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【轉】與Peter Singer對話
热度 2 jiangjinsong 2012-4-29 22:03
現代哲學,2002年第2期,Peter Singer介紹了他對於馬克思、全球倫理、道德責任、道德客觀性、道德思考中的直覺層次與批判層次的關係、動物解放等方面的觀點。 与彼得_辛格的对话.pdf
个人分类: 科學哲學|3080 次阅读|4 个评论
动物伦理学家Peter Singer專訪未刪節版全文!
热度 2 jiangjinsong 2012-4-28 19:59
新京報記者曹保印先生對世界著名倫理學家、當代動物保護運動聖經——《動物解放》作者Peter Singer的專訪,4月28日新京報刊登兩個整版,但是仍然不全,未刪節版請讀: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4ad6f8ae01010uu2.html
个人分类: 敬畏自然|3169 次阅读|4 个评论
Peter Singer 教授在清華大學低碳實驗室講有關碳排放的倫理學
热度 5 jiangjinsong 2012-4-24 16:15
Peter Singer 教授在清華大學低碳實驗室講有關碳排放的倫理學
3648 次阅读|23 个评论
[转载]Book review:Biogeography
Alluvion 2012-3-13 16:16
Book review Biogeography: An ecological and evolutionary approach, eighth ed., C. Barry Cox, Peter D. Moore. John Wiley Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ (2010). 498 pp., Paperback, Price 36.99/
个人分类: 科研信息|0 个评论
热度 1 renyurenyu 2012-2-20 12:55
@ 2006-09-26 03:44 今天是我来到苏格兰的第二周,也是和老板第一次见面。在上周,其实峰(前师弟-现师兄)就已经告诉我,今天peter会见我和chris(另外和我同级的PhD)。以前我就见过他的照片,也在电话里谈了半小时,感觉挺好的。上午到实验室,一直等到下午四点,也没有什么样动静。我就一直在那里自己看文献,查文献,写写自己的研究计划。不经意间,Peter下楼来,看到我在,就很高兴的和我打招呼,然后就告诉我们20分钟后和我们讨论。他先和组里的资深博后Rob讨论,谈了大概半小时,然后就叫我们上四楼,和他谈。他谈的也不多,先和峰谈他目前工作的进展,然后就问我们对自己下一步工作有什么想法。峰就说当然做你想做什么了,把球踢回去了。Peter就三下五除二讲完了,然后问我听懂没有,因为做的材料和我以前几乎一样,所以我几乎都听懂了,而且Peter的想法,与我在想的其中一个最新的方向大致一样(科学机密,等到有结果后,可以公开),我觉得比较开心,毕竟我也想到了一个比较好的方向,接下来就是去做。当然,Peter的口头禅就是一堆堆的good,nice,一次讨论听了他不下20个good。 最后peter讲了一些别的事,如安全最为重要。当然,还有就是和他讨论可以随时找他,试验中有什么阻碍我前进,也可以寻求他的帮助,钱也不是问题。"research is my life"peter 的原话。当然他也明确告诉我,我们这个组方向是只有10%的人愿意做的挑战性的工作,不能跟在人家后面,做没有意义的一般工作,要做就做新颖的、突破性的工作。^
个人分类: 英伦记忆|2984 次阅读|2 个评论
TSP-Modeling and estimation for dynamic systems with LEC
linfengxu 2012-1-29 17:02
9/26/2011 6:48AM Manuscript submitted - T-SP-12649-2011 10/6/2011 4:03AM Manuscript scheduled for prescreening Area Editor, Prof. Peter Schreier 10/12/2011 4:57AM Manuscript scheduled for peer review Associate Editor, Dr. Benoit Champagne 11/19/2011 Awaiting AE Decision 11/23/2011 In Peer Review 11/29/2011 Awaiting AE Decision 12/9/2011 In Peer Review 12/21/2011 21:40 Awaiting AE Decision 01/27/2011 11:44PM(CA) Reject and Resubmit
1 次阅读|0 个评论
补记Peter de Chatel教授二三事
热度 13 张志东 2012-1-15 09:29
我在博文《 记 Peter de Chatel 教授 ¾ 半日之师 , 终生受益 》中讲述了我与 Peter de Chtel 教授 第一次交往的经历。在半天的学术交流中收获的是终生受益的教诲。今天补记 Peter de Chtel 教授二三事。 上世纪 90 年代,由于我们课题组的经费状态一直不太好,生存得很艰辛,我一度对于是否坚持从事基础性研究还是转向应用开发这个问题比较纠结。见到 Peter , 我问他 : “ 到底是在学校或研究单位从事基础性科研工作好?还是在公司里做开发工作好? ” 他说,“这要看各人的爱好。在 学校(或研究单位)你的工资收入肯定会低些,但是你收获的是自由,可以按照自己的兴趣做工作。而去公司收入肯定会高很多,但是去公司你在学术上会有损失,甚至你的研究成果都无法发表。相当于是用钱买断了你的时间。”这个道理我其实也早想明白了,但是从 Peter 口中说出,更坚定了我继续 坚持从事基础性研究的决心。因为我知道他是从自己的切身体会出发讲的这番话。 Peter 很早就在 基础性研究中取得重要的创新性成果,所以他很年轻就当上了阿姆斯特丹大学教授。但是他后来长期担任荷兰 Elsevier Science B.V. 出版社负责物理学科刊物的高级出版编辑 职务。我想这肯定占用了他不少时间和精力,从而对他的学术成就有所影响。凭他的聪明才智,如果专心于科研,他肯定能做出更大的学术成就的。 在 90 年代中期,计算机模拟逐渐发展起来。特别是, 约翰·波普 与 瓦尔特·科恩 分别因为发展首个普及的量子化学软件 (Gaussian) 和提出密度泛函理论 (Density Functional Theory) 而获得 1998 年 诺贝尔化学奖 。 计算材料学成为一个学术界的热点方向。我对坚持做解析理论研究还是转向计算机模拟也有过犹豫。当时对计算材料学也不是非常了解,感到比较迷茫和困惑。我就问 Peter ,想听听他对 计算机模拟 的看法。他 自嘲说:“我落伍了,跟不上形势了。” 言语之中更倾向于 解析理论研究。后来,我才知道他本人在 材料计算学方面做出合金和化合物的结合力的半经验模型、过渡金属化合物的形成焓两项重要的工作。可见,他 当时 回答我的问题,不是根据他本人的学术成就来做价值取向,而是就这个问题本身,根据他内心对科学内涵的评价和学术品位的喜好做了最直接的回答。应该说,他的回答某种程度上影响了我以后学术研究方向和兴趣。 90 年代后期我有一些机会可以参与材料计算学方面的大项目,参与进去肯定会极大地改善我们课题组当时的生存状态。但是,我还是追随自己内心的价值取向选择了放弃。现在看来,当时的选择是正确,否则可能也不会有后来的追梦之旅和激辩猜想的精彩了。时至今日, 计算 材料 学以及 计算机模拟得到突飞猛进的发展,已经成为科学研究的一个时尚,基本上每个研究组都在开展这方面的工作。我又针对这个问题问 Peter 。尽管时间过了十多年,他的态度没有发生改变。可见,无论时间流逝多久,有些最本质的东西是不会改变的。 Peter 见多识广,风趣幽默。常常根据交谈的场景即时地讲一些笑话以及幽默的小故事等等。当然,有些笑话比较冷,需要一些解释才能领会其中的妙处。下面与大家分享一个,博大家一乐。 Peter 原来是匈牙利人。二战以后匈牙利长期被前苏联控制,匈牙利人民对前苏联非常不满意,流行许多黑色幽默笑话,其中一个是:匈牙利人非常盼望中国人民解放军攻打并占领布达佩斯,并且希望解放军占领一段时间后再返回中国。这个笑话需要解释,也只有匈牙利人才能有如此独特的角度:解放军攻打并占领布达佩斯之前肯定要先经过前苏联,一定先把前苏联打个稀巴烂。然后从布达佩斯撤退回中国还得经过前苏联,还得蹂躏一次前苏联。所以匈牙利人宁可牺牲自己一次,换取前苏联被蹂躏两次,赚了。 提前祝大家春节快乐,龙年大吉,万事如意!
个人分类: 师友|8416 次阅读|28 个评论
读Peter Hessler中国三部曲之第一部<River Town>
热度 1 harveyho 2012-1-1 07:31
读毕Peter Hessler之中国三部曲第一部,感想颇多,摘其一二录之。 这是1997-1999年间的涪陵,一个以涪陵榨菜出名的长江沿岸小城市,面临三峡大坝即将完工,移民等待搬迁的时候,Hessler在涪陵师专教两年英文。 这本书把个世间百态,春夏秋冬,善恶美丑,从一个外国人的角度写出来。 此人观察力,运用英语语言的能力惊人。连我们这样的如此熟悉这里一切的人都为其中一些描写拍案叫绝。时而捧腹大笑 (如国人拼酒那几页)。我还从未读到对棒棒军如此细致的观察,包括中国作家的作品。 说熟悉那一切,是自己从小生活的环境,包括街道,山水,景物,三线建设,地方方言,田间作物,梯田,竟然在一个外国人的栩栩如生的文字里再现。 其二,中西文化的碰撞,如对学生的教育,老师的角色,教育,尤其是政治教育的错位,这部书有描写,有思考。比较难得的是,这里没有绝对的对错,难得Hessler也经常把同样的情景摆在美国,摆在Missouri. 作者广交朋友,但我们注意到,他所交的朋友,多为小摊小贩,公园,茶房,农民,当然还有大专学生,他的中文老师,所谓‘老百姓’。而他似乎为与官员,富人,时髦人士交往不感兴趣,或骨子里不喜欢。这一方面是他个性使然, 另一方面老百姓最容易接近,或交往起来最自在,资料也最‘一手’。这令他的写作很真实(如到他面摊朋友家过春节,去上坟,国人的喜好围观,诸多细节,就极为真实)。 这是一部用心写作的作品,事实上在他还未离开涪陵就已经动笔。从一开始描写涪陵的脏乱差,吵杂,污染,到后来两年后透出字面活生生的爱,极有感染力。 到中国旅游的外国人,何止百万,在中国有任教经历的人,也成千上万,而能以比较全面,比较生动的文字记录下来如River Town者,大概Peter Hessler是第一人。不愧他普林斯顿,牛津教育的背景。但如他说,Peace Corp两年学到的(即在涪陵的两年)强过他在牛津学到的东西。毕竟,最真实的生活,最细致的观察与思考,才是创作的源泉。 River Town注定会成为西方介绍中国当代社会,文化的一部经典作品。而涪陵,一个人们仅仅知道榨菜的地方,竟然会因为这部作品而为西方读者熟知。
个人分类: 人物|6134 次阅读|2 个评论
开放获取概述 中译版-by Peter Suber
hongshen 2011-12-27 11:41
Open Access Overview-revised.pdf 翻译了一下这个比较早期的开放获取概述一文,目前在 peter suber的原文地址 下方也有 相关中文译本链接 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 开放获取概述 ( Open Access XE "Open Access: 开放获取 " \y "OA:OA" Overview ) -- 经同行评议的学术论文及其预印本的开放获取 本文是为那些刚接触开放获取( Open Access , OA XE "Open Access: 开放获取 " \y "OA:OA" )概念的人所作的介绍。我希望本文能简短易读,足够有用,内容组织利于您选择性地进行阅读,对需要详细了解的部分进行深入阅读。本文并没有涉及 OA 的每一个细微之处,或对所有的质疑做出解释,但对于读者,本文应能包括足够多的内容来消除那些曾阻碍过 OA 发展的误解。 如果本文仍显过长,您可以浏览我关于 OA 的 精简描述 。该描述已被译成多种语言,仅有约一页(取决于字体)。如果那个太短,您还可以看我的其他 著作 。 当您对于 OA 的概念有所了解的时候,您可以通过 OA 跟踪项目 ( OA Tracking Project )以及 SPARC 开放获取新闻组 ( SPARC Open Access XE "Open Access: 开放获取 " \y "OA:OA" Newsletter )来获取新的进展 . (我的博客 -- 开放获取进展 ,从 2002 年 5 月开始报道 OA 进展,至 2010 年 4 月停止更新,但存档文章仍可浏览。) 欢迎 您的回复与建议。 Peter Suber ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 开放获取文档是电子化的,在线的,免费的,并不受多数版权、许可权限制的。 开放获取取消了价格壁垒(订阅费,许可费,阅读费等),以及许可权壁垒(大多来自于版权及授权限制)。公众科学图书馆( Public Library of Science , PLoS )给出了一个定义:“免费获取及不受限制的使用”,简洁地包含了开放获取的两个特性。 在消除何种许可权壁垒上, OA 政策有一定的弹性。比如,某些 OA 提供者允许商业上的再次使用,而有些则不允许。有些允许相关衍生内容,有些不允许。但所有主要的关于开放获取政策的定义都认为:仅仅取消价格壁垒,或将授权使用变成合理使用( fair use )(在英国,称为 fair dealing ),是不够的。 以下是 布达佩斯开放存取计划 所提出的:为了更广泛更便捷地访问文献库,有多种不同程度不同类型的方式。而开放获取,我们认为它应该是在公众网络上可以免费获得的,允许任何用户阅读,下载,复制,分发,印制,搜索,或者链接至全文,抓取信息以建立索引,作为数据传递至软件系统,或基于任何其他合法目的进行使用,而没有经济,法律或技术壁垒(这并不包括互联网接入本身)。在复制分发中唯一的限制,也是该领域中版权的唯一作用,应该是给予作者的对于作品完整性的控制,以及被正确致谢及引用的权利。 以下是 贝塞斯达 和 柏林 宣言所提出的:对于 OA 的内容而言,版权所有人必须在之前就明确用户可以“在任何数字化媒体上,为了任何目的,在恰当表明来源的前提下,复制,使用,分发,传送以及公开展示其内容,制作及分发其衍生内容。。。” 布达佩斯 ( 2002 年 2 月), 贝塞斯达 ( 2003 年 6 月)以及 柏林 ( 2003 年 10 月)对于“开放获取”的定义是开放获取运动中最核心及最有影响力的定义。我会整体地引用这些定义,或基于他们的共同点,称之为“ BBB 定义 ”。 当我们需要明确引用 OA 的相关子类时,我们可以 借用 免费 / 开源软件运动中的术语。 免费开放获取 ( Gratis OA )只消除了价格壁垒, 自由开放获取 ( Libre OA )消除了价格壁垒及部分的许可权壁垒。免费开放获取是不收费的,但版权许可并不免费。用户必须自我限制于合理使用的范畴内,或在超出该范畴时去获取许可。自由开放获取是不收费的,同时允许用户超出合理使用的范畴。好比说,免费开放获取仅限于闲谈,而自由开放获取则可适用于闲谈以及正式演讲。 除了消除内容访问的壁垒, OA 还应该是及时而非滞后的,全文开放的而非仅开放摘要或提纲。 OA 是和 版权 , 同行评议 , 收益 (甚至利润),印制,保存, 声望 , 质量 ,职业发展,索引以及其他一切与传统学术文献相关的特性和服务 兼容 的。 主要的差别在于读者不再为此买单,也就不再存在内容访问的壁垒。 OA 的法律基础在于版权所有者的认同(对于较新的文献),或版权协议的失效(对于较早的文献)。 正因为此, OA 不需要对于版权法的修订或废除,也不会违反该法。 对于著作权人 , 要注明其开放获取内容,一种简洁有效且越来越常见的方式就是使用某一 创作共用 许可证( Creative Commons licenses )。很多其他 开放内容许可证 也能适用。著作权人也可以编写他们自己的许可证或授权声明,附于其著作(在没有法律顾问的情况下,最好 不要如此 )。 当著作权人同意将内容 OA 时,他们到底同意了哪些内容呢?通常他们同意的是不受限制的全文阅读,下载,复制,分享,存储,印制,搜索,链接以及抓取。大多数作者选择保留对于篡改或不正当分发内容的禁止权。部分选择禁止对内容的商业使用。基本上,此类情形意在阻止剽窃,歪曲,及某些商业使用,而授权给正当的学术需求,包括那些为促进在线学术研究而产生的技术需求。 对于非公开领域的著作, OA 取决于著作权人的意愿。这导致两项结果: 1 , OA 不是 科学界的 Napster ,它是合法分享,而非违法的; 2 , OA 对于著作是自愿的,尽管有时它是资源协议的某一条款,比如基金资助协议等。 OA 不是帮派性的,侵害性的,征用性的或是掠夺性的。 当然 OA 的不恰当实施会导致对著作权的侵害,但这在通常的出版中也会发生。稍加留意,就可以做到很好地实施 OA ,而不侵害著作权,就像在通常的出版中所做的。 关于 OA 的焦点集中在作者向大众提供文献而不是为了报酬。 回顾一下免版税文献的情况。(有趣的是,对此已经有一个标准的定义。) 关注免版税文献有两点原因。 1 ,减少了提供者和出版者的成本。 2 ,作者若赞成内容 OA ,并不会减少其收入。 免版税文献对于我们的目的而言,更重要的在于其经由同行评议的学术科研论文及其预印本。(非学术性刊物经常惊讶于学术类刊物通常不会向作者支持稿酬。) 显然没有人为了钱而去写作免版税的文献。学者们写作是因为领域中先进的知识将引领其职业发展。他们写作为了 影响力 而不是为了钱。这种推动知识进步的需要与推动自身职业发展的强烈诉求并不矛盾。 OA 的基础并不是无私奉献精神。 正因为学者们并不从学术文章中挣钱,他们与大部分音乐家或者电影制作人的处境完全不同。关于音乐,电影以及其他有版税内容的 OA 所产生的争议,并不适用于科研论文。 免版税文献是 OA 最容易取得内容,而 OA 并不局限于此。对于那些有版税的文献,比如著作,讲义,小说等,只要作者同意,即可以开放获取。但由于那些作者经常担心收入减少,获取他们的同意会更困难。必须说服他们 1 , OA 带来的好处超过他们的版税价值;或者 2 , OA 将会促进作品销售。越来越多的证据表明对于大多数科研著作,以上两条都做到了。 OA 也不一定限制在文献形式。它可以应用于任何数字化的内容,从素材到半成品的图片,音频,视频,多媒体及软件。它可以应用于那些从开始就是数字化的内容,也可以应用于后来被电子化的更早期的文献或文化遗产。 本文在副标题中注明了“经同行评议的文献及预印本”是由于这是大多数 OA 活动的焦点,也是这篇概述的焦点,并非由于 OA 仅限于此。 很多 OA 方案集中在公众资助的科研项目上。 关于公众资助项目对于公众开放的 争论 一直很激烈,越来越多的国家 要求公众资助项目进行 OA 。 关于公众资助项目的开放获取,通常承认以下例外: 1 ,保密的,军用的; 2 ,可取得专利的研究成果; 3 ,作者以书籍等有版税收入的形式发表的研究结果。承认这些例外是为了保证 OA 的实用性,并避免 OA 与数量众多的此类项目发生不必要的冲突。 最容易摘得的果实当然是那些既属于免版税的,又是公众资助的内容。 美国健康学会( NIH )的政策 是一个很好的例子。 但 OA 运动不仅限于公众资助的研究,同时还在寻求无资助或私人基金支持的科研项目(比如 Wellcome Trust 或者 Howard Hughes 医学研究所 等)。 OA 文献并不是免费生产或出版的。 严肃的 OA 倡议者从不会说 OA 文献是可以免费制造的,尽管很多人会说此类文献生成比传统出版文献要便宜很多,甚至比仅在线提供的付费文献便宜很多。问题并不在于学术期刊是否可以免费制造,而是有没有比向读者收费,制造访问壁垒更好的方式。 正如 BOAI 的常见问题 中提及的:免费是引起歧义的。我们说对于读者的免费,而非生产者的免费。我们清楚明白开放获取的文献不是免费(不需要成本)制造的。但这不妨碍其可以对读者和用户免费(不需要付费)。 生产 OA 文献相较传统印制文献所降低的费用,及收回成本的商业模式,这些取决于 OA 期刊 或 OA 库 所采用的文献传递方式。 (详情 如下 ) 对于那些坚持认为 OA 文献的成本低于同等质量的非 OA 文献的人来说,他们是如何认为的呢?简单来说: OA 免去了印制费用(现在很多非 OA 期刊也是)。 OA 没有订户管理(征订,跟踪,续订,价格谈判和站点许可,收费等)。 