 19 85 年第二版】 【黄安年个人藏书书目(美国问题英文部分编号4 31 】 黄安年辑 黄安年的博客 /2019 年 3 月 13 日 发布(第 21199 号) 自2019年起,笔者将通过博客陆续发布个人收藏的全部图书书目,目前先发布美国问题英文书目,已经超过430单独编号,不分出版时间先后与图书类别。 这里发布的是 Steven L. Mandell 著 Computers and Data Processing, Concepts and Applications ( 《 计算机和数据处理 》),West Publishing Company, 19 85 年第二版, 448+ 页。 照片23张拍自该书 1 , 2 , 3 , 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 , 12 , 13 , 14 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 19 , 20 , 21 , 22
个人分类: 个人藏书书目|1333 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Quantum computers ready to leap out of the lab in 2017
chzg99 2017-1-11 08:56
这是在nature上发表的一篇报道,很好的说明了量子计算目前发展的状况。 Quantum computers ready to leap out of the lab in 2017 Google, Microsoft and a host of labs and start-ps are racing to turn scientific curiosities into working machines. Davide Castelvecchi 03 January 2017 Article tools Quantum computing has long seemed like one of those technologies that are 20 years away, and always will be. But 2017 could be the year that the field sheds its research-only image. Computing giants Google and Microsoft recently hired a host of leading lights, and have set challenging goals for this year. Their ambition reflects a broader transition taking place at start ups and academic research labs alike: to move from pure science towards engineering. “People are really building things,” says Christopher Monroe, a physicist at the University of Maryland in College Park who co-founded the start-up IonQ in 2015. “I’ve never seen anything like that. It’s no longer just research.” Google moves closer to a universal quantum computer Google started working on a form of quantum computing that harnesses superconductivity in 2014. It hopes this year, or shortly after, to perform a computation that is beyond even the most powerful ‘classical’ supercomputers — an elusive milestone known as quantum supremacy. Its rival, Microsoft, is betting on an intriguing but unproven concept, topological quantum computing , and hopes to perform a first demonstration of the technology. The quantum computing start up scene is also heating up. Monroe plans to begin hiring in earnest this year. Physicist Robert Schoelkopf at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut, who cofounded the start up Quantum Circuits, and former IBM applied physicist Chad Rigetti, who set up Rigetti in Berkeley, California, say they expect to reach crucial technical milestones soon. Academic labs are at a similar point. “We have demonstrated all the components and all the functions we need,” says Schoelkopf, who continues to run a group racing to build a quantum computer at Yale. Although plenty of physics experiments still need to be done to get components to work together, the main challenges are now in engineering, he and other researchers say. The quantum computer with the most qubits so far — 20 — is being tested in an academic lab led by Rainer Blatt at the University of Innsbruck in Austria. Inside Microsoft’s quest for a topological quantum computer Whereas classical computers encode information as bits that can be in one of two states, 0 or 1, the ‘qubits’ that comprise quantum computers can be in ‘superpositions’ of both at once. This, together with qubits’ ability to share a quantum state called entanglement, should enable the computers to essentially perform many calculations at once. And the number of such calculations