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jackiemwd 2015-11-20 10:27
(Diamond Foundry) Diamond Foundry says it grows its diamonds layer-by-layer from a superheated plasma. Diamonds are a girl's best friend, but they don't grow on trees. Or do they? The Santa Clara-based startup Diamond Foundry claims it can grow diamonds in a lab that are as high-quality as natural gems, minus the exploitation of the mining industry. Actor Leonardo DiCaprio, along with 10 billionaires, have already invested in the company, which says it can make hundreds of diamonds in two weeks, weighing up to nine carats each. But how exactly are these diamonds made, and how does it differ from existing synthetic methods? The company's website is short on details, but here's what we know: They start with a real diamond as a seed crystal. (This is what make their product different from other synthetic diamonds, according to a company spokesperson.) Then, using a super heated plasma, they build more atoms onto this seed, layer by layer, until they have a diamond. The gems are grown in chemical reactors that can reach a scorching 8,000 degrees Celsius (more than 14,000 degrees Fahreneit) — hotter than the surface of the sun , which is about 5,500 degrees Celsius. We chatted briefly with Catherine McManus, chief scientist of Materialytics , a company that specializes in distinguishing natural, synthetic, and fake diamonds, to find out what separates Diamond Foundry's gems from other synthetic diamonds. (Diamond Foundry) Diamonds created by Diamond Foundry. How to make a diamond Diamonds are made of carbon, the same material found in pencil graphite. In nature, geologists believe diamonds are created over millions of years under intense pressure and temperature in the Earth's mantle, and then regurgitated onto the surface by volcanoes. By contrast, synthetic diamonds are made in a lab. Chemically, natural and synthetic diamonds are almost identical, but they can vary in the trace elements found inside. The two most common techniques for making synthetic diamonds are known as high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) and chemical vapor deposition (CVD). In HPHT , a carbon seed crystal is placed inside a device called a press with a metal solvent and subjected to immense pressures at temperatures around 1,400 degrees Celsius (about 2,250 degrees Fahrenheit), which melts the metal. The molten metal dissolves the carbon crystal, and it solidifies into a diamond. In CVD , a carbon-hydrogen gas mixture is deposited on a surface layer-by-layer. This process usually takes place at about 800 degrees Celsius (1,470 degrees Fahrenheit). Diamond Foundry's method seems to be a combination of HPHT and CVD, said McManus. It's basically the latter method, but at much higher temperatures, she said. The result are diamonds that are as pure as natural ones, the company claims, But ethically and morally pure as well. 下面的是另外一篇报道: Diamonds are a girl’s best friend, but they don’t grow on trees. Or do they? The Santa Clara-based startup Diamond Foundry claims it can grow diamonds in a lab that are as high-quality as natural gems, minus the exploitation of the mining industry. Actor Leonardo DiCaprio, along with 10 billionaires, have already invested in the company, which says it can make hundreds of diamonds in two weeks, weighing up to nine carats each. But how exactly are these diamonds made, and how does it differ from existing synthetic methods? The company’s website is short on details, but here’s what we know: They start with a real diamond as a seed crystal. (This is what make their product different from other synthetic diamonds, according to a company spokesperson.) Then, using a super heated plasma, they build more atoms onto this seed, layer by layer, until they have a diamond. The gems are grown in chemical reactors that can reach a scorching 8,000 degrees Celsius (more than 14,000 degrees Fahreneit) — hotter than the surface of the sun , which is about 5,500 degrees Celsius. We chatted briefly with Catherine McManus, chief scientist of Materialytics , a company that specializes in distinguishing natural, synthetic, and fake diamonds, to find out what separates Diamond Foundry’s gems from other synthetic diamonds. Diamonds are made of carbon, the same material found in pencil graphite. In nature, geologists believe diamonds are created over millions of years under intense pressure and temperature in the Earth’s mantle, and then regurgitated onto the surface by volcanoes.
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panpine 2015-7-4 17:08
Dear friend: 见信好! 这是我写给你的第一封信,你一定很奇怪,为什么我会突然给你写信?这样吧,你去泡杯咖啡,坐下来听我慢慢和你说。 那天中午吃饭的时候,我想到前一天你说“不太好”,然后匆匆下了线,当下我的脑子里就出现了一副画面:灰色的天空飘着三级小雨,你走在东环二路立交桥的人行道上,没有打伞,你穿的是那件红色的Kappa套衫,手插在裤兜里。你看着左手边的桥栏,觉着和我们老家的清江桥很像,心上竟一下子涌出几汪乡愁。大大小小有几辆汽车从你身边驶过,“嗖、嗖”的响声,在路边掀开一道道水浪。事实上,你刚刚从医院里出来,得知自己得了乳腺癌,只是年轻的你完全没有准备好下一步要怎么做。 我洗完碗筷,坐在书房里,打开“格林”最新款的“乡之韵”系列空调,猜测着你到底发生了什么事情,可是到最后我得出这样一个结论,不管发生了什么事情,只要身体健康,吃得下饭,睡得着觉,那么一切都只会是过眼云烟。 算一算,我们认识12年了,这段时间里有很多鲜活而且珍贵的记忆。你知道的,人一旦长大,就会给自己设定很多条款、规则、界限,不能做很多小时候想也不想就可以做的事情,就好象现在,我们都会很听话地工作,休闲的活动从以前的山洞大冒险变为了如今优雅的逛街,大城市里的霓虹灯成了我们最常注意和逗留的地方。我们懂得了“种豆得豆,种瓜得瓜”的道理,也不会再心存侥幸或者偷偷钻进班主任的办公室修改考试成绩了。 你看,生活越来越美好,可是我们怀恋的却是从前的日子。 就写到这吧,希望你原谅我上述恶劣的想象,并且相信自己可以生活地更加好一些。因为不管在哪里,都会有这么几个朋友和你像Kappa——你喜欢穿的运动品牌一样,“背靠着背”,支撑着彼此一起走下去。 Best wishes! 芷加 晨
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Being happy is a choice
热度 1 zuojun 2013-12-26 18:05
