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[转载]Diverse functions of miR-125 family in different cell:part2
ericmapes 2017-3-9 15:51
DiversefunctionsofmiR-125familyindifferentcellcontexts http://jhoonline.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/1756-8722-6-6 PotentialofmiR-125fordiseasediagnosisandtherapy Someproteincodinggeneshavebeenreportedplayingcriticalrolesintumorinitiationandprogression,andtheirexpressionlevelsarecorrelatedwithclinicaloutcome .GrowingstudiesdemonstratetheadvantagesusingmiRNAasbiomarkersforcanceranddisease.ThereviewsabovehaveshownthatexpressionlevelofmiR-125familyisdistinguishedinvarioustypesofdisease,implyingthatthemiR-125couldpredictdiseaseonsetandmightpotentiallyserveasprognosticmarkerindisease-derivedtissuesandpossiblyinserum.Forexample,decreasedmiR-125ahasbeenobservedinhepatocellularcarcinoma(HCC)tissuescomparedwithmatchedadjacentlivertissues,andassociatedwithpatients'aggressivepathologicfeatures .Moreover,HongandcolleagueshaveuncoveredthattheexpressionlevelsofmiR-125bweremuchlowerinHCCtissuesthaninnon-tumorlivertissues ,indicatingthatbothmiR-125aandmiR-125bhavelowexpressionlevelandareinverselycorrelatedwithaggressivenessandpoorprognosisinHCC,andcouldserveasthebio-markerforHCCdiagnosisandprognosis.ExpressionprofilingofmiR-125bisapotentialmarkerforthyroidcancerasitisoverexpressedinthyroidcanceranditslevelhasremarkablydistinctionbetweenbenignandmalignantthyroidneoplasms .Inhumancolorectalcancer,NishidaandcolleagueshaveevaluatedexpressionofmiR-125bin89colorectalcancercases,andinterestinglyfoundthatthehighmiR-125bexpressiongroupnotonlyshowedagreaterincidenceofadvancedtumorsizeandtumorinvasion,butalsohadasignificantlypoorerprognosiscomparedtothelowexpressiongroup ,suggestingthatmiR-125bcouldbeanimportantprognosticmarkerforcolorectalcancerpatients.ThemiRNAderegulationmaybealsoassociatedwithclinicalrelevancelinkingtokeygenemutations .Forexample,down-regulationofmiR-125bwasfoundsignificantcorrelationwithTP53mutationstatus .Takentogether,miR-125familyhasgreatperspectiveasadiagnosticandprognosticbiomarker.Moreimportantly,agreatamountofstudieshavedemonstratedthatcirculatingmiRNAsinhumanserumandotherbodyfluidscanbeusedasbiomarkersforcancerandotherdiseases .ThispotentialofmiRNAsprovidesapossibilitytocarryoutnon-invasiveanalysestoclinicians,whichcanbeperformedeasilyinalargenumberofclinicalsamples.However,standardreferencecontrolsareneededinordertoensurereliableandcorrectmeasurementsofmiRNAlevels. Moreover,ongoingstudieshavealsosuggestedthepotentialofthemiRNAassociatedwiththerapy .Asmentionedabove,miR-125familymaycontributetotheinitiationandprogressionofdiseasesbyactingaseithersuppressorsorpromotersinanumberofcancersandotherdiseases ,re-introductionofsyntheticmiR-125oritsantisenseatspecificsitescouldbecomeapossibletreatmentoption. Conclusions EvidencesderivingfromtheincreasingnumberofpapersshowedthatmembersofmiR-125familyplayacrucialroleindiversecellularprocessesandmanydiseasesespeciallycarcinomas.ItisnoteworthythatthefunctionsofmiR-125arecontroversialindifferenttypesofdiseases.Incertaincontexts,miR-125candown-regulatetargetoncogeneasatumorsuppressor,reducingtumorproliferationandmetastasis.Viceversa,avarietyofstudieshaveexhibitedtumor-promotingfunctionsofmiR-125asatumorpromoter.TheadvancesthatmiR-125andothermiRNAscanbeusedinclinicalapplicationsexactlyholdpotentialforfuturetreatmentofdiseases.Furthermore,anincreasingnumberofstudieshaveidentifiedthetargetgenesofmiR-125familyindifferentcellularcontexts,whichhighlightstheprecisepropertiesofthismiRNAincellularpathwaysandnetworks,especiallyassociatedwithcarcinoma.Moreover,miR-125influencesthefateofimmunecellsbytargetingandregulatingasetoftargetgenestoenhancetheeffectagainstintra-orextracellularpathogens,orrespondingtotheregulationofspecificsignalstimulationlikeILandIFN.SinceaberrantexpressionofmiRNAsexistinalmostalltypesofcancersandseveralotherdiseases,thepotentialuseofmiR-125aspotentprognosticmarkersforearlydiagnosisofmalignanciesandotherdiseaseshasdrawnmoreandmoreattentions.Inaddition,inaccordancewitheitherdisease-suppressiveor-promotingpropertiesofmiRNAsindifferentdiseases,miR-125’sabilityastherapeuticagentshasbeendelineatedbymanyresearchgroups.FurtherresearchisneededbeforemiR-125andothermiRNAscanbeusedinclinicalapplications. Declarations Acknowledgments ThisworkwassupportedbythefundsfromNationalScienceandTechnologyDepartment(973,2011CB8113015and2011CBA0110)andNationalScienceFoundationofChina(No.81270629). Authors'originalsubmittedfilesforimages Belowarethelinkstotheauthors’originalsubmittedfilesforimages. 13045_2012_281_MOESM1_ESM.tiff Authors’originalfileforfigure1 13045_2012_281_MOESM2_ESM.tiff Authors’originalfileforfigure2 Competinginterests Theauthorsdeclarenocompetingfinancialinterests. Authors’contributions YMS,KYLandYQCwereresponsiblefortheconceptionanddesignofthemanuscript.YMSparticipatedindraftingthemanuscript,KYLandYQCwereresponsibleforthereviewand/orrevisionofthemanuscript.Allauthorsreadandapprovedthefinalmanuscript. 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[转载][恐怖] [圣诞节恐怖故事 A Christmas Horror Story (2014)][720p
lcj2212916 2015-10-8 22:09
导演: Grant Harvey / Steven Hoban 编剧: James Kee / Sarah Larsen 主演: Michelle Nolden / Shannon Kook / Zoé De Grand Maison 类型: 恐怖 制片国家/地区: 加拿大 语言: 英语 上映日期: 2015-10-02 片长: 86 mins IMDb链接: tt3688406 High school students investigate a mysterious homicide that occurred the prior holiday season, a couple notices their young son is acting strangely after a snowy forest trip to cut down a traditional tree and one family are stalked through a winter wonderland by Krampus, the Xmas demon. Meanwhile at the North Pole, Santa is fending off zombie elves. 下载地址: http://www.400gb.com/file/122931974
2445 次阅读|0 个评论
[讨论] 富贵超过五代的家族,都有哪些?
热度 6 zlyang 2015-5-11 16:31
富贵超过五代的家族,都有哪些? 除了封建皇帝家族之外,富贵超过五代的家族有: (1) 罗斯柴尔德 家族。 德语:Rothschild,意 为“红盾”。 原本是一个在德国生活的犹太裔家族。 富过八代的财富家族。 家族的创始人 是梅耶·阿姆谢尔·罗斯 柴尔德 (Mayer Amschel Rothschild,1744年2月23日—1812年9月19日), 出生在法兰克福的犹太人社区。 (2) 洛克菲 勒 家族。 约 翰·戴维森·洛克菲 勒(John D. Rockefeller), Sr.,1839–1937, 标准石油创办人,六代家族显赫历史开创者,常被视为人类史上首富。 印 象5代 以上的富贵,主要靠 宗教 和 慈善 来支撑。 感谢您的补充和指正! 欢迎您的批评!
