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面向工业 4.0 的智能装配 系统的实验性研究
bshen 2019-9-5 17:20
硕士学位毕业论文 硕士研究生: Pascal Fahr 指导教师:沈斌 教授 答辩时间:2016.06 master thesis_tongji format_Pascal Fahr.pdf
个人分类: 硕士研究生毕业论文|1606 次阅读|0 个评论
Hubinbin 2018-12-28 14:07
SMART Goals Once you have planned your project, turn your attention to developing several goals that will enable you to be successful. Goals should be SMART - specific, measurable, agreed upon, realistic and time-based. from projectsmart SMART Goals Specific Well defined Clear to anyone that has a basic knowledge of the project Measurable Know if the goal is obtainable and how far away completion is find out when you have achieved your goal Agreed upon, Achievable Agreement with all the stakeholders what the goals should be Relevant Goals should be relevant to the main project Time-Based, Timely Enough time to achieve the goal Not too much time, which can affect project performance Set a deadline 总结 SMART 准则是一种科学、规范、高效的目标制定准则。核心的原则是要制定合理、适当、具备可完成性的目标。SMART是制定目标的几种核心原则的缩写合称: 具体的;目标必须是明确,具体的,不能是混乱不清的目标; 可测的;目标必须可以衡量; 实际的;目标必须是在一定程度上可以完成的,不能是遥不可及的目标; 相关的;每个小目标要和总体目标相关; 时限的;有明确的截止日期 deadline
个人分类: 日常|605 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载] The Smarter You Are, The Stupider You Are
热度 2 zuojun 2013-11-2 04:53
... Put another way, the brainier you are, the better you can twist facts to your own pre-existing convictions. And that's what you will tend to do. ... Read the whole article at: http://www.npr.org/blogs/13.7/2013/11/01/242138044/the-smarter-you-are-the-stupider-you-are
个人分类: Education|1619 次阅读|7 个评论
Smart Phones or Smart Owners?
sinosophy 2013-8-26 22:35
Smart Phones or Smart Owners? Most of the phones manufactured nowadays are smart phones. However, it may be reasonably concluded from the smartness of the smart phones that their owners may be smarter than their smart phones, or less smart than their smart phones. Let us suppose that the owners are, or want to be, smarter than their own smart phones, but how? If their smart phones are in English, and English only, the owners can be, and should be, or could be, if they are willing, smart or smarter in English, not in Chinese or any other languages, while using their own smart phones. If the owners of smart phones changed their smart phones into smart-in-Chinese-only smart phones, can they become smarter than their own smart phones in English? That would be very highly doubtful. Therefore, if the owners of smart phones in English are willing to be smarter than their own smart phones in smartness in English, they need, very likely, to use their own smart phones in English, and English only, and in an English that is itself better or smarter than the English used by their own smart phones. That is perhaps the only way for the owners of smart phones in English to become smarter in English than their own smart phones, at least smarter in English than the English that their own smart phones can use. Just for fun, and for some truth.
个人分类: 英语学习|2917 次阅读|0 个评论
赵寅 is a very smart young man...
zuojun 2012-11-27 09:26
If you read what he posted on the Web, you will agree with me. Note: The yellow highlight was from me. 我为什么逃离科研.pdf What he suffered is a typical burn e d -out that ma ny of us may not realize until much later in life, say, in our 40s or 50s, which would then be called " M idlife C ris i s." It is high schools' fortune to have new blood like h im. ps. I am definitely not as smart as Dr. Zhao. I only thought about quitting research when I was in my late 40s. At t hat time, I thought very hard about what I would do next. At first, I thought about teaching high school math/sciences. In fact, I was offered a summer teaching job after I applied to two top private schools in Honolulu. I chickened out, beca use the students in a summer math class may be from other schools, including public schools so their math abilities would be a mixed bag. Another reason wa s the lack of freedom in ter ms of time, as ma ny research jobs do not requi re you to work in your office... Of course, I did consider teaching h igh school would be a waste of my training as a numerical ocean modeler. So, I finally e n ded up starting my own business, as a freelan ce English editor...
