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回家or与象牙塔的决绝@正式入学=where I should go !
varyshi 2014-3-16 20:56
我是个学渣,渣到无人能比,自从上大学之后不知道回家带书是干嘛的,连小说都没带过,为什么?看书太累了!我看书太慢,已经从俩眼变成了四眼,不想再变成八眼等。可是这次回家我没多拿一件衣服,因为箱子塞满了书,满满一箱子,实在塞不下衣服,衣服乃身外之物,所以就不带了。我不知道哪来这么多书,翻来翻去竟然还有各种六级资料,真心惭愧。只可惜我找了一晚上都没有找到我的日语资料,有种遗落上海的直觉,算了,丢了就丢了,只是我辛辛苦苦打印的日语语法书可惜了,还没来得及看一眼就没了,怎么跟一个好好的人突然遇到车祸似的,没了,没了就没了吧,存在即合理,早已成为可以带来自我安慰的快感的灵丹妙药,收拾好之后,真心说声我靠,我竟然快拎不动我的箱子了,直接断了我献殷勤的机会,呵呵,直白了,其实真心本来就没有机会,纯属YY。----------------------------纯属瞎写,没啥文采,就这样吧。 拉着一箱书回家,弄得跟个学霸似的,我好虚伪,哎,这人,太能装了。其实我知道拿回家未必会看上一眼,但是,是我的终究是我的,我不忍心扔书,毕业在即,搞收藏吧,即将离开象牙塔的那一刹那我竟然动了真感情,全部留下,表示我曾经拥有过吧,包括青春。看着这么多书即将远行,一种分手的火药味让我忘记晚上的随机性挨饿,响起了水木年华的启程,我们终将要离去,我们的青春。我能说我听的歌最多的是水木年华和吴虹飞的吗?很不巧这些都是大清的产品,给你们推荐下吧,吴虹飞是一个有想法的女歌手,好像是环境学院的吧。回家,我表达不了悲欢离合的情绪,我也感觉我很冷,跟个冰窟窿似的,没办法。把这一箱书运到家的时候应该就是和这一箱书说拜拜的时候了,因为这些书再也不能活在现实中了,只能活在他们的艺术世界中了,也许放到屋里他们最踏实,终于落叶归根了。---------------------------------我擦,写的什么玩意儿。 知识到用的时候才会觉得不够用,我现在感觉到了,上这么多年学的结果就是现在什么都不会,什么都不精,接触过德语,会两句日语,研究过两天乌尔都语,现在连中文都说不好。学过经济,感知过心理,结果现在还在套里。买的不是币,是尼玛币。接触时间最长的是化学,最讨厌的也是化学,曾经在空间里专门贴着最新诺贝尔奖的我表示已经没有地可以自容了。这不马上就要离开了象牙塔了,才觉得我还没有正式报道呢,觉得想学的没学到,不想学的也没学到,到最后就什么都没学到,我就这样大度的把知识都留在课本和社会中了,怪不得我经常感觉肚子会非正式的饿,现在全明白了,是因为我肚子里装的东西实在太少了。好吧,over。。。。。。。。。。。。都是些什么东东和西西,致在象牙塔中间歇性流失的青春。 我觉得不管以后要去面对什么,其实面对的只是我自己,自己总是在施罗德时候出现了另一个自暴自弃,否定我自己的我自己。终于明白为啥西游记里六小猕猴出现的那么的离奇而自然,是因为当时悟空比较失落,悟空有时候也需要安慰的,他又不能去踢足球发泄,就慢慢自卑了。以后尽量避免六小猕猴的出现吧,继续寻找紫霞吧,祝我好运,一切顺利,阿米尔汗。-------------------------------------春节前最后一夜在北京,不到两点能睡吗,肯定不能。------------------------------写的都是什么啊,我今天起来肯定当成梦话,就这吧,该收手了,这么多年过去了,大部分时间都是晚上今天睡,今天起,没享受到别人梦中跨夜的美,算是一点小遗憾吧。
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[转载]Cultural Translation: Why it is important and where to start
carldy 2013-2-21 11:31
Cultural Translation: Why it is important and where to start with it Boris Buden http://eipcp.net/transversal/0606/buden/en Let me introduce the problem by quoting one question: “Every five years one of the most important exhibitions of modern and contemporary art takes place in Kassel. What is it called?” People interested in culture and arts, mostly members of the well-educated middle class, also known in Germany as Bildungsbürgertum, can, for sure, easily answer this question. But the question is not addressed to them. In fact this is the 85 th question of a test, which one has to pass (in the federal state of Hessen) in order to achieve German citizenship. There are actually many more other questions (100 altogether) in the test, mostly dealing with German history, German Constitution, civil rights, the German juridical and political system, German culture, sport, national symbols, etc. Some of the questions are quite peculiar. For instance: “A woman shouldn’t be allowed to go out in public or to travel alone without a company of male relatives. What is your opinion on this?”; “Please explain the right of Israel to exist”, or “If someone says the Holocaust is a myth or a fairy tale, what would you answer?”, etc. Let us put aside the content of these questions and ask rather what their purpose actually is, or more precisely, what the purpose of these hundred correct answers is. They are all together supposed to be an answer to one particular question: “What is German”. In other words, they are supposed to describe the content of the notion of “German identity”. They are, if you like, some sort of a small and quick – an instant – canon of features supposed to definitely separate German from non-German, that is to draw a boundary line between them and so to exclude the Other from the German. In fact, all hundred questions are constructed as a sort of a canon of canons. There is a canon of German literature: notorious Goethe, Schiller, the winners of the Nobel-prize such as Heinrich Boell, Thomas Mann, etc; there is furthermore a canon of the biggest German rivers, of the highest mountains; a canon of the most important historical events as well as a canon of the most famous German scientists; of course there is also a canon of the most important cultural features or values, which define German cultural identity in terms of a German “way of life” (the way “a real German”, allegedly, treats women, children, different religions, different opinions, etc). In its content as well as in its practical application the test is a perfect example of the fundamental contradiction of an identitarian discourse: the contradiction between its essentialist claims and its self-constructed character. It is not difficult to see how arbitrary this self-construction has been made. Even its actual political motivation (the exclusion of one particular identity, the so-called Islamist one) is completely disclosed. On the other hand this bunch of features is openly attached (one could also say: essentialized) to the allegedly unique, original character of being German. Does really knowing what happens with contemporary art every five years in Kassel really make you German? It sounds stupid, but in the context of the test for German citizenship the answer is – yes! How then to deal with this nonsense, which has to be taken quite seriously, for its effects – being granted or not granted citizenship of one democratic, relatively rich and stable society – can decide not only one’s quality of life, but also one’s own fate? Moreover, this nonsense – more precisely the above mentioned contradiction behind it – informs in a fundamental way what we perceive as our political reality today, for it creates its very basement, the human substratum of the society: it decides directly who belongs and who doesn’t to the society we live in and so shapes the forces our political reality is made of. The example of German the citizenship-test is therefore only one, more visible, manifestation of a common principle: our societies and consequently our perception of the political reality are culturally framed. This throws light on one of the most striking phenomena of the “postmodern condition”, the so-called cultural turn. Culture has not, as it is often believed, simply pushed away the notion of society from the political stage and taken its leading role in theoretical debates and practical concerns of political subjects. The change is more