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[转载] Advanced Materials:一本学术期刊背后的故事
csuwwb 2013-5-16 00:23
【百道专稿】 Advanced Materials 是威立集团旗下非常重要的一份学术期刊,在化学、材料领域有着显著的声望。工作努力、学术能力突出、具有国际化视野。这是他们对期刊编辑们一贯 的要求。百道与其总编 Peter Gregory 先生探讨 Advanced Materials 编辑流程中的细节,挖掘学术期刊背后的故事,看看他们的编辑人员是如何精心雕琢出一篇篇高水准的学术论文的。 一、关于开放存取 百道 :在德国,使用开放存取的学术期刊大概占多大的比例?德国学术出版商对此是支持为主,还是反对为主?为什么? Peter :一些大的出版社,比如威立、斯普林格这些在德国设有主要办公地点的出版商,他们大都启动了开放存取项目,几乎他们所有的期刊都采取了这样一种模式。在德国,只有很少的一部分同行没有启动开放存取项目。 当然,威立是会支持有发展持续性的商业模式的,我们需要一种快速的方式出版期刊、经营业务,同时这种模式也能够保证出版商和作者在很多很多年里都可以有收获。无论是从科学研究的角度还是和商业经营的角度来说,信息的公开从来都是非常重要的。 百道 :那么,开放存取的商业模式对《 Advanced Materials 》有什么样直接的影响吗? Peter :《 Advanced Materials 》已经启动了一些开放存取的内容,有一些我们的合作作者也已经在使用这种模式。来自澳大利亚和英国的作者们正在使用,因为在他们的国家,使用开放存取是有政府强制性的。但是在材料学领域,并没有很多作者会直接运用这种模式,所以,在材料科学领域和工程学领域,开放存取不是那么的普及。但是在如医学、生物科学等领域,开放存取的普及度就比较高。但是总的来说,开放存取对于《 Advanced Materials 》来说,是一种很棒的模式。 二、关于《 Advanced Materials 》的编辑流程 百道 :《 Advanced Materials 》在同行评议方面是如何操作的? Peter :同行评议对于所有的科学文献来说都是一个核心工作。它主要是这样的一种工作形式:我们召集专家对作者的研究成果给予评论。 《 Advanced Materials 》的编辑们会选择评议人对文章进行点评。我们通常会选择 3 至 4 名评议人,他们来自不同的国家,都是论文所涉领域的专家。而后我们收集所有的评论,进行审核,确保收到的都是合理的建议和评价。然后我们会形成报告,做作者和评议人之间沟通的桥梁。根据具体的情况,我们会否决掉这篇稿件,或者我们会让作者重新对稿件进行修改,如果情况好的话,也会直接采用稿件。 百道 :那你们的参评人和贵期刊网站上罗列的 29 人顾问团之间是什么关系呢?人员之间会有重合吗? Peter : 人员重合只会在少数情况下发生。我们的顾问团只有 29 人,但是我们每年都有 6000 多份的稿件需要评议,所以如果光靠顾问团,仅从工作量上来说就不现实。所以,同时,我们有超过一万名的评议人。这些评议人都是我们在特定领域内精心挑选的。我们为评议人专门制作了一个信息库。 百道 :那么是谁来决定每一篇研究文章的评议人是谁呢? Peter :《 Advanced Materials 》发表的文章都是研究性的、最新的实验报告等。我们的编辑来决定每一篇文章具体由哪些人来担任评议人。在《 Advanced Materials 》,各个专业领域的编辑都是全职的。我们要求编辑也必须是特定领域的专家。我们所有的编辑都首先是专业的科研者,他们或者拥有博士学位、或者已经进入博士后研究站,他们来自世界上不同的国家,例如有葡萄牙的、美国的、也有中国的。他们自己本身就是物理、化学或者生物学领域的专家。所以在他们第一时间审读稿件,然后选择 3 至 4 个评议专家,在得到评议人的意见反馈后他们也会加上自己的编辑意见,然后打包把这些发给作者,结果要么是 “ 没问题,您的论文很好! ” 或者是 “ 对不起,这篇文章很糟糕。 ” 也有可能是 “ 论文还有修改的空间,请您参考我们的评议意见进行加工修改。 ” 百道 :有没有作者反对编辑意见的情况出现?在这种情况下你们是怎么处理的呢? Peter :同行评议有的时候并非纯科研的,我认为它更像是把社会科学引入到自然科学领域的一种做法。编辑需要对整个同行评议过程进行管控,因为这是个观点撞击和融合的过程,当然有的时候也是与事实有关的。但是在绝大多数情况下都是与观点相关的,是有主观成分的。比如他们会说 “ 我喜欢这篇论文 ” ,但他们不会告诉你原因何在。或者他们也会说 “ 这没什么意思 ” ,而对方就会反问 “ 为什么? ” 很多时候是这样的一种交流。所以如果作者能够被编辑和评议人的意见说服,就没什么问题了。但是如果作者有不同的意见,他们可以 “ 申诉 ” ,他们可以给我们的编辑写信,表达自己的看法。这种时候,编辑就得拿捏作者是否的确有不错的观点,或者审视在我们的工作中是否的确有所遗漏。然而,事实上,真正会 “ 申诉 ” 的作者只占非常小的部分,大约只有 3% 吧。 百道 :所以这也就要求编辑们必须是特定领域的专家了。 Peter :是的。 百道 :你们是怎么挑选顾问团成员的呢?哪些人会是顾问?哪些人会是评议人呢? Peter :我们评议人信息库里的这些专家都是与我们有长期合作关系的。他们是不同领域的专家。我们在数据库中记录了他们的姓名、研究领域以及其他的一些关键词以便需要时检索。 顾问团的职能有几项:首先,他们会为编辑们提供咨询意见,如果编辑们在工作时遇到专业方面的问题,就可以与顾问们取得联系 —— 可能会是论文本身的问题,可能会是作者 “ 申诉 ” 时提出的问题,也有可能在沟通的过程中,顾问团可以向我们介绍相关领域的其他作者。他们还会向年轻学者们倡议,鼓励他们写更多的高质量论文;同时,他们也会对我们的选题提出建议。所以在我们的这个顾问团中有一些年轻的学者,当然也有一些著名的资深学者,他们来自不同的国家、专注于不同的领域。 百道 :你们在挑选顾问团成员时有特定的标准吗? Peter : 当然我们会要求我们的顾问有非常高的学术水准。他们中要么是正在开展高水准研究的年轻学者,或者他们长期以来行业内有很高的威望。但是我们并没有一个所谓的标准列表,只要他们在他们的那个领域足够好,我们就会希望他能成为顾问,帮我们提升期刊的水准。 百道 :一位顾问的任期有多久呢? Peter :每位顾问的任期都不一样。只要他们能够为我们提供帮助,我们希望他们能一直做我们的顾问。 百道 :顾问团的人数呢?是长期稳定的吗? Peter :人数不是固定的,可能会超过现在的 29 人,也有可能会少于 29 人。正如我这次来中国,去了上海、南京和北京等城市,这一行我们就招募了 3 名新的中国籍顾问。或许明年就会有一些顾问退休,那么我们就会及时补充新鲜的血液。每年都会有新的顾问成员,也会有一席顾问退休或者离开顾问团。 百道 :您的团队里有多少名编辑呢?人员架构是怎样的呢? Peter :在德国总部,我们有 15 名核心编辑,但是作为支持团队,我们还在很多其他国家有助理编辑。我们的编辑拥有不同的国籍、是不同领域的专家,所以他们就是按照学科各自负责各领域的稿件。我们有一个电子化的系统,编辑们统一将稿件递交到这个系统里,大家都会使用这个系统进行工作。每天大约有 30 至 40 篇新的稿件会被递交到系统里,稿件量很大。编辑们从系统中选择自己领域的稿件、在系统中选择评议人,退稿或者确定选用稿件都可以在系统中进行操作。简单的说,就是我们的编辑团队,一群训练有素、具有国际化能力的各学科专家,在一个共享的电子系统中工作。 百道 :面对数字出版的大潮,你们是否对编辑们提出了新的要求呢? Peter :这倒没有特别明显的变化。我们的要求一如既往:工作努力、学术能力突出、具有国际化视野。这些要求非常重要,不管在什么时候,这些标准都不会变的。而且现在的年轻人对于网络都非常熟悉,如果有涉及到更专业的技术问题,我们有专门的技术人员出马解决。我们的技术人员会专门负责处理稿件阅读上的细节性技术问题。编辑们会对稿件进行校对,他们帮助作者一起完善已经确认被采用的稿件,让语言更流畅、用词更得体、数据更精确,并且保证以最快的速度面世。 百道 :你们是如何对编辑们进行考核的呢?稿件数量会作为重要根据吗? Peter :当然我们会对编辑们的工作量进行考核,我们还会听取作者们的反馈意见,我们非常看重作者对编辑的工作是否满意。我们的编辑都是经过长期培训成长起来的,他们刚入职的时候会有资深编辑带领他们进入工作轨道。我们的编辑们都非常努力,幸运的是,我们从未因为工作不努力的原因解聘过任何一个编辑。我们的团队都以为《 Advanced Materials 》工作自豪。他们也会非常努力地在合作的过程中使作者们满意。 百道 :你们在面试编辑人员的时候会不会有什么特别的程序或者会问什么样的问题呢? Peter : 我在面试中不仅会提问关于学科背景的问题,我还会特别想知道他们都读什么样的书。因为我认为一个人阅读的内容可以反映出他的兴趣、能力以及是否可能成为出版工作者。面试者可能会看报纸、读小说、研究报告,这对于一个编辑来说非常有益,这样更有利于形成更为宽广的视野。做编辑本身也不仅仅只涉及学术,更涉及人。能否对 “ 人 ” 有一定的了解对于编辑来说也非常关键。 百道 :在你们公司内部会对编辑们进行定期的培训吗? Peter : 当然,每天的工作本身就是一种学习和培训的过程。针对新入职两年内的编辑我们也有专门的培训项目 —— 为期 6 天的集中式培训。但是在新编辑入职的前两年,他们都会跟着我们的资深编辑工作,这本身就是一种特别好的培训。而我在这儿工作了将近 27 年,我现在仍感觉到我每天都在学习。 百道 :对新人的培训会由什么样的内容组成呢? Peter : 培训内容包括很多,他们得学习产品本身的内容、市场方面的、财务方面的、同行评议流程、开放存取,以及与我们业务有关的比如发行、在线平台等知识。 