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心脏罢工日记 (2-4)
热度 7 yindazhong 2018-11-13 17:04
住院纪录( 2 ): 2018.8.22 把前面两天的住院纪录发到“印家”群里,收到群爱、问候和多种主意、建议,整个一夜信息不断,有家真好! 上午查房时,张 xx 主任满面笑容地走来(谢天谢地,大专家来了),讨论后决定:今天先做俩个检测(先不做造影): 1* 15.30 做腹部 B 超, 2* 16.30 做冠脉 CT (找刘博提前了两天)。 病床之上,一有机会就检索心脑血管疾病相关资料 …… 同学群里有人提到陈从周教授文章:老年人要老实!(再也不能随心所欲!) 一天匆匆,忧心忡忡,清淡饮食,还好食堂不远,一日三餐,露露陪我缓缓而行 …… 晚上回家住,逗逗(小狗)也似乎特别乖巧粘人、可爱温馨。 半夜醒来,发现:翻身侧身之际右侧胸肺部猛痛一下,怎么啦?心绞痛怎么跑右边胸腔去啦!? 觉得也许该把目光从心脏转向肺脏才对。联想到白天小勇主任提到:平扫 CT 检查没有找到明显的狭窄血管倒看到肺炎样痕迹,但我又不可能是肺炎,因为我一来不咳嗽不发烧,二来血相也不高(白细胞不高)。 问题到底出在哪里? 这两天吃的药到底对不对? 这两天检查的方向到底对不对? …… 住院纪录( 3 ): 2018.8.23 回忆最早一次强烈胸痛那是两三年前,在出席复大集团举行的庆典宴会后,肚子猛胀气(近年来容易胀气,设法换换姿势,排了矢气就会浑身舒服),北大田 XX 教授帮我腹部按摩,慢慢排气后解脱。 再就是便秘用了开塞露之后的胸痛体验。因为初期使用,没有告诫,一次往往用满满一瓶,中午排了大便,午觉后觉得仍然肠道充涨,直抵肺部,气鼓如气球,肺下端剧痛,躺下揉摩可缓解,进一步排便排气才渐渐缓解。 第二次也是用了一满瓶开塞露,午觉起来,又同样痛得我满地打滚,气冲肺腑,分析情况,觉得是开塞露产生大量气体所致(但后来到实验室里往开塞露中加酸发现并不见产气,也许是肠道菌群对开塞露作的抵抗)。 以后开塞露不敢用多,一瓶用四五次,这样倒也经济,可以长期使用了。 再后来有一段时间,晚上在家自学打太极。写气功专题,懂了一点相关知识。 怀疑是否是没有意守丹田,体内气体走火入魔? 这些均为往事 …… 昨晚很早就累了,九点左右上床,东想西想 …… …… 忽然,这应该是第一回,那么清晰地出现了一个鬼,美女羽毛鬼,不太漂亮,倒也不太犯嫌,红红的嘴唇。慢慢横向飘出,向我弯腰鞠躬。大惊! 不过我的第一反应是 “ 呸!(科学告诉我,天下没有过鬼,你装什么装) ” ,然而此鬼那么真实,眉目衣衫,纤毛可见,猛一转念,也许,也许,是我劫数已到?离鬼门关不远也未可知 …… “ 噢,哦,对不起,对不起,你来啦,你好你好! ” 伸出双手与之友好地握手(不管真假,友好相待) …… 没握着,她消失了。 白天医院的护工阿姨神叨叨地说,这个月份不好,医院死的人特别多。 这个周末是鬼节,七月十五 …… 住院纪录( 4 ): 2018.8.24 向病魔宣战: 耳朵上找心脏,点掐,加速血液循环 ; 祝总襄 321 疗法,点压几条大经络穴位; 阿庆介绍的三淋巴窝按摩法,活血化瘀 ; 妈妈揉肚子法,通三焦顺气,到处揉; 晓红运动法,血液流通(太极、拍打 ); 老大特异功能药物法,大鱼际对搓法 ; 爷爷走路法,每天 6000 米 ; 甩手疗法,还算轻松愉快 …… 早上医生查房,冠脉 CT 的结果出来了,取胶片,见到了保健科的蔡 X 主任,他跟我显示并讲解了结果,并从计算机里帮我打印出来报告书,报告内容如下: 1. 心脏左侧钝缘支局灶性非钙化斑块,管腔中重度狭窄 ( 直管 ); 2. 右冠状动脉局灶性非钙化斑块,管腔轻度狭窄 ; 3. 考虑左肺上叶及右肺中叶慢性炎症,纤维灶为主。 李主管医生上午查房反来复去叫我 “ 做个造影 ” (与昨天晚上 CT 科主任刘 X 艳的表述差别很大,我理解刘 X 艳的表述: “ 做造影就是上支架的前半截手术过程,到了手术台上根据情况决定上不上支架 …” )而主管医生却只字不提造影术接下来后面是不是上支架的事,而我这个外行理解的“造影”一点也没有包含上支架的意思。赶鸭子上架?我的心更堵了 …… 去食堂吃饭,半路上遇到心血管 N 区的主任,他带我去看了造影手术房,尽管平时人很熟悉,然而今天他却口口声声要我做 “ 造影 ” ,说已经形成的斑块就像高速公路上的坏车,永远不能清除掉了,并批评昨天一个病人 “ 不放支架做什么造影 ” ,难道? …… ( 脂肪斑块不是钻在血管内皮下面的受控的垃圾吗?怎么会像是“高速公路上的坏车”?怎么一点不像老朋友掏心窝式的沟通,是经济效益在作怪吗?装一个支架大约五万块人民币喲 ) 。 白天与康复科赵 X 海主任通电话,他提到上不上支架目前学术上有不小争议,国际上对中国滥用支架手术颇有微词,象流水线一样 …… 冠脉 CT 报告书如下: 冠脉 CT 照片也取来了:图片右边 ( 心脏左边 ) 果然有一根中小血管只剩下一点细丝相通: 质疑: 怎么那么多微小血管不堵,来堵中小血管? 怎么那么多弯管叉管不堵来堵直管? 若是造影“通血管”捅出来一堆脂肪板块垃圾怎么办? 若是放不了支架的细小血管不通,那身体本能会怎么办? 想到刘 X 主任说冠脉 CT “ 经常会有假阳性 ” ! 想到 “ 血管内壁损伤就会是将来堆积新垃圾的病因 ” ! 想到 “ 人生自有大药 ” ! 想到 …… 到底如何是好? 老天爷想干什么?
个人分类: 生活点滴|4899 次阅读|17 个评论
热度 2 yindazhong 2018-2-28 10:34
为配合学生毕业查重的需要, 本博文内容暂时删除试试 以上内容的修改版已发表在《中国老年学杂志》2018,38(3):748-752. (pdf版见后)。 二甲双胍的临床应用及抗衰延寿生化药理机制的深层思考.PDF
个人分类: 生命科学|514 次阅读|6 个评论
Fangjinqin 2017-3-1 11:50
个人分类: 生活百科|1028 次阅读|0 个评论
yindazhong 2016-9-27 16:04
越来越庞大的衰老抗衰老研究中国军团 —— 2016 杭州衰老及老年病大会 “ 生煎包 ” 杭州的 G20 刚刚落下帷幕, 2016.9.9 ,乱花迷人的西湖边,衰老抗衰老研究中国军团就在杭州师范大学的主持下开了个很 “ 洋气 ” 的大会。为了让国内衰老研究同行跟上衰老研究新时代混乱的步伐,这里把会议消息介绍如下,不懂 “ 鹰文 ” 的民科就请将就着猜两下。看不懂没有关系,科学前沿,特别是像衰老这样的 “ 科学航空母舰 ” 巨问题,世界上是没有几个大侠真的能雾里看出花来的。 下面先给出节选,想一口吃撑成胖子,或是想看看作报告的大侠的尊容的可看博文后面的附件: 衰老研究所 , 杭州师范大学 E-News ——2016 年 7-8 月期 2016 InternationalConference on Aging Research: Molecular Mechanismsand Associated Diseases Hangzhou, Zhejiang,China September 9-11, 2016 Table of Contents Conference Committees.................................................................................................1 Program..........................................................................................................................2 Plenary I Healthy aging andmetabolism .......................................................................6 Guang Ning............................................................................... 错误 ! 未定义书签。 Session 1: Mechanisms regulatingaging..................................................................... 7 Jing-Dong Jackie Han...............................................................................................7 Zhongjun Zhou..........................................................................................................8 Session 2: Stress signaling andmetabolic aging ....................................................... 10 Nick Musi................................................................................................................10 Feng Liu..................................................................................................................11 Yuying Zhang, Kaiyuan Wu, WentingSu, Chang Chen ......................................... 12 Session 3: Inflammation in agingand related disorders ............................................ 14 Bryan R. G.Williams, Afsar U.Ahmed ................................................................... 