radical. Culture has become this very stage, the very condition of the possibility of society and of our perception of what political reality is today. This is the reason why democracy, that is the quest for freedom and equality, as well as the pursuit of social justice, welfare etc. appear today as being culturally determined. It is in this context that the notion of translation, or more precisely, of cultural translation has got an immense importance. For it can be applied on both sides of the contradiction between essentialist and constructivist understanding of culture, that is either in order to arrange relations between different cultures or in order to subvert – as a sort of a reconstructed universalism – the very idea of an original cultural identity. In other words, the concept of cultural translation can be generally understood and applied in service of both contradictory paradigms of postmodern theory and postmodern political visions: multiculturalism and deconstruction. As it is well known, multiculturalism is based on the concept of the uniqueness and originality of cultural formations. It assumes that there is an essential connection between culture and racial, sexual or ethnic origin. From this perspective multiculturalism challenges the very idea of universality, for it sees every universal concept as culturally relative. There is no universal culture, but a plurality of different cultures either tolerantly recognizing or violently excluding each other. For multiculturalists our world is nothing but a sort of cluster of different identities that we will never be able to sublate. To give an example: in the field of literature, multiculturalism would challenge the notion of world literature, that is the idea of a canon of masterpieces, which, as Goethe once stated, articulate in the best way what is universal in human nature. From the multicultural point of view there is only a plurality of specific canons instead, each of them originating in some sort of essential identity. Therefore we cannot talk about world literature, but only about “German”, “French”, or “white, “black”, or “male”, “female”, “gay” literature including also a combination of these identitarian features like “white male”, “black female”, or “Latin-American-black-female”, etc. literature or culture. Multiculturalism is the very base of what we call identitarian politics – a political practice, which still decisively shapes our world today. Although it emphasizes the rights of minorities and marginal communities within a homogenized space of nation state, it legitimates at the same time the right of a specific national or ethnic community to protect – as a majority within the political frame of the nation state – its allegedly unique and original cultural identity. Even our major political visions concerning further development of democracy and prosperity – like the project of European integration – basically follow the same multicultural pattern. Deconstruction challenges the concept of multiculturalism in its very kernel, in its essentialism, that is, in the idea that every identity has an origin in some sort of a pregiven essence. A culture is for deconstructivists a system of signs, a narrative without any historical or physical origin. Signs are in relation only with one another. This applies even to the difference between signs and non-signs, which constitutes still another level of the sign system. According to this approach, there are no origins at all, but only their traces, only their copies instead and there is no end to the progression or regression of signs in space and time. This actually means that cultures, too, are never reflections of some natural state of things, but rather constitute or construct their own origin, beyond any racial, sexual, ethnic or genetic essence. Therefore, being “German” or being “black”, “female”, “gay” etc. is simply a product of a specific cultural activity, a sort of cultural construction. For deconstruction every identity is from its very beginning culturally constructed. In the case of nations, to repeat it, there is a belief that nations are given, that they persist over time as sort of timeless and eternal essences, that they can be clearly distinguished from other nations, have stable boundaries etc. This means that they are, to use the well-known phrase coined by Benedict Anderson, imagined communities, which implies that the so-called unity of nation has been constructed through certain discursive and literary strategies. Nation is narration, writes Homi Bhabha. It emerges in human history at certain points in time and as a consequence of certain economic and socio-cultural development. For Gellner these are the conditions for the production of standardized, homogenous, centrally sustained high culture: a free market in commodities as well as labor for instance, or the emergence of a civil society, which can be sufficiently differentiated from the state, so that a sphere of autonomous culture could develop, etc. The so-called national cultures, which nationalists claim to defend and revive, are for Gellner their own inventions. This is extremely important for our understanding of the phenomenon of translation. Its social and political role becomes clear only on the ground of the historical process of nation building. Only in this context translation acquires meaning, which transcends a purely linguistic horizon and becomes a cultural and political phenomenon, something we call today “cultural translation”. But what actually is translation ? A traditional theory of translation understands it as a binary phenomenon: there are always two elements of a translating process, an original text in one language and its secondary production in some other language. It is therefore its relation to the original, which decisively determines every translation. This relation can be of a different nature. For Schleiermacher for instance, a translation has two major possibilities: it could either move the reader towards the author, that is, strictly follow the original, or rather move the author towards the reader, that is, make the original text