百道 :那么培训的老师们都是内部的吗 ? Peter : 给新人做培训的都是威利内部的专家们,有来自技术部门的、图书出版部门的、市场销售部门的、管理部门的资深员工为新人介绍他们可能会需要的各方面的知识。而当他们渡过了两年的 “ 新人期 ” 后,他们还是会以团队的形式在一起工作,所以,如果他们能与有经验的同事们共事,那么他们就一直会有学习的机会。 三、关于个人从业经历 百道 :作为《 Advanced Materials 》的主编,您是如何安排您一周的工作的呢? Peter : 我认为我非常幸运,我每周的工作都能有一些变化。但是大多数情况下,我大多数的时间都是用来照看我的团队。保证他们身体健康、心情愉悦、能够获得很好的成长机会等。我工作的另一个重点,就是如今天,我会去不同的国家、发掘更有潜力的市场,比如中国,与当地的一些科研机构进行交流、与作者们见面。除此之外,就是公司内部的一些常规性会议了。 百道 :数字化的变革对你的日常工作有什么样的影响吗? Peter : 影响当然是会有的。当我刚入行的时候,还没有电脑呢。也没有电邮、 PDF 这些东西。那时我们有大型的印刷厂,管理很多的印刷工人和成堆成捆的纸质版期刊。现在,我们有更多的读者,在过去的五年里,我们的读者有大幅的增长。得益于技术的发展,有更多的中国读者可以通过网络进入我们的平台阅读,同样如印度、沙特阿拉伯等以前没有读者的国家现在也开始有人关注我们的内容。变化表现在纸质的期刊在一定程度上束缚了读者与我们之间的关系,读者们只能在图书馆里看到我们的资料。但是在线内容可以通过平板电脑、手机等各种先进设备获得。设备更新了,我们的内容和产品制作也得跟上。 百道 :您是什么时候入行的呢?您能跟我们分享一下您入行这么多年中比较有意思的小故事吗? Peter :我 1989 年就入行了。很多很多年前,我们收到了第一封来自中国的投稿。那时候还没有电脑,我记得特别清楚,那是一个大信封,上面贴着很多邮票。我们打开信封,里面是一份手写的稿件,还是用宣纸写的。大概是在 1990 年吧。文章中所有的图片也是手绘的。我看到这份投稿,有点不知所措。我当时想 “ 这不是太好吧。 ” 所以我把稿件给退掉了。但这也是第一次中国的作者向我们提出 “ 申诉 ” 。他很勇敢。他写信告诉我们: “ 请不要轻易拒绝我,这个话题很重要,你们再看看。 ” 稿件内容涉及的是环境问题,所以我向德国的一些环境学专家进行了咨询,问问他们这篇稿子是不是足够好。但是我当时认为稿件的质量的确存在问题 —— 书写有问题、英语表达有问题;但是我还是把这篇稿件寄给了三位学者进行评议。结果是他们都回信告诉我,这篇稿子非常重要,并且这篇文章后来成为了环境学上的一个里程碑式的学术成果。我们在《 Advanced Materials 》上刊登了这篇文章,作者也表示非常高兴。 这段经历对于我来说有一些尴尬,我年轻时的判断的确有偏颇之处。后来我的视野也不断变得更加国际化,我现在也经常跟我们的编辑谈起这个故事,告诉他们应当以 “ 科学性 ” 为评判的标准,而不是以语言、国籍等为标准,我们要在评判的过程中确保客观性。 四、关于中国市场 百道 :您刚刚提到您的此次中国之行,那么我们想知道,从《 Advanced Materials 》的角度出发,中国市场是一个什么样的发展状况?会有怎样的前景呢? Peter : 现在《 Advanced Materials 》中有很多文章都来自中国的作者。我这次来中国,也向我们的员工以及中国的一些高校做了这样的介绍。在 1993 年,《 Advanced Materials 》几乎没有刊登中国的稿件,但是现在,中国已经成为《 Advanced Materials 》仅次于美国的第二大稿件来源国。在短短 20 年的时间里,中国的确是发生了巨大的变化。从这一点上来说,中国获得了巨大的成功。《 Advanced Materials 》在中国的订阅量也很大,稿件刊登量也非常突出。从退稿率上来说, 2009 年,中国的退稿量还很高,只比印度好一些,在 93% 左右。但是到 2011 年,不过 3 年之后,退稿率就减少到 72% 了,和法国、日本、西班牙排到同一个序列。《 Advanced Materials 》对稿件质量的要求很高,所以我们年平均退稿率有将近 85% ,所以,从《 Advanced Materials 》的角度出发,中国的增长不仅仅是数量上的,更是质量上的。对于很多国家来说,在过去的 15 年中,要取得这样的成功都是非常不易的。 百道 :这个数据变化的确非常鼓舞人心。 Peter :中国在过去十年中对科研的投入发挥了相当重要的作用。这就是产出的一部分结果。《 Advanced Materials 》与世界上各个国家的作者都有合作,但是有三分之一的作者来自亚洲。而中国又是亚洲非常重要的国家。我们也和中国的一些机构合作出版了一些特刊,比如我们和清华大学、北京大学等都有合作。我们与中国的学术机构都有着非常紧密的合作。 百道 :所以中国将成为你们非常重要的市场之一,你们会在这儿发掘更多的合作机构、作者,还有顾问,对吧? Peter : 当然。中国市场的发展态势很好。首先中国市场规模巨大。中国的学术机构有一些层级上的分化:中国的顶尖院校都有比较充裕的资金、学者们的英语能力都非常强;也有一些普通的院校或者研究机构,资金没有那么充足,但是他们也有足够优秀的语言能力和研究实力。所以,对于我们来说,应该有很多的机会可以让我们制作更多的中文产品。让更多的学者可以了解学科的前沿发展。同时,我也非常看好中国的教材市场,威立的教材项目非常出众,我们的在线图书馆( Wiley Online Library )也有很多的教学资源可以供读者们分享。而这对中国的研究机构和读者来说应该也是个不错的机会。 我们也非常愿意和中国的期刊出版商进行合作,威立在全世界都有非常好的市场占有率,我们希望可以和中国的同行们合作出版一些读物。 百道 :现在已经有合作的成果了吗? Peter :现在已经有了。我们和上海的机构就有化学学科上的合作,《中国化学期刊》,这是一次非常重要的合作。我们还有一些翻译的图书等。我认为我们有机会可以进行更多的合作。我们正在努力寻求机会可以为中国的作者出版他们的研究成果,然后放到威立的在线平台上,让世界上更多的人了解到来自中国的研究成果。我们非常看重中国市场。 百道 :你们对中国合作有什么具体的要求和方向吗? Peter : 这倒没有,我们对于与中国合作抱有非常开放的态度。合作的内容可以是图书、期刊,也可以是数据库、在线系统等等。我们也可以一起在教育出版领域有合作。我认为要出版更好的产品,合作会是个不错的选择,因为我们需要各个学科的专家、技术支持、也需要中国的经营者的经验,我认为最好的办法就是和中国的出版商联合起来。 【转载地址】 http://www.bookdao.com/article/62423/
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Advanced Materials:2013年编者按
WileyChina 2013-2-18 11:15
为了让广大的读者对 Advanced Materials 系列期刊有进一步的了解,我们翻译了一部分在 2013 年第一期中出版的由 Dr. Martin Ottmar 撰写的编者按。 原文地址: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adma.201204858/full Dr. Martin Ottmar, Deputy Editor, Advanced Materials, Editor-in-Chief, Advanced Energy Materials 科研人员的需求的增加和科学技术的进展同样迅速, Advanced Materials 编辑部非常高兴地继续推出新的期刊来应对这些需求。刚好在大约十年以前, Advanced Materials 庆祝了 Advanced Functional Materials 和 Advanced Engineering Materials 的创刊。 在过去的十年中,伴随着中国和韩国在科技以及经济上的崛起,科学研究的方向也在不断地变化,例如涌现出一些关于能源、气候、环境和健康的热门话题。 Advanced Materials 期刊系列也不断地壮大,目前包括 8 个期刊。尤其是今年,我们首次同时发布了两个新的期刊: Advanced Optical Materials 成为一个独立的期刊, Particle 成为 Advanced Materials 期刊系列的新的一员。另外的六个期刊分别是: Advanced Materials , Advanced Engineering Materials , Advanced Functional Materials , Small , Advanced Energy Materials 和 Advanced Health-care Materials 。 Advanced Optical Materials 由 Dr. Eva Rittweger , Dr. Guido Fuchs 和 Dr. Peter Gregory 负责,而 Particle 由 Dr. Mary Farrell 和 Dr. Duoduo Liang 负责;同时还会有来自德国、中国和美国的编辑团队的支持。 AOM 将着重发表在光子学、等离子体光子学、超材料及其他光与物质交互作用各个领域的重要研究进展。 Particle 为所有与颗粒结构 / 系统相关的制备、表征和应用的研究提供了一个新的交流平台。这两个期刊都发表包括通讯、研究论文、研究进展和综述在内的论文。我们期待着您的投稿,欢迎您浏览以下网站了解具体的信息及作者指南。 www.advopticalmat.de www.particle-journal.com 另外我们要强调的是,伴随着数量的不断增长,质量的提高也非常显著。 