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The 5-th Week Schedule of KITPC 2011 March Program
bhwangustc 2011-3-25 17:26
The 5-th Week Schedule Program Schedule "Recent Progresses in Complex Networks Research" The Fifth Week (Mar 28-April 1) ====================================== Mar 28 Monday 10:00-11:30 Chairperson : Bing-Hong Wang B. Kahng ( Seoul National University ) : Explosive percolation transition of complex networks Lunch Break 15 : 00-16:00 Chairperson : Tao Zhou Wei Li (Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences): Statistical Learning in an evolutionary game Mar 29 Tue 10:00-11:30 Chairperson : Bing-Hong Wang Hawoong Jeong (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology) : S tructure and dynamics of the directed complex networks Mar 30 Wed 10:00-11:30 Chairperson : Bing-Hong Wang Zhou, Changsong ( Hong Kong Baptist University ) : Sustained activity in hierarchical modular neural networks: self-organized criticality and oscillations Mar 31 Thursday 10:00-11:30 Chairperson : Bing-Hong Wang David Saad ( The Non-linearity and ComplexityResearch Group, Aston University , UK ) Dynamics of Boolean networks - a Generating Functional Analysis Lunch Break 15 : 00-16:00 Chairperson : Tao Zhou You-Gui Wang ( Beijing Normal University): Self-Organized Criticality in Market Economies April 1 Friday 10:00-11:30 Chairperson : Bing-Hong Wang Tao Zhou (University of Electronic Science and Technology of China) : 1, Link prediction in complex networks; 2, Information extracting from networks: ranking and recommending; Lunch Break 15:00-17:00 Chairperson : Tao Zhou Discussion about recent progresses and future directions in complex networks research : All the participants: Chin-Kun Hu , B.Kahng , Beom Jun Kim, Bin Jiang , Renaud Lambiotte , Jing Zhao , Hyunggyu Park, Hawoong Jeong, Sumiyoshi Abe, Jae Dong Noh, David Saad , Changsong Zhou, Chenping Zhu, Wei Li, Zi-Ke Zhang, Lin-Yuan Lv , Mingsheng Shang, Tao Zhou , Bing-Hong Wang
个人分类: 会议信息|3447 次阅读|0 个评论
我的新书 "Modularity"
热度 2 jiankuihe 2011-3-11 15:31
我的新书 "Modularity"
应Lambert Academic Publishing之邀,我写的书 Modularity: The Principle of Evolution in Complex Systems今天出版了。 此书总结了我数年来在复杂网络,金融物理,和免疫系统进化方面的工作。主题围绕着“模块化” (modularity)展开。此书的核心是提出了生物进化中的模块化定律。 Modularity, understanding systems as the combination of separated components, is a prevalent concept in biology, social science and engineering design. This book offers a general theoretical model of emergence of modularity during evolution in changing environments. Evidences from protein interaction network and protein domain network support this theory as a general law of evolution in complex systems. Applying it to animal development, this theory appears to provide an explanation for the occurrence and timing of the Cambrian explosion. Applying it to trade networks, this theory predicts that globalized economy is more sensitive to recessions. This book also introduces a quantitative measure of hierarchy, a statistical method to predict the dominant flu strain and the first theoretical model to explain the bacterial acquired immunity (CRISPR). The information in the book should help shed some light in the study of complex systems, flu vaccine, and bacterial antibiotic resistance. 购买链接: http://www.amazon.com/Modularity-principle-evolution-complex-systems/dp/3844311416 前后封面
