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science in public 第二章读书笔记
kepusuowdp 2013-7-9 21:46
大众文化中的科学(Science in Public Culture) 科普的历史几乎和科学一样悠长,至少科普的历史要比“正规的”学术的历史要长。在西方,最早的科普作家应该是埃及的Herodotus。而后罗马诗人Lucretius的著作《De rerum natura》中也纳入了科普的内容。伽利略被施以火刑的原因不在于其反对宗教对科学的控制,而在于他向公众普及了科学。有关科普报纸的历史也很久远。尽管如此,科普知识近代才得到历史学家和文化学者的重视。 科普时代的到来 当科学共同体形成的时候,科学和公众就在社会中出现了分野,科学的建制化也促进了科学从其他活动中分离出来。17世纪,科学革命促使科学发展成为一项独立的活动。1660年皇家学会成立,这时还有一些非科学家是皇家学会的会员,直到1820年左右,皇家学会才有了现在的形式—一个主要的科学论坛。 17 世纪,英国自然哲学的学术著作逐步取代了希腊语和拉丁语的出版物,但是在18世纪科普并不是一项事业,而是上层社会在茶余饭后的一种娱乐方式。只是后来的印刷技术才使得科普图书可以扩散到广大的公众。公开辩论也逐步成为文化生活的一部分。科学器具也得以生产并销售给那些把科学作为娱乐的人。 法国的启蒙运动使广大公众得以启蒙,18世纪晚期到19世纪早期科学自身也发生重大变化,第一个专门以支持科学家工作的实验室得以建立。1799年皇家学院成立了研究实验室。科学家也从私人住所里进入“公共”实验室。 公共辩论是由皇家学院的Sir Humphry Davy提出的,而后由Michael Faraday推动其发展。中上层人士把科学作为娱乐,而劳工们则把科学作为提升其劳动技能的方式,也有人认为劳工们掌握了一定的科学知识和问题可以维持社会秩序并加强社会和谐。劳工们也把获取科学知识看作是改善个人福祉的一种手段。 19 世纪科普的政治化与新媒体和新公众不谋而合。郊区的公众可以消费得起廉价的杂志。而一些书商也为公众提供科普图书服务。19世纪工业革命也促使了一些新受众的出现,即地主和企业主。科学成为大西洋两岸人们的一种追求。在美国的一些小镇都有自己的“科学学会”,公开讲演也吸引了大量观众。由于担心公众缺乏对科学的兴趣而使得英国科学落后于其他国家,BAAS成立。也是在BAAS年早期的会议上,William Whewell 杜撰了“科学家”这个名词。不同科学演讲的听众都是人满为患。1847年AAAS成立,其核心目标是在专业科学和业余科学间确立明确的界限,在美国内战之前,AAAS的会议形式是闭门的,公众只在有限的范围内可以参与。 在整个世纪中,科普工作者的目的是不同的。在19世纪上半叶,他们想告诉公众科学的愉悦以及知识的道德价值;想把科学从上帝的控制中摆脱出来;想让工人阶级接受(他们社会地位)现状。而后半叶,科普的目标则是让公众理解近代科学发现的神奇。 而后科学杂志走上历史舞台,比如《纽约时报》、《New York Sun》。19世纪美国的图书和杂志也冲印一些社会运动等方面的宣传材料。而一些科普文章的作者也是顶尖的科学家。父母也希望孩子们多读一些科学的图书,因而创造了一个巨大的市场。19世纪末,科学成为了一种职业,科学机构也使得科学和科普之间存在着分野。1938年,Lancelot Hogben写到19世纪的科学家需要进行科学传播。 新世纪的科普 19 世纪末,专业图书和科普图书开始分化。20世纪初,科普作家成为科普图书的主角,这取代了19世纪写科普图书的专业科学家,这些科普作家针对不同的受众会分别撰写科普文章和学术文章。而20世纪,科学传播进一步分化—即不同的学科之间,科学和公众之间。 20 世纪初,美国的科普很有序,他们的目标是让公众欣赏科学。这时第一个目标受众群体就是关注健康的人。 一开始科学故事都是由科学家撰写的,但是随着公众对科学兴趣的增加,这项工作逐步落到了科学新闻记者的手上。但是科学家仍然关注着这个领域。而在20世纪的世纪之交,科学新闻也反应了两个相反的议题,一个是科学是解决所有问题的方法,另一个就是科学是引发这些问题的“元凶”。 在改变公众对科学的态度方面,化学是一个很好的案例。因为化学被用到了战争当中。一战是一场技术战争,化学家在其中发挥了重要作用。战后化学家也被迫接受他们有义务向公众进行科普。战后不久,物理学也吸引了公众的注意力,有关爱因斯坦相对论的文章大量地出现在媒体中。在大西洋两岸,科学家称为了公众人物。 20 年代的经济复苏也对科普具有积极作用。有关科学的内容是报纸中较为稳定的一个版块。电影和广播也逐步成为科普的新媒体。但是在美国文化中,大众杂志在科普中的作用要强过于英国。后来,科普也出现在文学作品中,比如《伟大的盖茨比》。再后来,科幻走向科普的前台,科幻从50年代的新媒体中获得了动力:电视,尤其是电影把科学的形象和观念带入了大众文化之中。30年代的大萧条也使得科普的发展有所下降,当然公众也被政治化了。但是此时的观点是科普不是让劳工接受现状,而是解放劳工并给与他们权利,因而劳工打破了传统并创立了新的科普渠道。当然也有一些告诉人们如何写科普的图书,还出现了国际畅销书,比如《Mathematics for the Million》。 李约瑟等人的活动为英国的科普开辟了新渠道,广播,图书,论文,百科全书等都开始成为开展科普的渠道。 社会主义在英国成为科普的驱动力,但是资本主义在美国却不怎么奏效。一些人寿保险公司在其开展业务的过程中也做了一些科普工作(这类似于广告中的科普)。 政治中的科学 二战期间,前沿科学的科普终止。在美国,奥本海默成为战后一个科普先锋。来自于科学共同体的为政府和军方工作的科学家也开始关注科学在国家力量中的作用。 战后科普的博兴 二战的结束也预兆着科学信息的大爆炸,因为二战子啊很多领域产生的众多新技术,比如医学,能源生产,运输和通信。报纸再次开始关注科学。公众对科学的态度也是积极的,丘吉尔甚至坦言,如果没有科学,二战难以取得胜利。40年代,特别是50年代,是为科学庆功的时候,新型媒体也把科学家作为名人来宣传。但是在战争期间,科学在保密和公开方面是存在冲突的,因而科学家也分为两个群体,一个是保持沉默,另外一个就是继续向公众开展科普。但是二者在面对战后的形式的时候都存在着不足,这也为科学新闻记者担任科普责任提供了基于,科学家逐渐转变为权威信息的“信源”。 同时战后的科普也更加有序。每个专业组织都有自己的议程,使命,策略。莱温斯坦认为在40年代末期出现了四个群体,即科学组织,出版商,政府和科普作家。其中经历变化最大的是科普作家,因而战后科普的一个特色就是科学新闻记者的崛起,很多科学新闻记者本身也是科普作家。 Stephen White 提出了自己的关切,即读科学新闻的公众不理解科学,而物理学家也不理解科学新闻。因而科学家应该给科学记者提供一些背景材料,以便记者们可以写出大新闻。50年代末到60年代初是媒体报道科学的繁荣期。战后,电视也成为科普的主渠道,一些著名的电视媒体人出现在公众的视野中。1952年的《科学评论》是第一部标准长度的科学纪录片,BBC第一部科学连续剧则是《The Quatermass Experiment》。而后出现的一些节目包括《Zoo Quest》,《The Sky at Night》,《Your Life in Their Hands》。持续时间最常的科学记录片应该是《Horizon》,它于1964年首播。其他一些节目还包括《NOVA》,《Tomorrow’s World》。BBC的一些电视科学节目成为其他国家效仿的一个模板。在有线电视方面,《探索发现》频道是一个成功的案例,当然美国还有其他较为成功的方面,比如儿童电视科学节目( 本人曾有博文翻译过这方面的内容 )。这包括《Mr.Wizard’s World》,《Beakman’s World》,《Bill Nye the Science Guy》等。当时电视科学节目不一定就会产生拥护科学的效果,在1970年英国的电视科学节目开始承担看门狗的角色,比如《Dr Who》描述的就是不道德的科学研究。而在60年代的时候,科学新闻记者也不再是科学的传教士了,他们更多地变成了评论家或者批判者。60年代科学传播中更多地出现批判性的声音,这一部分是由于对战后的科学享乐主义失望的一种反应,一部分是由于对技术—特别是能源和环境方面的技术—失败的反馈。还有些原因是接受过科学训练的科学新闻记者的出现,他们批判性地参与到科学和科学相关的议题当中。 两种文化,还有第三种吗? C.P.Snow 的两种文化的观点深深地影响了之后的科学传播,以及对科学和公众关系的理解。科学在公众的角色仍然是一个争议的话题,也是一个矛盾的话题。和艺术,文学,以及音乐相比,科学在社会中的关注度显然不够。而科学新闻记者往往不具有科学的背景,他们大多毕业于艺术专业,在科学上存在着盲区。
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science in public 第一章读书笔记
热度 1 kepusuowdp 2013-7-2 22:22
不久前,科学家认为参与科学传播会损害自己的名声,但是现在他们被告知这是他们的责任和义务。 然而科学家做科普仍然不被人看好,被看作是“不务正业”,一些科学家只能业余做科普 。 公众一开始也认为自己没必要理解科学,而政府和科学机构则在向公众“硬塞”科学,因为他们的观点是,如果要成为合格的公民,更好地从事自己的工作,履行选举权,则必须掌握一定的科学。 问题是,即使是掌握和理解了一定的科学,他们就一定会成为合格的公民吗?成为合格的公民不仅仅取决于对科学的理解和掌握吧。 科普不仅仅是要解决公民的实际需求,还要帮助他们理解世界。 其实更重要的是进行公民科学的科普,因为公众更关心与自己密切相关的科学。 对于各种不断出现的议题,比如工业污染和核工业等,公众对这些科学和技术的态度则变得更加模糊不清,由于科学受到了威胁,科学家们开始思索是否科学与公众的关系需要一定的改变呢?于是乎科学家,政客,利益团体,教育家在公众理解科学的标杆下齐聚一堂,开展了公众理解科学运动。对于公众理解科学或者说科学素养来说,最先的起源应该是杜威的“scientific attitude”。而后为了提升公民科学素养,一些组织—比如AAAS,Royal Society—的和相关活动—比如NASW开展的调查以及COPUS的年度科学图书奖和公众理解科学活动的赞助等—开始逐渐出现。而政府也投入了众多的人力,物力和财力。 1993 年白皮书阐明要促进一种文化的变迁,即科学共同体,工业和政府机构间要更好地传播,互动和理解。而达到这个目标第一个途径就是科学家更好地理解公众。 其实不仅要求公众理解科学,科学家首先应该理解公众,这样才能有针对性地开展公众理解科学。 一度,公众理解科学运动聚焦于在校学生, 而实际上学校是开展科学教育的第一课堂,而校外的科学教育,即非正规教育应该是一种补充。由于终身学习概念的确立以及学习型社会理念的产生,公众理解科学或者说科普、科学传播更多地出现在学校教育之外。 在公众理解科学中,科学不应该是看作是一种理所当然。 因为公众有自己的选择,他们会根据自身的喜好来选择适合自己的科学,他们只关心那些与自己日常生活密切相关的科学。 什么是公众,公众应该是分层的,虽然公众被看做是一个黑箱, 但是这个黑箱不应该是空的。因为公众有自己的人口学特征,性别特征,教育背景,甚至本土的知识都会影响到公众,所以不能单一地看待公众,而应该进行细分。公众(Public)这个词可能意味着各种人群的分类(通常,个人组成的一个团体充当着公民的角色)抑或是一个以独特形式和审慎的社会政治情境为特色的抽象空间(比如“公域”这个术语)。 而理解有时候也类似于知识或者说鉴赏和欣赏。这不仅仅涉及到科学概念的本质,模式和理论,同时还包括如何进行测试和证实。另外 理解(understanding)也可能意味着各种形式的正式或非正式的信息,但是也有可能是一系列其他的东西,或多或少和建构有一定联系,包括意识,兴趣,专注,甚至是同情。目前还有参与,而不仅仅是理解了,不仅要理解,更要参与,发挥作用。最后,科学(science)可能意味着一种或者所有的特定科学,以科学为基础的技术,科学探索的过程(包括像科学方法这种理想化的事物)。 而为什么要开展公众理解科学,可能有若干种答案和解释。阿西莫夫认为要防止公众对科学家和科学家的工作产生敌对的态度。而英国政府的目标则是促进经济发展以及生活质量的提升,特别是让优秀的年轻人进入科学,工程和技术领域,Al Gore则告诉AAAS说我们要建立一个学习型社会。 其实不论基于什么目标和目标,公众理解科学都应该是给公众赋权,让公众有能力做出全面的选择,而他们是否会去完全理解科学,有时候目的性不应过于强调。 