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Keyboard shortcuts for the Jupyter Notebook
gll89 2019-4-3 17:38
Ctrl+Enter: run the script Alt+Enter: run yourcell block and add a new cell below Scroll up and down your cells with your Up and Down keys
个人分类: Python|1593 次阅读|0 个评论
Python: mac下Jupyter notebook改变默认目录路径
haibaraxx 2017-9-27 22:49
1 永久更改Jupyter notebook默认目录路径 1) 创建Jupyter notebook的配置文件 jupyter_notebook_config.py,在终端中输入: \\$ jupyter notebook --generate-config 2) 打开 jupyter_notebook_config.py,找到如下文字: ## The default URL to redirect to from `/` #c.NotebookApp.default_url = '/tree' 将其修改为: ## The default URL to redirect to from `/` c.NotebookApp.default_url = '/tree /Coding ' 此时,Jupyter notebook的默认目录路径就变成了/home/Coding, 即Users/yliu/Coding 注:该方法只能通过home目录启动Jupyter notebook,从其他目录启动会出现Jupyter notebook网页无法显示的状态。即启动方式如下(终端): \\$ yliu-16:52:26:~\\$ ipython notebook 而不能是: \\$ yliu-16:53:53:Coding\\$ ipython notebook 2 单次更改Jupyter notebook默认目录路径 1)在终端中cd到目标目录: cd ~/Coding 2) \\$ yliu-16:53:53:Coding\\$ ipython notebook 注:该方法的前提是不对Jupyter notebook的配置文件 jupyter_notebook_config.py 做任何更改。
个人分类: Python|17211 次阅读|0 个评论
Mathematica notebook 默认字体大小
nadia1989 2012-3-20 20:14
Format-Option Inspector-打开的窗口中,第一个下拉框中选上Global Preferences,然后在第二行输入FontSize,然后就可以修改了……
个人分类: Mathematica|15499 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]17款值得注意的Google Notebook替代产品
zhao1198 2010-2-21 23:13
17款值得注意的Google Notebook替代产品 Google决定不再进行Google Notebook的开发,这使一些用户发起申请保留它的活动,同时,其竞争对手Evernote已经推出了将Google Notebook导入到Evernote系统的服务。 而那些鲜为人知,仍未被Evernote收购的类似服务,你还有哪些选择呢 ? 无论是商业会议上的记录,还是在下课之前记住课堂上最后一分钟讲到的内容,各式各样的笔记正是一种帮助你顺利完成某事的一种方式。 你现在在哪做笔记?在留言中告诉我们吧。 商业记录服务 Jjot - 一个简单界面,使你在会议中通过一个有创意的发布笔记界面完成记录服务。你可以选择与某个小组共享笔记,以便你们能在一个项目中协同工作。 Microsoft OneNote - OneNote是个付费服务,因为它是Microsoft Office家族成员,这会让你用起来得心应手。你能以在线或离线的方式使用它。 Springnote - Springnote允许你建立一个只有你才能看到某些记录条目的个人账户,或者当你需要与他人合作时建立一个一个小组笔记本。同时,还提供一个iPhone程序,使你通过自己的账户自由地使用它。 课堂笔记服务 Grade Genie - 易于编辑并分享你的课堂笔记,使得所有人都能获得同样的学习指导。还可以使用这项服务赢取大奖。 NoteCentric - 将你的所有笔记集中保存,邀请你的同学们浏览它们。如果你想,还可以通过RSS来分发它们。 Notely - Notely提供给学生们一个类似于Microsoft Word的编辑界面。可以格式化、高亮某段、添加图片等等。你还可以跟踪你的时间表,让你不再迟到。 NoteMesh - 一个基于Wiki的合作笔记,给那些在同一课堂的人使用。任何课堂上的同学可以删除、添加、编辑笔记,并与其他人共享。如果你不同意别人已经做得修改,你完全可以通过历史记录恢复原笔记。 一般的笔记服务 Helipad - Helipad使你可以通过手机, Nintendo Wii, Playstation 3 and 甚至 PSP随时记录或者整理你的笔记. 其他特点是,Tags、页面搜索和PDF导入。 iKnolio.com - 通过使用Tags排列,创建私有或公开的记录条目,与他人合作使用,创建RSS种子等。 Luminotes.com - 一个基于Wiki的笔记系统,允许你针对任何你需要的主题创建笔记,通过内部链接到相似的概念记录,甚至能以网页HTML或者演示文档的形式下载。 Mojonote - 这项服务允许你保存从工作任务到做菜食谱等等的各种记录。你也可以与他人合作记录,设置email或者短信提醒即将开始的任务,导入你电脑上已经写好的记录条目等。 Notebook G - 直接,Notebook G的本质就是简单。一个显著特点:你可以通过个人账户的首页Tag云图跳转到你的笔记。 Posti.ca - Posti.ca 允许你将笔记以email附件形式发送,保存成文件,发送到Twitter或者将他们显示在iGoogle页面中。 SnapBits - 允许你保存从一段记录到一段代码的各式比特信息,可以通过email创建新记录条目。 Stixy - 朋友间、家人间、同事间分享笔记、分享PDF或者Word文档,照片的服务,完全在一个合作的环境中。 UberNote - UberNote使你可以通过iPhone,AIM或者email进入他们的网络接口。也可以选择分享你的记录,授权他人编辑。 Zoho Notebook - 你是否已经在用Zoho Office套件了?如果是的话,它是个不错的选择。这项服务允许你添加HTML标签,URLs,图片,音频和其他一些好东西。
个人分类: Computer|2060 次阅读|0 个评论
Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN)
rbwxy197301 2010-2-6 12:03
Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) Notice to Users: The development and support of ELN has ended 软件下载: http://sourceforge.net/projects/eln/files/ELN%205.2/ELN%205.2.2%20Client/ELN5_2_2.jar/download ELN is a shared web-based version of the traditional paper laboratory notebook. Each notebook page shows data and time-stamped entries that include static information such as text and images, as well as dynamic information ranging from animated GIF images and video clips to rotatable 3-D protein structures and X-Y graphs of spectra that support zoom and other capabilities. The basic ELN consists of a Java client that interacts with your Netscape or IE web browser and the ELN server, and a Perl CGI script that interacts with a web server. Versions are available for Windows9X/NT/2000/XP, Solaris, MacOS X, Linux and Irix platforms. ELN Help Collaborators can share this dynamic Web version of a traditional paper laboratory notebook. Each notebook page provides a data file, an image, or a live Java-based graphical summary of the data in the file. Information in the notebook could also come via automatic updates from EMSL's on-line instruments. Each researcher can easily add text, picture, and file annotations to complete the notebook. This help page was designed to cover the most common areas our users might need assistance with. If you don't find what you're looking for, we've also prepared a General FAQ, Movie Examples, SAM Server Release Notes, and Server FAQ that you may find helpful. You can also contact the Collaboratory Help Desk for further information or to report bugs/problems. Installation , logging in and logging out , Getting Started , Creating a New Chapter or Page , Adding Notes and Attachments to the Page , Using the Editors . ELN 5.2.2 Client runs with the SAM ELN 2.1 Server and the Original EMSL Perl based server (both available for download). ELN 5.2.2 client can use any web browser with Java 1.4+ Plugins enabled (I.E., Netscape 7.0, Mozilla, Safari). 