6663 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 5 ChaomeiChen 2011-3-10 22:48
CiteSpace可以用来自动生成合作网络地理分布地图。输入数据要求和CiteSpace对数据文档的要求一样。 生成的地图显示作者和合作作者间的关系,可按年份显示具体某年的情况。以Google Earth作为界面显示。 详见所附PDF文件。 CiteSpace2GoogleEarth.pdf 合作网络地理分布
个人分类: CiteSpace使用指南|24505 次阅读|6 个评论
[转载]推荐:Introduction to Social Network Methods
热度 1 Fangjinqin 2011-3-9 15:01
Introduction_to_Social_Network_Methods.pdf Introduction to Social Network Methods This page is part of an on-line textbook by Robert A. Hanneman and Mark Riddle of the Department of Sociology at the University of California, Riverside. Feel free to use and reproduce this textbook (with citation). For more information, or to offer comments, you can send me e-mail. Table of Contents l Introduction: What's different about social network data? l Nodes Populations, samples, and boundaries Modality and levels of analysis l Relations Sampling ties Multiple relations l Scales
个人分类: 学术文章|2743 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]International Symposium on Complex Networks 南京 东南大学
热度 3 bhwangustc 2011-2-27 01:15
The 2011 International Symposium on Complex Networks and Systems (ISCNS'11) http://www.ee.cityu.edu.hk/~wwyu/ISCNS11/index.html Welcome The 2011 International Symposium on Complex Networks and Systems (ISCNS'11) will be held on April 23-24 2011 in Nanjing, China, officially organized by the Department of Mathematics , Southeast University , China. The ISCNS'11 focuses on complex systems and networks, multi-agent systems, nonlinear dynamics and control, systems biology, sensor networks, communication networks, networked control systems, and their applications. The symposium will be sponsored by the Department of Mathematics , Southeast University , China. Latest News We will cover the travel (hard-seat tickets if by trains) and accommodation fees (in the reserved hotel) for some students and young teachers. Note that there are limited quota. Please send your registration form to us as soon as possible. All Rights Reserved 2011 - By ISCNS'2011 General Chairs Jinde Cao (SEU, China) Jijun Liu (SEU, China) Organizing Committees Jinling Liang (SEU, China) Qingshan Liu (SEU, China) Jianquan Lu (SEU, China) Xingmei Xue (SEU, China) Wenwu Yu (SEU, China) Invited Speakers (listed not in any particular order) Confirmed Guanrong Chen (CityU, HK) Zhisheng Duan (Peking University, China) Jinhu Lv (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China) Daniel W. C. Ho (CityU, HK) Yuanqing Xia (Beijing Institute of Technology, China) Unconfirmed Program Schedule 23-24 April, 2011: Two-day Workshop Related Download under construction Send Registration Form To Wenwu Yu Email: wenwuyu@gmail.com ; wwyu@seu.edu.cn Telephone: 0086-15051861330 Registration Form Download Sponsors Department of Mathematics , Southeast University , China Contact Dr. Wenwu Yu Department of Mathematics , Southeast University Nanjing 210096, P. R. China Tel: +86-25-52090596-8531 Fax: +86-25-83792316 Email: wenwuyu@gmail.com ; wwyu@seu.edu.cn
个人分类: 会议信息|3799 次阅读|3 个评论
zuoxinian 2010-12-28 12:46
个人分类: 科研笔记|5985 次阅读|1 个评论
loong21 2010-10-28 16:28