Being happy is a choice by June I have chosen to be happy, even after having shed some (sad) tears from time to time. Most of my friends see only the sunny side of me; a very few saw the cloudy me. You were always like sunshine, butnow I know your heart can be heavy, too. This year, I tried to write some personal greetings to friends and loved ones before Christmas, but eventually I surrendered to e-cards of mass mailing. This gives me a chance to “reply” with more personal touch. A few students and clients remembered me by sending me greetings, for which I am grateful. A few friends sent me year-endletter, to whom I responded with my own version of the letter. All these communications make me busy and happy, but only one email touched my soul. In a moment like this, I believe there must be a life before present, and a life after this. You and I must have be lovers 500 years ago, as a Buddhist wouldsay. How else could we meet during a spring break in the paradise by chance, and became soul mates? It is such a wonderful feeling when two strangers in this big world would become close friends. I do hope to meet you again, someday, in this life. Merry Christmas to you…
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|3228 次阅读|2 个评论
电子结构之ELF的计算-from my best friend Xinxin Zhang
xiaoqiugood 2013-10-25 04:13
关注: 1) ELF的定义; 2) 计算原理及流程。 题记:赠人玫瑰,手留余香。 相逢是一种缘。旅途中,有一种人,当你不经意间想起,总是满怀感激......XinXin Zhang 和 Meiguang Zhang即属于这种人。 新问题:正确设置INCAR,VASP533版本千万不要加IBRION=2,否则会陷入死循环 EXEC=/db/home/yexq/software/vasp533/vasp.5.4.1/vasp.5.4.1/bin/vasp_std 可快速成功计算ELF的VASP版本 一般设置0.5 为起点 isosurface value of 0.5 and 0.7, SYSTEM=Static- self-consistent PREC = Accurate ENCUT = 600 EDIFF = 1e-6 ISTART = 0; IBRION = 2 POTIM = 0.1 ISMEAR =1; SIGMA = 0.2 LELF=T 正确的INCAR设置-from Shichang Li SYSTEM=Static- self-consistent PREC = Accurate ENCUT = 400 EDIFF = 1e-6 ISTART = 0 POTIM = 0.1 ISMEAR =1; SIGMA = 0.2 KSPACING=0.2 KGAMMA=.TRUE. LELF=.TRUE. 关于IBRION参数 Default: IBRION= -1 for NSW=0 or NSW=1 = 0 else IBRION=2 A conjugate-gradient algorithm (a simple discussion of this algorithm can be found for instance in ) is used to relax the ions into their instantaneous groundstate 关于KSPACING参数 KSPACING -tag and KGAMMA -tag KSPACING = KGAMMA = Default: KSPACING = 0.5 KGAMMA = .TRUE. The tag KSPACING determines the number of k-points if the KPOINTS file is not present (see Sec. 5.5 ). KSPACING is the smallest allowed spacing between k-points in units of Å . The number of k-points increases when the spacing is decreased. The number of k-points in the direction of the first, second and third reciprocal lattice vector is determined by the equations These values are rounded to the next integer. The generated grid is either centred at the point (e.g. includes the point) ( KGAMMA =.TRUE.) or is shifted away from the point, as usually done for Monkhorst Pack grids ( KGAMMA =.FALSE.) (compare Sec. 5.5.3 ). Per default, the grids include the point. 哪一种方法设置的K点更密:KSPACING or KPOINTS? 可通过查看IBZKPT中k点个数,来看哪一种更密 The three qualities of k-point separation for CASTEP (1/Angstrom) coarse.le..08 medium.le..05 fine.le..04 Please input the quality of Monkhorst-Pack grid (Default is .035) 0.03 Reciprocal lattice parameters 0.84446874 2.56760472 2.41391726 Mesh parameters of Monkhorst-Pack grid 1. “Electronlocalization function” ,电子局域化函数。用来描述以某个位置处的电子为参考,在其附近找到与他同自旋的电子的概率,可以表征这个作为参考的电子的局域化程度,也是一种描述在多电子体系中的电子对概率的方法。 2. 一些公式: :电子局域化函数 0 ≤ ELF ≤1 , ELF=1 对应完全局域化,ELF=1/2,对应类电子气型的成对概率。       :均匀电子气的,自旋密度等于 (r)的局域值   :反映电子局域化的信息   :在r位置,s半径内找到两个同自旋的电子的几率,做Taylor 展开,中括号中的项就是上边的D , 这个值越小,说明在上述区域找到相同自旋的电子的几率越小,那么这个电子的局域性越高。 3. 这个函数是由 AxelD. Becke 和 K. E.Edgecombe 在 1990 年定义的 . 详 细的定义和公式请看参考文献和下面给出的链接。 这个函数能很有效的分析电子局域化程度,比如分析重元素的电子壳层排布结构,在分子中,通过 ELF 可以清晰的分出核态和价态,也能显示出共价键和未共用的电子对。这在我们分析成键中可能会有很大的帮助。 二. 计算和画图 1. vasp 进行自恰计算 使用一般自恰计算的四个输入文件,在 INCAR 中一定要加入开关 LELF=T, 其他设置不变。例如: SYSTEM=Static- self-consistent PREC = Accurate ENCUT =800 EDIFF = 1e-6 ISTART = 0; IBRION = 2 POTIM = 0.1 ISMEAR =1; SIGMA = 0.2 LELF=T 这样是为了让包含 “ 电子局域密度函数 ” 信息的 ELFCAR 文件保存下来。这个文件的格式和 CHGCAR 文件的类似,详细可以参见 vasp 手册,这里不做介绍。 2. 绘图的时候可以使用 xcrysden 和 vaspview 两种软件。 在使用 xcrysden 查看 ELFCAR 文件的时候需要先要将这个文件用 v2xsf 程序将其转化为 *.xsf 格式的 xcrysden 可读文件。 xcrysden 软件的使用大家一般比较熟悉,它可以画 xy, xz, yz 二维平面图,也可以画三维空间图 。 Vaspview 同样可以画二维和三维两种图。 一个专门的 ELF 介绍网站 : http://www.cpfs.mpg.de/ELF/index.php?content=01quant/01def.txt 附-网言摘录 希望大家先帮看看我的计算流程原则上是不是正确的,然后说说计算精度的问题。 我的计算流程: geo-opt----scf----elf and bader scf 后, mkdir elf bader cp scf/* elf/. INCAR做如下修改: ICHARG =11 #MAGMOM = * * * LELF = T LWAVE = F 其它不变。k-mesh不变 cp scf/* bader/. INCAR做如下修改: ICHARG = 1 #MAGMOM=* * * LAECHG = T LWAVE = F 其他不变。k-mesh不变。 以上两个性质计算中,elf是做非自洽计算的,我的理解是,elf仅仅作为初始电荷密度的数值处理,不需要做自洽计算。而bader需要原子价层电子和内层电子,一般vasp的PAW方法不提供内层电子,所以需要以上一步scf电荷密度做输入,来补全电荷密度。原则上这两个任务设置有问题没? 精度方面,elf计算为了提高精度(图的饱满平滑),需要调高NGX(Y,Z),然后重新做静态自洽计算。这个不必提高k采样密度,保持不变就好。 bader计算说要适当调高NGX(Y,Z),使得总电子数等于实际电子数。这个总电子数是不是为bader分析结果文件ACF.dat的最后一行给出的电荷数? 附-from 上述网站的介绍 Original definition of ELF The electron localization function (ELF) was introduced by Becke and Edgecombe as a simple measure of electron localization in atomic and molecular systems . The original formula is based on the Taylor expansion of the spherically averaged conditional same-spin pair probability density to find an electron close to a same-spin reference electron. The main aspect of this formulation is that thus defined ELF is a property of the same-spin pair density . The same-spin pair probability density P 2 ( r , r' ) is the probability density to simulaneously find two like-spin electrons at positions r and r' . In Hartree-Fock (HF) approximation: P 2 ( r , r' ) = rho( r ) ρ( r' ) − |ρ 1 ( r , r' )|2 The conditional same-spin pair probability density P cond ( r , r' ) is the probability density to find an electron at some position r' if a like-spin reference electron is located with certainty at position r . In Hartree-Fock (HF) approximation: P cond ( r , r' ) = ρ( r' ) − |ρ 1 ( r , r' )|2 ⁄ ρ( r ) with the electron densities ρ( r ) and ρ( r' ), and the σ-spin one-particle density matrix ρ 1 ( r , r' ) of the HF determinant: ρ 1 ( r , r' ) = ∑ i σ ψ i * ( r' )ψ i ( r ) where the summation runs over all occupied σ-spin (i.e. either up or down spin) orbitals ψ i ( r ). The probability density to find a like-spin electron at a distance s from the reference point r can be found by a Taylor expansion of the spherically averaged conditional same-spin probability density P cond ( r , s ) (the spherical average is on a shell of