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Lovely Days Restart
estudy 2010-10-17 19:27
Monday, May 28th, 2007, Sunny It were lovely days gradually being in the life of only us two. Hua is kind, clever and beautiful, for which my life become brighter and lighter. Be my girl, be my angel! My lovely days start then. Since this semester, we have quarreled with each other every two or three days, severely sometimes. It was not good for my tense and hard-working days that time. I even doubted she was the expected angel I chased, she was so sensitive and easy to be angry, and she was in bad temper. I was tired of that kind of life. Weve talk about that problem for some times, but it didnt work. After the external moderation, I thought about the situation of our life seriously. I am sure that we love each other verily; it is some trivia that makes us not so satisfies with each other. As shes said, I am not so careful of her feeling since this semester, which makes her feel that I didnt love her pure-heartedly. Whats more, I become harum-scarum and always forget something, drop something, or demolish something. Thats because I rest on her too much, I thought she would take care of me and arrange my whole life. I made a mistake. We should take care of each other, or further saying, I need to care for her much more. Meanwhile, I think she should pay more attention to her bad tempers. She is so easy to misunderstand and be angry with me, just because that, I believe, she cares about me too much, and she is nervous of my saying, doing and even thinking. However, she should trust me more, just as the way I trust her, and understand me more. Or I will say, we should understand each other better and be more generous with each other. After the successful talking as I wished last Saturday, the life turns bright. I sincerely thank her for the meticulously care during the time I was hurt. Now, the wound on my head is nearly recovered. And I know my lovely days restart.
个人分类: 生活点滴|2841 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]How long should an appliance last?
zuojun 2010-10-16 17:33
Sources: http://www.demesne.info/Home-Maintenance/Appliance-Life-Expectancy.htm Appliance Life Expectancy Most appliances and small electrical products have fairly predictable life expectancies. Depending on the original cost, manufacturing quality, and how heavily its used, an appliance may last a longer or shorter period than shown in the following table. Nevertheless, its useful information, especially if you want to make sure you get your moneys worth. Just knowing that the microwave is going to die after only 10 years, or that you need to budget for a replacement for your gas range after about 20, helps plan for the inevitable expense. And if you are buying used appliances, its a good indicator of how long you can expect a five-year-old top-loading washer to last. The following table shows average life expectancies for common household appliances. This information has been derived from different sources including manufacturers websites and consumer resources, and is intended only as an estimate. Care and maintenance as well as proper installation also play big roles in performance and longevity. Major appliances Appliance /Expected life in years Microwave oven/10 Garbage disposal/10-12 Water heater, gas/11-13 Water heater, electric/13-14 Water heater, tankless (on demand)/20+ Smoke detector/10 Refrigerator, side by side/14 Refrigerator, top mount/14 Refrigerator, bottom mount/17 Refrigerator, single door/19 Refrigerator, compact (dorm type)/5 Washing machine, top load/14 Washing machine, front load/11 Dryer/13 Range, electric/17 Range, gas/19 Dishwasher/10 Cooktops/13-20 Air Conditioner (room size)/10
个人分类: From the U.S.|2005 次阅读|0 个评论
Sweetest Day
zuojun 2010-10-16 05:03
October 16th, 2010 is Sweetest Day . I dont care for sweets, but do want to have some fun. So, join me to have a sweet Saturday! May your Saturday be as sweet as mine
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|3000 次阅读|2 个评论
lost in the sea
houyang 2010-9-19 20:44
i am now wandering around the library, beingso confertable with the smell of the books but having no interest in any word, especially the small english charactors. childrenare lovely creatures, don't you think so? is is so fun to be with children. how lovely their inmagination is. how frankly their speach is. they are just like the new born grass, give you all hope and freshment. it is so hard to understand that as a science of such lovely creature_child psychology could be presented in such a boring way. why must we use adult language to describe the wordof children? why must we write in such a fixed way? why we care about so many useless hypotheses? if tomorrow is the last day, what will i do today? the article i just readthis morningwill predict that i will focus on emotional goal. i will go to people who could make me happy, my love, my family and my friends. i guess it is true this time. at the end of the life people will appreciate what they already have in life instead of pursueing anything else. however, tomorrow will be another day, my life will still go on. i need to do more than just enjoy myself with those who are imtate to me. i may have another 60 years to live, wichallows me to do many things,and so give me a sense of possibility. how should ispend the hours god have planed for me? just walk the way most people have walked so that people could feelcomfortable with me or just walk like a blind, go to where the road lead me to or seek a way nobody has set foot in? but is there a road where no one hase been? of course not. no people no road as LuXun said there is no way in the world until people walk on it. so new road should be created insteadof being found. looking back of my life, iwas walking happily on the road whichwas in front of me andhave now got to some where so called higher than my counterparts in my home town. and absolutely iam surpposed go on to climb to higher places. but now different viewsareattacting me. i was throw into the sea.
