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热度 1 mashengwei 2018-7-20 10:29
小麦抗白粉病基因定位研究进展 客观地讲,小麦白粉病远比赤霉病防控起来要容易的多。小麦对白粉病的抗性分为两种:水平抗性(即广谱抗性,或者成株抗性)和垂直抗性(粗略地讲,一个白粉病生理小种对应一个抗性基因),前者是数量性状基因控制着的,后者是由单显性基因控制的。我们对发表于2015年10月以前的关于小麦抗白粉病基因定位的文章进行了总结,共发现了至少102个主效抗白粉病基因或等位基因,这些基因中有54个基因被命名( Pm1-Pm54 ),其中7个基因含有多个等位基因,即 Pm1 (Pm1a-1e), Pm2 (Pm2a-2c), Pm3 (Pm3a-3j), Pm4 (Pm4a-4d), Pm5 (Pm5a-5e), Pm8 (Pm8 and Pm17) 和 Pm24 (Pm24a-24b) ,分别位于7A、5D、1A、4A、7B、1R和1D。根据紧密连锁分子标记的物理定位信息,对上述102个抗病基因或等位基因进行物理定位分析,确定了57个基因或等位基因在小麦染色体上的大致物理位置,这一信息对于聚合不同抗病基因创制多基因聚合的小麦新种质具有重要参考价值。另外,对成株型抗病基因定位结果进行总结,共报道了140个抗白粉病QTL,分布于小麦21条染色体上,其中4个QTL已被证实且已在部分地区或单位广泛应用,即 Pm38/Lr34/Yr18/Sr57 (7DS), Pm46/Lr67/Yr46/Sr55 (4DL), Pm?/Lr27/Yr30/Sr2 (3BS)和 Pm39/Lr46/Yr29 (1BL),为兼抗性小麦新品种选育提供了理论依据。 以上是我们总结的小麦抗白粉病基因定位研究进展,全文详见如下链接: https: / /www.researchgate.net/profile/Jun_Guo53/publication/318814778_Molecular_and_physical_mapping_of_Pm_resistance_genes-A_review/links/598015240f7e9b8802ed2e53/ Molecular- and -physical-mapping-of-Pm-resistance-genes-A-review.pdf 目前已经定位了这么多的抗病基因或QTL,究竟有多少真正能够应用到育种工作中?Bernardo这样总结道“While scientists have certainly learned how to map QTL routinely in crops, the ability to utilize the favorable alleles in breeding is not fully developed.”无论是新基因挖掘还是新种质创新,农业科研工作都是为新品种培育服务。 image-20180711174139499 Fig. 2 img 上面命名的基因只到PM54,下面补上PM55,PM56,PM57,PM58,PM59,PM60。PM61是今天的第一条推送。 PM60以前我们推送过, 生命的机制是多样的-由Pm60克隆想到的 。 PM59, Characterization of Pm59, a novel powdery mildew resistance gene in Afghanistan wheat landrace PI 181356 (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00122-018-3067-9) image-20180711170241276 PM58, Identification of Pm58 from Aegilops tauschii (https://doi.org/10.1007/s00122-017-2874-8) image-20180711170550956 PM57,Homoeologous recombination-based transfer and molecular cytogenetic mapping of powdery mildew-resistant gene Pm57 from Aegilops searsii into wheat.(https://doi.org/10.1007/s00122-017-2855-y) image-20180711170713571 PM56, Introgression of powdery mildew resistance gene Pm56 on rye chromosome arm 6RS into wheat(https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpls.2018.01040/abstract) image-20180711171341726 Powdery mildew, caused by the fungus Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici, represents a yield constraint in many parts of the world. Here, the introduction of a resistance gene carried by the cereal rye cv. Qinling chromosome 6R was transferred into wheat in the form of spontaneous balanced translocation induced in plants doubly monosomic for chromosomes 6R and 6A. The translocation, along with other structural variants, was detected using in situ hybridization and genetic markers. The differential disease response of plants harboring various fragments of 6R indicated that a powdery mildew resistance gene(s) was present on both arms of rye chromosome 6R. Based on karyotying, the short arm gene, designated Pm56, was mapped to the subtelomere region of the arm. The Robertsonian translocation 6AL•6RS can be exploited by wheat breeders as a novel resistance resource. Pm55, a developmental-stage and tissue-specific powdery mildew resistance gene introgressed from Dasypyrum villosum into common wheat. image-20180711172037086 已经克隆的白粉病抗病基因有PM2, PM3b,PM8, PM21,PM60.如果有遗漏还请留言补充。 下面是3篇2017年的毕业论文,供参考,可以在知网上下载。 1 杨立军 武汉大学 博士 《小麦品种抗白粉病和条锈病性评价及其抗性QTL定位》 2 徐晓丹 中国农业大学 博士 《5份小麦农家品种的抗白粉病基因分析及定位》 3 赵鹏宇 西北农林科技大学 硕士《两个小麦新种质抗白粉病基因的遗传分析和染色体定位》 最后,最重要的是随手再送给大家一个链接(https://shigen.nig.ac.jp/wheat/komugi/genes/symbolClassList.jsp)。 应该有不少人知道,但是应该还有更多人不知道。 参考文献 Guo, J., Zhao, Z., Song, J., Liu, C., Zhai, S., Li, H., et al. 2017. Molecular and physical mapping of powdery mildew resistance genes and QTLs in wheat: A Review. Agricultural Science Technology: 18(6), 965-970. Bernardo, R. 2008. Molecular markers and selection for complex traits in plants: Learning from the last 20 years. Crop Sci. 48:1649-1664. \0 \0
6217 次阅读|2 个评论
mashengwei 2018-1-11 08:48
2018.1.11 本期作者:大汉武 胖丫 移除 点击此处添加图片说明文字 小麦白粉病也是经常威胁小麦生产的病害之一。普通小麦由于在长期的驯化选择下,其抗病谱资源变得很窄。小麦的近缘属种多为野生,往往包含了丰富的抗性资源。乌拉尔图小麦( Triticum urartu )作为普通小麦A基因组的供体祖先,从这个角度研究小麦是非常好的契机。中科院遗传所在2010年左右开始征集了几乎涵盖世界各地的乌拉尔图小麦300余份(王道文老师,个人交流)。这300余份材料为开展小麦的抗病抗逆等研究奠定了坚实的基础。 结合乌拉尔图小麦基因组序列,唐定中老师对抗白粉基因 Pm60 进行了克隆。并在New Phytologist 上发表题为“ The NB-LRR gene Pm60 confers powdery mildew resistance in wheat ”的文章。 移除 点击此处添加图片说明文字 文章所用的F2作图群体是用抗病亲本PI428309和感病亲本G1812(2013年发表的A基因组测序用的也是这个材料)杂交创建的,感病对照为六倍体材料科农199。所用的白粉菌为BgtE09。见下图。 移除 点击此处添加图片说明文字 唐老师采用经典的图位克隆手段,首先利用259个均匀分布在1A-7A染色体上的SSR 标记筛选抗感池并发现位于中国春缺失系材料7AL18-0.90-1.00上的SSR标记 Xwmc273.3 与抗病位点关联,然后基于 7AL18-0.90-1.00 and 7AL16-0.86-0.90两个bin的位置进行开发额外的SSR和dCAPS标记,此外,利用小麦EST序列与A基因组比对获得大量的scaffolds,还比较了该区间短柄草的同源序列开发更紧密的标记。最终利用1882个 感病单株 成功将该位点定位在一个356kb大小的物理区间内,基因注释后发现该区间含有两个候选基因TRIUR3_00771和TRIUR3_00770,二者相距约27.19 kb,此处文中并没有交代该区间内是否还有其他基因。 移除 点击此处添加图片说明文字 作者根据TRIUR3_00771和TRIUR3_00770序列开发设计基因扩增引物,但是未能在PI428309材料上扩增出来。因此,作者对亲本PI428309进行了转录组测序,通过组装拼接后发现两个contigs与TRIUR3_00771和TRIUR3_00770具有极高的相似性(附件里有蛋白比对,感兴趣的可以去看看),并通过RACE获得全长后将这两个作为候选基因 PmR1 和 Pm60 ,进一步分析发现 PmR1 和 Pm60 具有70%相似性,见下图。接着设计基因特异标记返回到遗传群体中验证,发现二者与表型共分离,再次确认 PmR1 和 Pm60位于目标区间内 。 移除 点击此处添加图片说明文字 移除 点击此处添加图片说明文字 为了进一步确认 PmR1 和 Pm60 哪一个是真正的抗病基因,作者利用定量PCR查看了抗病材料里两个基因接种后的表达量,发现前者诱导表达,后者基本不变。见下图。 移除 点击此处添加图片说明文字 接下来作者利用病毒介导的基因沉默和转基因技术证明只有 Pm60 是有功能的,见下图。 移除 点击此处添加图片说明文字 移除 点击此处添加图片说明文字 移除 点击此处添加图片说明文字 接着作者针对 Pm60 的全长及等位变异进行了过表达分析,发现其全长和另外两种等位变异均能引起烟草的细胞死亡反应。见下图 移除 点击此处添加图片说明文字 还利用酵母双杂和BIFC技术研究了 Pm60 和 PmR1 两个基因卷曲螺旋区(CC domains) 的互作。见下图。 移除 点击此处添加图片说明文字 从应用的角度看,确实乌拉尔图小麦应用起来不是那么容易,但是转基因技术目前日趋成熟,也许将来某一天转基因技术可以放开应用到农业育种中,我们会很快将其应用。另外,从致病机理的角度出发, Pm60 的克隆为揭示小麦与白粉菌的互作研究奠定了基础,只有我们拿到基因才能研究机制,正如文章讨论里说到的,在MLA10,RGA4和SR33等典型的抗病基因编码蛋白中,单独的CC-domain足以引发过敏性坏死反应,而Pm60蛋白却需要全长,这是为什么呢?生命的机制可能是极其复杂和多样的,需要我们不断去探索。 解读就到此,毕竟不是专业做白粉病和图位克隆的,如有错误还请各位指正。实际上,今天读完之后有些地方小编还是没搞明白,比如,拿到Pm60之后,后面一系列的实验都只围绕抗病材料的基因做,完全没有去管感病材料的基因,也没有说明抗病材料和感病材料之间到底那些关键序列变异影响了抗病性的改变,以及Pm60与PmR1之间的互作是否影响抗病性,有明白的小伙伴还请指点下。也许这都需要进一步的研究才能搞定,小麦里做点基因功能真不容易啊。最近发表在PNAS上图位克隆 Sr13 文章和这里有些类似的地方( PNAS发表图位克隆 Sr13 的研究--一篇典型的图位克隆文章 ),都是先拿到的感病材料里的序列,不同的是, Sr13 那篇文章里直接筛选了抗病材料的BAC文库,最后构建了覆盖目标区间的物理图谱,而本篇文章是利用转录组的方法拿到高度相似的基因序列,然后通过反向遗传学手段验证了拿到的高度相似的序列就是 Pm60 。抗病材料没有目标区间的物理图谱,还是有点遗憾的。 附:文章的封面图片由电子科大的杨足君老师提供,杨老师用他高超的技艺绘画出美妙的图片,生命是如此绚烂!在此,感谢杨老师长期以来对我们的支持与厚爱! 移除 点击此处添加图片说明文字 欢迎关注 “小麦研究联盟”, 了解小麦新进展 移除 点击此处添加图片说明文字 投稿、转载、合作以及信息分布等请联系: wheatgenome
