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[转载] New Dimensions Radio & Media
zuojun 2012-11-12 06:08
Changing the World, One Broadcast at a Time http://www.newdimensions.org/
个人分类: I Love NPR|1469 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 xupeiyang 2012-11-5 10:46
沁园 春·雪 北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘. 望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔. 山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高.须晴日,看红妆素裹,分外妖娆.江山如此多娇, 引无数英雄竞折腰.惜秦皇汉武,略输文采;唐宗宋祖,稍逊风骚. 一代天骄,成吉思汗,只识弯弓射大雕.俱往矣,数风流人物,还看今朝.--毛泽东
个人分类: 文化艺术|4303 次阅读|3 个评论
在chrome中如何安装windows media player
chengyq 2012-10-9 03:21
首先到 http://www.interoperabilitybridges.com/wmp-extension-for-chrome 网站上下载wmpChorme.crx文件,然后在chrome中选择menu/tools/extensions,之后将下载的crx文件拖拽到extension页面上,按照提示安装即可。
3605 次阅读|0 个评论
zhanghan 2012-9-30 20:46
Iranian researchers using lasers to produce graphene Social Media Tools Tehran, Iran -- Researchers in Iran say they have devised a method to produce graphene by laser ablation in cold liquid media, a process that promises simpler and more effective control of the finished product. The research, a collaboration between Tehran's Amirkabir University of Technology and Imam Khomeini International University in Qazvin, Iran, uses a pulsed nanosecond Nd:YAG laser (Nd:Y 3 Al 5 O 12 ) in liquid nitrogen to conduct fast, controlled single-stage synthesis of graphene with high yields. The process eliminates the need for vacuum equipment, high-temperature furnaces, or long processing periods typically seen in conventional graphene fabrication methods: chemical vapor deposition (CVD), heat treatment of carbon-containing substrates, liquid phase exfoliation, unzipping of nanotubes, or chemical/electrochemical reduction of exfoliated graphite oxide. Their technique is better suited for volume production, they say, due to the fast flow circulation of liquid nitrogen. (Liquid argon or helium can be substituted for the liquid nitrogen, they say, which opens up different laser irradiation parameters such as beam energy, pulse repetition and width, and wavelength.) The quality of graphene sheets could be improved by using a highly ordered pyrolytic graphite (HOPG) target with high-temperature gradient due to liquid helium (-268.93°C) at optimum laser fluencies. Below is a snippet from the paper, which is published in Laser Physics Letters , vol.9, issue 7, pp 547-552 (and apparently was published online in May of this year): Graphene is fabricated by the pulsed nanosecond laser ablation in liquid nitrogen (-195.79°C) using a Q-switched Nd:YAG laser at 1064 nm. Laser ablation and the subsequent plasma formation is known as a threshold dependent event. Above threshold, several laser irradiation conditions were examined and according to the graphene quality, the suitable one was chosen with 10 ns duration, 5 Hz repetition rate, 60 mJ pulsed energy, and 6 J/cm 2 energy density. The exposure time was set to be 20 min equivalent to 6000 shots. At first the graphite target with 5 mm thick and 5 cm diameter was placed in the irradiation cell having BK7 window in front of the laser beam. The cell was filled with liquid nitrogen as the media for laser ablation. The injection of liquid nitrogen into cell continually goes on as long as a thermal steady state condition is achieved. The beam was focused through a concave lens to nearly one mm 2 spot size at graphite target. After laser exposure, the residual liquid has evaporated at the room temperature. Subsequently, deionized (DI) water was added to the cell establishing a suspension for the carbon sheets collection. The graphite is immersed in the cryogenic liquid such that the latter as a mono-layer 2D-fluid uniformly diffuses into the interlayer spacing. Regarding the molecular nitrogen size and the layer spacing of graphite (3.339Å),the liquid likely penetrates into the interlayer spacing, where the molecules expand to gaseous phase during laser exposure. The schematic of Q-switched Nd:YAG laser ablation of graphite in liquid nitrogen and the subsequent graphene formation. (Source: Laser Physics Letters )
3513 次阅读|0 个评论
* Physics Letters A 374 (2009) 62–65
jlkou 2012-3-28 14:28
* Physics Letters A 374 (2009) 62–65
Title: The effective thermal conductivity of porous media based on statistical self-similarity, Physics Letters A 374 (2009) 62–65 Authors: Jianlong Kou , Fengmin Wu, Hangjun Lu, Yousheng Xu, Fuquan Song 2009-374-62(Phys.Lett.A).pdf Fig. 2. A comparison between the present model predictions and experimental data , and the effect of the pore area fractal dimension on the effective thermal conductivity.
3351 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Conservation Biology is constantly covered in the media
Alluvion 2012-3-13 16:23
Conservation Biology is constantly covered in the media, including: New York Times covers " Creation of a Gilded Trap by the High Economic Value of the Maine Lobster Fishery " Discovery News covers " Effects of Introducing Threatened Falcons into Vineyards on Abundance of Passeriformes and Bird Damage to Grapes " The Independent covers " Scientists’ Opinions on the Global Status and Management of Biological Diversity " Psychology Today covers " Carnivore-livestock conflicts: Effects of subsidized predator control and economic correlates on the sheep industry " Mongabay covers " A matrix-calibrated species-area model for predicting biodiversity losses due to land-use change " Science News covers " Effects of management of domestic dogs and recreation on carnivores in protected areas in Northern California " Wired News covers " The potential conservation value of non-native species " Southern Fried Science covers " Ecosystem services as a common language for coastal ecosystem-based management " and " Obscuring ecosystem function with application of the ecosystem services concept "
个人分类: 科研信息|0 个评论
[转载]On Social Media, Chinese Ponder Crime Fighter's Fate
whyhoo 2012-2-9 09:43