个人分类: 生活点滴|3407 次阅读|1 个评论
热度 1 liaowj 2010-9-19 01:47
下文转自四川大学王洪涛老师。 很高兴地宣布:由亿科环境与四川大学联合开发的生命周期评价软件(eBalance)和数据库(CLCD)今天正式发布了!感谢您一直以来对我们的鼓励与支持!也感谢国家科技计划给予的长期支持! eBalance和CLCD是国内首个正式发布的、完整支持LCA方法、搭载国内外多套数据库、适用于各种产品建模分析的通用LCA软件系统。eBalance和CLCD的发布填补了中国本土商用LCA软件的空白,标志着我们已经具备了与国际领先的LCA机构相当的集成研发能力,可以为日益普及的LCA研究与应用提供全面的技术支持,其主要应用领域包括: 产品LCA分析(Life Cycle Assessment) 产品碳足迹报告及验证(Product Carbon Footprint,PCF) 产品III型环境声明及验证(ISO14025 - Type III Environmental Product Declaration,也称为EPD) 产品生态设计(Eco-design)与生态报告(ecological profile),如欧盟EuP、ErP指令 清洁生产(Cleaner Production) 节能、低碳、清洁技术的研发与评价 环境标志(Eco-label)与绿色采购(Green Procurement)等 未来,我们将继续致力于LCA领域的创新研发与应用,服务于节能减排的宏观目标和各界用户的需求。 目前eBalance已开放免费下载试用,并将在北京、上海、广州进行巡回培训,详情请查看以下链接。 * eBalance的功能与特点( http://www.itke.com.cn/cn/product/?CategoryID=1 ) * 免费下载eBalance评测版( http://www.itke.com.cn/cn/product/Try_eB_EE.aspx ) * 参加eBalance软件及数据库培训( http://www.itke.com.cn/cn/Activity/Default.aspx ) 顺祝中秋快乐, 王洪涛 四川大学建筑与环境学院 朱永光 亿科环境科技有限公司 及全体eBalance和CLCD研发同事(部分名单如下) 李明儒, 蒋伟, 邓玺, 王春华, 陈建, 刘夏璐, 姜睿, 何琴, 张浩, 侯萍, 王志慧, 黄娜, 谢阿弟, 杨洁, 印佳艺, 张莉, 梁小娟, 马靖,兰星, 刘冠平, 向蜀燕, 廖勋, 廖文杰, 张晓晋, 徐琪, 杨易, 杨磊, 陈雪雪, 韩冰
个人分类: 未分类|5931 次阅读|0 个评论
翻译:Three things in life 生命中的三样东西
waterlilyqd 2010-7-21 18:51
Many of the great achievements of the world were accomplished by tired and discouraged men who kept on working Three things in life that, once gone, never come back:Time, Words Opportunity Three things in life that may never be lost:Peace, Hope Honesty. Three things in life that are most valuable:Love, Faith Prayer Three things in life that are never certain:Dreams, Success Fortune Three things that make a man;Hard work,Sincerity Commitment\ Three things in life that can destroy a man;Lust, Pride Anger 世界上许多伟大的成就都是由 疲惫 又沮丧的人经过不懈努力地工作所取得的。 生命中失去就永不再来的三样东西:时间、说过的话、机遇! 生命中从不可能丢失的三样东西:平和、希望、诚实! 生命中最珍贵的三样东西:爱、信念、祈祷! 生命中永不确定的三样东西:梦想、成功、幸运! 造就一个人的三样东西:努力工作、真诚、奉献! 毁灭一个人的三样东西:欲望、傲慢、愤怒!
个人分类: 翻译实践|4529 次阅读|1 个评论
zuojun 2010-5-29 00:15
China, do I know you anymore? I feel compelled to share this sad joke. 同事出差去了,叫我这两天照顾 一 下她女儿伙食(她离异,没再结婚), 小姑娘刚读六年级,嘴巴很厉害, 昨天带她去吃赛百味,吃到一半,邻座一对恋人模样的男女吵起来了,最后男的扔下一句侬再这样子,也不要谈结婚了!,说完就一个人走了,留下女的一个在 那里一言不发。。。 这时小姑娘说话了: 姐姐你晓得吗?现在女人是有标准的, 好女人,有丈夫有情人; 坏女人,有情人没丈夫; 堕落女人,没情人没丈夫,但有男人。。。 我一下子愣住了,还没来及问她这话哪里听来的, 她最后给我来了一句,孤独女人:只有丈夫。。。
个人分类: Tea Time/Coffee Break|2311 次阅读|5 个评论
Three passions I have lived for---(bertrand russell)
eddy7777 2010-4-19 14:22
ThreepassionsIhavelivedfor---(bertrandrussell) 以下是哲学家(bertrandrussell)的著名文章,我觉得他写尽了人对生命的认识,人生的无奈与悲欢离合。堪与苏轼的《水调歌头》相比: 明月几时有,把酒问青天。不知天上宫阙,今夕是何年。我欲乘风归去,又恐琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒。起舞弄清影,何似在人间?   转朱阁,低绮户,照无眠。不应有恨,何事长向别时圆?人有悲欢离合,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。 世事纷繁复杂,人生苦短无常。我们追寻光明,真理和爱情,然而人世间的苦难,罪恶却无时无刻不包围着我们,欲罢不能,无力改变! 然而,我们却愿意再活一次,如果有可能的话,因为,生命只有一次,而且生命是一种恩赐,人乃受造之物,能够活着,就是一种幸福,能够 经历沧海桑田,历尽苦难,却无怨无悔,只要活出真实的自己,就是一种圆满;懂得感恩,就是一种至善!这篇文章,值得每个大学生一读! Threepassions,simplebutoverwhelminglystrong,havegovernedmylife:thelongingforlove,thesearchfor knowledge,andunbearablepityforthesufferingofmankind.Thesepassions,likegreatwinds,haveblownme hitherandthither,inawaywardcourseoveradeepoceanofanguish,reachingtotheveryvergeofdespair. Ihavesoughtlove,first,becauseitbringsecstasy----ecstasysogratethatIwouldoftenhavesacrificedall therestofmylifeforafewhoursforthisjoy.Ihavesoughtit,next,becauseitrelievesloneliness----thatterrible lonelinessinwhichoneshiveringconsciousnesslooksovertherimoftheworldintothecoldunfathomable lifelessabyss.Ihavesoughtit,finally,becauseintheunionofloveIhaveseen,inamysticminiature,the prefiguringvisionoftheheaventhatsaintsandpoetshaveimagined.ThisiswhatIsought,andthoughitmight seemtoogoodforhumanlife,thisiswhat----atlast---Ihavefound. WithequalpassionIhavesoughtknowledge.Ihavewishedtounderstandtheheartsofmen.Ihavewishedto knowwhythestarsshine....Alittleofthis,butmotmuch,Ihaveachieved. Loveandknowledge,sofarastheywerepossible,ledupwardtowardtheheavens.Butalwayspitybroughtme backtoearth,Echoesofcriesofpainreverberateinmyheart.Childreninfamine,victimstorturedbyoppressors, hopelessoldpeople----ahatedburdentotheirsons,andthewholeworldofloneliness,poverty,andpainmake amockeryofwhathumanlifeshouldbe.Ilongtoalleviatetheevil,butIcannot,andItoosuffer. Thishasbeenmylife.Ihavefounditworthliving,andwouldgladlyliveitagainifthechancewereofferedme.