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mashengwei 2018-1-6 15:38
2018年第一周小麦文献推荐(1.7) 本期作者 麦萌 小麦生信联盟 Hi,大家好!欢迎来到一周一次的小麦文献推荐。今天是2018年的第一次推荐,在此有必要对此简单的介绍下。首先,我们周一至周六会解读一些文献,但是限于我们主编的背景知识,在选择文献上可能具有一定的偏好性,再加上现在小麦研究越来越热门,发表的文章也会越来越多,研究的质量也会越来越高,所以总是会漏掉一些文献,这些漏掉的文献不代表不重要。为了弥补这个遗憾,我们特别在周末汇总这一周和小麦相关的文献,供大家浏览和参考,这些文献有些可能会被我们解读,有些则不会。每一篇文献会有题目,作者,发表杂志以及摘要信息,供大家决定是否需要进一步阅读。 想要特别声明一点,无论是我们推荐的文章还是我们做过导读的文章,都不能代替您亲自读文章,不能代表您对这篇文章的思考。同样一篇文献,每个人get到的点一定不一样。一个人多次阅读文章,可能每次引起的思考也会不同。 突然想起来颜宁说过她在国外上课时,老师都会给一些经典的生物文献,并且要求找出文献的问题。这种训练教会她学会质疑。科学没有挑战权威的质疑精神,就不可能有创新。同样的,这种讨论也应该存在于导师指导过程中,学生也要敢于向导师说出自己的想法,也许会由于思虑不周或欠缺相关背景知识而显得幼稚,或者观点错误,这些都没关系,立即改正过来就行。当然了,实际情况可能要复杂,导师也不是你想要和他讨论他就能和你讨论的。导师也是一个普通人,每个人都有自己的风格。 说的多了,我们正式开始我们的文献推荐。 1 Genetic diversity and virulence of wheat and barley strains of Xanthomonas translucens from the Upper Midwestern United States Bacterial leaf streak (BLS) of wheat and barley, caused by Xanthomonas translucens pv. undulosa and Xanthomonas translucens pv. translucens, has been of growing concern in small grains production in the Upper Midwestern United States. To optimize disease resistance breeding, a greater awareness is needed of the pathovars and genetic diversity within the pathogens causing BLS in the region. Multilocus sequencing typing (MLST) and analysis (MLSA) of four common housekeeping genes (rpoD, dnaK, fyuA and gyrB) was used to evaluate the genetic diversity of 82 strains of X. translucens isolated between 2006 and 2013 from wheat, barley, rye and intermediate wheatgrass. In addition, in planta disease assays were conducted on 75 strains to measure relative virulence in wheat and barley. All strains were determined by MLSA to be related to X. translucens pv. undulosa and X. translucens pv. translucens. Clustering of strains based on Bayesian, network, and minimum spanning trees correlated with relative virulence levels in inoculated wheat and barley. Thus, phylogeny based on rpoD, dnaK, fyuA and gyrB correlated with host of isolation and was an effective means for predicting virulence of strains belonging to X. translucens pv. translucens and X. translucens pv. undulosa. 2 Analysis of contributors to grain yield in wheat at the individual quantitative trait locus level In wheat, strong genetic correlations have been found between grain yield (GY) and tiller number per plant (TN), fertile spikelet number per spike (FSN), kernel number per spike (KN) and thousand-kernel weight (TKW). To investigate their genetic relationships at the individual quantitative trait locus (QTL) level, we performed both normal and multivariate conditional QTL analysis based on two recombinant inbred lines (RILs) populations. A total of 79 and 48 normal QTLs were identified in the International Triticeae Mapping Initiative (ITMI)/SHW-L1 9 Chuanmai 32 (SC) populations, respectively, as well as 55 and 35 conditional QTLs. Thirty-two QTL clusters in the ITMI population and 18 QTL clusters in the SC population explained 0.9%– 46.2% of phenotypic variance for two to eight traits. A comparison between the normal and conditional QTL mapping analyses indicated that FSN made the smallest contribution to GY among the four GY components that were considered at the QTL level. The effects of TN, KN and TKW on GY were stronger at the QTL level. 3 Genome-Wide Association Mapping of Loci for Resistance to Stripe Rust in North American Elite Spring Wheat Germplasm Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is a major yield-limiting foliar disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum) worldwide. In this study, the genetic variability of elite spring wheat germplasm from North America was investigated to characterize the genetic basis of effective all-stage and adult plant resistance (APR) to stripe rust. A genome-wide association study was conducted using 237 elite spring wheat lines genotyped with an Illumina Infinium 90K single-nucleotide polymorphism array. All-stage resistance was evaluated at seedling stage in controlled conditions and field evaluations were conducted under natural disease pressure in eight environments across Washington State. High heritability estimates and correlations between infection type and severity were observed. Ten loci for race-specific all-stage resistance were confirmed from previous mapping studies. Three potentially new loci associated with race-specific all-stage resistance were identified on chromosomes 1D, 2A, and 5A. For APR, 11 highly significant quantitative trait loci (QTL) (false discovery rate 0.01) were identified, of which 3 QTL on chromosomes 3A, 5D, and 7A are reported for the first time. The QTL identified in this study can be used to enrich the current gene pool and improve the diversity of resistance to stripe rust disease. 