should, in principle, double for each additional qubit, leading to an exponential speed-up. This rapidity should allow quantum computers to perform certain tasks, such as searching large databases or factoring large numbers, which would be unfeasible for slower, classical computers. The machines could also be transformational as a research tool, performing quantum simulations that would enable chemists to understand reactions in unprecedented detail, or physicists to design materials that superconduct at room temperature. “I tell my students that 2017 is the year of braiding.” There are many competing proposals for how to build qubits. But there are two front runners, confirmed in their ability to store information for increasingly long times — despite the vulnerability of quantum states to external disturbance — and to perform quantum-logic operations. One approach, which Schoelkopf helped to pioneer and which Google, IBM, Rigetti and Quantum Circuits have adopted, involves encoding quantum states as oscillating currents in superconducting loops. The other, pursued by IonQ and several major academic labs, is to encode qubits in single ions held by electric and magnetic fields in vacuum traps. John Martinis, who worked at the University of California, Santa Barbara, until Google hired him and his research group in 2014, says that the maturity of superconducting tech- nologyprompted his team to set the bold goal of quantum supremacy. The team plans to achieve this using a ‘chaotic’ quantum algorithm that produces what looks like a random output ( S. Boixo et al. Preprint at https://arxiv.org/abs/1608.00263; 2016 ). If the algorithm is run on a quantum computer made of relatively few qubits, a classical machine can predict its output. But once the quantum machine gets close to about 50 qubits, even the largest classical supercomputers will fail to keep pace, the team predicts. Quantum computer makes first high-energy physics simulation The results of the calculation will not have any uses, but they will demonstrate that there are tasks at which quantum computers are unbeatable — an important psychological threshold that will attract the attention of potential customers, Martinis says. “We think it will be a seminal experiment.” But Schoelkopf does not see quantum supremacy as “a very interesting or useful goal”, in part because it dodges the challenge of error correction: the ability of the system to recover its information following slight disturbances to the qubits, which becomes more difficult as the number of qubits increases. Instead, Quantum Circuits is focused on making fully error-corrected machines from the start. This requires building in more qubits, but the machines could also run more-sophisticated quantum algorithms. Monroe hopes to reach quantum supremacy soon, but that is not IonQ’s main goal. The start-up aims to build machines that have 32 or even 64 qubits, and the ion-trap technology will enable their designs to be more flexible and scalable than superconducting circuits, he says. Microsoft, meanwhile, is betting on the technology that has the most to prove. Topological quantum computing depends on excitations of matter that encode infor-mation by tangling around each other like braids. Information stored in these qubits would be much more resistant to outside disturbance than are other technologies and would, in particular, make error