一般认为公众理解科学的好处有以下几个方面: 1. 有利于科学;保证政府给某些研究持续性的经费支持。搭建科学和公众间的桥梁,更多的科学知识可以让人们更好地欣赏科学。比如NASA就开展了众多的科普活动, 然而公众知道越多就一定越喜欢科学并支持科学吗? 2. 有利于国民经济发展; 关于这个话题,曾经有人开展过研究,并得出结论公民科学素养(比公众理解科学要狭窄一些)对于经济发展有一定的贡献率,但是这种贡献率是否站得住脚值得推敲。同时应该如何计算这种贡献率呢? 公众目前应该是消费者了,他们对科学的使用也是消费, 因而促进公众理解科学有利于公众对科学的消费 , 但是公众对科学的消费,公众理解科学以及国民经济发展之间是否可能建立某个模型呢? 3. 有利于提升国家实力和影响; 这实际上更多的是指国家软实力的提升。但是某些大型项目往往都是国家直接投入,甚至是保密的,这在一定程度上是否和公众理解科学以及公民科学相关呢? 4. 对个人的作用;公民掌握更多的科学可以做出更好的决策。 但是有时公民对某些科学的关注往往是跟自身工作相关或者与自身日常生活相关,所以并不是所有的科学公民都会去理解 。同时公民有时候也愿意相信自己的同事,而不是自己去亲自体验, 这也在一定程度上反应了社会资本的问题。 5. 对民主政府和整个社会的作用;公众理解科学有利于民主政府和整个社会的建设。 由于公众知道越多,选择越多,因而难以达成一定的共识 。 这未必有利于民主政府的建设和发展 。 6. 其他方面的益处;科学是美的,但是有人质疑具体的科学损害了科学美好的一面。 总之,在改善科学教育方面需要注意一些谬误(fallacy),比如fallacy of scientific idolatry, fallacy of critical thinking, fallacy of scientism, 以及fallacy of miscellaneous information等。虽然科学是个好事,但是人们在日常生活中并非天天会用到科学。 (本博文是阅读science in public一书第一章的一些零散观点,贴在这里,存个档。以后也把这里当做一个存档的好地方啦,哈哈。)
1957 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 2 huagw 2013-6-20 14:12
Mark Rank Abbreviated Journal Title (linked to journal information) ISSN JCR Data Eigenfactor Metrics Total Cites Impact Factor 5-Year Impact Factor Immediacy Index Articles Cited Half-life Eigenfactor Score Article Influence Score 1 PHILOS PUBLIC AFF 0048-3915 1186 1.958 2.762 0.000 10 10.0 0.00188 1.699 2 J PUBL ADM RES THEOR 1053-1858 1770 1.757 3.193 0.486 35 7.7 0.00567 1.602 3 J EUR SOC POLICY 0958-9287 703 1.644 2.042 0.581 31 6.6 0.00246 0.986 4 REGUL GOV 1748-5983 241 1.625 1.779 1.219 32 3.1 0.00161 0.814 5 GOVERNANCE 0952-1895 838 1.604 2.129 0.167 30 8.4 0.00289 1.249 6 J POLICY ANAL MANAG 0276-8739 1276 1.541 2.153 0.270 37 8.7 0.00553 1.781 7 CLIM POLICY 1469-3062 776 1.536 1.679 1.038 52 5.7 0.00233 0.618 8 INT PUBLIC MANAG J 1096-7494 217 1.200 0.000 14 5.4 0.00117 9 J EUR PUBLIC POLICY 1350-1763 1545 1.197 1.667 0.833 78 7.0 0.00552 0.929 10 REV POLICY RES 1541-132X 315 1.113 0.605 38 5.0 0.00109 11 J SOC POLICY 0047-2794 641 1.075 1.195 0.263 38 8.9 0.00147 0.529 12 PUBLIC ADMIN 0033-3298 1372 1.062 1.583 0.140 57 8.1 0.00348 0.662 13 POLICY SCI 0032-2687 794 1.059 1.779 0.118 17 10.0 0.00094 0.625 14 J PUBLIC POLICY 0143-814X 454 1.033 0.000 11 10.0 0.00109 15 ENVIRON PLANN C 0263-774X 872 1.016 1.386 0.651 63 5.8 0.00237 0.453 16 POLICY STUD J 0190-292X 679 1.014 1.177 0.500 36 6.9 0.00192 0.497 17 PUBLIC MANAG REV 1471-9037 575 0.989 1.291 0.073 55 6.6 0.00159 0.463 18 SCI PUBL POLICY 0302-3427 707 0.983 0.565 69 6.5 0.00184 19 SOC POLICY ADMIN 0144-5596 622 0.976 1.157 0.122 41 7.3 0.00175 0.476 20 PUBLIC ADMIN REV 0033-3352 3250 0.900 1.546 0.304 79 9.9 0.00609 0.679 Mark Rank Abbreviated Journal Title (linked to journal information) ISSN JCR Data Eigenfactor Metrics Total Cites Impact Factor 5-Year Impact Factor Immediacy Index Articles Cited Half-life Eigenfactor Score Article Influence Score 20 REV PUBLIC PERS ADM 0734-371X 243 0.900 0.100 20 7.1 0.00064 22 AM REV PUBLIC ADM 0275-0740 474 0.781 1.257 0.114 35 6.7 0.00175 0.658 22 PUBLIC MONEY MANAGE 0954-0962 445 0.781 0.817 0.125 56 6.6 0.00125 0.298 24 J ACCOUNT PUBLIC POL 0278-4254 582 0.770 0.129 31 8.3 0.00101 25 POLICY POLIT 0305-5736 425 0.758 0.910 0.194 31 7.6 0.00123 0.419 26 LOCAL GOV STUD 0300-3930 260 0.690 0.912 0.075 40 5.5 0.00121 0.403 27 CONTEMP ECON POLICY 1074-3529 516 0.671 0.673 0.075 40 9.3 0.00142 0.374 28 PUBLIC ADMIN DEVELOP 0271-2075 420 0.655 0.815 0.562 32 8.1 0.00093 0.327 29 CAN PUBLIC POL 0317-0861 262 0.577 0.705 0.105 19 8.2 0.00082 0.319 30 ADMIN SOC WORK 0364-3107 285 0.566 0.824 0.038 26 7.7 0.00042 0.203 31 INT REV ADM SCI 0020-8523 307 0.559 0.940 0.229 35 5.8 0.00120 0.412 32 AUST J PUBL ADMIN 0313-6647 313 0.537 0.824 0.026 39 7.2 0.00088 0.295 33 PUBLIC PERFORM MANAG 1530-9576 184 0.536 0.053 38 7.2 0.00056 34 J COMP POLICY ANAL 1387-6988 233 0.509 0.083 24 4.9 0.00166 35 ADMIN SOC 0095-3997 621 0.468 1.091 0.270 37 8.2 0.00201 0.613 36 POLICY STUD-UK 0144-2872 192 0.452 0.061 33 5.1 0.00074 37 NONPROFIT MANAG LEAD 1048-6682 439 0.449 0.074 27 9.9 0.00050 38 J HOMEL SECUR EMERG 2194-6361 140 0.422 0.566 0.053 38 3.8 0.00053 0.155 39 LEX LOCALIS 1581-5374 27 0.400 0.100 20 0.00008 40 TRANSYLV REV ADM SCI 1842-2845 81 0.380 0.111 54 0.00014 Mark Rank Abbreviated Journal Title (linked to journal information) ISSN JCR Data Eigenfactor Metrics Total Cites Impact Factor 5-Year Impact Factor Immediacy Index Articles Cited Half-life Eigenfactor Score Article Influence Score 41 PUBLIC PERS MANAGE 0091-0260 308 0.326 0.355 0.111 18 10.0 0.00027 0.129 42 CAN PUBLIC ADMIN 0008-4840 148 0.283 0.389 0.074 27 9.7 0.00039 0.168 43 CIV SZLE 1786-3341 17 0.149 0.102 0.000 30 0.00000 0.000 44 REV CLAD REFORMA DEM 1315-2378 31 0.119 0.000 14 0.00003 45 GEST POLIT PUBLICA 1405-1079 34 0.100 0.115 0.000 21 0.00007 0.061 46 INNOVAR-REV CIENC AD 0121-5051 28 0.058 0.028 36 0.00003 47 AMME IDARESI DERG 1300-1795 23 0.042 0.024 0.000 27 0.00000 0.002
2963 次阅读|5 个评论
[转载]all public database for research, including NGS, epigenomic
asaki 2013-6-11 23:18