2011 年 Advanced Materials 的影响因子较上年增长了 28% 打到了 13.877 ; Advanced Functional Materials 也首次达到了两位数 10.179 (增长了 20% )。我们非常高兴地看到 AFM 的研究论文也受到读者们的广泛关注。 Small 的 2011 年影响因子增长了 14% 达到 8.349 。 Advanced Energy Materials 在 2011 年的即时影响因子高达 1.950 ,我们非常期待在今年 6 月份看到它的首个影响因子(至少在 8 以上)。 我一直强调影响因子是一个平均的数据。在以下列表中,总结了 2009-2010 年间被引用次数最多的 10 篇论文。我们热烈地向作者们表示祝贺! Authors, Publication Title and Reference Citations total Citations 2011 1 Yongye Liang, Zheng Xu, Jiangbin Xia, Szu-Ting Tsai, Yue Wu, Gang Li, Claire Ray and Luping Yu For the Bright Future-Bulk Heterojunction Polymer Solar Cells with Power Conversion Ef fi ciency of 7.4% Adv. Mater. 2010, 22 (20), E135–E138 DOI: 10.1002/adma.200903528 727 339 2 Gilles Dennler, Markus C. Scharber and Christoph J. Brabec Polymer-Fullerene Bulk-Heterojunction Solar Cells Adv. Mater. 2009, 21 (13), 1323–1338 DOI: 10.1002/adma.200801283 846 325 3 Rainer Waser, Regina Dittmann, Georgi Staikov and Kristof Szot Redox-Based Resistive Switching Memories–Nanoionic Mechanisms, Prospects, and Challenges Adv. Mater. 2009, 21 (25/26), 2632–2663 DOI: 10.1002/adma.200900375 478 204 4 Gustau Catalan and James F. Scott Physics and Applications of Bismuth Ferrite Adv. Mater. 2009, 21 (24), 2463–2485 DOI: 10.1002/adma.200802849 432 165 5 Li-Min Chen, Ziruo Hong, Gang Li and Yang YangRecent Progress in Polymer Solar Cells: Manipulation of Polymer:Fullerene Morphology and the Formation of Ef fi cient Inverted Polymer Solar Cells Adv. Mater. 2009, 21 (14/15), 1434-1449 DOI: 10.1002/adma.200802854 373 151 6 Yanwu Zhu, Shanthi Murali, Weiwei Cai, Xuesong Li, Ji Won Suk, Jeffrey R. Potts and Rodney S. Ruoff Graphene and Graphene Oxide: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications Adv. Mater. 2010, 22 (35), 3906–3924 DOI: 10.1002/adma.201001068 395 133 7 Christoph J. Brabec, Srinivas Gowrisanker, Jonathan J. M. Halls, Darin Laird, Shijun Jia and Shawn P. Williams Polymer-Fullerene Bulk-Heterojunction Solar Cells (II) Adv. Mater. 2010, 22 (34), 3839–3856 DOI: 10.1002/adma.200903697 277 117 8 Chang Liu, Feng Li, Lai-Peng Ma and Hui-Ming Cheng Advanced Materials for Energy Storage Adv. Mater. 2010, 22 (8), E28–E62 DOI:10.1002/adma.200903328 267 105 9 Qifeng Zhang, Christopher S. Dandeneau, Xiaoyuan Zhou and Guozhong Cao ZnO Nanostructures for Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Adv. Mater. 2009, 21 (41), 4087–4108 DOI: 10.1002/adma.200803827 274 104 10 Xiaohua Huang, Svetlana Neretina and Mostafa A. El-Sayed Gold Nanorods: From Synthesis and Properties to Biological and Biomedical Applications Adv. Mater. 2009, 21 (48), 4880–4910 DOI: 10.1002/adma.200802789 207 92 在客座编辑的协助下,我们在过去的一年中还出版了以下特刊。去年, Advanced Materials 收到稿件的数量首次突破了 5000 。同时破纪录的是我们收到的超过 4000 份的审稿意见。以下是完成审稿次数最多的审稿人: John Rogers (Urbana), Xiong-Wen (David) Lou (Singapore), Max G. Q. Lu (Brisbane), Gaoquan Shi (Beijing), Markus Antonietti (Potsdam-Golm), Katsuhiko Ariga (Tsukuba), Hua Zhang (Singapore), David Gracias (Baltimore), Frederik Krebs (Roskilde), Jun Yeob Lee (Yongin), Yongshen Chen (Tianjin), Marcus Halik (Erlangen), Xudong Wang (Madison), Zhong Lin Wang (Atlanta) and Antonio Facchetti (Evanston) 。我们感谢他们以及其他的审稿人,没有他们的帮助,我们是无法保证论文以及期刊的质量的。 2012 年 Advanced Materials 特刊: issue 2 The WPI Research Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics at NIMS issue 5 Functional Molecules for Electronics and Optoelectronics” on the occasion of Klaus Müllen’s 65th birthday issue 28 Materials for Drug Delivery issue 30 Nanyang Technical University (Singapore) issue 36 Rice University (USA) 我们还要再次感谢编委会的成员们。感谢他们协助处理一些棘手的稿件、提供意见并且帮助我们保持与学术界的密切联系。早在 1988 年,在当时的编委会的帮助下, Advanced Materials 作为 Angewandte Chemie 的专栏诞生 。 今年,它将庆祝创刊 25 周年,敬请大家关注即将在夏季时出版的庆祝文章!
个人分类: Physical Science|11877 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 WileyChina 2012-12-4 10:45