correction easier. Sign up - it's free! No one has yet managed to create the state of matter needed for such excitations, let alone a topological qubit. But Microsoft has hired four leaders in the field, including Leo Kouwenhoven of the University of Delft in the Netherlands, who has created what seems to be the right type of excitation. “I tell my students that 2017 is the year of braiding,” says Kouwenhoven, who will now build a Microsoft lab on the Delft campus. Other researchers are more cautious. “I am not making any press releases about the future,” says Blatt. David Wineland, a physicist at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in Boulder, Colorado, who leads a lab working on ion traps, is also unwilling to make specific predictions. “I’m optimistic in the long term,” he says, “but what ‘long term’ means, I don’t know.” Nature 541, 9–10 (05 January 2017)
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[转载]老钱:硅谷传奇:计算机发展简史- -(附录)
热度 1 王飞跃 2016-4-30 04:57
人类的进步主要由两个部分组成:一是人类的组织原则和组织结构的进步,另一个是科学技术的进步。近代以来,人类在组织原则和组织结构方面的进步相对比较缓慢。但是,科学与技术则有了翻天覆地的变化。用理工科的说法就是,以往的世代里,科技进步是线性的,近代以来则是以指数形式在发展。近代的科技发展,赋予了人类无以伦比的力量。这么说吧,要是把人类和地球上其他物种进行比较的话,今天人类的能力堪比上帝。 十八世纪的第一次工业革命给我们带来了蒸汽机,人类在力量、速度、和距离上开始主宰世界,这是力学与热学综合应用的产物。十九世纪和二十世纪初的第二次工业革命,给我们带来了新能源,电力、石油、化工等等新兴产业主宰了我们的日常生活,尽管这次工业革命也带来了一场世界性的农业革命,但从此人们对土地的依赖越来越弱了。这是热力学、电磁学、化学综合应用的产物。到了二十世纪末,一场彻底改变人类传统生活方式的工业革命发端了。这是以技算机、互联网、无线通讯兴起的产业革命。这是以量子力学为代表的近代物理的综合应用的产物。 在今天的世界里,对人们日常生活影响最大的技术发明非计算机莫属。其实,人们从开始计数的那一天起,就有了用某种人工装置来代替人脑来从事计算的想法。人类历史上第一台计算机是德国人契克卡德(Wilhelm Schickard)在1623年制造的,这台机器能够进行六位数的加减运算。 契克卡德 契克卡德的计算机 近代计算机的历史从法国伟大的数学家、物理学家帕斯卡(Blaise Pascal)发端。帕斯卡发明制作了人类历史上第一台真正意义上的计算机——加法器。德国天才数学家莱布尼茨(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz)知道了帕斯卡的加法器后,对此进行了深入的研究,他发明并制造出了乘法器。莱布尼兹的乘法器用到了二进制。据说,莱布尼茨的二进制想法来自康熙给德国皇帝的八卦图。莱布尼茨不但为计算机引入了二进制,他还是二值数理逻辑的创始人。从此,人们可以用数字来表示逻辑的真假了。帕斯卡和莱布尼茨的计算机都是机械装置,他们的计算机是人类试图制造思维的辅助工具的最初尝试。这些计算机现在还能在博物馆里见到。 帕斯卡 帕斯卡的计算机 计算机的发展分为理论、结构、设计、工艺、应用等方面。经过几个世纪的发展,计算机从计算工具演化成了人脑和思维的辅助工具,计算所占的比重也越来越小了。但是,人类在计算机这一领域里,从未停止过探索。直到上个世纪七十年代,人类在这一领域探索的结果,酝酿出了一次真正的革命——第三次工业革命。它给人类的生活方式和价值观带来的冲击超出了以往任何一次技术革命。人们从此进入了所谓的后工业时代。 莱布尼茨 莱布尼茨的二进制计算机 真正现代意义上的计算机是1822年,由英国科学家巴贝兹(CharlesBabbage)制造出来的第一台差分机,它能处理3个不同的5位数,计算精度达6位小数。在计算机结构上,巴贝兹于1834年给出现代计算机的基本结构:堆栈、处理器、控制器。不久,巴贝兹就按照这一结构理念造出了一台计算机。这台计算机也是第一台需要软件来控制的计算机,他的助手,英国著名诗人拜伦的独生女阿达·奥古斯塔(Ada Augusta)为这台计算机编制了人类历史上的第一批软件程序。阿达和巴贝奇为近代计算机奠定了坚实的基础,他们的计算机结构理念,比当时的人超前了一个世纪。堆栈、处理器、控制器、和软件的概念一直沿用至今。阿达当年编制的软件中的一些算法也被沿用至今,为了纪念这位计算机和软件先驱,美国军方发明的一种计算机语言就是以她的名字阿达命名的。 尽管巴贝兹的理想中的计算机未能正式问世,但他为后人留下了一份极为宝贵的遗产,那是数十种十分超前的设计方案,和面对困难不屈不挠的精神。 阿达·奥古斯塔 巴贝兹的差分机 巴贝兹 现代电子计算机的发展由几个组成部分:一是计算机理论,即计算机的可能性,以及计算机功能的界限;二是基础器件,即最小的计算器件,或者说最小的物理操作步骤,如今通用的最小计算器件是晶体管,它是一个最简单的开关电路;三是电路设计,即如何用晶体管开关电路实现逻辑功能;四是人机界面,即操作系统;然后是应用软件,即计算机语言和应用程序。 1847年,英国数学家布尔(George Boole)发表了数值逻辑的奠基性著作《逻辑的数学分析》(The Mathematical Analysis of Logic)。数值逻辑从此成了一门精确的数学学科。1854年,布尔发表了名著《思维规律的研究——逻辑与概率的数学基础》(The Laws of Thoughts),创立了一门全新的学科-布尔代数(Boolean Algebra),它是数字计算机设计中开关电路设计的数学方法和理论基础。 布尔 真正把布尔代数应用到电路设计上来,要到1938年。这一年,麻省理工(MIT)的年轻教授克劳德·艾尔伍德·香农(Claude Elwood Shannon)发表了他的硕士论文《继电器和开关电路的符号分析》(A Symbolic Analysis of Relay and Switching Circuits),他把开关电路建立在布尔代数的基础上,证明了继电器这一简单的开关电路可以实现所有以布尔代数为基础的逻辑运算,并给出了实现四则运算的电路设计。该论文是为开关与逻辑电路理论和设计的开山之作。 1895年,英国工程师弗莱明(John Ambrose Fleming)利用爱迪生效应发明了人电子管。从此,人类进入了微电子时代。1912年,美国发明家德·福雷斯特(Lee de Forest)在加州的帕洛·阿托(Palo Alto)市发现了电子管的放大作用,为电子工业奠定了基础。1913年,麻省理工的教授万尼伐尔·布什(Vannevar Bush)制造出了第一台模拟式计算机微分分析仪。