BEIJING — In a sign that China ’s political season is heating up, reports circulated widely on Wednesday that one of the country’s most famous crime fighters had tried to defect to the United States. The reports were impossible to confirm, but China’s social media were filled with speculation about the fate of Wang Lijun, a onetime rising star in the western megacity of Chongqing, where he had been the deputy mayor overseeing public security. Mr. Wang, 52, shot to national attention as a one-man gangbuster , taking on Chongqing’s notorious organized crime syndicates in the city of 29 million. Last year he successfully tried and had executed the city’s most powerful mob boss, and he hired local writers to produce an official history of the campaign. He boasted that he would hire a prominent Hong Kong director to make a movie of his exploits, saying it would be modeled on “The Godfather.” Mr. Wang had been hired by the city’s Communist Party secretary, Bo Xilai. His success helped propel Mr. Bo onto the short list for the powerful Standing Committee of the Communist Party’s Politburo. The party is scheduled to meet this year for a once-in-a-decade changing of the top guard. Mr. Bo is already on the 25-member Politburo and has made no secret of his ambition to take the next step to the Standing Committee, which has 9 members. “It’s the political season and rumors are flying,” said Zheng Yongnian, a political scientist and director of the East Asian Institute at National University of Singapore. “People are not interested in Mr. Wang Lijun,” he said. “They’re interested in what it means for Bo Xilai.” According to reports on China’s microblogs, Mr. Wang had sought refuge at the United States Consulate in Chengdu, several hours from Chongqing, Tuesday night. The police sealed the area around the building, and bloggers posted pictures that appeared to show an unusually heavy security presence in the streets around the building. A spokesman for the American Embassy in Beijing, Richard Buangan, said that the embassy had no comment and that the consulate was under no threat. A Chinese reporter with the newspaper Southern Metropolis said that he had learned from police sources that Mr. Wang had tried to enter the consulate, but had been arrested and had since been flown to Beijing for questioning. The post was deleted from the Sina Weibo microblog. Mr. Wang had already been transferred from the head of public security to be the head of the city’s education department, spurring rumors that he was on the way out. Some writers on the microblogs said he had himself become corrupt, while others said that his pledge to take on the economic interest of the children of party rulers had earned him too many enemies. Adding fuel was a statement by the Chongqing city government that Mr. Wang had taken sick leave due to anxiety and work-related physical ailments. Given the secretive nature of Chinese politics, the fact that the rumors were so widespread suggested that something was amiss. Because Chinese leaders put such a priority on presenting a united front, at least in public, the rumors were seen as hurting Mr. Bo. “For Bo Xilai it’s not good news,” said Jin Zhong, chief editor of the China-watching magazine Kaifang in Hong Kong. “The Communist Party has always had a lot of internal factions,” he said. “We don’t know what most of them are but when things like this come up to the top it shows that something is going on.” 原文见 http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/09/world/asia/speculation-grows-over-fate-of-crime-fighting-chinese-official.html?ref=china
个人分类: 政治|1229 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Message from the Chief executive officer of Innsbruck YOGOC
whyhoo 2012-1-11 18:59
Dear media representatives, Welcome to the first ever Winter Youth Olympic Games! From 13 to 22 January 2012, Innsbruck, Seefeld and Kühtai will stage a unique, ten-day festival of sport and culture for young people from around the world. Since 2007, when Innsbruck was chosen as the Host City for the 1st Winter Youth Olympic Games, the Organising Committee has been working tirelessly in order to create an unforgettable event in Tyrol, the heart of the Alps. True to our motto ‘Be part of it!’ the team is especially committed to ensuring that Innsbruck 2012 will be a unique experience for you, the representatives of the media. With great attention to detail and in due consideration of your particular needs, the organisers are making all necessary preparations to provide you with ideal working conditions during Games-time. Our common objective is to create an environment which will enable you to convey the passion and the emotions of the sports competitions to your readers and viewers in such a way that they can experience from their homes the atmosphere in the finishing zone of the Patscherkofel ski run, in the tiers of Olympia world Innsbruck or in the diverse activities of the Culture Education Programme. On behalf of the Innsbruck 2012 team, I would like to thank you for your strong commitment to making the unique spirit of these 1st Winter Youth Olympic Games in Innsbruck, Seefeld and Kühtai accessible to a worldwide audience. Kind regards, Peter Bayer Chief Executive Officer Innsbruck Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee 原文见 http://www.innsbruck2012.com/uploads/cd_page_element/1207997961/037_17_Media_Guide_EN_A5_RZ.pdf
个人分类: 社会|1057 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Message from the president of the IOC
whyhoo 2012-1-11 18:54
Dear media colleagues, Welcome to the Olympic city of Innsbruck for the 1st Winter Youth Olympic Games. From 13 to 22 January 2012, you will not only see the next generation of international winter sports stars, but you will also experience some great innovations and new formats that have never before featured in an Olympic sports programme. The world’s most talented young athletes will compete in the same disciplines as at the 2014 Olympic Winter Games in Sochi, with the addition of exciting new sports such as Women’s Ski Jumping, Ski Halfpipe and Snowboard Slopestyle. In addition to these ten days of intense competition, the athletes will also participate in an interactive Culture Education Programme. We are confident that Innsbruck 2012 will, just as Singapore 2010, prove to be truly inspirational.The Innsbruck Youth Olympic Games Organising Committee (IYOGOC) has done an incredible job in providing the best possible working conditions for you at the Games. I would like to congratulate the Innsbruck 2012 team for this comprehensive Media Guide, which contains useful information on the competitions, the athletes and the Culture Education Programme, as well as specific city information relating to the Games. I am sure this guide will serve as an invaluable tool during your stay. The media are key to communicating the passion and sporting endeavours that participants experience at the Games. I wish you every success in your work and, above all, enjoy the Games! Jacques Rogge President International Olympic Committee 原文见 http://www.innsbruck2012.com/uploads/cd_page_element/1207997961/037_17_Media_Guide_EN_A5_RZ.pdf
个人分类: 社会|923 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 cosismine 2011-12-5 22:20