Genomic sequence variation 1000 Genomes Project http://www.1000genomes.org/ Data collection and a catalog of human variation dbSNP http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/projects/SNP/ A catalog ofSNPs and short indels dbVar and Database of Genomic Variants http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/dbvar/ http://projects.tcag.ca/variation/ A catalog of structural variants Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man http://www.omim.org/about OMIM is a comprehensive, authoritative compendium of human genes and genetic phenotypes that is freely available and updated daily. The full-text, referenced overviews in OMIM contain information on all known mendelian disorders and over 12,000 genes. OMIM focuses on the relationship between phenotype and genotype. It is updated daily, and the entries contain copious links to other genetics resources. Molecular function Encyclopedia Of DNA Elements (ENCODE) Project http://www.genome.gov/10005107 http://encodeproject.org/ Data collection, integrative analysis, and a comprehensive catalog of all sequence-based functional elements Epigenomics (NIH Common Fund) http://www.roadmapepigenomics.org/ https://commonfund.nih.gov/epigenomics/ Data collection, integrative analysis and a resource of human epigenomic data International Human Epigenome Consortium (IHEC) http://www.ihec-epigenomes.org/ Data collection and reference maps of human epigenomes for key cellular states relevant to health and diseases BLUEPRINT Epigenome http://www.blueprint-epigenome.eu/ http://www.nature.com/nbt/journal/v30/n3/full/nbt.2153.html Data collection on the epigenome of blood cells Human BodyMap Viewable with Ensemble ( http://www.ensembl.org/index.html ) or the Integrated Genomics Viewer ( http://www.broadinstitute.org/igv/ ) Gene expression database from Illumina, from RNA-seq data Cancer CellLine Encyclopedia (CCLE) http://www.broadinstitute.org/ccle/home Array based expression data, CNV, mutations, perturbations over huge collection of cell lines FANTOM5 Project http://fantom.gsc.riken.jp/ Large collection of CAGE based expression data across multiple species (time-series and perturbations) Array Express http://www.ebi.ac.uk/arrayexpress/ Database of gene expression experiments Gene Expression Atlas http://www.ebi.ac.uk/gxa/ Database supporting queries of condition-specific gene expression on a curated subset of the Array Express Archive. GNF Gene Expression Atlas Viewable at BioGPS ( http://biogps.org/#goto=welcome ) GNF (Genomics Institute of the Novartis Research Foundation) human and mouse gene expression array data. The Human Protein Atlas http://www.proteinatlas.org/ Protein expression profiles based on immunohistochemistry for a large number of human tissues, cancers and cell lines, subcellular localization, transcript expression levels UniProt http://www.uniprot.org/ A comprehensive, freely accessible database of protein sequence and functional information InterPro http://www.ebi.ac.uk/interpro/ An integrated database of protein classification, functional domains, and annotation (including GO terms). Protein Capture Reagents Initiative http://commonfund.nih.gov/proteincapture/ Resource generation: renewable, monoclonal antibodies and other reagents that target the full range of proteins Knockout Mouse Program (KOMP) http://www.nih.gov/science/models/mouse/knockout/index.html Resource generation: create knockout strains for all mouse genes, Trans-NIH project Library of Integrated Network-based Cellular Signatures (LINCS) https://commonfund.nih.gov/LINCS/ Data collection and analysis of molecular signatures that describe how different types of cells respond to a variety of perturbing agents Molecular Libraries Program (MLP) https://commonfund.nih.gov/molecularlibraries/index.aspx Access to the large-scale screening capacity necessary to identify small molecules that can be optimized as chemical probes to study the functions of genes, cells, and biochemical pathways in health and disease Allen Brain Atlas http://www.brain-map.org/ Data collection and an online public resources integrating extensive gene expression and neuroanatomical data for human and mouse, including variation of mosue gene expression by strain. The Human Connectome Project http://www.humanconnectomeproject.org/ Data collection and integration to create a complete map of the structural and functional neural connections, within and across individuals Geuvadis RNA sequencing project of 1000 Genomes samples http://www.geuvadis.org/web/geuvadis mRNA and small RNA sequencing on 465 lymphoblastoid cell line (LCL) samples from 5 populations of the 1000 Genomes Project: the CEPH (CEU), Finns (FIN), British (GBR), Toscani (TSI) and Yoruba (YRI). Phenotypes and disease The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) http://cancergenome.nih.gov/ Data collection and a data repository, including cancer genome sequence data International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) http://www.icgc.org/ Data collection and a data repository for a comprehensive description of genomic, transcriptomic and epigenomic changes of cancer Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) Project https://commonfund.nih.gov/GTEx/ Data collection, data repository, and sample bank for human gene expression and regulation in multiple tissues, compared to genetic variation Knockout Mouse Phenotyping Program (KOMP2) https://commonfund.nih.gov/KOMP2/ Data collection for standardized phenotyping of a genome-wide collection of mouse knockouts Database of Genotypes and Phenotypes (dbGaP) http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/gap Data repository for results from studies investigating the interaction of genotype and phenotype NHGRI Catalog of Published GWAS http://www.genome.gov/gwastudies/ Public catalog