该计算机靠电机驱动,并利用齿轮转动的角度来进行模拟计算。 万尼伐尔·布什 克劳德·艾尔伍德·香农 1936年11月12日,阿兰·图灵(Alan Turing)发表了计算机理论的奠基性论文《论可计算数及其在判定问题中的应用》(On Computable Numbers, with Application to the Entscheidungsproblem)。阐明了现代计算机理论,从理论上定义了现代通用计算机,可计算性等重要概念。为了模拟人的运算过程,图灵指出一台能实现数字计算和逻辑判断的机器必须具备以下功能:1.一条无限长的纸带。纸带分为一个个格子,每个格子里有一个来自有限字母表的字母,字母表中有一个空白符号。纸带上的格子被编号为0, 1, 2, …,纸带一端可以无限伸展。2.一个扫描器。扫描器能沿着纸带移动,能读出当前所在格子内的字母,并能改变该字母。3.一套控制规则。它根据图灵机的当前状态及当前扫描器读出的字母来决定扫描器的下一步动作,并改变状态寄存器中寄存的状态,令图灵机进入新状态。4.一个状态寄存器。它用来保存图灵机的当前状态。图灵机的所有可能状态的数目是有限的,并且有一个特殊状态——停机状态。满足上面这四个条件的机器就是有名的图灵机。图灵的这篇论文把奥地利数学家库尔特·哥德尔(Kurt Godel)在1931年给出的不可能性定理,用图灵机精确地表达了出来。 图灵机每一部分都有限,只是有一个无限长的纸带,这是一个理想设备。图灵认为这样的一台机器就能模拟人类所能进行的任意计算过程。图灵对计算机理论的重要贡献之一是给出了停机问题,即数理逻辑中的可计算性问题。它问的是“能否判断任意一个程序会在有限时间内结束运行”这样一个问题。用数学语言来表示就是:给定一个程序P和输入I, 程序P在输入I下是否会停止? 1936年,图灵证明了图灵定理——不存在可以判断停机问题的通用算法。证明给出了计算机和程序的纯数学定义——图灵机。图灵定理告诉我们,停机问题在图灵机上是不可判定问题。从数理逻辑的观点来看,停机问题说的就是一阶逻辑的不完备性。因此,图灵机的本质是哥德尔不完备定理的另一种表述,图灵机是哥德尔的以通用算术为基础的一种形式语言。图灵因其图灵机和图灵定理,被认为是计算机科学之父。 图灵 图灵机 1950年10月,图灵发表一篇及其重要的论文《机器能思考吗》(Computing Machinery and Intelligence),提出了有名的图灵测试(Turing Test),为人工智能(artificial intelligence)奠定了基础,图灵因此被后人尊为人工智能之父。在第一代电脑时代,这篇论文定义了第五代,第六代电脑。 图灵不但在计算理论上为现代计算机奠定了基础,他在二战期间还为英国的军事情报局六处(MI-6),制造了一台名为“巨人”(bombe)的计算机。并用该计算机破译了德国的军事密码ENIGMA,后人对此的评价是,图灵的破译使盟国提前了二年到四年结束了二战,同时为盟国避免了一千四百万到二千一百万人的死亡。 “巨人”解密机 谜机 Enigma 1954年6月8日。图灵这位数学和计算机天才吃了一只含氰化钾的苹果自杀了。图灵是一个同性恋,当年同性恋在英国是违法的,他会因此坐牢。传说乔布斯为他的计算机公司起名苹果,就是为了纪念图灵,苹果公司商标上的那只被咬了一口的苹果是指图灵之死。此说并无根据,乔布斯曾出面否认。美国计算机协会为了纪念这位杰出的数学与计算机天才设立了图灵奖。每年,美国计算机协会要选出曾在计算机领域做出过杰出贡献的人为图灵奖获得者。图灵奖是计算机界的最高奖项。 阿塔那索夫 ABC 第一台电子计算机的发明人是美国人约翰·文森特·阿塔那索夫(John Atanasoff)。他是名副其实的“电子计算机之父”。阿塔那索夫是爱阿华大学(University of Iowa)物理系教授。阿塔那索夫和他的研究生克利福特·贝瑞(Clifford Berry)于1939年10月研制了人类第一台电子计算机。阿塔那索夫把这台机器命名为ABC(Atanasoff-Berry-Computer),其中,A、B分别取俩人姓氏的第一个字母,C为计算机的第一个字母。该计算机为衣阿华大学的教授和研究生们做出了很多微分方程的数值解。阿塔那索夫和贝瑞离开衣阿华大学前,他们制作了两台可以运行的ABC计算机。 ABC是第一台现代电子计算机,阿塔那索夫在设计这台计算机时,提出了三个非常重要的设计理念:以二进制逻辑来实现数字运算,以保证精度;利用电子技术来实现控制、逻辑运算、算术运算,以保证计算速度;采用把计算功能和二进制数更新存贮的功能相分离的结构。后来,控制论之父维纳在此基础上提出了计算机五原则:计算机必须是数字式的;以电子器件为主;采用二进制;内部存放计算表;在计算机内部存贮数据。这些理念直到现在仍然是设计计算机的基本理念。 这两台ABC计算机存放在衣阿华大学物理系的储存室里,很快被人遗忘了。1946年,两台计算机的零件被拆下来移作它用,只有存储器留了下来。衣阿华大学没有为ABC计算机申请专利,这是后来发明权之争的根源。阿塔那索夫的电子计算机之父称号,不是因为他的发明在当时为人们所接受,而是法院作出的判决。阿塔那索夫和著名的ENIAC计算机的发明人莫奇利(John Mauchly)和埃科特(John Eckert),为了谁是第一台电子计算机的发明人,打了一场有名的官司,法院开庭了135次。1973年10月19日,法院宣布:“莫奇利和埃科特没有发明第一台电子计算机,他们只是利用了阿塔那索夫发明中的构思。”阿塔那索夫早在1941年,就把他的电子计算机的设想告诉过ENIAC的发明人莫奇利。莫奇利曾参观过阿塔那索夫在衣阿华大学物理系的计算机实验室。 在1934年,德国人朱斯(Konrad Zuse)也开始制造计算机。1338年,他完成了Z-1号机械计算机,其速度与可靠性都很差。1941年,朱斯制造出了一台电子计算机——Z-3电子计算机,这是第一台可编程的电子计算机。可处理7位指数、14位小数。使用了大量的电子管。每秒种能做3到4次加法运算,一次乘法需要3到5秒。 1940年代,哈佛大学物理系的霍德华·艾肯(Howard Aiken)也在考虑设计通用的计算机。当时IBM的总经理沃森(Thomas Watson Jr.)极具慧眼,资助了艾肯的设想。1944年,艾肯研制出了MARK-1号计算机,它有15万个元件和800公里的电线,每秒钟能进行200次以上运算。女数学家格雷斯·霍波(Grace Hopper)为它编制了计算程序,该计算机能解微分方程。MARK-1号的问世实现了巴贝兹的夙愿,也是自帕斯卡计算机问世以来机械和电动计算机的最高水平。 同一时期,贝尔电话实验室的科学家斯蒂比茨(George Stibitz)领导的一个研究小组也在研制继电器式计算机。1940年,他们制造出了复数计算机(Complex Number Calculator),主要用于复数计算。人们对它的运算能力很满意,但它是专用机,不是通用机。1944年起,斯蒂比茨的小组又花了三年时间建造了类似的通用机。1946年,CNC正式运转,性能很好,是现代多处理机的始祖。 1940年9月,贝尔实验室在达特默思大学(Dartmouth College)演示M—1型机。他们把校园内的M—1型机和电报线相连,当场把一个数学问题解了出来并传输到了纽约,这是人类首次实现用计算机进行远程控制的梦想。 任何时代,军事科研总是走在时代的最前面。电子计算机的研发也是如此。二战爆发后,为了计算火炮弹道,需要实时计算工具。当时人们已经生产具有记数、计算、传输、存储、控制功能的电子器件了,电子计算机也应运而生。1946年,宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)的埃克特等人在ABC的启发下,研制出了那台有名的电子计算机——埃尼阿克(ENIAC)。它有17468只电子管,7200多个二极管,70000多个电阻,10000多只电容器和6000多只继电器,50多万个焊接点,机器被安装在一排2.75米高的金属柜子中,占地面积170平方米左右,重30吨,运算速度每秒钟5000次加法,能在3/1000秒时间内完成两个10位数乘法。