个人分类: 生命与社会|3543 次阅读|0 个评论
Will tomorrow be a better day?
zuojun 2010-4-15 16:45
Lenin's guard said famously (in the movie I watched as a child): Dont worry. We will have bread (to eat) tomorrow. For someone who grew up in the 1950s and 1960s, his life today may be a lot better than his fathers. (Of course, this may not be true for everyone.) I didnt have a TV at home when I was a kid, and my son had his own TV even before he could turn it on himself. (It was a 13 TV made in Korea, which I bought when I first arrived in the U.S., a demo without a box for $200. My Korean classmate told me its of good quality, and he was right. It was given away to a mover just before we moved to Hawaii, after having served us for nearly 14 years!) As a parent, I of course wish my sons life will be better than mine. However, will my wish come true? A few years ago, I read some newspaper article on a plane, which was about Europeans in their 20s and 30s. The young people complained about not being able to find good jobs and could only vacation at their parents villa. My old office neighbor, Pat Takahashi, brought this up today, after we enjoyed a forced lunch break without lunch. (See my Blog on The danger of using a toaster at work... ) For those of you who are interested in the IOL (Index of life; or Quality of Life Index), please go to these Web sites: T he index of life_by Takahashi 2009 Quality of Life Index
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|4058 次阅读|3 个评论
[转载]找书备忘:Experimental Design for the Life Sciences
cranelover 2010-3-31 13:12
转一下一个读者的读书笔记 http://book.douban.com/review/1450874/ 原文在:   http://lijuan.yo2.cn /2008/07/22/reading- experimental-design- for-the-life-science s-chapter1-why-you-n eed-to-care-about-de sign/   http://lijuan.yo2.cn /2008/07/23/reading- experimental-design- for-the-life-science s-chapter2-starting- with-a-well-defined- hypothesis/   http://lijuan.yo2.cn /2008/07/23/reading- experimental-design- for-the-life-science s-chapter3-between-i ndividual-variation- replication-and-samp ling/   http://lijuan.yo2.cn /2008/07/25/reading- experimental-design- for-the-life-science s-chapter4-different -experimental-design s/   还有一个flowchart在:   http://lijuan.yo2.cn /2008/07/25/reading- experimental-design- for-the-life-science s-flowchart/      Chapter 1 Why you need to care about design       * Experimental design is more about common sense, biological insight and careful planning.    * Poor experimental designs waste time and money, also have ethical issues.    * Every statistical test have slightly different assumptions, so it is essential to decide in advance how you will analyse your data when you have collected them.    * The two major goals of designing experiments are to minimise random variation and account for confounding factors.         下面是新手们经常有的两个认识误区:   Myth1 It does not matter how you collect your data, there will always be a statistical 'fix' that will allow you to analyse them.   Myth2 If you collect lots of data something interesting will come out, and you'll be able to detect even very subtle effects.      Chapter 2 Starting with a well-defined hypothesis      A hypothesis is a clear statement articulating a plausible candidate explanation for observations.It should be constructed is such a way as to allow gathering of data that can be used to either refute or support this candidate explanation.      