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|5943 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]'Smart dust' aims to monitor everything
热度 1 zr99 2011-8-26 19:09
CNN关于Smart Dust 的报道。 出处: http://edition.cnn.com/2010/TECH/05/03/smart.dust.sensors/index.html?hpt=C1 原文: Palo Alto, California (CNN) -- In the 1990s, a researcher named Kris Pister dreamed up a wild future in which people would sprinkle the Earth with countless tiny sensors, no larger than grains of rice. These "smart dust" particles, as he called them, would monitor everything, acting like electronic nerve endings for the planet. Fitted with computing power, sensing equipment, wireless radios and long battery life, the smart dust would make observations and relay mountains of real-time data about people, cities and the natural environment. Now, a version of Pister's smart dust fantasy is starting to become reality. "It's exciting. It's been a long time coming," said Pister, a computing professor at the University of California, Berkeley. "I coined the phrase 14 years ago. So smart dust has taken a while, but it's finally here." Maybe not exactly how he envisioned it. But there has been progress. The latest news comes from the computer and printing company Hewlett-Packard, which recently announced it's working on a project it calls the "Central Nervous System for the Earth." In coming years, the company plans to deploy a trillion sensors all over the planet. The wireless devices would check to see if ecosystems are healthy, detect earthquakes more rapidly, predict traffic patterns and monitor energy use. The idea is that accidents could be prevented and energy could be saved if people knew more about the world in real time, instead of when workers check on these issues only occasionally. HP will take its first step toward this goal in about two years, said Pete Hartwell, a senior researcher at HP Labs in Palo Alto. The company has made plans with Royal Dutch Shell to install 1 million matchbook-size monitors to aid in oil exploration by measuring rock vibrations and movement, he said. Those sensors, which already have been developed, will cover a 6-square-mile area. That will be the largest smart dust deployment to date, he said. "We just think now, the technology has reached a point where it makes basic sense for us ... to get this out of the lab and into reality," Hartwell said. Smart dust (minus the 'dust') Despite the recent excitement, there's still much confusion in the computing industry about what exactly smart dust is. For starters, the sensors being deployed and developed today are much larger and clunkier than flecks of dust. HP's sensors -- accelerometers like those in the iPhone and Droid phone, but about 1,000 times more powerful -- are about the size of matchbooks. When they're enclosed in a metal box for protection, they're about the size of a VHS tape. So what makes a smart dust sensor different from a weather station or a traffic monitor? Size is one factor. Smart dust sensors must be relatively small and portable. But technology hasn't advanced far enough to manufacture the sensors on the scale of millimeters for commercial use (although Berkeley researchers are trying to make one that's a cubic millimeter). Wireless connections are a big distinguisher, too. A building's thermostat is most likely hard-wired. A smart dust sensor might gauge temperature, but it would be battery-powered and would communicate wirelessly with the internet and with other sensors. The sheer number of sensors in the network is what truly makes a smart dust project different from other efforts to record data about the world, said Deborah Estrin , a professor of computer science at the University of California, Los Angeles, who works in the field. Smart dust researchers tend to talk in the millions, billions and trillions. Some say reality has diverged so far from the smart dust concept that it's time to dump that term in favor or something less sexy. "Wireless sensor networks" or "meshes" are terms finding greater acceptance with some researchers. Estrin said it's important to ditch the idea that smart dust sensors would be disposable. Sensors have to be designed for specific purposes and spread out on the land intentionally -- not scattered in the wind, as smart dust was initially pitched, she said. 