5337 次阅读|19 个评论
[转载]Telegraph's Louisa Peacock on politics, business and family
热度 1 zjcui 2014-5-21 08:42
你觉得现实生活中有诸多不满意吗?你觉得日常交往中被忽视、歧视想改变现状吗。不妨看一下英国Telegraph报社记者Louisa Peacock的经历。对不端行为的不满,可以进行公开指责。这有助于让你得到满意的结果。 Louisa Peacock http://www.telegraph.co.uk/journalists/louisa-peacock/ Louisa Peacock is The Telegraph's Deputy Women's Editor on Wonder Women , a daily section covering politics, business, life, family and sex. She commissions and writes news, comment and features across the site, including her weekly blog Skirting the Issue . Previously the paper's award-winning Jobs Editor, Louisa continues to comment on employment, careers and business, penning a Work column for The Sunday Telegraph . She is a regular commentator on stories, reviewing the papers on radio and TV. Follow her on Twitter @louisapeacock I was refused entry to swanky restaurant for not being sexy enough When Louisa Peacock was refused entry to a restaurant for not wearing high heels or clubbing gear - as if she wasn't sexy enough -she complained to company HQ. They dealt with the 'sexist' incident so swiftly that she has new-found belief in calling out bad behaviour
个人分类: 国际形势|1706 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]NFKBIZ p65 DNA binding
genesquared 2013-2-18 11:12
2006一篇文献,NFKBIZ 与p65以及DNA binding相关。 请参考: ^ Totzke G, Essmann F, Pohlmann S, Lindenblatt C, Janicke RU, Schulze-Osthoff K (May 2006). "A novel member of the IkappaB family, human IkappaB-zeta, inhibits transactivation of p65 and its DNA binding". J Biol Chem 281(18): 12645–54. doi:10.1074/jbc.M511956200. PMID 16513645. http://www.jbc.org/content/281/18/12645.long NFKBIZ From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This article is an orphan, as no other articles link to it. Please introduce links to this page fromrelated articles; suggestions may be available. (February 2009) Nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, zeta Identifiers Symbols NFKBIZ; IKBZ; INAP; MAIL External IDs OMIM: 608004 MGI: 1931595HomoloGene: 12734 GeneCards: NFKBIZ Gene Gene Ontology Orthologs Species Human Mouse Entrez 64332 80859 Ensembl ENSG00000144802 ENSMUSG00000035356 UniProt Q9BYH8 Q9EST8 RefSeq (mRNA) NM_001005474.2 NM_001159394.1 RefSeq (protein) NP_001005474.1 NP_001152866.1 Location (UCSC) Chr 3: 101.55 – 101.58 Mb Chr 16: 55.81 – 55.84 Mb PubMedsearch This box: • view • talk • edit NF-kappa-B inhibitor zeta is a protein that in humans is encoded by the NFKBIZ gene. This gene is a member of the ankyrin-repeat family and is induced by lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The C-terminal portion of the encoded product which contains the ankyrin repeats, shares high sequence similarity with the I kappa B family of proteins. The latter are known to play a role in inflammatory responses to LPS by their interaction with NF-B proteins through ankyrin-repeat domains. Studies in mouse indicate that this gene product is one of the nuclear I kappa B proteins and an activator of IL-6 production. Two transcript variants encoding different isoforms have been found for this gene. References 1. ^ Eto A, Muta T, Yamazaki S, Takeshige K (Feb 2003). "Essential roles for NF-kappa B and a Toll/IL-1 receptor domain-specific signal(s) in the induction of I kappa B-zeta". Biochem Biophys Res Commun 301 (2): 495–501.doi:10.1016/S0006-291X(02)03082-6. PMID 12565889. 2. ^ Totzke G, Essmann F, Pohlmann S, Lindenblatt C, Janicke RU, Schulze-Osthoff K (May 2006). "A novel member of the IkappaB family, human IkappaB-zeta, inhibits transactivation of p65 and its DNA binding". J Biol Chem 281(18): 12645–54. doi:10.1074/jbc.M511956200. PMID 16513645.
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王汉森 2013-2-18 06:01
加拿大卡尔加里大学教授Margo Husby-Scheelar,因感染H1N1流感病毒于星期三去世,其子称愿将母亲的不幸公之于世,以期不再有更多的人遭受类似的损失。请看CBC详细报道。 http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/story/2013/02/17/calgary-h1n1-death-warning.html Calgary professor's H1N1 death prompts warning from family A Calgary family is warning people to take the flu seriously after their mother died this week from H1N1 flu virus. Margo Husby-Scheelar was a popular professor in the University of Calgary’s department of communication and culture. The 64-year-old was sick for a week before she was admitted to hospital and diagnosed with H1N1. After spending nearly a month in intensive care, she died on Wednesday, said her son Greg Scheelar. Scheelar said he wants to share her story to make sure no one else suffers a similar loss. "She didn't do something and it cost her. So having other people learning from the mistake that she made would be totally in character for her," Scheelar said. Alberta Health Services officials said they cannot comment on Husby-Scheelar’s death, but confirmed they are seeing three strains of the flu this year, including H1N1. H1N1 is the same strain of flu that caused a pandemic in 2009. “And since that time this particular H1N1 strain has now become one of our seasonal influenza strains we expect to see every year,” said Dr. Judy MacDonald, the province’s medical officer of health for the Calgary zone. “And there’s still cases of it and sometimes it can be very serious. But it’s not like it was when it first arrived.” Since the flu season began at the end of August there have been 260 lab-confirmed cases of the flu in Calgary, including 15 people with H1N1, officials said. AHS recommends all Albertans older than six months get a yearly flu shot. "It's not too late if you haven't had your influenza vaccine. It is still available at our public health clinics and some physicians and pharmacies," MacDonald said. Greg Scheelar said his mother was just as great a mom as she was a teacher. "A lot of her personality as a mom carried into what she did as an instructor. And I think vice-versa as well,” he said.
个人分类: 人物纪事|3066 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]who is who about Bo in Obama's thanksgiving speech in 2012
yue 2012-12-5 21:53
导读: 看,他们把他当人看。 看,他们把他当狗看。 他们把他当人看,他们是谁,他是谁? 他们把他当狗看,他们是谁,他是谁? http://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2012/11/22/weekly-address-wishing-american-people-happy-thanksgiving On behalf代表 of the Obama family家庭 – Michelle, Malia, Sasha and Bo – I want to wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving. For us, like so many of you, this is a day full of family and friends; food (有没有FOODBALL)and football. It’s a day to fight the overwhelming urge to take a nap – at least until after dinner. But most of all, it’s a time to give thanks for each other(应该感谢谁?上帝,还是同类), and for the incredible bounty we enjoy. That’s especially important this year. As a nation, we’ve just emerged from a campaign season that was passionate, noisy, and vital to our democracy. But it also required us to make choices – and sometimes those choices led us to focus on what sets us apart instead of what ties us together; on what candidate候选人 we support instead of what country we belong to.(美国也有党国问题) Thanksgiving is a chance to put it all in perspective – to remember that, despite our differences, we are, and always will be, Americans first and foremost. Today we give thanks for blessings that are all too rare in this world. The ability to spend time with the ones we love; to say what we want; to worship as we please; to know that there are brave men and women defending our freedom around the globe; and to look our children in the eye and tell them that, here in America, no dream is too big if they’re willing to work for it. We’re also grateful that this country has always been home to Americans who see these blessings not simply as gifts to enjoy, but as opportunities to give back. Americans who believe we have a responsibility to look out for those less fortunate – to pull each other up and move forward together. Right now, as we prepare to gather around our dinner tables, there are families in the northeast who don’t have that luxury. Many of them have lost everything to Hurricane Sandy – homes, possessions, even loved ones. And it will be a long time before life goes back to normal. But in the midst of so much tragedy, there are also glimmers of hope. Over the last few weeks, we’ve seen FEMA personnel, National Guard and first responders working around the clock in hard-hit communities. We’ve seen hospital workers using their lunch breaks to distribute supplies. Families offering up extra bedrooms. The fire department advertising free hot showers. Buses full of volunteers coming from hundreds of miles away. Neighbors sharing whatever they have – food, water, electricity – and saying again and again how lucky they are to have a roof over their heads. It would have been easy for these folks人民to do nothing – to worry about themselves and leave the rest to someone else. But that’s not who we are. That’s not what we do. As Americans, we are a bold, generous, big-hearted people. When our brothers and sisters are in need, we roll up our sleeves卷起袖子 and get to work – not for the recognition or the reward名和利, but because it’s the right thing to do. Because there but for the grace of God go I良心. And because here in America, we rise or fall荣辱与共 together, as one nation and one people. That’s something to be grateful for – today and every day. So to all the Americans doing your part to make our world a better place – it is my privilege荣幸 to serve担任 as your President. To all our servicemembers – it is my honor to be your Commander in Chief. And from our family to yours, happy Thanksgiving. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bo_(dog ) Bo Official White House portrait of the First Dog Other appellation(s) First Dog Charlie (by previous owner) Species Canis lupus familiaris Breed Portuguese Water Dog Sex Male Born Amigo's New Hope ( 2008-10-09 ) October 9, 2008 (age4) Nation from United States Knownfor Pet of the First Family of the United States Training Dawn Sylvia ( Hume, Virginia ) Can sit, present paw/shake, lie down, roll over, get off, wait Predecessor Barney Bush Owner Obama family Parents Dam : Penny (Amigo's Phor What Its Worth) ( Boyd, Texas ) Sire : Watson (Valkyrie's Dr. Watson Is Here) ( Ambridge, Pennsylvania ) Breeder: Julie Parker Appearance tuxedo/black and white Named after Obama girls ' cousins' pet cat and also Bo Diddley Bo (born October 9, 2008) is the pet dog of the Obama family, the First Family of the United States . Bo is a neutered male Portuguese Water Dog . President Barack Obama and his family were given the dog as a gift after months of speculation about the breed and identity of their future pet. The final choice was made in part because Malia Obama 's allergies dictated a need for a hypoallergenic breed. The White House has referred to him as the " First Dog ", a term occasionally used during recent U.S. administrations. Contents 1 Breed background 2 Breeding and original owners 3 Media attention as Obamas select the First Dog 4 Biographical details 5 Disputed rescue heritage 6 Reactions by and in the media 7 See also 8 References 9 External links Breed background Main article: Portuguese Water Dog The Portuguese Water Dog is a fairly rare breed; only 48 Portuguese Water Dogs were entered for Britain's Crufts competition in 2009 and the author of The New Complete Portuguese Water Dog, Kitty Braund, believes there are about 50,000 in North America. Due to its fleecy coat, the Portuguese Water Dog is considered a hypoallergenic dog breed . Breeding and original owners The Obamas with Bo Bred by Julie Parker of Erie County, Pennsylvania , Bo is the son of "Watson" (CH Valkyrie Dr. Watson is Here, Born 22.April.2002, AKC WS00562102) of the Rader family in the Pittsburgh suburb of Ambridge, Pennsylvania and of Penny who belongs to Art and Martha Stern of Boyd, Texas . One of Bo's nine litter mates is Senator Ted Kennedy 's Portie named Cappy (Amigo's Captain Courageous); the litter was named "Hope and Change" in honor of Obama's victory . Bo was purchased by a person unknown to the public, but eventually the new owner returned him to the Stern family; when buying the dog, the original purchaser had signed a contract requiring him to return the dog to the breeder if things did not work out. Bo was enrolled on January 5, 2009, with Kennedy's obedience trainer Dawn Sylvia-Stasiewicz , in Hume, Virginia . Bo has a brother named Rico, that is owned by a couple in Houston, Texas. Media attention as Obamas select the First Dog At his first press conference as President-elect , Obama was questioned by reporters as to which breed the family was looking to acquire; he replied, "Our preference would be to get a shelter dog, but, obviously, a lot of shelter dogs are mutts ." He also noted "Malia is allergic, so it has to be hypoallergenic. There are a number of breeds that are hypoallergenic." George Stephanopolous asked Obama on television in early January what kind of dog they would get, and when, saying that he was passing on a question from Obama's daughters who were sitting in the control room. Obama said, "They seem to have narrowed it down to a labradoodle or a Portuguese water hound ... medium-sized dog, and so, we're now going to start looking at shelters to see when one of those dogs might come up." Much was made by the public and press about the family's search for a dog. On April 12, 2009, it was announced that the Obamas would soon accept a six-month-old Portuguese Water Dog puppy as a gift from Senator Kennedy. The dog was reported to have visited the family some weeks earlier in a secret meeting to gauge compatibility and purportedly referred to by staffers as "The Meeting". However, the gift was not accepted until the dog officially arrived and moved in at the White House on Tuesday, April 14, 2009; Immediately after he arrived, the family staged a photo op with Bo on the property's South Lawn . At the conference, Obama was asked if he would allow Bo inside the Oval Office , to which he responded: "of course." He also gave a nod to President Harry Truman 's quote, "If you want a friend in Washington, get a dog." The White House website was later updated to include official pictures and biographical details of Bo. Biographical details Bo wearing a lei upon his White House arrival Listed by the name "Amigo's New Hope" with American Kennel Club 's breed registry and given the name "Charlie" by his original owners, the puppy received his current name from President Obama's two daughters, Malia and Sasha , in part after their cousins' cat and Michelle Obama 's father 's nickname Diddley; the dog is a namesake of deceased singer Bo Diddley . In June 2009, the White House released a baseball card for Bo with his new official portrait on one side and tongue-in-cheek statistics on the other; information included the facts that Bo's favorite food is tomatoes and that he does not yet know how to swim. The card is available by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the White House. According to financial disclosure forms released by President Obama in 2010, Bo has a value of $1,600. In December 2010, Bo was permitted to accompany the Obama family to the guest house Plantation Estate in Hawaii. Hawaii, which is rabies-free, has strict quarantine rules of up to 120 days for dogs from outside the state. However, in accordance with rules modified in 2003, dogs are permitted if they have had two rabies shots (including one in the previous 90 days), pass a rabies blood test, and have a microchip implant . Disputed rescue heritage The Obamas walking with Bo The Obama family originally seemed to emphasize their desire for an adopted shelter dog, but made no firm commitments. In the summer of 2008, Best Friends Animal Society , an animal welfare organization, gathered 50,000 signatures on a petition asking the family to adopt a shelter animal. As Bo is a gift from the Kennedy family, he is not a shelter dog. Some dog experts, such as Cesar Millan , state that Bo could be considered part of a larger group known as rescue dogs, as he was unsuccessful in his first home, when plans for him to provide companionship to an older female dog went awry because he irritated the dog through attempts to suckle . The Obamas have pledged to donate to the District of Columbia Humane Society to show their support for shelter dogs. Some criticism has arisen from animal welfare supporters because Bo was not adopted from a shelter. The Humane Society of the United States released a statement on their website thanking the Obamas "for taking in a second-chance dog," but also encouraged the public to avoid going through breeders. Reactions by and in the media Bo and President Obama running through the east wing of the White House The Washington Post ’s Manuel Roig-Franzia, granted exclusive initial access to Bo for the print media, described the puppy: "Bo's a handsome little guy. Well suited for formal occasions at the White House, he's got tuxedo-black fur, with a white chest, white paws and a rakish white goatee." People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) described the family's choice to accept the gift of a puppy from a family friend as "disquieting" and publicly urged the President to have Bo neutered, though the dog had been neutered before the Obamas received him. Bo in March 2010 In anticipation of increased interest in the breed , the Portuguese Water Dog Club of America issued a statement requesting that members of the public considering obtaining the dogs "ensure that this breed fits their lifestyle," advising that Porties' needs preclude their being left alone for long periods or boarded in kennels . Immediately upon Bo joining the First Family, four children's books and a plush toy depicting him were slated for publication or manufacture. On July 17, 2009, the author Ben Greenman , writing in The New York Times as Bo, reflected on his first hundred days in office. In the final episode of the History Channel 's Life After People , aired March 16, 2010, the producers imagined what life would be like for Bo after the disappearance of humanity. This showed that he would leave the White House, and live off seafood from the Chesapeake Bay. Bo was also shown on Dogs 101 . Bo has appeared in the comic book Lockjaw and the Pet Avengers and on the TV show Late Night with Jimmy Fallon . See also United States presidential pets References ^ a b Dave, By (2009-04-20). "Vigilant press spots Bo, the first dog, out for a walk | csmonitor.com" . The Christian Science Monitor . http://features.csmonitor.com/politics/2009/04/20/vigilant-press-spots-bo-the-first-dog-out-for-a-walk/ . Retrieved 2009-04-26 . ^ a b c d e "The White House – Blog Post – Meet Bo, the First Dog" . Whitehouse.gov . http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/09/04/12/Meet-Bo-the-First-Dog/ . Retrieved 2009-08-10 . ^ a b Cooper, Helen (April 12, 2009). "One Obama Search Ends With a Puppy Named Bo" . The New York Times . http://www.nytimes.com/2009/04/13/us/politics/13obama.html . Retrieved April 18, 2009 . "Other Web sites, which have been tracking the saga of the selection of the first dog, were in a frenzy over the weekend." ^ Silva, Mark (2009-04-12). "Obamas' dog Bo:'Amigo's New Hope'" . Swamppolitics.com . http://www.swamppolitics.com/news/politics/blog/2009/04/obamas_dog_bo_amigos_new_hope.html . Retrieved 2009-10-19 . ^ "Obama Dog Trainer: Bo Already "Sits, Shakes, Rolls Over"" . Us Weekly. 2009-04-15 . http://www.usmagazine.com/news/obama-trainer-bo-already-sits-shakes-rolls-over-2009144 . Retrieved 2009-04-26 . ^ "The Obama Dog Blog: Cappy's Breeder Rejects Obama Dog Connection" . Dreamdogsart.typepad.com. 2009-04-15 . http://dreamdogsart.typepad.com/the_obamas_dog/2009/04/cappys-breeder-rejects-obama-dog-connection.html . Retrieved 2009-04-26 . ^ a b Sostek, Anya (April 14, 2009). "First dog's father from Ambridge" . Pittsburgh Post-Gazette . http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/09104/962604-57.stm . Retrieved 2011-06-11 . ^ a b Hess, Amanda (2009-04-13). "PETA Encourages Obamas to Neuter Neutered Dog" . nbcwashington.com . http://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/PETA_Encourages_Obamas_to_Neuter_Neutered_Dog.html . Retrieved 2009-04-15 . ^ "World | Obama family 'picks first puppy'" . BBC News. 2009-04-12 . http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/7995570.stm . Retrieved 2009-04-26 . ^ "PORTUGUESE WATER DOG" . Crufts . 