For example:       1. Questions: why does chimp activity vary during the day?    2. Hypotheses: Chimp activity pattern is affected by feeding regime.    3. Predictions: The fraction of time that a chimp spends moving around will be higher in the hour aroung feeding time than at other times of day.      Make sure that your experiment allows you to give the clearest and strongest evidence for or against the hypothesis.   Make sure that you can interpret all possible outcomes of your experiment.      Pilot study: Exploration of the study system conducted before the main body of data collection in order to refine research aims , data collection and analysis techniques.      Correlational study's advantages:       * we handle them with much less time;    * We do not affect other functions;    * We are dealing with biologically relevant variation      Manipulative experiment's advantages:       * without third variables;    * without reverse causation;      A more efficient approach might be to begin with a large correlational study to see which factors seem to be important. Once potentially influential factors had been found, manipulative studies could be used to confirm and refine these findings.      There is no perfect study, but a little care can produce a good one instead of a bad one.      Chapter 3 Between-individual variation,replication and sampling      Whenever we carry out an experiment, we are trying to find ways to remove or reduce the effects of random variation, so that the effects that we care about can be seen more clearly.      Replication involves making the same manipulations and taking the same measurements on a number of different experimental subjects. Replication is a way of dealing with the between-individual variation due to the random variation that will be present in any life science experiment.      Replicate measures must be independent of each other: Techinicallly, statisticians talk about there being no correlation between the deviations of individuals within a group.If this is the case, this will have the important effect of meaning that if we examine a group of independent individuals their deviations will tend to cancel out, and the mean of the sample will close to the mean of the population.      Pseudoreplication is a problem that has to be addressed by biologists and not by statisticians.   Accept that sometimes pseudoreplication is unavoidable, so the key if you can't replicate fully is to be aware of the limitations of what you can conclude from your data.      Number of replicates: It should be big enough to give you confidence that you will be able to detect any biologically meaningful effects that exist, but not so big that some sampling was unnecessary.       * Educated guesswork: reference on previous similar studies.    * Formal power analysis: statistical power is the probability that a particular experiment will detect a difference assuming that there really is a difference to be detected. (there are many computer programs that can help you)         Randomisation simply means drawing random sanmples for study from the wider population of all the possible individuals that could be in your sample. Proper randomisation means that any individual experimental subject has the same chance of finding itself in each experimental group.      The power of an expeiment will be affected by three main things: the effect size, the amount of random variation and the number of replicates.      Chapter 4 Different experimental designs      The control group must be that it differs from the treatment group in no way except for the treatment being tested.      A blind procedure is one in which the person measuring experimental subjects has no knowledge of which experimental manipulation they have experienced or which treatment group they belong to.   