radius s around the reference point r ). The first ( s independent) term of the Taylor expansion vanishes, because the conditional probability density to find two like-spin electrons at the same position r is, as a direct consequence of the Pauli principle, equal to zero. The linear term is dependent on the gradient of the HF Fermi hole at r - thus it vanishes as well. The leading (quadratical) term of the Taylor expansion of the spherically averaged conditional same-spin probability density is : P cond ( r , s ) = 1⁄3 s2 + ... The expression in the brackets is besides a ρ factor proportional to the Fermi hole mobility function of Luken and Culberson and is related to the curvature of the HF Fermi hole at r as shown by Dobson . Becke and Edgecombe associated the localization of an electron with the probability density to find a second like-spin electron near the reference point. The smaller this probability density, i.e. the smaller the expression D( r ) = ∑ i σ | ∇ψ i ( r ) | 2 − ¼ | ∇ρ( r ) | 2 ⁄ ρ( r ) of the quadratic term, the higher localized an electron is. Thus, the Pauli repulsion between two like-spin electrons, described by the smallness of D( r ), is taken as a measure of the electron localization. Using the corresponding factor found for uniform electron gas D h ( r ) Becke and Edgecombe defined ELF as follows: η( r ) = 1 ⁄ with χ BE ( r ) = D( r ) ⁄ D h ( r ) where D h ( r ) = 3/5 (6π2) 2/3 ρ( r ) 5/3 Given by the definition, ELF values are bound between 0 and 1. In the seminal paper of Becke and Edgecombe the ratio χ BE ( r ) was attributed to a dimensionless localization index calibrated with respect to the uniform electron gas as a reference. Nevertheless, it should be mentioned that this reference was chosen arbitrarily (originally, Luken and Culberson had defined a function similar to χ BE ( r ), but instead of a division they preferred a subtraction, again arbitrarily choosing the uniform electron gas as a reference). The only measure of the electron localization, as described by the two authors, is the expression D( r ). However, ELF cannot yield the value of D( r ) - i.e. the actual measure of the electron localization - because it depends, through D h ( r ), on the electron density as well. In this sense, ELF is a relative measure of the electron localization. High ELF values show that at the examined position the electrons are more localized than in a uniform electron gas of the same density. η( r ) = 1⁄2 indicates that the effect of the Pauli repulsion is the same as in the uniform electron gas of the same density. Of course, it cannot be compared with the uniform electron gas with respect to other properties (it is obvious that the electron density gradient in an atom, molecule or solid differs from zero almost everywhere). See also section How to interpret . ELF for density functionals In density functional theory the pair density is not explicitly defined. Thus, the original formulation of ELF derived from the pair density is not applicable. Searching for a possibility to use ELF in density functional calculations, Savin et al. utilized the observation that the Kohn-Sham orbital representation of the Pauli kinetic energy density has the same formal structure as the expression D( r ) of Becke and Edgecombe. The main aspect of Savin's formulation is that thus defined ELF is a property based on the diagonal elements of the one-particle density matrix, i.e. the electron density . In the Kohn-Sham method the kinetic energy of N noninteracting electrons is: T s = ½ ∫ ∑ i N | ∇ψ i ( r ) | 2 dv with the Kohn-Sham orbitals ψ i ( r ). The positive definite kinetic energy density t( r ) = ½ ∑ i N | ∇ψ i ( r ) | 2 is bounded by a minimum value: t( r ) ≥ 1⁄8 | ∇ρ( r ) | 2 ⁄ ρ( r ) when all orbitals are proportional to √ρ (i.e. like in a bosonic system) . The Pauli kinetic energy is the energy due to the redistribution of the electrons in accordance with the Pauli principle. It is the integral of the Pauli kinetic energy density: t P ( r ) = t( r ) − 1⁄8 | ∇ρ( r ) | 2 ⁄ ρ( r ) The Pauli kinetic energy density itself does not resolve the bonding situation. It is the more or less arbitrary division of t P ( r ) by the kinetic energy density of a uniform electron gas of the same electron density (with the Fermi constant c F = 3⁄10 (3π2) 2/3 ) t h ( r ) = c F ρ( r ) 5/3 that yields all the information. For a closed shell system the ratio χ S ( r ) = t P ( r ) ⁄ t h ( r ) is formally identical with the ratio χ BE ( r ) in the HF approximation. This identity holds also for an open shell system, when the kinetic energy densities are computed for the corresponding spin part only. Then also the ELF formulas based on χ BE ( r ) and χ S ( r ) respectively, are identical. In the interpretation of Savin et al. ELF is a measure of the influence of Pauli principle as given by the Pauli kinetic energy density, relative to a uniform electron gas of the same density. Similarly to the original definition, ELF does not mirror t P ( r ). An expression equivalent to χ S ( r ) of Savin et al. was found already 1983 by Deb and Ghosh . Deb and Ghosh were searching for a proper local description of the kinetic energy density. They proposed the following formulation of the kinetic energy density: t( r ) = −¼ ∇2ρ( r ) + 1⁄8 | ∇ρ( r ) | 2 ⁄ ρ( r ) + c F f( r ) ρ( r ) 5/3 The right hand side of the above equation consists, besides the density Laplacian that vanishes by an integration over the whole space, of the full Weizsäcker term 1⁄8 | ∇ρ( r ) | 2 ⁄ ρ( r ) and a modified Thomas-Fermi term with a correction factor f( r ). Substituting for the left hand side the Hartree-Fock expression for the kinetic energy density: t( r ) = ½ ∑ i | ∇ψ i ( r ) | 2 − ¼ ∇2ρ( r ) unveils the correction factor f( r ) of Deb and Ghosh as the ratio χ S ( r ) of Savin. Besides calculating f( r ) for noble gas atoms (revealing the atomic shell structure) Deb and Ghosh did not further exploit this function.
