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xiaojunyang 2012-2-7 18:27
CLOUD DELPHI METHOD, International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems(IJUFKS) Volume: 20, Issue: 1 (2012) pp. 77-97 DOI: 10.1142/S0218488512500055 2010年4月6日投稿 2010年10月4日一审结果,大修 2010年11月20日提交第一次修改版 2011年10月4日accepted with revision 2011年11月2日提交第二次修改版 2011年11月17日Accept 2012年2月7日在线出版 Abstract: Group decision making is an important category of problem solving techniques for complicated problems, among which the Delphi method has been widely applied. In this paper an improved Delphi method based on Cloud model is proposed in order to deal with the fuzziness and uncertainty in experts' subjective judgments. The proposed Cloud Delphi Method (CDM) describes experts' opinions by Cloud model and we aggregate the experts' Cloud opinions by synthetic algorithm and weighted average algorithm. Another key point of CDM is to stabilize and accommodate the individual fuzzy estimates by the defined stability rules rather than having to force them to converge, or reduce. The Cloud opinions and aggregation results can be exhibited in a graphically way leading experts to judge intuitively and it can decrease the number of repetitive surveys and/or interviews. Moreover, it is more scientific and easier to represent experts' opinion base on Cloud model which can combine fuzziness and uncertainty well. A numerical example is examined to demonstrate applicability and implementation process of CDM. Keywords: Decision making; Cloud Delphi method; Cloud model; fuzzy; uncertai nty 全文链接
个人分类: 学术论文简介|4954 次阅读|0 个评论
jiangdm 2011-9-27 21:54
《Operations Research Applications and Algorithms》 Wayne Winston 决策分析.ppt
1 次阅读|0 个评论
review: A user centric service-oriented modeling approach
jiangdm 2011-8-21 11:50
《A user centric service-oriented modeling approach》,Ding-Yuan Cheng, Kuo-Ming Chao, Chi-Chun Lo, Chen-Fang Tsai World Wide Web (2011), Springe Abstract With rapid development of service-oriented architecture and cloud computing, web services have been widely employed on the Internet. Quality of Service (QoS) is a very important criterion for service consumers to measure and select services. The selection of web services with respect to non-functional QoS criteria can be considered as a Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) problem when multiple consumers need to share a number of services. This paper describes a new user centric service-oriented modeling approach which is featured by integrating fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and Service Component Architecture (SCA) to facilitate web service selection and composition and to effectively satisfy a group of service consumers’ subjective requirements and preferences in the dynamic environment. The main contribution of this method is able to translate a group of users’ fuzzy requirements to services as well as model different levels of hardware and software as services to meet the requirements. We also design a simulated environment that includes 8*8 