OA 没有数字版权管理( Data Rights Management , DRM ,用户授权,区分授权 / 未授权用户,阻止未授权访问等)。 OA 减少或消除了法律费用(许可权的设定与实施)。很多 OA 刊物没有市场营销,而仅依靠外部的自发性推广,比如搜索引擎,博客作者,论坛,标签或者社交网络。在减少这些费用的同时, OA 刊物可以从收取作者费用或研究所补贴获得略多于成本的收入。 全文如果是开放获取的,那么收费的插件或优化服务就不会与 OA 发生冲突。如果优化的服务做起来过于昂贵,那么提供者也许必须对此收费。如果这些服务是有价值的,那么用户也会乐意为此付费。对某些 OA 刊物,收费插件的收入提供了部分维持 OA 的费用。 OA 与同行评议是一致的,所有主流科技学术类 OA 都认同坚持同行评议的重要性。 同行评议并不依赖以刊物的价格或介质,其作用,严格性,公正性亦不依赖于此。 有理由相信 OA 期刊的同行评议完全可以做到和传统刊物的一样严格和公正,因为它完全可以采用一样的审稿流程,同样的标准,甚至同样的编辑和审稿人。 传统的出版商有时会认为 OA 期刊的常用模式(向作者或出资方收取费用)会向同行评议妥协。我在其他文章中用更长的篇幅回答了这个质疑 。 OA 期刊可以使用传统的模式进行同行评议或使用创新的新模式以充分利用新媒体和交互网络来将学者们联系起来。不管怎样,消除访问壁垒和同行评议模式的改革,是两个独立的课题。 OA 适合于任何一种同行评议方式,而非预设为针对某特定的模式。 反过来就不同了。某些正在兴起的同行评议模式预设为 OA 刊物,比如开放评议模式,在此,投稿内容即为 OA (在评议进行前,或初审后),然后才是研究团体的评议过程。开放评议需要 OA ,而 OA 并不是必须做开放评议的。 在大多数学科和领域,进行同行评议的编辑和审稿人是义务的,正如作者一样。即使有些需要付费,最终稿件的 OA 仍然是可行的,只是需要从别处获得更多的资助。 尽管事实上编辑们通常奉献着他们的劳动,同行评议也需要一定的成本 -- 分发送审,任务管控,跟踪进度,催审,收集评议结果并递交到相关人员,促进交流,分辨稿件的不同版本,收集数据等等。这些非编辑类的工作正逐渐交由软件(包含某些 免费及开源软件 )进行自动处理。 对于研究性文献,有两种主要的 OA 传递方式,通过 OA 期刊 (金 OA ,“ Gold OA ”)或 OA 库 (绿 OA ,“ Green OA ”)。 主要区别在于 OA 期刊有同行评议过程,而 OA 库没有。这可以解释两者间存在的其他差别,尤其是在开发与维护费用上。 其他的 OA 传递方式我并未展开,比如个人网站,电子书,论坛,邮件列表,博客,维基,视频,音频, RSS 订阅,以及 P2P 文件共享网络等。将来无疑会有更多方式出现。 大多数 OA 推动者将由期刊传送的形式称为金 OA ( Gold OA ,无论期刊的商业模式如何),而将由文献库传递的形式称为绿 OA ( Green OA )。 金 / 绿 OA 的区别在于来源或传送渠道,而非用户权限或开放的程度。这 不同 于 自由 / 免费 开放获取( Gratis/libre )的分类。 开放获取期刊(金 OA ): 开放获取期刊是经由 同行评议 的。 开放获取期刊比非开放获取期刊更容易保留作者的版权。 开放获取期刊比开放获取文献库更容易提供 自由开放 获取 ( Libre OA )。 OA 库通常无法自行生成自由 OA 所需的授权。但 OA 期刊可以。 部分 OA 期刊的出版商是非营利性的(如 PLoS ),有些是营利性的(如 BioMed 中心或 BMC )。 OA 期刊开支的方式和广播电台及电视台的方式很相似:有意传播内容的人先行承担制作费用,拥有接收设备的任何人都可以无偿地得到该内容。有时这意味着期刊从大学或专业学会获取资助。有时期刊会对录用的文章收取版面费,由作者或作者的资助方支付(雇主,基金)。 OA 期刊收取版面费可以使期刊摆脱经费上的困境。有研究院所资助的 OA 期刊倾向于不收取版面费。 OA 期刊可以在有其他收入来源(其他出版商,广告,收费的插件或附属服务等)降低资助或相关费用。有些研究所或学会对费用进行减免。有些 OA 期刊(如 BMC 和 PLoS )对所有订购了年度会员资格的研究人员免除相关费用。 常见的一项误解是所有 OA 期刊使用“作者付费”模式。这里存在两个误区。 1 ,假设了 OA 期刊仅有一种商业模式,而无视了 其他许多模式 。 2 ,假设了预先收取费用就是“作者付费”模式。而实际上, 大部分 OA 期刊( 70% )完全不向作者收费。同时, 大部分 传统或非 OA 期刊( 75% )向作者收费。 OA 期刊所收取的费用时常来自于作者的资助方(雇主或基金)或者被免除,而不是由作者自掏腰包支付的。 越来越多的大学有 经费 来为那些打算在收取版面费的 OA 期刊上发表稿件的职工支付版面费。 A growing number of universities maintain funds to pay publication fees on behalf of faculty who choose to publish in fee-based OA journals. 有些 OA 支持者使用不同的颜色来区分刊物:金色(及时提供经同行评议的文献 OA ),绿色(允许作者在 OA 库存储他们经同行评议的文献),浅绿(允许 / 不反对作者建立预印本的存档),灰色(以上皆无)。 关于 OA 期刊商业方面的细节,请参阅对 OA 期刊出版者的 OAD 指引目录 。 我们确信 OA 期刊是可以在经济上维持下去的,因为同行评议,稿件处理以及 OA 传播的成本比起那些基于订阅的期刊要低很多。当前用于刊物发展的经费就已经够多了。而且,当 OA 被越来越多的刊物采用时,图书馆将意识到转换,取消或终止对非 OA 刊物的订阅将给他们节约一大笔钱。 各领域各语种 OA 期刊的目录,可参阅 OA 期刊目录 ( DOAJ )。 OA 期刊相关新闻,可在 OA 跟踪项目 网站留意 oa.journals 以及 oa.gold 标签。 OA 库(“绿色 OA ”): OA 库可以按照学科来组织(比如物理类的 arXiv )或机构(比如 哈佛大学的 DASH )。如果是大学主持的 OA 库,他们通常会在 OA 之外提供相应措施保证文档的长期保存。 OA 库自身并不进行同行评议。但它们保存的文献通常是在别处经历了同行评议过程的。 OA 库可以包含预印本,刊本或两者都有。 预印本是在同行评议及出版前的任一版本文献,通常是稿件在提交到某一期刊时的版本。 刊本是经同行评议后的某一版本。两种形式的刊本有时是需要严格区分的( a )已经过同行评议但没有经编辑校订的( b )经同行评议及编辑校订的。有些刊物允许作者在 OA 库中存放前者,而不是后者。 OA 库可以包括期刊稿件的预印本及刊本,论文及学位论文,课程讲义,分学科的数据库,数据文件,视频音频,学会记录,或者数字化的图书馆特辑。运行一个库所需费用可以从他们包含多少中不同的功能上估计出来。如果一个学会 OA 库当前的运行费用过高,那是因为当前的学会库功能过多,而不仅仅只提供文献的开放获取。 OA 库默认为对其所有内容提供 OA 。大部分库当前也允许“暗存放”,这些内容可以在之后被转为开放获取。这对于某些仅在一段禁止期之后才允许绿色 OA 的出版商而言是适用的。作者也可以在新稿件印刷后即进行存放,并在禁止期之后将内容转为 OA 。 作者进行预印本归档不需要得到许可。当他们完成预印本写作后,他们仍然拥有版权。如果一个期刊拒绝接收已作为预印本流通的稿件,这是特定刊物的投稿政策,而非版权法的要求。(某些期刊仍然沿袭该政策,称为英杰芬格规则。尽管这样的期刊在减少,特别是在医学期刊以外的领域。) 如果作者将版权转让给了出版者,那么 OA 存档就需要出版者的授权。大部分受访出版商( 60% 以上 )已经对刊本的存档提供不受限制的授权。更多的其他出版方在接到要求时提供授权,几乎所有的出版者会容纳来自于作者资助方或雇主所托管的绿色 OA 政策。但如果作者保留了授权绿色 OA 的权力,那他们就能自行决定授权绿色 OA ,而不用于出版者协商。 如果作者将版权转让给了出版者,那么他们同时转给了出版商决定是否 OA 的权力。尽管大部分出版者同意绿色 OA ,还是有很多不同意的。另外,很多出版者设定了取得授权的条件,或者对时间添加新的限制,比如费用或禁止期。因为这些原因,当前越来越多的学术论文作者倾向于保留绿色 OA 的权力,仅转移版权中剩余部分的权利给出版商。为此,有些作者以添加 附加条款 的方式对出版商的标准版权协议进行修改。有些基金会(比如 Welcome Trust 及 NIH )要求作者在发表期刊论文时保留关键权利。在某些大学(比如 哈佛 和 麻省理工 ),教员已将他们的成果非排他性地给予学校提供 OA 。 因为权利保留政策为将来的成果解决了绿色 OA 涉及的许可问题,绿色 OA 政策不再给那些有异议的出版商留下可攻击的漏洞,比如需要设定“服从于版权的” OA 或是“出版商禁止之外的” OA 。对于作者有理由设立 选择性退出条款 ,如哈佛所做的那样,但对于出版商并不需要设立该类条款。当作者授权 OA 的时候,他们仍然是版权所有者,并不需要从出版商去获取授权,也不需要担心侵权。基金及大学是出版商的上游供应者,能够采取措施来保证绿色 OA 以及获得合法授权。 因为大部分出版商已经允许了绿色 OA ,而且因为绿色 OA 是善意的 OA ,未曾享有该优势的作者比未曾提供该便利的出版商更可能成为 OA 运动的阻碍者。基金和大学有责任去消除 OA 的障碍,保证所有受资助者和教职工出版的论文能 100% 实现绿色 OA 。由于作者无法自己去消除该障碍,如果快速上涨的期刊价格快速拉大那些新的研究成果与需要者之间的距离的话,那些没有去消除该障碍的基金和大学也怪不得别人。所有的出版商都应帮助该过程,部分人确实在如此做。但如果我们可以依靠自身的力量,那就没有必要去依赖于出版商的行为。 如需搜索出版商关于版权与存档的政策数据库,请查阅 SHERPA 政策 。 因为 大多数 出版商和刊物已经对绿色 OA 提供了不受限制的许可,问题就在于作者是否使用了该有利条件。这意味着作者可以在几乎任何刊物上发表文章( OA 或非 OA ),而又能将经过同行评议的内容通过 OA 库提供开放获取。(不幸的是,绿色 OA 与在大部分非 OA 期刊上刊发文章的兼容性仍是学术出版界小心保守着的秘密。) 最有用的 OA 库遵循 Open Archives Initiative ( OAI ) 协议进行元数据采集,使得文献可以协同使用。实际上,这意味着用户可以在依 OAI 建立的存档中找到某项文献,而无需知道存在哪些存档,位于哪里,或他们分别包含了什么。( OA 与 OAI 看起来是很容易混淆误解的,但他们是分立的,不同的,尽管有些部分重合的。) 世界上的每所大学都应该有自己的开放获取政策,依 OAI 协议建立的库,以及鼓励或者要求职员在库中存储研究成果的政策。 越来越多的学校 也正是如此做的。 我们有理由相信 OA 库在经济上是可以维持的,因为他们并 不昂贵 。有许多 免费或者开源的软件系统 可用来建立及维护 OA 库。储存新文献 很快 ,并可以由作者自己完成,而不是存档的管理者。很多情况下, OA 库对于研究机构是有益的,因为 OA 库可以提高文献,作者以及该机构的可见度及影响力。 世界领先的 OA 库列表有两个: Directory of Open Access XE "Open Access: 开放获取 " \y "OA:OA" Repositories (OpenDOAR) 以及 Registry of Open Access XE "Open Access: 开放获取 " \y "OA:OA" Repositories (ROAR) 。 关于 OA 库的新闻,可以在 OA 跟踪项目 网站上关注 oa.repositories 及 oa.green 标签。 OA 项目是建设性的,而非破坏性的。 OA 运动的目的是为越来越多的文献建立开放获取,而不是消灭非 OA 期刊或出版者。运动的结果也许会是兼具建设性和破坏性的(这并不一定),但运动的目的绝不是如此。 尽管自从 80 年代中期以来, 期刊的价格上涨比通胀快了四倍 , OA 的目的并不是去惩罚或者危害那些昂贵的刊物,而是提供另一种获取的选择,并充分利用新科技(互联网)来扩大分发范围及降低成本。更重要的是,对于研究者而言,最重要的动力并不是来解决期刊价格上涨所引发的危机,而是为了更广泛更容易地向读者传递研究结果,并提高自身影响力。 出版商并不是一个整体。有些已经提供全部内容的 OA ,有些提供混合模式的 OA ,有些正在尝试,有些在考虑进行尝试。在那些还没有提供 OA 的出版商中,有些是反对的,有些则只是还没有被说服。在未被说服的出版商中,有些又比另一些提供了更多的免费线上内容。在反对者中,有些只是决定自己不提供 OA ,另一些则积极游说反对那些鼓励 OA 的政策。有些出版商支持金色 OA 而非绿色 OA ,有些则反之。 OA 如果混淆了出版商之间的这些差别,不仅无益,更会失去潜在的盟友。 提倡 OA 并不需要抵制任何形式的文献,期刊或者出版商。提倡 OA 不需要出版商退让,同时出版商的退让并不能推动 OA 发展。抵制非 OA 期刊或出版商显然 误解了 OA 运动的目标 。开放获取和付费访问的文献可以并存。我们确信这点因为现在他们就是共存的。我们不知道这种情况会是 短暂的还是永久的 ,要想知道答案,最有效和最有建设性的做法就是为 OA 工作,同时观察非 OA 提供者的反应,而不是绕过建设 OA 的目标去伤害那些没有提供帮助的人。 开放获取不是普遍接入的同义词。 就算已经做到 OA ,仍然至少有四种接入障碍存在: 过滤及审查障碍。很多学校,雇主以及政府想要对内容加以限制。 语言障碍。大部分在线文献是英语中,或者只有一种语言,机器翻译仍然薄弱。 残疾障碍。大部分网站对于残障者仍然无法使用。 连通障碍。数字鸿沟仍隔开了数以亿计的人们,包括了上百万离线的严肃派学者。 即使我们想要消除这四种额外的障碍(大多数人也正在努力),这并不妨碍在成功之前使用“开放获取”这一名词。消除价格和许可权障碍也是有重要意义的一步,应该有一个特别的名称来标明。 OA 是某种访问形式,而不是指商业模式,许可或者内容的类型。 OA 不是一种商业模式。 很多种商业模式 是兼容开放获取的,就像作者可以有很多种方式付费访问内容,不同的只是现在收费为零而已。在某些领域或国家运行良好的模式也许到了其他地方不再适用。没有一种方式是普适的。 不同学科间对于 OA 的资助存在 很大差别 。我们不能指望 OA 在各个领域都能同步前进,正如我们不能指望 OA 在所有国家获得同样的进展一样。大部分的进展与争论都集中于 STM 领域(科学,技术及医疗),但 OA 对于 人文社科 也是可行的,有益的。 新的 OA 模式不断 进化 出来,原有的模式在不断实践与修正。如何维持经同行评议的 OA 期刊或者通用的 OA 库,其中存在很大的创造空间,我们仍有足够的智慧和想象力去做到这点。 OA 不是一种许可类型。有很多许可兼容 OA ,比如有很多种方式来消除用户的许可障碍,让他们知道对于内容可以做些什么,不能做些什么。请参阅前文关于 许可障碍 及 授权 的说明。 OA 不是一种内容。每种数字化内容都可以成为 OA 的,从软件,音频,视频及多媒体的文本到数据都可以。 OA 运动注重于经同行评议的研究论文及预印本。尽管大部分只是文本,越来越多的论文包括了图片,数据或者可执行的代码。 OA 也可以适用于非学术性的内容,比如音乐,电影,小说,虽然这并非大部分 OA 推动者的主要目标。 OA 为大多数团体的利益服务。 作者: OA 提供了比任何一个基于订阅的期刊更广泛的全球读者群,不论名望高低或热门程度,明显地 提高了研究成果的可见性和影响力 。 读者 :OA 使他们可以无障碍地访问研究所需文献,而不需受到所在图书馆经费的限制。 OA 增强了读者的获取及检索能力。 OA 也可以为他们无障碍地提供科研所需软件。免费的线上文献可以为多种软件提供免费的网上数据,这些软件能帮助科研人员进行全文检索,索引,挖掘,汇总,翻译,查询,链接,推荐,提醒,集成以及其他处理分析。 教师和学生: OA 在关键资源的获取上对于穷人和富人是平等的,同时它消除了内容复制和分发的障碍。 图书馆: OA 解决了学术期刊的 价格危机 ,也解决了我称之为“ 授权危机 ”的问题。 OA 同时还以间接的方式服务于图书馆。图书馆员需要帮助用户找到需要的信息,由预算控制、规模有限的馆藏文献库不再是需要考虑的困难。图书馆员可以帮助教员增加读者及影响,亦帮助大学提升其学术工作。 大学: OA 增加了教员及研究工作的可见性,降低了在期刊上的花费,推动了知识共享。 期刊和出版者: OA 使他们的文献更具可见性,可发现性,可获取性,更有帮助。如果期刊是 OA 的,那么他就可以利用其优秀的可见性 吸引投稿 和广告,当然还有读者和 引用 。如果是基于订阅的期刊能提供部分内容进行 OA (每期推荐文章,特定时段以前的文章,等等),同样可以增加可见性,并以此获取 订阅 之外的更多收获。如果期刊通过刊本存档来提供 OA ,那对于作者,它会比那些不提供刊本存档 OA 的更有吸引力。当然基于订阅的期刊和他们的出版者往往不这样认为,他们拒绝或反对 OA 。但如果认为他们的兴趣只是反对 OA 的话,似乎又把问题看得过于简单了。 资助机构: OA 提升了研究领域的投资回报,受资助的研究项目所产生的成果得以更广泛地传播,更容易被发现,更易获取,更有用。当资助机构支出公众基金时, OA 从另一个方面来提供帮助,可使得资助项目的成果能公平地被纳税人或公众获取。 政府:作为研究工作的资助者,政府正如资助机构一样从 OA 中受益(如上)。 OA 也可以通过对非保密性政府信息的分享而提升民主程度。 公民: OA 使他们可以访问经同行评议的研究成果,这些内容通常不会出现在公共图书馆中; OA 使他们可以访问那些他们已经以税收形式付过费用的研究成果。即使那些对于亲自阅读文献没有兴趣的人也能间接获益,因为研究者将会直接获益。 OA 能加速的不仅是研究过程,更是技术转化的过程。新药,新技术,新的方法,以及更明智的决策将让每个人获益。 OA 的历史: 学术期刊不支付作者稿酬,从第一本期刊于 1665 年在伦敦和巴黎印发以来就一直没有过。(参见 See Jean-Claude Guédon 的 Oldenburg's Long Shadow . ) 期刊比书籍更有时效性。期刊相比书籍而言,读者可以从他人最近的工作中快速学习。对于作者而言,期刊可以让他们更快地在世界范围内分享新成果,建立同领域的首发地位。期刊可使成果快速发表,并带有时间标记,作者将从中获益。正因为作者从此种无形的方式中得到回报,所以他们也乐意接受期刊无需支付稿酬这一事实。久而久之,期刊收入增长了,但作者仍然保持了“为影响力写作,而非报酬”的传统。 OA 在印刷时代是无法做到的,不论是物质上或是经济上,即使版权所有者希望如此。定价不仅是纸本刊物无法避免的,在上世纪 70 年代前也是可以支付的,之后价格开始比通胀更快速地上升。 1986 年后,期刊订阅价格的上升 四倍于同期通胀水平 。巧的是,在期刊价格将要变得无法承受时,互联网 出现 了,提供了另一种选择。 责备出版商极高的定价或是图书馆预算的不足,都不重要。对于出版商,责备他们的贪婪或是市场的驱使(由于成本上升或新服务的推出)也不重要。责备是不相关的,也将分散我们的注意力。出版物的数量是指数增长的,而且总是比图书馆的预算上升更快。因此, OA 才能 跟上出版物的增长 ,而付费方式是无法做到的。 即使富裕的研究机构 也早就无法支付所有科研文献的费用了。付费访问的方式跟不上出版物持续,爆炸式的增长,即使价格降低并始终保持低价。 价格危机本身只是推动 OA 的一个因素。学者们即使不是为了免除难以承担的访问费用,他们也会转向 OA ,以利用互联网这一有力的新技术来在全球范围内即时分享研究成果,无需成本,以数字化的方式,不受限制地进行加工处理。 如需 OA 历史概述,请参阅 OAD 上关于 OA 运动的 时序图 。 延伸阅读 Alliance for Taxpayer Access . From SPARC. Create Change . From ARL, ACRL, and SPARC. Creating an Information Commons Through Open Access . My longer, slower introduction to OA. Enabling Open Scholarship (EOS). From a group of European research institutions led by the University de Lige. (Mis)Leading Open Access Myths . From BioMed Central. Open Access Directory (OAD). A wiki I co-founded with Robin Peek in April 2008. Some key OAD lists: Bibliography of Open Access . Blogs about OA . Declarations in support of OA . Discussion forums devoted to OA issues . Events . Conferences and workshops related to OA. Events celebrating Open Access Week . OA by the numbers . Timeline of the OA movement . Open Access Scholarly Information Sourcebook (OASIS). From Leslie Chan and Alma Swan. Open Access Tracking Project (OATP). A real-time alert service I launched in April 2009. What you can do to promote open access . My old list, in need of updating. 这只是一个非常精简的列表。如需更多,请浏览我的 博客存档 (2002-2010) , 新闻邮件存档 (2001 至今 ) 。或者同时在这两者以及我的其他 关于 OA 的文章 中搜索: 窗体顶端 窗体底端 2004 年 6 月 21 日首次置于网络,最后一次修订于 2010 年 11 月 6 日。 Peter Suber Berkman Fellow, Harvard University Senior Researcher, SPARC Research Professor of Philosophy, Earlham College Open Access XE "Open Access: 开放获取 " \y "OA:OA" Project Director, Public Knowledge peter.suber@gmail.com 本文亦有斯洛文尼亚版本( 2005 年 7 月)。本人欢迎其他语种的译文。 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 United States License. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/us/