4 Fluorescence in situ hybridization karyotyping reveals the presence of two distinct genomes in the taxon Aegilops tauschii The distribution of sites hybridizing to the two probes oligo-pTa-535 and (CTT)10 split the Ae. tauschii accessions into two clades, designated Dt and Ds, which corresponded perfectly with a previously assembled phylogeny based on marker genotype. The Dt cluster was populated exclusively by ssp. tauschii accessions, while the Ds cluster harbored both ssp. strangulata and morphologically intermediate accessions. As a result, it is proposed that Ae. tauschii ssp. tauschii is restricted to carriers of the Dt karyotype: their spikelets are regularly spaced along the rachis, at least in the central portion of their spike. Accessions classified as Ae. tauschii ssp. strangulata carry the Ds karyotype; their spikelets are irregularly spaced. Based on this criterion, forms formerly classified as ssp. tauschii var. meyeri have been re-designated ssp. strangulata var. meyeri . According to the reworking of the taxon, the bread wheat D genome was most probably donated by ssp. strangulata var. meyeri . Chromosomal differentiation reveals intra-species taxon of Ae. tauschii . Ae. tauschii ssp. tauschii has more distant relationship with breed wheat than ssp. strangulata and can be used for breeding improving effectively. 5 Asymmetrical changes of gene expression, small RNAs and chromatin in two resynthesized wheat allotetraploids Polyploidy occurs in some animals and all flowering plants including important crops such as wheat. The consequences of polyploidy on crops remain elusive partly because their progenitors are unknown. Using two resynthesized wheat allotetraploids SlSlAA and AADD with known diploid progenitors, we analyzed mRNA and small RNA transcriptomes in the endosperm, compared transcriptomes between endosperm and root in AADD, and examined chromatin changes in the allotetraploids. In the endosperm, there were more nonadditively expressed genes in SlSlAA than in AADD. In AADD, nonadditively expressed genes were developmentally regulated, and the majority (62-70%) were repressed. The repressed genes in AADD included a group of histone methyltransferase gene homologs, which correlated with reduced histone H3K9me2 levels and activation of various transposable elements in AADD. In SlSlAA, there was a tendency of expression dominance of Sl over A homoeologs, but the histone methyltransferase gene homologs were additively expressed, correlating with insignificant changes in histone H3K9me2 levels. Moreover, more 24-nt small inferring RNAs (siRNAs) in the A subgenome were disrupted in AADD than in SlSlAA, which were associated with expression changes of siRNA-associated genes. Our results indicate that asymmetrical changes in siRNAs, chromatin modifications, transposons, and gene expression coincide with unstable AADD genomes and stable SlSlAA genomes, which could help explain evolutionary trajectories of wheat allotetraploids formed by different progenitors. 6 Genetic characterization of type II Fusarium head blight resistance derived from transgressive segregation in a cross between Eastern and Western Canadian spring wheat Fusarium head blight (FHB) caused by Fusarium graminearum is a devastating disease affecting global wheat production, causing significant losses to yield and grain quality. The Eastern Canadian line FL62R1 was developed using a systemic breeding approach and boasts high levels of FHB resistance with good yield, desirable agronomics, and end-use quality traits. The objective of this study was to identify genetic determinants of type II resistance in a cross between FL62R1 and cv. Stettler, a Canada Western Red Spring variety rated moderately susceptible to FHB. Although neither parent displayed strong resistance to FHB spread within spikes following point inoculation (type II resistance) in greenhouses, strong type II resistance was observed in a large number of progeny, including 6% with resistance comparable to the best check line, Sumai 3. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping identified a locus from chromosome 2BL of Stettler which provides Sumai 3 level type II resistance when combined with favorable FHB resistance QTLs with minor effects from FL62R1. This study provides insight into transgressive segregation for FHB, which despite its importance is poorly understood, rare, and difficult to predict. It also begins to dissect the genetic architecture of FHB resistance in wheat derived from the systemic breeding approach. 7 Brassinosteroids Modulate Meristem Fate and Differentiation of Unique Inflorescence Morphology in Setaria viridis(狗尾草,禾本科) Inflorescence architecture is a key determinant of yield potential in many crops and is patterned by the organization and developmental fate of axillary meristems. In cereals, flowers and grain are borne from spikelets, which differentiate in the final iteration of axillary meristem branching. In Setaria spp., inflorescence branches terminate in either a spikelet or a sterile bristle, and these structures appear to be paired. In this work, we leverage Setaria viridis to investigate a role for the phytohormones brassinosteroids (BRs) in specifying bristle identity and maintaining spikelet meristem determinacy. We report the molecular identification and characterization of the Bristleless 1 (Bsl1) locus in S. viridis, which encodes a rate-limiting enzyme in BR biosynthesis. Loss-of-function bsl1 mutants fail to initiate a bristle identity program, resulting in homeotic conversion of bristles to spikelets. In addition, spikelet meristem determinacy is altered in the mutants, which produce two florets per spikelet instead of one. Both of these phenotypes provide avenues for enhanced grain production in cereal crops. Our results indicate that the spatiotemporal restriction of BR biosynthesis at boundary domains influences meristem fate decisions during inflorescence development. The bsl1 mutants provide insight into the molecular basis underlying morphological variation in inflorescence architecture. 