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ABBS: Trx1/Prdx2 play a role in cardiac hypertrophy
chshou 2019-7-16 09:06
Alterations in NO/ROS ratio and expression of Trx1 and Prdx2 in isoproterenol-induced cardiac hypertrophy Hao Su, Marco Pistolozzi, Xingjuan Shi, Xiaoou Sun, and Wen Tan Institute of Biomedical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China Acta Biochim Biophys Sin 2017, 49: 1022–1028; doi: 10.1093/abbs/gmx102 The dev elopment of cardiac hypertrophy is a complicated process, which undergoes a transition from compensatory hypertrophy to heart failure, and the identific ation of new biomarkers and targets for this disease is greatly needed. Here we investigated the development of isoproterenol (ISO)-induced cardiac hypertrophy in an in vitro experimental model. After the induction of hypertrophy with ISO treatment in H9c2 cells, cell surface area, cell viability, cellular reactive oxygen species (ROS), and nitric oxide (NO) levels were tested. Our data showed that the cell viability, mitochondrial membrane potential, and NO/ROS balance varied during the development of cardiac hypertrophy in H9c2 cells. It was also found that the expression of thioredoxin1 (Trx1) and peroxiredoxin2 (P rdx2) was decreased during the cardiac hypertrophy of H9c2 cells. These results suggest a critical role for Trx1 and Prdx2 in the cardiac hypertrophy of H9c2 cells and in the transition from compensated hypertrophy to de-compensated hypertrophy in H9c2 cells, and our findings may have important implications for the management of this disease. ISO results in an imbalance in NO/ROS ISO-induced cardiac hypertrophy is related to the expression of Trx1 and Prdx2 阅读原文: http://www.abbs.org.cn/arts.asp?id=4228 获取全文: abbs@sibs.ac.cn 相关论文: 1 Toll-Like Receptor 4 Inhibition Improves Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Health in Isoproterenol-Induced Cardiac Hypertrophy in Rats 2 SIRT6 suppresses isoproterenol-induced cardiac hypertrophy through activation of autophagy 3 Gallic acid prevents isoproterenol-induced cardiac hypertrophy and fibrosis through regulation of JNK2 signaling and Smad3 binding activity 4 L-arginine inhibits isoproterenol-induced cardiac hypertrophy through nitric oxide and polyamine pathways 5 Requirement of nuclear factor-kappa B in angiotensin II- and isoproterenol-induced cardiac hypertrophy in vivo 6 Regression of isoproterenol-induced cardiac hypertrophy by Na+/H+ exchanger inhibition 7 Differential Regulation of Proteasome Function in Isoproterenol-Induced Cardiac Hypertrophy 8 Role of AT1 receptor in isoproterenol-induced cardiac hypertrophy and oxidative stress in mice
个人分类: 期刊新闻|1651 次阅读|0 个评论
sciencepress 2017-7-13 10:12
ROS 是什么? ROS(robot operating system)是一个适用于机器人的开源的元级操作系统。ROS 的主要设计目标是为机器人研发过程中的代码复用提供支持。它提供了操作系统应有的服务,包括硬件抽象、底层设备控制、共用功能执行、进程间消息传递,以及包管理。 ROS 也提供用于获取、编译、编写和跨计算机运行代码所需的工具和库函数。ROS 是一个分布式的进程框架,这些进程被封装在易于被分享和发布的功能包(package) 中。ROS 也支持一种类似代码储存库的联合系统,这个系统也可以实现工程的协作及发布。这个设计可以使一个项目的开发实现了从文件系统到用户接口的完全独立决策。同时,所有项目都可以被ROS 的库和基础工具整合在一起。 ROS 相较于其他机器人操作系统主要有以下特点。 通道: ROS 提供了一种发布-订阅式的通信框架,用以简单、快速地构建分布式计算系统。 仿真和数据可视化工具: ROS 提供了大量的仿真和数据可视化工具组合,用以配置、启动、自检、调试、可视化、登录、测试、终止系统。 强大的库: ROS 提供了大量的库文件(如roscpp、rospy),实现了自主移动、操作物体、感知环境等功能。 生态系统: ROS 的支持与发展构成了一个强大的生态系统。官方网站(www.ros.org) 提供了各种支持文档,提供了一套“一站式”的方案,使用户得以搜索并学习全球开发者共享的开源程序包。 ROS 的历史 ROS 系统最早源于2007 年斯坦福大学人工智能实验室的STAIR 项目与机器人技术公司Willow Garage的个人机器人项目(personal robotics program) 之间的合作,2008 年之后由Willow Garage 公司推动其发展。目前,稳定版本有以下几种。 (1) ROS Kinetic Kame,2016 年5 月23 日发布(其Logo 见 图1)。 图1 ROS 版本Kinetic Kame (2) ROS Jade Turtle,2015 年5 月23 日发布(其Logo 见 图2)。 图2 ROS 版本Jade Turtle (3) ROS Indigo Igloo,2014 年7 月22 日发布(其Logo 见 图3)。 图3 ROS 版本Indigo Igloo (4) ROS Hydro Medusa,2013 年9 月4 日发布(其Logo 见 图4)。 图4 ROS 版本Hydro Medusa (5) ROS Groovy Galapagos,2012 年12 月31 日发布(其Logo 见 图5)。 图5 ROS 版本Groovy Galapagos (6) ROS Fuerte Turtle,2012 年4 月23 日发布(其Logo 见 图6)。 图6 ROS 版本Fuerte Turtle   (7) ROS Electric Emys,2011 年8 月30 日发布(其Logo 见 图7)。 图7 ROS 版本Electric Emys (8) ROS Diamondback,2011 年3 月2 日发布(其Logo 见 图8)。 图8 ROS 版本Diamondback (9) ROS C Turtle,2010 年8 月2 日发布(其Logo 见 图9)。 图9 ROS 版本C Turtle (10) ROS Box Turtle,2010 年3 月2 日发布(其Logo 见 图10)。 图10 ROS 版本Box Turtle ROS 总体框架 根据ROS 系统代码的维护者和分布来标识,ROS 系统代码主要有两大部分。一部分是核心部分,也是主要部分,一般称为main。主要是由Willow Garage 公司和一些开发者来提供设计与维护。它们提供一些分布式计算的基本工具,以及整个ROS 系统核心部分的程序编写。这部分内容被存储在计算机的安装文件中。另一部分是全球范围的代码,被称为universe,由不同国家的ROS 社区组织开发和维护。其中包括各种库的代码,如OpenCV、PCL 等;库的上一层是从功能的角度提供的代码,如人脸识别等,它们调用各种库来实现这些功能;最上层的代码是应用级代码,叫作apps,可以让机器人完成某一种应用,如去拿啤酒,这个过程则调用不同功能的代码进行组合,如啤酒的识别、抓取啤酒等。这个过程一般需要用户下载相应的功能包,然后学习和使用。 不过,对于使用者来说,无论谁提供设计和维护的代码,用户都可以下载到自己的计算机上,然后进行下一步工作。还可以从另外的角度来理解ROS。 ROS 系统有三级概念:文件系统级、计算图级、社区级。 文件系统级 ROS 文件系统级指的是可以在硬盘上面查看的ROS 源代码,包括如下几种形式。 (1) 功能包。 功能包是ROS 中组织软件的主要形式,一个功能包可能包含ROS运行过程(如节点),一个ROS 依赖库、数据集、配置文件或者组织在一起的任何其他文件。功能包是ROS软件的元级组织形式,它可以包含任何内容:库、工具、可执行文件等。 (2) Manifest。 Manifest 提供关于功能包的元数据(meta data),包括其许可信息和依赖信息,指定的编程语言信息(如编译标记)。它是功能包的一种描述。事实上,它最重要的功能是定义功能包之间的依赖关系。 (3) Message(msg) type。 消息的描述,定义了ROS 中发送消息的数据结构,存储在目录 my_package/msg/MyMessageType.msg 下。 (4) Service(srv) type。 服务的描述,定义了ROS 中需求和响应的数据结构,存储在目录 my_package/srv/MyServiceType.srv 下。 计算图级 计算图级(见 图11) 是ROS 处理数据的一种点对点的网络形式。程序运行时,所有进程及它们所进行的数据处理,将会通过一种点对点的网络形式表现出来。它们将通过节点、节点管理器、主题、服务等来进行表现。ROS 中基本的计算图级概念包括节点、节点管理器、参数服务器、消息、服务、主题和包。这些概念以各种形式提供数据。 图11 ROS 计算图级概念 一些基本的ROS 概念如下。 (1) 节点。 ROS 节点是用ROS 客户端库(如roscpp、rospy) 写成的执行计算的过程。一个机器人控制系统由很多节点组成,以便在很精细的尺度上模块化。例如,可以通过一个节点进行人脸识别,一个节点执行导航,一个节点进行抓取。 (2) 节点管理器。 节点之间通过节点管理器进行名称注册和查找。没有节点管理器,节点将不能互相通信或者进行消息交换。 ROS 节点管理器为节点保存主题和服务的注册信息。节点通过与节点管理器通信来报告其注册信息。