in the translation as understandable as possible. Schleiermacher preferred the first option, which implicates that translation provokes on the reader’s side a certain feeling of strangeness (das Gefuehl des Fremden) or, as Schleiermacher says, “the impression that they are confronted with something foreign” (dass sie Auslaendisches vor sich haben). This is typical of the early romantic theory of translation. Actually it does not have, as so many people believe, a fear of alienation (Verfremdung). On the contrary, it welcomes what is strange, different and foreign. Humboldt even urges translators to be faithful to the strangeness of a foreign language and foreign culture and to articulate this strangeness in their translations. Otherwise they would betray – not an original, as one could believe – but their own language, their own nation. Why? Because for Humboldt the faithfulness of translation is a patriotic virtue. The purpose of translation is not to facilitate the communication between two different languages and cultures, but to build one’s own language and, since Humboldt equates language and nation, the actual purpose of translation is to build the nation. However, the concept of cultural translation, as we understand it today, hasn’t arisen out of the traditional translation theory but rather out of its radical criticism articulated for the first time at the beginning of the twenties in Walter Benjamin’s seminal essay “The task of the translator”. In his text – and this is essentially new – Benjamin actually got rid of the idea of the original and therefore of the whole binarism of traditional translation theory. A translation for Benjamin does not refer to an original text, it has nothing to do with communication, its purpose is not to carry meaning, etc. He illustrates the relation between the so-called original and translation by using the metaphor of a tangent: translation is like a tangent, which touches the circle (i.e. the original) in one single point only to follow thereafter its own way. Neither the original nor the translation, neither the language of the original nor the language of the translation are fixed and persisting categories. They don’t have essential quality and are constantly transformed in space and time. This is the reason why Benjamin’s essay became so important for the deconstructionist theory for it so vehemently questions the very idea of an essential origin. Out of the same deconstructivist tradition emerges also the concept of cultural translation. It has been coined by one of the most prominent theoreticians of the so-called postcolonial condition, Homi Bhabha. His motivation was originally the criticism of multiculturalist ideology, the need to think about culture and about relations between different cultures beyond the idea of unique, essential cultural identities and communities originating in these identities. Nota bene: There is also a multiculturalist concept of cultural translation. Its political purpose is the stability of the liberal order, which can be achieved only on the grounds of non-conflictual, interactive relations between different cultures in terms of the so-called multicultural cohabitation. This is the reason why liberal multiculturalists understand cultural translation always as an “ inter -cultural translation”. For Homi Bhabha this would only bring us to the deadlock of identitarian politics, helplessly obsessed with cultural diversity. Therefore, he suggests instead the concept of the so-called third space. The third space is the space for hybridity, the space for– as he writes in The Location of Culture – subversion, transgression, blasphemy, heresy etc. He believes that hybridity – and cultural translation, which he regards as a synonym for hybridity – is in itself politically subversive. Hybridity is also the space where all binary divisions and antagonisms, typical for modernist political concepts, including the old opposition between theory and politics, do not work any more. Instead of the old dialectical concept of negation, Bhabha talks about negotiation or translation as the only possible way to transform the world and bring about something politically new. So in his view, an emancipatory extension of politics is possible only in the field of cultural production following the logic of cultural translation. American feminist philosopher Judith Butler uses Bhabha's concept of cultural translation to solve one of the most traumatic problems of postmodern political thought – the above mentioned problem of universality. For Butler the fact that no culture can claim universal validity does not mean that there is nothing universal in the way we experience our world today. The universality she means has also become the problem of cross-cultural translation. It is an effect of exclusion/inclusion processes. Butler's formula is: Universality can be articulated only in response to its own excluded outside. What has been excluded from the existing concept of universality puts this concept – from its own outside – under pressure, for it wants to be accepted and included into the concept. However, this couldn't happen unless the concept itself has changed as far as necessary to include the excluded. This pressure finally leads to a rearticulation of the existing concept of universality. The process by which the excluded within the universality is readmitted into the term is what Butler calls translation. Cultural translation – as a "return of the excluded" – is the only promoter of today's democracy. It pushes its limits, brings about social change and opens new spaces of emancipation. It does so through the subversive practices, which change everyday social relations. Let's emphasize again: the way social change is brought about here is not dialectical. It is transgressive instead. It doesn't happen as a result of clashes between social antagonisms respectively through the process of negation, but through a never-ending transgression of the existing social and cultural limits, through non-violent, democratic, translational negotiations. Butler’s concept of political change through the process of cultural