'Real-world web' Despite these differences, researchers say the smart-dust theory that monitoring everything will benefit humanity remains essentially unchanged. And there are a number of real-world projects that, in one way or another, seek to use wireless sensors to take the Earth's vital signs. Wireless sensors currently monitor farms, factories, data centers and bridges to promote efficiency and understanding of how these systems work, researchers said in interviews. In all of these cases, the sensor networks are deployed for a specific purpose. For example, a company called Streetline has installed 12,000 sensors on parking spots and highways in San Francisco. The sensors don't know everything that's going on at those parking spots. They are equipped with magnetometers to sense whether or not a huge metal object -- hopefully a car -- is sitting on the spot. That data will soon be available to people who can use it to figure out where to park, said Tod Dykstra, Streetline's CEO. It also tells the cities if the meters have expired. Other sensors are equipped to measure vibration in factories and oil refineries to spot machine problems and inefficiencies before they cause trouble. Still others might pick up data about temperature, chemistry or sound. Tiny cameras or radars also can be tacked onto the data-collecting network to detect the presence of people or vehicles. The power of these networks is that they eventually can be connected, said David Culler , a computer science professor at UC Berkeley. Culler says the development of these wireless sensor networks is analogous to the creation of the World Wide Web. What's being created with the smart dust idea is a "Real World Web," he said. But he said we're still early on in that progression. "Netscape hasn't quite happened," he said. Big Brother effect Even when deployed for science or the public, some people still get a Big Brother feeling -- the uncomfortable sense of being under constant, secret surveillance -- from the idea of putting trillions of monitors all over the world. "It's a very, very, very huge potential privacy invasion because we're talking about very, very small sensors that can be undetectable, effectively," said Lee Tien , an attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, a privacy advocate. "They are there in such numbers that you really can't do anything about them in terms of easy countermeasures." That doesn't mean that researchers should stop working on smart dust. But they should be mindful of privacy as the work progresses, he said. Pister said the wireless frequencies that smart dust sensors use to communicate -- which work kind of like Wi-Fi -- have security built into them. So the data is public only if the person or company that installed the sensor wants it to be, he said. "Clearly, there are security concerns and privacy concerns," he said, "and the good news is that when the radio technology was being developed for this stuff, it was shortly after all of the big concerns about Wi-Fi security. ... We've got all the security tools we need underneath to make this information private." Further privacy concerns may arise if another vision for smart dust comes true. Some researchers are looking into making mobile phones into sensors. In this scenario, the billions of people roaming the Earth with cell phones become the "smart dust." Bright future Smart dust researchers say their theory of monitoring the world -- however it's realized -- will benefit people and the environment. More information is better information, Pister said. "Having more sensors improves the efficiency of a system and reduces the demand and reduces waste," he said. "So all of that is just straight goodness." Hartwell, the HP researcher, says the only way people can combat huge problems like climate change and biodiversity loss is to have more information about what's going on. "Frankly, I think we have to do it, from a sustainability and environmental standpoint," he said. Even though the first application of HP's "Central Nervous System for the Earth" project will be commercial, Hartwell says the motives behind smart dust are altruistic. "People ask me what my job is, and I say, well, I'm going to save the world," he said.
个人分类: wireless sensor network|1023 次阅读|1 个评论
cosguoli 2010-9-3 03:09
无论美国的基础研究有多么的先进和出色,欧洲的应用学科还是处于领先地位. 作为瑞典,把诺贝尔奖办法给了美国和中国人,然后用他们的花费了大量时间和研究经费的成果做成产品,赚大把的钱.这样看,欧洲人算是聪明把. 开一个textile和electronics的会议.感慨到,5年前,估计没有人会把这两个学科联系到一起把.而如今,smart textile, wearable electronics, flexible displayer,printed electrode....这一系列词汇对很多人来说已不再陌生. 在我看来,smart textile需要一个killer application,就如internet的出现对以电脑的发展一样.interface between textiles and electronics是另一成功的关键. 如果不解决这个问题,smart textile的研究只能局限于prototype. 另一方面, conductive polymer的成熟化(good mechanical properties and high conductivity)会给organic electrode 带来很好的前景. 而sensor将会使第一个完善的领域,medical textile将会是第一个市场化的产品..stretch sensor,pressure sensor,textile electrodes for ECG,EEG...这些热门学科占据了大部分科研经费不是没有道理的. 会议结束的时候,一向自命不凡的德国人说: 欧洲人,加油吧.现在虽然还没有太多的人了解smart textile,但10年之内,所有人都会有一件可以和你对话的tshirt....而欧洲将永远领先美国一年,中国两年... 最后要说的是:我讨厌德国人,却敬佩他们的信念和对热情...科学就是这样,如灌水.就算再烂,自己也要相信自己做的是最好的.科学就是这样,如灌水.灌的有艺术,自然就可以加精并置顶!! 好吧,让我们充满热情的为科学灌水吧!!