当这些节点和节点管理器通信时,它们可以接收别的注册节点的信息,并保持通信正常。当这些注册信息改变时,节点管理器也会回调这些节点。节点可以与节点直接相连。节点管理器仅提供查找表信息,如DNS 域名服务器。订阅一个主题的节点将会请求与发布主题的节点进行连接,并确定在一种连接协议上进行连接。 (3) 参数服务器。 参数服务器是节点管理器的一部分。 (4) 消息。 一个消息是一个由类型域构成的简单的数据结构。消息可以包含任何嵌套的结构和阵列。节点之间通过消息来互相通信。 (5) 主题。 消息通过主题进行传送。一个节点通过把消息发送到一个给定的主题来发布一个消息。主题是用于识别消息内容的名称。一个节点对某一类型的数据感兴趣,它只需要订阅相关的主题即可。一个主题可能同时有很多并发主题发布者和主题订阅者,一个节点可以发布和订阅多个主题。通常情况下,主题发布者和主题订阅者不知道对方的存在。当订阅者发现该信息是它所订阅的时,就可以在工作区接收到这个信息。 ROS 中有多个独立的节点,节点之间通过一个发布/订阅的消息系统与其他节点联系。如 图12所示,发布者和订阅者都可以是节点,当一个节点需要广播消息时,它就会发布消息到对应的主题。当一个节点想要接收信息时,它可以订阅所需要的主题。 图12 ROS 中发布者和订阅者的通信方式 (6) 服务。 发布/订阅模式这种多对多的传输方式不同于请求/回复交互的方式,请求/回复交互的方式通过服务来进行。其中,服务被定义为一对消息结构:一个用于请求,一个用于回复。节点提供了某种名称的服务,客户通过发送请求信息并等待响应来使用服务。 图13 所示的服务是一个客户端节点发送“请求”的数据到一个服务器节点,并等待回复;服务器节点接收到“请求”后,发送一些称为“回复”的数据给客户端节点。“请求”和“回复”数据携带的特定内容由服务数据类型来决定,类似消息的消息类型,但是服务数据类型分别表示请求和回复。服务与消息的不同之处在于:服务是双向的一对一通信,而消息是单向的一对一或者一对多通信。 图13 ROS 中客户端和服务端的通信方式 (7) 消息记录包。 消息记录包是一种用于保存和回放ROS 消息数据的格式,是用于检索机器人数据的重要机制。 社区级 ROS 社区采用软件仓库的模式来存放代码。这样可以最大限度地提高社区参与度,使所有感兴趣的开发者和用户都能存放、更新和维护ROS 代码。软件仓库中的功能包数量随着用户数量的增长也在不停增长。 发行版本。 ROS 发行版本是可以用来安装的一系列带有版本号的功能包集合。ROS 发行版本类似于Linux 的发行版本。 软件版本仓库。 ROS 软件版本仓库依赖一个软件版本仓库来组织和更新,用来发展和发布开发者和用户自己的机器人软件组件。 社区百科。 ROS 社区百科 http://wiki.ros.org 是记录ROS 文档信息的主要论坛。任何开发者和用户可以使用账号注册,发布文档,提供修正或更新、编写教程等功能。 Bug Ticket System。 用户可以提交ROS Bug 的系统。 邮件列表。 ROS 邮件列表是社区主要的通信渠道,用于给用户发送ROS更新和提问的更新信息邮件。 ROS 答案。 用于提问和回答问题,网址是 http://answers.ros.org/questions。 《基于ROS的机器人理论与应用》 作者:何炳蔚,张立伟,张建伟 责任编辑:任静 北京:科学出版社,2017.6 ISBN:978-7-03-053057-8 自2010年开源机器人操作系统(ROS)发布第一个版本以来,截至本书成稿时已经发布了10个版本,ROS也已经成为机器人研发领域的通用性软件平台。ROS是建立在开源操作系统Ubuntu系统之上的开源机器人操作系统,其主要目标是为机器人研究和开发提供代码复用的支持。它提供了操作系统应有的服务,包括硬件抽象、底层设备控制、共用功能执行、进程间消息传递,以及包管理。ROS的官方网站也提供了各种支持文档,相关资源构成了一个强大的生态系统,使学习和使用ROS非常方便。 《基于ROS的机器人理论与应用》 通过介绍ROS并以实际机器人为平台,展示机器人主要功能模块涉及的相关理论和应用场景。 (本期责编:李文超) 一起阅读科学! 科学出版社│微信ID:sciencepress-cspm 专业品质 学术价值 原创好读 科学品味 点击文中 书名、作者、封面 可购买本书。
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cjj1650 2013-1-29 10:08
活性氧 (ROS) 在植物的生长、发育和对外界生物和非生物环境刺激的反应及细胞程序性死亡等调控过程中是一个重要的信号分子。 植物在各种逆境下在细胞内产生的诸如氧化氮、单线态氧、过氧化氢等活性氧自由基对植物抗逆性调控因子的表达和细胞死亡调控具有重要意义。尽管过氧化氢( H 2 O 2 )能够促进一些植物的种子萌发,诸如拟南芥,大麦,小麦,水稻和向日葵等,然而这种种子萌发的机制仍不得而知。 Ishibashi 等( 2013 )用 H 2 O 2 和 N- 乙酰半胱氨酸分别处理大豆种子,发现 H 2 O 2 促进种子萌发, N- 乙酰半胱氨酸则抑制萌发,表明活性氧参与种子萌发的调控。 N- 乙酰半胱氨酸抑制乙烯合成相关的基因表达,并抑制内源乙烯的合成。乙烯利和 H 2 O 2 处理则可以逆转 N- 乙酰半胱氨酸的影响。 Ishibashi 等认为,大豆种子在吸胀以后,胚轴产生 ROS ,诱导内源乙烯的产生,促进根尖细胞的延长。 Yushi Ishibashi, Yuka Koda, Shao-Hui Zheng, Takashi Yuasa, and Mari Iwaya-Inoue Regulation of soybean seed germination through ethylene production in response to reactive oxygen species Ann Bot (2013) 111(1): 95-102 first published online November 6, 2012 doi:10.1093/aob/mcs240
4748 次阅读|0 个评论
zcgweb 2012-12-17 02:19
我们实验室今年被接受发表的第8篇论文由 任长虹 完成。 GLB-13 is associated with oxidative stress resistance in Caenorhabditis elegans Changhong Ren 1,4 *, Yuan Li 1,2 *, Rongrong Han 1,2 *, Dawen Gao 1 *, Weiguang Li 1 , Jinping Shi 1 , David Hoogewijs 3 , Bart P Braeckman 3 , Sasha De Henau 3 , Yiming Lu 1 , Wubin Qu 1 , Yan Gao 1 , Yonghong Wu 1 , Zhihui Li 1 , Huqi Liu 2 , Zhaoyan Wang 5 , Chenggang Zhang 1§ § Corresponding author: Chenggang Zhang, Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine, Taiping Road 27, Beijing 100850, China. Tel/Fax: +86-10-68169574, E-mail: zhangcg@bmi.ac.cn Running title : GLB-13 associate with oxidative stress resistance Abstract Globins constitute a superfamily of heme-binding proteins that is widely present in many species. There are 33 putative globins in the genome of C. elegans , where glb-13 is a homolog of neuroglobin (Ngb) based on sequence analysis and specific expression in neurons. Here we examined whether glb-13 as well as Ngb is also associated with resistance to reactive oxygen species (ROS) induced by paraquat. Our results showed that the mRNA level of glb-13 was significantly upregulated after paraquat exposure. Expression of a GFP reporter gene directed by the glb-13 promoter was increased by paraquat exposure. The mutant C. elegans strain glb-13( tm2825) was sensitive to paraquat-induced oxidative stress. Overexpression of human Ngb (hNgb) in C. elegans neuronal cells can rescue the paraquat sensitive phenotype of the mutant strain. glb-13 mutation or hNgb overexpression did not affect the expression of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD). To examine the ROS-scavenging capabilities of hNgb and glb-13 , we further examined the level of ROS in glb-13 mutant and hNgb transgenic (hNgb-Tg) worms. There was no statistical difference in ROS levels in the untreated controls, however in paraquat-treated worms, the ROS level was statistically repressed in the hNgb-Tg relative to enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-Tg worms or wildtype animals. Additionally, the ROS level of glb-13 mutant was statistically higher than the wildtype animals. Furthermore, hNgb overexpression diminished the ROS level of glb-13 mutant. In conclusion, hNgb can rescue the ROS sensitive phenotype of the glb-13 mutant strain. The protein GLB-13 seems to have an hNgb-like function, suggesting the importance of the globin protein family in maintaining the homeostasis of ROS signals. Our data provided evidence for the first time that glb-13 is associated with the resistance against oxidative stress-induced toxicity. Keywords: glb-13 ; neuroglobin; paraquat; ROS; transgenic; Caenorhabditis elegans
个人分类: 论文发表|3423 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]myocardial infarction reactive oxygen species
shixiuchao 2010-12-14 14:40
