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[转载]A False Feeling of Security -by John C. Davis
dongping2009 2013-10-23 21:39
A False Feeling of Security -by John C. Davis ......If you pursue the following topics, you will become involved with mathematical methods that have a certain aura of exactitude, that express relationships with apparent precision, and that are implemented on devices that have a popular reputation for infallibility. Computers can be used very effectively as devices of intimidation. The presentation of masses of numbers, all expressed to eight decimal places, overwhelms the minds of many people and numbs their natural skepticism. A geologic report couched in mathematical jargon and filled with computer output usually will bluff all but a few critics, and those who understand and comment often do so in equally obtuse terms. Hence, both the report and criticism pass over the heads of most of the intended audience. The greatest danger, however, is to researchers themselves. If they fall sway to their own computers, they may cease to critically examine their data and the interpretative methods. Hypnotized by numbers, he or she may be led to the most ludicrous conclusions, totally blind to any reality beyond the computer screen. Keep in mind the little phrase posted on the wall of every computation center: “GIGO-Garbage In, Garbage Out.” ......An anonymous critic left the following rhyme on my desk almost 30 years ago. It remains posted on my wall to this day. What could be cuter Than to feed a computer With wrong information But naive expectation To obtain with precision A Napoleonic decision? - Major Alexander P. de Seversky
个人分类: 教学科研|3071 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载] Are you feeling happy, or happily?
zuojun 2013-1-17 04:58
Non-Errors in English Usage by Paul Brians http://public.wsu.edu/~brians/errors/nonerrors.html
个人分类: Scientific Writing|2134 次阅读|0 个评论
What I Want Is What I've Got
jiati0214 2013-1-8 10:43
All that I want in my life,is the feeling of peace,deep within me truly, I took a chance,I let go,I promised myself,that it wouldn't scare me, Miracles appear i know,Now i can see it show,Cause i, Found out what i dreamt of,and i looked it up,At this very moment,what i want is what i've got, Found out what was missing,and i looked it up,And at this very moment,what i want is what i've got, Life is too short to hold back,I won't live in the past,being lonely now i know, This is the time of my life,Yes i'm sure, what i want is what i've got, Miracles appear i know,(miracles appear i know),Now i can see it show,Cause i, Found out what i dreamt of,and i looked it up,At this very moment,what i want is what i've got, Found out what was missing,and i looked it up, And at this very moment,what i want is what i've got, Now i've found out, what i've been dreaming of,It's the feeling of peace deep within me,Cause life is too short to hold back,I made up my mind, I just, Found out what i dreamt of,and I looked it up,At this very moment,what i want is what i've got, Found out what was missing,and i looked it up,And at this very moment,what i want is what i've-----------got, What i want now,is when i got a chance, What i want now,what i want is what i've got,(what i want is what i've got), What i want now,is when i got a chance,(when i've got a chance) What i want now, what i've want is what i've got, Found out what i dreamt of,and I looked it up,At this very moment,what i want is what i've got, Found out what was missing,and i looked it up,And at this very moment,what i want is what i've got.