当时最快的计算机做40点弹道计算,需要两小时,埃尼阿克只需3秒钟,实乃奇迹。埃尼阿克并不完善,它没有存储器,只有寄存器,仅能寄存10个数码。而且耗电惊人,当时的一个笑话说,只要它一开机,整个费城的路灯都会变暗。计算机界有名的“debug”一词也来自埃尼阿克,因为埃尼阿克中的电线常被虫子(bug)咬断,检修人员常常要到机器里去查找被咬断的电线,再把它接上,于是寻错就被“debug”一词取代。尽管埃尼阿克很简陋,但是它象征着第一代电子计算机的诞生。至今,电子计算机已有了70年的历史。在工艺上,它经历了四代,第一代是电子管计算机,第二代是晶体管计算机,第三代是集成电路计算机,第四代是大规模集成电路计算机。 1945年,时任美国国家科技政策和资源掌门人的布什,发表了一篇影响了几代人的著名文章《如果我们这样思考》(As We May Think)。布什在论文中预言了计算机的未来,未来的计算机不仅是计算工具,也是人们的信息处理工具,即人脑的辅助工具。论文指出,未来的计算机能帮助人们做一切人脑能做的事情:思考、推理、计算、储存信息、处理信息、共享信息。 1947年12月23日,美国贝尔实验室的肖克利(William B Shockley),巴丁(John Bardeen),布拉顿(Walter H. Brattain)研制出了世界上第一只晶体管。人类进入了固体电子时代。 1948年6月10日,香农在《贝尔系统技术杂志》(Bell System Technical Journal)上发表了著名论文《通讯的数学原理》(A Mathematical Theory of Communication)。一年后,他又发表了另一著名论文《加密的通信》(Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems)。这两篇论文阐述了通信的基本问题,给出了通信系统模型,提出了信息量的数学表达式,并解决了信息通道容量、信息源的统计特性、信息源编码、信息通道编码等一系列基本技术问题。这两篇论文成是信息论的奠基性著作。 肖克利,巴丁,布拉顿 1949年9月,Mark-3号研制成功,Mark-3号是艾肯研制的第一台内存程序的大型计算机,他在这台计算机上使用了磁鼓作为数与指令的存储器,这是计算机发展史上的一项重大改进,此后磁鼓成为第一代电子管计算机中广泛使用的存储器。1950年,东京帝国大学的Yoshiro Nakamats发明了软磁盘,开创了计算机存储的新纪元。 1954年,贝尔实验室用800只晶体管制成了世界上第一台晶体管计算机TRADIC。 1956年,美国达特茅斯大学的麦卡锡(John McCarthy),哈佛大学的明斯基(Marvin Minsky)、贝尔实验室的香农和IBM公司的罗彻斯特(Nathaniel Rochester)一起在达特茅斯大学举办了一个沙龙式的学术会议,与会者还有卡内基—梅隆大学(Carnegie Mellon University)纽厄尔(Allen Nwell)和赫伯特·西蒙(Herbert Simon)、麻省理工学院塞夫里奇(Oliver Selfridge)和索罗门夫(Ray Solomamff),及IBM公司塞缪尔(Arthur Samuel)和莫尔(Trenchard More)。是为著名的“达特茅斯”会议。在经讨论后,他们首次提出了“人工智能”这一术语,标志着人工智能作为一门新兴学科的出现。 1957年8月,麻省理工的肯·奥尔森(Ken Olsen)在波士顿(Boston)创立了数字设备公司(Digital Equipment Corporation)。此后的数十年中,DEC公司的PDP系列,开创了小型机时代。今天人们广泛使用的UNIX系统最初就是在PDP上开发的。 作者投稿 华夏文摘第一三〇五期(cm1604d)
个人分类: 往事如云|4929 次阅读|1 个评论
rbwxy197301 2012-7-7 16:22
Computerworld - When one talks of computers today, he or she could be referring to a laptop, a desktop or maybe even a smartphone. Sergey Brin, CEO and co-founder of Google, wears Google Glasses during a product demonstration at the Google I/O 2012 conference last month. (Image: Stephen Lam / Reuters) However, if Google's latest plan stays on track, the definition of a computer could broaden significantly. At its Google I/O developers conference in San Francisco, the company threw a lot of effort behind the unveiling of a prototype of its so-called Google Glass computerized eyeglasses. The Android-powered eyeglasses are equipped with a processor, memory, camera, GPS sensors and a display screen. Google co-founder and CEO Sergey Brin said the Google Glass development effort is all about "doing brand new risky technological things that are really about making science fiction real." In that world of science fiction, he said, computers won't always look like what we now expect from the term. The next generation of computers won't necessarily sit on one's desk or lap or in one's hand. The devices may not have a have a monitor and/or keyboard. Someday - probably in the near future - computers will be worn, whether incorporated into glasses, or in a piece of jewelry such as a bracelet or something else, analysts say. "Google Glass changes the way we will look at computers," said Patrick Moorhead, an analyst at Moor Insights Strategy. "It isn't just research, it's a workable prototype." "Glass serves to stretch the technology ecosystem to even greater lengths, Moorhead said. "I believe that in five years we will see many different form factors and brands of wearable computers. We will have