8 Critical and speculative review of the roles of multi-protein complexes instarch biosynthesis in cereals Starch accounts for the majority of edible carbohydrate resources generated through photosynthesis. Amylopectin is the major component of starch and is one of highest-molecular-weight biopolymers. Rapid and systematic synthesis of frequently branched hydro-insoluble amylopectin and efficient accumulation into amyloplasts of cereal endosperm is crucial. The functions of multiple starch biosynthetic enzymes, including elongation, branching, and debranching enzymes, must be temporally and spatially coordinated. Accordingly, direct evidence of protein-protein interactions of starch biosynthetic enzymes were first discovered in developing wheat endosperm in 2004, and they have since been shown in the developing seeds of other cereals. This review article describes structural characteristics of starches as well as similarities and differences in protein complex formation among different plant species and among mutant plants that are deficient in specific starch biosynthetic enzymes. In addition, evidence for protein complexes that are involved in the initiation stages of starch biosynthesis is summarized. Finally, we discuss the significance of protein complexes and describe new methods that may elucidate the mechanisms and roles of starch biosynthetic enzyme complexes. 9 Developmental responses of bread wheat to changes in ambient temperature following deletion of a locus that includes FLOWERING LOCUS T1 FLOWERING LOCUS T ( FT ) is a central integrator of environmental signals that regulates the timing of vegetative to reproductive transition in flowering plants. In model plants, these environmental signals have been shown to include photoperiod, vernalization and ambient temperature pathways, whilst in crop species the integration of the ambient temperature pathway remains less well understood. In hexaploid wheat, at least 5 FT-like genes have been identified, each with a copy on the A, B and D genomes. Here we report the characterization of FT-B1 through analysis of FT-B1 null and over-expression genotypes under different ambient temperature conditions. This analysis has identified that the FT-B1 alleles perform differently under diverse environmental conditions; most notably the FT-B1 null produces an increase in spikelet and tiller number when grown at lower temperature conditions. Additionally, absence of FT-B1 facilitates more rapid germination under both light and dark conditions. These results provide an opportunity to understand the FT-dependent pathways that underpin key responses of wheat development to changes in ambient temperature. This is particularly important for wheat, for which development and grain productivity is sensitive to changes in temperature. 10 On the Origin of the Non-brittle Rachis Trait of Domesticated Einkorn Wheat Einkorn and emmer wheat together with barley were among the first cereals domesticated by humans more than 10,000 years ago, long before durum or bread wheat originated. Domesticated einkorn wheat differs from its wild progenitor in basic morphological characters such as the grain dispersal system. This study identified the Non-brittle rachis 1 ( btr1 ) and Non-brittle rachis 2 ( btr2 ) in einkorn as homologous to barley. Re-sequencing of the Btr1 and Btr2 in a collection of 53 lines showed that a single non-synonymous amino acid substitution (alanine to threonine) at position 119 at btr1 , is responsible for the non-brittle rachis trait in domesticated einkorn. Tracing this haplotype variation back to wild einkorn samples provides further evidence that the einkorn progenitor came from the Northern Levant. We show that the geographical origin of domesticated haplotype coincides with the non-brittle domesticated barley haplotypes, which suggest the non-brittle rachis phenotypes of einkorn and barley were fixed in same geographic area in today’s South-east Turkey. 11 Pyramiding of transgenic Pm3 alleles in wheat results in improved powdery mildew resistance in the field Allelic Pm3 resistance genes of wheat confer race-specific resistance to powdery mildew ( Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici , Bgt ) and encode nucleotide-binding domain, leucine-rich repeat (NLR) receptors. Transgenic wheat lines overexpressing alleles Pm3a, b, c, d, f, and g have previously been generated by transformation of cultivar Bobwhite and tested in field trials, revealing varying degrees of powdery mildew resistance conferred by the transgenes. Here, we tested four transgenic lines each carrying two pyramided Pm3 alleles, which were generated by crossbreeding of lines transformed with single Pm3 alleles. All four allele-pyramided lines showed strongly improved powdery mildew resistance in the field compared to their parental lines. The improved resistance results from the two effects of enhanced total transgene expression levels and allele-specificity combinations. In contrast to leaf segment tests on greenhouse-grown seedlings, no allelic suppression was observed in the field. Plant development and yield scores of the pyramided lines were similar to the mean scores of the corresponding parental lines, and thus, the allele pyramiding did not cause any negative effects. On the contrary, in pyramided line, Pm3b × Pm3f normal plant development was restored compared to the delayed development and reduced seed set of parental line Pm3f. Allele-specific RT qPCR revealed additive transgene expression levels of the two Pm3 alleles in the pyramided lines. A positive correlation between total transgene expression level and powdery mildew field resistance was observed. In summary, allele pyramiding of Pm3 transgenes proved to be successful in enhancing powdery mildew field resistance. 