2109 次阅读|0 个评论
elric1986 2012-12-22 04:21
各类情感的能量等级 (从0到1000,200以下为负面,200以上为正面) Shame:(20)羞愧 羞愧的能量级几近死亡,它犹如是意识的自杀行为,巧妙的夺去人的生命。在羞愧的状况下,我们恨不得找个地缝钻进去,或者是希望自己能够隐身。 Guilt:(30)内疚 内疚感以多种方式呈现,比如懊悔,自责,受虐狂,以及所有的受害情节都是。无意识的内疚感会导致身心的疾病,以及带来意外事故的自杀行为。它也经常表现为频繁的愤怒和疲乏。 Apathy: (50)冷淡 这个能量级表现为贫穷、失望和无助感。世界与未来都看起来没有希望。冷漠意味着无助,让人成为生活中各方面的受害者。缺乏的不止是资源,他们还缺乏运气。除非有外在的帮护者提携,否则很可能会潦倒致死。 Grief: (75)悲伤 这是悲伤、失落和依赖性的能量级。在这个能量级的人,过的是八辈子都懊丧和消沉的生活。这种生活充满了对过去的懊悔、自责和悲恸。在悲伤中的人,看这个世界都是灰黑色的。 Fear: (100)恐惧 从这个能量级来看世界,到处充满了危险、陷害和威胁。一旦人们开始关注恐惧,就真的会有数不尽的让人不安的事来临。之后会形成强迫性的恐惧,这会妨害个性的成长,最后导致压抑。因为它是让能量流向恐惧,这种压抑性的行为不能提升到更高的层次。 Desire: (125)欲望 欲望让我们耗费大量的努力去达成我们的目标,去取得我们的回报。这也是一个易上瘾的能级,不知道什么时候,一个欲望会强大到比生命本身还重要。欲望意味着累积和贪婪。愿望可以帮助我们走上有成就的道路。但是欲望却能成为到达比知晓更高层次的跳板。 Anger: (150)愤怒 如果有人能跳出冷漠和内疚的怪圈,并摆脱恐惧的控制,他就开始有欲望了,而欲望则带来挫折感,接着引发愤怒。愤怒常常表现为怨恨和复仇心里,它是易变且危险的。愤怒来自未能满足的欲望,来自比之更低的能量级。挫败感来自于放大了欲望的重要性。愤怒很容易就导致憎恨,这会逐渐侵蚀一个人的心灵。 Pride: (175)骄傲 比起其他的较低能量级,人们会觉得这个能量级是积极的。而事实上骄傲让人感觉好一些,只是相比其他更低的能量级而言。 骄傲是具有防御性和易受攻击性的,因为它是建立在外界条件下的感受。一旦条件不具备,就很容易跌入更低的能量级。自我的膨胀是骄傲自大的助推剂,而自我常常是易受攻击的。因此骄傲的演化趋势是傲慢和否认。而这些都是抵制成长的。 Courage: (200)勇气 到来200这个能量级,动力才显端倪。勇气是拓展自我、获得成就,坚忍不拔,和果断决策的根基。在比之更低的能量级,世界看起来是无助的,失望的,挫折的,恐怖的,但是到来勇气的能级,生活看起来就是激动人心的,充满挑战的,新鲜有趣的。在这个能动性的能级,人们有能力去把握生活中的机会。因此个人成长和接受教育是可行的途径。对于那些能够打击能量级低于200的人的障碍,对进化到200能级的人来说则是小菜一碟。到来这个能级的人们,总是能尽数回馈足够多的能量给这个世界。而低于这个能级的人们则是不断地从社会中汲取能量,丝毫没有回馈。 人类集体意识能级停留在190达几百年之久,奇怪的是,在最近的10年里突然跃迁到了207。到2006年的测量结果又变成了204。2007年的测量结果为205。 Neutrality: (250)淡定 到达这个能级的能量都变得很活跃了。低于250的能级,意识是趋向于分裂和刚硬性的。淡定的能级则是灵活和无分别性的看待现实中的问题。到来这个能级,意味着对结果的超然,一个人不会再经验挫败和恐惧。这是一个有安全感的能级。到来这个能级的人们,都是很容易与之相处的,而且让人感到温馨可靠。因为他们无意于争端、竞争和犯罪。这样的人总是镇定从容。他们不会去强迫别人做什么。 Willingness: (310)主动 这个意识层次可以看做是进入更高层次的一道门。在淡定的层次的人,会如实的完成工作任务。但是在主动层次的人,通常会出色的完成任务,并极力获得成功。这个能级的人的成长是迅速的,他们是为人类进步而预备的人选。低于200能级的人,他们的思想是封闭的,但是能级为310的人们则是全然敞开的。这个能级的人,通常是真诚而友善的,也易于取得社交和经济上的成功。他们总能有助于人,并且对社会的进步做出贡献来。他们也乐意面对内在的状况,也不存在较大的学习障碍。鉴于他们具有从逆境中崛起并学到经验的能力,他们都能够自我调整。由于已经释放了骄傲,他们能够看到自己的不足,并学习别人的优点。 Acceptance: (350)宽容 在这个能级,一个巨大的转变会发生,那就是了解到自己才是自己命运的主宰,自己才是自己生活的创造者。低于200能级的人则是没有力量的,通常视自己为受害者,完全受生活所左右。这个看法的根源是,认为一个人的幸福和苦难来自某个“外在”的东西。在宽容的能级,没有什么“外在”能让一个人快乐,爱也不是谁能给或夺走的,这些都来自内在。宽容意味着让生活如它本来的样子,并不刻意去塑造成一个特定的模式。在这个能级的人不会对判断对错感兴趣,相反的,对如果解决困难他们则乐于参与。他们更在意长期目标,良好的自律和自控是他们显著的特点。 Reason: (400)明智 超越了感情化的较低能量级,就进入有理智和智能的阶段。这是科学、医学以及概念化和理解能力形成的能级。知识和教育在这里成为资历。这是诺贝尔奖金获得者、大政治家和高级法庭审判长的能级。爱因斯坦,弗洛伊德,以及很多其他历史上的思想家都是这个能级。这个能级的人的缺点是,过于关注对符号和符号所代表的意义的区分。明智并不能让人走向真理。它只是能制造出大量的信息和文档,但是缺乏解决数据和结果差异性的能力。明智本身是通往更高能级的一个最大障碍。在我们的社会中能超越这个能级的人凤毛麟角。 Love: (500)爱 这里的爱并非通常意义上各种媒体所描述的爱。通常意义上的爱,很容易就带上愤怒和依赖的面具。这种爱一旦受到挫折,立马就能转变成愤恨。引发愤恨的爱是来源于骄傲而不是真的爱。 这个500能级的爱是无条件的爱,是不变更的爱,是永久性的爱。这种爱不会动摇,它不是来自外界因素。爱是存在的基本状态。爱是宽容,滋养和维持这个世界的。它不是知性的爱,不是来自头脑的爱,它是发自心灵的爱。爱是总是聚焦在生活美好的那一面上,并且增大积极的经验。这是一个真正幸福的能级。 世界上只有0.4%的人曾经达到这个意识进化的层次。 Joy: (540)喜悦 当爱变得越来越无限的时候,它开始发展成为内在的喜悦。这是在每一个当下,从内在而非外在升起的喜悦。540能级也是拥有治疗和精神独立的能级。由此往上,就是很多圣人和高级修行者以及治疗师的能级。这个能级的人的特点是,他们具有巨大的耐性,以及对一再显现的困境具有持久的乐观态度,以及慈悲。到达这个能级的人对其他人有显著的影响。他们持久性的关注,会带来爱和平静。 在能级超过500的人看来,这个世界充满了闪亮的美丽和完美的创造。一切都毫不费力的同时发生着。在他们开来是稀松平常的作为,却会被平常人当成是奇迹来看待。濒死体验在他们的转变中特征性的出现,这也让他们体验到能量浮动在540-600之间的经验。 Peace: (600)平和 这个能量层级和所谓的卓越、自我实现以及基督意识有关。它非常稀有,一千万人当中才有一个人能够达到。