----好吧,算我没见过世面 从九月到十月,在德国斯图加特城市,溜了一圈边陲小镇,参观了约翰尼斯 开普勒的故居,两次冒雨(小雨)穿山 hiking ,看了一次电影,一次保龄球、攀岩、 suna , 去 ludesburg 看了次艺术团巡展,参观了 benz 汽车博物馆,斯图火车站楼顶,还有一次国际会议 Network for mobility 2010 ,和一次行业科技进展和工业产品展览 Intergeo 2010 。本文对这些行程,分别做一两句的总结,供改善自我和回国建设作参考。 约翰尼斯 开普勒的故居( Kepler-Gedchtnishaus ): 约翰尼斯 开普勒的故居位于,集 故居保护和科学文化宣传于一体,既保存了故居,又能宣传科普,既要学习古代伟人的人生历程,又利用了现代科技来辅助科普展现。还有这里刚好还是一座城堡, 约翰尼斯 开普勒的故居 旁边就是一座教堂。听介绍说,这里在二战时保护数十名犹太人。哎,貌似第一进入教堂内部参观,教堂高大雄伟,静谧又庄严。 印有kepler 故居图案的餐盘 城堡图 Hiking : 德国人的计划性真是太强了 ! 计划好了的远足,当天下了雨,结果还是依然如期前往。当然这不算什么特别新颖的东西,因为 Germany 的严谨之前也提到过。在这里想提的是,我似乎感觉对 自由 的概念有了新的认识。自由就是,不因外界条件,你可以随心做你想做的事情,比如不因下雨而放弃远足,因为你有很好的雨伞、水泥和修成的小路(尽管是在山间);不因黑夜而停止打球,因为室内有足够明亮、宽敞、舒适的球场;不因空间距离而放弃郊区的美,因为有很好的汽车;不因过多行程而担心汽车出事故,因为这里有良好的汽车保险、质量可靠的汽车、有保障的交通同行流畅的记录,以及可靠地交通监管系统;不因食品安全问题而担忧自己的小孩,因为在这里的食品安全你完全可以放心 想起了《世界人权法案》中,人人享受提供教育和免于遭受严重的贫穷和饥饿的权利。这才是真正的自由,是彻底地解放人的生存和发展。自由就是无障碍地追逐自己的梦想 (clapping~) 。当然,最 Happy 的事,是跟 Elke 教授聊天的时候,我得以认识了一个新朋友 --Rongfu~~ 同时,对 Elke 教授问我的兴趣爱好时,我笑了,很舒心地笑了 --- 呵呵,因为在德国,如果有人问你 favorite sports or games 时候,那就是很欣赏你了 ~~ 看了一次电影: 在哪里看电影都一样,没什么好说的 ~~ 保龄球: 第一次玩保龄球 ~ Ma 在板报上画了各轮游戏的比分。第一轮是每人顺次抛球五次,最后计算各人总分;第二轮是每人顺次抛球三次,每次得分后,决定把该次抛球得分作为一个三位数的任意一位,最后比较最大;第三轮跟第二轮类似,不过最后比三位数谁最小;最后一轮,将小组十六人分两组,每组分配一组数字,然后两组交叉顺次抛球,若得分数在分配的数字中,就将该数字划去,直至有一组率先把数字划完 ~~game and the rule for the game~ 边陲小镇 Spiegelberg: 有回晚上吃完了饭,开始做猜谜语的游戏,分了三组 : 有一些常识题,德国统一日、现任总理、德国国土、德国人口、德国铁路全长,最早的铁路产生于哪一年,还有很多,不过德语不好,听不懂太多 o( ╯□╰ )o ;第二组:看蔬菜图片,从备选项中找出它的名字,或者找出一些花儿对应的叶子的图片;第三组是世界地理的一部分:十幅世界最出名的瀑布,然后对备选项中选择对应的瀑布名称。 不过最喜欢 Spiegelberg 旅馆地上铺放的毛毯 - 清晨醒来,起床走向阳台上的躺椅时,踩在毛毯上,很柔和舒服 ~~ 攀岩 + suna : 有一会下班,六点半我们驱车去市区边缘的一家室内攀岩室攀岩。虽然是室内攀岩,但工具器械都是玩家自备,如攀岩用的绳子、以及身上的保险带和拉环、攀岩专用防滑靴,同时各项安全措施都是自己负责,比如底下的人放绳、岩壁的人走线等。不过,这又丰富了自由的定义:无障碍地追求自己的兴趣爱好,不受攀岩知识的局限,不受攀岩所需工具如鞋、衣服、绳子、拉环等限制(甚至不用怀疑这些用具的质量,因为是德国制造) ~~ 当然在这次也明白了,应该怎么吃巧克力 ~ 上上下下攀了几次后,手上根本没劲儿,连拳头都握不紧了 ~ 这时候, Ron 拿出了一包巧克力,给我们每人发了两个,巧克力当然能快速补充热量,我们又可以继续攀爬了。 我对 Frank 说, this is the way to eat chocolate~~~ 巧克力应该这样吃的。 Suna 之后然后光着走出室外,接受 5 摄氏度室外冷风的洗礼 ~ 不过还是对这种男女混合的 Suna 感到惊讶 ~ ludesburg 看了次艺术团巡展 : 艺术就是艺术,纯粹是为了展示美:不为了钱,或者生财的方式比较体面(更期望后者) ~~ 经过了道具的整饰,好像回到了中世纪的那种只有骑士、宗教、公主、城堡、宫殿的时代 ~~ 最得我心的地方:有一处用原木围成了 6 米见方的沙滩,上面有一艘木船,还有若干木桶等,专供小孩子游玩 ~~ Network for mobility 2010 : 虽然会议人数不多,规模不及国内大,但明显与会者之间的交流量比国内的多。无论是 coffee time 还是晚上的酒会,还是中间的论文报告展,与会者几乎都在不断地找人交流探讨,这与国内的很不一样。不过,关于讲话部分,会议主席是比较严肃端庄的,而且声音很好听。还有那个 IBM 德国总部(在斯图)的市场部 chairman 的讲话,那叫个溜啊,全场 15 分钟,没停顿过,口才真 tmd 的好 ~~ 当然,会后晚餐前,单人相声(姑且让我这么叫吧)的表演者兼主持人是一位与会者。表演中,他必须学一个人,与两只小动物的对话,通过快速地切换音调,来模仿人与两只小动物的对话和调情,还得兼顾手上那个笨熊的动作(虽然比较简单) ~~ 原来学者也可以这么的有才华 ~ 戴姆勒奔驰汽车博物馆 : 奢华之都 - 戴姆勒奔驰汽车博物馆 艺术与实用的完美结合。奔驰的目标 精美、可靠、耐用 。我喜欢它的特征 高性能和安全。奔驰汽车博物馆内部整体采用双 DNA 型走向的通道,顶层是用纯金属贴面,金属质感强,给人以无暇、冷峻的感觉。除了展示奔驰各时期各式各样的汽车,还包括汽车的发展史,如原始的汽车技术、发动机;高级轿车,奔驰公司的历史和发展历程,德国的重要历史, 1936 年柏林奥运会、纳粹德国和二次世界大战、 1970 年德国重返欧洲、柏林墙的建立和柏林墙倒塌之东西德合并,以及重要的世界史,如第一颗人造卫星的发射、第一个试管婴儿的诞生、人类基因工程、阿波罗登月等。这不只是简单的奔驰汽车,还是汽车发展史、人类科技进步发展史,也是人类探索世界和自我的历程 ~~ 最欣赏,一位年轻的母亲在给自己的小孩讲解: 15 世纪初的麦哲伦全球环航探索。(想象国内,读点书、了解点历史的人,真不多 ~ )。 我把我心献给你 卡尔奔驰 ~~ 行业科技和工业产品展览 Intergeo 2010 很多家公司都来此参展,如全站仪为主的 topocom 、 Trimbe 、 Leica ,地图、地理分析专家 ESRI 、 Integraphy ,还有很多新型的测量工具,有机载 CCD ,甚至还有卖小飞机的,拆卸下来可以放到 158cm 的行李箱中,居然还可以装载 7kg 的测量仪器; Easy Point 软件能实现图片对立体图的快速转换(可能一两句话没说清楚,用途就是工厂设备的安放设计、室内设计摆放模拟、仓储空间管理);最重要的是 Leica ,经过改进,在测量仪上安装新型的 gps 和测速、测向仪,实际勘测速度更快、精度更高了。(另一篇详细介绍 integeo 2010 上测绘仪器的最新进展和工业产品)。当然,还有中国测绘科学研究院率领了国内的主要行业内的公司过来参展。我也碰到了今年去了吉威的朋友秀秀,发现她穿了职业装,看起来成熟、职业多了。好好干 ~~ 期间有个斯图啤酒节,很热闹,用人山人海来形容不为过。不过从中国过来的,哪个人对这样的景观没印象,跑招聘会、奥运火炬抵汉、去武大看樱花、抗日游行,随便哪次都比这里人多。