translation still doesn’t transcend a generally liberal framework. Gayatri Spivak has gone a step beyond it - which is articulated under similar premises of the postmodern and/or postcolonial reflection and also operates with the notion of translation - with her concept of "strategic essentialism". Spivak knows very well that by means of today's theoretical reflection we can radically deconstruct almost every possible identity and easily disclose its essentialism as being simply imagined, constructed, etc. However, the politics proper still works with these essential identities – such as nation for instance – as if it wouldn’t know that they are only our illusions. Therefore, if we want to bring about some real political change, she suggests "a strategic use of positivist essentialism in a scrupulously visible political interest" . This is the reason why the concept of "strategic essentialism" should be understood as a kind of translation, too. For the historical situation we live in articulates itself in two different languages: that of postmodern anti-essentialist theory and that of a parallel, old essentialist political practice. Spivak’s concept of "strategic essentialism" simply admits that there is no direct correspondence between these two languages – they cannot be sublated in an old dialectical way by a third universal term which could operate as a dialectical unity of both. Therefore, the only possible way of a communication between them is a kind of translation. But how does this translation actually work? As it seems, the right answer has been given already in 1943. By Bertolt Brecht: "In Los Angeles, before the judge who examines people trying to become citizens of the United States, came an Italian restaurant keeper. After grave preparations, hindered, though, by his ignorance of the new language, in the test he replied to the question: What is the 8th Amendment? falteringly: 1492. Since the law demands that applicants know the language, he was refused. Returning after three months spent on further studies, yet hindered still by ignorance of the new language, he was confronted this time with the question: Who was the victorious general in the Civil War? His answer was:1492. (Given amiably, in a loud voice). Sent away again. And returning a third time, he answered a third question: For how long a term are our Presidents elected? Once more with: 1492. Now the judge, who liked the man, realized that he could not learn the language. He wanted to know how he earned his living and was told: by hard work. And so, at his fourth appearance, the judge gave him the question: When was America discovered? And on the strength of his correctly answering 1492, he was granted his citizenship." Gayatri Spivak, In Other Worlds: Essays in Cultural Politics , New York : Methuen, 1987, p. 205.
个人分类: 翻译教学与实践 Translation Practice & Teaching|2528 次阅读|0 个评论
xupeiyang 2012-12-9 13:55
H指数的查询途径与方法? http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-280034-594103.html 院校名称 发文量 被引频次 下载频次 H指数 清华大学 134299 1161700 22722227 214 西安交通大学 79437 509472 10883840 146 哈尔滨工业大学 77462 453614 9957022 118 浙江大学 140691 1198054 20802280 188 同济大学 90324 593790 13234450 143 上海交通大学 96470 613427 12918306 142 中国农业大学 45473 405549 6622761 133 天津大学 71703 511614 9374816 124 中国矿业大学 54981 216155 6550525 95 西北工业大学 59999 289333 6987846 88 东南大学 71616 415520 9816168 122 北京科技大学 41731 184209 5230774 79 东北大学 43057 243990 5839621 96 大连理工大学 49631 373752 6910203 113 北京大学 133094 1020087 25216349 233 北京航空航天大学 47066 248571 6680895 99 东北林业大学 26780 128895 2857924 74 华东师范大学 71155 496762 11993461 148 华南理工大学 76365 419802 11134432 111 华中科技大学 91325 585243 14458801 128 可查看其它大学的H指数排名 http://ref.cnki.net/knsref/RefData.aspx?dataMethod=DataSCorder =#### H指数能说明什么问题? H-index ,又称为h指数或h因子(h-factor),是一种评价学术成就的新方法。h代表“高引用次数”(high citations),一名科研人员的h指数是指他至多有h篇论文分别被引用了至少h次。 h指数 能够比较准确地反映一个人的学术成就。一个人的h指数越高,则表明他的论文影响力越大。 例如,某人的h指数是20,这表示他已发表的论文中,每篇被引用了至少20次的论文总共有20篇。生物学家的h指数都偏高,表明h指数就像其他指标一样,不适合用于跨学科的比较。 1、是赫芬达尔-赫希曼指数,也就是HHI指数的简称,是某特定行业市场上所有企业的市场份额的平方和。    2、加州大学圣地亚哥分校物理学家乔治·赫希(Jorge E.Hirsch)提出的一种定量评价科研人员学术成就的方法———h指数。    h代表“高引用次数”(high citations)。一个人的h指数是指在一定期间内他发表的论文至少有h篇的被引频次不低于h次。    例如,赫希本人的h指数是49,这表示他已发表的论文中,每篇被引用了至少49次的论文总共有49篇。    赫希认为h指数能够比较准确地反映一个人的学术成就。一个人的h指数越高,则表明他的论文影响力越大。
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热度 1 xupeiyang 2012-12-9 13:00
H指数的查询途径与方法? http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-280034-594103.html 作者 单位 发文量 被引频次 下载频次 H指数 傅伯杰 北京大学;中国科学院资源环境科... 262 20376 146439 74 张福锁 中国农业大学 840 22189 174337 72 彭少麟 广州地理研究所;华南师范大学;... 462 13397 118007 64 程国栋 中国科学院寒区旱区环境与工程研... 270 14767 91289 59 史培军 北京师范大学 357 12727 140281 57 于振文 山东农业大学 297 9954 48959 55 何克抗 北京师范大学 215 13799 163200 54 曹卫星 南京农业大学 497 10696 111764 53 俞孔坚 陕西省宝鸡市环境保护监测站;北... 205 10887 195895 52 赵其国 中国科学院南京土壤研究所 299 10048 75149 52 周启星 中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所 297 9008 120580 52 王锡凡 西安交通大学 228 6523 71736 51 欧阳志云 中国科学院生态环境研究中心 313 12351 128406 50 刘友良 南京农业大学 183 7791 37573 50 范玉顺 北京理工大学;清华大学 257 9408 54845 49 顾朝林 南京大学 162 7356 120312 49 方精云 北京大学;北京林业大学;中国科... 168 9172 91117 49 方精云 北京大学;北京林业大学;中国科... 168 9172 91117 49 蔡运龙 北京大学 260 8383 108197 48 潘根兴 南京农业大学 327 7816 89826 48 可查看其他科学家的H指数排名: http://ref.cnki.net/knsref/RefData.aspx?dataMethod=DataAUorder =#### H指数能说明什么问题? H-index ,又称为h指数或h因子(h-factor),是一种评价学术成就的新方法。h代表“高引用次数”(high citations),一名科研人员的h指数是指他至多有h篇论文分别被引用了至少h次。 h指数 能够比较准确地反映一个人的学术成就。一个人的h指数越高,则表明他的论文影响力越大。 例如,某人的h指数是20,这表示他已发表的论文中,每篇被引用了至少20次的论文总共有20篇。生物学家的h指数都偏高,表明h指数就像其他指标一样,不适合用于跨学科的比较。 1、是赫芬达尔-赫希曼指数,也就是HHI指数的简称,是某特定行业市场上所有企业的市场份额的平方和。    2、加州大学圣地亚哥分校物理学家乔治·赫希(Jorge E.Hirsch)提出的一种定量评价科研人员学术成就的方法———h指数。    h代表“高引用次数”(high citations)。一个人的h指数是指在一定期间内他发表的论文至少有h篇的被引频次不低于h次。    例如,赫希本人的h指数是49,这表示他已发表的论文中,每篇被引用了至少49次的论文总共有49篇。    赫希认为h指数能够比较准确地反映一个人的学术成就。一个人的h指数越高,则表明他的论文影响力越大。
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Disputation on evolutionary cancer research 01
dxd 2012-11-15 21:34