而一旦达到这个能级,内与外的区分就消失了,感官被关闭了。在能级600及其以上的人的感知如同慢镜头一样,时空悬停了——没有什么是固定的了,所有的一切都生机勃勃并光芒四射。虽然在其他人眼里这个世界还是老样子,但是在这人眼里世界却是一个,和宇宙源头进化一起协同舞蹈的,不断浮动进化的流转。 这是一种非同寻常、无法言语的现象,所以头脑保持长久的沉默,不再分析判断。观察者和被观察者成为同一个人,观照者消融在观照中,成为观照本身。能级为600到700之间的艺术作品、音乐和建筑能临时性的,把我们带到通常认为的通灵的和永恒的状态中。 Enlightenment: (700 – 1000)开悟 这是历史上所有创立了精神模范,让无数人历代跟随的伟人的能级。这是强大灵感的能级,这些人的诞生,形成了影响全人类的引力场。在这个能级不再有个体与个体之间的分离感,取而代之的是意识与神性的合一。 这是人类意识进化的顶峰。到来这个能级,不再对身体有“我”的执着,不再对其有关注。身体成了意识降临头脑的一个工具,它的首要价值就是连接这两者。这是非二元性的,是完全合一的能级。在历史上达到这么高智慧能级的人,这些伟大的“阿凡达”(Avatar,道成肉身的神),用“主”来称呼最为合适,他们是:主克里希纳,主佛陀,和主耶稣基督。 源地址: http://blog.renren.com/GetEntry.do?id=888174680owner=272034003
个人分类: 心灵鸡汤|1797 次阅读|0 个评论
A Model of Self
自我源于思考 2010-10-28 17:26
A Model of Self Abstract: The self has been studied extensively by modern science and is central to many world religions. But still there are none theories clearly depict the self development and how the self work. In this field, philosophy and anthropology attach importance to knowledge system and innovations, but psychology and psychiatry set store by feelings and behavior. Actually the twoaspects are constantly related together and they are basic characteristics of self. Inthe presentpaper, I come up with a self model which reveals relationships between knowledge, feeling, behavior and innovation. Keywords: self; knowledge system; feeling history; innovation Every individual entity has a self. To any study concerning human being as a whole, the concept of self is unavoidable. Current theories have mentioned the connections between knowledge and feeling and behavior. Like the social cognitive theory (Pajares, 2002) which had revealed some essential qualities of self. (Fig.1). Fig.1. The social cognitive theory model. This theory shows some fundamental factors about self formation and its activity. But it did not answer why human beings are so creative. In present paper, I advance a self model (Fig.2) which combines the knowledge and feelings together and can explain how people make innovations. Fig. 2. The model of self . This self model contains eight elements. The next I will explain each ones connotation. 1. Environment: The environment not only includes nature, society, living condition, family etc, but also includes various inside environment like endocrine system and blood pressure (A Mehrabian et al., 1974). Most importantly, the environment gives self signals and information, which can be felt and perceived by knowledge or experiences from others. In return, the actions of self also become part of the environment. 2. Knowledge system: The knowledge system includes all the spoken and written information and experiences achieved by self. For human being, our knowledge can be divided into four categories: science and technology, art, philosophy, theology. Here I include language in science. And the experiences from others in the society can be shared and classified into knowledge system. 