但一直对这样的狂欢,没有太大兴趣,不过也在国王广场上看了下各类伴随着的活动,如拟态艺术行为(姑且让我这么称呼吧)、沿街音乐、街舞、儿童攀岩 ~ 不敢说了解了这些东西的好,就能在中国去实现这些美好,比如约翰尼斯 开普勒的故居、奔驰汽车博物馆、 Intergeo 2010 ,但体验过能知道什么东西、细节比较好,就能对以后回国建设有好处,起码知道要建设什么东西,能改进人类的生活质量,帮助人完善自己的成长与发展。不过发现这边,每个人的能量特别地大,身兼多项爱好而彼此促进:比如体育活动的各类登山、滑雪、街舞、攀岩、网球、台球、飞饼、骑车、游泳、远足,同时还会许多艺术摄影、绘画、制作 logo 、拉小提琴,同时写得好文章。要在国内,这种人往往被视为没有专注于自己的主要业务,当恰恰他就是能够参加会议作报告的、项目做得最多的、写得好文章的,最重要的是,为人友善,而且每次玩,都带上自己的妻子。哎,想起了孟非的一句话, 你说说,人和人的距离怎么那么大嘞 ~ ? 也许是因为工序制胜的缘故吧,对德国工序制胜 ~ 后记: 当然还有斯图游乐场、电视塔、保时捷汽车博物馆、 葡萄酒酿制博物馆,还没去过,也许后面会继续去看看,等一个人来 ~ 当然最重要的是,最近发现了个音乐厅,在国王大街上国王广场东侧。想想很久很久没有现场听钢琴演奏了。上一次现场听钢琴曲,还得推到 2004 年刚入大学时的迎新晚会。那是 2004 年 9 月 5 日夜在主楼广场,当时演奏的是莫扎特第二十九交响曲,包括中庸的快板、行板、小步舞曲、旺盛的快板。那一夜,没有入眠,对着窗前月,对着静静的校园,静静地想那曲调,原来可以这么美好 ~~ 再后来,有了电脑,每次当静云回来的时候,总会开开电脑,播放钢琴曲,整张 CD 轮流来播放,用他的话说是陶冶一下,呵呵 ~~ 想到静云,他真是一个奇了怪了的人,整了很多模具,喜欢研究力学,还特别地着迷于研究数字组合 ~ 毕业后,再没有像在大学里的那种可以一起玩的机会了。所以,在穿梭于各个城堡式的古楼一侧发现了这个 Odeum 后,十分的欢喜,同时又觉得这是必然 ---- 斯图一定有这样的圣地。那一次是经典音乐巡游演奏 - 肖邦。后面去音乐厅的几次里,演奏的都是当地的音乐,曲调也就明显都十分的欢快了。
个人分类: 留学德国|5753 次阅读|2 个评论
phoenix05056 2010-7-19 23:16
一开始做科研,为了高效、快速的开发出仿真环境或者相关算法,选择了OOP的楷模之一:C#。优势就不说了,劣势也明显,速度....当我在一个群落网络中模拟10W个点时,感觉那速度要命,即使机器的cpu和内存属于当前主流。 幸好才起步,所以一直想给自己科研道路找一门得心应手的开发包及相应语言,语言最好是大众化的,关键配有现成的复杂网络相关开发包或者开发库,这样能够在最短时间来构建自己所需要的网络拓扑等特殊需求。 在闫小勇老师的blog中提到过c语言的igraph库,这几天来学习使用,超牛逼! 由于以前做一个大工程,会boost或多或少有些掌握,igraph+boost+stl,太爽了,开发速度这快,效率之高! 强烈推荐给大家-igraph! http://igraph .sourceforge.net/
个人分类: 心得体会|6005 次阅读|1 个评论
phoenix05056 2010-7-5 12:57
终于开始正式的赌博旅程了,一开始的热身任务,首先写一个生成BA网络拓扑的程序,参照BA二人1999年在science发表的经典论文。本来打算采用c++作为自己以后的科研阶段的御用程序语言,不过悲剧的是,用C++完成的程序,模拟数据的图形表现并不能完全体现幕律分布,难道是自己代码写错了?算法错误?还是没理解人家的思想? 应该不会,对比了一下阿香的JAVA版,其设计思路几乎一样。自己胡乱猜测可能是C++的random这个随机函数产生出来的小数没有JAVA版的均匀(C++的random默认产生整型)。 直接把代码重写一次,用久违了的C#,设计思路跟算法均相同,模拟结果一对比,这下就体现出幂律分布。看来,科学研究还是应该采用应用级的快速开发语言:JAVA or C#。 说到久违了C#...还是很有感情啊,以前做工程,一接触C#就对它颇有好感,加油吧。
个人分类: 复杂网络|3772 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]Network science
wjc05 2010-5-26 09:28
http://www.answers.com/topic/network-science#See_also Network science is a new and emerging scientific discipline that examines the interconnections among diverse physical or engineered networks , information networks , biological networks , cognitive and semantic networks , and social networks . This field of science seeks to discover common principles, algorithms and tools that govern network behavior. The National Research Council defines Network Science as the study of network representations of physical, biological, and social phenomena leading to predictive models of these phenomena. Contents 1 Background and history 2 Department of Defense Initiatives 3 See also 4 References 5 Further reading 6 External links // Background and history The study of networks has emerged in diverse disciplines as a means of analyzing complex relational data. The earliest known paper in this field is the famous Seven Bridges of Knigsberg written by Leonhard Euler in 1736. Euler's mathematical description of vertices and edges was the foundation of graph theory , a branch of mathematics that studies the properties of pairwise relations in a network structure. The field of graph theory continued to develop and found applications in chemistry (Sylvester, 1878). In the 1930s Jacob Moreno , a psychologist in the Gestalt tradition, arrived in the United States. He developed the sociogram and presented it to the public in April 1933 at a convention of medical