Just saw a website, Inside Cancer , with lessons on various aspects of cancer, where there is one on Evolution and Cancer . It's said that one of the Common Misconceptions is that " Students may recognize that cancer involves uncontrolled cell division, but they rarely understand that cancer cells have other characteristics that affect their reproduction and survival. Students may think that in the future scientists will discover a single cause for all types of cancer. " I do not like to dispute but I have to say something on this issue. Although the life history of cancer cells is co-determined by multiple factors while they may be different as per different types of cancer, the uncontrolled cell division is still the most basic feature of cancer cells and should be one of the most concentrated issue. There is no mistake to understand 1+1=2 before exploring what you get by adding an apple with an orange.
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estimating PDF with kernels
gwangcc 2012-10-25 23:27
function p=gkdeb(x,p) % GKDEB Gaussian Kernel Density Estimation with Bounded Support % % Usage: % p = gkdeb(d) returns an estmate of pdf of the given random data d in p, % where p.pdf and p.cdf are the pdf and cdf vectors estimated at % p.x locations, respectively and p.h is the bandwidth used for % the estimation. % p = gkdeb(d,p) specifies optional parameters for the estimation: % p.h - bandwidth % p.x - locations to make estimation % p.uB - upper bound % p.lB - lower bound. % p.alpha - to calculate inverse cdfs at p.alpha locations % % Without output, gkdeb(d) and gkdeb(d,p) will disply the pdf and cdf % (cumulative distribution function) plot. % % See also: hist, histc, ksdensity, ecdf, cdfplot, ecdfhist % Example 1: Normal distribution %{ gkdeb(randn(1e4,1)); %} % Example 2: Uniform distribution %{ clear p p.uB=1; p.lB=0; gkdeb(rand(1e3,1),p); %} % Example 3: Exponential distribution %{ clear p p.lB=0; gkdeb(-log(1-rand(1,1000)),p); %} % Example 4: Rayleigh distribution %{ clear p p.lB=0; gkdeb(sqrt(randn(1,1000).^2 + randn(1,1000).^2),p); %} % V3.2 by Yi Cao at Cranfield University on 7th April 2010 % % Check input and output error(nargchk(1,2,nargin)); error(nargoutchk(0,1,nargout)); n=length(x); % Default parameters if nargin2 N=100; h=median(abs(x-median(x)))/0.6745*(4/3/n)^0.2; xmax=max(x); xmin=min(x); xmax=xmax+3*h; xmin=xmin-3*h; dx=(xmax-xmin)/(N-1); p.x=xmin+(0:N-1)*dx; p.pdf=zeros(1,N); p.cdf=zeros(1,N); p.h=h; dxdz=ones(size(p.x)); z=p.x; else =checkp(x,p); N=numel(p.x); h=p.h; end % Gaussian kernel function kerf=@(z)exp(-z.*z/2); ckerf=@(z)(1+erf(z/sqrt(2)))/2; nh=n*h*sqrt(2*pi); for k=1:N p.pdf(k)=sum(kerf((p.x(k)-x)/h)); p.cdf(k)=sum(ckerf((p.x(k)-x)/h)); end p.x=z; p.pdf=p.pdf.*dxdz/nh; dx= ; p.cdf=p.cdf/n; % p.cdf=cumsum(p.pdf.*dx); if isfield(p,'alpha') n=numel(p.alpha); p.icdf=p.alpha; for k=1:n alpha=p.alpha(k); ix=find(p.cdfalpha,1)-1; x1=p.x(ix); x2=p.x(ix+1); F1=p.cdf(ix); F2=p.cdf(ix+1); p.icdf(k)=x1+(alpha-F1)*(x2-x1)/(F2-F1); end end % Plot if ~nargout subplot(211) plot(p.x,p.pdf,'linewidth',2) grid % set(gca,'ylim', ) ylabel('f(x)') title('Estimated Probability Density Function'); subplot(212) plot(p.x,p.cdf,'linewidth',2) ylabel('F(x)') title('Cumulative Distribution Function') xlabel('x') grid meanx = sum(p.x.*p.pdf.*dx); varx = sum((p.x-meanx).^2.*p.pdf.*dx); text(min(p.x),0.6,sprintf('mean(x) = %g\n var(x) = %g\n',meanx,varx)); if isfield(p,'alpha') numel(p.alpha)==1 text(min(p.x),0.85,sprintf('icdf at %g = %g',p.alpha,p.icdf)); end end function =checkp(x,p) n=numel(x); %check structure p if ~isstruct(p) error('p is not a structure.'); end if ~isfield(p,'uB') p.uB=Inf; end if ~isfield(p,'lB') p.lB=-Inf; end if p.lB-Inf || p.uBInf =bounded(x,p); else if ~isfield(p,'h') p.h=median(abs(x-median(x)))/0.6745*(4/3/n)^0.2; end error(varchk(eps, inf, p.h, 'Bandwidth, p.h is not positive.')); if ~isfield(p,'x') N=100; xmax=max(x); xmin=min(x); xmax=xmax+3*p.h; xmin=xmin-3*p.h; dx=(xmax-xmin)/(N-1); p.x=xmin+(0:N-1)*dx; end dxdz=ones(N,1); z=p.x; end p.pdf=zeros(size(p.x)); p.cdf=zeros(size(p.x)); function =bounded(x,p) if p.lB==-Inf dx=@(t)1./(p.uB-t); y=@(t)-log(p.uB-t); zf=@(t)(p.uB-exp(-t)); elseif p.uB==Inf dx=@(t)1./(t-p.lB); y=@(t)log(t-p.lB); zf=@(t)exp(t)+p.lB; else dx=@(t)(p.uB-p.lB)./(t-p.lB)./(p.uB-t); y=@(t)log((t-p.lB)./(p.uB-t)); zf=@(t)(exp(t)*p.uB+p.lB)./(exp(t)+1); end x=y(x); n=numel(x); if ~isfield(p,'h') p.h=median(abs(x-median(x)))/0.6745*(4/3/n)^0.2; end h=p.h; if ~isfield(p,'x') N=100; xmax=max(x); xmin=min(x); xmax=xmax+3*h; xmin=xmin-3*h; p.x=xmin+(0:N-1)*(xmax-xmin)/(N-1); z=zf(p.x); else z=p.x; p.x=y(p.x); end dxdz=dx(z); function msg=varchk(low,high,n,msg) % check if variable n is not between low and high, returns msg, otherwise % empty matrix if n=low n=high msg=[]; end
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ciwei020621 2012-2-24 13:54
What, where and how many? Combining object detectors and CRFs Ladick, L'Ubor (Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom); Sturgess, Paul ; Alahari, Karteek ; Russell, Chris ; Torr, Philip H. S. Source: Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics) , v 6314 LNCS, n PART 4, p 424-437, 2010, Computer Vision, ECCV 2010 - 11th European Conference on Computer Vision, Proceedings Database: Compendex Abstract - Detailed Generalization : This paper define a globe energey function for the model, which combines results from sliding window detectors, and low-level pixel-based unary and pairwis relations. motivation: try to recognition objects, find their location and spatial extent, andalso provide the number ofinstances of objects. This work can be viewed as an integration of object class segmentation methods ,which fail to distinguish between adjacent instances of objects of the same class, and object detection approaches, which do not provide information about background classes. 创新点 :定义了一个全局能量函数 = object detector + pairwise + unary, 并能够高效求解。 pairwise: 利用mid-level cues之间的关系,如superpixels之间的关系 unary:利用low-level cues, 即pixel-based object detector: 能量函数: ,其中后一项即为检测的能量项,前一项为基于像素或超像素的单位置或双位置势函数。 其中f为假设函数,g为惩罚函数 最好检测项归结为: 该函数形式具有Robust ,因此可以用 和 算法高效地实现。 实验结果:第二列为不加检测的,第三类为加了检测的。表现在加了检测的对象轮廓更加完整
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让“最伟大歌手”心碎的情人,where do broken hearts ?
热度 7 hailang0 2012-2-15 11:36
让“最伟大歌手”心碎的情人,where do broken hearts ?