12 Chemical hybridizing agent SQ-1-induced male sterility in Triticum aestivum L.: a comparative analysis of the anther proteome We performed proteomic analyses using the wheat Triticum aestivum L.to identify those proteins involved in physiological male sterility (PHYMS) induced by the chemical hybridizing agent CHA SQ-1. A total of 103 differentially expressed proteins were found by 2D–PAGE and subsequently identified by MALDI-TOF/TOF MS/MS. In general, these proteins had obvious functional tendencies implicated in carbohydrate metabolism, oxidative stress and resistance, protein metabolism, photosynthesis, and cytoskeleton and cell structure. In combination with phenotypic, tissue section, and bioinformatics analyses, the identified differentially expressed proteins revealed a complex network behind the regulation of PHYMS and pollen development. Accordingly, we constructed a protein network of male sterility in wheat, drawing relationships between the 103 differentially expressed proteins and their annotated biological pathways. To further validate our proposed protein network, we determined relevant physiological values and performed real-time PCR assays. Our proteomics based approach has enabled us to identify certain tendencies in PHYMS anthers. Anomalies in carbohydrate metabolism and oxidative stress, together with premature tapetum degradation, may be the cause behind carbohydrate starvation and male sterility in CHA SQ-1 treated plants. Here, we provide important insight into the mechanisms underlying CHA SQ-1-induced male sterility. Our findings have practical implications for the application of hybrid breeding in wheat. 13 Effects of Three Parastagonospora nodorum Necrotrophic Effectors on Spring Wheat under Norwegian Field Conditions The wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) disease Septoria nodorum blotch (SNB) is caused bythe necrotrophic fungus Parastagonospora nodorum (Berk.) Quaedvlieg, Verkley Crousand causes significant yield and quality losses in several wheat growing regions. Theresistance mechanisms are quantitative and progress in resistance breeding has beenslow. However, gene-for-gene interactions involving necrotrophic effectors (NEs) andsensitivity genes (Snn) are involved, providing hope for more effective breeding. Althoughthe interactions are significant determinants of seedling SNB susceptibility, their role inadult plant leaf blotch resistance in the field is less understood. In this study, the frequencyof SnTox genes was investigated in 62 P.nodorum isolates collected in Norway. A panel of Norwegian and international spring wheat lines and cultivars was screened under natural SNB infection in a mist-irrigated field nurseryacross 7 yr. The lines were infiltrated in the greenhouse with the purified NEs SnToxA,SnTox1, and SnTox3, and the prevalence of corresponding sensitivity was investigated, aswell as correlation between NE sensitivity and resistance level in the field. The frequencies of SnToxA, SnTox1, and SnTox3 in the isolates were 0.69, 0.53 and 0.76, respectively.Sensitivity to SnToxA, SnTox1, and SnTox3 was present in 45, 12, and 55% of the plant material. Sensitivity to SnToxA was associated with significantly higher disease severity in the field than insensitivity. This indicates that elimination of SnToxA sensitivity in the breeding material by effector infiltrations or marker-assisted selection can be an effective way to increase field resistance to SNB. 14 Proteomic analysis of low-molecular-weight glutenin subunits and relationship with their genes in a common wheat variety Although many studies on low-molecular-weight glutenin subunit (LMW-GS) function have been reported, a comprehensive comparison between specific genes and their protein product is still lacking. This study aimed to link the 43 genes isolated from the Korean wheat variety “Jokyoung” in the authors’ previous study to their protein products. Proteins were separated using two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DGE) and identified by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) at the gene haplotype level. Using MS/MS analysis of 17 protein spots, two spots were identified in the Glu-A3 locus and the corresponding haplotype was GluA3-13(Glu-A3c). Six spots were identified in the Glu-B3 locus and the corresponding haplotypes were GluB3-33 and GluB3-43 (Glu-B3h). Eight spots were identified in the Glu-D3 locus and the corresponding haplotypes were GluD3-11, GluD3-21, GluD3-31, GluD3-5, and GluD3-6 (Glu-D3a), and one spot was contaminated with gamma gliadin. Phylogenetic analysis and alignment of nucleotide and amino acid sequences assigned 35 of the 43 genes to seven haplotypes: GluA3-13, GluB3-43, GluD3-11, GluD3-21, GluD3-31, GluD3-42, and GluD3-5. Taken together, except for GluB3-33 and GluD3-6, which were not isolated, linking of each gene to the corresponding protein products at the gene haplotype level was accomplished using proteomic tools and phylogenetic analysis. 欢迎关注“小麦研究联盟”
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mashengwei 2017-12-31 10:24