scholars. Moreno claimed that before the advent of sociometry no one knew what the interpersonal structure of a group 'precisely' looked like (Moreno, 1953). The sociogram was a representation of the social structure of a group of elementary school students. The boys were friends of boys and the girls were friends of girls with the exception of one boy who said he liked a single girl. The feeling was not reciprocated. This network representation of social structure was found so intriguing that it was printed in the The New York Times (April 3, 1933, page 17). The sociogram has found many applications and has grown into the field of social network analysis . Probabilistic theory in network science developed as an off-shoot of graph theory with Paul Erd?s and Alfrd Rnyi 's eight famous papers on random graphs . For social networks the exponential random graph model or p* graph is a notational framework used to represent the probability space of a tie occurring in a social network . An alternate approach to network probability structures is the network probability matrix , which models the probability of edges occurring in a network, based on the historic presence or absence of the edge in a sample of networks. In the 1998, David Krackhardt and Kathleen Carley introduced the idea of a meta-network with the PCANS Model. They suggest that all organizations are structured along these three domains, Individuals, Tasks, and Resources. Their paper introduced the concept that networks occur across multiple domains and that they are interrelated. This field has grown into another sub-discipline of network science called dynamic network analysis . More recently other network science efforts have focused on mathematically describing different network topologies. Duncan Watts reconciled empirical data on networks with mathematical representation, describing the small-world network . Albert-Lszl Barabsi and Reka Albert developed the scale-free network which is a loosely defined network topology that contains hub vertices with many connections, that grow in a way to maintain a constant ratio in the number of the connections versus all other nodes. Although many networks, such as the internet, appear to maintain this aspect, other networks have long tailed distributions of nodes that only approximate scale free ratios. Today, network science is an exciting and growing field. Scientists from many diverse fields are working together. Network science holds the promise of increasing collaboration across disciplines, by sharing data, algorithms, and software tools. Department of Defense Initiatives The U.S. military first became interested in network-centric warfare as an operational concept based on network science in 1996. John A. Parmentola, the U.S. Army Director for Research and Laboratory Management, proposed to the Armys Board on Science and Technology (BAST) on December 1st, 2003 that Network Science become a new Army research area. The BAST, the Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences for the National Research Council (NRC) of the National Academies, serves as a convening authority for the discussion of science and technology issues of importance to the Army and oversees independent Army-related studies conducted by the National Academies. The BAST