14 Matthew J Sweet.....................................................................................................15 Hui Y. Lan...............................................................................................................16 Session 4: Neural degenerativedisease in aging ....................................................... 19 Zhuohua Zhang.......................................................................................................19 Biao Chen................................................................................................................20 Jun-Ping Liu............................................................................................................21 Yanjiang Wang........................................................................................................22 Xiaotao Li ................................................................................................................23 Plenary II Telomere and agingdiseases....................................................................... 25 Jerry W. Shay ..........................................................................................................26 Session 5: Telomere and genomeinstability in aging (1) .......................................... 27 Peili Gu, Yang Wang, SusanBailey, et al. ...............................................................27 Ming Lei.................................................................................... 错误 ! 未定义书签。 Laetitia Maestroni, StéphaneCoulon, Vincent Géli ................................................ 29 Zhou Songyang.......................................................................................................30 Ning Liu, Deqiang Ding andYu-Sheng Cong ......................................................... 31 Session 6: Mitochondrialdysfunction in aging .........................................................32 Michael V Berridge.................................................................................................32 Quan Chen...............................................................................................................34 Justin St. John..........................................................................................................35 Session 7: Tissue stem cell aging..............................................................................37 Peter Lansdorp........................................................................................................37 Zhenyu Ju................................................................................................................38 Lin Liu, Jiao Yang...................................................................................................39 Guang-Hui Liu........................................................................................................41 Session 8: Cardiovascular andother aging-related diseases ..................................... 43 QiulunLu, YufengYao, QingKennethWang ............................................................ 43 Michal Berndt..........................................................................................................45 Jian Li........................................................................................ 错误 ! 未定义书签。 Xiangmei Chen........................................................................................................46 Plenary III Epigenetic regulationof longevity............................................................. 47 Vera Gorbunova ......................................................................................................48 Session 9: Longevity andmechanisms...................................................................... 49 Xiao-Li Tian............................................................................................................49 Yousin Suh..............................................................................................................51 Xiao-Ling Li, Ze Yang............................................................................................52 Ejun Huang..............................................................................................................53 Session 10: Telomere and genomeinstability in aging (2) ........................................ 54 Jing Peng, Qiong-Di Zhang,Jin-Qiu Zhou ............................................................. 54 Eric Gilson..............................................................................................................56 Jun Xing, Yiling Ying, Wai IanLeong, et al ........................................................... 