of published Genome-Wide Association Studies Clinical Genomic Database http://research.nhgri.nih.gov/CGD/ A manually curated database of conditions with known genetic causes, focusing on medically significant genetic data with available interventions. NHGRI's Breast Cancer information core http://research.nhgri.nih.gov/bic/ Breast Cancer Mutation database ClinVar http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/clinvar/ ClinVar is designed to provide a freely accessible, public archive of reports of the relationships among human variations and phenotypes, with supporting evidence. ClinVar collects reports of variants found in patient samples, assertions made regarding their clinical significance, information about the submitter, and other supporting data. The alleles described in submissions are mapped to reference sequences, and reported according to the HGVS standard. ClinVar then presents the data for interactive users as well as those wishing to use ClinVar in daily workflows and other local applications. ClinVar works in collaboration with interested organizations to meet the needs of the medical genetics community as efficiently and effectively as possible. Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD) http://www.hgmd.cf.ac.uk/ac/ The Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD®) represents an attempt to collate known (published) gene lesions responsible for human inherited disease NHLBI Exome Sequencing Project (ESP) Exome Variant Server http://evs.gs.washington.edu/EVS/ The goal of the NHLBI GO Exome Sequencing Project (ESP) is to discover novel genes and mechanisms contributing to heart, lung and blood disorders by pioneering the application of next-generation sequencing of the protein coding regions of the human genome across diverse, richly-phenotyped populations and to share these datasets and findings with the scientific community to extend and enrich the diagnosis, management and treatment of heart, lung and blood disorders. Genetics Home Reference http://ghr.nlm.nih.gov/ Genetics Home Reference is the National Library of Medicine's web site for consumer information about genetic conditions and the genes or chromosomes related to those conditions. GeneReviews http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK1116/ GeneReviews are expert-authored, peer-reviewed disease descriptions presented in a standardized format and focused on clinically relevant and medically actionable information on the diagnosis, management, and genetic counseling of patients and families with specific inherited conditions. Data integration UCSC Genome Bioinformatics http://genome.ucsc.edu/ Genome databases displayed through a genome browser for vertebrates, other eukaryotes, and prokaryotes, including sequence conservation, transcript maps and expression, functional annotation, genetic variation, and human disease information Ensembl http://www.ensembl.org/index.html Genome databases displayed through a genome browser for vertebrates and other eukaryotic species, including sequence conservation, transcript maps and expression, functional annotation, genetic variation, and human disease information Reactome http://www.reactome.org/ReactomeGWT/entrypoint.html Pathway database: open-source, open access, manually curated and peer-reviewed Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB) http://www.broadinstitute.org/gsea/msigdb/index.jsp MSigDB is a collection of annotated gene sets for use with Gene Set Enrichment (GSEA) software KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes http://www.genome.jp/kegg/ Database of pathways, diseases, drugs BIOCARTA http://www.biocarta.com/ Pathway analysis resource Genomatix http://www.genomatix.de/ Proprietary genome annotation and pathway analysis software GOLD:Genomes Online Database http://www.genomesonline.org/cgi-bin/GOLD/index.cgi Information regarding genome and metagenome sequencing projects, and their associated metadata, around the world Model organism databases (selected examples) Mouse Genome Informatics http://www.informatics.jax.org/ Includes genotypes with phenotype annotations, human diseases with one or more mouse models, expression assays and images, pathways, and refSNPs, Rat Genome Database (RGD) http://rgd.mcw.edu/ Repository of rat genetic and genomic data, as well as mapping, strain, and physiological information FlyBase http://flybase.org/ A Database of Drosophila Genes Genomes WormBase http://www.wormbase.org/ The genetics, genomics and biology of C. elegans and related nematodes The Zebrafish Model Organism Database (ZFIN) http://zfin.org/ Support integrated zebrafish genetic, genomic and developmental information XenBase http://www.xenbase.org/common/ Xenopus laevis and Xenopus tropicalis biology and genomics resource Saccharomyces Genome Database (SGD) http://www.yeastgenome.org/ Integrated biological information for budding yeast, along with search and analysis tools
2019 次阅读|0 个评论
浅议美国公立大学的私立学院和私立大学的公立学院 (I)
热度 7 wsyokemos 2012-11-18 00:57