conducted a study to find out whether identifying and funding a new field of investigation in basic research, Network Science, could help close the gap between what is needed to realize Network-Centric Operations and the current primitive state of fundamental knowledge of networks. As a result, the BAST issued the NRC study in 2005 titled Network Science (referenced above) that defined a new field of basic research in Network Science for the Army. Based on the findings and recommendations of that study and the subsequent 2007 NRC report titled Strategy for an Army Center for Network Science, Technology, and Experimentation, Army basic research resources were redirected to initiate a new basic research program in Network Science. To build a new theoretical foundation for complex networks, some of the key Network Science research efforts now ongoing in Army laboratories address: Mathematical models of network behavior to predict performance with network size, complexity, and environment Optimized human performance required for network-enabled warfare Networking within ecosystems and at the molecular level in cells. As initiated in 2004 by Frederick I. Moxley with support provided by David S. Alberts , the Department of Defense helped to establish the first Network Science Center in conjunction with the U.S. Army at the United States Military Academy. Subsequently, the U.S. Department of Defense has funded numerous research projects in the area of Network Science. Additionally in 2006, the U.S. Army and the United Kingdom (UK) formed the Network and Information Science International Technology Alliance , a collaborative partnership among the Army Research Laboratory, UK Ministry of Defense and a consortium of industries and universities in the U.S. and UK. The goal of the alliance is to perform basic research in support of Network- Centric Operations across the needs of both nations. In addition, the Army is in the process of establishing a Network Science and Technology Research Center (NSTRC). The NSTRC will conduct research across the technical areas of information networks, social/cognitive networks, communication networks, and integration research and experiments which will bring the three other technical areas together as a single entity. The NSTRC will conduct these activities in partnership with other Department of Defense and government agencies, industry and academia to find solutions to the hard problems associated with developing adaptable and scalable mobile ad-hoc networks for the Army. See also Network theory Complex network Collaborative innovation network Dynamic Network Analysis Higher category theory Polytely Systems Theory Irregular Warfare References Network Science, http://www.nap.edu/catalog.php?record_id=11516 Network Science Center, http://www.dodccrp.org/files/Network_Science_Center.asf Connected: The Power of Six Degrees, http://ivl.slis.indiana.edu/km/movies/2008-talas-connected.mov Further reading Understanding Network Science, http://www.zangani.com/blog/2007-1030-networkingscience Linked: The New Science of Networks , A.-L. Barabsi (Perseus Publishing, Cambridge (2002). Network Science , Committee on Network Science for Future Army Applications, National Research Council. 