个人分类: 电子结构计算|24446 次阅读|1 个评论
What is an ideal friend?
热度 1 Julia87 2013-6-22 17:38
I don’t know, but I agree with what Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote in On Friendship in 1841:” In a friend, what I am looking for is not a mush of concessions, a person who would agree with everything that I say; rather what I’m looking for is a beautiful enemy, a person who will challenge me, who will push me, who will help me in my apprenticeship to the truth.” This is also what I do to my friends: challenge them, push them, as well as help them. So, I will not always say nice things to my true friends, but I can say nice things all the time to those I don’t care...I am lucky enough to have a few friends before whom I can say anything in my heart, without thinking about too much.
个人分类: English writing|2735 次阅读|2 个评论
[转载]On Friendship---by Kahlil Gibran
brbaba 2013-3-17 08:10
Your friend is your needs answered. He is your field which you sow with love and reap with thanksgiving. And he is your board and your fireside. For you come to him with your hunger, and you seek him for peace. When your friend speaks his mind you fear not the "nay" in your own mind, nor do you withhold the "ay." And when he is silent your heart ceases not to listen to his heart; For without words, in friendship, all thoughts, all desires, all expectations are born and shared, with joy that is unacclaimed. When you part from your friend, you grieve not; For that which you love most in him may be clearer in his absence, as the mountain to the climber is clearer from the plain. And let there be no purpose in friendship save the deepening of the spirit. For love that seeks aught but the disclosure of its own mystery is not love but a net cast forth: and only the unprofitable is caught. And let your best be for your friend. If he must know the ebb of your tide, let him know its flood also. For what is your friend that you should seek him with hours to kill? Seek him always with hours to live. For it is his to fill your need, but not your emptiness. And in the sweetness of friendship let there be laughter, and sharing of pleasures. For in the dew of little things the heart finds its morning and is refreshed.
个人分类: 其它|3298 次阅读|0 个评论
一首悠扬的歌(The Sound of Silence )
twhlw 2013-1-6 21:40
一首悠扬的歌(The Sound of Silence )
点击可打开: http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/aUIqaQvrf_s/ 歌词如下: The Sound of Silence 寂静之声 Hello darkness, my old friend 你好 黑暗 我的老朋友 I've come to talk with you again 我又来和你交谈 Because a vision softly creeping 因为有一种幻觉正向悄悄地向我袭来 Left its seeds while I was sleeping 在我熟睡的时候留下了它的种子 And the vision that was planted in my brain 这种幻觉在我的脑海里生根发芽 Still remains 缠绕着我 Within the sound of silence 伴随着寂静的声音 In restless dreams I walked alone 在不安的梦幻中我独自行走 Narrow streets of cobblestone 狭窄的鹅卵石街道 'Neath the halo of a street lamp 在路灯的光环照耀下 I turned my collar to the cold and damp 我竖起衣领 抵御严寒和潮湿 When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light 一道耀眼的霓虹灯光刺入我的眼睛 That split the night 它划破夜空 And touched the sound of silence 触摸着寂静的声音 And in the naked light I saw 在炫目的灯光下 Ten thousand people, maybe more 我看见成千上万的人 People talking without speaking 人们说而不言 People hearing without listening 听而不闻 People writing songs that voices never share 人们创造歌曲却唱不出声来 And no one dare disturb the sound of silence 没有人敢打扰这寂静的声音 "Fools" said I, "You do not know 我说:“傻瓜,难道你不知道 Silence like a cancer grows” 寂静如同顽疾滋长” Hear my words that I might teach you 听我对你说的有益的话 Take my arms that I might reach to you 拉住我伸给你的手 But my words like silent as raindrops fell 但是我的话犹如雨滴飘落 And echoed in the wells of silence 在寂静的水井中回响 And the people bowed and prayed to the neon god they made. 人们向自己创造的霓虹之神 鞠躬 祈祷And the sign flashed out its warning 神光中闪射出告诫的语句 And the words that it was forming 在字里行间指明 And the sign said: 它告诉人们 "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls 预言者的话都已写在地铁的墙上 and tenement halls 和房屋的大厅里 And whispered in the sound of silence." 在寂静的声音里低语
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[转载]A Forever Friend 永远的朋友
carldy 2012-12-30 21:45
"A friend walk in when the rest of the world walks out." "别人都走开的时候,朋友仍与你在一起。” A Forever Friend 永远的朋友 Sometimes in life, 有时候在生活中, You find a special friend; 你会找到一个特别的朋友; Someone who changes your life just by being part of it. 他只是你生活中的一部分内容,却能改变你整个的生活。 Someone who makes you laugh until you can't stop; 他会把你逗得开怀大笑; Someone who makes you believe that there really is good in the world. 他会让你相信人间有真情。 Someone who convinces you that there really is an unlocked door just waiting for you to open it. 他会让你确信,真的有一扇不加锁的门,在等待着你去开启。 This is Forever Friendship. 这就是永远的友谊。 when you're down, 当你失意, and the world seems dark and empty, 当世界变得黯淡与空虚, Your forever friend lifts you up in spirits and makes that dark and empty world suddenly seem bright and full. 你真正的朋友会让你振作起来,原本黯淡、空虚的世界顿时变得明亮和充实。 Your forever friend gets you through the hard times, the sad times, and the confused times. 你真正的朋友会与你一同度过困难、伤心和烦恼的时刻。 If you turn and walk away, 你转身走开时, Your forever friend follows, 真正的朋友会紧紧相随, If you lose you way, 你迷失方向时, Your forever friend guides you and cheers you on. 真正的朋友会引导你,鼓励你。 Your forever friend holds your hand and tells you that everything is going to be okay. 真正的朋友会握着你的手,告诉你一切都会好起来的。 And if you find such a friend, 如果你找到了这样的朋友, You feel happy and complete, 你会快乐,觉得人生完整, Because you need not worry.因为你无需要再忧虑。 You have a forever friend for life, 你拥有了一个真正的朋友, And forever has no end.永永远远,永无止境。 here enclosed the mp3: a forever friend.mp3
个人分类: 生活点滴 Inspirations from Life|1699 次阅读|0 个评论
wyc 2012-10-22 17:49
金秋银杏大道 仅好友可见 已有 68 次阅读 2012-10-22 08:08 | 个人分类: 杂感 | 系统分类: 生活其它 | 关键词:银杏 1) 2) 3) 4) 注:仅做剪切处理,素面照片。 相关:20120926 银杏大道 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-71079-617015.html 以下为技术处理后的银杏大道 11 12 13 14 转载感言: 银杏树有观赏美, 更有药用价值。 她惠及众生而不求囬报, 她延年益寿而茂盛不衰。 她是一种高雅美。 高大仰止, 我天天服用, 倍感其亲切而崇高。
个人分类: 未分类|1286 次阅读|1 个评论
On ppt slides: What is a friend for?