2009 . http://crufts.fossedata.co.uk/Breed.asp?ShowYear=2009GroupID=WORScheduleID=160 . Retrieved 2009-04-17 . ^ Ryan, Denise (2009-04-15). "U.S. first family puts Portuguese water dog on the map" . .canada.com . http://www2.canada.com/vancouversun/news/westcoastnews/story.html?id=eb38a8c3-9ef9-40c2-bda1-3d87c1a6d9adk=17132p=2 . Retrieved 2009-04-26 . ^ Berkowitz, Lana. "Houston pooch has friend in high place" . Houston Chronicle . http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/pets/6372225.html . Retrieved 2009-10-13 . ^ a b Rhee, Foon (2008-11-10). "Chewing over Obama's 'mutt' reference – 2008 Presidential Campaign Blog – Political Intelligence" . Boston Globe . http://www.boston.com/news/politics/politicalintelligence/2008/11/chewing_over_ob.html . Retrieved 2009-04-26 . ^ Weiner, Rachel (2009-01-13). "Obama: Finding Puppy "Tougher Than Finding A Commerce Secretary" (VIDEO)" . Huffington Post . http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2009/01/11/obama-finding-puppy-tough_n_156914.html . Retrieved 2009-04-26 . ^ Roig-Franzia, Manuel (2009-04-12). "The First Puppy Makes a Big Splash" . The Washington Post . http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/04/11/AR2009041102484_2.html?sid=ST2009041202878 . Retrieved 2009-04-26 . ^ a b Theimer, Sharon. "PROMISES, PROMISES: Is Obama dog a rescue or not?" . Associated Press . http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=D97HQQP00show_article=1 . Retrieved 2009-04-26 . ^ a b c Theimer, Sharon. "First dog Bo makes himself at home" . The Washington Times . http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2009/apr/15/first-dog-bo-takes-obamas-for-romp-as-he-sniffs-ou/ . Retrieved 2009-04-26 . ^ Saul, Michael (2009-04-12). "First photos of First Dog: Obamas meet Bo, their new Portuguese Water Dog" . Daily News (New York) . http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/2009/04/11/2009-04-11_its_easter_puppy_for_obamas_first_family_getting_portuguese_water_dog_puppy__rep.html . Retrieved 2009-04-13 . ^ St. Clair, Stacy (2009-04-13). "Obamas' dog: Meet Bo, the Portuguese water dog" . Chicago Tribune . http://www.chicagotribune.com/news/chi-talk-obama-puppy-13-apr13,0,2536424.story . Retrieved 2009-04-13 . ^ "The First Puppy Makes a Big Splash" . PopWatch Blog . 2009-04-12 . http://popwatch.ew.com/popwatch/2009/04/barack-obama-do.html . Retrieved 2009-10-19 . ^ Sobieraj-Westfall, Sandra (April 12, 2009). "The Obamas' Dog Has Arrived – at Last!" . People . http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20271921,00.html . Retrieved October 2, 2010 . ^ Iovino, Jim. "First Dog Bo's Portrait Out as Baseball Card" . NBC Washington . http://www.nbcwashington.com/around_town/the_scene/Bos-Rookie-Card-Sure-to-be-Collectors-Item.html . Retrieved 2009-08-10 . ^ Lee, Jess. "The White House – Blog Post – Bo: The Portrait, the Baseball Card" . Whitehouse.gov . http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/Bo-The-Portrait-the-Baseball-Card/ . Retrieved 2009-08-10 . ^ Conolly, Katie. "The Gaggle: Official Portrait of First Dog Bo Released" . Newsweek . http://blog.newsweek.com/blogs/thegaggle/archive/2009/06/19/official-portrait-of-first-dog-bo-released.aspx . Retrieved 2009-08-10 . ^ Marr, Kendra (May 17, 2010). "Hot dog: $1,600 Bo listed on disclosure forms" . The Politico . http://www.politico.com/politico44/perm/0510/hot_dog_2a94d94b-62d5-46e8-84c1-da3cae477d9e.html . Retrieved 18 May 2010 . ^ "Uncategorized Bo Obama Faced Possible Quarantine in Hawaii, Asked to Produce Papers" . NwoDaily.com. 2010-12-21 . http://nwodaily.com/2010/12/bo-obama-faced-possible-quarantine-in-hawaii-asked-to-produce-papers/ . Retrieved 2011-06-16 . ^ "Animal Quarantine Information – Hawaii Department of Agriculture" . Hawaii.gov . http://hawaii.gov/hdoa/ai/aqs/info . Retrieved 2011-06-16 . ^ Greene, Nick (2009-04-15). "Obamas criticised for breaking promise of adopting dog from shelter" . London: The Daily Telegraph . http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/barackobama/5154973/Obamas-criticised-for-breaking-promise-of-adopting-dog-from-shelter.html . Retrieved 2009-04-26 . ^ a b Goldston, Linda (2008-11-05). "Obama family will adopt, rather than buy, a dog" . Current.com . http://current.com/items/89502136_obama-family-will-adopt-rather-than-buy-a-dog.htm . Retrieved 2009-10-19 . ^ Vinzant, Carol (2009-04-16). "5 Things You Don't Know About First Dog Bo – Barack Obama" . People . http://www.people.com/people/article/0,,20272856,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines . Retrieved 2009-04-26 . ^ "Obama puppy: Portuguese water dog Bo is Obama puppy" . The Baltimore Sun. 2009-04-13 . http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/nation/bal-te.dog13apr13,0,304629.story . Retrieved 2009-04-26 . ^ "The HSUS Congratulates First Family on New White House Dog" . Humane Society of the United States. 2009-04-12 . http://www.humanesociety.org/news/press_releases/2009/04/first_family_dog_sm_041209.html . Retrieved 2012-11-05 . ^ "Obama Dog Bo Diddley Obama Puppy First Dog Photos Video at The Insider" . Theinsider.com . http://www.theinsider.com/news/2003457_Obama_Dog_Bo_Diddley_Obama_Puppy_First_Dog_Photos_Video . Retrieved 2009-08-10 . ^ Bedard, Paul (2009-04-13). "PETA urges Obama to snip Bo the first dog" . USNews.com . http://www.usnews.com/blogs/washington-whispers/2009/4/13/peta-urges-obama-to-snip-bo-the-first-dog.html . Retrieved 2009-10-19 . ^ "Obama Family’s Choice for "First Dog" Prompts PWDCA to Remind Public About Responsible Breeding and Dog Ownership" . The Portuguese Water Dog Club of America, Inc. 2009-04-13 . http://www.akc.org/poll/special/PWDCARelease.pdf . Retrieved 2009-10-19 . ^ Irvine, Chris (2009-04-16). "Bo Obama to star in children's book" . London: The Daily Telegraph . http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/barackobama/5167659/Bo-Obama-to-star-in-childrens-book.html . Retrieved 2009-04-26 . ^ Kondo, Koji (April 2009). Bo Obama: First Dog of the United States of America . CreateSpace. ISBN 1-4421-5644-9 . ^ Lewis, J. Patrick; Beth Zappitello, Tim Bowers (April 2009). First Dog . Sleeping Bear Press. ISBN 1-58536-467-3 . ^ Greenman, Ben (2009-07-16). "The First Hundred (Dog) Days" . The New York Times . http://www.nytimes.com/2009/07/17/opinion/17greenman.html . Retrieved 2009-10-19 . ^ "Take Me To Your Leader" . History . http://www.history.com/shows/life-after-people/episodes/ . Retrieved 2010-03-25 . "The President's dog must learn the ways of the wild." ^ Bo Obama's anniversary: First year as First Dog , The Washington Post, April 15, 2010 ^ Dogs 101 Ep. 10, All the Presidents' Pets , ^ Dogs 101 ep. 14, Bernese Mountain Dog, Afghan, Portuguese Water Dog, Cairn Terrier, Alaskan Malamute http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_States_presidential_pets History of White House dogs In 1944 Franklin D. Roosevelt was running for his fourth term when rumors surfaced that his Scottish Terrier , Fala , had accidentally been left behind when visiting the Aleutian Islands . After allegedly sending back ships to rescue his dog, Roosevelt was ridiculed and accused of spending thousands of taxpayers’ dollars to retrieve his dog. At a speech following this Roosevelt said, "you can criticize me, my wife and my family, but you can't criticize my little dog. He's Scotch and all these allegations about spending all this money have just made his little soul furious." What was later called the ‘ Fala Speech ’ reportedly turned the election around for Roosevelt.
个人分类: 我的阅读|3356 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载] The first family's Thanksgiving dinner menu
热度 2 zuojun 2012-11-23 02:13
Here is menu for the first family's feast, as shared by the White House: • Turkey • Ham • Cornbread Stuffing • Oyster Stuffing • Greens • Macaroni and cheese • Sweet Potatoes • Mashed Potatoes • Green Bean Casserole • Dinner Rolls Dessert: • Banana Cream Pie • Pumpkin Pie • Apple Pie • Sweet Potato Pie • Huckleberry Pie • Cherry Pie
个人分类: Simple Cooking|1696 次阅读|4 个评论
[转载]The Indo-European Language Family Tree
carldy 2012-11-11 10:33
[转载]The Indo-European Language Family Tree
Here enclosed an article dealing with the language family tree. The title is "The Indo-European Language Family Tree", and it comes from the following website: http://andromeda.rutgers.edu/~jlynch/language.html The Indo-European Language Family Tree By Jack Lynch , Rutgers — Newark The chart below shows the relations among some of the languages in the Indo-European family. Though you wouldn't think to look at the tangle of lines and arrows, the chart is very much simplified: many languages and even whole language families are left out. Use it, therefore, with caution. The coverage is most thorough, but still far from complete, in the Germanic branch, which includes English. The dotted line from French to Middle English suggests not direct descent, but the influx of French vocabulary in the centuries after the Norman Invasion. Some caveats. In the interest of making this readable, I've left out dozens of languages. I've even omitted the entire Anatolian, Albanian, and Tocharian families; I've included no languages from the Baltic branch or the Continental Celtic branch; I've grossly oversimplified the Indo-Iranian family; and so on. The historical phases of some languages — Old Swedish, Middle Swedish, Modern Swedish; Vedic Sanskrit, Middle Indic — have been left out. I've made no attempt to distinguish living languages from dead ones. I'm not trying to make the definitive statement of the relationships among all the Indo-European languages, only to give my students some idea of the origins of the English language, and its relations to other familiar languages — along with a few less familiar ones. here enclosed the pdf version of the chart. language.pdf PS. More information about the Indo-European Language Family: http://www.danshort.com/ie/iecentum.htm The section below provides an outline listing of all the languages described in this chart. For a complete listing of all Indo-European languages, see the Indo-European Language Family . Another beautiful language family tree: (source: http://srhabay.wikispaces.com/19+INDO-EUROPEAN+LANGUAGE+FAMILY )
个人分类: 语言学探讨 Linguistics|5812 次阅读|0 个评论
A family needs a housekeeper...
zuojun 2012-10-22 04:35
or a homemaker, be it the wife or husband. I still remember what my grandma said when I was little. She said housekeeping kept her busy all day long. I knew what she was talking about: maki ng three meals each day for 3-4 people, doing washing, keeping the apartment clean, and getting us freshly-made snacks every day at 3 pm. She meant the whole world to us, my brother and me, and she was a great person . However, I didn't know what she meant until recently when I spent two weeks cleaning u p my two-bedroom apartment for some visitors (and hardly cooked). So, my question is whether or not both parents should work, with out the help of a housekeeper . I am sure most of you, the Bl ogg ers at SciNet, don't have th e luxury of having a paid housekeeper . M ay be it's time for the govern ment to re-think how to restructure the work for ce , especially now when the unemployment is a big issue for young people in China. ( And, with some luck, some of our Blogge rs can enjo y early retirement.)