2005. The National Academies Press (2005) ISBN 0-309-10026-7 Network Science Bulletin , USMA (2007) ISBN 978-1-934808-00-9 The Structure and Dynamics of Networks Mark Newman, Albert-Lszl Barabsi, Duncan J. Watts (The Princeton Press, 2006) ISBN 0-691-11357-2 Dynamical processes in complex networks , Alain Barrat, Marc Barthelemy, Alessandro Vespignani (Cambridge University Press, 2008) ISBN 978-0-521-87950-7 External links http://www.orwik.com/ http://www.netscience.usma.edu/NSW/Papers/Network_Science_Report_Vol1No1.pdf http://press.princeton.edu/titles/8114.html http://www.cra.org/ccc/NSE.ppt.pdf http://www.ifr.ac.uk/netsci08/ http://www.netsci09.net/ Cyberinfrastructure Network Science Center at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, NY Prof. Nicholas A Christakis' introduction to network science in Prospect magazine
个人分类: 复杂网络|4737 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]陈关荣等人新论文:Some recent advances in complex network synchronization
Fangjinqin 2010-3-27 11:25
Some Recent Advances in Complex Networks Synchronization _ Guanrong Chen, Xiaofan Wang, Xiang Li, and Jinhu Lv (陈关荣,汪小帆,李翔,吕金虎) 按语: 我把陈关荣等四位合作的文章推荐到这个专栏,完全是为了推动博文比赛. 因为 他们当中有三位是评委,自然将不参加评选. (方锦清2010、3、27) Abstract. The current study of complex dynamical networks is pervading almost all kinds of science, engineering and technology, ranging from mathematics to computers, physics to biology, even to sociology. Its impacts on the modern high-tech industries, financial markets and human life are prominent and will be far-reaching. Research on fundamental properties and dynamical features of such complex networks has indeed become overwhelming. This Chapter presents a brief overview of some past and current studies on the subject of complex dynamical network synchronization, particularly from an engineering and technological perspective. Some commonly concerned issues in the current research of network synchronization, mainly on Some recent advances in complex network synchroniz
个人分类: 信息交流|4498 次阅读|1 个评论
7 Deadly Sins of Network Security CIO & CSO Online Resources 2010年1月12日(星期二)
xupeiyang 2010-1-12 06:58
Stay ahead of malicious threats. Learn how. A Definitive Guide to Cybercrime Cyber criminals are specialized entrepreneurs. The CSO eGuide provides tips on keeping the villains out and details new mega threats, the 7 deadly sins of network security, avoiding pitfalls in log management planning as well as overall tips and tools to keep your organization secure despite the mounting threats. Read now. Forward this to a Friend
个人分类: 情报机密|2010 次阅读|0 个评论
jnpengfei 2009-8-31 21:59
实现基于ba网络,sis模式的疾病传播模型很简单: 首先产生 ba网络:初始化一个M0顶点大小的网络,每两个定点相连。然后每一步添加M个顶点,添加到现存的哪个顶点是根据现存顶点的度的比例来的,循环直到定点数=N; 然后免疫:基于sis模型,首先初始化感染密度v,恢复概率设置为1,感染概率设置为v,然后感染过程也就是免疫过程,因为在传染过程中病毒的感染率具有一定的不稳定性,所以最后的感染密度应该取平均值(是一定时间的,不要从头开始取) 然后呢?完了阿^_^ 程序简单么?简单,一会就写完了,就放在那里没有验证,但是这样子的程序 简单到不用验证。不过最近用到了,试验结果总是不如意,查找 程序的确没有 理论错误。编程序不怕没有错误,就怕不报错,出现错误结果。 找了三天,郁闷了三天,发现原来是因为程序规模太大N=E6,导致了在计算了概率的时候float 四舍五入,最终没个定点的概率加起来 要么1,要么1.,那么产生的ba网络也就是与理论值相差太大。 小错误,导致大问题。 可能学计算机的人程序 肯定能编得出来,理论思路不会有错误。但是在一些细节上如果不注意,导致数值计算的时候 丢掉一些值,最终 郁闷 好几天。 希望以后注意点了!!!! 无锡 鼋头渚 人太多了, 这个岛屿,是 太湖中心的岛屿,相当于围城,左边的人想进来,右边的人呢?想出去。鼋头渚 快变成 人头组了
个人分类: 生活琐事|801 次阅读|1 个评论
Vespingnani a 的新书Dynamical Processes on Complex Networks 电子版
jnpengfei 2009-8-15 11:21