热度 1 zuojun 2012-10-3 08:00
After my seminar at U. Washington last Wed., a friend (and a colleague) told me that I should add a title to each slide. In fact, I had done so for half of my slides, but not to all of them. So, I sat down and revised my ppt for my upcoming semimar at U. Hawaii, which is on Nov. 15th (Thursday). See you there?
个人分类: Education|2398 次阅读|1 个评论
On Robert Frost's poem, The Road Not Taken, by my friend
josh 2012-9-13 13:29
For the sake of privacy protection, I have deleted those sentences which are personal enough to leak the author's information. The original post: It was recently explained to me by a professor at XX College that the poem by Robert Frost, The Road Not Taken, was meant to be satirical. He has even been quoted as saying "One stanza of 'The Road Not Taken' was written while I was sitting on a sofa in the middle of England: Was found three or four years later, and I couldn't bear not to finish it. I wasn't thinking about mys elf there, but about a friend who had gone off to war, a person who, whichever road he went, would be sorry he didn't go the other. He was hard on himself that way." That completely made life so much better to hear that. Although I'm sure that whoever decides on the curriculum for American Lit in this country would disagree on this, I really think that when you cover satire in your American Lit. classes from now on, you should tell them this story. It really makes life so much nicer, in a strange, small way. My roommate is reading Socrates (Plato) right now, and she hates it. I don't blame her. Reading Socrates is like sticking your head in a pot of boiling water, and then transferring it to the Potomac. In essence, it is painful. So I told her to read it as satire, and that has made all the difference ; ) My mom asked me if I felt it was better satirically because it really says that you have to make choices and that is the way it is. I said that people always make huge deals about what "the right" decision is in a given situation (not necessarily when it comes to ethics, but just situations where you have to made a decision) ... And, for instance, my decision to ... Those were two decisions that could both be great, and they would probably bring me to two very different places in my life. My calling may have even changed, .... But we can't dwell on one decision as the one that "makes all the difference," because we can't know that. In either case our lives go on. And, unlike literal roads, the other decision doesn't exist once we have chosen a road. Because time is linear, any "going back" would actually still be going forward. And this is why I am glad I ... Because it has helped me to think about things like this o.O Paths cannot be compared. They are just so different. And you cannot see all the consequences of your decisions- even the decision that you made. Because our decisions have such a huge influence on so many different things that I don't think any one decision can be considered to have more of an impact than others. I mean some will obviously be remembered, like Obama becoming president ... But there were so many tiny little decisions made that led up to the large decisions. BTW, I have been taught to live in the present, and to not always live for the future, but to be content where I am. I know this is an important lesson for myself, because so often I sit and think about what the future could be like, when all along I am moving along toward that future, without efforts to live through the present. It's like when you are so excited for the weekend, that you forget to live through the week. Reply from one of her friends: Yeah, I like that explanation of the poem better, I think. That we shouldn't agonize over our decisions and search for "the one right answer" because we will never find it - there is a choice between two good paths, with possibly two completely different endings. But both will lead to a good adventure, ... and we must listen for that. But I agree that it is a bad idea to look back at our life choices and waste our time wondering what our lives would be had we chosen the other path. I mean, it's interesting to speculate a little, but there's a fine line between healthy curiosity and wasting one's time wondering about the past. Reply from another friend: I could not agree with you more on that, you never know what the road not taken would have been like. You never know which road would have made more difference, because you simply cannot compare.