在开正题之前,先聊聊美国的公立大学。众所周知 , 美国的大学也和我国一样也有公立和私立之分。我国的公立大学称为公办大学应该更合适,因为从经费来源、校长(对了,咱们还有书记)任命、课程设置等等都是“公家”管的,美国的公立大学一般就是指州立大学,公立的社区学院(州政府下级单位郡或县所属)、市立大学,不通常意义的公立大学,也不在本文讨论的范围,并且社区学院似乎还算不上“大学”。和我国不同,美国的公立大学有充分的办学自主权,和私立大学的主要区别,我个人认为主要体现在两点: 1 )州政府对本州内的公立大学有数量不等的财政拨款,这个拨款额度,对于较差的公立大学很重要,因为要靠这个活命呢,而最好的公立大学,州政府的拨款可能连本校的总开支的 10% 都不到,因为越是好大学,校友和社会捐款、联邦经费(不是直接拨款,是以竞争性 grant 形式)等各种收入也越多,一般学费也越贵; 2 )作为对州政府拨款的回报,本州的学生上本州的公立大学学费要比外州便宜(一般仅为外州的一半,但一些专业学院可能有所不同)。因此,公立大学在本州的招生量都较大,总招生量也较大,这也直接导致即使是最好的公立大学的排名也无法和一些顶级私立大学抗衡。 另外,我国的最好的大学都是公立的、国家办的, 985 学校好像还没有省属、市属的,行政隶属关系从教育部、农业部、卫生部到国防科工委等中央部委。我国地方大学主要是省属和市属的,在全民办大学的文革时期,还有县办,甚至乡镇办乃至村办大学,当然,当时这些突击办的大学和“大炼钢铁”类似,基本都是废品,并非是真正意义上的现代大学。而美国的公立大学,如上所述,基本都是州立的(但似乎还算不上“州属”或者“州办”),而几乎没有美国联邦政府办的,例外就是包括著名的西点军校在内的军校,这些属于军方的军校自然要靠联邦政府拨款。美国尽管有不少国家实验室 (National Laboratory ,如感兴趣,可点击我的另一博文: 浅谈中美两国的国家实验室 ) , 美国的大学还没有看到有“ National ”打头的大学,这个看起来很牛的名字,在我国民国时期很多,如国立中山大学、国立武汉大学等。时至今日,我国台湾的大学的英文名字还有很多“ National ”打头的。这一点在韩国、新加坡、泰国等亚洲国家的大学也很普遍。 美国的公立大学虽然都是“公立”,但是这不意味着公立大学都是“纯种”的公立,也有个别大学的个别学院是私立的,这样的学院也算是美国公立大学系统中的奇葩了。比如密西根州立大学的法学院就是这朵奇葩,就是公立大学中的私立学院,这一奇葩也是目前我所知道唯一的一个,网上查询也没有看到更多的例子,如有网友知道更多例子,非常欢迎评论、补充。 而私立大学中的公立学院,可能还算不上真正意义的公立,这种学院被称为“ Statutory college ”,百度一下发现有人译为“法定学院”,这种学院到底是怎么回事呢?!限于篇幅,下篇博文再详细谈谈。这种法定学院的典型代表是常春藤名校中的康奈尔大学中的动物医学院 (即 New York State College of Veterinary Medicine , 建于 1894 年 ) 。上述的 密西根州立大学和 康奈尔大学,一个是公立大学、一个是私立大学,一个在密西根州,一个在纽约州,似乎两不相干,但是两所大学都属于赠地大学。这个所谓的“赠地大学”又是怎么回事,感兴趣的网友可点击我去年写的一篇博文“ 美国赠地大学 / 学院的历史及对我国大学建设的启示 ”,自认为,这篇文章的内容要远比标题有趣的多,强烈自荐。 现在位于美国密西根州 East Lansing 小城的密西根州立大学的法学院始建于 1891 (参见下面的该学院的院徽) , 距今已经超过 120 年,当初该学院的名字是 Detroit College of Law ,正如其名所显示的,该学院当初在底特律。是当时底特律地区第一所法学院也是密西根州第二所法学院,第一所是建于 1859 年的密西根大学 (Univ. of Michigan) 法 学院,有意思的是,密西根大学整所大学也都始建于底特律( 1817 年), 1837 年整体搬迁至底特律以西约 40 英里的 Ann Arbor 小城。 Detroit College of Law 于 1995 年正式被 密西根州立大学收购兼并,名字也更改为密西根州立大学法学院,但直到两年后,即 1997 年才从底特律迁到密西根州府附近的密西根州立大学的主校区。 密西根州立大学 这个法学院在美国的法学院中的排名不高,质量应该也相当一般,但今年的录取新生人数和申请人数都较去年有较大幅度增长,这在美国全国范围内法学院申请人数近年来都普遍大幅下降的背景下,实属不易。最近看到华尔街时报的一篇报道说:去年的全美的法学院毕业生在毕业 9 个月内找到律师行业工作的仅有 55% 。工作难找,学费又高,自然申请的人数就少了,今年申请法学院的人数较去年下降 15% 。在美国,都是主要和人打交道的医生和律师都属于高收入行业,因此医学院和法学院都是热门的专业学院,学费也是各专业学院中最高的。和法学院不同的是,美国的医学院 ( 当然仅指临床专业 , 不包括基础医学 ) 录取新生人数和申请人数近几年来一直都是小幅持续增长。 那么 密西根州立大学的这个法学院的“私立”体现在什么地方呢?个人觉得至少有如下几点:1)财政独立:没有州政府拨款,也没有学校财政支持,连学校的房子都算是“租”的,所以要交给学校租金以及水电费等; 2 )因为是私立学院,学费对本州学生没有任何减免,招生人数对本州学生也没有倾斜; 3 )管理、运行独立,这一点我不太清楚,不敢妄言。尽管和其它学院相比有如上的差异,这个法学院表面看来和其它学院相比没有任何特殊之处,法学院大楼并没有被围墙之类的东西隔离开来,法学院的师生可以随便借阅全校范围内的图书馆里的图书以及享受和其它学院师生一样的权利,当然,其它学院的师生也可以借阅法学院的图书。 (王守业写于 2012 年 11 月 17 日, 密西根州立大学法学院的院徽链接自网络。 本文引文地址: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-563591-633566.html )
个人分类: 美国大学|10833 次阅读|18 个评论
[转载]Science Blog 2012年11月03日 20:15 (星期六)
xupeiyang 2012-11-4 12:46
http://scienceblog.com/ Researchers ask public for help to study Post-Sandy traffic in Manhattan Difficult-to-read font reduces political polarity Georgia Tech Study Grades Presidents on the Economy Predicting what topics will trend on Twitter Explosion of universe’s earliest stars New target for lung cancer treatment How the negative trumps the positive in politics Trickle-Down Anxiety: Parental Behaviors that Create Anxious Children Church-going teens go further with school Asteroid Belts of Just the Right Size are Friendly to Life Iskandar. Malaysia may offer model for urban growth Brain May ‘See’ More Than the Eyes
个人分类: 科学博客|1720 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Tumor study misleads public
吴信 2012-10-1 21:35
Tumor study misleads public by MMcCurrySchmidt Official statement from the American Society of Animal Science Board of Directors Sept. 20, 2012 — A new Journal of Food and Chemical Toxicology study titled “Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize” does not follow universal standards for a scientific experiment. The researchers’ conclusion that Roundup herbicide or a diet of genetically modified (GM) corn leads to tumors in rats is based on a poorly designed experiment and unreliable statistics. A scientific experiment requires that researchers compare results in an experimental group with a “control” group. In this new study, the control group was given non-GM corn and Roundup-free water. Unfortunately, the control group in this study had only 10 rats of each sex. Testing just twenty rats cannot lead to statistically significant results for this type of experiment. “This was a poorly designed study lacking in size—particularly in terms of control numbers—and lacking statistical power to make any conclusions about the results,” said Dr. Alison Van Eenennaam, Cooperative Extension Specialist in Animal Genomics and Biotechnology at the University of California, Davis. “I am frankly shocked that any reviewer would have accepted this paper.” The researchers claimed that 50 to 80 percent of rats given GM corn or water with low levels of Roundup herbicide had tumors after two years. This is unsurprising. It is common knowledge that the rat strain used in the experiment has a more than 80 percent chance of growing tumors within two years under non-experimental conditions. “I think someone who had taken a basic biology or statistics class could have rejected this paper,” said Dr. Bruce Chassy, Professor Emeritus in Food Science and Human Nutrition at the University of Illinois. Chassy said there have been over 200 studies comparing GM food and non-GM food in at least 15 animal species, and almost every study shows no difference in animal health. Chassy said researchers who use an unscientific method to warn against GM foods often have a political or economic goal. He explained that the lead author of the new study is also the leader of an anti-GM lobbying group called CRIIGEN. The American Society of Animal Science believes it is appropriate to test new foods for safety, and GM crops have proven safe in hundreds of scientifically rigorous experiments.