来源: MaterialsViewsChina.com 原文地址: http://www.materialsviewschina.com/2012/11/cottage-drug-nemesis-a-two-dimensional-code-label/ “山寨”药物是一项逐年增长的全球性难题,正威胁着无数病患的生命。姑且不论在英特网和黑市上随处可见的“山寨”药物,很多过期的药物原料也正以未加工或是批量的方式,进入到合法药物供应链的包装和配送环节中。医药公司通过印制图标或是激光防伪等在包装上进行标识认证的方式来打击“山寨”药物。然而,这种方式很容易被精明的伪造者仿冒,同时也不能为药物成分提供认证。 “面向药剂验证技术”(ODA)是一种基于药物分子进行标记的方法,从而可以使药物脱离其包装而被独立认证。在ODA技术中有一种较为先进的“微型标记物技术”,其方法是将可示踪的微米级颗粒添加到药物材料或产品中进行药物认证。药物伪造者很难仿冒这种微米级的标记物,因为这种标记物类似于一种条形码,并包含如生产商、批号、生产日期和有效期等诸多信息。但是,这种传统的条形码的信息储存量很小,同时,也不可能从损坏的条码中读取信息,因为这种简单的图像编码方式缺少自修正算法。 最新一期的AdvancedMaterials封面,为我们展示了一种对抗“山寨”药物的新方法——携带二维码的微型标记物, 这种二维阵列编码方式已经被全球各地的智能手机用户所熟知。二维码所包含的信息比条形码更多,并且这种多层次的编码方式在部分编码损坏的情况下,也能使数据得以恢复。用户可以从多个方位读取密码,从而保证了快速认证 。这种携带二维码的微型标记物是由WookPark和SunghoonKwon教授及其合作者们,将一种光固化的高分子和荧光单体通过光刻蚀技术研制完成的。 荧光单体可以使二维码产生鲜亮的颜色,从而可以被数字探测器检测。下图展示了该微型标记物的荧光图片,其中的信息可以用普通的智能手机进行解码。作者同时也表示,在图案部分损坏时也能完整地进行解码。更重要的是,这种微型标记物无毒害且可食用。 作者在封面上展示了几张原位的二维码照片。快看看你能不能用智能手机进行读取! 来源: MaterialsViewsChina.com 原文地址: http://www.materialsviewschina.com/2012/11/cottage-drug-nemesis-a-two-dimensional-code-label/
个人分类: Physical Science|3568 次阅读|2 个评论
新作品-Advanced Functional Materials
热度 2 scimage 2012-7-5 17:25
新作品-Advanced Functional Materials
东北师范大学物理学院徐海阳教授发表本期Advanced Functional Materials插页
个人分类: 发表作品|4881 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载]Mechanical study materials[English]
outcrop 2012-7-4 00:19
Home Downloads Study US Army aviation course - Basic Hydraulics and Hydraulic Plu Basic Testing Of Semiconductor Devices.pdf .Encyclopedia.of.Physical.Science.and.Techno Fostering Technological Entrepreneurship and Innovation.pdf Popular Mechanics (2008-11).pdf Engineering - Steel Heat Treatment Handbook - Metallurgy and Build a solar hydrogen fuel cell system.pdf
个人分类: 机电工程|2205 次阅读|0 个评论
liyadong 2012-6-30 14:49
Advanced Healthcare Materials 现在发表在每一期的 Advanced Materials 中! Advanced Healthcare Materials 的定位 Advanced Healthcare Materials 是一个国际化的交叉学科论坛,旨在发表涉及促进身体健康方面的材料科学论文,该期刊发表的文章均须经过同行评审。 Advanced Healthcare Materials 目前作为一个特别章节发表在 Advanced Materials 中。 Advanced Healthcare Materials 覆盖了材料科学在医学与生物技术方面的所有应用: • 设计 Design • 合成 Synthesis • 生物材料 Biomaterials • 医学仪器 Devices for medical applications • 物理、化学以及生物性能 Physical, chemical, and biological properties • 临床和生物技术应用 Clinical and biotechnological applications Advanced Healthcare Materials 涵盖了通讯(Communications)和综述文章(Review articles)、进展报道(Progress reports)、科研新闻(Research news)和与 Advanced Materials 要求相同的随笔文章(Essays)。所有文章将得到索引和摘要服务,其中包括 Web of Science and Medline。 Advanced Healthcare Materials 面向的读者群主要包括来自学术界和工业界的材料科学家、化学家、物理学家和生物医学研究人员。 Advanced Healthcare Materials 由来自Wiley-VCH的经验丰富的 Advanced Materials 和 Advanced Functional Materials 的编辑团队负责。 Issues 请通过如下的链接来阅读2011年发表在 Advanced Healthcare Materials 中的文章( Advanced Materials 中的特别章节): Advanced Healthcare Materials Issue 1 (25/03/2011) 编辑顾问委员会 联系方式 Younan Xia (chair) Email the Advanced Healthcare Materials editorial office: Dan Anderson advmat@wiley-vch.de /* */ Frank Caruso Warren Chan Section Editors: Jose Oliveira Xuesi Chen Lorna Stimson Mauro Ferrari Managing Editor: Lisa Wylie David Mooney Technical Editor: Angelika Ber Christof Niemeyer Administration: Melanie Schmitt Teruo Okano Production: Christine Herth Tae Gwan Park Marketing: Sonja Hoffmann John Rogers Molly Stevens George Whitesides Yi Yan Yang
个人分类: 投稿信息|2839 次阅读|0 个评论
Advanced Electrode materials for Lithium Batteries (1)
starbinbin 2012-4-12 14:22
Advanced Electrode materials for Lithium Batteries (1)
It will be concluded in this blog about the previous development of advanced materials for Lithium Batteries(LIBs). Among which most of the points are from a latest review paper "Function materials for rechargeable batteries, Adv. Mater, 2011, 23, 1695-1715". The schematic of previous study concerning electrode materials is showed below: From the side of Cathode materials, Lithium metal oxides are commonly used to act as the provider of Li-ion in the charging procedure. The potential capacity of this cathode materials is competitive but a poor ability of capacity retention remains a big problem. The polyanionic based materials are regarded as the next generation materials for Cathode due to its safety and reversibility of Lithium storage. This category could be represented by LiFePO4. Latest research indicates that the nanosize effect plays a great role in the contribution ofextremelyhigh performance, which would be a hot point in the future research. There are also organic materials which has also attracted a lot attentions, but will not described in details here. When comes to the materials for anode, lithium alloys (mainly with main-group elements)show great potential capacity due to its reaction with Lithium. However, the