刚刚从网上 费了九牛二虎之力找到 这本书(夸张) 不知道 大家 有没有 做疾病传播的,想 通过 这本书 找到更多的 与此方向 有关的 牛仁。如果有需要的可以 索取 哈哈 小小伎俩,请勿见怪。 补充一句:附件大于5m,索取邮箱 jipeng_114@163.com, q q 360213506
个人分类: 生活琐事|1785 次阅读|6 个评论
Journal club: Cell fate as a high-dimensional attractor of a complex gene regula
sunon77 2009-4-7 00:49
Today I present a Physics Review Letter paper named Cell fate as a high-dimensional attractor of a complex gene regulatory network in the journal club of our group. To my surprise, the response is quite polarized. For some people, they take for granted that cell types are attractors in gene network (maybe because that we are in the physics institute for complex system anyhow). They think that it is nothing more than just rewriting the biological facts in the physics language ( I dont know how many biologists actually accept this hypothesis. It is more widely accepted that cell types arise from turning on the type-specific Transcription Factors). They also complained that the 2-gene cross-inhibition example is too simple to demonstrate the effects of high-dimensional gene regulation space. They demanded a clear mathematical formula for cell reprogramming in the gene network. However, other people quickly recognized the importance of the paper and began to embrace this idea enthusiastically. We even begin to discuss how to build such a network. One guy even suggest the possibility to invite the author here for giving a talk by himself. Maybe a good journal club presentation is not to get the consensus of everybody. Rather it can arise the true interests of the people.
个人分类: 生物物理-biophysics|4299 次阅读|3 个评论
a PhD position in the field of complex network theory with applications to neuro
sunon77 2009-1-29 11:21
The Complexity Science Group in the Department of Physics Astronomy at the University of Calgary invites applications for a PhD position in the field of complex network theory with applications to neurosciences. The successful applicant is expected to work closely with other members of the Complexity Science Group and members of the Hotchkiss Brain Institute in an interdisciplinary environment. A background in statistical physics, computational physics, time series analysis, complex network theory and/or information theory is beneficial. Applicants should send an email to davidsen(at)phas.ucalgary.ca that includes a CV with a list of publications and a brief statement of research interests. Review of applications will begin on January 30, 2009 and continue until the position is filled. More information about the group is available at www.ucalgary.ca/complexity More detalis about the job in PDF fie: PhD Complex in neuroscience
个人分类: 招贤榜|4984 次阅读|0 个评论
sunon77 2008-7-17 05:06
| View | Upload your own 关于基因的濠梁之辨中已经谈到: 音乐CD上的0、1代码不过是准确地记录了那些让人泪下的瞬间,当重放的时候,它能够帮助我在脑海中重新构筑出这些的瞬间罢了。CD只不过是一个数据库,关 于这些瞬间可以用0、1码表示,也可以用胶木唱片表示,一场精彩的现场演出更可以胜任。这样的道理,似乎谁都可以明白。但是真正到了关于基因与生命的 研究,人们往往会落入相同的逻辑圈套,认为DNA上的ATGC就决定了生命的一切,这真正是大谬不然。基因只不过是记录了那些生命所需物质的数据库,可以帮助细胞分子机制重新构筑出生命运动罢了。如果有一种像温泉细菌那样耐高 温的稳定的蛋白质,记录生命所需物质的DNA上的ATGC也可以完全由20种氨基酸来代替。正如CD只是音乐演奏的储存的载体,基因只不过是这个宇宙创造 和演进生命的记忆和再造的模板。它不会比这个创造和演进生命的过程多,只会比这个过程少。甚至如果抹去所有的基因的话,我们把无机小分子放到生命演进的环境当中,有关生命的信息仍然会以某种分子方式来储存和再造。基因固然重要,但基因所记忆的生命形式更为重要。就好像研究音乐,除了研究的音符和乐句,我们还需要研究篇章和段落。因此,研究基因网络对生物体的生命功能更为重要。 在此,我给出一个使用基因网络来研究果蝇发育问题的例子,或许能更清楚的表达这个看法, 详见PPT文件。
个人分类: 生物物理-biophysics|4849 次阅读|0 个评论

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