榜样的力量是无穷的。 毋庸置疑,武夷山老师的工作效率那篇文章,是我所有博文中推荐数最多的一篇文章,这肯定不是我写得好,而是武夷山老师本人品质令大家敬仰。这不屑说,给我本人以最强烈的震撼。我希望有一天,我也像他一样,受大家欢迎。 那么,从现在开始,像他学习。 花了两天时间,读了一篇文章。是因为我最近要做一个调查问卷分析,一个朋友就把他的一个朋友写的文章发给我了。参考文献应该这么写:Zixiu Guo and John D’Ambra. (2003). Understanding the Role of National Culture on Communication Media Choice Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Comparison within a Multinational Organizational Setting.7th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems, 10-13 July 2003, Adelaide, South Australia. 文章主要写跨国公司里各个国家文化对通讯工具的选择方面的偏好。文章用一个总部设在澳大利亚,在泰国、朝鲜、马来西亚有分公司的一个跨国公司为例进行调查。文章假设,澳大利亚是西方国家,以个性追求为主,而分公司是亚洲国家,以集体利益为主。集体利益为重的文化,往往倾向于维持和谐,避免成员之间的冲突。而以个性追求的文化,则更注重信息的明确和具体。因此,在选择通讯工具的时候,以集体利益为重的文化,往往会选择面对面的交流,以丰富的表情来调整语言过程,来达成沟通。而不愿意使用电话、电子邮件,尤其不喜欢书写形式的交流。而以个性追求为主的文化,则强调自我信赖,所以,更愿意选择那些可以记载下来的东西。 可惜数据不支持这个假设,作者对特定的跨国公司做的问卷分析,虽然在问卷回收等方面东西方有些差异,但对通讯工具的选择方面并没有明显的差异,作者分析说是由于一个公司里特定文化对各国文化的吸纳而引起对通讯工具选择方面的同化。我不以为如此,我以为,是各种通讯工具本身明显的差异性引起。比方,通讯工具是否可以即时回答?交流对象是否可以即时出现等等等等,都会直接影响交流方式的选择。这种工具本身性能差异很大的情况下,在寻求文化的影响,我认为很难。 作者还分析了各种任务对通讯工具的选择的影响,我觉得这是主要的影响因素。这种影响因素主要来自通讯工具的性能,而不是使用者本身的文化背景。 作者还用了一些统计分析方法,我应该好好学习,并实践一下。
3171 次阅读|2 个评论
创新那点儿事(一)—— 从海洋科研到Media Lab
热度 2 jiahepeng 2011-10-11 08:59
十月初,来到了美国海洋科学中心之一(另一个中心应该是加州 SanDiego 的 Scripps 海洋研究所)、距离波士顿 2 小时车程的 WoodsHole 。有很多心得 ,尤其是琢磨美国科学家们无论是在基础科研,还是在技术开发上,是如何实现创新(创新一词的广义用法)的。 而在 WoodsHole 的观察,只是我来到 MIT 并在哈佛参与发展中国家创新课程和研究后,即便是走马观花也让人心生感触的诸多体验之一。从今天开始撰写的系列博客“ 创新那点儿事 ”,虽然自己并没有实验室经历或科技政策和创新政策的学术背景,但作为一个“老而成精”也算见多识广的科学记者,还是期待着这些文字能启发愿意被启发的人。 惬意生存与科研空间 在 WoodsHole , 我们先是去了极富盛名的 WoodsHole 的海洋生物学实验室( MarineBiologicalLaboratory, MBL )。 始于 1888 年的 实验室坐落在 WoodsHole 这个静静的避暑胜地小镇上,在一个港湾,不少传统的桅杆式帆船。天很蓝,风把黄金叶吹得到处都是。美国科学家怎么就可在这么安详舒适的地方做研究呢! 在 MBL 来到这里,打出了科学与海洋相遇的口号后,这里逐渐成为了北美的海洋科研中心。目前, WoodsHole 共有几大海洋科学机构 : 海洋生物学实验室( MBL )、 WoodsHoleOceanograhpicInstitution(WHOI) 、 NationalMarineFisheriesService 、 USGeologicalSurvey 的科学中心 ,以及 WoodsHole ResearchCentre 和几家海洋科学教育机构。 在 WoodsHole 三天走马观花,共去了 MBL 和 WHOI 两个地方。 用最简单的一个词来概括其研究,就是 突破 。 这些研究包括 在基础研究领域发展新型模式动物,这个大家都知道,是基础中的基础;其中 MBL 用私营基金会的钱建成了国家蛙类中心 ,希望充分发掘蛙类作为科学实验的模式动物。而蛙类中心的另外一位研究员,则不停地在尝试如何把海星、海参等动物,发展成模式动物。 一旦确立了这种模式动物的地位,那么其研究的高引用率自不待言。但有过这方面经历的人都知道,圈子里面的人如果不认可你的实验动物,你的实验结果就不被期刊编辑接受,文章都有被拒的可能,这不能不说是一个冒险。 与 MBL 的 国家蛙类中心 主任、副研究员( Associatescientist ) MarkoHorb 交流这个问题,他傻呵呵地,“(能否接受发表)那要看编辑啊!”那么总被拒稿怎么办?这个问题我没有好意思问,显得好像不认可人家的研究,但看着他们兴高采烈地探索着各种 DevelopmentBiology 的问题,也有不少涉及到药品开发的模式动物的转变,我想,最大的回答就是乐在其中吧。 反正,大不了可以去海里游游泳,赛一下帆船。 挑战的力量 MBL 的 科学 官 JoshuaHamilton 研究 的是 砷污染 ,这是全球环境化学的显学,看起来没有什么了不起,大家比样品,比处理方法呗。 且慢,粗粗的交流,发现他老人家在琢磨着拿 EPA (美国环保署)开涮。 EPA 最近才公布了饮用水含砷的安全标准是 10ppb ,赶上了 WHO 和欧洲的标准,但他似乎已经在多篇文章中指出这个标准可能有问题。 但 Hamilton 先生并非挑刺的极端环保主义者。他反复说那句,万物皆有毒,就看量是什么。他关心的,是如何在方法论上来考察环境毒物的我们没有认识到的潜在毒性。 而在 WHOI ,我看到了研究帝企鹅与气候变化的关系,研究鱼群运动如何改变大洋环流及水体力学特性,值得称道的是项目负责人是一名博后;此外还有海洋 微生物的 天然产物化学的作用机理及新化合物甄别,以及利用普通的仪器成功地甄别出 BP 漏油事件中产生的新型环境污染物。 研究 帝企鹅与气候变化关系 的美女助理研究员 StephanieJenouvrier 法国口音很重,但“挑刺”情结跃然纸上。她在反复强调,帝企鹅受到的气候变化威胁没有得到重视,而联合国和美国环境机构发布的受气候变化威胁需要保护的物种,也没有列入数量较大的帝企鹅。而 Jenouvrier 则用大量自己实际观测的数据表明,帝企鹅也到了要被保护的边缘。 看起来, 每一个团队都充满了活力,都满是想法, 也都挺挑刺儿!不过 住在 MBL 的 “ 招待所 ” 里面条件不怎么样,可见科学需要怡人的条件,但不一定需要物质上奢侈。 科研公共性 三天来还有几个感受。 首先是科研的公共性 。 每年夏天,这里会汇聚大量做 summerresearch 和夏令营的科研人群,在 MBL 有上千人,其中得过诺贝尔奖的已经有七八十个了。 MBL 自己只有 250 名研究人员,夏天突然有这么多的人群涌入,势必关系到极多的管理问题,但看起来在过去上百年, MBL 对此非常骄傲,把这些其实可能仅仅来这里上过课的人也当做校友( alumni )。而杰出的校友们,不光自己获诺奖或搞出大公司,他们来到 MBL ,也会与当地科学家进行很好的交流。一到那个时候,各种 reception 一个连着一个,人们一杯杯喝酒聊天,可能很好的科研点子,就在那啤酒沫子中涌现出来。 在我的微博上发布 MBL 风景不错时,几位网友说,国内几个涉海科研机构所在地的风景也不错,但遗憾的是,从来没有听到他们敞开自己的科研平台,让大家蜂拥而入的。 另外一个感受,则 是 MBL 和 WHOI 很长时间 都不招博士生, 更不要说博士以下的学生了, MBL 近年才刚刚与布朗大学有个合作 博士 招生项目 ,尽管他们的域名都是 edu ,而不是 ac 。 起初我对这一点很奇怪,没有博士生,实验室里面谁干活? MBL 的 科学官 Hamilton 说,招博士生做科研确实是便宜,但科研没有必要依靠性价比和团队规模。 我 也的确 注意到这里的研究力量主要是博后和助研,每个团队都很小,看起来重要而创新性的研究,并不需要集团作战,比如在 WHOI ,一个做海洋天然产物化学的 AssociateScientist ,已经甄别出大量的海洋新生化合物,申请了不少专利,其中还有一个转让给药厂,已经做到临床试验二期,但团队也很小,完全没有规模化作战的架势。 本来么,你发现了一个新奇的东西,当然要首先在小样本甚至是单样本的情况下把它琢磨透,人多有什么用?反过来说,你看到别人搞出新奇的东西来了,比新奇已经比不过人家,那就比试验条件吧?比样本量吧?这就逐渐变成了劳动力密集型的科研,特别是团队负责人要整天飞来飞去去申请课题,不放心手下怎么办,多干活呗。何况,现在国内一个大腕同时有多个课题的多了去了,这种情况人少怎么可以! 另一方面, MBL 和 WHOI 都非常重视传播,两个机构的科研人员与传播部门人员之比均达到了 50:1 , 其中 250 名科研人员的 MBL 的传播部门有 6 名全职工作人员(中科院最大的研究所负责传播的能有几个人呢?)。 MBL 和 WHOI 都提供媒体奖学金,供全世界的记者申请在那里度过 2 周多时间,深入科学家们的工作。前者是 5 月,后者是 9 月。而这两个私营科研机构也绝对尝到了传播的甜头,我粗略算了一下,最近几年,不算各种科研经费, MBL 平均每年都 累计 有 上 千万美元的捐款。 WHOI 没有获得这个数据,但他们遇到重要的发现,会跑到波士顿甚至是华盛顿来举行新闻发布会 。 有成本就必然有收益。 技术转移之辨 到 WoodsHole 之前,受一个投资界朋友所托,替他去找值得投资的技术。这一去才发现,尽管是海洋科研中心,但谁在谈靠技术挣钱啊! 可能是因为我组织过低碳创业大赛的缘故。到 MIT 之前,也有投资界的朋友说,去找点现成的技术, 咱中国不差钱 。 而包括在 WoodsHole 的这两个月, 谈到技术开发,我 却 深感 到 国内的误区。 创新性的技术在很多情况下,不是为了开发技术而开发出来的,我们国内的投资界守着科学界要现成技术,这即便对于 MIT 这种培养了无数包括张朝阳等亿万富翁级的创业英雄的学校也几乎不可能。高校和基础科研机构的特点决定了技术开发是为了支持科学界的,而应用科技界的特点(比如化工研究院)是为了解决企业的问题来做技术的,这必然意味着他们做的技术通常不原创 ,而且具有依据项目来设计的特异性(也就难以规模化生产来变现)。 大企业的研发机构才是真正的技术、并且是通用型技术导向的,可惜就算有这样的技术,也不是投资者可以随便投的。 那么原创的、能创造巨大价值的技术在哪里? 可以说,在很大程度上,除了大企业自己的研发中心外,这样的技术更多 在科学界为了解决科学问题而进行的技术开发,以及在于应用科技界碰到无法解决的实践问题而对基础科学 重新 进行的探索。所有这两种原创技术的开发过程,其实并非是利润导向的,至少不是就眼下这个技术立刻能生钱的利润导向。 但一个好的机制,能让这些衍生技术的转让得到很好的支持。比如在 WHOI , 上面说的做 海洋 微生物 天然产物化学的 AssociateScientist (相当于我们的副研究员),已经甄别出大量的海洋新生化合物,申请了不少专利,其中还有一个转让给药厂,已经做到临床试验二期,但技术转移的过程不需要他操心,他也不会仅仅为了赚钱而开发那些化合物,研究所的技术转移部门做好了包括专利申请在内的所有事情,然后大家根据收益分成,科学家三分之一,所在实验室三分之一,研究所三分之一。 在 MIT 最富盛名的,诞生了无数互联网 英雄 的媒体实验室( MediaLab ),我们与 同样很有名的 Petland 教授进行了交流。在过去十几年来, Petland 教授的实验室 ( 属于 MediaLab 下一级的实验室 ) 培养出几十个创业团队,多个 N asdaq 上市公司,但 Petland 教授本人并不 care 挣钱这件事情(他钱体现在技术入股上应该不少),他关心的是从人类认知的基本原理出发的数字化世界的人类认知。 他预言了一幅动人的图景。通过每个人各种在网行为,可以清楚勾勒出 “ 我是谁 ” ,还超出我对自己的理解。用 google 地图可以让人知道家在哪(因为这个人总会先输入家的地址),超市用信用卡可知消费习惯,网上查饭馆可知你饮食习惯,电话清单可知你和什么样的人(不需要名字,也同样是行为习惯的组合)交往,药店买什么药(只要是信用卡结账数据库中就会出现品种)就会知道这个人的身体状况,甚至经常使用的搜索主题词就会知道这个人的旨趣。 P etland 教授进一步探讨了信息控制的问题。比如,用这些信息,保险公司可以设计合理的保费,军方可以锁定恐怖分子。而微博( twitter )就形式上而言,是一种自我控制的信息流动,但同时又没有影响交流及让别人来识别我们。谷歌为了避嫌,则主动声明不再存储任何个人信息。 从上面其实可以看到 不少 未来的能挣钱的互联网技术 。 但哪一个技术要想挣钱,都要经过在某种意义上社会体系的重构。回到技术转移的话题上,一个拿着钱等着投资的人,可能参与到这种重构中吗?如果不能参与进来,他可能因此获得巨大的原始收益吗? 正是在这个意义上,高技术的投资其实远远不只是投资。好的投资人(应该属于天使投资人的类别)也不是等技术或者在报告会上找到技术,而是参与科学界的科研和交流过程,从中找到被科学家们发现出来但没有想到产业化的技术。 在麻省剑桥, 依托 MIT 和哈佛的 生物制药行业高度发达,若干大药厂的研发中心和中小药厂比邻 MIT ,我 也 参与了 行业机构 麻省生物技术理事会的工作 。我发现, 若干生物技术投资人总是活跃在各种报告会、招待会、沙龙上,不干别的,就是听人的想法,与人聊天。 麻省生物技术理事会 好像也 不干别的,就是参与聊天和组织人聊天,但交流、技术的转让以及改进、对下一代技术的憧憬和勾画,恰恰是在这种场合迸发出火花!
个人分类: 科技政策|5895 次阅读|2 个评论
Interaction mode of info. dissemination in conference
fgu 2011-8-25 17:19
Lecturer Conference Audience Participant Listener Audience Social media Wiki Twitter Blog Function Formal communication Formal and informal communication Synchronous communication Information delivery in conference in the context of Web 2.0 Physical How to apply Web 2.0 tools in teaching process? Participate or used for ? There is the phenomenon that students or participators just use the tools more than join the activities. Now we could imagine the conference happened in physical environment provides online communication way at the same time.