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半日之师,终生受益记Peter de Chatel教授
热度 25 张志东 2011-12-24 10:01
半日之师,终生受益记Peter de Chatel教授
Peter de Chtel 教授是计算材料学、磁学和磁性材料界的国际著名学者。 1966 年 美国 Illinois 大学 Urbana 分校 获得硕士学位 , 1968 年匈牙利 Etvs 大学 获得博士学位。 1980 年为荷兰阿姆斯特丹大学教授。先后担任比利时 Catholic University of Leuven 、澳大利亚 Monash University 、美国 New Mexico State University 、美国 University of Michigan 等大学 访问教授。他还长期担任荷兰 Elsevier Science B.V. 出版社负责物理学科刊物的高级出版编辑 职务。 de Chtel 教授 在固体的晶格缺陷、无序合金的电子结构、合金和化合物的结合力、磁性氧化物、磁性的能带理论、自旋波动、永磁材料及磁性各向异性、磁性纳米颗粒和磁流体、超导电性和涡旋态等理论和实验的研究方面取得一系列创新成果,在 Phys. Rev. B 等国际刊物发表 70 余篇高质量的研究论文。特别是有关合金和化合物的结合力的半经验模型、过渡金属化合物的形成焓的两篇文章是材料计算学方面的经典之作, SCI 单篇引用分别达到 919 和 709 次。 de Chtel 教授具有很强的物理基础和丰富的教学经验,先后在十余所大学讲授电磁学、现代物理、量子力学、固体物理、玻璃和非晶、 合金和化合物的结合力和结构、磁性和磁性材料、超导等课程。 de Chtel 教授与庄育智先生是阿姆斯特丹大学与中国几所研究所和大学之间的中荷科技合作计划的创始人 。他们于 1981 年在日本召开的国际会议上确定了 阿姆斯特丹大学和金属所的合作关系。通过合作计划阿姆斯特丹大学 为金属所合作培养了 10 余名博士,我也是这个 合作计划合作培养的 博士。 de Chtel 教授自 1982 年先后多次访问金属所,给学生做学术报告、系列讲座和 《磁性材料中的磁性》、《凝聚态物质中的磁性》等 课程, 为 SYNL 磁性材料与磁学研究部的发展做出了杰出的贡献。获得金属研究所颁发的李薰研究奖。 Peter 是我的老朋友。 Peter 风趣幽默 , 见多识广 , 常常于细微之处闪现出睿智的火花。我从与 Peter 的合作和交往中收益匪浅,学会了如何做理论研究工作以及如何做一个科学家。下面我回顾一下我终生难忘的与 Peter 的第一次亲密接触。 由于我 1987-1988 年在 阿姆斯特丹大学合作培养期间主要是做实验研究工作,所以这期间 我 和 Peter 没有正式地打过交道。对我来讲,与 Peter 的相识是一生之中最重要的时刻之一。这个重要时刻发生在 1992 年我短期访问阿姆斯特丹大学期间。当时,我的兴趣是用分子场理论研究双亚点阵系统的自旋的排列组态和磁化过程。我在前期工作的基础上,根据赵志刚、 de Chtel 教授等人推导出来的双亚点阵系统在磁场下发生组态变化的临界磁场条件,向零磁场外推,得到了在无磁场条件下这个系统的自旋组态的相图。由于这个系统的参量有三个:两个点阵的各向异性常数、两个点阵之间的相互作用常数。我画了一些参数条件下零磁场的自旋组态相图,很快就写成了一篇论文。当我拿着论文与 de Boer 教授讨论时,他建议我去和 Peter de Chtel 教授讨论。这个建议导致了我终生难忘的一幕。 在看完我的论文后, Peter 先逐个地向我了解论文后面引用的文献。在了解到其中有几篇发表在不常见的东欧刊物上的论文是我从其它论文中转引的之后,他亲自领着我下到图书馆查找到这几篇文献,看完文献后确认与本文主题无关,可以不引用。然后, Peter 就坐下来,开始推导我获得的相图的条件。他完全是用另外一个方案,从问题的源头出发进行计算。首先写下双亚点阵系统自由能的表达式,包括两个点阵的各向异性能和相互作用能。然后对能量求第一阶导数求极值条件,求第二阶导数判断极大或极小,从而也获得了零磁场自旋组态的相图。他的结果与我获得的结果一致。我非常满意,以为这个工作到此为止可以圆满地结束了。接下去发生的事情完全出乎我的意料。 Peter 没有就此罢手,他继续尝试求解两个点阵的磁矩的夹角 随各向异性常数和相互作用常数的变化。由于存在三个变量,比较复杂,他采取约化变量的方法,将一个点阵的各向异性常数和相互作用常数除以另外一个点阵的各向异性常数,获得两个约化变量 x 和 y 。将问题简化为含有这两个约化变量以及两个角度( ,一个点阵的磁矩与晶体 c 轴的夹角 )的方程组。下面的问题就是,固定约化变量 x 和 y 不变,从方程组求解出两个角度 和 。按照我当时的能力,我是从来都不敢想能够求解出这个方程组的。因为这是含有 sin 和 sin2( + ) 的方程组。剩下的几十分钟,我就默默地坐在 Peter 身边,看他不断地在纸上推导,利用三角公式,开方,。。。折腾来,折腾去,就这么来回折腾,终于得到了两个点阵磁矩间的夹角 的解析表达式,结果是相当地简单和优雅!这样,改变约化变量 x 和 y 可以画出一个美丽的立体的磁矩间夹角 与两个约化变量(表示各向异性和相互作用)的变化关系的相图。然后, Peter 将论文整个重写。 所有的这一切均发生在一个下午。 Peter 不但向我演示了一些理论计算的技巧,还使我明白了许多道理: 1 )同一个结果可以用不同的途径获得以及表述,最好是从源头做起,从而显示出正统的训练和优雅品格。 2 )引用文献要亲自阅读,不能人云亦云,要对文献做到心中有数。 3 )可以通过约化变量的方法将复杂问题简化。。。。最关键的是,从这一刻起,我明白了一个道理:大自然的解是美丽的,它是自然而然地存在在那里的,静静地等待能够发现它的人来发现它。无论问题是多么的复杂,只要你坚持不懈地努力,不断地提高自己的技能,总有一天你能够成功地揭示大自然的奥秘! 可以说, Peter 是我没有正式拜师的恩师。一个下午特殊经历深深地影响了我后来的科研价值取向和发展方向。 半日之师,终生受益。 1990年代中期Peter de Chtel 教授给金属所的学生上课 1990年代中期Peter de Chtel 教授与金属所的学生讨论问题 附件为那篇论文的抽印本, 求解的方程组为论文中(3.2)和(3.3), 获得的解是(3.12), 自旋相图以及两个点阵自旋夹角的变化分别见论文中图1和2. ZDZhang95.pdf
个人分类: 师友|11168 次阅读|53 个评论
热度 2 BMK 2011-12-12 01:19
我规定自己每天至少要做一件有意义的事,今天是和小女儿伊嘉一起上英语课。伊嘉上小学时学过英语口语,通过了“三一口语”七级,九级虽然没过,有原因,从水平来说,公认比其他通过的考生不差。(三一口语是英国剑桥大学三一学院与中国官方合作的一个英语口语评级标准,北京一些英语补习学校的广告上,常有“本校老师大多具有三一口语九级证书”的字样,以为招徕)为了让她英语口语不退步,这个学期,她妈妈办了一个口语班。这个班每周日上三个小时课,来自苏格兰的留学生Peter当老师,六个正式学生,家长可以旁听。旁听的家长一般有两个,连我在内。除了外出开会等特殊原因,我坚持旁听这个课程,我习惯睡一会儿午觉,这个班是下午的课,所以一般少听一个小时。今天改为上午的课,就三个小时全上了。 这个班用的教材是《剑桥国际英语教程》第三版=Interchange(Third Edition),这是版权页的正式标注。这本书每课有一个主题,今天讲第七课The world we live in(我不会用斜体字,先加个单引号吧)主题是环境保护(包括污染及其对策)。伊嘉的英语口语比同学们要高许多(大概相当于外语大学英语专业三年级的水平,Peter甚至说她比央视四套的主播们不差,我觉得这个判断中有点太偏重语音),性情又像我,好动,所以听课时会有懒散的时候。严重时,我会轻轻哼一声,作为提醒,今天只哼了一次。 Peter真是个好老师,有水平,又十分敬业。他讲课能紧紧扣住教材,同时还提供给学生不少相关知识。他讲语法不像中国老师,多用案例,不大讲特讲理论,但理论尽在其中。每次上课,必上满点甚至满分,课时从不缺斤短两。讲课时,精神抖擞,生动有趣,差不多可以赶上我了。 Peter是全英语教学,不说一句中国话,我上课不预习,所以,开始时往往有听不太懂的地方,上半堂以后就好多了。上课时,我一边听,一边查课本的生词表,比较生的词汇或词组,我会抄一两遍,以加深印象。抄写到political unrest的时候,看到中文解释是“政治动乱”,我想到往事,心有所动。猜想网管会不会因为这个敏感词将本文放入回收站,不觉有悲凉之感。
3382 次阅读|4 个评论
[转载]英国古植物学的传承(6): 名家Sir Peter Crane
livingfossil 2010-12-31 08:06
《古植物学的故事》(91 ) 英国古植物学的传承(6): 名家Sir Peter Crane教授 孙启高 2010年12月30日星期四 著名古植物学家Sir Peter Crane(1954---)师从William Gilbert Chaloner 教授(1928--)。1981年,Peter Crane毕业于英国雷丁大学(The University of Reading)植物系获得博士学位。1981--1982年Peter Crane到美国印地安那大学跟随著名古植物学家David Dilcher教授(1936----)从事博士后研究。 1982---1999年Peter Crane在芝加哥Field自然历史博物馆连续工作了18年,其间于1995年被任命为该馆馆长。 1999---2006年Peter Crane被任命为英国皇家植物园邱园主任。 2006年9月---2009年8月Peter Crane任芝加哥大学地球物理系教授(The John and Marion Sullivan University Professor)。自2009年9月起,Peter Crane担任耶鲁大学林业与环境研究学院院长。 1998年5月14日Peter Crane当选为英国皇家学会院士,2001年被遴选为美国科学院外籍院士,他还是其他多个科学院的院士或外籍院士(如瑞典皇家科学院、德国科学院)。 近10几年来,Sir Peter Crane教授与中国有关学术机构和研究人员具有重要交流和合作。关于Sir Peter Crane教授的学术经历和成就,请参见: http://environment.yale.edu/profile/crane CV of Professor Peter Crane ---------------------------- Peter Crane http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Crane Sir Peter Crane, FRS (born 18 July 1954) is a former Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew , London . He is a fellow of the Royal Society , a foreign associate of the United States National Academy of Sciences and a foreign member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences since 2002. He was awarded a knighthood on 12 June 2004. Crane is an alumnus of the University of Reading . His own research interests involve the integration of studies of living and fossil plants, in order to understand large-scale patterns and processes of plant evolution. He has previously held positions at the Field Museum of Natural History in Chicago (as assistant curator in the Department of Geology, and director with overall responsibility for scientific programs) and at the University of Chicago (professor in the Department of the Geophysical Sciences). In November 2005, Sir Peter announced that he would resign his position at Kew to accept a faculty appointment in the University of Chicago s Department of Geophysical Sciences beginning July 1, 2006. On March 4, 2009, it was announced Crane would leave the University of Chicago to become the new dean of the Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies at Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut , succeeding James Speth . His appointment is effective September 2009. Peter Crane is married with two children. References ^ Yale Daily News : FES unearths new dean Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Director - Professor Sir Peter Crane FRS . Retrieved October 4, 2005.
个人分类: 古植物学的故事-Story of Palaeobotany Ser ...|3913 次阅读|0 个评论
MIT经济学家Peter Diamond 赢得2010诺贝尔经济学奖
毛宁波 2010-10-12 23:14
据MIT新闻办公室报道,MIT经济学家Peter Diamond 与西北大学的Dale T. Mortensen 和伦敦经济学校的Christopher A. Pissarides共同赢得2010诺贝尔经济学奖。1963年Diamond在MIT获得博士学位。他的导师Robert M. Solow 1987也获得过诺贝尔经济学奖。Diamond毕业于Yele大学,进入MIT数学研究生学习后,转入攻读经济学博士学位。 Diamond是MIT经济学获得诺贝尔奖的第四人 另外3人是Paul A. Samuelson (1970), Franco Modigliani (1985) and Solow.还有8位在MIT获得博士学位的校友获得过诺贝尔经济学奖,他们是 George Akerlof PhD 66; Robert Aumann Phd 55 (in mathematics); Lawrence Klein PhD 44; Paul Krugman PhD 77; Robert Merton PhD 69; Robert Mundell PhD 56; Joseph Stiglitz PhD 66; and Oliver Williamson 55。.还有4位曾经在MIT任教过的教授获得过诺贝尔经济学奖,他们是: Robert Engle, Eric Maskin, Daniel McFadden and John Nash。 