网上看了篇下半旗的悼念所谓“有史以来最伟大歌手”的消息,心里忽然不是个滋味起来。 情人节刚刚过去,这之前之后的杯具事件,都不会不让我们把 惠特尼 的陨落与她的情人挂起钩来。 别人的文章标题叫做: “ 有史以来最伟大歌手 ” 休斯顿:“最大的魔鬼是我自己”。 可是俺觉得这是她“当局者迷”的一种表现! 虽然,她有理由说自己是“魔鬼”,葬送了“天后”的辉煌前景和幸福。但是看看她怎么变成“魔鬼”的,则不能不提到那个真正的魔头——她的前夫 鲍比 · 布朗 。 布朗是个瘾君子,他因为嫉妒太太事业上的成功,就故意在感情上虐待惠特尼 · 休斯顿。惠特尼 · 休斯顿曾说,在吸食毒品的日子里,布朗时常打碎东西,竟在他们卧室的墙壁上画上魔鬼的眼睛: “ 我看着那些画,吸毒变得更加严重。因为我非常害怕,我感觉到有什么事情就要爆发,有些事就要发生。 ” 从那时起,惠特尼 · 休斯顿染上毒瘾,到 1996 年她已离不了毒品。 正是由于这个“情人”丈夫如附骨之蛆的纠缠、影响,让惠特尼成为“堕落天使”——她自认的“魔鬼”!惠特尼 · 休斯顿的事业开始滑坡,丑闻频出,吸毒成瘾的她出席活动时不是迟到,就是根本不到场;被认为在排练时已经 “ 不省人事 ” 的她,甚至被临时取消了 2000 年奥斯卡典礼表演嘉宾的殊荣;在向迈克尔 · 杰克逊致敬的活动中,她瘦骨嶙峋, 精神 很差,这位杰克逊生前最想合作的女星,当天的表现,九泉之下的杰克逊倘若有灵,也会失望。 终于在 2006 年,惠特尼 · 休斯顿的母亲强迫女儿进戒毒中心进行康复治疗。 2007 年 4 月,惠特尼 · 休斯顿与布朗离婚,她调侃自己的婚姻是 ——“ 公主嫁了个坏小孩 ” 。其实她的演艺之路何尝不是因 “ 嫁 ” 给了毒品这个 “ 坏小孩 ” 而走失呢! 因此,看了上面这样的介绍后,我们没有谁不会对“天使”般的歌坛天后被“情人”引诱、堕落为“魔鬼”而感到悲哀! 世人皆曰婚姻乃男女的学校。一个不怎么样(平平)的男人,在贤妻的辅佐下,或许能够出落得光彩照人。比如王安石的女儿所嫁的对象,还有驸马都尉王诜,等等,因为都靠着夫人的力量飞黄腾达,所以令同辈艳羡,夫人们随嫁到男家时所带的砚台,也美其名曰“相夫砚”! 可是反过来讲,一个杯具的女人,当她选择一个无赖(或刘阿斗)的那一刻开始,她的厄运也就从此像魔咒一样无法逃脱。有个山东的女人大代表,为了挽救一个刑事犯,在他出狱之后嫁给她为妻,没有想到从此开始了地狱般的生活,不仅没能让坏人改邪归正,反而差点将自己彻底毁灭。 “情人节快乐,快乐情人节”,孟庭苇唱响的这首歌,仿佛还在我耳边回荡。我在想,只有避免了 Whitney 那种“杯具”抉择的歌手,才能继续把这种旋律唱到天荒地老,白头到老,地久天长的地步,而不至于中途覆辙,英年早逝……
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热度 1 zhangyucui11 2011-12-22 19:48
今天遇到一个不错的机会去河北师大听基金委的冷处给大家作报告。其实,作为写本子本身的技术之类的已经听过和看过很多了,自己水平有限,仍在学习阶段,有朝一日也希望能派上用场;但是今天听到了一些作为国家层面的一些导向,感觉视角高了一些,注入了一些更为积极的因素,因为当今科学也不是那么纯洁,有时候会让人没有信心,今天找到了一点有价值的东西,至少是一种好的理解吧,作为国家基金委对科学研究的发展和人才的培养,有一种思路是很重要的。 简短的记录:申请: Why,where,how. 创新:区域特色和研究技术与方法。科学问题是关键。研究的递进性与连续性。 申请书的范例:清晰的集中研究-深入的拓展-抓住一个方面;点-面;同一个研究对象用不同的研究手段发现不同的特性。 另:一直对冷处(疏影)这个名字相当喜欢,今终得一见,本以为是位男士,结果是位巾帼英雄,说话,讲东西利利索索,不拖泥带水,感觉很有水平。疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏。-很喜欢的一首诗,我钟爱的网名就是暗香浮动。
个人分类: 有感而发|3712 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]about teacher
yyang2010 2011-12-19 10:35
The mediocre teacher tells, the good teacher explains, the superior teacher demonstrates, the great teacher inspires. --William Arthur Ward. 平庸的老师,说教;好的老师,解说;更好的老师,示范;伟大的老师,启发.---威廉A.沃德 A teacher affects eternity; no one can tell where his influence ends. --Henry Adams.
2535 次阅读|0 个评论
dongyanqing 2011-10-22 20:52
对 NAN 的问题,曾经发过几篇文章作初步探讨如《 IDL 下的 NAN 》,《 Envi 下的特殊值替换扩展补丁》和《 ENVI 下修改影像中 NAN 的方法》。 参考 http://hi.baidu.com/dyqwrp/blog/item/c75b38386c4a61ced56225f9.html http://hi.baidu.com/dyqwrp/blog/item/74f7505880f1929b800a18bb.html http://hi.baidu.com/dyqwrp/blog/item/27899f17bfefd71a4a90a79b.html 唯独没有详细的单独说下 IDL 下遇到 NAN 时候的处理。 1、 NaN 的出现原因 浮点数 0 除以 0 的时候。 IDL print , 1. / 0 Inf % Program caused arithmetic error: Floating divide by 0 IDL print , 0. / 0 -NaN 2、 统计或分析时避开 NAN 调用函数是加 NaN 关键字,几乎所有的 IDL 统计和分析函数都有此关键字。 IDL a = findgen ( 4 ) IDL a = 'nan' IDL a = 'nan' IDL print ,a NaN 1.00000 NaN 3.00000 IDL print , mean (a) NaN IDL print , mean (a,/nan) 2.00000 IDL print , total (a) NaN IDL print , total (a,/nan) 4.00000 3、 移除数组中的 NAN 关键在于判断该值的位置,可以利用 finite 和 where 函数。 IDL print ,a NaN 1.00000 NaN 3.00000 IDL print , finite (a) 0 1 0 1 IDL newa = a IDL print ,newa 1.00000 3.00000 IDL a = - 9999 IDL print ,a -9999.00 1.00000 -9999.00 3.00000
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热度 7 xupeiyang 2011-9-15 16:19
屠呦呦的H指数:13 (引用最高的一篇为70次) 总发文量: 34篇 总被引频次: 420次 总下载频次: 3550次 检索日期: 2011年9月15日 数据来源: 中国知网(CNKI) 中国引文数据库 http://ref.cnki.net/knsref/RefStat.aspx?kind=1 发表论文期刊 序 号 期刊名称 发文量 1 中国中药杂志 14 2 药学学报 4 3 中国中西医结合杂志 2 4 寄生虫与医学昆虫学报 2 5 中国药理学通报 1 6 中国中西医结合皮肤性病学杂志 1 7 中国实验方剂学杂志 1 8 中国寄生虫学与寄生虫病杂志 1 9 中国药学杂志 1 10 Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 1 11 植物学通报 1 12 化学学报 1 13 Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medicine 1 14 中医杂志 1 15 Chinese Medical Journal 1 16 中国免疫学杂志 1 论文被引作者 序 号 作者姓名 被引频次 1 杨岚,中国中医科学院中药研究所 9 2 王佳黎,成都中医药大学 7 3 周维善,中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 6 4 屠呦呦,中国中医科学院中药研究所 6 5 吴毓林,中国科学院上海有机化学研究所 5 6 李卫东,北京大学 5 7 盛萍,新疆医科大学 5 8 屠呦呦,中国中医研究院中药研究所 5 9 张东,中国中医科学院中药研究所 4 10 白少岩,山东省医学科学院药物研究所 4 11 杨尚军,山东省医学科学院药物研究所 4 12 顾志峰,南京中医药大学 4 13 王满元,首都医科大学 4 14 李敏,北京大学 4 15 吴融,复旦大学 4 16 王少江,吉林省长岭县气象局 4 17 丁小芬,中国中医科学院 4 18 杨利民,吉林农业大学 4 19 李晓,吉林农业大学 4 20 朱大元,中国科学院上海药物研究所 