个人分类: Conference|2621 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Practising conference in social media: ISSOME 2011
fgu 2011-8-25 14:48
http://issome2011.library2pointoh.fi/ Information Science and Social Media conference, 24.-26. August 2011 in bo/Turku, Finland The aim of the first ISSOME conference is to address new modes ofinformation behaviour in different contexts focusing the effects ofsocial media and technologies in the interactive web. The change processis not always straight forward and we need to underline what is reallychanging and what is only a trend. The conference will discuss skillsneeded to manage the new information platform and how to develop neededcompetencies in the information society. The conference is open to researchers, academics and practitioners inthe fields of library and information science and social media, as wellas businesses and organizations developing social media strategies. Theconference will host invited and contributed papers sessions.In conjunction with the conference will also be organized a Doctoral Forum. This offers a possibility for doctoral students to share theirongoing research projects with their peers and well-established seniorresearchers. The conference is organized by the Department of Information Studies atbo Akademi University. It is well established and internationallyrecognized for excellence in research and education. The departmentconducts a wide array of research including research about social media,Library 2.0, knowledge management, health information behavior, andscientometrics. The department is part of the School of Business andEconomics and it has strong connections and collaborativemultidisciplinary projects with other departments in the school.Please visit http://issome2011.library2pointoh.fi/ for more information. Conference themes Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: - Social media in information science - Information aspects of social media - Library 2.0 and Librarian 2.0 - Social networking sites - Information Management - Knowledge Management - Knowledge Organization - Reputation Management - Information Behaviour and Information Use - Information dissemination in social media ISSOME 2011 by Isto Huvila The aim of the first ISSOME conference is to address new modes of information behaviour in different contexts focusing the effects of social media and technologies in the interactive web. The change process is not always straight forward and we need to underline what is really changing and what is only a trend. The conference will discuss skills needed to manage the new information platform and how to develop needed competencies in the information society. The conference is open to researchers, academics and practitioners in the fields of library and information science and social media, as well as businesses and organizations developing social media strategies. The conference will host invited (see Keynotes ) and contributed papers sessions. In conjunction with the conference will also be organized a Doctoral Forum. This offers a possibility for doctoral students to share their ongoing research projects with their peers and well-established senior researchers. The conference is organized by the Department of Information Studies at bo Akademi University. It is well established and internationally recognized for excellence in research and education. The department conducts a wide array of research including research about social media, Library 2.0, knowledge management, health information behavior, and scientometrics. The department is part of the School of Business and Economics and it has strong connections and collaborative multidisciplinary projects with other departments in the school. The conference is organised in association with ASIST European Chapter .
个人分类: Conference|1339 次阅读|0 个评论
有关社会化的注释:social network,social media,social web
cuiyh 2011-7-13 12:52
自从 web2.0 出现以来,与社会化有关的名词和概念满天飞,无论在学术文献、专家博客还是会议主题上,常常会看到这样三个意义相近、难以分辨界限的词: social network , social media , social web 。而且更难得是如何将这三个词翻译成合适的中文,并找到其各自的应用场景和领域。在无数的忍受和困惑后,我决定试着去发现它们之间的不同,或者是相同之处。 1. 从 Google 检索结果看 - 在 Google Trend 中,“ social network ”的关注度最高。以所有年份在美国的“ social network ”全球平均访问量为基础,“ social media ”为 0.6 ,“ social web ”为 0 ,与前两个检索词相比可以忽略不计。“ social network ”出现时间最早。“ social network ”出现在 2007 年 6 月左右开始,基本保持均衡,在 2010 年 10 月左右突然爆发式增长,到 2011 年 3 月左右又恢复到正常值;“ social media ”出现在 2008 年 8 月左右,呈持续增长趋势。在过去 30 天内,“ Social media ”的检索量基本与 “ Social network ”持平。 - 在 google 搜索引擎中,“ Social network ”找到约 484,000,000 条结果,其中在 2010 年 10 月爆炸式增长的原因是电影“ Social Network ”的上映;“ Social media ” 找到约 261,000,000 条结果 ;“ Social web ” 找到约 11,300,000 条结果。 - 在 Google Scholar 中标题检索(限定时间为始于 2007 年,至少显示摘要),“ social network ”的检索结果为 4040 条;“ Social media ”为 1680 条,“ Social web ”为 463 条。如果以“ Social network ”为基准值计算比例,则“ Social media ” =0.4 (低于 Google 检索比例), “ Social web ” =0.1 (高于 Google 检索比例)。如果将限定时间为始于 2011 年,则三者的检索结果数量分别为:“ social network ” =496 ;“ Social media ” =500 ;“ Social web ” =71 。可见, ”Social network” 和“ Social media ”的研究基本持平。 2. 从维基百科( Wikipedia )定义看 - A social network is a social structure made up of individuals (or organizations) called "nodes", which are tied (connected) by one or more specific types of interdependency , such as friendship , kinship , common interest, financial exchange, dislike, sexual relationships , or relationships of beliefs, knowledge or prestige . 社会网络是一种社会结构,由被称为 “ 节点 ” 的个人(或组织)组成并通过一种或多种相关类型,如朋友,亲戚,共同兴趣,商业交易,不喜欢,性关系或信任关系,知识或声誉等链接起来。 - Social media are media for social interaction , using highly accessible and scalable communication techniques. The term refers to the use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogue. Andreas Kaplan and Michael Haenlein define social media as "a group of Internet-based applications that build on the ideological and technological foundations of Web 2.0 , which allows the creation and exchange of user-generated content ." Social Media 是应用高可用和可伸缩的通讯技术进行社会交互的媒介。这个单词指基于 Web 和移动技术使交流转变为可交互的对话的使用。 Andreas Kaplan 和 Michael Haenlein 定义 Social Media 为 “ 一组基于互联网的应用,建立在 Web2.0 理念和技术基础上,允许用户创建和交换内容。 ” - The social Web is a set of social relations that link people through the World Wide Web . The Social web encompasses how websites and software are designed and developed in order to support and foster social interaction .These online social interactions form the basis of much online activity including online shopping , education , gaming and social networking websites . The social aspect of Web 2.0 communication has been to facilitate interaction between people with similar tastes. These tastes vary depending on who the target audience is, and what they are looking for. For individuals working in the public relation department, the job is consistently changing and the impact is coming from the social web. The influence, held by the social network is large and ever changing. Social Web 是通过万维网将人联系起来的一系列社会关系。 Social Web 包括如何设计和开发网站和软件以支撑和培育社会化交互。在线社会交互形成很多在线活动的基础,如在线购物,教育,游戏和 Social networking (社会网络站点)。 Web2.0 交流的社会性方面已经促进了有同样趣味的人之间的交互。这种趣味区别依靠目标用户是谁,以及他们希望找到什么。对于在公共关系部门工作的人来说,工作不断改变,影响正来自于 social Web. 由 Social network 带来的影响是很大的并永远在变化。 总结来看,三者的定义域不同。 Social Network 强调网络结构,结构中的关系包括传统的社会关系(如朋友、亲戚、同事、商业交易等),也包括通过网络交互形成的关系(朋友,关注者,被关注者,评论者,投票者,加标签者等),研究主题和技术主要为社会网络分析; Social Media 强调媒体、技术以及在电子商务中的应用; Social Web 研究的是限定在 Web 领域中的社会关系、技术以及所形成的环境。如果将 Web 看成一种 Social Media , Social Web=Social Media 。三者共同的地方是,都体现了 Web2.0 的共享、交互和用户创造的概念,都以博客、微博、视频分享等网络站点为具体研究和应用对象。
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热度 3 shikuidong 2011-6-12 07:11
前段时间收到美国朋友的来信,问我怎么看待内蒙古草原开矿及生态保护问题,并给我附了一份境外媒体对内蒙古5.11事件的报道,我看后给他回了如下这封信:As an environmentalist, environmental protection is not only local people's concern, but also ourresponsibility. We should condemn the coal company who damaged the grassland and thetruck driver who killed the herder. However, we should also blame those who want to raise the conflicts between Han Chinese and Mongolian Chinese through media. As you may know, Mogolian grassland has been reagrded as the ecological belts for central China.BothHanChinese and Mongolian Chinesewant to live in a clean and safeenvironments.In recent years,coal miningis increasing in northern China due to economic boom, the grassland envrionments in some areas have been damaged. Both Han (like me) and Mongolian (like many of my colleagues) are cooperatively making effortto mitigate the negative effects of coal mining on grassland Environment (such as Environmental Impact Assessment, Ecological Restoration). Some media says that local Mongloa people is buring Chinese textbook etc, I am afraid that theymay rasie theconflicts among these two ethnics.We need to calm down and have a clear watchon it. I am pretty sure the killer will be publised and the loser will be relieved by Law.