57 Yong Zhao...............................................................................................................59 Session 11: Signaling defect inaging ........................................................................60 John Speakman........................................................................................................60 Yang Wang, Zhi-Xiong Jim Xiao............................................................................ 61 Jianfeng Liu.............................................................................................................62 Baohua Liu..............................................................................................................63 Session 12: Mechanisms of ovarianaging ................................................................ 64 Hui Chen, YechunRuan, XiaohuaJiang, Hsiao Chang Chan .................................. 64 Chao Yu, Yin-Li Zhang, Heng-YuFan .................................................................... 66 Plenary IV Signaling networks intissue stem cell aging ............................................. 68 Xinhua Feng............................................................................................................69 Poster Presentations.....................................................................................................70 I. Brain degenerative diseases...................................................................................71 Fei Dou....................................................................................................................71 Jian Fu, Zi Zhou, Ya Fang.......................................................................................72 Feijuan Huang, Xianxiang Tian,Guangshan Xie, et al. .......................................... 73 Wang-Sheng Jin, Yan-JiangWang...........................................................................75 Zhigang Liu, Yuwei Chen, QianLiu, et al .............................................................. 76 Lin-Lin Shen, Yan-Jiang Wang ...............................................................................77 Fei Wang, Guangming Chang, XinGeng................................................................ 78 Ping Wang, Zi Zhou, Ya Fang.................................................................................79 II. Cardiovascular diseases........................................................................................80 Shi-lian Hu, Xiang Fang, Shi Yin,Gan Shen .......................................................... 80 III. Cancer biology.....................................................................................................82 Yu-Sheng Guo, Hong-Guo Jiang,Shu-Ting Jia, Ying Luo ..................................... 82 Dongsheng Shang, Yanfang Wu,Zhigang Tu ......................................................... 84 Hang Yu, Xiaosun Liu, YanyunHong, et al ............................................................ 85 IV. Digestion, metabolism andendocrine diseases .................................................... 86 Yu-ning Chen, Meng-yun Cai, ShunXu, et al ........................................................ 86 Fangyuan Dong, Yan Zhang, YiqinHuang, et al ..................................................... 87 Fengyi Gao, Guoping Li, Chao Liu,et al ................................................................ 88 Weiquan Li..............................................................................................................89 Zhen Li....................................................................................................................90 Zhongchi Li,Kang Xu, Sen Zhao, etal ................................................................... 91 Fuzhi Lian, Jinquan Wang, YuchaoLiu, et al .......................................................... 92 Yang Liu, Zhang Rui, Alex.....................................................................................94 Zhigang Liu, Qinglian Qiao, YaliSun, et al ............................................................ 95 Guoliang Lv, Yiting Guan, Wei Tao........................................................................ 96 Chi-Hao Shao, Kun Wu, Hai-Li Li,et al ................................................................. 98 Xue-qing Zhang, Yi Yu, Fang Pang,et al ................................................................ 99 Ru-Yi Zhang, Kang Gao, Dan Zhao,et al ............................................................. 100 Yin-Li Zhang, Jue Zhang, Long-WenZhao, Heng-Yu Fan ................................... 