In experiments with humans, we may use a double-blinded procedure in which the experimental subjects too are kept ignorant of which treatment group they belong to.   The procedures are design to remove the perception that unconscious bias might taint the results of a study.   后面讲的paired-design, cross-over design, split-plot design就不如直接看统计书了。      Chapter 5 Taking measures      Calibrate your measuring instruments(including human observers.)   Adopt clear definitions to reduce subjective decision-making during measurement taking.   Watch out for observer drift, intra-observaer variability and inter-observer variability.   Watch out for observer effects, where measuring a system influence its behaviour.      Recording data effectively is a skill that you must acquire.       1. Don't try and record too much information at once;    2. Beware of shorthand codes.    3. Keep more than one copy of your data.    4. Write out your experimental protocol formally and in detail, and keep a detailed field journal or lab work.    5. Don't overwork.      Chapter 6 Final thoughts
个人分类: 科研笔记|322 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]The Life by the Year 3000
annehuang 2010-2-9 07:01
到了3000年,自动刮胡刀不需要乱七八糟的乳液和泡沫也能让爸爸保持好的仪表 到了3000年,你身上的衣服会根据时尚潮流自动更换 到了3000年,只要几秒钟就可以变成日晒的健康肤色 到了3000年, 不是你背书包而是书包背你!~ 到了3000年,当你生病的时候,特殊的设备会自动照料好你鼻涕不断的鼻子 到了3000年,化妆会变得简单得多 未来,运动也会变得省事。你睡觉的时候机器帮你锻炼就好了 戴上3000年的飞行帽后,想要到处走走可比骑车快多了,也方便多了 到了3000年,职业球员赚的钱多到只要雇人替他们打球就好。 到了3000年,如果你敢敲脏话的话,电脑就会惩罚你 穿上3000年四条腿的牛仔裤,去哪都不怕没地方坐了 为了节约能源,到了3000年,所有的校车司机都会换成独轮杂技演员 到了3000年,在停车标志面前,汽车不停也得停 将来有一天,调台时你也可以不换节目而只是换节目里的某个演员 未来的医生也很神奇,所以他们不用x光也可以检查你的骨骼有没有问题 引用地址: http://e.iciba.com/space-88-do-blog-id-1076740.html
个人分类: 生活点滴|1664 次阅读|0 个评论
entomology 2009-11-30 17:40
最近总是看到博士自杀的新闻,心里很不是滋味。这些博士们的心路历程,很多过来人多多少少都曾经历,都很有感触。 但,留得身躯在,明天有希望。我们要坚强而艰难地活着。多忍耐几天,便有无数年的前景。多坚持几步,也许就豁然开朗。 参见: http://news.qq.com/a/20091130/000928.htm 中山大学博士遭双重挫折抱爱犬跳楼身亡
个人分类: 扯闲皮儿 Babble Chat|3834 次阅读|0 个评论
New Life
guodanhuai 2009-6-17 15:12
近日起在新单位上班了,感觉要学习的东西很多。过去几年尤其是博士论文还没有好好地总结,又有新的战斗等着我们。 我是谁?一个特别能吃苦,特别能战斗的人,发扬连续作战的精神,战胜疲劳和寒冷,什么话,现在是6月? 近期要完成的工作有:好好总结一下博士论文的研究、写作中的得与失,总结经验教训,好好思考一下 在cscd级别刊物上发表若干篇文章,这是答应好了人家的工作,不要拖延,一个月内搞定吧。大哥的地位都是弟兄们给的,什么话,又胡来了, 把博士论文的几个核心问题和观点整理出2篇左右高水平的文章,这个要在3个月内完成。 给蔷蔷写一封信,不少于1万字,这两年对她关心不够,虽然有她妈妈不允许我打扰她的原因,毕竟失职了 ,
个人分类: 胡言乱语|2923 次阅读|0 个评论
sunon77 2009-5-25 06:09
本来打算接着推荐一些非线性动力学和分叉理论的书, 但是感到颇费踌躇. 于是先写一个引子, 让大家了解其重要. 一来这方面的书非常多, 侧重点也非常不同; 二来关于复杂网络的非线性动力学非常重要, 可能是生物物理学有别于经典物理学, 发现生命自身的定律(Law of Life), 最有可能取得突破性进展的方向. 比如, 人们认识到能量守恒原理以后, 发现只有石头从天上掉下来砸到地上, 石头的动能转变为泥土的热能, 而没有泥土自发的变冷, 把石头弹向天空的情况(虽然这并不违反能量守恒). 于是人们提出热力学第二定律, 封闭系统总是熵增. 但是如果我们把人和自然界放在一起, 发现总是生物通过食物吸收负熵, 排除废物使自然界的熵增, 而不是环境中的熵减, 生物体迅速熵增导致其分崩离析(虽然这并不违反封闭系统总是熵增). 显然这里有一个复杂系统通过能量流动吸取负熵甚至进一步提高复杂性. 并不是所有的复杂系统都能够自发的熵减.那么, 什么样复杂系统才能自发的熵减呢? 更多可以参见我以前的博文: 谈谈生物物理(2)--- 生命违反热力学定律吗? http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=22041 对于这个问题, Kauffman 提出了热力学第四定律: 只有复杂系统处在绝对有序和混乱之间的临界状态(at the edge of chaos), 才有能够自发的熵减的可能. 当然, 对于这个回答目前还有很多争议. 这是他在去年的应用数学家年会(SIAM 2008)的讲座: 如果你还不了解Kauffman, 你可以从这了解: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stuart_Kauffman
个人分类: 生物物理-biophysics|6605 次阅读|2 个评论
cuncaoxin 2009-1-30 10:00
中文名称 : BBC 爱因斯坦 死亡方程式 英文名称 : BBC Einstein's Equation of Life of and Death 别名 :爱因斯坦 死亡的公式 BBC Exlusiv Albert Einstein oder die Formel des Todes 版本 :双语版 发行时间 : 2005 年 地区 :英国 , 德国 语言 :英语 , 德语 首播: 2005 年 5 月 15 日上午 9 : 40 - 10 : 40 星期天 电视台: VOX 英语原版名: Einstein's Equation of Life of and Death 德语版片长: 44 分钟 制片: Aidan Laverty 出版: BBC Horizon (注: BBC 2 台科教片系列旗舰品牌,每集长度约为 50 分钟。) 视频链接:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/video/54079.shtml 早在 1905 年,年仅 26 岁的爱因斯坦就已提出了狭义相对论。狭义相对论推倒了牛顿力学的质量守恒、能量守恒、质量能量互不相关、时空永恒不变的基本命题。这是一场真正的科学革命。 其后,爱因斯坦又经过 10 年探索,建立了广义相对论。自此,爱因斯坦相对论宣告完成。它奠定了 20 世纪物理学的基石。爱因斯坦仍不满足。他开始探索宇宙起源问题,并揭示出宇宙是 静态 的、有限无界的。他根据广义相对论,提出了三大命题:光线在太阳引力场中会发生弯曲;水星近日点运动规律;引力场中光谱线向红端移动。