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2612 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Expansin & Auxin
syfox 2012-9-16 11:53
气孔运动机理的研究: 扩张蛋白 ( Expansin )是存在于植物细胞壁上的一 类蛋白,在植物细胞的生长,果实的成熟等方面具有重要的调控功能。 膨胀素 ( Expansin )是近年新发现的细胞壁蛋白,是打开氢键使得细胞壁松弛的主要调节物质,相关的水解酶类主要起辅助作用,能提高或降低 膨胀素 的作用 扩展 蛋白 ( Expansin )与木葡聚糖内糖基转移酶(xyloglucan endotransglycosylase,XET)是细胞壁松弛物质,在果实中普遍存在,并且参与果实的成熟软化。 The auxin-responsive GH3 gene family in rice ( Oryza sativa ) Mukesh Jain; Navneet Kaur; Akhilesh K. Tyagi; Jitendra P. Khurana Functional Integrative Genomics , 2006, 6 ( 1 ) : 36-46 DOI: 10.1007/s10142-005-0142-5 Auxin regulates plant growth and development by altering the expression of diverse genes. Among these, the genes of Aux / IAA , SAUR , and GH3 classes have been extensively studied in dicots, but little information is available on monocots. We have identified 12 members of GH3 gene family in rice using sequences of full-length cDNA clones available from KOME and analysis of the whole genome sequence of rice. The genomic organization as well as chromosomal location of all the OsGH3 genes is reported. The rice GH3 proteins can be classified in two groups (groups I and II) on the basis of their phylogenetic relationship with Arabidopsis GH3 proteins. Based upon the sequences available in the database, not a single group III GH3 protein could be identified in rice. An extensive survey of EST sequences of other monocots led to the conclusion that although GH3 gene family is highly conserved in both dicots and monocots but the group III is conspicuous by its absence in monocots. The in silico analysis has been complemented with experimental data to quantify transcript levels of all GH3 gene family members. Using real-time polymerase chain reaction, the organ-specific expression of individual OsGH3 genes in light- and dark-grown seedlings/plants has been examined. The transcript abundance of nearly all OsGH3 genes is enhanced on auxin treatment, with the effect more pronounced on OsGH3-1 , -2 , and -4 . The functional validation of these genes in transgenics or analysis of gene-specific insertional mutants will help in elucidating their precise role in auxin signal transduction. 水稻中生长素响应 GH3 基因家族 生长素通过改变多种基因的表达参与调控植物的生长发育。在这些基因中,Aux/IAA、SAUR和GH3类基因在双子叶植物中被广泛研究,但是单子叶中可以获得的这些基因的信息还很有限。通过分析KOME数据库中的全长cDNA和水稻全基因组序列,作者从水稻中鉴定到GH3基因家族的12个成员。本研究报道了这些 OsGH3 基因在基因组上的组织结构和染色体位置。根据与拟南芥GH3蛋白系统发生的关系,水稻GH3蛋白可以分为两组(I组和II组)。根据数据库中获得的序列,水稻中没有个属于III组的GH3蛋白。对其他单子叶植物EST序列的深入分析,发现双子叶和单子叶植物GH3基因家族是高度保守的,但是III组基因在单子叶植物中显著缺失。作者对所有鉴定到的GH3基因家族成员的转录水平进行了分析。通过real-time PCR对光下和暗中生长的水稻幼苗/植株 OsGH3 基因的器官特异性表达进行了检测。生长素处理能够使几乎所有 OsGH3 的表达丰度提高,其中以 OsGH3-1, -2 和 -4 的增加最为显著。对这些基因的功能验证或对基因特异的插入突变体进行分析,将有助于阐明这些基因在生长素信号传导中的作用。 ► 本文研究的功能基因 ◄ 吲哚乙酸氨基化合成酶基因 OsGH3.8; OsGH3-8; OsMGH3 茉莉酯-L-异亮氨酸合酶 OsJar1; OsGH3.5; OsGH3-5 吲哚乙酸氨基化合成酶基因 OsGH3.13; TLD1 吲哚乙酸氨基化合成酶基因 OsGH3.1; OsGH3-1 茉莉脂-L-异亮氨酸合酶 OsJAR2; OsGH3.3; OsGH3-3 吲哚乙酸氨基化合成酶基因 OsGH3-2 GH3基因 OsGH3-4 GH3基因 OsGH3-6 GH3基因 OsGH3-7 GH3基因 OsGH3-9 GH3基因 OsGH3-10 GH3基因 OsGH3-11 GH3基因 OsGH3-12
个人分类: 学习|2579 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 bioysy 2012-9-7 02:09
评语有云: 如立项依据中已给出20kb中仅包含一个候选基因,而研究方案中对候选基因功能验证却仍“拟对多个候选基因的超表达…“; 请专家看仔细了,我是对一个基因的多个转录本进行超表达还是对多个基因进行超表达?对多个基因进行超表达的意思是.比如这个区间有两个基因,基因名分别为:LOC_Os03g011111,LOC_Os03011112(瞎编的基因符号),对这两个基因分别进行超表达,这叫多个侯选基因的超表达.假设LOC_Os03g011111有两个转录本,分别为LOC_Os03g011111.1和LOC_Os03g011111.2,我想弄清楚这两个转录本到底是哪个在起作用,当然我得对这两个转录本都超表达.而且这也不是什么新鲜的东西.请见参考文献: The JAZ family of repressors is the missing link in jasmonate signalling The JAZ family of repressors is the missing link.pdf 如此评语,扪心自问是不是有失专业水准? 多年的申请,让自己倍受打击.呵呵,当然并不能对我的信心构成打击.打击多了自己反而更平静了,做科研当然得耐得住寂寞,经得起煎熬,不怕失败.何况是小小的项目申请.专家的鞭策和鼓励,小生领教了!
个人分类: 专业随笔|3450 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载]For young women: Why Women Still Can’t Have It All
zuojun 2012-6-28 03:55
http://www.theatlantic.com/magazine/archive/2012/07/why-women-still-can-8217-t-have-it-all/9020/ ps. Will Women Ever Have It All? My guess is NO. I have been meaning to write an opinion like this, though I never had this author's high power position or two kids (especially a difficult one like her old son), still I realized how hard it was to be a mother and a scientist at the same time (after my son went to college). I am reluctant to say that I would prefer to be a stay-home mom, if I had to relive my life; but I would definitely give it a serious consideration.
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2601 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 zls111 2012-4-19 18:28
http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1469-8137.2012.04143.x/full Complex evolutionary history and diverse domain organization of SET proteins suggest divergent regulatory interactions j.1469-8137.2012.0414311.x.pdf Liangsheng Zhang 1 , Hong Ma 1,2 Summary • Plants and animals possess very different developmental processes, yet share conserved epigenetic regulatory mechanisms, such as histone modifications. One of the most important forms of histone modification is methylation on lysine residues of the tails, carried out by members of the SET protein family, which are widespread in eukaryotes. • We analyzed molecular evolution by comparative genomics and phylogenetics of the SET genes from plant and animal genomes, grouping SET genes into several subfamilies and uncovering numerous gene duplications, particularly in the Suv, Ash, Trx and E(z) subfamilies. • Domain organizations differ between different subfamilies and between plant and animal SET proteins in some subfamilies, and support the grouping of SET genes into seven main subfamilies, suggesting that SET proteins have acquired distinctive regulatory interactions during evolution. We detected evidence for independent evolution of domain organization in different lineages, including recruitment of new domains following some duplications. • More recent duplications in both vertebrates and land plants are probably the result of whole-genome or segmental duplications. The evolution of the SET gene family shows that gene duplications caused by segmental duplications and other mechanisms have probably contributed to the complexity of epigenetic regulation, providing insights into the evolution of the regulation of chromatin structure.