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[转载]NASA's Earth Observation System Data Information System
pengxiaoqing 2011-5-1 23:58
NASA's Earth Observation System Data Information System by Kevin Schaefer Over the years, NASA has collected a great deal of Earth science data from dozens of orbiting satellites. With time, these data collections have scattered among many archives that vary significantly in sophistication and access. NASA risked losing valuable, irreplaceable data as people retired, storage media decayed, formats changed and collections dispersed. Scientists began to spend more time searching for data than performing research. Today, NASA's Office of Mission to Planet Earth, which leads the agency's Earth science research, continues to collect data. This office operates 11 active satellites and instruments, which together produce 450 gigabytes (Gb) of data each day. Landsat alone, one of NASA's most popular sources of remote sensing data, produces 200 Gb of raw data per day. In 1997, NASA will launch the first of many Earth Observation Systems (EOS) satellites and instruments that will double the daily production of raw data. EOS will produce 15 years of global, comprehensive environmental remote sensing data. To handle the size and variety of data now available and to promote cross-discipline research, NASA created EOSDIS, which drastically reduces the time spent searching for relevant data, allowing scientists to focus their research efforts on changes in the Earth's environment. EOSDIS allows scientists to search many data centers and disciplines quickly and easily, quickening the pace of research. The faster the research, the more quickly scientists can identify causes of detrimental environmental effects, opening the way for policy- and lawmakers to act at international, national and local levels. The well-known hole in the ozone layer above the Antarctic illustrates the process from research to policy to law. Researchers first discovered the ozone hole when lofting a weather balloon from an Antarctic research station. But NASA's NIMBUS 7 satellite had the necessary instruments, so why hadn't it detected the hole? Scientists quickly discovered that the calibration algorithm routinely dropped low ozone values as "noise." When they retrieved 12 years of original NIMBUS 7 data, scientists verified the existence of the hole and indicated that it had grown over the last decade. Data from additional instruments revealed that CloroFloroCarbons (CFCs), such as Freon, destroyed the ozone layer and created the hole. Armed with this knowledge, the United States signed several international treaties restricting the production of CFCs. Congress passed regulations on the production, distribution and recovery of CFCs in the United States. As a direct result, worldwide production of CFCs has plummeted. Today, consumers cannot openly buy Freon. Given time, the CFCs already in the atmosphere will disperse and the ozone layer will heal itself. Another example of the benefits of multiple-discipline Earth science research lies in the work of the EOSDIS Pathfinder projects, which recycle old data from past and current satellites into new products for scientific research. One project used old Landsat data to assess deforestation in the Amazon basin, indicating that the true rate of deforestation closely matches that cited by the Brazilian government, thus ending a long standing, international debate. Now that scientists have settled the extent of deforestation, policy- and lawmakers can act to fix it. In yet another result of the EOSDIS philosophy, ocean dynamists recently discovered a huge, low-amplitude wave that propagates back and forth across the Pacific Ocean. Only a few inches high, but a thousand miles long, the wave bounces back and forth between South America and Asia. The same scientists also found that sea level has risen slightly over the last few years, while other researchers detected a slight decline in total ice coverage. Are these three phenomena related? If so, why? Only collaborative research between atmospheric physics, ocean dynamics, meteorology and climatology can answer these questions. The same principles apply to regional and local, as well as national and international, policy and law. Through EOSDIS, state and local governments can obtain accurate data and information about water tables, flood plains, ground cover and air quality. For example, the state of Ohio has begun using NASA remote sensing data to monitor reclamation of strip mining sites, a task for which the state does not have enough personnel to perform on-site inspections. EOSDIS does a lot more than just store and distribute Earth science data. It also provides the operational ground infrastructure for all satellites and instruments within the Mission to Planet Earth office at NASA. It contains Earth science data from EOS satellites, other MTPE satellites, joint programs with international partners and other agencies, field studies and past satellites. It receives and processes the raw data from the satellites. After initial processing, EOSDIS delivers the data to the Distributed Active Archive Centers (DAACs) for further processing, storage and distribution. EOSDIS also includes mission operations and satellite control. Distributed Active Archive CentersThe DAACs serve as the interface between EOSDIS and the user community. Each DAAC concentrates on a specific discipline of global change and Earth science, storing all raw satellite data received from the Data Production Facility and processing the raw data into usable products. The products are then distributed on a variety of media, such as magnetic tape or CD-ROM. Users query DAAC content through the Internet, viewing low resolution, browse images of the desired data. EOSDIS has nine DAACs: Alaska Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Facility (ASF), located outside Fairbanks, Alaska, specializes in sea ice and polar processes. EROS Data Center (EDC), jointly funded with the U.S. Geological Survey, specializes in land processes; it is located in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Goddard Space Flight Center (GSFC), Greenbelt, Maryland, specializes in the upper atmosphere, atmospheric dynamics - the global biosphere. Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL), in Los Angeles, California, specializes in ocean circulation and air-sea interactions. Langley Research Center (LaRC), located near Norfolk, Virginia, specializes in radiation budget, aerosols and tropospheric chemistry. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), Huntsville, Alabama, specializes in the Earth's hydrologic cycle. National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC), at the University of Colorado in Boulder, specializes in the Earth's cryosphere. Oak Ridge National Lab (ORNL), jointly funded with the Department of Energy in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, specializes in biogeochemical dynamics. Socioeconomic Data Archive Center (SEDAC) at the University of Michigan in Saginaw, specializes in integrating socioeconomic and environmental data. The Science Computing Facilities generate the software algorithms that DAACs use to transform raw satellite data into useful products and perform quality control on DAAC products. One or more Science Computing Facilities support each instrument on each satellite. EOSDIS Core SystemThe EOSDIS core system consists of the Science Data Processing Segment, the Flight Operations Segment and the Communications and Systems Management Segment. The Science Data Processing Segment handles all data production, archive and distribution through the Information Management Service, the Planning and Data Processing System, and the Data Archival and Distribution Services. The Information Management Service performs data search, access and retrieval for the EOSDIS. The Planning and Data Processing System processes the raw data into the standard products offered by the EOSDIS. The Data Archival and Distribution Service permanently stores all data received or produced by EOSDIS. The Flight Operations Segment, consisting of the EOS Operations Center, the Instrument Support Terminals and the Spacecraft Simulator, supports the EOS satellites and instruments. The Operations Center commands and controls the operation of EOS satellites. The Instrument Support Terminals consist of a few generic workstations dedicated to the command and control of specific instruments. Generally, each instrument will have its own Instrument Support Terminal. The Spacecraft Simulator analyzes general satellite information stripped off the main data stream, searching for trends and problems. The Communications and Systems Management Segment, consisting of the Systems Management Center and the NASA Internal Network, manages schedules and operations among the DAACs and other elements of the EOSDIS. The Systems Management Center manages network loading, data transfer and overall processing to optimize EOSDIS performance. The Internal Network connects all of the permanent archives, transferring data among all of the DAACs and Science Computing Facilities via a dedicated fiber network utilizing the asynchronous transfer mode. The NASA Science Internet (or Internet for short) links the general user to the EOSDIS. The Internet also links EOSDIS to data centers outside NASA. The EOSDIS Data and Operations System (EDOS), consisting of the Data Interface Facility, the Data Production Facility and the Sustaining Engineering Facility, handles all telemetry to and from the satellite and performs the initial data processing. The Data Interface Facility is the primary communication and data link between the ground and the satellites. The Data Interface Facility separates the main data stream into the scientific and system information. The scientific information goes to the Data Production Facility, while the system information goes to the EOS Operations Control Center and the Spacecraft Simulator. The Data Production Facility separates the scientific data by instruments, calibrates it and attaches any ancillary data (orbit information, for example). All data then gets transferred to the DAACs for permanent storage. The Sustaining Engineering Facility maintains equipment, identifies hardware trends and plans for future upgrades. The DAACs process the data from each instrument on each satellite into approximately 250 products. Among the many satellite projects from which products are developed are the Tropical Rain Measurement Mission, the Ocean Topography Experiment and Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer. Through EOSDIS, data products can come from field campaigns, such as the Boreal Ecosystem Atmosphere Study; from satellites operated by other agencies, such as NOAA's Geostationary Orbit Environmental Satellite; and from past NASA missions and programs. Users can locate data products by discipline, DAAC, Earth location, instrument, satellite or time. EOSDIS allows any data format, but uses the Hierarchical Data Format, developed by the National Center for Supercomputing Applications, as the standard. NASA released Version 0 of the EOSDIS to the general public in 1994. Version 0 connects all the DAACs with some elements of the Science Data Processing Segments, primarily the Information Management Service. Version 0 consolidates 12 distinct data systems and allows users to locate and order data products at eight DAACs (SEDAC will come on line later this year). Through Version 0, users can also link to NOAA's Satellite Active Archive. Version 1, due for release in February 1996, will include all functional elements of the EOSDIS, but not at full capacity. Version 2, due for release in November 1997, will bring the EOSDIS up to full capacity. Minor upgrades between versions will fix small problems, improve specific services and add new products. Anyone can access the EOSDIS via the Internet with telenet or via modem. One can access Version 0 from a computer that runs UNIX, X-Windows or VT100. Users can search through the EOSDIS archives in a variety of ways: by scientific discipline, satellite or product name. One can limit the search to specific regions on the Earth or specific dates. To help in selection, EOSDIS allows users to preview low-resolution browse images before ordering the data product. Data set descriptions also help users choose applicable products. A help desk at each DAAC takes data orders and troubleshoots problems. Kevin Schaefer is with NASA Headquarters in Washington, DC. http://www.asis.org/Bulletin/Apr-95/schaefer.html
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[转载]Birthday messages for St Andrews University 600 anniversary
grig 2011-3-8 00:43