LED matrix on a circuit board that corresponds to an office with different appliances to demonstrate the dynamic service selection and binding. The simulation is used to assess the computational efficiency of the fuzzy TOPSIS method and the effectiveness of the proposed system. Keyword: SCA . fuzzy TOPSIS . service selection . multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) 文献类型: 仿真模型 研究目标: 研究方法: 以Group Decision Making为核 以fuzzy TOPSIS为工具 以Service Component Architecture (SCA)为纽带 以Smart home LED为仿真环境 注: 逼近理想解排序法 TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution )法是 C.L.Hwang 和 K.Yoon 于1981年首次提出,TOPSIS法根据有限个评价对象与理想化目标的接近程度进行排序的方法,是在现有的对象中进行相对优劣的评价。理想化目标(Ideal Solution)有两个,一个是肯定的理想目标(positive ideal solution)或称最优目标,一个是否定的理想目标(negative ideal solution)或称最劣目标,评价最好的对象应该是与最优目标的距离最近,而与最劣目标最远,距离计算可采用明考斯基距离,常用的欧几里德几何距离是明考斯基距离的特殊情况。 比基尼: 难点 重点 疑点 个人点评: 个人认为本文并没有太多新意,但是其写作方式巧妙:和学硬件的讲软件,同学软件的谈硬件。 值得借鉴,总结架构: Smart home + Group Decision Making (Fuzzy TOPSIS) + SCA + LED 如我 Smart home + Group Decision Making (Rough ...)+ SOA + ARM 文章不足之处: 作者其它文献脉络 相关重要文献 A user centric service-oriented modeling approach .pdf beamer_user_centric_service-oriented_modeling_approach.pdf
个人分类: CHI|1 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 18 wsyokemos 2011-6-5 22:35
首先澄清一下,为何我的博文言必称 SCI, 因为近日有一匿名网友在我的一个博文的评论中质问我为何"言必称 SCI" ,其实我的博文中所提到的 SCI 论文,我个人心中的概念是指国际科技期刊上的英文论文,说是 SCI 论文只是为了简单起见也是为了吸引眼球,更重要的是,我尽管也曾经发表过一些中文论文,但是我已经有些年头基本没看、更没有写过中文论文了(就连写中文博文也是近一两年的事),所以原来的对于中文论文的写作和体会都已经 out 了,所以不敢对中文论文写作指手画脚,另外我国当前的科技界评价体系,不发表一些 SCI 论文,似乎很难在学术界混得开(至少在生物医学领域如此),所以也为了 “ 与时俱进 ” ,我的博文只谈英文 SCI 论文的写作与投稿。 现在开始正题, 之所以写这个标题的博文,是由于科学网博主孙学军老师曾经在去年底写了一篇相关博文,标题为: “ 从论文审阅看国内外学术期刊的区别 ” ( 点击查看原文 ),在该文中,孙老师在谈到国内外学术期刊在决定稿件是否录用方面 ,谦虚地说 “ 因为不了解国际杂志的具体运行模式,就不多说外行话了 ” ,我的水平远不如孙老师,何德何能有资格在这儿班门弄斧呢,尽管有俗话说 “ 没吃过猪肉,还没见过猪跑? ” ,但是即使见过一万只猪跑,也未必就知道猪肉是何滋味,我尽管也给一些国际 SCI 期刊审过稿,也曾做过一段时间的某 SCI 期刊的兼职编辑,但是基本还是属于没有吃过猪肉的类型。但是有吃过猪肉的,国际知名科技论文写作专著 “How to write and publish a scientific paper” (该书的第6版封面见文首图片) 的作者 Dr. Day 曾任包括 Journal of Bacteriology 在内的多种期刊的 Managing Editor ,所以他对本文的话题应该有资格、有水平来评论。尽管我们都知道:我们的论文不像我的青春我做主,而是由 editor 做主的,但是下面的具体细节您未必都知道。 在上述专著的第六版中,第 21 章的标题是 :” The review process (how to deal with editors) 专门有大量的篇幅讲审稿的过程,结合我们今天的话题以及自己的一些体会和理解(夹杂了一点自己的私货,但相信都是正确的,如有谬误之处,欢迎高手的板砖),摘要如下: 1 . 一篇论文投到国际 SCI 期刊后, editor (或 Managing Editor 、 associate editor, 甚至是 editor in chief )会对稿件由一个初步的意见或结论。首先看论文的内容是否符合期刊的定位或 scope, 比如一篇有关临床的 case report 论文投到了 JBC ,其下场是可以想像的,像这种情况, editor (我下面坚持用 editor 是由于我国不少报道将该词翻译为主编,事实上并非所有的期刊的 editor 都是主编的)就不用再浪费时间了,不用外审了,直接退稿,当然退稿信会简单解释原因,但都应该是通用格式,像这这种情况,作者不用太不爽,因为 editor 并不是拒绝你的数据和 / 或结论,下一步很简单:就是再找一个适合论文内容的期刊,再投。 2 .如果论文是适合在该期刊发表的,接下来 editor 就会看下面两个问题: 1) 论文投稿是否完整,有没有缺少某些部分,图和表有无遗漏?; 2 )投稿的格式是否符合期刊的格式?最起码要符合基本格式。上面两个问题如果有一个问题的答案是“ NO”, 论文也会立马退回,绝大多数期刊的 editor 都不会让审稿人去浪费时间去审阅明显有上述问题的稿件,这也是对繁忙的审稿人的起码尊重。 3. 上面 1 、 2 条通过后 , 有些稿源丰富的相对高端期刊(一般而言是高影响因子期刊)还会由作为大同行的编辑对稿件的内容本身,尤其是创新性等方面对稿件进行评估,这个编辑内部初审,对于牛期刊而言也会拒掉许多投稿,这一过程通常比较快,一般两个周甚至一周之内即可搞定。科学网有些博主根据自己的投稿经验说 Nature 或者其子刊的审稿很快的,只有 1-2 个周,这实际上是个误解,这些投稿应该没有经过真正意义上的同行评审 (peer review) ,没有通过编辑内部初审这一关。