12 31 本期作者:麦萌 又到了周日,有没有感到时光飞逝?今天恰好是2017年的最后一天。岁末年初,还是挺忙的。今晚胖丫仍然猫在实验室,我问她为啥没出去跨年啊。胖丫淡淡的说,“热闹是他们的,我什么也没有 ”。 下面是17年12份小麦相关的文献列表。 一周文献汇总 一周文献推荐(2017.12.9) 小麦一周文献推荐(12.17) 小麦一周文献推送(12.23) 1 Interspecific and intergeneric hybridization as a source of variation for wheat grain quality improvement Wheat quality and its end-uses are mainly based on variation in three traits: grain hardness, gluten quality and starch. In recent times, the importance of nutritional quality and health-related aspects has increased the range of these traits with the inclusion of other grain components such as vitamins, fibre and micronutrients. One option to enlarge the genetic variability in wheat for all these components has been the use of wild relatives, together with underutilised or neglected wheat varieties or species. In the current review, we summarise the role of each grain component in relation to grain quality, their variation in modern wheat and the alternative sources in which wheat breeders have found novel variation. 2 Functional and DNA–protein binding studies of WRKY transcription factors and their expression analysis in response to biotic and abiotic stress in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) WRKY, a plant-specific transcription factor family, plays vital roles in pathogen defense, abiotic stress, and phytohormone signalling. Little is known about the roles and function of WRKY transcription factors in response to rust diseases in wheat. In the present study, three TaWRKY genes encoding complete protein sequences were cloned. They belonged to class II and III WRKY based on the number of WRKY domains and the pattern of zinc finger structures. Twenty-two DNA–protein binding docking complexes predicted stable interactions of WRKY domain with W-box. Quantitative real-time-PCR using wheat near-isogenic lines with or without Lr28 gene revealed differential up- or down-regulation in response to biotic and abiotic stress treatments which could be responsible for their functional divergence in wheat. TaWRKY62 was found to be induced upon treatment with JA, MJ, and SA and reduced after ABA treatments. Maximum induction of six out of seven genes occurred at 48 h post inoculation due to pathogen inoculation. Hence, TaWRKY (49, 50, 52, 55, 57, and 62) can be considered as potential candidate genes for further functional validation as well as for crop improvement programs for stress resistance. The results of the present study will enhance knowledge towards understanding the molecular basis of mode of action of WRKY transcription factor genes in wheat and their role during leaf rust pathogenesis in particular. 3 Durum wheat diversity for heat stress tolerance during inflorescence emergence is correlated to TdHSP101C expression in early developmental stages The predicted world population increase along with climate changes threatens sustainable agricultural supply in the coming decades. It is therefore vital to understand crops diversity associated to abiotic stress response. Heat stress is considered one of the major constrains on crops productivity thus it is essential to develop new approaches for a precocious and rigorous evaluation of varietal diversity regarding heat tolerance. Plant cell membrane thermostability (CMS) is a widely used method for wheat thermotolerance assessment although its limitations require complementary solutions. In this work we used CMS assay and explored TdHSP101C genes as an additional tool for durum wheat screening. Genomic and transcriptomic analyses of TdHSP101C genes were performed in varieties with contrasting CMS results and further correlated with heat stress tolerance during fertilization and seed development. Although the durum wheat varieties studied presented a very high homology on TdHSP101C genes (99%) the transcriptomic assessment allowed the discrimination between varieties with good CMS results and its correlation with differential impacts of heat treatment during inflorescence emergence and seed development on grain yield. The evidences here reported indicate that TdHSP101C transcription levels induced by heat stress in fully expanded leaves may be a promising complementary screening tool to discriminate between durum wheat varieties identified as thermotolerant through CMS. 4 Virulence of some Puccinia triticina races to the effective wheat leaf rust resistant genes Lr 9 and Lr 19 under Egyptian field conditions Leaf rust ( Puccinia triticina Eriks.) is the most widespread disease of wheat ( Triticum aestivum L.) in Egypt and worldwide. The two leaf rust resistance genes i.e. Lr 9 and Lr 19 were previously highly effective against the predominant Puccinia triticina races in Egypt. In 2015/2016 growing season, susceptible field reaction was recorded on these two genes, where rust severity reached to 40% (S) for Lr 9 and 5% (S) for Lr 19 under Egyptian field conditions at four locations i.e. El-Behira, El-Minufiya, El-Qalubiya and El-Fayom governorates. In this study, 39 leaf rust monogenic lines and 16 commercial wheat cultivars were tested at seedling stage. While, 12 leaf rust monogenic lines and the same 16 wheat cultivars were evaluated at adult plant stage. Eight leaf rust field samples were collected from these governorates (four from each of Lr 9 and Lr 19). Forty single isolates were derived from the collected samples of Lr 9 and Lr 19 (each with 20 isolates). Eight pathotypes were identified from Lr 9, while only two pathotypes were identified from Lr 19. The most frequent pathotype (virulent to Lr 9) was KTSPT (30% frequency), followed by TTTMS (25% frequency). The other pathotypes ranged from only 5%–10% frequency. Whereas, the most frequent pathotype (virulent to Lr 19) was CTTTT (85% frequency), while the lowest frequent one was PKTST (15% frequency). Pathotypes i.e. PRSTT, NTKTS and TTTMS (identified from Lr 9) were more aggressiveness on the most of the tested leaf rust monogenic lines than others, as they were virulent to 36, 35 and 35 lines from a total of 39 monogenic lines, respectively. Also, the two pathotypes; PKTST and CTTTT (identified from Lr 19) were virulent to 36 and 35 monogenic lines, respectively. Moreover, leaf rust pathotypes i.e. NPTNK and PRSTT (from Lr 9) and PKTST (from Lr 19) were the most aggressive on the tested wheat cultivars at seedling stage. Lr 2a was the most effective leaf rust resistance gene against the tested pathotypes at adult plant stage. On the other hand, the three wheat cultivars Misr 1, Misr 2 and Nubariya 1 proved to be the highly resistant cultivars against all the tested leaf rust pathotypes at adult plant stage. 