101 Zepeng Zhang, Tianpeng Zhang,Haiying Liu, et al ............................................. 102 Mushi Chen...........................................................................................................103 V. Virus infection and immunerelated diseases ...................................................... 104 Yang Xiang, Yuyan Zhang, YunZhang ................................................................. 104 VI. Cell therapy and stem cellbiology ....................................................................106 Hong-Jing Cui, Xin-Gang Cui, WeiZhao, et al .................................................... 106 Zhi-Wen Jiang, Hui-Ling Zheng,Wei-Chun Chen, et al ....................................... 107 Jianfeng Liu...........................................................................................................108 Shun Xu, Hai-Jiao Huang, BingZhang, et al ........................................................ 109 Wei Zhao, Hua-zhen Zheng, TaoZhou, et al ........................................................ 110 VII. Traditional Chinesemedicine, drug development and clinical trials ............... 111 Lei Peng, Jing Liu, Wen-HuiHuang, et al ............................................................ 111 Ling Xiao..............................................................................................................113 Cheng-Kui Xiu, Yan Lei.......................................................................................114 Jing Yang, Yan Lei.................................................................................................115 List of Participants.....................................................................................................116 Plenary I Healthy aging and metabolism Session 1: Mechanisms regulatingaging A systems approach to reverseengineer lifespan extension by dietary restriction Jing-Dong Jackie Han Dietary restriction (DR) is themost powerful natural means to extend lifespan. Although several genes can mediate responses to alternate DR regimens, no single genetic intervention has recapitulated the full effects of DR, and nounified system is known for different DR regimens. Here we obtain temporally resolved transcriptomes during chronic DR and intermittent fasting (IF) in Caenorhabditis elegans, and find that early and late responses involve metabolisms, and cell cycle/DNA damage, respectively. We uncover three network modules of regulators by target specificity. By genetic manipulations of nodes representing discrete modules, we induce transcriptomes that progressively resemble DR as multiple nodes are perturbed. Targeting all three nodes simultaneously results in extremely long-lived animals that that are refractory to DR. These results and dynamic simulations demonstrate that extensive feedback controls among regulators may be leveraged todrive the regulatory circuitry to a younger steady state, recapitulating thefull effect of DR. Genetics and epigenetics: fromaccelerated aging to human aging Zhongjun Zhou Faculty of Medicine, TheUniversity of Hong Kong Abnormal splicing of LMNA genegives rise to a truncated prelamin A termed as progerin which is accumulated inpatients suffering from Hutchinson-Gilford progeria Syndrome. Lamin A interacts with and activates a variety of nuclear factors including histone modifying enzymes such as MOF, SUV39H1, SIRT1 and SIRT6. The presence of progerin compromises the proper association of these important nuclear proteins with nuclear matrix,leading to defective chromatin remodeling in response to DNA damage. The nuclear lamin A also serves as activators for SIRT1 and SIRT6 that are critical in stem cell maintenance and DNA damage repair. Targeting the epigenetic changes significantly rescue the cellular senescence and extend lifespan in progeroid mice.Our studies suggest a profound role forlamin A in regulating nuclear architecture, chromatin dynamics and stem cellpotency that all contribute to the aging processes Acknowledgements These works are supported bygrants from Research Grant Council (CRF/GRF) of Hong Kong and Natural ScienceFoundation of China. Session 2: Stress signaling andmetabolic aging Pros and cons of suppressinginflammation in aging Nick Musi Adipose mTORC1 signaling andfunction in metabolic homeostasis Feng Liu Metabolic Syndrome ResearchCenter, the Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University Mammalian/Mechanistic target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a key energy sensor and its dysregulation is associated with various aging-associated diseases. Studies have shown that inhibition