3 引用论文作者 序 号 作者姓名 引用频次 1 屠呦呦,中国中医研究院中药研究所 9 2 钟裕容,中国中医研究院中药研究所 4 3 梁晓天,中国医学科学院中国协和医科大学药物研究所 4 4 张慕群,中国中医研究院中药研究所 4 5 倪慕云,中国中医研究院中药研究所 4 6 崔淑莲,中国中医研究院中药研究所 4 7 赵玉英,北京大学 4 8 王秀珍,中国中医研究院中药研究所 4 9 李兰娜,中国中医研究院中药研究所 4 10 杨岚,中国中医研究院中药研究所 4 11 叶任高,中山医科大学附属第一医院 3 12 徐世正,武汉大学人民医院 3 13 刘传玉,武汉大学人民医院 2 14 孙林,中山医科大学附属第一医院 2 15 丁桂凤,北京医学院 2 16 许韩师,中山医科大学附属第一医院 2 17 杨琼琼,中山医科大学附属第一医院 2 18 曾丽霞,中山医科大学附属第一医院 2 19 龙振洲,北京医科大学 2 20 王满元,中国中医研究院中药研究所 2 研究主题分布 序 号 关键词 频 次 1 青蒿 6 2 青蒿素 6 3 双氢青蒿素 4 4 化学成分 4 5 BXSB小鼠 3 6 荚果蕨属 3 7 青蒿酸 2 8 伯氏疟原虫 2 9 三萜 2 10 黄酮 2 11 甾醇 2 12 荚果蕨贯众 2 13 苦苣苔科 2 14 含量测定 2 15 唇柱苣苔属 2 16 红药 2 17 雷公藤甲素 1 18 IL-2受体 1 19 人扁桃体淋巴细胞 1 20 IL-2 1
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[转载]义乌圆梦 无家可归
xupeiyang 2011-6-7 11:16
浙江义乌2千人棚户区被强拆后部分打工者住到坟墓中 http://news.sina.com.cn/c/2011-06-07/051722596485.shtml http://news.baidu.com/n?cmd=2page=http://finance.southcn.com/f/2011-06/07/content_25094342.htmclk=rrelcls=topwhere=toppage
个人分类: 经济问题|1634 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 hxgwzu 2011-5-26 20:27
电子可以在单个分子内部,比如在π-堆积分子中进行传导吗?这个问题对于分子电子学(molecular electronics)、聚合物和材料科学来说都具有重要意义。尽管已有很多的实验研究对π-堆积体系进行了探索,但关于电子是如何在这样的体系中进行流动的长期来是一个谜。 近日,日本东京大学的Makoto Fujita教授及其合作者在国际著名刊物 Angew. Chem. Int. Ed .上发文报道称,他们已经成功测定了π-堆积芳香化合物的电导(conductance),其中π-堆积是从4个芳香分子增长到6个芳香分子。他们还表示,通过π-堆积体系的电子传输过程可以描述出来,而且还可以测量出电子传输的距离,这些都是开创性的工作。研究发现,随着传输距离的增长,只有轻微的电导损失发生。 这一研究结果或许对分子导线(molecular wires)的研制具有指导意义。在分子导线中,电子传输的通途是π-堆积芳香化合物。 Reference: Electron Transport through Single Molecules Comprising Aromatic Stacks Enclosed in Self-Assembled Cages M. Kiguchi, T. Takahashi, Y. Takahashi, Y. Yamauchi, T. Murase, M. Fujita, T. Tada, S. Watanabe, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed . 2011 . DOI: 10.1002/anie.201100431
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xscjack 2011-5-13 09:13
张培鸿:酒驾何必入刑,现有规制足矣 2011年05月12日08:23 南方网 张培鸿 我要评论 ( 675 ) 字号: T | T 张培鸿 律师 一个十几亿人口的泱泱大国,机动车又以史无前例的速度在迅猛增长,却因几例极端的恶性事故而罔顾必要性与可行性,在民意的挟持下草率修法,增设罪名,这就是我们今天面对的立法现实。假如这样的趋势得不到遏止,刑法分则的罪名就不是两三百个,而会是两三千个,甚至两三万个。到那个时候,社会上不必再区分好人坏人,全都是潜在的罪犯。 这当然不是要为酒驾张目,酒后驾驶无疑是一种恶。但是作为恶,它已经有相应的规制措施和惩罚手段。试想:一个放纵自己嗜好的驾驶员,执意在饮酒后驾驶机动车,被查处时没有发生任何事故,他要被行政拘留15天;如果发生了事故,造成重大伤亡,他要被判刑三年;如果肇事后逃跑,那就是七年;假如因为逃逸而贻误了救人的时机致人死亡,他要被判15年;要是在这个过程中被发现有哪怕一丝只是间接的故意,他就可能被判处死刑。轻轻重重,一目了然。试问有何修改的必要? 酒驾的增长,既有机动车数量和道路规划的原因,也有其他更深层次的社会现象的推动因素,更直接的原因则是警方加大了执法的力度。我们何尝听说过一个驾驶员饮酒,是因为他不在乎15天的拘留?他其实只是相信自己的驾驶能力,并抱着不会被查收的侥幸心理,要么就是即使遭查处,他也有能够摆平警方的某种“关系”。所有这些都与处罚的轻重无关,甚至处罚得越重,执法的阻力就越大。我们知道,自2009年专项整治以来,酒驾的案发数和恶性事件都同比下降了,这足以说明,行政手段是有效的。 支持酒驾入刑的论者,迷信刑罚的威慑力,强调“乱世要用重典”,但是所谓“乱世”的断言,缺乏科学依据。或许最近十年的交通事故比十年前要多了很多,然而机动车的数量无疑增加得更多,没有证据支持均车事故率呈增加的趋势。同时,刑罚的威慑力倘若不是伴随着严格的执法,也不会有真正的威慑力。一个再好不过的例子,就是著名音乐人高晓松。危险驾驶罪这才施行不到十天,他就没有被威慑到。 另外一个极端的观点,则是认为不严惩酒驾就是对特权者开绿灯。真不知这样的观点是由怎样的逻辑推理出来的,要么就是无端的愤怒已经使他失去了理智。难道,就因为发生过富二代酒后肇事的案例,就一概推断所有驾车者都是“权贵”?当今中国,真正的权贵,有谁没有专职的驾驶员而自己开车?那些压力日大、嗜好酒精、终日买醉浇愁的人,倒有很多是开上车不久的白领。因此,我依然不赞成危险驾驶罪这条法律,但我更不赞成什么对醉酒驾驶者追究刑责应当慎重的表态。恶法也是法律,而“追究刑责应当慎重”的表态则是一种比醉驾入刑还要不好的先例,我们甚至能够从中感觉到,法律是从什么地方开始败坏的。 每一个饮酒后开车的驾驶员,都对自己驾车的能力和技术充满信心,自信能够安全到达目的地。事实上,大部分车辆最终也都安全地到达了目的地。当初立法的时候,考虑的就不是驾驶员的信心,而是他的行为有足以危害社会安全的可能性,而且认为这种可能性非刑罚不足以惩戒。查处酒后驾车是公安交警部门的一项常规工作,不难预计执法将会带来的连锁反应,比如取证所需的警力,一系列诉讼的成本,乃至监狱的容量等。既然法律制定并最终颁行了,显然有了充分的准备,既有准备,自当严肃执法。哪怕再增加无数的警力,哪怕要建造更多的监狱。法律缺乏明确性,比没有法律还要糟糕。最坏的情况是,本来就没有严肃的论证,也没想到要认真对待,无非只是应付一下沸腾的民意。 最近几年的立法,逐渐有功利化的倾向,而情绪激动的民众,一次次地为他们推波助澜。这可能使得本来已经狂躁的社会,趋向更令人不安的状态。
个人分类: 按类别|114 次阅读|0 个评论
0 or 1 in genomic coordinates
ljxue 2011-5-5 03:07
1-based coordinate system A coordinate system where the fi rst base of a sequence is one. In this coordinate system, a region is speci ed by a closed interval. For example, the region between the 3rd and the 7th bases inclusive is . The SAM, GFF and Wiggle formats are using the 1-based coordinate system. Other: GTF , Blast default output VCF 0-based coordinate system A coordinate system where the fi rst base of a sequence is zero. In this coordinate system, a region is speci ed by a half-closed-half-open interval. For example, the region between the 3rd and the 7th bases inclusive is [2; 7). The BAM, BED , and PSL formats are using the 0-based coordinate system.