great volume expansion during the reactions could never be neglected. Hollow nanostructures could reduce the inner strain due to the volume variation. For instance, Ag coated 3D porous silicon has been developed to reduce the effect of volume expansion, which could be illustrated by the figure below: What's more, carbon coating of the tin based materials will decrease the volume expansion in a large extend.Another kind of anode materials—Transition metal oxides also attract similar considerations in a similar way. Such combination of two kinds of materials will take advantage of the characteristics of two or more kinds of materials, which represent the trend of developing novel anode materials.
个人分类: Batteries|5759 次阅读|0 个评论
Carbon based materials for electrode in batteries (1)
热度 1 starbinbin 2012-4-10 12:00
Carbon based materials for electrode in batteries (1)
This blog is about a short review of the current papers——carbon based materials for anode in Lithium-ion Batteries(LIB). Most of the contents are points from "A review of application of carbon nanotubes for lithium ion battery material, JPS, 2012, 74-85". The application mentioned in this paper is interesting and I'm happy to share this information to my friends. The great demand of high performance LIBs are in great need with the advent of plug-in hybrid vehicles. The schematic above illustrate the mechanism of working in a LIB, that is to say, materials of anode, cathode and the electrolyte will play a great role in the development of supper batteries. When put into practice, the capacity and life span are two characters which scientist care most about. Previously,LiM0x are used as the anode for its great theoretical capacities. However, there will also been a great expansion for the overall volume during the working cycle. Graphite was then chose as a better material due to its special layered structure. The insertion of Lithium ions in to the spacing of different layers will not cause a significant expansion of the overall voulme. However, six carbon atoms are needed to store one lithium ion, which induce a great lose of the theoretical capacity.Schematic of insertion mechanism of Lithium ions are illustrated below: In order to improve this situation, carbon nanotubes(CNTs) are introduced due to its special one-dimensional structure.Nevertheless, the research of CNTs for anodes are quite recent. There are drawbacks which could not be overcome currently. In the first place, the consumption of lithium ions could never be neglected, what's more, there is a lack of voltage plateau during the discharging procedure. Those are both morphology dependent factors, which is supposed to be solved by decorating metal nanoparticles and core-shell composite anodes. Problems might occur due to the controlling of defects when preparing and using. More discuss could be made concerning the formation and interaction of defects in this new generation of anode materials.
个人分类: Batteries|5267 次阅读|5 个评论
Finite-Element Analysis of Current-Induced Thermal Stress
热度 1 hasanzhong 2011-12-25 03:23
http://www.springerlink.com/content/a511055413620019/ Understanding the electrothermal-mechanical behavior of electronic interconnects is of practical importance in improving the structural reliability of electronic devices. In this work, we use the finite-element method to analyze the Joule-heating-induced thermomechanical deformation of a metallic sphere that is sandwiched between two rigid plates. The deformation behavior of the sphere is elastic–perfectly plastic with Young’s modulus and yield stress decreasing with temperature. The mechanical stresses created by Joule heating are found to depend on the thermal and mechanical contact conditions between the sphere and the plates. The temperature rise in the sphere for the diathermal condition between the sphere and the plates deviates from the square relation between Joule heat and electric current, due to the temperature dependence of the electrothermal properties of the material. For large electric currents, the simulations reveal the decrease of von Mises stress near the contact interfaces, which suggests that current-induced structural damage will likely occur near the contact interfaces.