1. Installing and Accessing Prerequisite ELN is the client to the SAM (Scientific Annotation Middleware) server. To use the ELN you must have either installed your own or have access to a SAM server. Installation of the ELN Client The following procedure assumes that you have already downloaded the installation file. Double click the executable (for Windows and Mac users) or run ./Install YourPlatform (for Unix/Linux), to begin the installation process. InstallAnywhere will begin the installation of the ELN client software. You may take the default paths presented or tailor the install to your needs. When the installation completes, you will be prompted for a language option, for english just press return. The ELN client will automatically start when you login to a notebook server. Due to browser variations, Mac Users will need to launch the ELN executable by hand . Logging In The following procedure assumes you have already downloaded and installed the ELN 5.2.2 Client. The ELN client will launch automatically upon accessing a notebook page on the SAM server (Note: The Mac OS does require that you manually launch the client). As you start up the Notebook, a login window will pop up, asking for your User Name and Password (your SAM administrator should provided you with the proper credentials). Granting Notebook Privileges The first thing you'll encounter after you log in is a request for additional privileges (signed by our organization, Battelle Memorial Institute). The notebook software will NOT delete files on your hard drive, but it does need to store and update status files when you make additions to the notebook. For Netscape Users: Click on the Grant button to enable notebook communication from the server and continue. Next click OK button on the web page, followed by two more grant access screens, namely; Reading and Modification and Start a program on your computer. If you would like to grant these privileges to our notebook software automatically in the future, click on the Remember this decision checkbox in privilege request windows. For Internet Explorer 6 Users: You will only be prompted with one grant access screen. The security warning will read, Want to install and run, Collaboratory Notebook Code '? Select Yes to continue. Logging Out When you are finished browsing and editing the electronic notebook, select Exit from the notebook File menu to exit the notebook. -- back to top of page -- 2.Getting Started The heart of the notebook is the Table of Contents. The Contents tree shows names of individual chapters, the pages within each chapter, and the notes and attached files within the pages.The frame under the Contents listing contains a dynamic Add Entry form for creating new chapters, pages, and notes. Do not close the browser window until you are completely finished and have logged out. Viewing Pages Open up a PageView simply by double-clicking on the name of a page, note, or attached file in the Table of Contents. It will appear in a separate browser window and show the detailed view of notes and attached files for that page. To bring the Contents window to the foreground again, click on the Contents button located in the upper right hand corner of the Page View window. Selecting, Expanding, and Collapsing Select an entry in the Table of Contents by clicking on its name. The item's name will appear in the status area. Once a notebook entry is selected, you can Add Entries within it, or get a detailed view of its Properties (from the notebook File menu). Expand and collapse entries in the Contents by clicking on the plus (+) to expand and minus (-) button to collapse beside the name. Likewise, in the PageView, you can expand and collapse the display of data files and images in the same manner. Searching Select Search... from the notebook Search menu to bring up a text box where you can type in keywords. Click the OK button to initiate the search. The search engine will look in the titles and descriptions of the open notebook for your keywords. -- back to top of page -- 3. Creating a New Chapter or Page Select the location in the Table Of Contents for your new chapter or page (just click on its name). In the Add Entry area, supply A Name for the new item, A short Description (optional), and click on the Submit button. The result: the Contents listing reloads, and it now has a new entry for the item you created. If the item was a new page, click on adjacent +s to expand chapters and see new pages. You can double-click on a page name to open up a notebook. The Page-View window will remain empty until you fill it with notes. -- back to top of page -- 4. Adding