The University of St Andrews 600th Anniversary Campaign has now launched, with the support of alumni and friends around the world including former US President Bill Clinton, James Bond icon Sir Sean Connery, Scotland’s First Minister Alex Salmond, and Harvard President, Drew Gilpin Faust. Here you can read their warm words: President Clinton said: “Congratulations to all those gathered to launch the 600th anniversary of the University of St Andrews. “In its six-century history, the University of St Andrews has remained dedicated to creating an academic home for people of all ethnic, religious, socio-economic and national backgrounds. As new generations of students have entered its halls, the school has adapted to serve new interests and emerging areas of study. But throughout its history, St Andrews has remained true to values of academic excellence for which it was established. “I’d like to thank this fine school for creating opportunities for students from around the world to study in Scotland. St Andrews has helped guide and inspire America’s past and future leaders throughout our history; three signatories of our Declaration of Independence held a connection to the University, and thousands of American students are welcomed here each year for study abroad. “I am confident that the University will continue to build on its impressive legacy, endowing future generations with the honor of a St Andrews education. Best wishes for a wonderful celebration.” Bond star and St Andrews honorary graduate Sean Connery offered his congratulations to a university “dear to his heart”. He said: There is nothing like a challenge to bring out the best in man, and for six centuries St Andrews has been challenging established wisdom and challenging its students and teachers to push the boundaries of knowledge. “Scotland has a few precious claims to be world class – her first university is one of them. “This university will always be dear to my heart and I’m proud to be an honorary graduate of a place where good is never good enough. Ever to be the best. Happy Birthday St Andrews, lang may your lum reek.” First Minister Alex Salmond said: “The University of St Andrews is globally recognised as an institution of academic excellence and it is important that we celebrate its achievements and proud history. “As a St Andrews graduate, I am delighted to support the University’s 600th Anniversary celebrations and appeal. The Appeal aims to create scholarship opportunities which will help young people, of all backgrounds, have the opportunity to study at Scotland’s oldest University. “Scotland’s reputation for innovation and world-class research is founded on the work and intellectual achievements of our academic institutions. I wish St Andrews every success in the future as it reflects on its achievements over the past 600 years.” Actor and presenter Nicholas Parsons said: “I look back on the three years I spent as Rector of the University of St Andrews with huge pleasure. It was a most rewarding experience being associated with such an eminent seat of learning. St Andrews is unique, a most attractive town with wonderful buildings and an atmosphere which is inducive to study and research. Any student who is accepted there feels special and to be involved in the academic side of this great University, is a privilege I will always treasure. “Best wishes for the success of the Anniversary Campaign.” Joanna Lumley said: “I send my warmest good wishes and congratulations on this momentous celebration. May this pre-eminent seat of learning go from strength to strength; I look forward to visiting the university in the near future, and until I can deliver them in person I send my fondest thoughts to all who teach, and learn, in this fabulous establishment.” Dame Judi Dench said: “Happy Birthday St Andrews! I am inordinately proud to be an Honorary Graduate of Scotland's foremost University, and to be a tiny part of its sensational history. I shall be with you in spirit for all the celebrations.” Poet and novelist Jackie Kay said: “The University of St Andrews is a rare place: a place of deep learning that also has a lovely family-feel. The university has all the passion and history of the nearby sea, but also a lovely way of incorporating the current. It is a place which allows its students to look back to the past with pride and forward to the future with confidence.” Ernest L Ransome, III said: “It is my honour to extend the University of St Andrews congratulations on their 600th Anniversary. My association with St Andrews has been marked with events that have served to become some of my most cherished memories. At the top of this list is the scholarship trust a group of my friends in 1994 established in my name. Each year four graduate and four undergraduate students attend the University of St Andrews under The Ransome Scholarship. The scholarship provides each student their full tuition fees, housing, book allowance, spending allowance and two roundtrip airfare tickets back to their home each year. “Almost every student has told me that the opportunity to be able to attend this wonderful university and receive such an outstanding education was a life changing experience. It is one of my great pleasures to keep in contact with many of the students and to follow their career after graduation. Knowing that they might not have had the opportunity to pursue their dreams and fine careers without the help of this scholarship is unbelievably rewarding for me. “So again, Happy 600th Birthday St Andrews. May you continue to provide excellence in teaching and academics for another 600 years.” Harvard University President Drew Gilpin Faust said: “This magnificent milestone will deservedly be the cause of tremendous celebration for everyone associated with this storied place of learning. Six centuries of academic excellence, a still growing record of groundbreaking contributions in medicine, astronomy and mathematics, and an intellectual roster that has included minds as varied as John Stuart Mill and JM Barrie are distinctions unique to St Andrews but from which every university can take inspiration. “The students and alumni of St Andrews can be proud of their alma mater’s reputation as not only one of the world’s oldest institutions of higher learning, but as a truly twenty-first century university with a diverse and international student body and faculty.” Former Presiding Officer Lord David Steel of Aikwood said: “St Andrews is unique. Heartiest congratulations and here's to our next 600 years!” Sir Tom Farmer said: “For 600 years the University of St Andrews has been a centre of learning and academic excellence. I am proud to be an Honorary Graduate and wish the University every success with its Anniversary Campaign, and for the next 600 years.” Composer Craig Armstrong said: “I would like to wish the University of St Andrews a very happy 600th Anniversary. It's a great honour for me to be associated with the university. Long may it continue its high standard of learning, teaching and inspiring academic excellence.” Dame Bridget Ogilvie said: “I congratulate St Andrews and wish it continued success as it begins to celebrate 600 years since foundation. Universities are one of the most enduring human institutions and their value is best illustrated by the lives of their alumnae. I write this from the region of Australia south of Sydney where a St Andrews alumnus, Alexander Berry settled in the 19th century, contributed greatly to the community, and prospered so much that in 1897 he gave St Andrews £100,000, used to endow Berry Chairs. “In the fiercely competitive university world of this century, St Andrews is flourishing. I admire its history, its leaders and think it is a perfect size both from the undergraduate point of view and that of its staff. “These comments illustrate why I regard my honorary degree from St Andrews such a privilege and am so glad to be asked to send this message at the start of this important three years.” John Kerr (Lord Kerr of Kinlochard) said: “Congratulations on six triumphant centuries of expertise in International Relations.” Kay Redfield Jamison, Professor of Psychiatry, said: “Since my undergraduate days, St Andrews keeps a place in my heart that is in equal parts beauty, learning and imagination; a place whose essence is ancient and modern.” The Very Reverend Professor Iain R Torrance, President of Princeton Theological Seminary and Professor of Patristics, said: “My experience at St Andrews, of which I am proud to be a double graduate (BD 1974 and DD 2005), has been one of the greatest gifts in my life. “Long may St Andrews flourish, and may God bless her and all who study within her walls.” Dr Renee Powell said: “I am thrilled as an honorary graduate of the University of St Andrews to be able to share in the 600th year celebration of the oldest university in Scotland and one of the most prestigious universities in the world. It is my plan to return during the Anniversary Campaign. “Having received an Honorary Doctor of Law was the highlight of my life and having my 91 year old father who had served in Scotland during WWII witness such an occasion was just as special.” Professor Sir Alan Peacock said: “May later generations of students tangibly benefit from present efforts to secure the future of our beloved Alma Mater.” Lord Mackay of Clashfern said: “I started my working life in our great university. I treasure the atmosphere of learning and history that prevailed, enhanced by a tour of the Cathedral with Ronald Cant which left me feeling I had seen the monks carrying out their services.” American author and journalist Adam Hochschild: “From one third of the way around the world, from a nation little more than one third as old as St Andrews, I send you warmest greetings on this momentous anniversary. Your university is an example to us all, not just in longevity, but, more important, in excellence. Best wishes for the next 600 years!” Sir John Sunderland said: “A 600th anniversary celebration is a rare privilege but one that will be shared by many. As one of that many I wish St Andrews every success in the activities that attend this important milestone” 2006 St Andrews Honorary Doctorate, Environmentalist, Nature Writer and Lecturer Sir John Lister-Kaye OBE said: “For 600 years the University of St Andrews has held its own as one of the finest seats of academic excellence in the world. I am immensely proud to be listed among its keenest supporters. St Andrews I salute you: ‘Quo non praestantior alter’ – Than whom none more excellent!” Sir Craig Reedie, Executive Board Member of the International Olympic Committee, said: “I wish the University of St Andrews the warmest congratulations and best wishes on this momentous birthday. The contribution made by the University to education and to the well-being of young people over these six centuries has been a huge contribution to the quality of life of Scotland and St Andrews graduates have made similar contributions all round the world. “The Olympic values of excellence, respect and friendship fit well with the ethos of the University and will guide it as it moves into an exciting future.” Lord Brian Gill said: “The years 2011 to 2013 will be a time of deserved celebration at St Andrews. For six centuries this famous University has been one of Scotland's most important institutions. Today it is one of the world's leading universities. It is a centre of excellence in teaching and research noted for its imaginative and innovative approach. I send every good wish to the staff and students for the success of the Anniversary Campaign and for the continued prosperity of the University.” Broadcaster Sheena McDonald said: “As a humble honorary graduand of the University, I am delighted that this anniversary campaign is being launched! It is a great opportunity for everyone with any association with St Andrews to celebrate the invaluable contribution that the university has made to the intellectual and social wealth of the world's nations through educating innumerable men and women, and enabling them to broadcast further what they have learned in this extraordinary town. No donation is too small or too large - and every penny given represents a well-targeted and genuinely lively investment!” Sir Bob Reid said: “St Andrews is a magic place edged by sea and golden sands, mystical in its saintly name and blessed six hundred years ago to host a University; a University which would send its students to contribute to the commonweal of the countries from which they came. It is for this we give thanks and celebrate.” Chief Rabbi Lord Sacks said: “I am delighted to send my blessings and congratulations to you on this remarkable milestone celebration. In its 600th year, the University of St Andrews remains one of the finest institutions of its kind, not only in Scotland, but in Europe and the world. “I am proud to count myself as one of its honorary graduates, and I have found my visits to the university inspirational, in terms of its academic fellowship and breadth of horizons. “I wish you every blessing in the coming year and success for many generations to come.” Professor Sir David King, University of Oxford, said: “As an honorary graduate of the University I am delighted to join the chorus of congratulations on your 600th Anniversary. The University has developed a remarkable global reputation for excellence in teaching and research. I wish it well in developing the global thought leaders we need to fortify us for the challenges we now face.” Alison Elliot OBE, Associate Director of the Centre for Theology and Public Issues at the University of Edinburgh, said: “Congratulations to the University of St Andrews for keeping the flame of academic excellence burning brightly for 600 years. St Andrews is a byword for first class research, committed students and graduates who gain distinction in their later careers. I am proud to be associated with the university and am confident that it will continue to nurture a spirit of enthusiastic intellectual curiosity at the heart of Scottish society for generations to come.”