个人分类: Paper|2941 次阅读|3 个评论
[转载]未来的潜力股-Advanced Healthcare Materials (新刊物)
热度 1 郑玉峰 2011-11-25 17:21
http://www.materialsviewschina.com/2011/journals-news/wiley-vch-journal-advanced-healthcare-materials-of-the-new-founded/ 魏恩海姆,德国 – 2011年11月15日 – Wiley-VCH今天宣布了新期刊 Advanced Healthcare Materials 创刊,该期刊将集中报道医学和生物科技领域中材料科学相关的最新进展。 “我们的目标就是发表有关改善人类的健康的材料科学研究的最尖端的成果,” Advanced Healthcare Materials 的主编José Oliveira博士这样介绍自己的期刊。责任编辑Lorna Stimson博士也提到“Advanced系列材料期刊提供了一个非常好的平台,可以将我们发表的高质量的研究内容带给广泛的不同领域的读者群体” 该期刊将发表的文章类型包括通讯、研究论文、综述、进展报告以及研究新闻等,内容涵盖用于药物传递、癌症治疗、组织工程、成像、生物传感器、诊断工具、定制医疗、生物电子器件和可植入器件等。 Advanced Materials 的主编Peter Gregory博士说:“对于近来健康和生物材料领域的发展来说,这本期刊的创刊是非常及时的。我们在材料科学期刊发行方面的丰富经验一定也可以帮助到这些领域内的研究群体。” 作为先进材料系列期刊新的一员, Advanced Healthcare Materials 的稿件同样由Wiley-VCH公司 Advanced Materials 、 Advanced Functional Materials 以及 Small 期刊的经验丰富的编辑们进行处理。同时还有来自于各研究领域内顶尖科学家所组织的编委会的支持,编委会的主席夏幼男教授说:“ Advanced Healthcare Materials 将为发表医疗保健领域内材料相关的高水平论文和研究成果提供一个有益的平台” 被接受 的文章将及时分布在 http://www.advhealthmat.com 网站上。 Advanced Healthcare Materials 在2012年将出版6期。其中第一期将在2012年1月11日同大家见面。 该期刊的电子版将免费对所有机构开放至2013年底,感兴趣的读者可以请求图书馆员在以下网址进行注册: http://wileyonlinelibrary.com/newjournals 。 更多信息敬请访问以下网址: http://www.advhealthmat.com 。
7112 次阅读|1 个评论
Plasticity improvement of an Fe-based bulk metallic glass by
sfguo 2011-8-29 14:06
Plasticity improvement of an Fe-based bulk metallic glass by geometric confinement W. Chen a , K.C. Chan a , , , S.F. Guo a , b and P. Yu a a Advanced Manufacturing Technology Research Centre, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong b State Key Laboratory of Material Processing and Die Mould Technology, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, 430074 Wuhan, People's Republic of China Received 18 November 2010; accepted 14 January 2011. Available online 25 January 2011. Abstract In this paper, the effect of nickel coating on the plasticity of a brittle Fe-based bulk metallic glass (BMG) was investigated. By electrodepositing a nickel coating onto an Fe 75 Mo 5 P 10 C 8.3 B 1.7 BMG, the plasticity of the BMG is shown to increase dramatically from ~ 0.5% to ~ 5.0%. Without reducing the strength of the BMG, the findings demonstrate that the electrodeposited nickel is an effective way to improve prominently brittle BMGs. The increased compressive plastic strain is believed to be attributed to the nucleation, intersection and bifurcation of multiple shear bands due to the exterior impedance of the surrounding coating. Keywords: Amorphous materials; Metals and alloys; Deformation and fracture http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167577X11000516
个人分类: 非晶前沿|3975 次阅读|0 个评论
advanced materials 终于给页码了,好慢阿。。。
victor95 2010-11-5 02:40
之前做的那片anodicformationof superlatticenanotube的文章,8月27号就firstonlinepublished了。等到今天,才给出页码,两个多月真让人心焦阿。希望以后wiely 能快点,还是比较偏好wiely的文章,比较的实在。 有兴趣的网友可以看一下 link http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/adma.201002091/abstract Title:FormationofSelf-OrganizedSuperlatticeNanotubeArraysEmbeddingHeterojunctionsintoNanotubeWalls AbstractInthepresentworkweintroducethegrowthof3D-superlatticenanotubesbyasimpleanodizationtechnique.Highlydefinedself-organized,oxidetubeswithmodulatedtubewallcompositioncanbecreatedthatallowalteringandtuningoptical,electricalandchemicalpropertiesofsuchnanometer-sizearchitectures.Theimageshowsastackednanotubearraywithbuilt-inTiO2/Ta2O5heterojunctions.
个人分类: 科研琐记|10478 次阅读|3 个评论
Thermal, Energy and Materials相关国内国际会议
yuweiyu2000 2010-11-1 03:15
欢迎大家补充!众人拾柴火焰高呀! 2011 1. Thermal and Materials Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, May 29 June 3, 2011, Antalya, Turkey; http://www.ichmt.org/tmnn-2011/ 2. 7th International Conference on Computational Heat and Mass Transfer , 18-22 July, 2011, ?stanbul, TURKEY 3. 9th International Fuel Cell Science, Engineering Technology Conference , 07-10 August, 2011, Washington DC, USA 4. The third IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Phoenix, Arizona, 17-22 September, 2011. 5. 19th European Conference on Thermophysical Properties, August 28 - September 1, 2011, Thessaloniki, Greece, Nicolaos Germanos Conference Center, HELEXPO http://19ectp.cheng.auth.gr/ 6. ICTA 2011 : International Conference on Thermophysics and Aeromechanics Paris, France , July 27-29, 2011. http://www.waset.org/conferences/2011/paris/icta/index.php 7. ASME-JSME 8th Thermal Engineering Joint Conference (AJTEC2011), March 13 - 17, 2011, Waikiki Beach Marriott Resort Spa, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. https://www.asmeconferences.org/AJTEC2011/ 8.42nd AIAA Thermophysics Conference, 27 - 30 Jun 2011, Sheraton Waikiki and the Hawaii Convention Center Honolulu, Hawaii http://www.aiaa.org/content.cfm?pageid=230lumeetingid=2223viewcon=submit 9. 31th International Thermal Conductivity Conference (ITCC) and 19th International Thermal Expansion Symposium (ITES),June 26 - 30, 2011 Saguenay, Qc, CANADA http://www.thermalconductivity.org/ 10.INCOTEE 2011 - International Conference on Thermal Energy and Environment, India, March 24 - 26, 2011, www.kalasalingam.ac.in/mech/incotee2011.html
个人分类: 生活点滴|3366 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]Nature Materials contents: November 2010 Volume 9 Number 11
xupeiyang 2010-10-22 20:45
NATURE MATERIALS November 2010 Volume 9 Number 11, pp 867 - 949 Visit Nature Materials online to browse the journal. Now available at http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=109m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Please note that you need to be a subscriber to enjoy full text access to Nature Materials online. 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Twenty-five years on, carbon remains the element of choice for simple but functional materials. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=69m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- COMMENTARIES ---------------------- The era of carbon allotropes pp868 - 871 Andreas Hirsch doi:10.1038/nmat2885 Twenty-five years on from the discovery of C60, the outstanding properties and potential applications of the synthetic carbon allotropes - fullerenes, nanotubes and graphene - overwhelmingly illustrate their unique scientific and technological importance. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=82m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Green carbon as a bridge to renewable energy pp871 - 874 James M. Tour, Carter Kittrell and Vicki L. Colvin doi:10.1038/nmat2887 A green use of carbon-based resources that minimizes the environmental impact of carbon fuels could allow a smooth transition from fossil fuels to a sustainable energy economy. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=84m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- INTERVIEW ---------------------- Simply carbon pp876 - 877 doi:10.1038/nmat2884 Jim Heath tells Nature Materials about the discovery of C60 and how the findings catalysed our way of thinking about size and shape on the nanoscale. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=86m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- RESEARCH HIGHLIGHTS ---------------------- Our choice from the recent literature p878 doi:10.1038/nmat2894 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=89m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- NEWS AND VIEWS ---------------------- Flexible electronics: Tiny lamps to illuminate the body pp879 - 880 Takao Someya doi:10.1038/nmat2886 Biocompatible light-emitting structures based on high-performance inorganic compound semiconductors on flexible substrates open the path to futuristic therapeutic devices, instrumented surgical gloves and many other applications. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=105m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Spin Seebeck effect: Thinks globally but acts locally pp880 - 881 Jairo Sinova doi:10.1038/nmat2880 Experiments on magnetic insulators and semiconductors imply that the spin Seebeck effect is conceptually different from the standard thermoelectric effect, launching new challenges for both theorists and experimentalists in spintronics. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=104m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Oxide electronics: Upward mobility rocks! pp881 - 883 Darrell G. Schlom and Loren N. Pfeiffer doi:10.1038/nmat2888 Propelled by the recent renaissance of oxides, a material has emerged with sufficient purity and perfection to join those select materials that show the fractional quantum Hall effect: ZnO. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=112m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Material witness: Beanbag robotics p883 Philip Ball doi:10.1038/nmat2889 http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=24m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Organic semiconductors: A little energy goes a long way pp884 - 885 Carlos Silva doi:10.1038/nmat2890 Excitons in a highly ordered organic semiconductor are found to diffuse over distances of a few micrometres. This may pave the way towards designing efficient excitonic solar cells. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=27m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Nanoparticle assembly: Made to order pp885 - 887 Sharon C. Glotzer and Joshua A. Anderson doi:10.1038/nmat2892 The DNA-mediated assembly of anisotropic gold nanoparticles shows the importance of particle shape in the controlled formation of DNA-nanoparticle superlattices. http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=32m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 =========================== ADVERTISEMENT =========================== New from Annual Reviews! Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics will address the most important advances in condensed matter physics and contribute to ongoing research by identifying recent developments and presenting critical appraisals of the various parts of the field. 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Uchida et al. doi:10.1038/nmat2856 By using the spin Seebeck effect, the generation of an electric voltage from a heat gradient is demonstrated for the first time in an insulator. This finding extends the range of potential materials for thermoelectric applications, and provides a crucial piece of information for understanding the physics of the spin Seebeck effect. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=41m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=102m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Observation of the spin-Seebeck effect in a ferromagnetic semiconductor pp898 - 903 C. M. Jaworski et al. doi:10.1038/nmat2860 The generation of an electric voltage from a heat gradient is demonstrated for the first time in the ferromagnetic semiconductor GaMnAs. This allows flexible design of the magnetization directions, a large spin polarization, and measurements across the magnetic phase transition. The effect is observed even in the absence of longitudinal charge transport. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=40m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=111m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Oxygen reduction in nanoporous metal-ionic liquid composite electrocatalysts pp904 - 907 J. Snyder, T. Fujita, M. W. Chen and J. Erlebacher doi:10.1038/nmat2878 The improvement of catalysts for the oxygen-reduction reaction is an important challenge for fuel cells and other electrochemical-energy technologies. A composite nanoporous Ni-Pt alloy with a tailored geometric architecture is now shown to exhibit high mass activity for oxygen reduction. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=39m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=16m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Fractal avalanche ruptures in biological membranes pp908 - 912 Irep Gzen et al. doi:10.1038/nmat2854 Bilayer membranes encase several biological entities, for example cells and organelles. Their rupture under mechanical stress usually occurs by a pore-formation mechanism. Now, lipid-bilayer membranes spreading on a solid surface are shown to rupture in a series of rapid avalanches causing fractal membrane fragmentation. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=99m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=48m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 DNA-nanoparticle superlattices formed from anisotropic building blocks pp913 - 917 Matthew R. Jones et al. doi:10.1038/nmat2870 DNA-functionalized, anisotropic nanostructures, such as triangular nanoprisms and nanorods, are shown to assemble by means of DNA hybridization into colloidal crystal structures. The crystallization parameters of these nanostructures, and hence the dimensionality and symmetry of the resultant superlattice, are strongly influenced by particle shape. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=97m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=23m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 DNA-controlled assembly of a NaTl lattice structure from gold nanoparticles and protein nanoparticles pp918 - 922 Petr Cigler et al. doi:10.1038/nmat2877 The formation of a NaTl lattice structure by DNA-mediated assembly of gold nanoparticles and virus-like protein nanoparticles is reported. The inorganic and organic components each form diamond-like frameworks that interpenetrate to give the NaTl lattice. These diamond-like structures are of interest for potential applications as photonic materials. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=94m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=22m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Orally delivered thioketal nanoparticles loaded with TNF- -siRNA target inflammation and inhibit gene expression in the intestines pp923 - 928 D. Scott Wilson et al. doi:10.1038/nmat2859 The oral delivery of small interfering RNA (siRNA) to diseased intestinal tissue is challenging because of the harsh environment created by gastrointestinal fluids and mucosa. Now, such delivery of siRNA to sites of intestinal inflammation is achieved using polythioketal nanoparticles and gene expression is successfully inhibited in the inflamed tissue. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=92m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=55m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 ---------------------- ARTICLES ---------------------- Waterproof AlInGaP optoelectronics on stretchable substrates with applications in biomedicine and robotics pp929 - 937 Rak-Hwan Kim et al. doi:10.1038/nmat2879 Flexible electronic devices that can be stretched without losing performance have seen increasing functionality. In particular, the demonstration of light-emitting diodes and photodetectors on flexible electronic substrates now opens the door to applications of flexible optoelectronic sheets in biomedicine and robotics. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=75m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=103m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Observation of long-range exciton diffusion in highly ordered organic semiconductors pp938 - 943 H. Najafov et al. doi:10.1038/nmat2872 Excitons in polycrystalline films of organic semiconductors typically migrate distances of the order of tens of nanometres. Photoconductivity measurements in highly ordered rubrene now show that exciton diffusion can reach the micrometre range, opening a route to designing excitonic circuitry for applications in photocatalysis, photochemical sensing or photovoltaic energy conversion. Abstract: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=76m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Article: http://links.ealert.nature.com/ctt?kn=29m=35910058r=NDU1MzI2NDEzOAS2b=2j=ODQ3ODM5NTIS1mt=1rt=0 Measuring fundamental properties in operating solid oxide electrochemical cells by using in situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy pp944 - 949 Chunjuan Zhang et al. doi:10.1038/nmat2851 In situ spectroscopic analysis of operating solid oxide electrochemical cells has proved to be difficult owing to high-vacuum requirements. Ambient-pressure X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy on single-chamber cells now suggests that surface reaction kinetics and electron transport on the electrodes are co-limiting processes. 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个人分类: 自然杂志|3291 次阅读|0 个评论