computers embedded in our glasses of course, but also in our jewelry and watches." Moorhead noted that the U.S. military, especially the Special Forces units, already use wearable computers to for communications and GPS tasks. That technology hasn't yet reached consumer or business users, he added. Google's research efforts could hasten the mainstream use of the technologies. "As we see real devices in use that we previously saw only in movies and books, it will expand the possibilities even further," said Moorhead. "We can go beyond the glasses and visualize computers in our jewelry, in our watches and even inside our bodies." Charles King, an analyst at Pund-IT, said such new computing form factors are an extension of the current mobile trend, taking GPS-enabled smartphones, growing compute power and multiple new communications capabilities to the next level. "It's the ever smaller and ever more powerful mobile technologies," he added. "It's about the things we used to see and think about in relation to sci-fi novels or Star Trek . The idea of highly mobile and highly powerful computers is extremely intriguing." King said he expects there will be great demand for what he calls "mobile computing lifestyle choices" in a few years. "It would not surprise me if we see a lot of this in, say, five years," he noted. "As the technology becomes more sophisticated and cheaper, it becomes something everybody can afford." "Some years ago, a smartphone like the Blackberry was considered something that only business professionals needed. It doesn't seem farfetched to think we could see Google Glass widely adopted in five years," King added. Rob Enderle, an analyst with the Enderle Group, pointed out that Google Glass or other wearable computers could be very useful in many workplaces -- not just the next big thing to help users look cool or geeky. "They could be used regularly for things like taking inventory in warehouses, and for tasks on factory floors and other places where folks need to use computers and their hands at the same time," Enderle said. At the Google I/O conference, the company said it is offering prototype versions of Google Glass, dubbed the Google Glass Explorer Edition, to developers for $1,500. Brin said he expects the glasses to be generally available in 2014 -- at a lower price. "If the developer community can come up with interesting solutions, the sky's the limit," said King. Enderle said that wearable computers could be a big step toward a new generation of compute form factors that can be embedded inside the human body. Putting aside visions of Star Trek's Borg initiative, Moorhead and Enderle agreed that wearable computers are a bridge to the first such computer implants. "It's an interim step toward imbedding computers into people and creating some kind of biomechanical interface that bypasses the eyes," Enderle said, adding that he believes that computer generation is some 25 to 50 years away. "The change we are working toward ... is one of the big changes we will see in computing this century. It will redefine personal computing by the time it has fully matured," he added. From: http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9228776/Google_Glass_launches_new_age_of_personal_computing?taxonomyId=12pageNumber=2 Google Glass,这儿的Glass译成“眼镜”是受文中所附图片的影响,不知是否合适? 将来不远的一天,“个人计算”将不再只是利用笔记本电脑、智能手机等传统的终端,我们对它的认知也会发生很大的改变。未来的“个人计算”是什么样子?