of themTOR signaling pathway extends lifespan in experimental animals. However, chronic and whole-body suppression of this signaling pathway may lead to serious side effects, suggesting that tissue-specific inhibition of this signaling pathway may promote healthy aging. Adipose tissue synthesizes and secretes numerous hormones or cytokines (adipokines) that play a major role in the maintenance of energy homeostasis in our body. In this presentation, I will briefly summarize our recent studies on the roles of adipose tissue mTOR complex I (mTORC1) signaling in regulating beige fat development and energy homeostasis. Comprehensive analysis of key signaling pathways involved in the regulation of adipocytebiology and function should shed newlight on the development of novel therapeutic treatments for variousaging-associated diseases. Say NO to aging: the key enzymeof S-nitrosation GSNOR in age related cognitive impairment Yuying Zhang, Kaiyuan Wu, WentingSu, Chang Chen National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules,Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 15 Datun Road, Chaoyang District,Beijing 100101, China. The free radical theory of aging proposed by Harman in 1956 had been paid widely attention, whichsuggests that free radicals damage cellular macromolecules cause aging. However,more and more studies show the other side of free radicals in signaling and physiological function. Here we foundthat S-nitrosoglutathione reductase (GSNOR), the key enzyme metabolizing the intracellular nitric oxide (NO) and S-nitrosation, significantly increased in the hippocampus of both aging human and mice. Neuronal specific overexpression of GSNOR leads tocognitive impairment, long-term potentiation (LTP) defect and lower dendritespine density. While knock out GSNOR rescued the age related cognitive impairment. We then performed liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)-basedquantitative proteomic analysis of protein S-nitrosation and foundS-nitrosation of CamKIIα was significantly decreased in the hippocampus of aging mice and GSNOR transgenic mice. In consistant with the change of CamKIIα S-nitrosation, the accumulation of CamKIIα in hippocampal synaptosomal and its downstream signaling p-GLUR1 and CREB/c-fos were also significantly decreased, which can all be rescued in GSNOR knock out mice. We further verified that the S-nitrosationof CamKIIα is responsible for the CamKIIα synaptosomal accumulation by CamKIIαS-nitrosated sites (C280/289) mutant experiment. The cognitive impairment in GSNORtransgenic mice can be rescued by up-regulation of the NO signaling pathway or CamKIIα/CREB signaling pathway. In summary, our research demonstrated that GSNOR impaired cognitive function in aging through de-nitrosation of CamkIIα. GSNOR is a new potential target for treatment of the agerelated cognitive impairment. In contrast to the free radical theory of aging,NO signaling deficiency may be the main cause to induce age-related cognitive impairment. In addition, we explored the physiological function of S-nitrosation of CamKIIα for the firsttime. Session 3: Inflammation in agingand related disorders The role of Integrin-linkedkinase in aging, innate immunity and cancer Bryan R. G.Williams and Afsar U.Ahmed Centre for Cancer Research,Hudson Institute of Medical Research, Clayton, Victoria 3164, Australia Integrin-Linked Kinase (ILK) is aubiquitously expressed protein that forms an important component of cell matrix adhesions to regulate integrin function in response to a wide variety of extracellularstimuli. ILK dysregulation is a feature of different human diseases including cancer and cardiovascular disease. Although deletion of ILK is embryonic lethal, reduced levels of ILK havebeen associated with extended lifespans in C. elegans and Drosophila. Reduced ILK levels also lessen the effects of normal cardiac aging in Drosophila. In primary cardiac myocytes reduced ILK expression prevents the phenotypic changes associated with senescence seen in aging cells. Conversely an increase in ILK expression can induce premature senescence. Overexpression of ILK is also a feature of different cancers. Impaired innate immune responses are a feature of aging but whether ILK is implicated has not been determined. However, we have shown that there is a role for ILK in regulating the innate immunesystem. Pharmacologic or genetic inhibition of ILK in mouse embryo fibroblasts and macrophages selectively blocks LPS-induced production of the pro-inflammatory cytokinesILK is required for TLR-induced NF-B activation and transcriptional