In an initial announcement Monday morning , the Nobel Foundation cited the three scholars in part for their analysis of markets with search frictions. Among many other avenues of research he has pursued in his career, Diamond helped develop studies from the late 1970s onward that examined the ways markets function over a period of time. This aspect of economic research search theory has been frequently applied to labor markets in the years since, in an attempt to see how the needs of individuals and employers are met. Diamond received his PhD from MIT in 1963 (his thesis adviser, Robert M. Solow, also won the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences, in 1987). He returned to the Institute in 1966 and has remained a member of its faculty ever since. I am delighted and elated, Diamond told MIT News in a phone call Monday morning. He found out the news while bring driven home from the Boston airport an hour earlier by his wife and one of his two sons, having arrived on an overnight flight from San Francisco, the last leg of a long journey from New Zealand. Fortunately, I was sitting down, and I wasnt behind the wheel, Diamond joked in a press conference on the MIT campus Monday. Remarkably broad range of research MIT President Susan Hockfield heralded Diamonds accomplishments in introductory remarks at the press conference. As a professional economist, Peter has embraced the role of public citizen, conducting highly influential research over five decades on a remarkably diverse range of subjects, she said. In addition to his work on markets, Diamonds career has covered topics from public finance to taxation, Social Security, labor markets and behavior economics. By his own account, his career has had several phases. I think of myself as finding something interesting and important to work on, and working on it until, if youll excuse my economists expression, diminishing returns sets it, he said at the press conference. Then I look for some other area where I have the possibility of working something out that would be useful. Diamonds work modeling the uncertainties and imperfections (or frictions) of markets has been used in many ways, but his co-winners this year, Mortensen and Pissarides, are among the many economists who have applied it to labor markets, to see how individuals and prospective employers search for matches to their own needs. The aim of his studies of markets, Diamond said, was to pay much closer attention to how the economy plays out in real time than in the simplest abstractions of how markets work. In the labor market, it takes time for workers to find suitable jobs, it takes time for employees to find suitable workers, and that dynamic has a feedback into how wages are determined and how efficient the economy is. This subject, Diamond noted, is particularly relevant in the current economic situation. Its very important that people get back to work, because if theyre out of work too long, it breaks the connection to the labor market, and the economy functions more poorly thereafter, he said at his press conference. Diamonds fellow economists at MIT were delighted about his selection. It shows that sometimes the good guys do win, said a beaming Solow after Diamonds press conference, where he was one of many MIT economists who arrived on very short notice to attend the event. This is great day not only for Peter but for economics, and our department in particular, said Ricardo Caballero, the head of MITs Department of Economics. Peter is an economists economist. He was awarded the Nobel for his seminal work on search theory, the theory of the frictions and incentives involved in the process of matching, but he could have won it for his work on public debt and the overlapping generations model, or on optimal taxation with private information. One paper Diamond wrote in the 1960s, National Debt in a Neoclassical Growth Model, became a widely used model of public debt. In the early 1970s, Diamond published widely influential work on taxation, including a pair of 1971 papers on Optimal Taxation and Public Production, co-written with economist James Mirrlees that outlined what kind of tax regime leads to the highest production efficiency available in an economy. The research is part of a body of work that led to Mirrlees being awarded a 1996 Nobel Prize in economics. By the late 1970s, Diamond had begun long-running research into Social Security, when he first served on a government panel analyzing the topic. Since then Diamond has written many papers on social insurance and co-authored a 2005 book, Saving Social Security: A Balanced Approach , with Peter Orszag, the Obama administrations first director of the Office of Management and Budget. In Diamonds analysis, Social Security is hardly rushing toward imminent insolvency, but will likely need some increased taxes and some reduced benefits to maintain stability a few decades down the road. Diamond also refers to himself as a card-carrying behavioral economist and edited a recent book on the subject. The economy, the Fed and policy This spring, Diamond was nominated by President Barack Obama to serve on the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, the central bank of the United States. The nomination is still pending confirmation by the full U.S. Senate. At his press conference this morning, Diamond reaffirmed his interest in serving as a Fed governor, and in response to media questions, allowed himself a few comments on the current economic situation. Diamond believes the current unemployment rate more than 9 percent is not necessarily due to long-term structural shifts in the economy, as some observers have suggested. To discover that something is indeed structural would take time, Diamond said. I dont think that, with suitable macro policies, theres any reason to think that in time we wont go back to more normal levels of employment when the economy is doing well. Many of the policy actions of the current government, Diamond believes, have helped prevent a worse downturn. Were fortunate the Fed and the Treasury acted so dramatically to prevent our sliding into something as bad as the Great Depression, he said. The bailout of the large banks, as unpleasant as it is in contemplating, was absolutely essential for getting the economy going. The economic stimulus package of 2009, he said, has also helped reduce unemployment levels. Still, Diamond added, there are limits to the extent of necessary policy intervention. Im a believer in markets, Im a believer in capitalism, he said. I think the economy is very adaptive. Workers and employers adapt to what will work to help the economy function. A math student turns to economics After receiving his undergraduate degree from Yale, Diamond entered MIT as a graduate student in mathematics. He decided to switch to economics and completed his PhD thesis under the supervision of Solow. After beginning his teaching career at the University of California, Berkeley, Diamond returned to the MIT faculty in 1966 and has remained at the Institute ever since. He was promoted to full professor in 1970, and was named Institute Professor the highest honor awarded by MIT's faculty and administration in 1997. The MIT economics department has just been a perfect place for me, said Diamond. I stayed around because I couldnt imagine a better job. Diamond is held in high regard by other colleagues on campus. Of course Peter is an incredibly distinguished economist, said Deborah Fitzgerald, Kenan Sahin Dean of MITs School of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences. But people should know hes a dedicated member of the MIT community who has often worked behind the scenes to make this a better place. Diamond served on the Institute-wide search committee that selected Hockfield, and has lent his expertise to committees analyzing topics such as the Institutes employee retirement plan. Diamond has received numerous awards and honors, including Guggenheim and Fulbright fellowships. He is a fellow of the National Academy of Arts and Sciences, and a member of the National Academy of Sciences. Diamond has been a visiting scholar at Cambridge University, Oxford University and Harvard University, among other institutions. Diamond has served as chair of MITs Department of Economics, and had a term as president of the American Economic Association in 2003. Diamond is the fourth person to win the Nobel while a member of MITs Department of Economics. The others are Paul A. Samuelson (1970), Franco Modigliani (1985) and Solow. Eight other scholars have won the Nobel Prize in Economics having received a degree from MIT, six of whom have received doctorates from MITs Department of Economics: George Akerlof PhD 66; Robert Aumann Phd 55 (in mathematics); Lawrence Klein PhD 44; Paul Krugman PhD 77; Robert Merton PhD 69; Robert Mundell PhD 56; Joseph Stiglitz PhD 66; and Oliver Williamson 55. An additional four people have gone on to win the Nobel in economics having previously taught at MIT: Robert Engle, Eric Maskin, Daniel McFadden and John Nash. http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2010/nobel-diamond.html
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呼吸病学家Peter Barnes的学术成就
xupeiyang 2010-8-7 13:13