然而直到 1919 年 5 月之前,这些预言并未得到验证。许多科学家对此持怀疑态度。 经历了两次世界大战的惨败,德国人一直苦于自己的国家严重缺乏英雄人物,现在他们重新将艾伯特 爱因斯坦视为德国历史上最伟大的人物之一,尽管这位犹太裔物理学家曾因自己的血统遭到纳粹党人的仇视而流亡国外。 爱因斯坦生于德国,一个世纪前,他在瑞士发表了著名的相对论。 1955 年 4 月 18 日,他永远离开了这个世界。 50 年后的今天,他曾摒弃的国家为他重扬美名。 2005 年被称为 爱因斯坦年 ,世界各地纷纷展开各种庆祝活动。但是没有一个地方像德国一样,在对这位有着低垂眼睛和浓密灰发的老人予以盛赞的同时,还要肩负沉重的 历史包袱 。 德国政府开始竭尽全力了解爱因斯坦。 20 世纪早期,他关于宇宙、时间和相对论的理论给当时的物理学带来了颠覆性的变革,他也由此成为世界上第一位大众偶像级科学家。 这有点奇怪。 德国版爱因斯坦传记的作者于尔根 内费说。该书自从一月份出版以来,在畅销书榜上一直位居前列。 爱因斯坦憎恨纳粹,并将这种反感之情延伸到所有德国人身上,在他看来德国人造成了这一切。他确实非常讨厌德国,但是无论如何,他肯定会为德国最近 30 年来取得的发展感到欣慰的。 德国对爱因斯坦的 重新发现 始于 2003 年。在当时的一次调查中,他被数百万电视观众推选为德国历史上 最伟大的人物 之一。 1879 年,爱因斯坦出生于德国乌尔姆的巴伐利亚市, 17 岁时,为逃避服兵役,他移居瑞士。从苏黎世联邦工业大学毕业后,他供职于瑞士联邦专利局,并在业余时间撰写科学论文。 1905 年是爱因斯坦的 奇迹年 ,他创立了阐释时空关系的相对论,挑战了物理学巨人艾萨克 牛顿始创的宇宙观,那些理论 200 年来一直固若磐石。 1919 年,爱因斯坦的理论为科学家们所证实,一时他声名鹊起。 1921 年,他获得了诺贝尔物理学奖,随后德国和瑞士都争着说爱因斯坦是属于自己国家的。 但是爱因斯坦没有停滞不前。他的独特理论也给他最为著名的发现奠定了基础,那个发现就是 E=mc2 一个打开原子时代大门的方程式。全世界都知道这个公式,虽然没多少人能真正理解它。 1914 年,爱因斯坦回到德国,随后在柏林居住了 19 年,直到 1933 年为躲避希特勒的纳粹军团的迫害而逃亡国外。他曾在美国普林斯顿大学执教,并在那里度过了晚年。 他在柏林的住宅曾遭纳粹党人洗劫。 1932 年,爱因斯坦放弃了德国国籍,并于 1940 年加入美国国籍,成为一名美国公民。 In the summer of 1939 Albert Einstein was on holiday in a small resort town on the tip of Long Island . His peaceful summer, however, was about to be shattered by a visit from an old friend and colleague from his years in Berlin . The visitor was the physicist Leo Szilard. He had come to tell Einstein that he feared the Nazis could soon be in possession of a terrible new weapon and that something had to be done. Szilard believed that recent scientific breakthroughs meant it was now possible to convert mass into energy. And that this could be used to make a bomb. If this were to happen, it would be a terrible realisation of the law of nature Einstein had discovered some 34 years earlier. September 1905 was Einstein's 'miracle year'. While working as a patents clerk in the Swiss capital Berne Einstein submitted a three-page supplement to his special theory of relativity, published earlier that year. In those pages he derived the most famous equation of all time; e=mcsup2;, energy is equal to mass multiplied by the speed of light squared. The equation showed that mass and energy were related and that one could, in theory, be transformed into the other. But because the speed of light squared is such a huge number, it meant that even a small amount of mass could potentially be converted into a huge amount of energy. Ever since the discovery of radioactivity in the late 19th century, scientists had realised that the atomic nucleus could contain a large amount of energy. Einstein's revolutionary equation showed them, for the first time, just how much there was. However, at the time Einstein doubted whether that energy could ever be released. By 1935 he was convinced it would never be practical. At the Winter Session of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Pittsburgh , he is quoted as telling journalists: The likelihood of transforming matter into energy is something akin to shooting birds in the dark in a country where there are only a few birds. Einstein was so sceptical because attempts to break open the atomic nucleus always required more far energy be put in than was ever released. Nuclear physicists like Ernest Rutherford were exploring the structure of the atom by bombarding atomic nuclei with alpha particles. Even when machines were built to accelerate the alpha particles to ever higher speeds they had only limited success in breaking apart the nucleus. In 1933 Rutherford dismissed talk of atomic power as 'moonshine'. One morning in September 1933 Szilard read Rutherford 's comments in The Times. Leaving his hotel and crossing the street, he had a brainwave. Alpha particles and the other particles that physicists had been using to bombard the nucleus were simply the wrong tool for the job, because he