induction of TNF-, through an ILK-PI3K axis. The modulation of LPS-induced TNF- synthesis by ILK does not involve the classical NF-B pathway since IkB degradation and p65 nuclear translocation are both unaffected by ILK inhibition. Instead, ILK is involved in a non-classical activation of NF-B signalingby modulating the phosphorylation of p65 at ser536. Furthermore, ILK-mediated non-classical NF-Bactivation through p65 ser536 phosphorylation also exists in a host-pathogen interaction in Helicobacter pyroli infection. Thus ILK as a critical regulatory molecule for NF-B- mediated proinflammatory signaling pathwayand regulation of innate immune responses. Innate immune pattern recognitionreceptors and pathological inflammatory responses Matthew J Sweet Institute for MolecularBioscience, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Qld, 4072, Australia Aging populations areparticularly susceptible to a range of chronic inflammation-related diseases, as well as infectious diseases. Innate immune cells such as macrophages are central mediators of host defence against invading pathogens, and also coordinate inflammatory responses. These cells detect and respond to danger through several families of pattern recognition receptors, of which the Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and inflammasome-forming Nod-like Receptors(NLRs) are the most widely studied. Histone deacetylases (HDACs), a family of enzymes most widely studied in the context of epigenetic control of gene expression, are key regulators of lifespan, inflammation and host defence. Inhibitors of these enzymeshave also been developed as anti-cancer drugs, but applications in other disease areas require more detailed knowledge of the role of individual HDACs in inflammation and host defence. We have been studying specific molecular mechanisms by which individual HDAC enzymes regulate macrophage-mediated inflammation and anti-bacterial responses,including via control of TLR-inducible mitochondrial reactive oxygen species production. These studies have revealed specific HDAC enzymes as new candidate targets for anti-inflammatory and anti-infective drug development. TGF-beta signaling in tissuerepair: role of Smad3 Hui Y. Lan Department of Medicine Therapeutics, Li Ka Shing Institute of Health Sciences, and Shenzhen Research Institute,The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China Increasing evidence shows thatTGF- plays a critical role in cell repair or tissue fibrosis in both physiological and pathological conditions. It is now well accepted that TGF-βcauses cell cycle arrest at the G1 phase and thereby potently inhibits cell proliferation. However, the signaling mechanism of TGF- thatregulates these processes remains unknown. In the kidney, tubular epithelial cells (TECs) play a determinant rolein the tissue repair or fibrosis in response to acute injury and the degree of TEC regeneration or repair largely determines the progression or repair of acute kidney injury. We found that in a mouse model of ischemia-induced acute kidney injury, deletion of Smad3, a key downstream mediator of TGF-/Smad signaling, can protect kidney from the acute kidney injury by largely suppressing p27, thereby promoting CKD2/cyclin E-dependent TEC proliferation. In contract, enhanced Smad3 signaling by deleting Smad7, an inhibitor of Smad signaling, results in more severe acute kidneyinjury by impairing TEC regeneration via the Smad3-p27-dependent mechanism. We also found that activated Smad3 can bind directly to p27 to suppress CKD2/cyclinE-dependent TEC proliferation, which is inhibited by a Smad3 inhibitor, identifying activation of the Smad3-p27 pathway as a key mechanism bywhich TGF-1 induces the cell growth arrest at the G1 phase. More importantly,we also find that deletion of Smad7 promotes Smad3-mediated tissue fibrosisafter acute renal injury, suggesting that Smad3 palys a dual role intissue repair and fibrosis. In conclusion, TGF- may impair the tissue repair and cause renal fibrosis via the Smad3-dependent mechanism. Thus, targeting Smad3may represent as a novel and effective therapy for both acute and chronic kidney diseases, including aging-related kidney disorders. Session 4: Neural degenerativedisease in aging Molecular dissection of Parkinson disease Zhuohua Zhang Aging, alpha-Synuclein andParkinson's disease Biao Chen Lysosomal homeostasis, motor andnon-motor behavioral defects in Parkinson’s disease Jun-Ping Liu Institute of Aging Research,Hangzhou Normal University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China The lysosomes of various