个人分类: The Art of Learning and Research|3151 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 9 beepro 2012-9-3 03:56
昨天(9/1/2012)有朋友来借东西, 帮他搬上车后, 发现有自家前院有无数小蜜采“一枝黄花”(Solidago, Asteraceae)。 后来发现一个有标记的小蜜! 想了半天, 才记得昨晚学生把一个实验完了的小箱放到俺家来了。 谢谢啊! 这可是我第一次在自然条件下拍有号的小蜜。 上次UIUC要我拍(NSF问他们要), 我是“作假”把小蜜贴了号, 冻得不能飞, 才放到花上拍的。。 “一枝黄花”已经入侵到中国, 我在浙大里面看到不少, 但是是一个漂亮的植物啊。 我们这里很多, 是重要的秋季蜜源+粉源。 很多地方有大片的花。 很漂亮。 1. Green 69 happily foraging on goldenrod which was less than 30 meters away from her home. 2. 3. 4. 5. 到目前为止, 有2篇文章是为单个蜜蜂发表的, 一个是红色93, 她只清理别的工蜂, 别的不干, 还多数(92%)清理蜜蜂左的左边翅膀 。 Darrell Moore, Jennifer E. Angel, Iain M. Cheeseman, Gene E. Robinson and Susan E. Fahrbach, A highly specialized social grooming honey bee (Hymenoptera: Apidae). Journal of Insect Behavior, Volume 8, Number 6 (1995), 855-861, DOI: 10.1007/BF02009512 另外一篇是讲一篇采水蜂的, 记得好事是黄色17. Robinson, G. E., Underwood, B. A., and Henderson, C. E. (1984). A highly specialized water collecting honey bee. Apidologie 15: 355-358. 绿色69现在也要出名了! 她被拍采一枝黄花的粉和蜜。 6. 这个被漆了红色, 应该也是那个蜂群的。 http://ww2.beetography.com/var/resizes/Apis-mellifera/Goldenrod/DSC_9860.jpg 7. 一个没有标记的小蜜 8. 熊蜂 9. 纸蜂,怀疑是Polistes metricus 10. A view to a suck :) 11.欧洲纸蜂 Polistes dominula, 1998年左右进入蜜州,当时到处都是。 但是种群现在下降了一些, 原来的种开始上升。 12. 不知是不是一个切叶蜂 13. 蜜蜂采 蝴蝶花( Buddleia davidii , Scrophulariaceae). 14. 白色蝴蝶花 15. 木蜂(Xylocopa sp, Apidae) 采木槿花hibiscus (Malvaceae). 16. closeup 17. 木槿的花粉颗粒很大的。  18. 蜜蜂也采木槿。  19. 弄蝶(Skipper, 科名,Hesperiidae)采 泽兰 eupatorium (Asteraceae). 因为原来Host beetography 的网站要涨100%, 我只好自己host这些片片了。 以后要把老的播客的照片连接更新会是一个很大的工程-- 除非让那些链接废了。 今天浪费半天调软件。。。水印有点太大。。。
个人分类: 小蜜|3918 次阅读|19 个评论
《玛丽和马克思》——you are my only friend
热度 2 nitzschia 2012-7-15 14:56
这是一部关于笔友的电影,一位澳大利亚的女孩玛丽与纽约单身汉马克思保持通信长达20年之久。母亲的酗酒、父亲的怪癖,玛丽缺乏家庭关爱,性格忧郁,感情敏感。马克思是一个患有 亚斯伯格症(自闭症的一种)的犹太人,孤独肥胖,参加肥胖症患者互助小组同时抵挡不住巧克力三明治的诱惑,尝试过不同的工作,还中了一次彩票大奖。孤独和与周围环境的格格不入使他们成为忠实的笔友,虽然素未谋面,但却是对方“最好的唯一的朋友”。 认识的人越多,发现之所以跟某些人比较投缘的原因之一在于这些人可能是自己的另一个版本,包括好的版本和坏的版本。自己某一方面的特质在这个人的身上发挥到了极致以至于看到这个人就觉得很亲切,不由自主地被他/她吸引。最终成为朋友。有人说想知道一个人如何如何就看他所结交的朋友。用在我身上并不适合。我的朋友十分多元化,有的极其具有上进心,有的极其颓废。有的人极其爱面子,有人极其不拘小节。有的极其温柔贤惠,有的极其彪悍泼辣。有的幽默风趣,有的木讷乏味。有文艺青年,也有愤怒青年和2B青年。有萝莉,有妖女。(切不可对号入座,:))。当然他们都有一个共同点:善良,属于好人的范畴。他们的综合体就是乱七八糟极不靠谱又极其上进的我。关于好人插播一下,老公有个朋友之前问过他是不是我特瞧不上他这样的人,因为是做销售的,由于业务需要经常出入夜总会之类的场合,慢慢地假戏也变成真做了。我回答说,没有的事啊,人本来就是很复杂的,即使是拿到了博士学位,做了教授研究员的人肯定也都有他们阴暗的一面,人精神方面都是差不多的,不会因为你的学历高一点就会比其他人少变态一点。马丁塞利格曼说过“几乎所有的男性都是恋物癖狂”。 “已所不欲勿施于人”,“人所不欲勿施于己”。爱朋友,也要 爱自己 。一辈子太长,幸亏有你们陪伴在我身边。 “God gave us our relatives, thank god we can choose our friends.” “Everyone's lives are like a very long sidewalk.Some are well paved. Others,like mine,have cracks,banana skins and cigarette butts.Your sidewalk is like mine but probably not as many cracks...” “The reason I forgive you is because you are not perfect. You are imperfect, and so am I. All humans are imperfect, even the man outside my apartment who litters. When I was young, I wanted to be anybody but myself. Dr Bernard Hazelhof said if I was on a desert island then I would have to get used to my own company – just me and the coconuts. He said I would have to accept myself, my warts and all, and that we don’t get to choose our warts. They are a part of us and we have to live with them. We can, however, choose our friends and I glad I have chosen you.”
个人分类: 我看的电影|483 次阅读|5 个评论
The Chinese Economy via Foreign Eyes
热度 4 何毓琦 2012-7-12 21:17
For new readers and those who request to be “ 好友 good friends” please read my 公告 栏 first. A friend of mine brought my attention to the followingarticle http://econintersect.com/b2evolution/blog2.php/2012/07/11/the-macroeconomics-of-chinese-kleptocracy which tries to explain 1. The economic miracle of China in the past 30years 2. The high saving rate of the Chinese public 3. Why China continues to buy U.S. Bond even if itpays so little interest 4. How the Chinese public is funding the prosperityof the State Owned Enterprises (SOEs) 5. How wide spread corruption is making a fewChinese very rich at the expense of the public Since there are no quantitative data given in the article,one cannot determine whether or not these explanations given are the principletruth and reason. But I don’t doubt their basic validity. Don’t mind therhetoric of the article but read it as an eye opener.
个人分类: 生活点滴|8841 次阅读|4 个评论
How to save friendship
热度 1 zuojun 2012-6-30 17:24
When you have trouble with a friend, no matter how upset you are, watch what you say. If you cannot talk about it to this friend, take a long walk and sort it out yourself. If a long walk does not free you from the trouble, go talk to this friend. No matter how upset you are, you have to believe she or he has been your friend for years therefore she or he could not be upsetting you intentionally. It takes guts to confront a friend with your hurt feelings, but it's better this way than shutting the door forever... TS, I am very worried about you. You offered to life me up, but I accidentally drown you.