realised that they, like the nucleus, had a positive charge. Since like charges repel, Szilard thought, no matter how hard you fire them in, the majority would simply be deflected away. That morning he was one of the first to realise that the recently discovered neutron might be what was needed. The neutron, a subatomic particle like a proton but with no electric charge was discovered in 1932. With no charge, Szilard believed the neutron would simply slip into the heart of the atom undeflected. But he didn't stop there. Szilard thought that if an atom could be found that is split open by neutrons, not only would it release some of its huge store of energy, it might also release further neutrons, which could then go on and split further atoms, setting up a chain reaction leading to a truly vast release of energy. Szilard immediately saw the possible military applications and sought to patent the idea and have it made an official secret. But in 1933, the chain reaction only existed in Szilard's head. No one had yet found an atom that could be split by neutrons. These developments were happening against a background of extraordinary political turmoil in Europe . Hitler had come to power in Germany in January 1933. In 1938, less than a year before the outbreak of World War II, just such an atom was found, uranium. Working at the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin , the nuclear chemists Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassman found that when bombarded with neutrons, uranium split into two nuclei of roughly half the size. Not only that, but further calculations showed that a large amount of energy was also released - enough from a single nucleus to move a grain of sand. The first stage of Szilard's chain reaction had been achieved. When he heard the news Szilard, now in New York and working at Columbia University with Enrico Fermi, set about showing whether, as well as energy, further 'secondary' neutrons were released. By July 1939, when he first knocked on Einstein's door, he knew that they were and so the chain reaction was possible. Also, he and Fermi had settled on a design for the first nuclear reactor. During the course of their conversations in the summer of 1939, Szilard explained these new developments to Einstein and his fear that the Nazis might use them to create a nuclear bomb. Together they drafted a letter, signed by Einstein, to the American President, Franklin Roosevelt. The letter was delivered to the President on the 11 October 1939 and after reading it the President provided funding for research that would pave the way for the Manhattan Project and lead, ultimately to the construction of the first atomic bomb. After signing the letter, Einstein played no further part in the development of the bomb. With the first atomic explosion over Hiroshima , the power of e=mcsup2; had been graphically demonstrated to the world. Just 0.6 grams of mass, converted into energy, had been enough to destroy an entire city. Einstein was horrified when he heard that the bomb had been dropped. When they, wrote to the President, Szilard and Einstein advocated the development of an American bomb purely as a deterrent against the threat of a Nazi weapon. They had not conceived of its use as an offensive weapon, especially after the defeat of Nazi Germany. Einstein always saw e=mc2; as a purely theoretical insight and refuted any responsibility for the bomb but he did feel some responsibility for the letter he'd written to Roosevelt . A letter he would come to describe as the one mistake of his life. Einstein saw nuclear weapons and the nuclear arms race as a threat to the future of civilisation. In his final years he devoted much of his time and energy to issues dealing with the world's future - advocating pacifism and campaigning for the control of