sizedintracellular organelles act as the waste disposal system by sequesteringunwanted materials transported from the cytoplasm and taken-up through endocytosis.With 50 different enzyme types including 50 cysteine, serine and aspartate proteases responsible for more than 30 different human genetic diseases, lysosomes require optimal homeostasis of pH, lipidic composition and ionic specificity for functionality. The lysosomal storage diseases aremonogenic disorders resulting from an accumulation of specific substratesowning to the inability to dispose them. Occurring at a frequency of 1 in 5,000live births, the diseases are genetically susceptive to inherited defects in genes that mainly encode lysosomal proteins and involved in aging-related diseases such as neurodegenerative disorders, cancer, cardiovascular diseases . ATP13A2 (PARK9) is a lysosomalintegral membrane ATPase enriched in the brain and mutated in early-onset Parkinsonism and dementia in man. To investigate the roles of ATP13A2 in the etiology of Parkinson disease (PD), we mapped ATP13A2 gene expression and intracellular localization, inactivated the ATP13A2gene, and determined its roles in trans-lysosomal membrane transport. Furthermore, we investigated the cellular basis of ATP13A2 mutation in PD phenotypes. We found thatthe orbital frontal, basal ganglia and hypothalamic regional aging is involvedin the behavioral compulsivity associated with anxiety and motor deficit,recapitulating PD impulse control disorder in a novel lysosomal setting. References: 1 Platt, F. M. Sphingolipid lysosomal storage disorders. Nature 510, 68-75, doi:10.1038/nature13476 (2014). 2 Platt, F. M., Boland, B. van der Spoel, A. C. The cell biology ofdisease: lysosomal storage disorders: the cellular impact of lysosomal dysfunction. The Journal of cell biology 199, 723-734, Peripheral therapeutic approachfor Alzheimer's disease Yanjiang Wang Potential role of the REGgammaproteasome in aging brain disorder Xiaotao Li Shanghai Key Laboratory ofRegulatory Biology, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, School of Life Sciences; Key Laboratory of Brain Functional Genomics, Ministry of Education,East China Normal University, Shanghai, 200062, China REGγ, an important proteasomeactivator to promote ubiquitin–independent protein degradation, has beendemonstrated to degrade numerous intact proteins and is involved in the regulation of importantbiological and pathological processes. We have previously shown that REGγ deficiencyresults in premature aging. Here we demonstrate that REGγ knockout (REGγ -/-) mice exhibitbrain disorders, including decreased working memories, defective prepulseinhibition (PPI), and disability in nest building, at the age of 8 months, reminiscent of brainaging. Mechanistically, REGγ promoted the degradation of GSK3β protein, akinase involved in phosphorylation of tau. Consistently, REGγ-depletion significantlyaugmented phosphorylated tau. Inhibition of GSK3β rescued the compromised PPIphenotypes in the REGγ -/- mice. Also, we found an age-dependent decrease in thetrypsin-like proteasomal activity in REGγ -/- mice brains. Our data provide new indicationsthat REGγ-proteasome dysfunction may be involved in brain degenerative diseases. Plenary II Telomere and aging diseases Role of telomeres and telomerasein aging and cancer Jerry W. Shay Department of Cell Biology,University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX USA Human telomeres progressively shorten throughout life. A hallmark of advanced malignancies is the ability forcontinuous cell divisions that almost universally correlates with the stabilization oftelomere length by the reactivation of telomerase. The repression of telomerase and shorter telomeres in humans may have evolved in part as an anti-cancer protection mechanism. Whilethere is still much we do not understand about the regulation of telomerase, it remains a very attractive and novel target for cancer therapeutics. This presentation will focus on the current state of advances in the telomerase area, identifies outstanding questions, and addresses areas and methods that need refinement. Session 5: Telomere and genomeinstability in aging (1) mPOT1a and mPOT1b play distinctroles in telomere end protection Peili Gu Aging is associated with progressive telomere shortening, resulting in the formation of dysfunctional telomeres that compromise tissue proliferation. However, dysfunctional telomeres also limit tumorigenesis by activating p53-dependent cellular senescence and apoptosis. Protection of Telomere 1 (POT1) is an essential component of the shelterin