科研生涯与学术成就: Peter Barnes Department of Thoracic Medicine, Imperial College School of Medicine, UK http://f1000medicine.com/member/1657146821606700 http://www1.imperial.ac.uk/medicine/people/p.j.barnes/ 主要论著与被引用情况: Nuclear factor-{kappa} B--a pivotal transcription factor in chronic inflammatory diseases endo.gr PJ Barnes , M Karin - The New England journal of medicine, 1997 - endo.gr What causes these diseases is still a mystery, but the disease process results from an interplay of genetic and environmental factors. Genes, such as those for atopy in asthma and for HLA antigens in rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease, may determine a patient's ... Cited by 2851 - Related articles - Cached - BL Direct - All 7 versions Anti-inflammatory actions of steroids: molecular mechanisms portlandpress.com PJ Barnes , I Adcock, M Spedding, PM - Trends in pharmacological , 1993 - Elsevier Glucocorticosteroids are highly effective in controlling inflammation and the molecular mechanisms involved are now becoming clear. Activation of glucocorticoid receptors results in increased or decreased transcription of a number of genes involved in the inflammatory process. Of ... Cited by 1164 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 17 versions Effect of inhaled formoterol and budesonide on exacerbations of asthma nejm.org , AE Tattersfield, P O'Byrne, PJ Barnes , A - England Journal of , 1997 - content.nejm.org Methods After a four-week run-in period of treatment with budesonide (800 g twice daily), 852 patients being treated with glucocorticoids were randomly assigned to one of four treatments given twice daily by means of a dry-powder inhaler (Turbuhaler): 100 g of budesonide ... Cited by 1051 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 14 versions Effects of an interleukin-5 blocking monoclonal antibody on eosinophils, airway hyper-responsiveness, and the late asthmatic response , TT Hansel, ST Holgate, PJ Sterk, PJ Barnes - The Lancet, 2000 - Elsevier Monoclonal antibody against IL-5 lowered the mean blood eosinophil count at day 29 from 025x10 9 /L (95% CI 016-034) in the placebo group to 004x10 9 /L (000-007) in the 10 mg/kg group (p00001), and prevented the blood eosinophilia that follows allergen ... Cited by 947 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 9 versions Global strategy for the diagnosis, management, and prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: GOLD executive summary S Hurd, A Anzueto, PJ Barnes , SA Buist, P - American journal of , 2007 - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) remains a major public health problem. It is the fourth leading cause of chronic morbidity and mortality in the United States, and is projected to rank fifth in 2020 in burden of disease worldwide, according to a study published by the ... Cited by 917 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 26 versions Inflammatory mediators of asthma: an update aspetjournals.org PJ Barnes , KF Chung, CP Page - Pharmacological reviews, 1998 - ASPET Asthma is a complex chronic inflammatory disease of the airways that involves the activation of many inflammatory and structural cells, all of which release inflammatory mediators that result in the typical pathophysiological changes of asthma ( Barnes , 1996a) (table1). By ... Cited by 791 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions Efficacy and safety of inhaled corticosteroids. New developments atsjournals.org PJ BARNES , S PEDERSEN, WW - American journal of , 1998 - Am Thoracic Soc Inhaled corticosteroids have revolutionized the treatment of asthma and have now become the mainstay of therapy for patients with chronic disease (1). In a supplement to this journal published 5 yr ago the currently available data on efficacy and safety of inhaled corticosteroids was ... Cited by 565 - Related articles - All 7 versions Inhaled glucocorticoids for asthma nejm.org PJ Barnes - New England Journal of Medicine, 1995 - content.nejm.org Glucocorticoids may have direct inhibitory effects on many of the cells involved in airway inflammation in asthma, including macrophages, T-lymphocytes, eosinophils, and airway epithelial cells. 3 In culture, the drugs decrease cytokine-mediated survival of eosinophils by stimulating ... Cited by 536 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions Exhaled markers of pulmonary disease atsjournals.org SA Kharitonov, PJ Barnes - journal of respiratory and critical care , 2001 - Am Thoracic Soc There has recently been an explosion of interest in the analysis of breath constituents as a way of monitoring inflammation and oxidative stress in the lungs. Here we review the use of exhaled breath analysis in the diagnosis and monitoring of lung disease. Although most studies ... Cited by 527 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions Low dose inhaled budesonide and formoterol in mild persistent asthma. The OPTIMA randomized trial atsjournals.org O'BYRNE, PJ Barnes , R Rodriguez-Roisin - American journal of , 2001 - Am Thoracic Soc The optimal treatment for mild asthma is uncertain. We assessed the effects of adding a long-acting inhaled beta-agonist, formoterol, to low doses of an inhaled corticosteroid, budesonide, for 1 yr in subjects with mild asthma, receiving no or only a small dose of ... Cited by 474 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 9 versions Effects of inhaled and oral glucocorticoids on inflammatory indices in asthma and COPD , A Jatakanon, YM Worsdell, PJ Barnes - American journal of , 1997 - Am Thoracic Soc The role of glucocorticoids in the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is controversial. We have previously described high numbers of neutrophils and high concentrations of the inflammatory cytokines interleukin-8 (IL-8) and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF- ... Cited by 436 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions Nitric oxide and asthmatic inflammation PJ Barnes , FY Liew - Immunology today, 1995 - Elsevier Asthmatic patients show an increased expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in airway epithelial cells and an increased level of nitric oxide (NO) in exhaled air. The NO derived from airway epithelial cells may be a mechanism for amplifying and perpetuating ... Cited by 393 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions Neutrophilic inflammation in severe persistent asthma Maziak, SAM Lim, KF Chung, PJ Barnes - American journal of , 1999 - Airway inflammation in severe asthma is not well characterized but may involve neutrophils. We have compared induced sputum profiles in patients with asthma of varying severity and normal control subjects. We have also measured exhaled nitric oxide (NO) as a noninvasive ... Cited by 442 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions Induction of direct antimicrobial activity through mammalian toll-like receptors , M Engele, PA Sieling, PF Barnes , M Rollinghoff, PL - Science, 2001 - sciencemag.org This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. ... . clicking here colleagues, clients, or customers by ... , you can order high-quality copies for your ... If you wish to distribute this article to others ... Permission to republish or repurpose articles or portions of articles Cited by 404 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 13 versions New concepts in the pathogenesis of bronchial hyperresponsiveness and asthma* 1 PJ Barnes - Journal of allergy and clinical immunology, 1989 - Elsevier Recent studies have suggested that inflammation may play an important role in the characteristic bronchial hyperresponsiveness and symptoms of chronic asthma. The mechanisms by which inflammatory cells, mediators, and nerves interact to produce the features of asthma are ... Cited by 367 - Related articles - All 5 versions Tuberculosis in patients with human immunodeficiency virus infection nejm.org DV Havlir, PF Barnes - New England Journal of Medicine, 1999 - content.nejm.org Tuberculosis remains an important problem in patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in the United States, with an estimated 6000 to 9000 new cases annually. 1 The case rates are extraordinarily high among indigent patients and substance abusers, and ... Cited by 348 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 9 versions Differential effects of cytolytic T cell subsets on intracellular infection , K Uyemura, S Cho, PF Barnes , JP Rosat, A Sette, MB - Science, 1997 - sciencemag.org This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. ... . clicking here colleagues, clients, or customers by ... , you can order high-quality copies for your ... If you wish to distribute this article to others ... Permission to republish or repurpose articles or portions of articles Cited by 367 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions Exhaled 8-isoprostane as an in vivo biomarker of lung oxidative stress in patients with COPD and healthy smokers atsjournals.org , SA KHARITONOV, PJ BARNES - American journal of , 2000 - Am Thoracic Soc Most of the studies linking chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) with oxidative stress are in vitro, using invasive techniques, or measuring systemic oxidative stress. The aim of this study was to quantify oxidative stress in the lungs in patients with COPD and in healthy ... Cited by 331 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions Reactive oxygen species and airway inflammation PJ Barnes - Free Radical Biology and Medicine, 1990 - Elsevier Reactive oxygen species may be generated by several inflammatory cells which participate