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Front reversals, wave traps and twisted spirals
kingroupxz 2011-2-28 19:28
Front reversals, wave traps and twisted spirals
Front Reversals,Wave Traps, and Twisted Spirals in Periodically Forced Oscillatory Media Oliver Rudzick* and Alexander S. Mikhailov Abstract : A new kind of nonlinear nonequilibrium patterns—twisted spiral waves—is predicted for periodically forced oscillatory reaction-diffusion media. We show, furthermore, that, in such media, spatial regions with modified local properties may act as traps where propagating waves can be stored and released in a controlled way. Underlying both phenomena is the effect of the wavelength-dependent propagation reversal of traveling phase fronts, always possible when homogeneous oscillations are modulationally stable without forcing. The analysis is performed using as a model the complex Ginzburg-Landau equation, applicable for reaction-diffusion systems in the vicinity of a supercritical Hopf bifurcation. 1.这是我当年看的新文献,如今成了老文献了。其中十分有意思的是波的反转,至于题目的后两项内容我想是以此为基础可以解释的。老实说,当时就没有深入去看他的分析,总觉得这东西可以很简单地就想明白了,偏要用相方程去分析个头大。 2.现在回头看看他是想进一步讨论一下周期性驱动的振荡介质中波的一些特性。但是比较了相关文献后发现,其所给方程中的参数niu=0.5525,这令我“难过”起来。因为这个方程的“始作俑”者明明说这个参数要很小,它等于被驱动频率-驱动系统频率/n的。可是此文献所有的结果都是n=1,被驱动频率为0.5+(beta-0.5)*波数平方,这个被驱动频率与驱动频率之间的偏离,即niu,太大了,从而导致了n这个参数“完全失效”。 3.可怜的小师弟,以此文献为依据已经在实验中挣扎了一年了,还没见到成功的希望呢。我都不敢告诉他了,一方面可能我的分析不一定对,另一方面谁说不能“碰巧”他就实验做出来了呢。有时间我再分析分析这篇文献吧。 twisted spiral PRL 96,018302(2006)
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syfox 2011-2-20 16:45
#flashContent { display:none; } 野生鸟类的频率依赖性选择丰富了蝾螈的多态性 种群在进化过程中保持遗传变异这一现象,一直是困扰进化论学者的一个经典悖论。因为,按照自然选择(natural selection)和遗传漂变(genetic drift)的观点,最终都是希望将遗传变异从种群中清除。如果某种遗传变异(表型)具有优势效应,比如可以帮助物种更好地隐蔽,那么它就有可能取代其它表型而成为该物种中的优势表型。同样,随机遗传漂变(random genetic drift)作用在基因遗传率(fitness)相同的前提下,最终也会将某个优势表型固定下来,淘汰其它的表型。要在某个物种中保持一个稳定的多态性现象,物种就必须经常(周期性)发生基因突变,即在种群中的分散选择(dispersal selection)和趋异选择(divergent selection)作用之间达到一种平衡,或者在种群内的各个多样性之间达到一种平衡的自然选择状态。举个例子来说,如果食肉动物在捕食过程中,总是更容易捕捉到某一种猎物,而不是同时捕食两种或更多的猎物,那么,这些食肉动物就会形成一种以最容易获得的猎物为食的捕食模式。如果这些食肉动物捕食所有猎物的能力都一样,那么就会对被捕食的猎物种群造成频率依赖性选择效应(frequency-dependent selection)。目前,我们对这种频率依赖性选择假说所进行的实验验证还很少,且捕食者的捕食行为模式与猎物的遗传变异保持之间的关系还很难确定。本文将要介绍的是,使用固定地域实验方法(manipulative field experiment),研究鸟类捕食者的捕食行为是否能通过频率依赖性选择效应对陆栖蝾螈(terrestrial salamanders)产生影响。 在自然界中有多种小型的、栖息于林地的蝾螈,他们背部条纹的颜色、形状等都各不相同(图1),为什么会出现这种多态性我们至今还不得而知。这种多态性无论从系统发生学(phylogenetically)的角度还是从地理学(geographically)的角度来说都是非常常见的一种现象。在北美洲的很多种蝾螈种群中都能发现这种多态性现象,除了北美洲太平洋沿岸的肺螈属无肺螈(Plethodon)和亚洲的韩国裂缝蝾螈(Karsenia)。因此,这种体表图案的多态性绝不仅仅只代表处于不同进化过程中的蝾螈。东部红背蝾螈(Plethodon cinereus)背部是否有红色条纹与其性别无关,只表示它们个体之间基因水平的差异。 图1撒拉门德无肺螈(plethodontid salamanders)种群多态性。图中每一对撒拉门德无肺螈都是同一时间从同一地点捕获的。a南部红背蝾螈(Southern Red-backed Salamanders,Plethodon serratus)取自美国田纳西州大烟山国家公园(Great Smoky Mountains National Park )。b南部锯齿形蝾螈(Southern Zigzag Salamanders,P. ventralis)取自美国田纳西州诺克斯维尔市(Knoxville Tennessee,USA)。c加利福尼亚细长蝾螈(California Slender Salamanders,Batrachoseps attenuatus),取自美国加利福尼亚纳帕县(Napa County California,USA)。 这些貌似不同的各种蝾螈都有一个共同点,那就是个体体积小,身体细长,种群数量多。这些蝾螈往往在温带森林(temperate forests)中会构成动物生物量(animal biomass)中的绝大部分,被在地面觅食的鸟类和其它捕食者捕食。对东部红背蝾螈(Plethodon cinereus)种群多态性的研究表明它们在行为学、生理学以及地理分布丰度等方面都有差异。不过这些多态性中没有一条能直接说明为什么在蝾螈种群中会有如此高的多态性程度,也没有证据表明在其它多态性物种中具有类似的表型相关性。实际上,在南部锯齿形蝾螈种群中,位于海拔越高的地方,出现条纹形态的频率越低;而在东部红背蝾螈种群中,位于海拔越高的地方出现条纹形态的频率越高。因此,物种外表上的表型和生理上并不总是保持一致的,这也说明蝾螈背部条纹和它们的代谢或温度适应性(蝾螈都喜欢在阴凉的地方活动)无关。 为了阐明这个问题,我们基于自然选择在其中直接发挥了作用这样一个假设进行了研究。蝾螈背部彩色条纹最有可能起到的作用就是帮助蝾螈隐蔽(图1),虽然这只是我们的一个假设。当然,也有人认为东部红背蝾螈背部的红色是一种警戒色。不过Brodie和Brodie发现野生鸟类更喜欢捕食东部红背蝾螈,而且发现和苍白脊口螈(D. ochrophaeus)的被捕食率是相当的,但后者是一种喜欢呆在阴暗处活动,非常隐蔽的蝾螈。还有一种通体红色的东部红背蝾螈,外表与有毒的红色斑点绿红东美螈(Notophthalmus viridescens)非常类似,不过我们研究的重点是放在更常见的有条纹还是无条纹这一多态性现象上。如果不同的体表颜色能和相应的栖息地相互匹配的话,那么隐蔽性(cryptic)物种种群可能是通过物种迁徙选择平衡(migration-selection balance)来保持其物种多态性,或者是通过捕食者的频率依赖选择行为对不同的体表颜色表型进行选择。 