siccashq 2010-10-14 23:00
Journal of nuclear materials,这是一本很专业的核材料期刊,但是常关注她的人可能会发现这本期刊上面中国本土发表的文章相当地少。这个倒是和我们的核能发展速度不太匹配。法国打仗不行,不过核能研究倒是走在前面。
个人分类: 甬道行|5258 次阅读|3 个评论
NATURE 材料科学新亮点
xupeiyang 2010-5-22 09:57
Naturejobs presents a Highlight on Materials Science 发件人: Naturejobs Nature.Publishing.Group@information.nature.com ; (由 v-cbekidk_ofgdligc_egngcfb_egngcfb_a@bounce.information.nature.com 代发) 时 间: 2010年5月22日 02:28 (星期六) 收件人: xupeiyang@vip.163.com ; xupeiyang@vip.163.com ; Naturejobs presents a... HIGHLIGHT ON MATERIALS SCIENCE NATURE ISSUE DATE: 3 JUNE 2010 DEADLINE FOR ADVERTISERS: US: 26 MAY 2010 UK/EU/ROW: 27 MAY 2010 _____________________________________________________________________ RECRUIT THE FINEST SCIENTIFIC TALENT WITH NATUREJOBS! Advertise career opportunities, courses and events to Nature readers interested in materials science. Bonus Distribution European Materials Research Society 2010 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France Relevant Fields of Study Nanotechnology, Crystallography, Materials Characterization, Metallurgy, Biomaterials, Tribology, Surface science/Catalysis, Ceramics, Glass science Examples of suitable job titles Materials Science Engineer, Aerospace/Materials Science Engineer, Materials/Surface Science, Engineer, Ceramics Materials Scientist, Nanotechnology Scientist, Research Scientist/Fellow/Assistant/Associate, Principal Scientist, Principal Investigator, Postdoc, Lab Technician/Assistant/Head, Director, Chair, Team Leader, Group Leader, Professor, Lecturer/Senior Lecturer, Editor Special package rates are available for those interested in providing advertorial content and a discount is offered on repeat ads across Nature Publishing Group titles, including Nature Materials and Nature Nanotechnology. All job advertisements will receive a complimentary 8-week online posting on naturejobs.com and event advertisements will receive a complimentary posting on natureevents.com the events portal for Nature. _____________________________________________________________________ Contact your Naturejobs, representative today: US T: +1 800 989 7718 | Europe T: +44 (0)20 7843 4961 | Japan T : +81 3 3267 8765 | India T: +91 12 4288 1057 Greater China/Singapore T: +852 2811 7191 | Middle East T: +44 (0)20 7843 4922 mailto:naturejobs@nature.com To advertise events: US T: +1 202 6262 2522 | Europe T: +44 (0)20 7014 4015 | mailto:natureevents@nature.com Naturejobs: httP://www.naturejobs.com _____________________________________________________________________ You have opted-in to receive announcements from Naturejobs. If you no longer wish to receive emails regarding Naturejobs announcements please click here http://links.information.nature.com/ctt?kn=4m=34908218r=Mzg0ODUxNzczMAS2b=2j=NzQyNzc0NTcS1mt=1rt=0 To alter or discontinue your e-mail services from Nature Publishing Group please update your online account. Modify My Account http://links.information.nature.com/ctt?kn=11m=34908218r=Mzg0ODUxNzczMAS2b=2j=NzQyNzc0NTcS1mt=1rt=0 (You will need to log in to be recognised as a Nature.com registrant) For further technical assistance, please contact our registration department at mailto:registration@nature.com For print subscription enquiries, please contact our subscriptions department at mailto:subscriptions@nature.com For other enquiries, please contact our customer feedback department at mailto:feedback@nature.com Nature Publishing Group | 75 Varick St Fl 9 | New York | NY 10013-1917 | USA Nature Publishing Group's offices: Principal offices: London New York Worldwide offices: Basingstoke Boston Buenos Aires Delhi Hong Kong Madrid Melbourne Munich Paris San Francisco Tokyo Washington DC Macmillan Publishers Limited is a company incorporated in England and Wales under company number 785998 and whose registered office is located at Brunel Road, Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire RG21 6XS. 2010 Nature Publishing Group, a division of Macmillan Publishers Limited. All rights reserved.
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TOP 20 cited articles in Materials Science (2006 - 2010)
xupeiyang 2010-1-3 20:36
1. Some asymptotic methods for strongly nonlinear equations He, J.-H. (2006), International Journal of Modern Physics B, Volume 20, Issue 10, Pages 1141-1199 Cited by: 576 2. Principles of equal-channel angular pressing as a processing tool for grain refinement Valiev, R.Z. (2006), Progress in Materials Science, Volume 51, Issue 7, Pages 881-981 Cited by: 380 3. Mechanical properties of nanocrystalline materials Meyers, M.A. (2006), Progress in Materials Science, Volume 51, Issue 4, Pages 427-556 Cited by: 378 4. Design rules for donors in bulk-heterojunction solar cells - Towards 10 % energy-conversion efficiency Scharber, M.C. (2006), Advanced Materials, Volume 18, Issue 6, Pages 789-794 Cited by: 355 5. Use of highly-ordered TiO2 nanotube arrays in dye-sensitized solar cells Mor, G.K. (2006), Nano Letters, Volume 6, Issue 2, Pages 215-218 Cited by: 349 6. Controlled/living radical polymerization: Features, developments, and perspectives Braunecker, W.A. (2007), Progress in Polymer Science (Oxford), Volume 32, Issue 1, Pages 93-146 Cited by: 348 7. Polymer nanocomposites containing carbon nanotubes Moniruzzaman, M. (2006), Macromolecules, Volume 39, Issue 16, Pages 5194-5205 Cited by: 342 8. Metal-organic frameworks - Prospective industrial applications Mueller, U. (2006), Journal of Materials Chemistry, Volume 16, Issue 7, Pages 626-636 Cited by: 340 9. Optical negative-index metamaterials Shalaev, V.M. (2007), Nature Photonics, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 41-48 Cited by: 296 10. 'Click' chemistry in polymer and materials science Binder, W.H. (2007), Macromolecular Rapid Communications, Volume 28, Issue 1, Pages 15-54 Cited by: 281 11. Determining the size and shape dependence of gold nanoparticle uptake into mammalian cells Chithrani, B.D. (2006), Nano Letters, Volume 6, Issue 4, Pages 662-668 Cited by: 269 12. Sorting carbon nanotubes by electronic structure using density differentiation. Arnold, M.S. (2006), Nature nanotechnology, Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 60-65 Cited by: 263 13. A review on highly ordered, vertically oriented TiO2 nanotube arrays: Fabrication, material properties, and solar energy applications Mor, G.K. (2006), Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Volume 90, Issue 14, Pages 2011-2075 Cited by: 246 14. Morphology of polymer/fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells Hoppe, H. (2006), Journal of Materials Chemistry, Volume 16, Issue 1, Pages 45-61 Cited by: 244 15. Small but strong: A review of the mechanical properties of carbon nanotube-polymer composites Coleman, J.N. (2006), Carbon, Volume 44, Issue 9, Pages 1624-1652 Cited by: 243 16. A fast and robust algorithm for Bader decomposition of charge density Henkelman, G. (2006), Computational Materials Science, Volume 36, Issue 3, Pages 354-360 Cited by: 240 17. Mechanical reinforcement of polymers using carbon nanotubes Coleman, J.N. (2006), Advanced Materials, Volume 18, Issue 6, Pages 689-706 Cited by: 239 18. Optical cloaking with metamaterials Cai, W. (2007), Nature Photonics, Volume 1, Issue 4, Pages 224-227 Cited by: 236 19. A review of anode catalysis in the direct methanol fuel cell Liu, H. (2006), Journal of Power Sources, Volume 155, Issue 2, Pages 95-110 Cited by: 230 20. Meeting the clean energy demand: Nanostructure architectures for solar energy conversion Kamat, P.V. (2007), Journal of Physical Chemistry C, Volume 111, Issue 7, Pages 2834-2860 Cited by: 229
个人分类: 开放获取|2223 次阅读|0 个评论
Advanced Materials 出中科院物理所专刊
yujoak 2009-12-8 13:21
去年Advanced Materials出版了一期专刊(2008, 20(15): http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/121370897/issue )报道了中科院化学所在化学与材料科学交叉领域的系列研究成果,这也是该学术期刊首次为中国科研机构出版学术专刊。 (参见: http://www.iccas.ac.cn/xwzx/yw/200808/t20080814_238973.html ) 今年该期刊又出版了一期中国科研机构的专刊:中科院物理所专刊( http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/journal/123200494/issue ),报道了物理所在材料领域的最新研究进展。 (参见: http://www.iphy.ac.cn/xwzx/snxw/200912/t20091207_2690932.html )。
个人分类: 学术相关|4384 次阅读|0 个评论

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