in airway inflammation and their production may be increased in asthma. Oxygen metabolites may contribute to the epithelial damage which is characteristic of asthmatic airways and may ... Cited by 333 - Related articles - All 3 versions Effects of recombinant human interleukin-12 on eosinophils, airway hyper-responsiveness, and the late asthmatic response , JA Bock, MJ Boyce, TT Hansel, ST Holgate, PJ Barnes - The Lancet, 2000 - Elsevier IL-12 caused a significant decrease from baseline in the main peripheral blood eosinophil count 24 h after the fourth injection compared with placebo (p=00001). Sputum eosinophils were also significantly decreased 24 h after allergen challenge when treated with IL-12 compared ... Cited by 322 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 8 versions K Ito, PJ Barnes , IM Adcock - Molecular and Cellular Biology, 2000 - Am Soc Microbiol We have investigated the ability of dexamethasone to regulate interleukin-1 (IL-1 )-induced gene expression, histone acetyltransferase (HAT) and histone deacetylase (HDAC) activity. Low concentrations of dexamethasone (10 10 M) repress IL-1 -stimulated granulocyte-macrophage colony- ... Cited by 345 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions Increased 8-isoprostane, a marker of oxidative stress, in exhaled condensate of asthma patients , J Nightingale, SA Kharitonov, PJ Barnes - American journal of , 1999 - Oxidative stress has an important role in the pathogenesis of asthma. 8-Isoprostane is a prostaglandin (PG)-F 2 -like compound belonging to the F 2 isoprostane class that is produced in vivo by the free radical-catalyzed peroxidation of arachidonic acid. 8-Isoprostane is a biomarker of ... Cited by 307 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions Evidence for Involvement of NF- B in the Transcriptional Control of COX-2 Gene Expression by IL-1 * 1 Kuitert, M Bergmann, IM Adcock, PJ Barnes - Biochemical and , 1997 - Elsevier The cyclooxygenase (COX) isoforms COX-1 and COX-2 convert arachidonic acid to prostaglandin (PG) precursors and are a limiting step in PG production. Interleukin-1 (IL-1) treatment of type II A549 cells increases PGE 2 synthesis via transcription- and translation-dependent ... Cited by 276 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions Nitric oxide is the endogenous neurotransmitter of bronchodilator nerves in humans Belvisi, C David Stretton, M Yacoub, PJ Barnes - European journal of , 1992 - Elsevier European Journal of Pharmacology, 210 (1992) 221-222 C 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers BV All rights reserved 0014-2999/92/$05.00 EJP 03328 Rapid communication Nitric oxide is the endogenous neurotransmitter of bronchodilator nerves in humans Maria G. Belvisi, C. ... Cited by 262 - Related articles - All 4 versions Nitric oxide and lung disease. bmj.com PJ Barnes , MG Belvisi - Thorax, 1993 - thorax.bmj.com Even five years ago few could have realised that the simple gas nitric oxide (NO) would be involved in the regulation of so many physiological functions and pathophysiologi- cal processes. There has been an explosion of information about nitric oxide which appears to be involved in ... Cited by 311 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 8 versions Decreased histone deacetylase activity in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease nejm.org Hayashi, IM Adcock, JC Hogg, PJ Barnes - England Journal of , 2005 - content.nejm.org From the Airway Disease Section, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College, London (KI, MI, BC, OMK, IMA, PJB); the Chest and Allergy Clinic, St. Mary's Hospital, London (OMK); Uni- versity of British Columbia and the James Hogg iCAPTURE Center for ... Cited by 332 - Related articles - All 11 versions Increased formation of the potent oxidant peroxynitrite in the airways of asthmatic patients is associated with induction of nitric oxide synthase: effect of inhaled fasebj.org D Saleh, P Ernst, S Lim, PJ Barnes , A Giaid - The FASEB Journal, 1998 - FASEB THE AIRWAY EPITHELIUM is exposed to various exogenous and endogenous oxidants that influence its function and structure (1). Endogenous oxidants are produced by the reaction of local free radicals and intracellular reactive oxygen species, and often lead to extensive ... Cited by 303 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions Granulocyte activation markers in induced sputum: comparison between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, and normal subjects VM Keatings, PJ Barnes - journal of respiratory and critical care , 1997 - Airway inflammation is present in asthma and is thought to play a significant part in the development of airflow obstruction. In chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), neutrophilic inflammation is present in the airway lumen, whereas the submucosa displays a lymphocytic infiltrate. ... Cited by 279 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions Effect of high dose inhaled steroid on cells, cytokines, and proteases in induced sputum in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease atsjournals.org , JL MATTHEWS, PJ BARNES - American journal of , 1999 - Am Thoracic Soc Inhaled corticosteroids are widely prescribed for the treatment of stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), despite lack of proven efficacy. Because COPD involves airway inflammation and probable protease-antiprotease imbalance, we examined the effect of high dose ... Cited by 292 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions Managing change. nih.gov PC Barnes - BMJ: British Medical Journal, 1995 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov Symmetrical small joint polyarthritis, with or without large joints also being affected, is the commonest presentation. In elderly patients the start of rheumatoid arthritis may be indistinguishable from polymyalgia rheumatica. Occasionally, rheumatoid arthritis may present as a ... Cited by 250 - Related articles - All 11 versions Allergen-induced late asthmatic reactions are associated with elevation of exhaled nitric oxide , BJ O'Connor, DJ Evans, PJ Barnes - American journal of , 1995 - Am Thoracic Soc The concentration of nitric oxide (NO) is increased in the exhaled air of asthmatic patients and may reflect cytokine-mediated inflammation in the airways. We investigated whether allergen-induced inflammation causes an elevation in the level of exhaled NO. Of 25 ... Cited by 260 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions Acute and chronic effects of cigarette smoking on exhaled nitric oxide Robbins, D Yates, V Keatings, PJ Barnes - American journal of , 1995 - Cigarette smoking is associated with an increased risk of respiratory tract infections, chronic airway disease, and cardiovascular diseases, all of which may be modulated by endogenous nitric oxide (NO). We have investigated whether cigarette smoking reduces the production ... Cited by 259 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions A comparison of low-dose inhaled budesonide plus theophylline and high-dose inhaled budesonide for moderate asthma nejm.org , KF Chung, BJ O'Connor, PJ Barnes - England Journal of , 1997 - content.nejm.org Results Both treatments resulted in improvements in lung function that were sustained throughout the study. As compared with treatment with high-dose budesonide, treatment with low-dose budesonide plus theophylline resulted in greater improvements in forced vital capacity (P = 0.03) and ... Cited by 259 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions Activation and localization of transcription factor, nuclear factor-kappa B, in asthma atsjournals.org KRISHNAN, IANM ADCOCK, PJ BARNES - American journal of , 1998 - Am Thoracic Soc Asthma is associated with increased expression of inflammatory proteins including cytokines, enzymes, and adhesion molecules. Induction of many of the genes for these proteins is regulated by the transcription factor, nuclear factor- B (NF- B). We therefore examined ... Cited by 263 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions Elevated levels of exhaled nitric oxide in bronchiectasis Hansell, RB Logan-Sinclair, PJ Barnes - American journal of , 1995 - ... SA Kharitonov, AU Wells, BJ O'Connor, PJ Cole, DM Hansell, RB Logan-Sinclair and PJ Barnes Department of Thoracic Medicine, National Heart and Lung Institute, London, England. ... Home page SA KHARITONOV and PJ BARNES Exhaled Markers of Pulmonary Disease Am. ... Cited by 232 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions Mechanisms in COPD* chestpubs.org PJ Barnes - Chest, 2000 - chestjournal.chestpubs.org Although considerable progress has been made in understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms of asthma, much less attention has been paid to COPD. The inflammatory process in COPD is very different from that in asthma, with different inflammatory cells, mediators, ... Cited by 249 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions Changes in sputum eosinophils predict loss of asthma control A Jatakanon, SAM Lim, PJ Barnes - American journal of , 2000 - Exacerbations of asthma are likely to be due to an increase in airway inflammation. We have studied noninvasive markers of airway inflammation in asthma exacerbations induced by reducing the dose of inhaled corticosteroids. Following a 2-wk run-in period, mild exacerbations ... Cited by 244 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions Cytokine production induced by Mycobacterium tuberculosis lipoarabinomannan. Relationship to chemical structure PF Barnes , D Chatterjee, JS Abrams, S - The Journal of , 1992 - Am Assoc Immnol 0022-1767/92/1492-0541$02.00/0 Copyright 0 1992 by The American Association of Immunologists THE JOURNAL OF 1MMUNOLOGY ... Vol. 149, 541-547. No. 2. July 15. 