Reperfusion injury after myocardial infarction: The role of free radicals and the inflammatory response K.S. Kilgore a and B.R. Lucchesi , a a Department of Pharmacology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0626, USA Received 27 May 1993; revised 17 August 1993; accepted 17 August 1993. Available online 15 January 2003. Abstract Development of thrombolytic therapy as a treatment for myocardial infarction has focused attention on the events that occur upon reperfusion of ischemic myocardial tissue. Although it is well documented that salvage of the ischemic myocardium is dependent upon timely reperfusion, it is likely that the very events critical for survival may, in fact, lead to further tissue injury. A widely recognized source of reperfusion injury is the generation of oxygen -derived free radicals. These reactive oxygen species, which are formed within the first moments of reperfusion, are known to be cytotoxic to surrounding cells. In addition, strong support exists for the involvement of the inflammatory system in mediating tissue damage upon reperfusion. Coincident with the recruitment of neutrophils and activation of the complement system is an increase in the loss of viable cells. Although a number of mechanisms are likely to be involved in reperfusion injury, this discussion focuses on the roles that oxygen -derived free radicals and the inflammatory system play in mediating reperfusion injury. Keywords: adhesion molecules; complement; inflammation; membrane attack complex (MAC); myocardial ischemia; neutrophil; oxygen paradox; oxygen radical; reperfusion Reactive oxygen species may cause myocardial reperfusion injury This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier. Douglas A. Peterson a , b , c , Richard W. Asinger a , b , c , K. Joseph Elsperger a , b , c , David C. Homans a , b , c and John W. Eaton a , b , c a Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Veterans Administration Hospital Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA b Department of Medicine, Hennepin County Medical Center Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA c Department of Cardiology, Laboratory Medicine/Pathology, and Medicine, and Dight Institute for Human Genetics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Received 11 December 1984. Available online 4 May 2005. Summary The pathogenic mechanisms responsible for heart damage following temporary coronary artery occlusion are unknown. Some damage may be mediated by a normal cellular enzyme, xanthine dehydrogenase, which converts to xanthine oxidase during myocardial ischemia. Reperfusion, with restoration of oxygen supply, may then lead to formation of superoxide by xanthine oxidase, possibly initiating a cascade of oxidative events. In support of this, reperfusion of transiently ischemic canine myocardium leads to a rapid loss of cellular glutathione and a decrease in catalase activity, both indicative of enhanced generation of activated oxygen. Allopurinol-an inhibitor of xanthine oxidase ameliorates both biochemical damage and functional deficits ordinarily triggered by ischemia and reperfusion, suggesting one possible mode of pharmacologic intervention following acute myocardial infarction. Reperfusion injury after myocardial infarction: The role of free radicals and the inflammatory response This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier. K.S. Kilgore a and B.R. Lucchesi , a a Department of Pharmacology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0626, USA Received 27 May 1993; revised 17 August 1993; accepted 17 August 1993. Available online 15 January 2003. Abstract Development of thrombolytic therapy as a treatment for myocardial infarction has focused attention on the events that occur upon reperfusion of ischemic myocardial tissue. Although it is well documented that salvage of the ischemic myocardium is dependent upon timely reperfusion, it is likely that the very events critical for survival may, in fact, lead to further tissue injury. A widely recognized source of reperfusion injury is the generation of oxygen -derived free radicals. These reactive oxygen species, which are formed within the first moments of reperfusion, are known to be cytotoxic to surrounding cells. In addition, strong support exists for the involvement of the inflammatory system in mediating tissue damage upon reperfusion. Coincident with the recruitment of neutrophils and activation of the complement system is an increase in the loss of viable cells. Although a number of mechanisms are likely to be involved in reperfusion injury, this discussion focuses on the roles that oxygen -derived free radicals and the inflammatory system play in mediating reperfusion injury. Keywords: adhesion molecules; complement; inflammation; membrane attack complex (MAC); myocardial ischemia; neutrophil; oxygen paradox; oxygen radical; reperfusion Stem Cell Therapy for the Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier. Jonathan H. Dinsmore PhD a and Nabil Dib MD, MSc b , c , , a Children's Hospital Boston, 300 Longwood Avenue, Boston, MA 02115, USA b Cardiovascular Research, Catholic Health Care West (CHW), Mercy Gilbert and Chandler Medical Centers, Phoenix, AZ 85297, USA c Clinical Cardiovascular Cell Therapy, San Diego Medical Center, University of California, San Diego, USA Available online 2 December 2009. The last decade has been accompanied by great optimism and interest in the concept of cell or tissue regeneration in the postinfarction myocardium . However, despite the promise, progress was slow. Data derived