3409 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载]Brat in the family--方順生(陳方安生之弟,談家國事; 附中譯本)
tsowungwai 2012-2-4 16:13
方順生(陳方安生的弟弟)撰文 Brat in the family  談家事、國事--讀後深感:方召麟如仍健在,會如何看待陳方安生?! 方順生 Philip, Fang Shun Sang-- 陳方安生 的弟弟 South China Morning Post 刊出文章 Brat in the family 有人翻譯放上內地「天涯」網, 天涯所據的 可能 才是 英文原文 , 對比之下 SC PM 有刪削 ,只是節錄。 兩英、一中版 全附上。 ────────────────── The writer of this article, Philip, Fang Shun Sang joined the United Nation Secretariat in New York as a simultaneous interpreter in 1971, the same year the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to restore the lawful rights of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations. In 1979 he was transferred to the United Nations Office in Geneva UNOG, where he served for the next 20 years as a Senior Interpreter and the Chief of the Chinese Interpretation Section. In 1999, he took early retirement in order to help his Mother Fang Zhaolin, the famed grandmaster Chinese artist to prepare for her legacy. 本文作者 方順生 1971 年加入聯合國紐約秘書處,擔任同聲傳譯工作。同年,聯大以絕大多數票通過恢復中華 人民共和國在聯合國的合法席位。 1979 年被派往聯合國日內瓦辦公處 (UNOG) 。他是資深傳譯兼中文傳譯科科長,在日內瓦服務二十年,於 1999 年從聯合國提前退休,準備全時間幫助母親國畫大師方召麟女士完成遺志。 ──────────── South China Morning Post http://www.scmp.com/portal/site/SCMP/menuitem.2af62ecb329d3d7733492d9253a0a0a0/?vgnextoid=a659bddd01383310VgnVCM100000360a0a0aRCRDss=Hong+Kongs=News Brat in the family Philip Fang denounces the ingratitude displayed by some Hongkongers who enjoy the prosperity powered by their home country's boom but continue to deny Beijing the loyalty and trust that is rightfully due ────────────── Nov 09, 2011 Wang Guangya , head of the Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office, has let it be known that the No 1 criterion in the selection of the next chief executive would be patriotism. Patriotism presupposes loyalty and trust - the bricks and mortar of all lasting human relations. Are Hong Kong people patriotic? The answer is an emphatic "no". Generally, Hong Kong Chinese have no idea of their national identity and heritage, and are loath to identify with their brethren on the mainland. They would rather identify themselves with Taiwanese Chinese, Singaporean Chinese, Australian Chinese and American Chinese. They think they are superior. The mindset that fosters this superiority complex is no mystery; Hong Kong people worship money, power and celebrity. Hong Kong creates no true wealth. It indulges in the culture of money making money. Back in the 1980s, Hong Kong wages rocketed and production moved across the border. Hong Kong has since been reduced to a service-based economy. Its limited terrain has become its new wealth generator. Today, over 70 per cent of Hong Kong's market capitalisation comes from property and related activities; Hong Kong is one of the most expensive places to live in the world today. This social polarisation has moved the city dangerously close to the red-light signal on the United Nations index measuring social upheaval in the wake of income disparity. The central government must have confidence that the chief executive can keep things under control in Hong Kong. Normally, the interest of the overwhelming majority of 1.3billion Chinese should have priority but, in the case of Hong Kong, the reverse is true. Beijing has given Hong Kong people carte blanche to run their own affairs. Hong Kong pays no taxes to the central government, which also picks up the bill for the People's Liberation Army, which ensures the special administrative region's security. Hong Kong's level of taxation is very low compared with other similar economies. Yet, mainland China's "tax pain" ranked second in the world in 2009, according to Forbes. Vice-Premier Li Keqiang , during his recent visit, said Beijing had picked Hong Kong to be China's future centre for overseas renminbi trading. Hong Kong last year ranked third in the world as a recipient of foreign direct investment, according to a UN report, a mesmerising performance considering the SAR's size. All these good things have happened to Hong Kong and its people because of one reason - their country, China. Hong Kong should ask itself this: "My country has done so much for me, what have I done for it in return?" It's time for the people of Hong Kong to ask themselves whether they have lived up to the expectations of the central government. The way things stand, they have let Beijing down badly. Hongkongers have behaved like spoiled brats cosseted with gifts, perquisites and privileges. Instead of showing their gratitude and appreciation, they have turned on their own country. Chief Executive Donald Tsang Yam-kuen was right to condemn the recent acts of hooliganism under the guise of free speech and assembly in the Legislative Council. Hong Kong today seems to be used to lawlessness and anarchy. The law must be upheld and the authorities must not go soft on people who take the law into their own hands. The open defiance of the "Gang of Four" - Anson Chan Fang On-san, Martin Lee Chu-ming, Jimmy Lai Chee-ying and Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun - and the Civic Party, headed by Audrey Eu Yuet-mee, only points to the urgency for the government and Legco to push through Article 23, under which many of their acts would be considered as endangering state security, that is, sedition. People must be made to understand they are Chinese citizens and subject to Chinese laws and sanctions. Western precepts of democracy and human rights cannot be applied directly to a country the size of China, which for centuries has evolved around Confucian ethics. In the selection of national development models and priorities, China has always maintained an aloofness from the West. Equanimity and self-reliance have been its hallmark. In money management, the central bank has favoured a conservative and cautious policy. This has enabled China to stay clear of the economic meltdown. The recent downgrading of the ratings of the US and some euro zone nations shattered the myth that the US Federal Reserve and Wall Street knew better when it came to how to manage money. The world, and Europe in particular at present, is looking to China for help. As part of a family with a patriotic background, listed as descendents of revolutionary martyrs, I sincerely hope the people of Hong Kong will take to heart the overall interest of their country and people, and ponder Hong Kong's own future. Philip Fang Shun-sang worked for the United Nations as an interpreter and was chief of the Chinese interpretation section before retiring in 1999 ─────────────── 【解釋: 「內地天涯網站」於 2011 年 10 月 16 日 便貼出 方順生文章,於是, SCMP 的 2011-11-9 可能是後來節錄刊出。未知方文原刊出處。 即是,內地早便有人留意到方順生該文,並翻譯之。貼文者用的標題是: 历史著名爱 国方氏家族第三代反思香港人对爱国的看法。  該貼 http://www.tianya.cn/publicforum/content/no05/1/213388.shtml   】 【批註: 以下是比 SCMP 更多細節,寫來更有味道的版本。下文的中譯以此詳 細的英文版為據。】 Mr. Wang Guangya, Head of the Hong Kong and Macau Liaison Office, has let it be known that in the selection of the next Chief Executive for Hong Kong, the number one criterion would be patriotism and it is this issue I want to address. First, a brief introduction of my background is in order. I was born in Hong Kong of a family with a proud tradition of patriotism. My Grandfather, General Fang Zhenwu was once the Commander-in-chief of the North-East Coalition Forces Against the Japanese, his vice-Commander was General Ji Hongchang, also known as a great patriot. The two men openly opposed Jiang Jieshi’’s non-resistance policy thus making themselves his arch enemies. Both paid the ultimate price, their lives in the service of their country and people. My Grandfather, like General Ji, commanded great esteem amongst the Chinese Communist Party, especially the older generation of battle-hardened communists who survived the Long March. We are listed as decendents of revolutionary martyrs. My Mother, Dr Fang Zhaolin, was a Chinese Grand Master artist and calligraphist and founder of the post-modernist Fang Zhaolin School. She was a graduate of Hong Kong University in the 50s when she set a record by getting her BA degree in Chinese history in just under two years. Later she went to Oxford University to study the Songs of Chu. There she made the acquaintance of high-minded scholars like Dr Joseph Needem, Sinologist and later Dean of Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge and his wife, the celebrated Biochemist, Lu Guizhen, Dr David Hox, an authority on the immortal Chinese classic Dream of the Red Chamber, Dr Qian Zhongshu, scholar and writer, and later Dr Han Suying. They formed a life-long friendship and shared a common understanding of Chinese history and China’’s ancient culture and a deep respect for the creativity and self-reliant spirit of the Chinese people. Back in the 60s long before it became fashionable to travel to China, my Mother was making regular visits to the Mainland where she held exhibitions and exchanges with Mainland artists. She also saw the poverty, hardship and privations during the difficult years. My Mother used to say to us "The lot of the Chinese people for the past 100 years had been one of tears and sorrow, you don’’t know what it is like to be a Chinese until you have tasted their sufferings!"    