1992 Printed in USA ... CYTOKINE PRODUCTION INDUCED BY Mycobacterium tuberculosis ... Cited by 250 - Related articles - All 4 versions Muscarinic receptor subtypes insubtypes in Airways PJ Barnes , P Minette, J Maclagan - Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 1988 - Elsevier Subtypes of muscarinic receptor have recently been shown to exist in the airways of several species, including humans. M 1 receptors may be present in sympathetic nerves and parasympathetic ganglia. M 2 receptors on cholinergic nerves (autoreceptors) and M 3 receptors on ... Cited by 213 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 8 versions T-cell cytokine responses in human infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis nih.gov Lin, DV Iyer, J Gong, JS Abrams, PF Barnes - Infection and , 1995 - Am Soc Microbiol MING ZHANG,1 YUANGUANG LIN,1 DINAKAR V. IYER,1 JIANHUA GONG,1 JOHN S. ABRAMS,2 AND PETER F. BARNES1* Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Medicine, University of Southern California School of Medicine, Los Angeles, California ... Cited by 228 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 9 versions
个人分类: 科技人才|4590 次阅读|3 个评论
科学家 Peter Walter(生理学)
xupeiyang 2010-7-21 09:44
科研学术生涯: http://www.hhmi.org/research/investigators/walter_bio.html http://f1000biology.com/about/biography/485380228309395 Peter Walter University of California, San Francisco, USA Head of Section: Cell Biology Membranes Sorting 研究团队与实验室: http://walterlab.ucsf.edu/Site/Home.html 发表论著与科研成果: http://walterlab.ucsf.edu/Site/Publications%202001-present.html Walter P. (2010) Walking along the Serendipitous Path of Discovery. Molecular Biology of the Cell. 21: 15-17. (pdf) Doolittle MH, Neher SB, Ben-Zeev On, Jo L-l, Gallagher CM, Hosseini M, Yin F, Wong H, Walter P, Pterfy M. (2010) Lipase Maturation Factor LMF1, membrane topology and interaction with lipase proteins in the endoplasmic reticulum. J Biological Chemistry. 284: 33623-33633. (pdf) Schuck S, Prinz WA, Thorn KS, Voss C Walter P. (2009) Membrane expansion alleviates endoplasmic reticulum stress independently of the unfolded protein response. J Cell Biology. 187: 525-536. (pdf) Hollien J, Lin JH, Li H, Stevens H, Walter P Weissman JS. (2009)Regulated Ire1-dependent decay of messenger RNAs in mammalian cells. J Cell Biology. 186: 323-331. (pdf) Bradshaw N, Neher SB, Booth DS, and Walter P. (2009) Signal sequences activate the catalytic switch of SRP RNA. Science. 323(5910): 127-130. (pdf with supplemental) Frhlich F, Moreira K, Aguilar PS, Hubner NC, Mann M, Walter P, and Walther TC. (2009) A genome-wide screen for genes affecting eisosomes reveals Nce102 function in sphingolipid signaling. J Cell Biol. 185(7): 1227-42. (pdf) (supplemental) Kornmann B, Currie E, Collins SR, Schuldiner M, Nunnari J, Weissman JS, and Walter P. (2009) An ER-Mitochondria Tethering Complex Revealed by a Synthetic Biology Screen. Science. 325: 477-481. (pdf) (supplemental) So AY, de la Fuente E, Walter P, Schuman M, and Bernales S. (2009) The unfolded protein response during prostate cancer development. Cancer Metastasis Rev. 28: 219-223. (pdf) Jonikas MC, Collins SR, Denic V, Oh E, Quan EM, Schmid V, Weibezahn J, Schwappach B, Walter P, Weissman JS, and Schuldiner M. (2009) Comprehensive characterization of genes required for protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum. Science. 323: 1693-1697. (pdf) (supplemental) Lisbona F, Rojas-Rivera D, Thielen P, Zamorano S, Todd D, Martinon F, Glavic A, Kress C, Lin JH, Walter P, Reed JC, Glimcher LH, and Hetz C. (2009) BAX inhibitor-1 is a negative regulator of the ER stress sensor IRE1alpha. Mol Cell. 33: 679-691. (pdf) Aragon T, van Anken E, Pincus D, Serafimova IM, Korennykh AV, Rubio CA, and Walter P. (2008) Messenger RNA targeting to endoplasmic reticulum stress signalling sites. Nature. 457: 736-740. (pdf) (supplemental 1) (supplemental 2) Korennykh AV, Egea PF, Korostelev AA, Finer-Moore J, Zhang C, Shokat KM, Stroud RM, and Walter P. (2008) The unfolded protein response signals through high-order assembly of Ire1. Nature. 457: 687-693. (pdf) (supplemental) Moreira KE, Walther TC, Aguilar PS, Walter P. (2008) Pil1 Controls Eisosome Biogenesis. Mol. Biol. Cell. 20: 809-818. (pdf) (supplemental) (movie) Lin JH, Li H, Zhang Y, Ron D, Walter P. (2008) Divergent Effects of PERK and IRE1 Signaling on Cell Viability. PLoS ONE. 4: e4170. (pdf) Egea PF, Tsuruta H, de Leon GP, Napetchnig J, Walter P, Stroud RM. (2008) Structures of SRP receptor from the Archaeon Pyrococcs furiosus . PLoS ONE 3(11): e3619. (pdf) Egea PF, Napetchnig J, Walter P, Stroud RM. (2008) Structures of SRP54 and SRP19, the two proteins that organize the ribonucleic core of the signal recognition particle from Pyrococcus furiosus . PLoS ONE 3(10): e3528. (pdf) Engel A, and Walter, P. (2008) Membrane lysis during biological membrane fusion: collateral damage by misregulated fusion machines. Journal of Cell Biology. 183(2): 181-186 . (pdf) Neher, S.B., Bradshaw, N., Floor, S.N., Gross, J.D., and Walter, P. (2008) SRP RNA controls a conformational switch regulating the SRP-SRP receptor interaction. Nature Structural and Molecular Biology. 15(9): 916-923 . (pdf) Raff, M., Johnson, A., and Walter, P. (2008) Painful Publishing. Science. 321: 36. (pdf) Guo, Y., Walther, T.C., Rao, M., Stuurman, N., Goshima, G., Terayama, K., Wong, J.S., Vale, R.D., Walter, P., and Farese, R.V. (2008) Functional genomic screen reveals genes involved in lipid-droplet formation and utilization. Nature. 453: 657-661 . (pdf) Walther TC, Aguilar PS, Frohlich F, Chu F, Moreira K, Burlingame AL, and Walter P. (2008) Pkh-kinases control eisosome assembly and organization. EMBO. 26: 4946-4955 . (pdf) Ron D and Walter P. (2007) Signal integration in the endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. 8: 519-529. (pdf) Bernales S, Schuck S, Walter P. (2007) ER-Phagy: Selective autophagy of the endoplasmic reticulum. Autophagy. 3: 285-287. (pdf) Lin, J.H., Walter, P., and Yen, T.S.B.(2007) Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Disease Pathogenesis. Annual Review of Pathology. 3: 399-425 . (pdf) Lin, J.H., Li, H., Yasumura, D.., Cohen, H.R., Zhang, C., Panning, B,. Shokat,K.M., LaVail, M.M., and Walter, P. (2007) IRE1 Signaling Affects Cell Fate During the Unfolded Protein Response. Science. 318: 944-949 . (pdf) Bradshaw, N. and Walter, P. (2007) The SRP RNA links conformational changes in the SRP to protein targeting. Mol Biol Cell. 18: 2728-2734 . (pdf) Reyes, C.L., Rutenber, E., Walter, P., and Stroud, R.M. (2007) X-ray Structures of the Signal Recognition Particle Receptor Reveal Targeting Cycle Intermediates. PLoS ONE. 7:e607. (pdf) Shan, S., Chandrasekar, S. and Walter, P. (2007) Conformational changes in the GTPase modules of SRP and its receptor drive initiation of protein translocation. Journal of Cell Biology. 178: 611-620. (pdf) Heiman, M., Engel, A. and Walter, P. 