个人分类: 科研心得|2245 次阅读|0 个评论
Installing R from CRAN on Ubuntu: No Public Key Error
chuangma2006 2012-6-14 19:36
1) adddeb http://my.favorite.cran.mirror/bin/linux/ubuntu oneiric/ to /etc/apt/sources.list 2) update sudo apt-get update 3) install sudo apt-get install r-base (or r-base-dev) 4) Fix No Public Key Error (" W : GPG error : http : //lib.stat.cmu.edu oneiric/ Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 51716619E084DAB9 ") gpg --keyserver subkeys.pgp.net --recv-key 51716619E084DAB9 OR gpg --keyserver pgp.mit.edu --recv-key 51716619E084DAB9 gpg --armor --export 51716619E084DAB9 | sudo apt-key add -
个人分类: R|4416 次阅读|0 个评论
NeuroMathComp in INRIA.FR
shawncheng 2012-6-9 20:35
链接是: http://www-sop.inria.fr/neuromathcomp/public/index.shtml 在home上介绍说: NeuroMathComp is a joint project team between INRIA ( Méditerranée and Rocquencourt ), cole Normale Supérieure de Paris (DI), Université de Nice Sophia-Antipolis ( JAD Laboratory ) and CNRS (LIENS, UMR 8548. LJAD, UMR 6621). Neuromathcomp focuses on the exploration of the brain from the mathematical and computational perspectives. We want to unveil the principles that govern the functioning of neurons and assemblies thereof and to use our results to bridge the gap between biological and computational vision. Our work is very mathematical but we make heavy use of computers for numerical experiments and simulations. We have close ties with several top groups in biological neuroscience. We are pursuing the idea that the "unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics" can be brought, as it has been in physics, to bear on neuroscience. Computational neuroscience attempts to build models of neurons at a variety of levels, microscopic, i.e. the minicolumn containing of the order of one hundred or so neurons, mesoscopic, i.e. the macrocolumn containing of the order of 10 4 -10 5 neurons, and macroscopic, i.e. a cortical area such as the primary visual area V1. Modeling such assemblies of neurons and simulating their behaviour involves putting together a mixture of the most recent results in neurophysiology with such advanced mathematics as dynamic systems theory, bifurcation theory, probability theory, stochastic calculus, and statistics, as well as the use of simulation tools.. group leader 是:Olivier Faugeras,链接是: http://www-sop.inria.fr/members/Olivier.Faugeras/index.en.html 其人也比较地老了,不过身为欧洲computer vision的老大,他地60岁生日还专门搞了个研讨会。 O.Faugeras 比较著名的学生有: -- Jean Ponce-UIUC -- lazebnik - -- Zhengyou Zhang-MSR -- Martial Hebert-CMU -- Nicholas Ayache - INRIA (Medical Image Analysis) http://www-sop.inria.fr/members/Nicholas.Ayache/ayache.html
个人分类: 视觉牛组|2165 次阅读|0 个评论
edwinuestc 2012-4-19 01:46
%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="936"% !DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd" html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" head meta http-equiv="Content-Type" ontent="text/html; charset=gb2312" / title表单元素(select下拉列表)制作二级联动菜单和网站导航/title script language="javascript" //下面这个函数是演示一的处理代码 function al(x){ var list=document.Url.select1 //将selsect1对象赋给变量list,方便以后引用,虽然这里只引用一次,但是作为一个好习惯,我们还是有必要坚持的 location=list.options .value//把页面转向select的value值 } //下面函数是演示二,联动菜单的处理代码 function makeshi(x){ var form2=document.diqu.one.options.length;//这句解释同上 var diqul=new Array(form2)//新建一个数组,项数为第一个下拉列表的项数 for(i=0;iform2;i++)//循环第一个下拉列表的项数那么多次 diqul =new Array();//子循环 //下面是给每个循环赋值 diqul =new Option("绵阳","绵阳"); diqul =new Option("成都","成都"); diqul =new Option("广元","广元"); diqul =new Option("南京","南京"); diqul =new Option("苏州","苏州"); diqul =new Option("常州","常州"); diqul =new Option("南宁","南宁"); diqul =new Option("柳州","柳州"); diqul =new Option("北海","北海"); diqul =new Option("杭州","杭州"); diqul =new Option("温州","温州"); diqul =new Option("义乌","义乌"); var shi=document.diqu.shi;//方便引用 for(m=shi.options.length-1;m0;m--) //这个要看清楚,因为要重新填充下拉列表的话必须先清除里面原有的项,清除和增加当然是有区别的了,所以用递减 shi.options =null;//将该项设置为空,也就等于清除了 for(j=0;jdiqul .length;j++){//这个循环是填充下拉列表 shi.options =new Option(diqul .text,diqul .value) //注意上面这据,列表的当前项等于 新项(数组对象的x,j项的文本为文本,) } shi.options .selected=true;//设置被选中的初始值 } /script /head body p对于脚本来说,最复杂的表单元素对象就是select了,他是一个复合对象,包含OPTION对象数组的对象/p pstrong演示一:导航,这个多见于网站友情链接/strong/p form id="form1" name="Url" select name="select1" onchange="al(options.selectedIndex)" option value="#"请选择您要去的网站/option option value="http://thcjp.cnblogs.com"天轰穿系列教程/option option value="http://www.cnblogs.com"博客园 /option option value="http://www.csdn.net"CSDN/option /select /form pstrong演示二:地区二级无刷新联动菜单/strong(其实这个例题也适用了关联数组,只是说被关联的数组是在一级数组的内部,如果有不明白,就看下 a href="http://www.cnblogs.com/thcjp/archive/2006/08/04/467761.html"http://www.cnblogs.com/thcjp/archive/2006/08/04/467761.html/a 这篇,专门介绍数组的文字)/p form id="form2" name="diqu" method="post" action="" select name="one" size="1" onchange="makeshi(options.selectedIndex)" option value="0"四川/option option value="1"江苏/option option value="2"广西/option option value="3"浙江/option /select select name="shi" option value="绵阳"绵阳/option option value="成都"成都/option option value="德阳"德阳/option option value="广元"广元/option option value="南充"南充/option /select /form /body /html
个人分类: 程序调试|2009 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Game Changers for Nuclear Energy
whyhoo 2012-1-7 20:34
The devastating earthquake and tsunami off the coast of Japan in March 2011 will have a significant impact on the future of nuclear energy. The ultimate outcome of the Fukushima Daiichi accident will influence public opinion and government decisions about the future development of nuclear power worldwide. And the lessons we learn from the crisis will inform future decisions about nuclear fuel storage, appropriate safety standards and accountability measures, and emergency preparedness. However, our ability to respond effectively to the challenges presented by the Fukushima Daiichi accident has been, in large part, predicated on research, practices, and policies developed over the last three decades. What additional events or developments might surprise us in the future that could affect the spread of nuclear energy? How can we better anticipate such surprises so that we can more effectively mitigate the impacts of negative develop ments and maximize the impact of positive developments? Toward this end, in August 2010 the American Academy, as part of its Global Nuclear Future Initiative, cosponsored a meeting with the Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) at Stanford University on Game Changers for Nuclear Energy. The conference brought together a small group of representatives from diverse energy backgrounds—including government, industry, NGOs, national laboratories, and academia—for an in-depth discussion of variables that could affect the future of nuclear power. These include reactor and fuel cycle technology and regulation, accidents and security incidents, climate change, and relevant politics. The purpose of the workshop was to explore what events, foreseen or not, could change the presently foreseen nuclear power “game.” What follows is the resulting paper from this meeting. This Occasional Paper is part of the American Academy’s Global Nuclear Future Initiative, which examines the safety, security, and nonproliferation implications of the global spread of nuclear energy and is develop ing pragmatic recommendations for managing the emerging nuclear order. The Global Nuclear Future Initiative is supported by generous grants from Carnegie Corporation of New York; the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation; the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation; the Flora Family Foundation; and Fred Kavli and the Kavli Foundation. The American Academy is grateful to the principal investigators of the Global Nuclear Future Initiative—Steven Miller, Scott Sagan, Robert Rosner, and Stephen Goldberg—for contributing their time, experience, and expertise to the work of the Initiative. CISAC would like to thank the Flora Family Foundation and the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation for supporting the scholars’ work on this project. We would like to thank Thomas Isaacs, Michael May, and Kate Marvel for organizing a substantive meeting and the participants for their thoughtful contributions at the meeting and to this paper. We are grateful to Michael and Kate for bringing their knowledge and insight to bear on this important issue. Leslie Berlowitz President and William T. Golden Chair American Academy of Arts and Sciences Scott D. Sagan Caroline S.G. Munro Professor of Political Science Codirector, Center for International Security and Cooperation, Stanford University 原文见 http://www.amacad.org/pdfs/book_game_changers.pdf
个人分类: 能源|1274 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Folic Acid Supplements in Pregnancy May Help Avoid Toddler S
xuxiaxx 2011-10-13 16:14