My Uncle Professor Harry S.Y. Fang needs no introduction to Hong Kong. His name was a household word in Hong Kong in the 80s. He was the former United Nation appointed President of Rehabilitation International. His pioneering efforts in the cause of the physically handicapped around the world is on record. Little known however is the fact that sometime in the 80’’s, he made an irrevocable decision to switch alliagence to his own country and people. Long before China became the economic juggernaut it is today, he became the first Orthopaedic Specialist to propose to the Chinese leadership, at a time when China was still very poor and its limited resources stretched thin over a burgeoning population of over one billion, that the rehabilitation of the physically handicapped, a left-out and all but forgotten minority of the population, is a cause worth striving for in the long-run, and they believed him and China Disabled Person’s Federation was established. Today my uncle is honoured in China as the founding father of China rehab in memory of the everlasting contribution he made to his country and people.    I made a detailed introduction of my family’s patriotic background in order to lend credence to the theme under discussion – “Patriotism should be the number one criterion in the selection of the next Chief Executive of Hong Kong”. Patriotism presupposes loyalty and loyalty trust -- the bricks and mortar of all lasting human relations. Are Hong Kong people patriotic? The answer is an emphatic ‘No’. Generally Hong Kong Chinese have no idea of their national identity and heritage and loath to identify themselves with their brethrens on the Mainland. They would rather identify themselves with the Taiwanese Chinese, Singaporean Chinese, Australian Chinese and American Chinese. They think they are superior. The mindset that foster this superiority complex is no mystery because Hong Kong people worship money, power and celebrity. Hong Kong creates no true wealth. It indulges in the culture of money making money. Back in the 80s, Hong Kong wages sky-rocketed and production moved inland. Hong Kong has since been reduced to a service-based economy. Its limited terrain became its new wealth generator. Today over 70% of Hong Kong’s market capitalisation comes from real-estate and related activities. The near frenzied speculation of land and real estate has made Hong Kong the most expensive place to live in the world today. This social polarisation has moved Hong Kong dangerously close to the red light signal on the United Nation’s index measuring social upheaval in the wake of income disparity.    The Chief Executive must have the confidence of the Central Government that he can keep things under control in Hong Kong. Normally, the interest of the overwhelming majority of 1.3b Chinese should have absolutely priority, but in the case of Hong Kong the reverse is true. The Central Government has designated Hong Kong a SEZ and given Hong Kong people a carte blanche to run their own affairs. Hong Kong pays no taxes to the Central Government who also picks up the bill for the People’s Liberation Army which defends Hong Kong’s security. Hong Kong’s level of taxation is very low compare to other areas in the world of equal level of development. However, Mainland Chinese “Tax Pain” ranks second in the world last year according to Fortunes Index for 2010. Hong Kong and Macau citizens have been issued Special Passes which enable them to go in and out of China without restrictions and to stay for as long as they want. Their Mainland compatriots must be green with envy because they not only have to get visas for Hong Kong and Macau but have to wait in long queues for hours at the checkpoint. Vice Premier Li Keqiang on his recent visit brought the good news that Beijing has picked Hong Kong to be China’s future centre for overseas RMB trading. Hong Kong will be China’s future Zurich and Geneva, both unique financial centres of the world. According to the United Nations report, Hong Kong last year ranked third in the world as recipient of FDI(Foreign Direct Investment), a mesmerizing performance considering the size of Hong Kong. All these good things have happened to Hong Kong and its people because of one reason -- China. Hong Kong should ask itself this question, “My country has done so much for me, what have I done for her in return?” It’s time that the people of Hong Kong take to introspection and ask themselves have they lived up to the expectation of the Central Government? The way things stand they have let the Central Government down badly! Hong Kong people have behaved like spoiled brats cosseted with gifts, perquisites and privileges. Instead of showing their gratitude and appreciation they have turned on their own country. They have gone to the other extreme! Take the mud-raking tabloid Zheng Ming( 争鸣 ) the self-styled people’s voice which vilify and attack Chinese leadership by names, and forms a united front with the flamboyant Leung Kwok hung (梁 国雄) , the highly paid Legislation Council Member who crashed peaceful rally and disrupted official meetings of the Legislation Council. Donald Tsang, the Chief Executive was right in condemning his acts of hooliganism under the guise of free speech and assembly. It must be remembered that for millennium, the Emperor, the Son of Heaven, ruled from the capital and all bowed to his benevolence and absolute authority. Sedition or any pejorative mention of his name could bring public decapitation of three generations of the offender, and they would not be a whisper of dissent across the land! These days are gone forever, but this does not mean Hong Kong should go to the other extreme. Hong Kong today seems to be used to lawlessness and anarchy. No! The law must be upheld and the Authority must not go soft on people who took the law into their own hands!    The open defiance of the “Gang of Four” Anson Chan, Martin Li, Jimmy Lai, Cardinal Joseph Zen and the Civic Party headed by Audry Yu, only points to the urgency for the government and the Legislative Council to push through Article 23 under which all these activities would fall under activities endangering state security i.e. Sedition. These people must be made to understand that they are Chinese citizens and subject to Chinese laws and sanctions. All countries should respect China’s sovereignty over Hong Kong and refrain from interfering in China’s internal affairs.    Hong Kong’s Courts and Magistrates seem to have allowed themselves a lot of latitude in interpreting their mandate under the Basic Law. They seem to have memory lapse and forgotten that their first and foremost duty is to defend Hong Kong’s indigenous interest and should they falter the National People’s Congress (NPC) in Beijing has the final say in the interpretation of the Basic Law.    Western precepts of democracy and human rights cannot be applied directly to a country the size of China which for millennium has evolved around Confucius Ethics. It is bound to lead to unintended consequences1. Lee Iacocca, the flamboyant CEO of the Chrysler Corporation who singlehandedly brought his company from the brink of bankruptcy, and turned it into profitability again had this to say, “Trying to fit a square peg into a round hole simply won’t work—it don’t belong”. Western ideas and western ways to solve Chinese problems is a mismatch from the start. Today, China’s GDP ranks only second to the US. In the selection of National Develop Models and priority-setting, China has always maintained an aloofness from the West and has never accepted western tutelage, prodding and pressure. Equanimity and self-reliance had been China’s hallmark. In money management, China Central Bank favoured a conservative and cautious policy. This has enabled China to stay clear of the economic melt-down which hit the Western economies in 2008 – 2009. The recent downgrading of the ratings of US and countries of Euro area from AAA to AA shattered the myth that the US Federal Reserves and Wall Street knew better when it came to how to manage money. Currently, the US and Euro countries are battling the sovereign debt crisis. It’s everyone for himself. According to the latest IMF forecast, the prospects are grim for the Western economies, whereas China’s economy will continue to grow at a rate of 8%-9% per annum for the next decades. The world is now looking to Chinese economic performance to stimulate world recovery. The next round of competition will be in the economy field and the Chinese people are ready and confident. China will be recognised as a Premier Member and make its presence felt!    The timing of this article is both propitious and uncanny. Here in Sydney on a visit I was suddenly hit by a kidney disorder forcing me to postpone my departure and seek treatment. On the way over from Hong Kong to Sydney I picked up a recent book at the airport by Dr. Kissinger ‘On China’, and read it in the 8-hour flight to Sydney. Dr Kissinger’s analysis and his revelation of his dialogue with Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai and Deng Xiaoping, which were recorded verbatim left me awe-struck! My recovery requires long period of bed rest, and I used the time to re-read Dr. Kissinger’s book and took notes. From reading the local Chinese newspaper, I learned of Mr. Wang Guangya’s patriotic call to the people of Hong Kong and the recent admonition of former Premier Zhu Rongji, who said “We should condemn both in speech and writing those who undermine, on a quirk, Hong Kong’s unity and stability.” The former Premier called on the Hong Kong people to abide by the law, strengthen stability, built on success, maintain harmony and unity so as to better coordinate themselves with the Motherland’s ambitious plan for the future.    