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[转载]China's Supercomputing Prowess
chrujun 2011-5-9 18:01
China's Supercomputing Prowess As with gross domestic product, China is now solidly No. 2 By Samuel K. Moore/April 2011 Click on the image for a larger view. Did you feel that? That was the supercomputing world lurching eastward. In the last accounting of the world's 500 fastest machines , China surprised everyone by taking the top spot. It's gone from having 3 in the top 500 at the beginning of the decade to 41, besting historic processing princes Germany and Japan. China is still far behind the consistent computational king, the United States, which has historically commanded about half the list. But world-class supercomputing prowess—or at least the bragging rights to it conferred by the Top 500 list—is more a question of quality than of quantity. Add up the processing potential of all 500 top supercomputers and you get an almost unfathomable 43 673 000 billion floating-point operations per second (43 673 teraflops). But it's the cream of the crop that make all the difference. By themselves, the top 10 computers provide 28 percent of the list's teraflops, and you need only the top 45 machines to account for half. China's big break came not by doubling its presence on the list but by building one really powerful computer at its apex. The Tianhe-1A system at the National Supercomputer Center, in Tianjin , boasts a performance of 2570 teraflops—about 6 percent of the list's total. Another reckoning of the supercomputer universe is due in June. Watch for new high-ranking entrants from Japan, the United States—and China. http://spectrum.ieee.org/at-work/innovation/chinas-supercomputing-prowess
个人分类: 地球物理及仪器|2436 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Computers and Electronics in Agriculture:Volume 71, Issue 1, (April 2010)
bjwang 2010-3-16 15:00
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Volume 71, Issue 1, (April 2010) 1. Editorial Board 2. Editorial Board 3. Calculation of soil electrical conductivity using a genetic algorithm 4. Assessing the ventilation performance of a naturally ventilated livestock building with different eave opening conditions 5. A Bayesian network to predict the probability of organic farms exit from the sector: A case study from Marche, Italy 6. RTK GPS mapping of transplanted row crops 7. An on-site computer system for comprehensive agricultural air quality research 8. Simplify the interpretation of alert lists for clinical mastitis in automatic milking systems 9. Modelling uncertainty in field grown iceberg lettuce production for decision support 10. On the use of plate-type normal pressure cells in silos: Part 2: Validation for pressure measurements 11. On the use of plate-type normal pressure cells in silos: Part 1: Calibration and evaluation 12. Development of an automated climatic data scraping, filtering and display system 13. Development of expert system modeling based decision support system for swine manure management 14. Optimization of sourcesink dynamics in plant growth for ideotype breeding: A case study on maize Corrigendum 15. Corrigendum to Assessment of nitrogen losses to the environment with a Nitrogen Trading Tool (NTT) 更多农业工程核心文献题录信息,请登录农业工程学科知识库查询: http://aekd.cau.edu.cn
个人分类: 学术期刊论文|2973 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Volume 70, Issue 2, (March 2010)
bjwang 2010-3-16 14:53
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Volume 70, Issue 2, (March 2010) Special issue on Information and Communication Technologies in Bio and Earth Sciences 1. Editorial Board 2. Editorial Board 3. Editorial 4. Plant virus identification based on neural networks with evolutionary preprocessing 5. An intelligent system employing an enhanced fuzzy c-means clustering model: Application in the case of forest fires 6. Forest management planning expert system for wildfire damage reduction 7. Web and mobile technologies in a prototype DSS for major field crops 8. Metadata interoperability in agricultural learning repositories: An analysis 9. The role of trust in the transition from traditional to electronic B2B relationships in agri-food chains 10. Software architecture for farm management information systems in precision agriculture 11. Agricultural e-government services: An implementation framework and case study 12. Web services for rural areasSecurity challenges in development and use 13. Location-aware system for olive fruit fly spray control 14. Factors affecting the Internet behaviour of horticultural growers in Flanders, Belgium 15. A complete farm management system based on animal identification using RFID technology 16. Organizing information integration in agri-foodA method based on a service-oriented architecture and living lab approach 更多农业工程核心文献题录信息,请登录农业工程学科知识库查询: http://aekd.cau.edu.cn