Women who took folic acid supplements in the first two months of pregnancy were less likely to have kids with severe language delays in a new study from Norway. "We don't think people should change their behavior based on these findings," said Dr. Ezra Susser from Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health in New York, who worked on the study. "But it does add weight to the public health recommendation to take folic acid early in pregnancy," he told Reuters Health. The researchers gave surveys to close to 40,000 Norwegian women a few months into their pregnancies, including questions on what supplements women were taking in the four weeks before they got pregnant through eight weeks after conception. Then, when their children were three years old, Dr. Susser and his colleagues asked the same women about kids' language skills, including how many words they could string together in a phrase. Toddlers who could only say one word at a time or who had "unintelligible utterances" were considered to have severe language delay. In total, about one in 200 kids fit into that category. Four out of 1,000 children born to women who took folic acid alone or combined with other vitamins had severe language delays, compared to nine of 1,000 kids whose moms didn't take folic acid before and early in pregnancy. The link persisted after Dr. Susser's team adjusted for other factors that were associated with both folic acid supplementation and language skills, such as maternal weight, education, and marital status. The study can't prove that folic acid, itself, prevents language delay, the authors wrote today in the Journal of the American Medical Association. But Dr. Susser said the vitamin is known to affect the growth of neurons and could influence how proteins are made from certain genes. "Clearly it plays a role in development that starts very early in pregnancy," said Usha Ramakrishnan, a maternal and child nutrition researcher from Emory University in Atlanta who wasn't involved in the new study. However, she added, it's hard to separate out exactly when during pregnancy folic acid supplements would have an effect on later language development -- since women who are taking supplements early are more likely to take them throughout pregnancy. Dr. Susser said the results likely apply in the U.S. and other countries where grains are fortified with folic acid, because extra supplements are still recommended during pregnancy. But he added that more research is needed to support the new study. "The recommendation worldwide is that women should be on folate supplements through all their reproductive years," Dr. Susser said. Because of that, "we really need to know what the impact is on children, both benefits and risks." "I think this adds to what's already known about the benefits of folic acid," Ramakrishnan told Reuters Health. "It gives one more positive message of potential benefit." SOURCE: http://bit.ly/n9FPb6 JAMA 2011. 来源: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/751373
1504 次阅读|0 个评论
Danbury Public Schools的菜谱
黄安年 2011-9-13 22:46
Danbury Public Schools的菜谱
Danbury Public Schools 的菜谱 黄安年文 黄安年的博客 /2011 年 9 月 13 日发布 这里发布的早餐和午餐菜谱,是美国一所公立学校 9 月份的菜谱,笔者的两个外孙在这所学校用午餐。这所公立西康国际学校( West Connecticut Academy for International Studies Magnet School , Danbury , Connecticut )的设备和管理堪称一流。午餐是分别时间安排的,每个学生用餐的时间不能过长否则就吃不完的。课间休息需要自带饮料和干粮。学校 9 点上课,下午三点半就放学了。公立学校的菜谱价格不贵,午餐每个学生 2.40 美元减 0.40 元 , 合 2 美元 , 而早餐仅需 0.70 元。营养师为学生的营养搭配做了精心的设计。 照片三张翻拍自菜谱。
个人分类: 教育改革思考(07-11)|2144 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 3 DNAgene 2011-6-1 12:17
开发获取的生物医学期刊中,PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE和BIOMED CENTRAL公司出版的期刊声誉较高,绝大多数都被学术界认可为高水平期刊或者正规国际期刊。这些期刊绝大多数也被SCIE(即SCI扩展,Science Citation Index Expanded)收录了,从Web of Science可以检索到。但是国内还是有些单位,只认SCI(Science Citation Index)收录,不认SCIE收录。表面理由很简单,SCI收录3000多种期刊,SCIE收录8000多种期刊。只认可SCI收录期刊是为了提高标准。但实际上,我们发现,很多优秀的新期刊即使水平远远高于一些传统期刊,却迟迟不能被SCI收录。我曾就此致电THOMSON REUTERS公司,他们解释说SCI选刊标准除论文水平外,还考虑地区分布等很多因素;他们也不建议用SCI和SCIE来区分期刊好坏。 不管什么原因吧,现实就是如果投了非SCI收录的期刊,在一些单位评职称或者研究生毕业就会有麻烦。 今天无意中发现,BMC Evolutionary Biology已被SCI收录了。BMC Evolutionary Biology算是我们研究进化的人的一个主流期刊,难度适中。现在它进入了SCI,大家就可以毫无顾虑地投稿了。 PUBLIC LIBRARY SCIENCE和BIOMED CENTRAL两个单位出版的期刊中,进入了SCI的还有: PLoS Biology PLoS Genetics GENOME BIOLOGY RETROVIROLOGY BMC SYSTEMS BIOLOGY BREAST CANCER RESEARCH CRITICAL CARE MALARIA JOURNAL GENETICS SELECTION EVOLUTION HEALTH AND QUALITY OF LIFE OUTCOMES JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL SCIENCE NEURAL DEVELOPMENT VETERINARY RESEARCH ACTA VETERINARIA SCANDINAVICA ARTHRITIS RESEARCH THERAPY SCI收录期刊目录 SCIE收录期刊目录 注: 1、BIOMED CENTRAL出版的少量期刊可能本来就被SCI收录,后来转到BIOMED CENTRAL出版后继续被SCI收录。 2、本人 支持现阶段 用SCIE收录、影响因子、引用率、H因子等客观指标评价科研人员的科研成绩,希望将来也许可以用同行评议等非客观手段。用这些指标是否合适科学网讨论甚多,不是本文所涉及内容,请原谅本人不回复与本文不相关的评论。
个人分类: SCI-科学荣誉|8536 次阅读|5 个评论
热度 2 fpe 2011-3-10 07:07
也说仪器之研发 看了最新一篇对国产科研仪器的讨论( http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=47157do=blogid=420618 ),笔者也想谈谈自己的看法。我曾经在一大公司搞过一段时间的研发,对仪器的市场和开发有过一点研究,这里没有全面深入的研究,只有泛泛而谈。 为什么国产仪器落后?这是一个很大的话题,如果用一句话来说,就是后发的劣势。先发者推动标准,占领市场,后发者被动跟从,没有选择的余地。在这方面,最典型的例子是,中国以未发达国家自居,千辛万苦地赢得了淘汰哈龙的种种保护性措施,因此在研究替代产品领域的科研,投入不足。没有市场的推动,光靠闭门造车的觉悟,是不可能推出满足市场需要的产品的。为此,可以说一步落后,步步落后。举目看过去,灭火领域没有一项是中国提出的技术(我只看文章,恕我孤陋寡闻),如果连技术都没有,相关的仪器就不用说了,这是当局的决策的影响。保护造成的落后,后发带来的劣势。 仪表是硬件,硬件产品不需要像软件产品那样时时更新,一旦占领市场,光靠硬件产品的备品备件就吃饱了,不到无法使用时,硬件上不会更新的。对此,后来者打入很困难。七十年代的环保运动到处气体测量仪表的发展, 90 年代的淘汰哈龙运动导致各种相关测试的发展,中国都以落后为名,避开了承诺,也就避开了机会。现在要想在传统领域与先来者竞争,很难。大道理谁都懂,可是需要承诺,就需要承担风险,对此国内的信心不足。 在我们消防领域,最大的技术推动者是军方。由于军方武器具有使用哈龙的优惠条件(不受条约的束缚),所以国产武器的消防保护技术是相当落后的,我没有看到一项来自国内的技术,大家都在等待最完美的灭火替代产品出现,可是美国也没有找到,但市场却被美国的替代产品占领不少。很多产品不是革命性的,但是可以用来淘汰旧产品,占领市场,对此国内认识不够。一般人认为国内的国防投入主要用来增加军人待遇是转移目标,我看是真的。在消防领域,我没有看到一毛钱的投入,大概是因为社会承平太久了,就忘了战争的残酷性。国内武器开发注重先进性,可比性,存活率的考虑很不足。如果不预先考虑武器的战场存活率,自然都不会想到救火问题。美国对存活率的优先考虑,是长期战争实践的经验。 仪器是一个很小的市场( Niche Market ),为保证仪器投资的回报,一定要着眼于全球的市场,面向全球的用户。如果需要了解市场,参加博览会是了解同行和市场的重要途径。可是我看国外展览会上的国内客人,开幕露脸,转眼不见。到哪里去了?旅游地干活。不能以开放的心态,面对面地与世界客户平等地交流,就是国内研发的主要困境了。也就是说,我们的研发队伍的国际化和全球视野不足,不能对市场的需求敏感,光想着用廉价产品去占领别人早已占领的市场,这是省钱的选择,也是自甘落后的选择。真希望给那些国内来客谈谈美国市场,至少让他们不会到展览会却对新东西视而不见。国内只派那些官员出国,就是一种浪费了。 大家在传统仪表领域攻城夺地,面对新领域一愁莫展,关键是没有政策的刺激。美国的新技术,主要掌握在小企业的手中。大企业主要综合新技术,搞技术合成,如波音公司。所以美国有各种手段来促进小企业的发展, SBIR 是典型的促进小企业搞开发的手段。只要有苗头,政府帮你投入第一笔钱,这是未来的趋势,不知国内是否也在跟上? 去年多次矿难之后,国家准备上就地保护设备的标准,一下子各种保护设备的研究和产品都出现了,这就是政策的威力。一项仪表,首先是得到协会的认可,然后通过标准规范的实施而扩大市场,最后上升到常备的设备。在开发仪器使用市场的方面,美国的各种协会制度有很多的灵活性,可以包容新技术,提供新领域,反馈新经验。国内的各种协会很少是自立的(靠产品和服务生存),因此对下层的反馈很不敏感,这是很大的问题。市场是资源优化的有利武器,可是由于种种原因,国内的市场化“四不像”,是中国特色的市场化,因此对底层工程师的积极性、创造性利用不足,就不能为有关产品开辟应用空间了。关键在于机制问题,也在于我们的社会认识不到垄断的危害。民办的教育都得不到重视,何况是民办的协会呢?多样化和竞争,是独创性的根源。没有对手,就没有压力。 所以,为什么没有原创的科研仪器呢?因为市场化程度不足。如果光引进就能够解决问题,谁也不会作长远考量的,对此需要国家科研基金的长期投入,也需要市场的长期配合,还需要协会的引导帮助,更需要政策的促进和平衡,从全社会的长期发展的角度来认识这一问题。这,不是我等教书匠所能解决的问题。 有道是,仪器乃 Niche ,市场定方向,政策可促进,协会帮帮忙。
个人分类: 消防以外|3921 次阅读|3 个评论
[转载] Best Values in US Public Colleges 2011
zuojun 2011-1-13 14:36
Best Values in Public Colleges 2011 1. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Undergraduate Enrollment: 17,981 SAT: 73% scored 600 or higher on verbal/math; ACT: 83% scored 24 or higher Student/Faculty Ratio: 14 Graduation Rate 4-yr./6-yr.: 74%/87% Total In-State Cost: $17,000 Total Out-of-State Cost: $35,614 Average Debt at Graduation: $14,262 This outstanding research institution delivers its education for a total cost in-state of $17,000, only a little more than the average price -- $16,140 -- for public institutions nationally. It also offers generous financial aid to students with need, bringing the average cost after need-based aid to just over $7,000. Founded in 1789, Carolina attracts world-class faculty and leads the pack among public universities for producing Rhodes scholars. 2. University of Florida Undergraduate Enrollment: 33,628 SAT: 61%; ACT: 71% Student/Faculty Ratio: 20 Graduation Rate 4-yr./6-yr.: 58%/83% Total In-State Cost: $14,684 Total Out-of-State Cost: $36,961 Average Debt at Graduation: $15,932 With the lowest in-state cost -- $14,684 -- of our top-10 ranked schools, UF represents a bargain even for families who don't qualify for financial aid. Most in-state students do qualify for assistance, thanks to the merit-based program known as Bright Futures. At $9,759, the cost after non-need-based aid is among the lowest on our list. 3. University of Virginia Undergraduate Enrollment:15,464 SAT: 78% ACT: 84% scored 24 or higher Student/Faculty Ratio: 16 Graduation Rate 4-yr./6-yr.: 85%/93% Total In-State Cost: $20,647 Total Out-of-State Cost: $43,593 Average Debt at Graduation: $19,939 Also known as Mr. Jefferson's Academical Village (as in founder Thomas Jefferson), UVA posts the highest graduation rates in our rankings and offers the most generous need-based financial aid. The average need-based package -- $14,955 -- reduces the price for students who qualify to a bargain-basement $5,692.