Notes and Attachments to the Page Once you've created a page, you can fill it up with a variety of items. To add a note and attach images or other data to a notebook page, click on the page name in the Contents listing. In the Add Entry area: Supply a note Name, and short Description (optional) Attach files to the note with the editors (described below) listed in the Editors area. Simply click on an editor button to activate it. If you are unsure about an editor, leave your mouse cursor over the button for a few seconds and the editor title will pop up beside it. At any time prior to submitting items to the notebook, you may edit or remove specific entries from the Add Entry field. Double-clicking the name of the item in the Add Entry field will re launch the editor giving you a chance to make changes prior to submitting to the notebook. If you wish to remove an entry, click the entry name to highlight and click the Clear Item button to remove it from the list of items being submitted. Click on the Submit button, to have your data saved to the notebook. Use the editors to add images and data files to your note. 5. Using the Editors The Editors Image Snap The image capture tool allows you to place a graphic image of items displayed on your desktop into the notebook. Example: If you wish to capture a graphic from an open application widow, click the Image Snap button. Prior to clicking OK in the EMSL Capture dialog, arrange the desktop so that the entire image you wish to capture can be seen. Click the OK button, move the cursor to the upper-left corner of the area you wish to capture. Hold down the left mouse button to activate the capture and drag the outline over the area you would like added to the notebook. Release the left mouse button and the image is added to the entry list of the notebook. (This feature is not available on the MAC. Linux users please see, Capturing Images with Linux question in the General FAQ's) Publisher This editor is a word processor with extensive text formatting capabilities. You can even import RTF, HTML, and text files into your EMSL Publisher file. The note addition type will say EMSL Publisher Document. Load file An Attach File dialog will appear. Use it to choose any files from your local hard drive that you would like to include as note additions. Files with standard extensions work best. Whiteboard Use the tool palette along the bottom to create drawings and add text. The note addition type will say image/gif. URL Editor Place URL links or links to pages in the notebook with the URL Editor. Equation Editor Use this LaTeX-based editor to create mathematical equations. You can find additional instructions by the original authors at the HotEqn Website by the original authors at the Virtual Control Lab. The note addition type will say Equation. Form Tool The form tool allows you to quickly fill out forms to be included in the Notebook. There are two Sample forms that are standard with the client, they are located in the ELNapp5.X/sampleforms directory. Text Editor This is a basic ASCII text editor. The note addition type will say plain text. HTML Editor This editor allows you to create a file of HTML-formatted text. The note addition type will say Html Text. The Toolbar File Import - Import exported data into the notebook. This uses the importer name and current date/time. Export - Export data from notebook. Creates a file that can be imported back into another notebook. Migrate - Import data into the notebook. This keeps the user annotations and date from previous notebook. Refresh - Refresh Table of Contents Properties - Shows Meta Data Properties of entry currently selected. Logout - Logs you out of notebook Exit - Exits out of notebook Edit Delete - Allows those with admin rights to remove entry from the notebook. Signatures - Shows signature information for notebooks with the signature feature. Search Search for data in the notebook (page name, note name, description, user, date) Admin Grant Access - Allows Admins to grant access to a user who have credentials in the portal. Deny Access - Allows Admins to deny access to those who had access to the notebook. Change User Credentials - Allows Admins to grant specific rights to users of the notebook. (Example change a user to an Admin) Help Help - Displays Help Page in Browser About - Shows information about the Notebook version being run. Home - Redirects to Project Page The Browser Notebook pages are displayed in your browser. Adding Items: The Table of Contents listing reloads with your new note and its attachments inserted (use + to expand and - to collapse. You can see the PageView with the new note - complete with author and date by double clicking on the file name. All of your collaborators can see the notes you've posted, too.
个人分类: 研究方法|7907 次阅读|0 个评论

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