因为从投稿到同行评审结束这整个过程, 1-2 个周的时间是不大可能完成的。初审通过的稿件,下面 editor 要干的活的就是找合适的审稿人(一般是两个,当然也有多达 8 位的)进行外审,下面审稿过程就是科学网大多数网友比较熟悉的,略去不提。 4. 两位同行的评审意见(这一过程可能不止一轮)收到后,往下 editor 要干的活,有时候很容易,比如两位审稿人都建议接受( accept ),并且都有很强的理由,论文只需小修甚至无需修改,这种情况下, editor 要做的决定是显而易见的。但现实往往并非如此简单,不然是个人都可以干这活了,很多情况下,两个审稿的意见是不一致的,甚至是完全相反的,或者其对稿件的推荐意见并没有很强的证据说明,这种情况下 , editor 有两种选择:或自己直接做最后决定,或再找一个或更多地审稿人继续审,看是否能有一致的评审意见。如果 editor 对文章的内容可以说是大同行 (reasonably expert in the subject area of the manuscript) ,此时他 / 她就可以作为第三个审稿人做出自己的判断, editor 很可能会如此做,尤其是当其中一个审稿人的意见比另外一个明显更有说服力的时候。当然,第二个选择,即再外审显然需要花更长的时间,但比较弱的编辑往往会如此选择,尤其是对论文的内容自己不熟悉的时候。有些期刊,比如像 CNS ( Cell 、 Nature 、 Science )等牛刊,所收到的稿件要远远大于其所能发表的能力,这些牛刊,一篇文章即使是收到两个 ”accepts” ,文章照样可能被据。当然这种杯具还是相当让人痛苦的,这就像申请基金的标书之结局: “approved but not funded” (批准啦,但是没钱给你)。 5 . 外审结束, editor 也做出决定后,此时作者就会收到 editor 的通知 ( 现在几乎都用 email 了 ), 注意:这是 editor 的最后决定,审稿人或者 editorial Board members 只对文章是否录用做出推荐意见, 最后的决定是、而且一定是由 editor( 当然这活有时是由 associate editor, editor in chief 来干的 ) 做出的 ,尤其是对于采取匿名审稿方式的期刊,更是如此。 6. 一般而言, editor 的决定由三种类型:“ accept’, “reject”, “modify/revise” (当然这个又可分为:小修、大修、大修后重投) 。上述决定一般在文章投稿后 4-6 周内都能搞定(请注意,这个时间不同学科可能有较大差别,对于生物医学领域至少如此,但是对于有些学科如数学、某些工程领域则审稿时间可能比这长的多)。如果您在投稿 8 周后,还没有收到 editor 的最后决定(或者解释稿件耽搁的理由),此时,就不要再犹豫,赶快和 editor 联系。作为作者,我们有权利在合理的时间内 (4-6 周 ) 知道稿件的命运,或者至少知道论文的进展情况。上述时间问题对于新手而言尤其重要,在丁香园论文版上,几乎每周都有站友问,文章已经投了 X(X= 个位数 ) 天,还没有消息,是否该问问了。 8 个周或者说两个月是一个很重要的参考时间。事实上, editor 这活,估计永远也满足不了他们的客户 ( 作者 ) 的需要或者说期望值,因为作者对 editor 的期望/态度往往如一位牛人说的 : “I expect the editor to accept all my papers, accept them as they are submitted, and publish them promptly. I also expect him to scrutinize all other papers with the utmost care, especially those of my competitors." 大意是说, editor 对我要像“春天般的温暖”,对待我的竞争对手要像“秋风扫落叶一样冷酷无情”。这当然是 “ mission impossible” 。不过还有期望值更猛的网友:希望今天投出稿件,明天就接受发表,后天就被引用无数,大后天就获得诺贝尔奖!这个世界,没有想不到,只有做不到。 另外值得一提的是,论文投稿不用修改,直接录用的可能性非常小,对于绝大多数期刊的绝大多数稿件都要经过至少一轮的修改过程,当然也有例外,我所知道的唯一一个例外期刊是 Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (即 BBRC ),该刊的 绝大多数发表的论文都是不用修改,直接接受 (点击参见我的另一博文: BBRC 算是同行评审期刊 (Peer Reviewed Journal) 吗 ?! ),这对于亟需论文来毕业或者评职称的人而言,无疑是救命稻草(当然这只限于生命科学领域)。 ( 王守业草于 2010 年 12 月,修改于 2011 年 6 月 5 日,初稿曾贴于丁香园,文中图片来自网络,感谢作者。未经同意,请勿转载 )
个人分类: 论文写作|40529 次阅读|32 个评论
[转载]Chinese Technology Prize Revoked Over Fraud-by Hao Xin
xchenhhu 2011-3-13 13:49
For the first time, the Chinese government has revoked a major technology award because the prize-winning work turned out to be fraudulent. Bloggers on a popular science site, ScienceNet.cn, are hailing the decision as a signal that the government is getting serious about cracking down on academic misconduct in China. China's National Office for Science and Technology Awards announced this month that investigations have confirmed allegations of fraud in an award-winning project that won second prize in a 2005 competition. The project, which involved nine researchers under the leadership of Li Liansheng, formerly of Xi'an Jiaotong University (XJTU), claimed to have developed key technologies for a scroll compressor, useful for air conditioning, and to have