5 Resistance of Aegilops longissima to the rusts of wheat | Plant Disease Stem rust (caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici), leaf rust (P. triticina), and stripe rust (P. striiformis f. sp. tritici) rank among the most important diseases of wheat worldwide. The development of resistant cultivars is the preferred method of controlling rust diseases because it is environmentally benign and also cost-effective. However, new virulence types often arise in pathogen populations, rendering such cultivars vulnerable to losses. The identification of new sources of resistance is key to providing long-lasting disease control against the rapidly evolving rust pathogens. Thus, the objective of this research was to evaluate the wheat wild relative Aegilops longissima for resistance to stem rust, leaf rust, and stripe rust at the seedling stage in the greenhouse. A diverse collection of 394 accessions of the species, mostly from Israel, was assembled for the study, but the total number included in any one rust evaluation ranged from 308 to 379. With respect to stem rust resistance, 18.2% and 80.8% of accessions were resistant to the widely virulent U.S. and Kenyan P. graminis f. sp. tritici races of TTTTF and TTKSK, respectively. The percentage of accessions exhibiting resistance to the U.S. P. triticina races of THBJ and BBBD was 65.9% and 52.2%, respectively. Over half (50.1%) of the Ae. longissima accessions were resistant to the U.S. P. striiformis f. sp. tritici race PSTv-37. Ten accessions (AEG-683-23, AEG-725-15, AEG-803-49, AEG-1274-20, AEG-1276-22, AEG-1471-15, AEG-1475-19, AEG-2974-0, AEG-4005-20, and AEG-8705-10) were resistant to all races of the three rust pathogens used in this study. Distinct differences in the geographic distribution of resistance and susceptibility were found in Ae. longissima accessions from Israel in response to some rust races. To P. graminis f. sp. tritici race TTKSK, populations with a very high frequency of resistance were concentrated in the central and northern part of Israel, whereas populations with a comparatively higher frequency of susceptibility were concentrated in the southern part of the country. The reverse trend was observed with respect to P. striiformis f. sp. tritici race PSTv-37. The results from this study demonstrate that Ae. longissima is a rich source of rust resistance genes for wheat improvement. 6 Genes WHEAT FRIZZY PANICLE and SHAM RAMIFICATION 2 independently regulate differentiation of floral meristems in wheat Here we characterized diploid and tetraploid wheat lines of various non-standard spike morphotypes, which allowed for identification of a new mutant allele of the WHEAT FRIZZY PANICLE ( WFZP ) gene that determines spike branching in diploid wheat Ttiticum monococcum L. Moreover, we found that the development of SSs and spike branching in wheat T. durum Desf. was a result of a wfzp-A/TtBH-A1 mutation that originated from spontaneous hybridization with T. turgidum convar. сompositum (L.f.) Filat. Detailed characterization of the false-true ramification phenotype controlled by the recessive sham ramification 2 ( shr2 ) gene in tetraploid wheat T. turgidum L. allowed us to suggest putative functions of the SHR2 gene that may be involved in the regulation of spikelet meristem fate and in specification of floret meristems. The results of a gene interaction test suggested that genes WFZP and SHR2 function independently in different processes during spikelet development, whereas another spike ramification gene(s) interact(s) with SHR2 and share(s) common functions. 7 Allelic composition and associated quality traits of the Glu-1 and Glu-3 loci in selected modern Ethiopian durum wheat varieties Gluten protein determines the processing quality of both durum wheat and bread wheat. The glutenin subunits compositions and associated quality traits of 20 Ethiopian durum wheat varieties were systematically analyzed using SDS-PAGE and Payne numbers. A total of 16 glutenin patterns were identified. At the Glu-A1 locus, all varieties scored the null allele. The predominant glutenin alleles at the Glu-B1 locus were Glu-B1b (7+8) and Glu-B1e (20). In Glu-3, the most abundant glutenin subunits were Glu-A3a and Glu-B3c. Based on the Payne scores, the varieties Yerer, Ginchi, Candate, and Foka were identified to have allelic composition suitable for pasta making. The cluster analysis using agglomerative hierarchical clustering (AHC) method classified the varieties into four similarity classes. Based on the findings of this experiment, suggestions were made for allelic composition improvement through introgression of superior alleles from known Glu-1 and Glu-3 sources. 8 The NB-LRR gene Pm60 confers powdery mildew resistance in wheat 欢迎对这篇文章感兴趣的小伙伴给我们写个解读或导读。 