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|3137 次阅读|2 个评论
那英:Always Friends
huiee 2012-1-4 17:11
试听链接:http://mp3.baidu.com/lrc?song=always%20friendssinger=%C4%C7%D3%A2album=%C4%C7%D3%D6%D4%F5%D1%F9 演唱:那英 作词:陈少琪 作曲:陈科妤 记得当时蓝色的天我们永远活在春天 一起跟青春相恋背叛许多无聊诺言 拉开了时间的窗帘你在我回忆里留言 怀念倒不如相见你的眼睛是否晴天 曾经多少眼泪路过我们的笑脸 曾经多少缘分滑过我们的指尖 曾经多少咖啡征服我们的失眠 人生到底有没有改变你的呼吸我能听见 always friends closest friends oldest friends best friends 谁预见会遇见我们会投缘 无条件无期限这关系多悬 再善变再蜕变都不变 always friends 你掌心中的生命线经历过怎样的流年 留下了什么标点证明往事并不如烟 回到了快乐一瞬间照片中自由的画面 雨点总是那么甜也许从前只能怀念 always friends closest friends oldest friends best friends 谁预见会遇见我们会投缘 无条件无期限这关系多悬 再善变再蜕变都不变 always friends 多少梦想落入地平线 才发现脆弱的心灵比身体疲倦 你的一言一语就像一张明信片 一点温暖一起分享回到单纯的原点 always friends closest friends oldest friends best friends 谁预见会遇见我们会投缘 无条件无期限这关系多悬 再善变再蜕变都不变 always friends
1116 次阅读|0 个评论
Friend: 节日新年快乐
热度 22 BlueAdagio 2011-12-24 17:12
Friend: 节日新年快乐
曾经 因为工作在南加州呆了两年半左右的时间。百闻不如一见,四季如春的南加州确实是个好地方,几乎终年蓝天白云,随处可见的鲜艳的勒杜鹃,生命力强却又不失妩媚的夹竹桃,或者奇特的天堂鸟花,再配上挺拔的棕榈树,受西班牙影响强烈的红瓦建筑,色彩和质感的对比和碰撞令人难忘。 圣地亚哥以北的一个叫 Carlsbad 的小镇是我当时工作和居住的地方。地方虽小,有三样东西却让这个镇在加州甚至全美国都有点名气:小孩子们狂热喜爱的 Legoland 乐园,一个叫 The Flower Field 的专门培育 Ranunculus (一种毛莨属植物,又叫小牡丹)的公园,还有 Carlsbad 的海滩。因为有着得天独厚的条件,海滩文化在当地也似乎根深蒂固。下班去哪里?海滩。周末去哪里?海滩。朋友来带他们到哪里好?海滩。有的同事甚至连中午饭都要拿到海边去吃,左手一个装三文治和饮料的袋子,右手一本小说,“一个小时后见 !” 真是 I 服了 U ! 我还没有去过夏威夷或者斐济等以海滩闻名于世的地方。对于我来说,如果有天堂, Carlsbad 应该是比较接近于天堂的地方了。万里晴空下几乎水天一色却又有点深不可测的大海,奶油般细白的沙子,蹒跚学步或者拿着小桶小铲盛沙子玩的孩童,凝神在堆沙雕的妇人,白发苍苍坐在遮阳伞下看书或聊天的老人。在这个接近天堂的地方,有时会觉得仿佛进入了一条时光隧道,时间的钟摆仿佛停下,但又似乎能分明看见自己的过去,一直到将来。 Carlsbad 其实还只是美国西部长长的海岸线上的一颗小珠子。往南往北还有很多小镇以海滩或冲浪圣地而闻名,有的甚至更有名多了。一个欣赏的好办法是沿着 101 号公路一直开。往南差不多到墨西哥的 101 号公路沿途就是一个接一个的海滩和小城镇。公路在 Carlsbad 以北有一段和跨州的 5 号公路合并,但进入洛杉矶的橙县时又重新出现,沿途更多的海滩,比如我特别喜欢的 Monarch Beach 。到了北加州, 101 号公路会和加州一号公路合并。据说很多电影都在有些地方一边是悬崖,悬崖下面就是大海的加州一号公路上取过景。 如果有时间,我总喜欢开车上 101 号公路兜兜风。不用担心开快车的飚车党,想去海滩或小镇逛逛的话一般都能找到停车的地方。有时附近还有小农场或小酒庄,可以停下来买两盒刚摘下来的无比鲜甜的草莓,或者尝尝酒庄主人引以为豪的新酒品种(我不大会品酒,只会说好,呵呵)。 不过,没有音乐我是不能上路滴,特别是长途。一边开车一边听着自己喜欢的音乐,歌也好,纯音乐也好,什么都可以不想,什么也都可以轻轻地想一想然后放下或者忘记,对我是一种灵魂的自由。 那时候我听得最多的可能是玉置浩二的一张精选蝶。碟子应该是一次回国时买的,里面的歌的旋律大部分都非常熟悉,好像都被翻唱过了,但是听日文原版倒是比较少,而且我对日文一窍不通,有点像听 Andrea Bocelli 唱意大利文歌一样。不同的是, Bocelli 的碟子里还有翻译,玉置浩二的这张却什么都没有。不过音乐的魅力似乎注定是可以超越国界和语言障碍的,虽然不懂日文,我还是听了不下几百遍玉置浩二的歌。 在他的那么多的歌里,我听得最多的是 《 Friend 》 。这首歌可能是被翻唱得最多的之一了,光张学友就有粤语和国语两个版本,另外还有陈百强的 《 细想 》 和顺子的 《 Dear Friend 》 。玉置浩二自己也有个添加了弦乐部分感觉更为激昂一点的现场版。但我最喜欢的还是原来的那个比较安静的版本。在一个熟悉里带着陌生的国度,一个接近天堂的地方,耳边是熟悉里带着陌生的歌声,玉置浩二独特的嗓音,缓缓升起再徐徐落幕的旋律,钢琴的独奏和仿佛远处的单簧管不时飘出来的音符,窗外是蔚蓝色一望无际的的大海,或者里面是藏着某种经纬,时间和心情的神秘组合,让我总能在那个瞬间惊讶于他们的和谐,甚至会因此落下泪来。。 以这首 优美的《 Friend 》 ,在此祝科学网的所有朋友们节日,新年快乐。 附上中日文版本的音乐链接及歌词: Friend ( 词:松井五郎 曲:玉置浩二 ,翻译来自xiami.com) さよならだけ 言えないまま きみの影の中に いま涙がおちてゆく 翻译:唯独一直说不出再见,在你的影子里,我的眼泪落下。 つめたくなる 指・髪・声 ふたり暮らしてきた 香りさえが消えてゆく 手指,头发,声音,都变冷了。就连我们在一起的味道也要消失。 もう  Friend 心から  Friend みつめても  Friend 悲しくなる 翻译:friend ,从我心里 friend ,凝视你 friend ,都会开始悲伤。 想い出には できないから 夢がさめてもまだ 夢みるひと忘れない 翻译:在回忆里做不到,就算梦醒了,做梦的人也不忘记。 もう  Friend きれいだよ  Friend このままで  Friend やさしく 翻译:friend ,很美哦 friend ,就这样 friend ,温柔地 もう  Friend 心から  Friend いつまでも  Friend 今日から Friend 翻译:friend ,从我心里 friend ,不论到何时 friend ,从今天开始 friend 。 张学友 - 沉默的眼睛 粤语版 天际复回寂静 长空浮涌繁星 愿这星 每晚紧靠着你 悄悄指引着你 燃亮生命 相爱是难预定 留低回忆憧憬 在这生 你每点欢笑声 也会驱散着我 长夜的冷清 望晚星 闪烁你的眼睛 真挚热爱在呼应 拥着无限柔情 心里荡回寂静 时光溜走无声 在这生 暖暖的心已经 永远归向着你 沉默的眼睛 望晚星 闪烁你的眼睛 真挚热爱在呼应 拥着无限柔情 星 交织你的背影 真挚热爱在呼应 心内宁静 星 …… 沉默的眼睛 国语版 浅尝过的爱情 是梦是真是疑 怎么自己都不敢相信 陷入爱恋情绪如此地轻易 低回过的心情是爱是情是你 怎么把这感觉说的尽 不让你有理由试验我的心 我的心 像沉默的眼睛 虽然有千言万语该如何告诉你 问我对你的心 不忧不疑不惧 不管人间沧海已几度 桑田也变无数我的心不疑 我的心 像沉默的眼睛 跟随你款款身影 柔情相依 心是沉默的眼睛 虽然是不言不语 深情无 限 陈百强- 细想 (粤语) 心裡熱流似浪 回憶沉思幻想 密透的一雙幽鬱眼光 要我安慰你 無盡的渴望 心以熱流盼望 回憶沉思幻想 熱吻將孤單中帶動我 到你的美夢裡 期待我維護 我此生 不知愛的痛苦 因有你在心裡 癡心永不過去 心以熱流渴望 回憶沉思幻想 像野火漆黑中照亮我 暗裡牽引著我 尋獲我理想 我此生 不知愛的痛苦 因有你在心裡 今天細想 不知愛的痛苦 因有你在心裡  今天細 想 顺子 - Dear Friend ( 国语 ) 跟夏天才告 别 转眼满地落叶 远远的白云依旧无言 像我心里感 觉还有增无减 跟去年 说再见 转眼又是冬天 才一年看着世界 变迁 有 种沧海桑田无常的感觉 oh~ friend 我 对你的想念 此刻特 别强烈 我们如此遥远 朋友孩子的 脸 说着生命喜悦 如果 说我们依然相恋 说不定在眼前 是另外情节 oh~ friend 我 对你的想念 此刻特 别强烈这么多年 oh~ friend 我 对你的想念 此刻特 别强烈如此遥远 friend~ 后记:多亏博友xuewu的提醒,Carlsbad还有一个游览热点是在Flowerfield边上的Premium Outlet Mall(图的最后一张),卖各种各样打折的名牌商品,而且采用很多室外的设计,和都在室内的mall的感觉大不一样滴。 (图片来自网络,自己拍的一下子找不到:-)