nuclear weapons, not by individual nations, but by a world government. The last document he signed, just a week before he died, was a manifesto drawn up by Bertrand Russell, renouncing war and nuclear weapons. As Russell said: Einstein was not only a great scientist he was a great man. He stood for peace in a world drifting towards war... But while the bomb proved e=mc2; to be the ultimate equation of destruction, only after his death has the role of Einstein's equation in the creation of the universe become clear. Just as mass can be turned into energy in a bomb, the pure energy generated in the Big Bang condensed into the matter that makes up our world. Almost a hundred years ago, with just six short pen stokes Einstein unlocked one of the most powerful truths about the universe. A truth that would change our world, both for good and ill.
个人分类: 科普百科|3338 次阅读|0 个评论
Goal for golden life 之advanced
ianhawks 2008-10-7 21:35
戊子年,壬戌月,庚辰日 列子御风行, 庄周梦蝶飞。 生花成妙笔, 铸兵曰扬眉。
个人分类: 求学-知我何求,不知何忧|2733 次阅读|0 个评论
Goal for golden life 之medium
ianhawks 2008-10-6 21:07
戊子年,壬戌月,己卯日 宜将剩勇追穷寇 , ( 我朝毛高祖 ) 直挂云帆济沧海 。 ( 唐代李太白 )
个人分类: 求学-知我何求,不知何忧|2505 次阅读|2 个评论
Goal for golden life 之primary
ianhawks 2008-10-6 11:17
戊子年,壬戌月,戊寅日 此花是我载, 惟我观其开 1 扮猪吃老虎, 闷声发大财 2 1. 虽然社会节奏越来越快,个人空间越来越小,但是我们总有一些空间是不希望别人侵犯的,我们把它叫做禁脔、叫做逆鳞、叫做领域,譬如 ,譬如 ,譬如 也有人说:有些好东西不与人分享,是否太独乐乐了,而不若与众乐乐了。 但是我说:当你泡上一杯清茶,思接千古,念驰八荒的时候,当你在耳机里聆听着自己所钟爱的音乐,天人合一、物我两忘的时候,你是否会在乎别人是否喜欢你的茶香,你的音乐是否公放? 2. 好吧,我承认将发财写进人生最低 奋斗 纲领中,的确有些俗不可耐的嫌疑,但是在这个做女人 挺 好,做男人 挺 难的时代,在这个有着太多太多 不起 ( 注 ) 的社会,我们是离不开这个不是万能的,没有又是万万不能的阿堵物、孔方兄的。 所以我们所能做的就是斯文一点,不要那么贪婪;低调一点,不要那么张扬!谓之曰:闷声发大财! 注: 网络文摘 之社会现状:生不起 , 剖腹一刀五千几 ; 读不起 , 选个学校三万起 ; 住不起 , 一万多元一平米 ; 娶不起 , 没房没车谁嫁你 ? 养不起 , 父母下岗儿下地 ; 病不起 , 药费利润十倍起 ; 活不起 , 一月辛劳一千几 ; 死不起 , 火化下葬一万几
个人分类: 求学-知我何求,不知何忧|2733 次阅读|0 个评论
转载- 也谈人生的意义 - 茅于轼
sunon77 2008-9-20 19:02
I just read Mao yushi's article. I think that he build a great principle for us to live this modern society. Actually there is a similar English proverb: Make yourself happy, but NOT in other people's way. However, Mao's article has a deeper meaning than this. 也谈人生的意义 茅于轼 再过两年我就要八十岁了。人生的旅途快走到尽头了。 这几年我经常在想的一个问题是人生的意义何在? 一个人来到这个世界几十年,到底是为了什么?想了几年,答案慢慢地浮现,越来越清楚了。我很后悔, 到老才认真地想这个问题。年轻时浑浑噩噩,糊里糊涂。 如果我早几年想,早几年找到答案,我的人生会少犯许多错误,自己也会过得更顺利些。 这也难怪,人生意义,或者人生目的的大问题不是没人研究, 恰恰是研究的人太多,各说各的,莫衷一是,搞得大家稀里糊涂, 索性不闻不问,过一天算一天拉倒。我不是说人家的研究不对,没有价值。而是太抽象,太高大, 过于理论化,没法付诸实践。我们需要一个简单明了的答案, 这个答案要能够清楚地指导日常的 所作所为。 现在我把这个思考了好几年的答案告诉大家,和大家分享。 答案很简单,复杂了就没用了。它必须是简单的。这个答案就是 享受人生,并且帮助别人享受人生 。 需要稍微说明一点,什么是享受人生。我的意思是: 人生一世所得到的快乐总量极大化。它不是某时某刻的享受极大化, 而是一生一世的快乐总量极大化。这儿所说的享受不光是物质的,更包括精神的,包括主观的满足感。 它不是今朝有酒今朝醉,只顾现在,不顾将来。而是既顾现在, 更顾将来。人们要追求健康长寿,因为长寿的人活得更长,当然得到的快乐可能更多。 要远离有害的环境和物质,这些事物会减少你的快乐。 行动要考虑后果,不要贪图一时的痛快,遗患无穷。 要帮助别人享受人生。为什么? 人生一世顺利不顺利往往不仅仅取决于自己,更多地也取决于环境, 或者说取决于别人。如果别人处处跟你捣乱,你就过得很不顺利。别人希望日子过得快乐一点,大家就应该帮助他实现这个理想。 所谓君子成人之美,这是孔夫子留下的格言。 如果大家都懂得帮助别人快乐,我们就有了一个创造快乐的环境,大家都比较容易实现快乐总量极大化的目标。 所以帮助别人享受既是为了别人,其实也是为了自己。 这一点儿也不矛盾。 用这条信条处理周围的事情,会使自己的日子过得高兴。 凡是碰到难于决策的事情,想一想怎么能使自己快乐, 也使别人快乐,答案就有了。有了这样的信条,养成了习惯,用来等待父母子女,妻子朋友,同事或领导, 并且用它来处理自己在公务上的问题,你就不会犯愚蠢的错误, 就会远离烦恼,周围的人都会喜欢你。 享受人生,这很容易为人们所接受。谁不愿意享受啊。 但是有人批评说,这个目标太自私,至少也是太庸俗。 大家只管享受,国家大事,世界和平谁来关心呢?我想说的正好就是:享受人生是世界的头等大事, 再没有比这更重要的事了。 我们不要被别人误导,去做妨碍别人享受人生的事,去做愚蠢的事。 恐怖分子身上绑了炸弹去炸别人,自己不享受还妨碍别人享受, 真是愚不可及。可是恐怖分子还自以为做了世界上最伟大的事,是人生的最崇高的目标, 是最值得为之牺牲的事。也不光是恐怖分子如此, 二战时的一些日本兵来到中国杀人放火,作恶多端,害人害己,还自以为是效忠了天皇,光荣得不得了。 我们在文革的时候,一些阶级斗争的积极分子, 把别人斗得死去活来,自己并没有得到更多的享受,同样是愚不可及。如果有许多人都被坏人误导,这个世界真就不得安宁了。 享受人生的目标不但是个人与个人相处的原则, 同样也是国家与国家,集团与集团相处的原则。两岸关系, 中日关系,劳资关系也应该本着这样的原则来处理。其他的考虑统统都应该让位。懂得这一点我们的世界就会平安得多, 幸福得多。 还要不要牺牲?牺牲应该尽量避免。 但是如果一个恐怖分子要拉响炸弹,我一定要扑向前去,减少伤亡。 之所以要牺牲,正是因为有人受了蒙骗,要害别人。如果没有这些受蒙骗的人,牺牲可以少多了。 当然还是会有一些需要人牺牲的事情,自然灾害,意外事故, 有时候需要有人挺身而出。但是这种情况一个人一辈子也未必会碰上一次。 现在人世间绝大部分的冲突都是人跟人的矛盾引起的, 是愚蠢的人之间发生的,不是智者之间发生的。懂得享受人生, 就不会有无谓的牺牲了。 懂得享受人生,而且帮助别人享受人生!这是我发现的至理名言。
个人分类: 见贤思齐|3589 次阅读|3 个评论

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