个人分类: From the U.S.|2664 次阅读|0 个评论
(U.S.News美国公立大学排名)Best Colleges 2011: Top Public Schools: National Universities
feicheng 2010-9-6 23:45
Rank University of California--Berkeley Berkeley, CA 1 University of California--Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA 2 University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA 2 University of Michigan--Ann Arbor Ann Arbor, MI 4 University of North Carolina--Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, NC 5 College of William and Mary Williamsburg, VA 6 Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA 7 University of California--San Diego La Jolla, CA 7 University of California--Davis Davis, CA 9 University of California--Santa Barbara Santa Barbara, CA 9 University of California--Irvine Irvine, CA 11 University of Washington Seattle, WA 11 University of Texas--Austin Austin, TX 13 University of Wisconsin--Madison Madison, WI 13 Pennsylvania State University--University Park University Park, PA 15 University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign Champaign, IL 15 University of Florida Gainesville, FL 17 Ohio State University--Columbus Columbus, OH 18 Purdue University--West Lafayette West Lafayette, IN 18 University of Georgia Athens, GA 18 University of Maryland--College Park College Park, MD 18 Texas AM University--College Station College Station, TX 22 Clemson University Clemson, SC 23 Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey--New Brunswick Piscataway, NJ 23 University of Minnesota--Twin Cities Minneapolis, MN 23 University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 23 University of Connecticut Storrs, CT 27 Virginia Tech Blacksburg, VA 27 Colorado School of Mines Golden, CO 29 University of California--Santa Cruz Santa Cruz, CA 29 University of Iowa Iowa City, IA 29 Indiana University--Bloomington Bloomington, IN 32 University of Delaware Newark, DE 32 Miami University--Oxford Oxford, OH 34 Michigan State University East Lansing, MI 34 SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry Syracuse, NY 34 University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL 34 Auburn University Auburn University, AL 38 Binghamton University--SUNY Binghamton, NY 39 University of Colorado--Boulder Boulder, CO 39 Iowa State University Ames, IA 41 University of California--Riverside Riverside, CA 41 University of Missouri Columbia, MO 41 University of Vermont Burlington, VT 41 SUNY--Stony Brook Stony Brook, NY 45 University of Massachusetts--Amherst Amherst, MA 45 Florida State University Tallahassee, FL 47 University of Kansas Lawrence, KS 47 University of Nebraska--Lincoln Lincoln, NE 47 University of New Hampshire Durham, NH 47 University of Tennessee Knoxville, TN 47 North Carolina State University--Raleigh Raleigh, NC 52 University of Oklahoma Norman, OK 52 University of Oregon Eugene, OR 52 University of South Carolina Columbia, SC 52 Washington State University Pullman, WA 52 Michigan Technological University Houghton, MI 57 University at Buffalo--SUNY Buffalo, NY 58 University of Arizona Tucson, AZ 58 Colorado State University Fort Collins, CO 60 Louisiana State University--Baton Rouge Baton Rouge, LA 60 Ohio University Athens, OH 60 Missouri University of Science Technology Rolla, MO 63 University of Kentucky Lexington, KY 63 University of Utah Salt Lake City, UT 63 Kansas State University Manhattan, KS 66 Oklahoma State University Stillwater, OK 66 Temple University Philadelphia, PA 66 University of Arkansas Fayetteville, AR 66 New Jersey Institute of Technology Newark, NJ 70 Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 70 Arizona State University Tempe, AZ 72 George Mason University Fairfax, VA 72 Rutgers, the State University of New Jersey--Newark Newark, NJ 72 University at Albany--SUNY Albany, NY 72 University of Illinois--Chicago Chicago, IL 72 University of Mississippi University, MS 72 University of Texas--Dallas Richardson, TX 72 Mississippi State University Mississippi State, MS 79 University of Alabama--Birmingham Birmingham, AL 79 University of Idaho Moscow, ID 81 University of Wyoming Laramie, WY 81 Illinois State University Normal, IL 83 University of Cincinnati Cincinnati, OH 83 Texas Tech University Lubbock, TX 85 University of Hawaii--Manoa Honolulu, HI 85 University of Maine Orono, ME 85 University of Maryland--Baltimore County Baltimore, MD 85 University of North Dakota Grand Forks, ND 85 University of Rhode Island Kingston, RI 90 Virginia Commonwealth University Richmond, VA 90 Bowling Green State University Bowling Green, OH 92 South Carolina State University Orangeburg, SC 92 Utah State University Logan, UT 92 University of Louisville Louisville, KY 95 West Virginia University Morgantown, WV 95 Ball State University Muncie, IN 97 University of Alabama--Huntsville Huntsville, AL 97 University of Central Florida Orlando, FL 97 Western Michigan University Kalamazoo, MI 97 Kent State University Kent, OH 101 Montana State University Bozeman, MT 101 San Diego State University San Diego, CA 101 Southern Illinois University--Carbondale Carbondale, IL 101 University of Massachusetts--Lowell Lowell, MA 101 University of South Florida Tampa, FL 101 North Dakota State University Fargo, ND 107 University of Colorado--Denver Denver, CO 107 University of Montana Missoula, MT 107 University of Nevada--Reno Reno, NV 107 University of North Carolina--Charlotte Charlotte, NC 107 University of North Carolina--Greensboro Greensboro, NC 107
个人分类: 一般认识|6336 次阅读|0 个评论
Public service outputs, social integration, and households' support for relocati
mliang 2010-6-24 08:52
Wu, J., Y. Yang L. Ma. - Public service outputs, social integration, and households' support for relocation compensations: evidence from a Hui Ethnic Community in Western China. International Public Management Network (IPMN) Conference 2010, Rotterdam (28 June - 30 June). http://www.eur.nl/fsw/english/publicadministration/conferences_and_events/ paper
个人分类: 会议论文|3142 次阅读|0 个评论
The Need for Science in the Practice of Public Health December 9, 2009
xupeiyang 2009-12-12 22:55
http://content.nejm.org/cgi/content/full/NEJMe0911050 附件PDF: H1N1 in China Published at www.nejm.org December 9, 2009 (10.1056/NEJMe0911050) The Need for Science in the Practice of Public Health Nicole Lurie, M.D., M.S.P.H. PDF Disclosures Add to Personal Archive Add to Citation Manager Notify a Friend E-mail When Cited