from multiple controlled studies in hundreds of patients postmyocardial infarction have shown hints of potential benefit but not of the magnitude anticipated. The complexity and hurdles to repair the damaged myocardium have been more daunting than originally estimated. In the end analysis, progress will be made incrementally. The promise for cell therapy continues to be significant, but so are the challenges ahead. This article takes a fresh look at the progress in myocardial regeneration. The authors look at the postmyocardial environment for cues that may guide repair and they look closely atthe clinical data for evidence of cardiac regeneration. This evidence is used for suggestions on how to best proceed with future work. Keywords: Stem cell ; Myocardial infarction ; Therapy; Myocardial regeneration Reactive oxygen species may cause myocardial reperfusion injury This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier. Douglas A. Peterson a , b , c , Richard W. Asinger a , b , c , K. Joseph Elsperger a , b , c , David C. Homans a , b , c and John W. Eaton a , b , c a Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Veterans Administration Hospital Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA b Department of Medicine, Hennepin County Medical Center Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA c Department of Cardiology, Laboratory Medicine/Pathology, and Medicine, and Dight Institute for Human Genetics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA Received 11 December 1984. Available online 4 May 2005. Summary The pathogenic mechanisms responsible for heart damage following temporary coronary artery occlusion are unknown. Some damage may be mediated by a normal cellular enzyme, xanthine dehydrogenase, which converts to xanthine oxidase during myocardial ischemia. Reperfusion, with restoration of oxygen supply, may then lead to formation of superoxide by xanthine oxidase, possibly initiating a cascade of oxidative events. In support of this, reperfusion of transiently ischemic canine myocardium leads to a rapid loss of cellular glutathione and a decrease in catalase activity, both indicative of enhanced generation of activated oxygen. Allopurinol-an inhibitor of xanthine oxidase ameliorates both biochemical damage and functional deficits ordinarily triggered by ischemia and reperfusion, suggesting one possible mode of pharmacologic intervention following acute myocardial infarction. Reperfusion injury after myocardial infarction: The role of free radicals and the inflammatory response This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier. K.S. Kilgore a and B.R. Lucchesi , a a Department of Pharmacology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-0626, USA Received 27 May 1993; revised 17 August 1993; accepted 17 August 1993. Available online 15 January 2003. Abstract Development of thrombolytic therapy as a treatment for myocardial infarction has focused attention on the events that occur upon reperfusion of ischemic myocardial tissue. Although it is well documented that salvage of the ischemic myocardium is dependent upon timely reperfusion, it is likely that the very events critical for survival may, in fact, lead to further tissue injury. A widely recognized source of reperfusion injury is the generation of oxygen -derived free radicals. These reactive oxygen species, which are formed within the first moments of reperfusion, are known to be cytotoxic to surrounding cells. In addition, strong support exists for the involvement of the inflammatory system in mediating tissue damage upon reperfusion. Coincident with the recruitment of neutrophils and activation of the complement system is an increase in the loss of viable cells. Although a number of mechanisms are likely to be involved in reperfusion injury, this discussion focuses on the roles that oxygen -derived free radicals and the inflammatory system play in mediating reperfusion injury. Keywords: adhesion molecules; complement; inflammation; membrane attack complex (MAC); myocardial ischemia; neutrophil; oxygen paradox; oxygen radical; reperfusion Myocardial injury mediated by oxygen free radicals This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier. John T. Flaherty M.D. Cardiology Division, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland, USA Available online 1 June 2004. Abstract Increasing evidence suggests that oxygen free radicals play a major role in the pathogenesis of reperfusion injury. Initial indirect evidence was based on beneficial effects of free radical scavengers administered exogenously at the time of postischemic reperfusion. Recent electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy studies show a burst of oxygen -centered free radical generation during the first 60 seconds of reflow and administration of either a free radical scavenger, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), or an iron chelator, such as deferoxamine, prevents this burst. The in vitro data obtained in a perfused rabbit heart model and the impressive reduction in infarct size, shown in an intact canine model, suggest that well-designed, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials of free radical scavengers and/or antioxidants should be performed to determine if postischemic reperfusion injury can be shown and/or prevented in humans. Mitochondrial Pathophysiology, Reactive Oxygen Species, and Cardiovascular Diseases This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier. Ling Gao MD, PhD a , b , Karine Laude PhD c and Hua Cai MD, PhD a , b , , a Division of Molecular Medicine, Department of Anesthesiology, Cardiovascular Research Laboratories, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, 650 Charles E. Young Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA b Division of Molecular Medicine, Department of Medicine, Cardiovascular Research Laboratories, David Geffen School of Medicine, University of California, Los Angeles, 650 Charles E. Young Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90095, USA c FORENAP Pharma, 27 Rue du 4me RSM, BP 27, 68250 Rouffach, France Available online 1 February 2008. This article discusses mitochondrial pathophysiology, reactive oxygen species, and cardiovascular diseases. Mitochondrial respiratory chains are responsible for energy metabolism/ATP production through the tricyclic antidepressant cycle, coupling of oxidative phosphorylation, and electron transfer. The mitochondrion produces reactive oxygen species as side products of respiration. The mitochondrial derived reactive oxygen species is involved in the pathogenesis of various clinical disorders including heart failure, hypoxia, ischemia/reperfusion injury, diabetes, neurodegenerative diseases, and the physiologic process of aging. Observational and mechanistical studies of these pathologic roles of mitochondria are discussed in depth in this article. Oxygen free radicals and myocardial reperfusion injury This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier. MDRichard C Dart and MDArthur B Sanders Section of Emergency Medicine, Department of Surgery, University of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, Arizona, USA Received 30 March 1987; revised 12 August 1987; accepted 30 September 1987. Available online 27 April 2005. Diseases involving tissue reperfusion following ischemia are gaining significance in emergency medicine. The significance of reperfusion injury and the probable role of oxygen -derived free radicals has been described in many tissues, particularly the heart. During myocardial reperfusion a burst of oxygen -derived free radicals overwhelms normal cellular defenses. These radicals may have several detrimental effects. They can oxidize lipids, leading to membrane dysfunction. They can also alter nucleic and other proteins. Cellular dysfunction and death may ensue. Prevention of oxygen -derived free radical injury appears possible and may be feasible for several disease processes, including myocardial reperfusion after infarction. Author Keywords: injury, reperfusion, myocardial ; radicals, oxygen free, myocardial Mechanisms of myocardial reperfusion injury This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier. James L. Park PhD a and Benedict R. Lucchesi PhD, MD , , a a Department of Pharmacology, University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA Available online 19 November 1999. Abstract Reperfusion of the ischemic myocardium results in irreversible tissue injury and cell necrosis , leading to decreased cardiac performance. While early reperfusion of the heart is essential in preventing further tissue damage due to ischemia , reintroduction of blood flow can expedite the death of vulnerable, but still viable, myocardial tissue, by initiating a series of events involving both intracellular and extracellular mechanisms. In the last decade, extensive efforts have focused on the role of cytotoxic reactive oxygen species, complement activation , neutrophil adhesion, and the interactions between complement and neutrophils during myocardial reperfusion injury. Without reperfusion, myocardial cell death evolves slowly over the course of hours. In contrast, reperfusion after an ischemic insult of sufficient duration initiates an inflammatory response , beginning with complement activation , followed by the recruitment and accumulation of neutrophils into the reperfused myocardium . Modulation of the inflammatory response , therefore, constitutes a potential pharmacological target to protect the heart from reperfusion injury. Recognition of the initiating factor(s) involved in myocardial reperfusion injury should aid in development of pharmacological interventions to selectively or collectively attenuate the sequence of events that mediate extension of tissue injury beyond that caused by the ischemic insult. Review article Reperfusion injury This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier. John T. Flaherty * , a and Myron L. Weisfeldt ** , a a Department of Medicine, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Clayton Heart Center, Baltimore, MD 21205, U.S.A. Received 4 April 1988; revised 7 July 1988; accepted 7 July 1988. Available online 15 January 2003. Abstract Several lines of evidence point to a major role of oxygen free radicals in the pathogenesis of cell death or dysfunction in a variety of disease processes. Recent studies from this as well as other laboratories have demonstrated that oxygen free radicals play a major role in the pathogenesis of post-ischemic reperfusion injury in the heart. 14 We have recently developed methods for direct measurement of radical species and/or specific byproducts of radical injury. 5 Timely administration of oxygen radical scavengers reduced the quantity of free radicals generated following reperfusion and in addition improved recovery of post-ischemic ventricular function and metabolism. 