Powdery mildew is one of the most devastating diseases of wheat. To date, few powdery mildew resistance genes have been cloned from wheat due to the size and complexity of the wheat genome. Triticum urartu is the progenitor of the A genome of wheat and is an important source for powdery mildew resistance genes. Using molecular markers designed from scaffolds of the sequenced T. urartu accession and standard map-based cloning, a powdery mildew resistance locus was mapped to a 356-kb region, which contains two nucleotide-binding and leucine-rich repeat domain (NB-LRR) protein-encoding genes. Virus-induced gene silencing, single-cell transient expression, and stable transformation assays demonstrated that one of these two genes, designated Pm60 , confers resistance to powdery mildew. Overexpression of full-length Pm60 and two allelic variants in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves induced hypersensitive cell death response, but expression of the coiled-coil domain alone was insufficient to induce hypersensitive response. Yeast two-hybrid, bimolecular fluorescence complementation and luciferase complementation imaging assays showed that Pm60 protein interacts with its neighboring NB-containing protein, suggesting that they might be functionally related. The identification and cloning of this novel wheat powdery mildew resistance gene will facilitate breeding for disease resistance in wheat. 9 Identification of QTL for flag leaf length in common wheat and their pleiotropic effects Leaf size is an important factor contributing to the photosynthetic capability of wheat plants. It also significantly affects various agronomic traits. In particular, the flag leaves contribute significantly to grain yield in wheat. A recombinant inbred line (RIL) population developed between varieties with significant differences in flag leaf traits was used to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) of flag leaf length (FLL) and to evaluate its pleiotropic effects on five yield-related traits, including spike length (SL), spikelet number per spike (SPN), kernel number per spike (KN), kernel length (KL), and thousand-kernel weight (TKW). Two additional RIL populations were used to validate the detected QTL and reveal the relationships in different genetic backgrounds. Using the diversity arrays technology (DArT) genetic linkage map, three major QTL for FLL were detected, with single QTL in different environments explaining 8.6–23.3% of the phenotypic variation. All the QTL were detected in at least four environments, and validated in two related populations based on the designed primers. These QTL and the newly developed primers are expected to be valuable for fine mapping and marker-assisted selection in wheat breeding programs. 10 The repetitive landscape of the 5100 Mbp barley genome Here, we present an analysis of the repetitive fraction of the 5100 Mb barley genome, the largest angiosperm genome to have a near-complete sequence assembly. Genes make only about 2% of the genome, while over 80% is derived from TEs. The TE fraction is composed of at least 350 different families. However, 50% of the genome is comprised of only 15 high-copy TE families, while all other TE families are present in moderate or low copy numbers. We found that the barley genome is highly compartmentalized with different types of TEs occupying different chromosomal “niches”, such as distal, interstitial, or proximal regions of chromosome arms. Furthermore, gene space represents its own distinct genomic compartment that is enriched in small non-autonomous DNA transposons, suggesting that these TEs specifically target promoters and downstream regions. Furthermore, their presence in gene promoters is associated with decreased methylation levels. 11 TaNTF2, a contributor for wheat resistance to the stripe rust pathogen Nuclear Transport Factor 2 (NTF2) functions as a critical regulator in balancing the GTP-and GDP-bound forms of Ran, a class of evolutionarily conserved small GTP-binding protein. During the incompatible interaction between wheat-Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici (Pst), a cDNA fragment encoding a putative wheat NTF2 gene was found to be significantly induced, suggesting a potential role in wheat resistance to Pst. In this work, the full length of TaNTF2 was obtained, with three copies located on 7A, 7B and 7D chromosomes, respectively. QRT-PCR further verified the up-regulated expression of TaNTF2 in response to avirulent Pst. In addition, TaNTF2 was also induced by exogenous hormone applications, especially JA treatment. Transient expression of TaNTF2 in tobacco cells confirmed its subcellular localization in the cytoplasm, perinuclear area and nucleus. And virus induced gene silencing (VIGS) was used to identify the function of TaNTF2 during an incompatible wheat-Pst interaction. When TaNTF2 was knocked down, resistance of wheat to avirulentPst was decreased, with a bigger necrotic spots, and higher numbers of hyphal branches and haustorial mother cells. Our results demonstrated that TaNTF2 was a contributor for wheat resistance to the stripe rust pathogen, which will help to comprehensively understand the NTF2/Ran modulating mechanism in wheat-Pst interaction. 12 Loss of AvrSr50 by somatic exchangein stem rust leads to virulence forSr50 resistance in wheat 13 Variation in the AvrSr35 genedetermines Sr35 resistance againstwheat stem rust race Ug99 14 ZmCCT9 enhances maize adaptation to higher latitudes 最后一篇是关于玉米的文章,该文发表在PNAS上,要推荐给做图位克隆的小伙伴。 欢迎关注 “ 小麦研究联盟 ”, 了解小麦新进展 请点击此处输入图片描述 投稿、转载、合作以及信息分布等请联系: wheatgenome
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ahyxwangdong 2012-5-11 11:32
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黄瓜白粉病 cucumber powdery mildew
dbmoth 2010-5-14 20:14
大棚黄瓜白粉病cucumber powdery mildew 整体 叶片 so严重 后期黄瓜叶片上都满是蚜虫了。
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