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eatbutthin 2013-4-16 22:16
Preface: 这是弗吉尼亚大学校长 发给全体弗吉尼亚大学师生的一封邮件 To members of the University community: Gov. Robert McDonnell has issued a proclamation recognizing April 16 as Virginia Tech Remembrance Day in the Commonwealth. This morning, the University Chapel bells will toll 32 times, once for each of the victims in the April 16, 2007, tragedy at Virginia Tech. Our community joins others across the state in this shared moment of remembrance and honor of those who lost their lives and those who were wounded on that day of senseless violence. As we ring the chapel bells, following a moment of silence at 9:43 a.m., the bells of the Capitol Square Bell Tower in Richmond will ring as well. I ask that you also take time today to join the University community in conveying sympathy and well-wishes to those affected by another act of unprovoked and undeserved violence, this time in Boston. As of this writing, three people are confirmed dead and more than 100 injured by multiple explosions that occurred near the finish line of the Boston Marathon. Our thoughts go out to the victims and their families. The University of Virginia community was represented in Boston as well, both by runners in the marathon and by volunteers along the race course. Thankfully, we have heard from many, confirming their safety. We are eager to hear from everyone from U.Va. as well as the greater Charlottesville area, which has such a strong and close-knit running community. Finally, as we remember the Virginia Tech tragedy of six years ago, and attempt to understand the Boston violence of one day ago, I urge you to do whatever you can to look out for one another here. Teresa A. Sullivan President
个人分类: Studying abroad|1853 次阅读|0 个评论
可变系时空多线矢主人 2012-7-26 23:20
发布遇难者数字太不及时应予改进! 今天晚上,北京防汛抗旱指挥部召开新闻发布会,通报 “ 7 · 21 ” 特大自然灾害的最新情况。北京防汛抗旱指挥部副指挥长、新闻发言人潘安君介绍,截至 7 月 26 日,北京区域共发现 77 具遇难者遗体,其中 66 人身份已经得到确认, 11 人身份正在确认之中。目前,搜救工作仍在继续。 为什么遇难者人数从开始的 10人 ,第 2 天就涨到 37 人,今晚就涨成 77 人? 是否发现的数字,没有及时报道?为什么? 这样反而造成人们的“敏感”和不信任!应予改进!
个人分类: 其它|2501 次阅读|0 个评论

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