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(2005) On the mechanism of sensing unfolded protein in the endoplasmic reticulum. Proc Natl Acad Sciences 102: 18773-84. (pdf) Egea, P.F., Stroud, R.M., and Walter, P. (2005) Targeting proteins to membranes: structure of the signal recognition particle. Current Opinion in Structural Biology 15: 213-220. (pdf) Kaiser, S.E., Brickner, J.H., Reilein, A.R., Fenn, T.D., Walter, P. and Brunger, A.T. (2005) Structural basis of FFAT Motif-mediated ER targeting. Structure 13(7): 1035-45. (pdf) 部分著作与科研绩效: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=enq=Peter+WalterbtnG=Searchas_sdt=2000as_ylo=as_vis=0 Signal recognition particle contains a 7 S RNA essential for protein translocation across the endoplasmic reticulum ucsf.edu P Walter , G Blobel - Nature, 1982 - walterlab.ucsf.edu Nature Vol. 299 21 October 1982 691 The possible changes both of kisO and s would therefore lead to higher d values at glacial periods. Anyway, the influence of variations of klsO and s for the first part of the water cycle is small. The effect of a more hypothetical slope change at ... Cited by 914 - Related articles - All 11 versions Functional and genomic analyses reveal an essential coordination between the unfolded protein response and ER-associated degradation cell.com Patil, L Wodicka, DJ Lockhart, JS Weissman, P Walter - Cell, 2000 - Elsevier The unfolded protein response (UPR) regulates gene expression in response to stress in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). We determined the transcriptional scope of the UPR using DNA microarrays. Rather than regulating only ER-resident chaperones and phospholipid ... Cited by 786 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 26 versions Signal sequence recognition and protein targeting to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane P Walter , AE Johnson - Annual review of cell biology, 1994 - Annual Reviews ... MEMBRANE Peter Walter Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, University of California, San Francisco, California 94143-0448 Arthur E. Johnson Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma 73019 ... Cited by 629 - Related articles - All 4 versions Signal integration in the endoplasmic reticulum unfolded protein response utoronto.ca D Ron, P Walter - Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 2007 - nature.com The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) responds to the accumulation of unfolded proteins in its lumen (ER stress) by activating intracellular signal transduction pathways cumulatively called the unfolded protein response (UPR). Together, at least three mechanistically distinct arms of ... Cited by 587 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions Translocation of proteins across the endoplasmic reticulum. I. Signal recognition protein (SRP) binds to in-vitro-assembled polysomes synthesizing secretory protein rupress.org P Walter , I Ibrahimi, G Blobel - Journal of Cell Biology, 1981 - jcb.rupress.org ABSTRACT An 11S protein composed of six polypeptide chains was previously purified from a salt extract of dog pancreas microsomal membranes and shown to be required for translocation of nascent secretory protein across the microsomal membrane ( Walter and Blobel 1980 ... Cited by 527 - Related articles - All 8 versions Intracellular signaling from the endoplasmic reticulum to the nucleus: the unfolded protein response in yeast and mammals ucsd.edu C Patil, P Walter - Current opinion in cell biology, 2001 - Elsevier Cellular survival of endoplasmic reticulum stress requires the unfolded protein response (UPR), a stress response first elucidated genetically in yeast. While we continue to refine our knowledge of the yeast system, especially the breadth and significance of the ... Cited by 487 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 17 versions Essential cell biology tu-darmstadt.de Bray, A Johnson, J Lewis, M Raff, K Roberts, P Walter , - 2004 - ulb.tu-darmstadt.de Chapter 1 Panel 1-1 Panel 1-2 How We Know ... Chapter 2 How We Know Panel 2-1 Panel 2-2 Panel 2-3 Panel 2-4 Panel 2-5 Panel 2-6 Panel 2-7 ... Chapter 3 Panel 3-1 How We Know ... Chapter 4 Panel4-1 How We Know Panel 4-2 Panel 4-3 ; Panel 4-4 Panel 4-5 Panel 4-6 Cited by 504 - Related articles - View as HTML - All 4 versions Preparation of microsomal membranes for cotranslational protein translocation P Walter , G Blobel - Methods in Enzymology, 1983 - Elsevier ... This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier. Peter Walter and Gnter Blobel. Available online 29 November 2003. Excerpt. Note:This is a one-page preview only. ... Cited by 478 - Related articles - All 2 versions Transcriptional induction of genes encoding endoplasmic reticulum resident proteins requires a transmembrane protein kinase ucsf.edu JS Cox, CE Shamu, P Walter - Cell, 1993 - Elsevier The transcription of genes encoding soluble proteins that reside in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is induced when unfolded proteins accumulate in the ER. Thus, an intracellular signal transduction pathway must exist that mediates communication between the ER lumen and the nucleus. ... Cited by 480 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions Model for signal sequence recognition from amino-acid sequence of 54 K subunit of signal recognition particle ucsf.edu , MA Poritz, K Strub, PJ Hoben, S Brenner, P Walter - Nature, 1989 - walterlab.ucsf.edu LETTERS TO NATURE Consensus SRP54 E.coli 48К h DP FTS Y N-RAS, human EF-Tu, E.COI G 108 G 107 G 425 G 301 G 10 G 18 G_ xxx X Ь Q LQ VN VN AGGV HVDH G К t/s G К т G К т G К s G К т G К s G К т D XX G N К X D 190 D T s G 248 T К L D 190 D TA G 248 T К V D ... Cited by 372 - Related articles - All 8 versions
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jiaojiaojing 2009-12-23 10:28
最近我师弟在我们实验室的组会上讲了一篇关于生态位和中性理论的文章,我特别感兴趣,就拿到这里来发点看法和感慨,这篇文章题目是《The importance of niches for the maintenance of species diversity》,是9月份发在nature上的一篇lettters,作者是Jonathan M. Levine Janneke HilleRisLambers,对于Jonathan M. Levine ,对他的了解不是很多,所以特地去查了查他的介绍: Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Marine Biology University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106 levine@lifesci.ucsb.edu (805) 893-7415 Born June 27, 1973, Toronto, Canada 又是个比较年轻的牛人,这篇文章引用了Peter Chesson的两篇关于生态位理论的经典文章。不知道他们有没有往来,一个在加利福尼亚,一个在亚利桑那,不过听我导师说,国外很多生态学家往来还是比较频繁的,就像耶鲁的大卫和加拿大的Fox J.W就合作过多篇文章。 下面介绍我对这篇文章的看法: 这篇文章的思路很清楚,简单易懂,关于生态位和中性理论的争论点抓的很紧,实验加模型,比较完善,而且模型的前提用了中性理论的思路---aii和aij认为是相同,由此来做模拟,之后又用实验的结果---香浓系数反应多样性情况,最后用统计计算明显的证明了生态位可以促进物种共存,这样对生态位理论的证明便很清楚了,但既然是实验,就肯定有人会问:试验时间够长么?从06年到08年,是不是不够长,难以说明结果?但是就我而言,这是句简单的看似正确的风凉话,因为不管试验时间多长,你都有理由说它不够长,谁能耐着性子做实验做成热带雨林的长久?恐怕这个就难为作者了。姑且不纠结这个问题,其他的缺点我倒是还没看出什么实质性的,里面关于Fi的公式,我倒是有点疑问,仅用AIC去筛选,又涉及到是否这个公式最好,貌似又一句风凉话出来了,我们永远都无法说明这个公式最好,就像真正搞统计的人就明白了,统计是个工具,很多时候只是为了证明自己的结论,完全的定论无法得到,但总有人喜欢纠结这些个没用的问题,总之,对于这篇文章,我很喜欢,简单易懂,操作性也强。
个人分类: 未分类|6957 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 2 zhaoxing 2009-10-20 19:03
最近一期《 Scientometrics 》公告了两年一次的科学计量学最高奖项 Derek John de Solla Price Medal结果。获奖人为匈牙利的 Peter Vinkler 和法国的 Michel Zitt。 两位早年分别是化学家和管理学者,近年在引文分析和评价方法与指标等热点问题上颇有建树。 笔者对两位的直接印象是:Vinkler也参与了目前h指数研究热潮,而Zitt的逻辑化推理能力很强。 另外, Glanzel 指出,Vinkler是位独狼,为啥呢?刚查了一下,他80年代进入这一领域至今,在LIS学科内发表了30余篇文章,全是独著! 希望早日见到我国科学计量学家获得这一荣誉。 参考文献: Pter Vinkler and Michel Zitt win the 2009 Derek John de Solla Price Medal. Scientometrics,2009, 81:1-5.
个人分类: 计量学|6321 次阅读|5 个评论
MIT研究生Peter Curtin 在巴尔的摩马拉松比赛中悄然离去
毛宁波 2009-10-15 05:58
2009年10月10日(美国东部时间)MIT 23岁的研究生Peter N. Curtin 在美国巴尔的摩马拉松比赛中悄然离去(死因不明,推测是运动过度死亡)。Peter N. Curtin 是MIT的一名无机化学的二年级的研究生。他在Daniel Nocera小组从事研究工作,他的导师是能源学家与化学家Henry Dreyfus 教授。他刚刚获得美国国防科学与工程研究生奖学金(National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowship)。Curtin 本科毕业于普林斯顿大学,曾经获得2008年普林斯顿大学化学技能最高荣誉奖。MIT和普林斯顿的的教授和学生们为失去这样一位化学天才而感到痛心。其实只要看到Peter N. Curtin的愉悦的笑脸,你都会为他感到惋惜。 Curtin并不是职业的马拉松运动员。看到他在运动中突然离去,我在想,其实人可以追求顶峰,但是要量力而行,生命是最重要的。体育运动是为了增强体魄,人们应该以一种适合自己、舒适的方式去运动,哪怕是散步,只要活动身体,心情愉悦就行。我经常散步在波士顿的查尔斯河边,偶尔小跑,既观了风景、又活动了身体,有时候还抓拍些照片,也许我这样过于宁静,但是生命犹在,只要生命犹在就可以做许多事情。。。。。。 MIT化学二年级研究生Peter Curtin 生前照片 链接: http://web.mit.edu/newsoffice/2009/curtin.html
个人分类: 美国麻省理工学院见闻|5343 次阅读|1 个评论
There is always plenty of room at the top
热度 2 hongfei 2008-9-4 12:18
There is always plenty of room at the top 2008.09.03 “There is plenty of room at the top -- but no place to sit down.” 是一句鼓励人乐观和力争上游的成语。 今天下午在UC Santa Barbara化学系和化工系做报告,题目是:New Opportunities in the Interface Studies with Nonlinear Spectroscopy。 这个报告是是美国国家科学基金会(NSF-US)的国际研究与教育合作项目PIRE-ECCI(PARTNERSHIP FOR INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH AND EDUCATION-ELECTRON CHEMISTRY AND CATALYSIS AT INTERFACES)的系列学术报告之一。PIRE-ECCI项目由美国UC-Santa Barbara大学和中国科学院大连化物所主持,也得到了中国国家自然科学基金会(NSFC)和中国国家科技部(MOST)以及中国科学院(CAS)的大力支持。作为参与者,我是第二次在UC Santa Barbara作PIRE-ECCI项目的学术报告。我上次的报告是2005年9月22日,是PIRE-ECCI项目的第一个报告。报告相关的信息和摘要可以在以下有关PIRE-ECCI Seminar的网页找到。 PIRE-ECCI Seminar信息链接: http://pire-ecci.ucsb.edu/seminars/Seminars.htm 有关PIRE-ECCI的博文《有朋自远方来》链接: http://www.sciencenet.cn/blog/user_content.aspx?id=3869 晚上和化学系的三位教授到Goleta海滩上的Beachside Bar Cafe一起晚餐。在Peter Ford教授的车上我和他谈到现在研究生普遍觉得学习和找工作的压力很大。Ford教授对我说:Why worry? There is always plenty of room at the top. There is always plenty of jobs for good people with good ideas. 我说: I fully agree. When I was graduate student at Columbia, quite many fellow students worried a lot about finding jobs. I just told myself that just try to be a good physical chemist. By the way, it is really interesting. I remember that Richard Feynman said that There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom. And now you say that There is always plenty of room at the top. Ford教授说:You know what. When I was undergraduate student at CalTech, Feynman taught us general physics, and our general chemistry was taught by Pauling. It was really fun. Feynman《There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom》演讲链接: http://www.zyvex.com/nanotech/feynman.html Feynman的那句话,几乎所有做纳米研究的人都知道。但Ford教授的这句话,我不知道会有多少人知道。我也不知道有多少人会真正同意Ford教授的这句话。 不同意的Ford教授的人们可能会说:Too simple, too naive. 我择其善者而从之。
个人分类: 大学之道|16152 次阅读|10 个评论

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