3,6 In a regionally ischemic model the free radical scavenger recombinant human superoxide dismutase also administered at the time of reflow was shown to limit infarct size. 4 In this article we review the biophysical and molecular mechanisms of oxygen free radical generation that are viewed as contributing to post-ischemic reperfusion injury. We also discuss the mechanisms by which the body defends against free radical attack and the interrelationship of free radical injury to other mechanisms of tissue injury. Keywords: Myocardial reperfusion injury; Oxygen free radicals; Superoxide radicals; Hydroxyl radicals; Free radical scavengers; Superoxide dismutase Myocardial reperfusion injury: Role of oxygen radicals and potential therapy with antioxidants *1 This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier. Mohamed O. Jeroudi MD , , Craig J. Hartley PhD and Roberto Bolli MD From the Section of Cardiology, Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas, U.S.A. Available online 22 April 2004. Abstract Experimental studies have demonstrated that reperfusion is associated with a host of distinctive pathophysiologic derangements, the most important of which are reperfusion arrhythmias, transient mechanical dysfunction or myocardial stunning, and cell death. Reperfusion arrhythmias and myocardial stunning occur in experimental animals after transient ischemia followed by reperfusion, and there is considerable evidence that these derangements also develop in humans, although the existence of malignant reperfusion arrhythmias in humans remains uncertain. Reperfusion arrhythmias and myocardial stunning can be considered manifestations of sublethal, reversible cellular injury. The pathogenesis of reperfusion arrhythmias and stunning has not been conclusively established; however, there is considerable evidence that generation of oxygen radicals and perturbations of calcium homeostasis play an important role. Antioxidants and calcium antagonists have been shown to mitigate these manifestations of reperfusion injury. In contrast, the likelihood of lethal reperfusion-induced injury remains highly controversial. Although many studies have reported reduction of infarct size with antioxidants, numerous others have failed to reproduce these results. Consequently, intense controversy persists regarding whether oxygen radicals contribute to extending cell death following reperfusion and whether reperfusion itself causes cell death. Neither the resolution of this controversy nor the availability of clinical therapies to reduce reperfusion-induced cell death is likely in the near future. Review article Free radicals and the heart This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier. N. Kaul a , b , c , N. Siveski-Iliskovic a , b , c , M. Hill a , b , c , J. Slezak a , b , c and P.K. Singal , a , b , c a Division of Cardiovascular Sciences, St. Boniface General Hospital Research Centre, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada b Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada c Institute for Heart Research, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia Received 2 June 1993; accepted 2 July 1993. Available online 18 November 2002. Abstract Because of the molecular configuration, most free radicals are highly reactive and can cause cell injury. Protective mechanisms have evolved to provide defense against freeradical injury. Any time these defense systems are overwhelmed, such as during disease states, cell dysfunction may occur. In this review we discuss cellular sources as well as the significance of free radicals, oxidative stress, and antioxidants. A probable role of oxidative stress in various cardiac pathologies has been also analyzed. Although some methods for the detection of free radicals as well as oxidative stress have been cited, better methods to study the quantity as well as subcellular distribution of free radicals are needed in order to understand fully the role of free radicals in both health and disease. Keywords: Oxidative Stress; Cardiac pathologies; Antioxidants; Myocardial dysfunction Free radicals in ischemic myocardial injury This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier. Steven W. Werns M.D. a , Michael J. Shea M.D. a and Benedict R. Lucchesi M.D., Ph.D. b , a Department of Internal Medicine (Division of Cardiology) The University of Michigan Medicine School, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, U.S.A. b Department of Pharmacology The University of Michigan Medicine School, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109, U.S.A. Received 23 January 1985; revised 11 March 1985; accepted 12 March 1985.; Available online 19 December 2002. Abstract Myrocardial ischemia causes release of chemotactic factors, migration of neutrophils, peroxidation of lipids, and depletion of free radical scavengers. The invading neutrophils may injure the myrocardial vasculature and sarcolemma by generating oxygen free radicals. Several agents that affect neutrophils or oxygen radicals were evaluated in a canine model of regional myocardial ischemia and reperfusion. Anesthetized dogs underwent occlusion and reperfusion of the left circumflex coronary artery. Infarct zone, area at risk infarction, and total left ventricle were quantified by gravimetric and planimetric analysis. Limitation of infarct size by ibuprofen was associated with marked suppression of leukocyte accumulation within the ischemic myocardium. Neutrophil depletion by antiserum resulted in similar reductions of infarct size and was accompanied by a reduction in leukocyte infiltration. A combination of oxygen radical scaverngers, superoxide