Finally, a word of advice to Hong Kong students. The level of both Chinese and English among students in Hong Kong today is ruefully inadequate. Their Mainland peers have long since overtaken them. I can say this with authority because language is my specialty. I came from an old-fashioned large Chinese family where my Grandmother who had bind feet was the Matriarch. From her I learned two things: how to respect authority and to know my place in the family hierarchy. Students’ place is in the classroom where they learn and listen to teachers’ lectures, not in the open ground to demonstrate or in the Dean’s Office to protest his decision to give the visiting Vice Premier Li Keqiang the seat of honour. I am all in favour of bringing back corporal punishment as a deterrence against recalcitrant and unrepentant students. The ancient adage “Spare the rod and spoil the child” still holds.    I strongly propose that Dr. Kissinger’s book ‘On China’ be made mandatory reading for university students of Hong Kong. Dr. Kissinger’s prose is superb, and students should use a good dictionary. Through this book they will gain an insight into their own country and its leaders that they don’t even know about it.    This article is based on my observation and analysis of the current social situation in Hong Kong and my sentiments and affection for the Motherland. I sincerely hope that the people of Hong Kong will take to heart the overall interest of their country China and the Chinese people and ponder on Hong Kong’s own future.       Philip Fang    20th, September, 2011 Sydney       1. Dr. Kissinger ‘On China’. pp.420    The writer of this article, Philip, Fang Shun Sang joined the United Nation Secretariat in New York as a simultaneous interpreter in 1971, the same year the UN General Assembly voted overwhelmingly to restore the lawful rights of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations. In 1979 he was transferred to the United Nations Office in Geneva UNOG, where he served for the next 20 years as a Senior Interpreter and the Chief of the Chinese Interpretation Section. In 1999, he took early retirement in order to help his Mother Fang Zhaolin, the famed grandmaster Chinese artist to prepare for her legacy.    【「天涯」中譯】     王光亞港澳辦主任已經宣佈在香港下一任特首的選舉中, 愛國是第一標準,他代表的是中央政府,我想談的就是這個問題。 首先,我應該介紹一下我的背景 。 我來自一個愛國的家庭。 我祖父 方振武 將軍曾經是抗日同盟軍總司令,他的左路軍總指揮 吉鴻昌 ,同樣也是以愛國著名。 這兩個人公開反對蔣介石的不抵抗政策,從而使他們變成了蔣介石的死敵。 兩人最終為他們的國家和人民獻出了自己的生命。 我的祖父和吉將軍在共產黨當中,特別是在老一代長征後倖存的久經百戰的共產黨員中,享有極高的聲譽。作為他的後裔的我們也因此被列為革命烈士之後。 我的母親方召麟是國畫大師和書法家, 方召麟後印象學派的創始人。 她是 50 年 代香港大學的畢業生,其後赴牛津大學研究楚辭。在那裡,她認識了一批享有極高聲譽的學者,像後來擔任劍橋凱厄斯學院校長的漢學家李約瑟博 士,以及他的夫人 著名生化學家魯桂珍,著名紅學家大衛霍克斯,錢鐘書學者,以及其後結識的韓素英醫生。這些人最後都成為了我母親的終身至交。 他們對中國源遠流長的歷史和燦爛悠久的文明有著共同的見解和認同,並且都十分尊重 中國人民的創造力和自力更生的精神 。早在 60 年代到大陸去旅行還沒有 成為時髦的時候,母親已經經常到中國去開畫展並與大陸的畫家交流。 她 親眼目睹了中國在困難時期老百姓所遭受的窮困艱苦和饑餓。我清晰地記得母親曾經與我們說過,中國老百姓在過去一百年的命運是充滿辛酸 苦難的,只有當你親身經歷過他們的苦難,你才會明白作為一個中國人是什麼滋味。    我的四叔 方心讓 教 授對香港人來說不需要介紹,在八零年代他的名字是家喻戶曉的。他是聯合國任命的國際康復總會的主席,在殘疾人士康復事業方面的先驅努力是 有目共睹的。 但鮮為人知的是,他曾在 80 年初期作出一個今後將效忠於自己的國家和人民的無悔決定 。 早在中國沒有成為今天的經濟強國之前,他作為一個骨科專家,第一個向中國領導人建 議要重視被遺忘的少數殘疾人士的康復事業。而當時,中國的有限資源還不能夠滿足十億人口的供給需要,但是中國領導人卻採納了他的建 議,從而建立了中國殘疾人聯合會。 在今天的中國,人們都尊稱我四叔為中國殘疾人士 “ 康復之父 ” ,以此紀念他對國家和人民所做出的不朽貢獻。    我詳細地介紹了 我 們家庭的愛國背景 , 是為了讓大家對我愛國 的熱忱情懷感同身受。 愛國應該成為選舉下一任香港特首的第一標準。愛國意味著效忠,而效忠意味著信任,信任就是人與人 關係的水泥和凝固體。 那麼香港人是否愛國呢?答案卻是否定的。 一 般來說香港的中國人既沒有民族意識,也沒有繼承中華民族優良的傳統。他們也不會對 大陸的同胞有認同感,他們寧願與臺灣,新加坡,澳洲,美國的中國人認同。他們認為自己更優越。 但當我們知道香港人看重的是金錢,權利,名譽的時候,這種優越感就不難理解了 。 香港人不生產新的財富,而搞著錢滾錢的把戲。早在 80 年代,香港的工資爆漲,生產 轉移內陸。其後,香港的經濟變為一個勞務供應經濟,而它有限的土地變成它的財富衍生源。今天香港 70% 以 上的融資來自房地產和有關的活動,近乎瘋狂的土地和房地產投機活動使今天的香港成為全世界居住最昂貴的城市。 這種社會兩極化使香港已經接近聯合國測量由於收入不平衡而引起的社會動盪指標的紅 燈警告。    中央政府對特首在香港能夠控制大局有足夠的信心。通常 13 億的中國人的利益應該有絕對優先權,但在香港來說卻是相反。 中央政府設定香港行政特區,授予香港人 “carte blanche ” (無限額的信用卡)來管理港人自己的事情。 此外香港不需要向中央政府納稅, 而負責香港安全的解放軍也是由中央政府來支付費用 , 香港的課稅水準在世界同等區 域中處於低位元 ,而中國大陸在 2010 年福布斯 “ 納稅痛苦 ” 指 數排行榜上卻高居第二位。香港澳門居民由中央頒發通行證,從而得到無限制的進出及無限期居住於中國大陸的權利。大陸的同胞了看了不由得眼 紅,因為他們不僅 要憑簽證進出港澳,而且要在關口排很長的隊。最近中國副總理李克強在香港訪問期間帶來一喜訊,北京選擇香港作為今後中國人民幣海外交易的 中心,香港將因此 成為中國的蘇黎世和日內瓦 – 世界上獨一無二的金融中心。根據聯合國的報告,去年香港在接受外國直接投資 (DFI) 方面居世界第三位,對香港這個彈丸之地來說這是難以置信的。 所有香港及港人得到的這些好處都只因為一個原因 ― 中國。香港人應該捫心自問,祖國為我做了 如此之多,我該何以為報?香港人是時候該自我反省了,他們應該認真思考一下他們有沒有達到中央政府對他們的期望。 照現在的情況來看,他們是大大的令中央失望了。 香港像一個被寵壞了的孩子,不但不感恩報德,反而背叛了自己的國家,走向另一個極端。 以《爭鳴》為代表的 一些抹黑的雜誌點名道姓的污蔑和攻擊中國領導人, 這份自命為代表民意的雜誌,與街上的流氓結成一條戰線, 由像 “ 與眾不同 ” 梁 國雄這種拿著高工資議員帶頭去硬闖和平的集會和正在正式開會的立法委員會。特首曾蔭權曾嚴正譴責這些打著言論集會自由幌子的流氓行徑。自 古以來中國以王權 為貴,天子從首都統治天下,他的權力是絕對的。任何侮辱或謀反王權的言行可以召來公開誅三族的嚴厲處罰,而天下不會有任何異議。 今天這種日子雖然已經一去不返了,但這並不意味著香港可以走向另外一個極端。 今 天的香港好像已經習慣了這些無法無天的行徑。自古以來鐵法無情,違法者必須受到制裁。    由於以陳方安生,李柱銘,黎智英,陳日君主教為 首的香港 “ 四人幫 ” 與余若薇領導的公民黨公開的向政府挑戰, 香港政府與香港立法委員會通過二十三條迫在眉睫。 二十三條內容針對 危害國家安全的言行。這些人應該知道他們是中國的公民,受中國法律的約束和制裁。而且所有的國家都應該尊重中國對香港的主權,避免干涉中 國的內政。    香港的法院和法官似乎在解釋基本法授予他們的任務方面也給了自己太多的空間,他們好像忘了他們的首要任務是維護港人的切身利益。如果他們失職,基本法最終 的解釋權是在人大。    西方的民主和人權概念不能夠直接用於一個像中國這樣幾千年來都是圍繞著儒家倫理思想治國的大國,否則一定會引起不可預見的後果 1 。美國的李.雅科卡,曾經是克萊斯勒汽車公司的總裁,他拯救了瀕 臨破產的公司,並使之重新盈利。他曾經說過這樣的話,要把一個四方模型放進一個圓模型中是行不通的。同樣的道理,用西方的辦法去解決中國 的問題也是行不通的。今天中國的 GDP 僅次於美國,居世界第二位。 在選擇國民經濟發展的模式和優先次序等重大問題上,中國一向是與西方保持一定 的距離,從來沒有接受過西方在這方面的唆使和壓力 。 泰然處之和自力更生一向是中國的品牌, 在 理財方面,央行一向採取謹慎保守的政策,使中國沒有被捲入 2008-2009 年的 西方經濟大崩潰與大蕭條。最近美國和幾個歐元區的國家的評級從 AAA 下降到 AA ,更粉碎了美國的聯邦儲備局和華爾街在理財方面勝人一籌的神話。 當前美國和歐元區國家正陷入主權債務的危機,人人自危。根據國際貨幣基金組織最新 的預測,西方經濟全部告急,但中國在未來的 10 年內將維持每年 8%-9% 的增長率。 全世界現在都寄希望於中國今後的經濟增長將可以帶動世界經濟的復蘇,下一輪的全球競賽即將在經濟領域展開。中國 人民將滿懷信心加入這場競賽,屆時中國將必然成為國際社會的一個舉足輕重的卓越成員( Premier Member )。    寫這篇文章我既沒有預料到也是機緣巧合。 這次來雪梨旅行突然遭遇一場腎病, 使我不得不推遲返港的日期在雪梨尋醫治療 。在從香港來雪梨時,我不經意地在香港機場買了一本基辛 格最近出版的名為《論中國》 (ON CHINA) 的書,並且一口氣在八個小時的旅 途中把它讀完。 基辛格博士的分析以及他在書中所透漏的他與毛澤東、周恩 來、鄧小平等對話的全文紀錄,使我感到無比的震撼 。 這 次腎病的突發,我需要長時間臥床休息,借這段時間我把基辛格的書又讀了一遍,並且做了筆記。 另外通過閱讀澳洲的華人報 刊,我知道了港澳辦主任王光亞對香港人愛國的要求以及最近前中國總理 朱鎔 基責成香港人要以國法為重,穩定為要,鞏固業績,保持和諧,團結一致,更好地配合祖國即將實現的宏圖大業。 中國前總理朱鎔基 說: “ 那些破壞香港團結穩定莫名其妙的行徑,大 家應予以口誅筆伐! ” 香港是我出生成長的故鄉,中國是我的祖國。兩者都與我有切身的關係。 我應該做出自己的貢獻,這篇文章就是我的貢獻。    最後是我對香港學生的一點忠告,香港高校學生無論在中文或英文方面都嚴重不足。大陸的學生早就過了他們的頭 , 我能這樣說因為我是語言方面的權威。我來自一個舊式的大家庭,祖母是一家之尊,所 有人都要聽她的。我從祖母那裡學到了如何尊重權威以及我在方氏大家庭內應有的地位。 學生就是應該在課室內聽課學習,而不是在操場上 示威或在校長的辦公室內抗議校長所做的給予國家副總理李克強最尊席位的決定。 我是贊成重用體罰來應付一些 行為特別惡劣的又頑固不改的學生,所謂棒頭出孝子。     我建議將基辛格的《論中國》 (ON CHINA) 定為大學生必讀書目,文采飛揚的基辛格博士會給當代大學生帶來新的思想和啟發。這本書會讓同學們對中國和 中國的領導人有一個全新的更深刻的認識。    此文基於我對香港社會現狀的觀察和我深深的愛國情懷。我衷心希望香港人能以大局為重,以民族為重,認真思考香港的未來,共同實現中華民族的偉大復興。      方順生      二零一一年九月二十日   雪梨  
个人分类: 落背脊獎|4109 次阅读|0 个评论
family, and love...
热度 2 zuojun 2011-7-22 21:09
What is the definition of family? If the members in a family do not care about each other's feelings, or even hurt each other's feelings, can they still be called a family? Two strangers were introduced by a matchmaker. They were handsome and beautiful. They fell in love, got married, and had two lovely children, a boy ad a girl. They children were well cared for by their grandma, a woman who could not read but knew far more about life than any educated people. The children grew up, went to college in the same year in an early month of 1978. Later on, they had their own families. Each worked hard to raise their own child, thanks to the one-child policy... The grandparents got old, and retired one after another. They have decent pensions, and decent health. They are restless, and they want to help their children (or interfere with their children's lives?)... Now, the grandparents get on each other's nerves daily, for little things. They make their children unhappy, and even their grandchildren wonder why old people behave like children. Is this a unique family, or is it rather common in China?
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2107 次阅读|7 个评论
Journals Ranked by Impact: Family Studies January 3, 2010
xupeiyang 2010-1-8 13:44
Journals Ranked by Impact: Family Studies Rank 2008 Impact Factor Impact 2004-08 Impact 1981-2008 1 Perspectives on Sexual Reproductive Health (4.53) Perspectives on Sexual Reproductive Health (8.32) Journal of Marriage and the Family (25.36) 2 Future of Children (4.37) Future of Children (6.16) Child Abuse (17.11) 3 Journal of Sex Marital Therapy (2.21) Journal of Sex Marital Therapy (4.77) Future of Children (14.94) 4 Trauma, Violence, Abuse (2.20) Journal of Family Psychology (4.51) Family Process (14.11) 5 Journal of Family Psychology (2.06) Journal of Marriage and the Family (4.17) Family Planning Perspectives (13.22) 6 Child Abuse Neglect (2.00) Child Abuse Neglect (3.92) Journal of Research on Adolescence (12.90) 7 Journal of Research on Adolescence (1.86) Child Maltreatment (3.81) Journal of Family Issues (12.86) 8 Child Maltreatment (1.83) International Family Planning Perspectives (3.49) Journal of Family Psychology (11.77) 9 International Family Planning Perspectives (1.65) Journal of Research on Adolescence (3.13) Journal of Interpersonal Violence (10.89) 10 Journal of Marriage and the Family (1.64) Trauma, Violence, Abuse (2.95) Journal of Sex Marital Therapy (10.52)
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