个人分类: 学术期刊论文|2558 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Volume 70, Issue 1, (January 2010)
bjwang 2010-3-16 10:39
Computers and Electronics in Agriculture Volume 70, Issue 1, (January 2010) 1. Editorial Board 2. Editorial Board Review 3. Evaluation of sensing technologies for on-the-go detection of macro-nutrients in cultivated soils 4. Potential for pesticide and nutrient savings via map-based automatic boom section control of spray nozzles 5. Color grading of beef fat by using computer vision and support vector machine 6. Gaussian processes based bivariate control parameters optimization of variable-rate granular fertilizer applicator 7. An automatic machine vision-guided grasping system for Phalaenopsis tissue culture plantlets 8. Assessing nutritional status of Festuca arundinacea by monitoring photosynthetic pigments from hyperspectral data 9. Decision-tree induction to detect clinical mastitis with automatic milking 10. A PDA-based record-keeping and decision-support system for traceability in cucumber production 11. From pixel to vine parcel: A complete methodology for vineyard delineation and characterization using remote-sensing data 12. Challenges in the design of a GNSS ear tag for feedlot cattle 13. Automatic fruit and vegetable classification from images 14. Dynamic modeling and simulation of greenhouse environments under several scenarios: A web-based application 15. VARIwise: A general-purpose adaptive control simulation framework for spatially and temporally varied irrigation at sub-field scale 16. In-line detection of apple defects using three color cameras system 17. Eggshell crack detection using a wavelet-based support vector machine 18. Metamodeling approach to predict friction factor of alluvial channel 19. Forecasting maturity of green peas: An application of neural networks 20. Detecting stink bugs/damage in cotton utilizing a portable electronic nose 21. Automated knot detection with visual post-processing of Douglas-fir veneer images 22. GIS-based multi-criteria evaluation to land suitability modelling for giant prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) farming in Companigonj Upazila of Noakhali, Bangladesh 23. Spatial analyses to evaluate multi-crop yield stability for a field 24. A segmentation algorithm for the delineation of agricultural management zones 25. On-the-go VisNIR: Potential and limitations for mapping soil clay and organic carbon 26. Lamina2ShapeAn image processing tool for an explicit description of lamina shape tested on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) 27. Implementing sugarcane quality-based payment systems using a decision support system 28. Capacitive sensor for chopped maize throughput measurement 29. An image processing algorithm for detecting in-line potato tubers without singulation 30. Simulation modeling and analysis for production scheduling using real-time dispatching rules: A case study in canned fruit industry Short communciation 31. Radiofrequency applications in grapevine: From vineyard to web 更多农业工程核心文献题录信息,请登录农业工程学科知识库查询: http://aekd.cau.edu.cn
个人分类: 学术期刊论文|3576 次阅读|0 个评论
A unified constitutive model for both clay and sand
kongyuxia 2009-11-26 11:39
Title: A unified constitutive model for both clay and sand with hardening parameter independent on stress path Author: Yao, Y. P.; Sun, D. A.; Matsuoka, H. Source: Computers and Geotechnics, 2008, 35(2): 210-222 Abstract: A unified constitutive model for both clay and sand under three-dimensional stress conditions is derived from the modified Cam-clay model, by taking the following two points into consideration. First, a transformed stress tensor based on the SNIP (spatially mobilized plane) criterion is applied to the Cam-clay model. The proposed model consistently describes shear yielding and shear failure and combines critical state theory with the SMP criterion for clay. Secondly, a new hardening parameter, which is independent of the stress path, is derived in order to develop a unified constitutive model for both clay and sand. It not only describes the dilatancy for lightly to heavily dilatant sand, but also reduces to the plastic volumetric strain for clay. The validity of the hardening parameter is confirmed by the test results of triaxial compression and extension tests on sand under various stress paths. Only five conventional soil parameters are needed in the proposed model.
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