对隐蔽物种(cryptic prey)的频率依赖性捕食行为(frequency-dependent foraging)研究得还非常少,其中开展得最好的研究就是对自由放养的(free-ranging)鸟类给以彩色食物喂养和让受过训练的冠蓝鸦(Blue Jay, Cyanocitta cristata )挑选出代表不同月份的图片。这些研究表明,鸟类具有频率依赖选择效应,比如冠蓝鸦就能学会选择数量丰富的猎物,而且他们还会根据猎物数量的多少及时作出相应的调整。自然放养的野生鸟类对猎物的骤变选择(Apostatic selection)会造成猎物颜色上的差异、是否会出现条纹的差异以及与蜗牛壳有关的染色体带型(banding pattern)的差异。不过在其他研究中发现,从负向频率相关选择模式(negative frequency-dependence)向正向频率相关选择模式(positive frequency-dependence)发生转变的过程中,如果人工喂养物的量增多,那么罕见表型出现的频率就会减少,而且这是与食物的数量多少相关的。最近对特立尼达孔雀鱼(Trinidadian guppies)展开的一项研究表明,彩色雄性鱼群中发生频率相关存活的现象对于保持彩色雄性鱼群的多态性非常重要。不过我们还不清楚这种现象是否对捕食者的捕食模式会造成重要影响,也不清楚是否有其它因素会影响到鱼群的性别多态性性状。因此,频率相关性捕食行为是否能解释物种多态性问题还需要进一步仔细验证。在此,我们只能说鸟类捕食者对于蝾螈来说起到了一个频率相关性的选择作用。 为了验证鸟类捕食者的这种频率相关性选择效应,我们使用了能模拟这种多态性的标准化的撒拉门德无肺螈(Plethodon salamanders)模型(图2)。我们将半个花生作为食物奖励粘在每一条蝾螈的底部,然后把这些蝾螈放养到美国田纳西州诺克斯县(Knox county,Tennessee)一处林地边约10 × 10 m 的场地中,我们人为控制了有条纹蝾螈和无条纹蝾螈的相对比例,每天都会通过数一数还粘在蝾螈身上的花生的数量来判断有多少蝾螈还活着未被捕食。 图2实验材料 (A) 用于模拟种群多态性的蝾螈动物模型;(B)捕食者冠蓝鸦(Blue Jay , Cyanocitta cristata )。 我们对至少5只冠蓝鸦(Blue Jay, Cyanocitta cristata )以及其它捕食者例如北部红雀(Northern Cardinals, Cardinalis cardinalis )、美洲乌鸦(American Crows, Corvus brachyrhynchos )、美洲画眉(American Robins, Turdus migratorius )以及东部红眼雀(Eastern Towhees, Pipilio erythrophthalmus )等鸟类进行了观察。不过只有冠蓝鸦会从蝾螈身上取食花生。 在试验的第一天,无条纹的蝾螈数量远远超过有条纹的蝾螈数量,两者之间的比例是9:1(该比例维持了6天)。我们观察到无条纹的蝾螈被攻击的数量要远远超过有条纹的蝾螈被攻击的数量,每25条无条纹的蝾螈中有16条被攻击,而每25条有条纹的蝾螈中只有6条被攻击,P = 0.0096。而改变无条纹的蝾螈和有条纹的蝾螈数量比(1:9)6天之后再观察,我们发现,无条纹的蝾螈被攻击的数量要远远少于有条纹的蝾螈被攻击的数量,每25条无条纹的蝾螈中有11条被攻击,而每25条有条纹的蝾螈中却有19条被攻击,P = 0.0421。我们发现,种群中数量相对较少的蝾螈具有存活优势,见文后表1。 图3表明有条纹蝾螈在数量相对少数的情况下具有相对较高的基因遗传率,而在数量相对多数的情况下具有相对较低的基因遗传率。多次逻辑回归分析(Multiple logistic regression)表明,不考虑实验天数的情况下,在相对数量与存活率之间具有明显的关联效应,似然比(likelihood ratio)G2 = 6.37,df = 1,P= 0.0116。天数对实验结果也有明显的影响,G2 = 58.27,df = 12,P 0.0001,这可能表示的是鸟类捕食者捕食行为上的差异(在雨天时捕食活动会减少)或者表示鸟类有学习延迟效应(delay in learning)。我们没有发现蝾螈存活率与其表型(morph)之间有明显相关性,似然比(likelihood ratio)G2 = 0.225,df = 1,P = 0.635。实验发现,在种群中相对数量(有无条纹)发生改变后1至2天内,就会观察到相对少数的蝾螈表现出生存优势(图3)。这些野生鸟类就好像被我们训练得只捕食一种蝾螈一样,但这些被捕食的蝾螈本身并没有什么特异性。 图3 蝾螈动物模型的相对基因遗传率。有条纹蝾螈相对无条纹蝾螈每天的存活率(图中右手边轴实心标志)和有条纹蝾螈数量多少(图中左手边轴空心标志)之间的关系。虚线表示的是平均数量和平均基因遗传率。 这种由鸟类捕食者造成的选择现象结果是多种多样的(heterogeneous),而且还需要在更多地点重复试验加以验证。不过,数十年的研究证明,人工饲养的(captive)和自然放养的(free-ranging)野生鸟类都会对它们的食物形成频率相关性选择效应,而不会根据它们食物的外形进行选择。我们的实验结果也表明这种普遍现象同样适用于蝾螈。 由于我们还没有对频率相关性捕食活动背后的感知觉机制(perceptual mechanisms)或行为学机制(behavioural mechanisms)展开研究,因此,我们在试验过程中一直都避免出现鸟类特殊的捕食偏好行为以防止对实验结果造成干扰。无论如何,我们的这项实验结果表明,鸟类会经常根据食物的构成情况来改变它们的捕食习性(捕食数量较多的食物),这造成了它们食物种群中的多态性现象。该现象背后的鸟类认知机制还需要进一步研究。 此外,关于物种如何保持种群中的多态性还有一个重要问题,那就是食肉动物的频率相关性捕食选择行为在多大程度上能被其它选择行为所影响。种群中其它表型差异(如死亡率等)也有可能会影响到种群保持多态性的问题。促进种群多态性和促进相似物种共存这两个概念之间是互相依存的,这种观念需要获得更多人的关注。 结论 在许多隐存种或叫做表型相似种(cryptic species)之间,由捕食者的频率相关性捕食选择效应带来的少数群体的生存优势是造成物种种群中多态性存在的原因。本文的研究结果表明,频率相关性捕食行为(frequency-dependent foraging)控制着自然界中各种猎物的种群密度。陆栖蝾螈(terrestrial salamanders)种群间体表颜色多态性的维持也是由频率相关性捕食选择效应造成的,因为捕食者往往会忽视这些群体中的“少数派”,因此它们获得了生存优势。 小词典: 1.自然选择:自然选择是进化过程中决定某种突变在种群下一代中是更加普遍存在还是更为稀少的两大主要机制之一。在自然选择过程中,那些对周围发生有利变异的生物存活下来,不利变异的则被消灭。 2.遗传漂变(genetic drift):遗传漂变则是物种基因产生随机突变的过程,是除自然选择之外的另外一个主要机制。遗传漂变是由于某种随机因素,某一等位基因的频率在群体(尤其是在小群体)中出现世代传递的波动现象。所发生的突变为中性突变,即对生物的生存和繁殖没有影响,因此自然选择对其不产生作用。它们在种群中的保存、扩散、消失是完全随机的,这种波动变化导致某些等位基因消失,另一些等位基因固定,从而改变了群体的遗传结构。 3.平衡选择(balancing selection):自然选择朝多个方向进行,其结果是维持了遗传多态性在种群中的存在。 4.定向选择(directional selection):自然选择的方向总是朝着某一种表型进行的进化过程。 5.基因遗传率:基因遗传率是进化理论中的一个核心概念。它标志着种群内某些个体内的基因型得以遗传下去的能力,且通常与种群下一代个体基因型在所有基因型中所占比例相等。当个体基因型的差异对基因遗传率产生影响时,该基因型频率在种群下一代中就会发生改变;那些具有高基因遗传率的基因型会更加普遍,这一过程就是自然选择。 6.频率依赖性选择效应:频率相关选择表示的是进化过程中的一个现象,某一基因表型的遗传率取决于该基因在种群中出现的频率。在正向频率相关选择中,如果某一表型在种群中出现的频率越高,则该基因表型的遗传率越高;而在负向频率相关选择中,如果某一表型在种群中出现的频率越高,则该基因表型的遗传率越低。负向频率相关选择是一种特殊的平衡选择机制。 原文检索:BMC Ecology 2009, 9:12doi:10.1186/1472-6785-9-12
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