3. Feeling history: The individual can feel from the outside or inside and recall from memory. Feeling history is the concept to describe not only all the physical sensation the individual felt or perceived from others, but also all the emotion has experienced (Vanden Bos et al., 2006). These feelings, no matter they are positive or negative, build up self from ones birth to death, even some feelings the individual could not remember (we can call that unconscious feelings). 4. Cognitive ability: The cognitive ability is a psychological concept, which describes how to perceive information or knowledge quickly and merged them into former knowledge structure of self. So self can evaluate the information and make some predictions about situation. Also this ability relates to the brain function of individual. 5. Self: The knowledge system is constantly reconstructing along with certain feelings. Thus, the feeling history combining with knowledge system together form the self, which constantly response to the society, nature and other information. 6. Executive ability: When facing various situations the self will recall its memory to evolve a solution. The executive ability is a process of carrying out the task effectively and flexibly to gain established goals (or needs) through a series of actions (behavior and innovation). This ability is mainly a brain process relates to physical health of individual. 7. Behavior: Behavior provides outputs from the self to the environment (Dusenbery et al., 2009). Behavior is the response of the self to various stimuli, whether internal or external, conscious or subconscious, overt or covert. 8. Innovation: Innovation is not just one of behavior. In a sense, many biological phenomena is innovation, even the bacteria receives some drug resistance plasmids. Therefore innovation and natural selection working together form the evolution. For human being, our innovation does not just mean the gene mutation. More importantly, science and technology innovations helped us more to fit in this planet. On basis of analysis, we can substantiate self model (Fig.3) as below: Fig. 3. The substantiated model of self for human being. Obviously, from this model we notice that by using knowledge and assisting with positive feelings, human being can acquire innovations and discoveries. Positive feelings motivate us to expand our ability and make innovations to gain better conditions and better health. But the robots which are without such feelings only can do something set in their programs beforehand. Further more, this model gives some clues to depict selfby mathematical ways. References A Mehrabian, J A Russell. (1974). environment psychology. MIT Press, Cambridge , MA . Dusenbery, David B. (2009). Living at Micro Scale . Harvard University Press, Cambridge , Mass, P120-124. Pajares . (2002). Overview of social cognitive theory and of self-efficacy . available at http://www.emory.edu/EDUCATION/mfp/eff.html Vanden Bos, Gary . (2006). APA Dictionary of Psychology . American Psychological Association, Washington , DC .
个人分类: 自然科学|5663 次阅读|0 个评论
happyhuan623 2010-6-9 19:43
恋爱就像两个人在拉橡皮筋, 伤得最深的总是不肯放手的那一个
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