个人分类: 岁月如歌|5535 次阅读|49 个评论
热度 1 wyc 2011-12-10 11:31
黄山记忆点滴 仅好友可见 已有 9 次阅读 2011-11-10 19:00 | 个人分类: 杂感 | 系统分类: 生活其它 | 关键词:黄山 记忆
1711 次阅读|3 个评论
zjzhang 2011-11-23 18:35
Always try to help a friend in need 任何时候记得帮助困难中的朋友 Believe in yourself 要充满自信 Be brave... but it's OK to be afraid sometimes 要勇敢 …… 然而不时地害怕一下也是可以谅解的 Study hard 努力学习 Give lots of kisses 多多地亲热 Laugh often 笑口常开 Don't be overly concerned with your weight, it's just a number 不要太在意体重,那不过就是个数字罢了 Always try to see the glass half full 要看到满的那半杯水 Meet new people, even if they look different to you 结识新朋友,即使他们看起来和你那么不一样 Remain calm, even when it seems hopeless 保持镇定,尽管情况令人绝望 Take lots of naps.. 多多地打盹儿 Be weird whenever you have the chance 不放过任何一个耍宝的机会 Love your friends, no matter who they are 爱你的朋友们,无论他们是谁 Don't waste food 不要浪费粮食 RELAX 要放松 Take an occasional risk 要有冒险精神 Try to have a little fun each day. It's important 每天找点儿乐子,这相当重要 Work together as a team 团队合作 Share a joke with friends 跟伙伴们分享笑话 Fall in love with someone.. 尝试坠入爱河 …… 如果不影响你的其他更重要的事情 ...and say 'I love you' often 多说 “ 我爱你 ” Express yourself creatively 创意地展示你的个性 Be conscious of your appearance 关注仪表 Always be up for surprises 随时准备好迎接惊喜 Love someone with all of your heart 全心全意去爱一个人 Share with friends 和朋友分享 Watch your step 当心脚下 It will get better 一切都会好起来 There is always someone who loves you more than you know 一定有人爱你胜过你所觉察到的 Exercise to keep fit 锻炼身体保持身材 Live up to your name 别辱没你的名声 Seize the Moment 抓住机会 Hold on to good friends; they are few and far between 和好朋友相互扶持,他们是很稀少的 Indulge in the things you truly love 纵情享受你的所爱 Cherish every Sunday 珍惜每个周末 At the end of the day... PRAY 当一天结束时 …… 要祈祷 ....... And close your eyes And smile at least once a day! …… 还有闭上你的双眼,每天至少一次微笑!
个人分类: 文学|2606 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 7 pli 2011-3-10 17:42
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5250 次阅读|10 个评论
TWO friendS
jlpemail 2010-3-11 06:55
a woman phoned her female (thousands miles distance) friend, ON7 MARCH 2010. W1: (do i )think of you...? W2: do you think...?
个人分类: 学术现场|2589 次阅读|0 个评论
A friend
jlpemail 2010-3-11 06:46
Once, a friend gave me an idea. Its so interesting that I could not wait for any minute. I went to office by bike, though had written nothing. I enjoyed the night. There are no references for this new program. AFTER VISITING BEIJING LIBERARY, THREE TIMES,I HOLD IT. Two months later, an article (on compass satellite) were sent to a Chinese magazine. The editor said, in phone, it maybe an excellent one if Eight years ago, when I invited him to be a co-author, my friend said: its a item, I know , which belongs you, not for me. Just a little pity!Only can I give you the idea! Thats enough. You are a good writer, am I right? So, you must not feel any sorry about that little case. Who are this (captain) friend of mine? He is a post-70s, from middle China s Henan province. Perhaps, you, my dear reader, had seen his photo in my New year Days blog (100 some days ago). March 10, 2010
个人分类: 学术现场|2793 次阅读|0 个评论

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