5568 次阅读|0 个评论
何克抗教授 H指数52
xupeiyang 2011-5-2 06:43
国内论文情况: 何克抗 北京师范大学 发文量 229 引用量 11424 下载量120581 H指数52 http://ref.cnki.net/knsref/RefData.aspx?dataMethod=DataAUorder=SCI%25u6536%25u5F55%25u520A%2520desc%2520 #### 何克抗,男,教授、 博士生导师 。1937年8月生, 广东省 大埔县人。现为 北京 师范大学教育技术学院教授、 现代教育技术 研究所所长,东北师范大学 终身教授 。长期从事教育技术理论与应用研究(特别是基于Internet的 网络教育应用 研究)。已培养博士20多名,指导在读博士生12名;先后出版专著6部,主编教材12种,在国内外发表论文100多篇;自1978年以来,先后七次作为第一完成人获国家教育部和 北京市 科技进步奖,其中特别奖一次,二等奖五次,三等奖两次,一次获北京国际发明展览金奖,拥有发明专利一项。 http://baike.baidu.com/view/731574.htm
个人分类: 科技人才|3719 次阅读|0 个评论
张福锁教授 H指数61
热度 1 xupeiyang 2011-5-2 06:03
国内论文情况: 张福锁 中国农业大学 发文量 829 引用频次 15806 下载量126083 H指数61 http://ref.cnki.net/knsref/RefData.aspx?dataMethod=DataAUorder=SCI%25u6536%25u5F55%25u520A%2520desc%2520 #### 男,出生于1960年10月,院长,教授,博士生导师。1990年2月从 中国农业大学 农学博士后流动站出站,现工作单位中国农业大学,任资源与环境学院院长。 张福锁教授1989年获德国Hohenheim大学博士学位。现任 中国农业大学资源与环境学院 院长,国际植物营养委员会主席、中国土壤学会常务理事兼青年工作委员会主任, 中国植物营养与肥料学会 常务理事兼青年工作委员会主任、农业部植物营养学与养分循环开放实验室主任,教育部植物-土壤相互作用重点实验室主任,北京市自然科学基金委员会副会长、农业部肥料登记委员会委员,中国农学会肥料咨询委员会委员; 国际土壤联合会会员,美国植物生理学会会员,德国植物营养学会会员,第一届“国际土壤-植物体系中磷的循环”学术讨论会主席,第十三、十四界国际植物营养学大会组委,第十五界国际植物营养学大会主席等,“Plant and Soil” 、“土壤学报”、“生态学报”,“应用生态学报”, “干旱地区农业研究”,“中国农业科学”, “土壤与环境”,“西北植物学报”,“安全与环境学报”等编委。 “中国农业大学学报”编委会副主任。“J. Plant Nutr.”和“Chemosphere”等刊物审稿人。第十二届北京市人大代表。   先后主持国家重点基础研究规划项目课题、国家自然科学基金重大项目课题、重点项目和国家攀登计划项目课题、杰出青年基金、优秀中青年专项基金和跨世纪人才基金、引进国外先进农业技术等项目。在Plant Physiology, Plant Cell Physiology, New Phytologists,Plant and Soil, Field Crops Research, Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 和Journal of Plant Nutrition等本领域国际著名学术刊物上发表论文40多篇,被国际同行引用200余次,也被国际同行在10多本教科书和专著中多次应用。 http://baike.baidu.com/view/995158.htm
个人分类: 科技人才|6272 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Nature Phys: The Physics of Where to Go
fangjinqin 2010-10-7 11:53
Nature Phys: The Physics of Where to Go Phys: The Physics of Where to Go
个人分类: 杂谈评论|2874 次阅读|3 个评论
Where Have All the Flowers Gone ?
hillpig 2010-4-5 01:16
一直很喜欢这首歌,在这里留个记录。 Lyrics : Where have all the flowers gone, Long time passing, Where have all the flowers gone, Long time ago Where have all the flowers gone, Young girls picked them every one When will they ever learn When will they ever learn Where have all the young girls gone, Long time passing, Where have all the young girls gone, Long time ago, Where have all the young girls gone, gone to young men every one When will they ever learn When will they ever learn Where have all the young men gone, Long time passing, Where have all the young men gone, Long time ago, Where have all the young men gone, gone to soldiers every one, When will they ever learn When will they ever learn Where have all the soldiers gone, Long time passing, Where have all the soldiers gone, Long time ago, Where have all the soldiers gone, Gone to graveyards every one When will they ever learn When will they ever learn Where have all the graveyards gone, Long time passing, Where have all the graveyards gone, Long time ago, Where have all the graveyards gone, Gone to flowers every one When will they ever learn When will they ever learn 能上YouTube的: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=686sBxeUm14 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GweNCgkILZA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1y2SIIeqy34 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kajnEIQGINwfeature=related
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