dismutase plus catalase, decreased myocardial injury whether infusion began before occlusion or 75 min after occlusion. None of the treatments significantly altered hemodynamic indices of myocardial oxygen demand. Reduction of infarct size by ibuprofen, neutrophil antiserum, and free radical scavengers indicates that neutrophils and oxygen radicals participate in producing the irreversible damage to the myocardium during ischemia and reperfusion. Author Keywords: Superoxide dismutase; Catalase; Reperfusion injury; Myocardial ischemia; Polymorphonuclear neutrophils; Oxygen free radicals; Free radical scavengers; Ibuprofen Nitric Oxide and Cardiac Remodeling This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier. Jonathan Passeri MD and Kenneth D. Bloch MD , Massachusetts General Hospital, Charlestown, MA, USA Available online 21 July 2005. Cardiac remodeling occurs as an adaptive response to chronic increases in hemodynamic load and neurohormonal stimulation but may become maladaptive over time, leading to deleterious structural and functional alterations and manifesting clinically as congestive heart failure. On a cellular level, cardiac myocyte hypertrophy and apoptosis, fibroblast proliferation, and changes in the extracellular matrix are some of the principal alterations underlying the remodeling process. In recent years, nitric oxide (NO) has been recognized to modulate contractile function, myocardial oxygen metabolism, ventricular hypertrophy and apoptosis, and fibrosis. The identification of the different isoforms of NO synthase and the generation of genetically modified mice lacking or overexpressing these enzymes have provided new insights into the complexity of NO biology and its multifaceted role in cardiac remodeling and heart failure. Cardiac remodeling occurs as an adaptive response to chronic increases in hemodynamic load and neurohormonal stimulation but may become maladaptive over time, leading to deleterious structural and functional alterations and manifesting clinically as congestive heart failure. On a cellular level, cardiac myocyte hypertrophy and apoptosis, fibroblast proliferation, and changes in the extracellular matrix are some of the principal alterations underlying the remodeling process. In recent years, nitric oxide (NO) has been recognized to modulate contractile function, myocardial oxygen metabolism, ventricular hypertrophy and apoptosis, and fibrosis. The identification of the different isoforms of NO synthase and the generation of genetically modified mice lacking or overexpressing these enzymes have provided new insights into the complexity of NO biology and its multifaceted role in cardiac remodeling and heart failure. 17- Reactive Oxygen: Recent Therapeutic Intervention Strategies This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier. Jill A. Panetta a and John M. McCall b a The Lilly Research Laboratories, Lilly Corporate Center, Indianapolis, Indiana 46285, USA b Discovery Research, The Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo, Michigan 49001, USA Available online 2 August 2007. Summary This review generally describes the injury mosaic of ischemia-reperfusion injury and then discusses the role of reactive oxygen in that process. The ischaemia-reperfusion injury process is characterized by metabolic and ionic changes, protease activation, changes in the arachidonic acid cascade, lipid peroxidation and inflammatory injury. Figure 17.1 gives a comprehensive overview of the complete injury cascade. Not surprisingly, an injury cascade as complex as that described in Fig. 17.1 has invited many therapeutic interventions. Calcium channel blockers, NMDA antagonists, lipid peroxidation inhibitors, diuretics, iron chelators, magnesium, opiate antagonists, anti-inflammatories and more have all been tried with varied success in models of central nervous system (CNS) injury. This review emphasizes the therapeutic role of compounds that modulate reactive oxygen -mediated injury. Injury processes in the CNS are also emphasized. Our review is organized into the following sections: Introduction, Enzyme-related therapeutic approaches, Enzymatic antioxidants/derivatives, Exogenous antioxidants and the Inflammatory cascade. Structures of new compounds are usually included in the text. We have concentrated on the recent literature. Reperfusion injury in the ischemic myocardium This article is not included in your organization's subscription. However, you may be able to access this article under your organization's agreement with Elsevier. Renu Virmani MD a , , Frank D. Kolodgie MS a , Mervyn B. Forman MD, PhD * , Andrew Farb MD a and Russell M. Jones a a From the Department of Cardiovascular Pathology, Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Washington, DC, USA * Department of Cardiology, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, USA Received 18 April 1991; accepted 7 October 1991. Available online 28 April 2004. Abstract Myocardial reperfusion injury is defined as the conversion of reversibly injured myocytes to irreversibly injured cells following temporary coronary artery occlusion. Although not universally accepted, the concept of lethal reperfusion injury is strongly supported by studies that temporally link an interventional therapy administered in the perireperfusion period to myocardial salvage. Myocardial reperfusion may be due to the deleterious consequences of cellular edema, calcium overload, free-radical generation, neutrophil infiltration, and microvascular damage. Current studies suggest that perfluorochemicals and adenosine (agents that preserve endothelium and attenuate neutrophil chemotaxis) are the most promising compounds that reduce infarct size in experimental animal models and may warrant clinical trials in man. This work was supported in part from funding provided by the American Registry of Pathology, Washington, DC.The opinions and assertions contained herein are the private views of the authors and are not to be construed as official or as reflecting the views of the US Army, Navy, or Department of Defense.