个人分类: 未分类|3607 次阅读|0 个评论
qhhuangscut 2010-6-4 21:26
随着世界各主要国家在努力推动智能电网的发展,越来越多风电、太阳能等可再生能源接入电网,智能电表经历了试验阶段,已经在部分地区大规模装设,同时各电网公司都不同程度地增加PMU等监测设备以实现对电网更好的监控。在此背景下,大规模数据的实时分析和处理在电力系统运行中将成为新的趋势及一个需要解决的问题。但由于国内在智能电表、PMU装设规模还有限,对实时数据的重视程度及利用还十分不足(未实行(近)实时电价及新能源接入量较小也是其中的影响因素),大规模数据的处理的难题视乎在国内如此大规模的电网中“不存在”(至少鲜有提及)。从另一方面也反映了国内量测工作还没足够重视,监测点、更新时间间隔和实时数据量在电力调度部门现有的硬件下仍能“满足”,而PMU及WAMS系统应用有待进一步发展。 对比,美国一家服务九百万用户的TVA就已经装了几百个PMU,处理数据量达20TB。考虑未来的智能电网的发展,该公司将会有更多的PMU,数据规模将达PB级别,而同时对数据分析的要求将更高,现有的数据库显然难以应付,而扩展将带来巨大开销。此外,NERC作为统筹多个区域电网的安全稳定的机构,计划各区PMU数据汇集到统一协调机构已实现整体评估,避免数据不共享造成的评估难题。在如此背景下,适合大规模、分布式数据处理的Hadoop突围而出,可实现利用最普通的计算机构建庞大的分布式式数据库。TVA在其基础上开发了superPDC,最近并通过openPDC项目将其开源,此工作将有利于推到量测数据的大规模分析处理,同时将为电网其他时序数据的处理提共通用的平台。目前该项目已经得到美国多家电力公司的肯定并开展实施。本人也十分看好其前景,只是此类新技术难被国内电力系统采用,确实是一个长期存在的不争事实(从我看看,实际是需要这样的技术和平台)。考虑数据处理的必要性及必然性(PMU及WAMS进一步推广),从科研角度来看,如何结合国内情况,利用Hadoop是一个值得研究的小课题,未来的云计算及相关技术在电力系统应用则是大课题。 相关链接如下: Open-source Hadoop powers Tennessee smart grid http://news.cnet.com/8301-13846_3-10393259-62.html openPDC http://openpdc.codeplex.com/ 欢迎各位前辈、老师、同学讨论。如有错误,请指出。
个人分类: 科研天地|6629 次阅读|1 个评论
[转载]If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich?
FENGJames 2010-5-25 21:03
If You're So Smart, Why Aren't You Rich? Belief Selection in Complete and Incomplete Markets!
个人分类: 未分类|2736 次阅读|0 个评论
liutenantz 2010-5-19 16:16
一个目标必须满足SMART标准: Specific具体; Measurable可以衡量; Achievable可以实现; Realistic比较现实; Time-bound有时间限制。
个人分类: 生活点滴|5165 次阅读|0 个评论

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