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2009年度Keats-Shelley prize获奖作品
mazheng 2010-2-8 15:10
济慈雪莱奖(Keats-Shelley prize)是英国浪漫主义诗歌奖(annual award for the best poem on a Romantic theme)。2009年度获奖者是D H Maitreyabandhu,获奖作品是The Small Boy and the Mouse。原文和博主拙译如下: When he closed his eyes and asked the question, he saw an egg, a boiled egg, lodged above his heart. The shell had been broken off, with a teaspoon he supposed, it was pure curd white and still warm. Inside he could see inside there was a garden with rows of potatoes, sweet peas in a tangle, and a few tomatoes, red and green ones, along with that funny sulphur smell coming from split sacks. There was an enamel bathtub in the garden, with chipped edges, a brown puddle staining around itself, and a few wet leaves. He could see down the plughole, so the sun must have shone, and he heard his father digging potatoes, knocking off the soil, and his mother fetching the washing in because the sky promised a shower. There was a hole or rather a pipe under the tub, where the water went, and down at the bottom was a mouse its ribs were poking out, its damp fur clung together. The mouse was holding a black-and-white photograph of a boy who might have been three or four years old; the boy was playing with boxes, or were they saucepans from the kitchen? he was leaning forward and slightly blurred. And what was strange about the picture, apart from being held by a mouse who sat on his haunches and gripped it in his forepaws, was that the space around the boy, the paleness around him, expanded, got very bright and engulfed the mouse, the bathtub, the garden, and the egg with its shell cracked off. After that there was nothing, apart from the dark inside the boy's head and a kind of quiet he'd never had before. He opened his eyes. All the furniture looked strange, as if someone had rearranged it. 小儿与鼠 合目自问心,恍如见煮蛋。银匙托凝玉,壳去温尤存。 更向内中寻,若见一菜园。行行植番薯,架架香豌豆。 且有番茄多,红绿自相间。淡淡硫磺味,源自散袋装。 残破瓷浴缸,卧在污泥浆。湿叶虽四在,日光透孔明。 闻听掘土声,其父锄番薯。天阴似兆雨,其母勤浆洗。 缸下有水洞,洞底有一鼠。粼粼瘦骨现,漉漉毛皮湿。 此鼠持一物,黑白小儿照。小儿三四龄,一盒手中玩。 或是厨中锅,也尤未可知。倾身似向前,模糊不可辨。 此鼠端坐地,双爪持此照。此照多奇特,留白渐大明。 雪亮夺人目,光下不见鼠。浴缸并菜园,蛋壳尽逝去。 此处无一物,心中但如夜。或是天然静,小儿未尝经。 不觉开双目,家中似不同。家具看来奇,莫非他人移。
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