successfully commercialized the product. The government has withdrawn the award certificates for this work and demanded the return of the prize money, roughly $12,000. The government's decision is the latest blow to Li, who was fired by XJTU in March after being criticized by peers. Chen Yongjiang, an 83-year-old retired XJTU professor, and five colleagues accused Li of misconduct several years ago and sought to have the university reprimand him. According to Chinese news reports, the professors said university officials first tried to suppress their complaints but failed. The professors opened a blog under Chen's name on ScienceNet.cn in March 2009, after which the Chinese mainstream media picked up their cause. On 20 March 2010, Chinese Central Television looked into the controversy in a prime-time show, a 30-minute program called Focused Interviews that provides in-depth reporting and commentary on current events. XJTU fired Li the day after the program was aired. When Chinese reporters sought to interview Li after the award was revoked, he responded that he did not wish to comment. Fang Shimin, the self-styled watchdog of academic corruption in China said Li is a small fry among those alleged to have committed research fraud: "It's much harder to punish those with higher ranks," Fang told Southern Daily newspaper. 转载:http://news.sciencemag.org/scienceinsider/2011/02/chinese-technology-prize-revoked.html
个人分类: 学界新闻|1172 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 5 nyouyou 2011-1-17 14:48
妹子的decision letter回来了,竟然是要revision,可比我想象得好多了。真为她骄傲。 我感叹,不同的导师命运不同。俺家妹子的论文导师定了题目,什么东西都是自己吭哧吭哧地写,从写文章(in English)到投稿,基本小丫头是主力,导师只负责简单修改。可怜小丫头连cover letter是啥都不知道。我因为严守“你的论文应该你导师负责”的原则,一点忙都不肯帮她(主要是自己忙死),还打击她估计人家editor都不送出去审。没想到送出去两个多月,前天小丫头兴奋地跟我说,decision回来了,让修改。I am so proud of you! :) 小丫头可以自己写全英文的论文,这是很多清华一年级硕士生都做不到的。 再感叹一下,妹子的学校好歹也是211、985的北京地方名校(嘿嘿),硕士生却连个生活费都不发,一年导师给发个几百块钱的过节费,小丫头乐得屁颠屁颠的。而且小丫头还一口跟我咬定她们导师是难得的好老板,害的我嫉妒羡慕恨的不行,看来我以后也要学着放养了,哈哈
758 次阅读|5 个评论
[转载]采用医学证据改进医疗决策 Improve your decision making using medical evidence
xupeiyang 2010-8-20 08:03
Dear Prof Peiyang, Evidence 2010 Transforming Healthcare, 1-2 November, 2010 London will bring together the various groups of the healthcare chain for cost-effective change, and to transform healthcare. 3 conference streams will provide a more integrated approach to the development of evidence-based healthcare and allow you to customise the programme according to your learning needs. Evidence Implementation Transforming Healthcare Click for the full Conference programme Key speakers include Ben Goldacre, Victor Montori, Paul Glasziou, Jim Easton, Sir Iain Chalmers and Sir Muir Gray. There are limited places available and the last CEBM conference sold out early, so book now to secure your place. We look forward to seeing you at Evidence 2010. Fiona Godlee Editor in Chief, British Medical Journal Carl Heneghan Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, University of Oxford
个人分类: 循证医学|1922 次阅读|0 个评论

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