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xupeiyang 2010-11-23 09:24
http://cmbi.bjmu.edu.cn/news/report/2010/os.html 氧化应激(Oxidation Stress, OS)是1990年美国RS.Sohal提出的一种病生理概念。它是指机体在内外环境有害刺激的条件下,体内产生活性氧自由基(Reactive Oxygen Species,ROS)和活性氮自由基(Reactive Ntrogen Species,RNS)所引起的细胞和组织的生理和病理反应。ROS有超氧阴离子(.O 2 -)、羟自由基(.OH-)和过氧化氢(H 2 O 2 )等等;RNS有一氧化氮(NO)、二氧化碳(CO 2 )和过氧亚硝酸盐(.ONOO-)等等。由于它们可以直接或间接氧化或损伤DNA、蛋白质和脂质,可诱发基因的突变、蛋白质变性和脂质过氧化,被认为是人体衰老和各种重要疾病如肿瘤、心脑血管疾病、神经退行性疾病(老年痴呆)、糖尿病------最主要的危险因子,是人类健康的大敌!现在社会上抗氧化的保健品满天飞,食品、饮料、美容-----都要贴上抗氧化的标签。氧化和抗氧化成为一种时尚。 生物氧化,氧化还原反应是人体最基本的生化反应。 氧化应激亦是人体一种最基本的保护机制 。在体内,每一个细胞一天要产生2.5X10 11 个分子的ROS,人体内每天可产生40X10 21 个分子的自由基。它们不仅为提供和传递为维持生命活动的能量,帮助我们消灭细菌和病原体,清除体内的毒素和垃圾。它们还是体内多种代谢和信号通路的启动者和调节者,如JNK/SAPK、P38MAPK、IKK/NF-KB、P13K、Akt、CD40/CD40L、PKC等;激活和调控各种转录因子,如AP-1、Nrf2、NF-KB、p53、ATF-1、HIF、HSP、SIFT-1、MST/FOXO等,影响体内各种基因的转录和表达,参与体内炎症、免疫、生殖、发育、代谢、细胞生长、增殖、细胞再生、修复------各种重要生命过程的调节,提供进化的基础,生存的空间和净化的环境,促进和维护细胞、组织和机体的新陈代谢、维护和保证正常生命活动。 ROS和氧化应激是一把双刃剑 ,产生过多,作用不当的确可以引起细胞凋亡和组织损伤,诱发多种疾病。但我们体内还有强大的抗氧化系统,如超氧化歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、谷胱甘肽过氧化酶(GSH-PrX)等等,可以及时快速清除体内过剩的ROS。在正常生理条件下,体内氧化和抗氧化系统保持动态平衡,既保证正常氧化应激反应,又防止ROS对人体的危害。只有在ROS生成过盛,抗氧化酶表达不足,氧化和抗氧化平衡失调,ROS不能及时清除和体内大量积蓄,才会引起细胞和组织的损伤,危害人体的健康。 氧化和抗氧化的平衡和和谐是我们健康的基础。 氧化应激和抗氧化不单纯是一种生化反应,它更有着极其复杂的细胞和分子机制, 包括膜氧化、线粒体代谢、内质网应激、核的重构、DNA损伤修复、基因转录表达、泛素和泛素化、自吞和溶酶体、细胞外基质、信号传递、蛋白折叠等多重的细胞和分子改变。氧化应激作为一门十分年青的学科其作用和机制我们还很不了解,还需要不断深入研究。虽然,氧化应激过盛可以作为多种疾病发生、发展的一种最基本、最普遍的危险因素,但在不同细胞,不同组织的作用和表现是不同的。它在不同疾病发生中的作用、意义和机制亦不相同。尽管有许多研究,但还不够深入,主要的问题可能有: 现在氧化应激的研究很多,每年逾万篇。2010年ROS的研究报告就达13000多篇,但抗氧化的研究每年只有700多篇,氧化/抗氧化平衡的研究就更少;而且是单一的研究多,系统的研究少;分析的研究多,组学的研究少;氧化损伤的研究多,氧化保护的报告少;病理作用研究多,生理作用研究少;氧化应激是人体内最复杂的生理和病生理反应之一,我们必须加强氧化/抗氧化平衡调节的系统和整合组生物学研究,充分认识氧化应激的正常生理功能。 现在关于氧化应激与疾病的研究很多,涉及肿瘤、心脑血管病、代谢综合征、糖尿病、老年痴呆/神经退行性疾病、衰老、不育、炎症和感染等各种重大疾病。所有的研究都证明氧化应激在疾病发生中具有重要作用,但缺乏不同疾病氧化和抗氧化的个性化和特异性的了解,更缺乏系统和整合组生物学的分析和转化医学的研究。需要深入研究氧化应激和抗氧化平衡失调,在不同疾病发病中的表现分析不同疾病的普遍和特异的细胞分子机理和网络通路,研究调节和干扰氧化应激和抗氧化平衡的方法和途径,防治疾病。 研究氧化应激和抗氧化需要有多种Biomarkers。现在有OX-LDL、Lp-pLA 2 、MPO、8-oHdG、TAOS/TAS、TRX、F 2 -isoprostanes、monoaldehyde、脂质过氧化等。但尚不够全面和系统,更缺乏器官、组织和疾病的特异性。需要应用组生物学的方法,特别是氧化酶、抗氧化酶和代谢组生物学研究,发现更多的氧化和抗氧化的关键的靶分子和不同层次的Biomarkers,进行基础和临床相关的研究。 现在抗氧化的药物很多,尤其是许多中医药、保健品和美容品铺天盖地,存在着到处乱贴签的倾向。而真正有效的抗氧化和调控氧化/抗氧化平衡的药物却很少。这些药物主要的是一些抗氧化酶、氧化酶抑制剂、抗炎药物、Statins类的药物(包括Probucol)、维生素E、C、一些金属离子(如硒、锌)和一些激素(如皮质素、褪黑色素)等。但都缺乏靶向性和特异性。因此,真正有效特异的抗氧化药物,尤其是氧化/抗氧化平衡调节的药物还需积极研究和开发。 http://www.gopubmed.org/web/gopubmed/1?WEB01v970mfjedf7tIaI1I00h001000j100200010 Reactive Oxygen Species and oxidative stress 25,904 documents semantically analyzed 1 2 Top Years Publications 2009 2,967 2010 2,819 2008 2,693 2007 2,445 2006 2,269 2005 2,033 2004 1,846 2003 1,555 2002 1,420 2001 1,172 2000 1,000 1999 794 1998 692 1997 523 1996 467 1995 382 1994 232 1993 166 1992 99 1990 75 1 2 1 2 3 ... 6 Top Countries Publications USA 7,556 Japan 2,250 Italy 1,456 Germany 1,298 China 1,226 United Kingdom 1,104 South Korea 986 France 925 India 921 Spain 763 Canada 750 Brazil 513 Taiwan 476 Turkey 404 Australia 397 Poland 395 Israel 338 Netherlands 267 Sweden 240 Argentina 218 1 2 3 ... 6 1 2 3 ... 72 Top Cities Publications Seoul, South Korea 391 Boston 366 Tokyo 360 New York City 301 London 290 Paris 269 Los Angeles 259 Rome 258 Baltimore 252 Taipei 235 Beijing, China 206 Bethesda 192 Madrid 191 Montreal 180 Kyoto 175 Cleveland 170 Lexington 160 Philadelphia 147 Houston 147 Atlanta 141 1 2 3 ... 72 1 2 3 ... 133 Top Journals Publications Free Radical Bio Med 938 J Biol Chem 736 Biochim Biophys Acta 313 Free Radical Res 298 J Neurochem 285 Biochem Bioph Res Co 283 Antioxid Redox Sign 234 Free Radic Biol Med 210 Toxicology 191 Mol Cell Biochem 190 Febs Lett 187 Brain Res 185 Mutat Res-fund Mol M 177 Am J Physiol-heart C 177 Arch Biochem Biophys 174 Hypertension 169 Biochem Pharmacol 163 Life Sci 161 Biochem J 153 Faseb J 150 1 2 3 ... 133 1 2 3 ... 1488 Top Terms Publications Oxidative Stress 25,088 Oxides 23,324 Reactive Oxygen Species 18,512 Oxygen 16,541 Oxygenators 16,210 Animals 14,887 Humans 12,085 Antioxidants 11,006 Proteins 9,643 Hydrogen Peroxide 8,740 Peroxides 8,145 oxygen and reactive oxygen species metabolic process 7,576 Superoxides 6,575 Rats 6,117 Glutathione 5,783 Enzymes 5,501 Oxidation-Reduction 5,037 Oxidoreductases 4,863 Lipids 4,789 Apoptosis 4,750 1 2 3 ... 1488
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热度 3 asssan 2010-7-24 09:24
(1)原理:DCFH-DA本身没有荧光,可以自由穿过细胞膜,进入细胞内后,可以被细胞内的酯酶水解生成DCFH。而DCFH不能通透细胞膜,从而使探针很容易被装载到细胞内。细胞内的活性氧可以氧化无荧光的DCFH生成有荧光的DCF。检测 DCF的荧光就可以知道细胞内活性氧的水平。 (2)材料与仪器 DCFH-DA购自Sigma公司,分子量487,用DMSO溶解,4.87 mg/ml 配成10 Mm,终浓度稀释成25M; FLUOstarOPTIMA 酶标仪。 (3)步骤 ① 接种细胞:96孔板,接种细胞数为每孔1.5万个细胞。 ② DCFH-DA孵育:接种24小时后用有糖earles 液洗两遍,并换上终浓度为25M DCFH-DA培养箱孵育30 min. ③ 处理:DCFH-DA孵育结束后,用有糖earles 液洗两遍给予处理(氧化应激或药物)。 ④ 检测: FLUOstarOPTIMA 酶标仪检测荧光, 488nm 激发波长, 525nm发射波长 。 (4)注意点 ① 要有无DCFH-DA孵育的对照; ② 多次清洗,注意操作规范,不要将细胞洗掉。 ③ 如果处理4小时以内,可以先孵育荧光染料,再处理后检测;如果处理超过4小时,建议先处理,再孵育染料检测。
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