complex and functions to maintain chromosome stability byrepressing the activation of aberrant DNA damage and repair responses attelomeres. Humans have one hPOT1 gene, while mice possess two POT1 proteins, mPOT1a and mPOT1b. Sporadic and familial mutations in the oligosaccharide-oligonucleotide (OB) folds of hPOT1 have been identified in many cancers, but themechanism underlying how hPOT1 mutations initiate tumorigenesis has remained unclear. Here we show that the hPOT1 ‟ s OB-folds are essential for the protection of newly replicated telomeres. Oncogenic mutations in hPOT1 OB-fold fail to bind to ss telomeric DNA, eliciting a DNA damage response at telomeres thatpromote inappropriate chromosome fusionsvia the mutagenic alternative non-homologous end joining (A-NHEJ) pathway. hPOT1 mutations also result in telomere elongation and the formation of transplantable hematopoietic malignancies. Strikingly, conditional deletionof both mPot1a and p53 in mouse mammary epithelium resulted in development ofhighly invasive breast carcinomas and the formation of whole chromosomescontaining massive arrays of telomeric fusions. In contrast, we found that -Chk1 dependent DNA damage response to initiate a robust p53-independent, p73-dependent apoptotic pathway that limited stem cell proliferation but suppressed B-cell lymphomagenesis. Our results demonstrate that mPOT1a and mPOT1b play distinct roles in telomere end protection. Rearrangement of eroded telomeresin quiescent fission yeast cells Laetitia Maestroni, StéphaneCoulon, and Vincent Géli Cancer Research Centre ofMarseille, 27 boulevard Lei Roure, 13273, Marseille, France Telomere length is highlyvariable between tissues and organs and inversely related to chronological age. While the mechanisms of telomere maintenance have been investigated individing cells, little is known about the stability of telomeres in quiescent cellsand how dysfunctional telomeres are processed in non-proliferating cells. Totackle this issue we examined the stability of telomeres in quiescent cells using fission yeast cells that can be maintained for weeks in quiescence by nitrogen starvation. We have investigated how eroded telomeres are processed during quiescence and the fate of quiescent cells harboring these short telomeres. By deleting the RNA component of telomerase, we havefirst monitored the progressive telomere shortening after successive divisions. Then cells with short telomeres were placed under conditions in which they enter into quiescence. While WT telomeres are stable in quiescence, strikingly we observed that short telomeres were highly rearranged. We have determined that these rearrangements depended on homologous recombination and corresponded to the expansion of subtelomeric regions (named STEEx). We have identified a homologous sequenceof 226 bp within subtelomeric regions that might be used as a seed to promote recombination.We have further monitored the impact of STEEx on cell mortality during quiescenceand at the exit of quiescence. We first observed that the mortality of cells inthe absence of telomerase is correlated with the shortening of telomeres and the time spent in quiescence.Second, STEEx were not maintained when cells exit quiescence to re-enter into the cell cycle. We thus describe in fission yeast a new mode of telomere maintenance in theabsence of telomerase that is promoted in quiescence. This discovery highlightshow non-dividing cells that harbor eroded telomeres may circumvent the lack ofa functional telomere protection in the absence of replication. Mechanisms of telomere protectionin human cells Zhou Songyang ……… E-News 2016年7-8月期.pdf
个人分类: 生命科学|3844 次阅读|0 个评论
wanyuehua 2016-5-16 09:03
老年人生活质量引起全球科学家的关注, 2016 年 3 月 ESI 高被引论文 80 篇、热点论文 1 篇主题涉及老年人生活质量(详细 ESI 高被引论文请看附件)。老年人的生活质量是指老年人物质生活、精神文化生活、老年人生命(生存)质量,即老年人的身心健康、老年人的生活环境、老年人口的素质和老年人充分享有权利的总和。 2005-2016 年 5月 SCI 、 SSCI 收录了主题涉及老年人生活质量( Older Adult* and Quality ofLife )论文 6595 篇(论文 5766 篇、综述 829 篇),学科涉及老年病学、老年学、公共环境与职业健康、精神病学、护理学、康复、健康科学、临床神经病学、运动科学等学科,发文主要国家与地区有美国 3166 篇、加拿大 656 篇、澳大利亚 552 篇、英国 459 篇、荷兰 312 篇、德国 276 篇、西班牙 275 篇、中国 200 篇等。涉及 1426 种期刊如: Journalof the American Geriatrics Society 《美国老年病学会志》 148 篇、 Qualityof Life Research 《生命质量研究》 100 篇、 Aging Mental Health 《衰老心理健康》 91 篇、 Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics 《老年医学与老年病学集刊》 91 篇、 BMC Public Health 《 BMC 公共健康》 72 篇、 PLOSONE 《公共图书馆网络版》 72 篇、 Journalof Gerontological Nursing 《老年病护理杂志》 67 篇、 American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 《美国老年精神病学杂志》 64 篇。 中国学者发表的 老年人生活质量 论文 200 篇,其中香港中文大学 35 篇、香港大学 33 篇、香港理工大学 21 篇、北京大学 9 篇、复旦大学 8 篇、香港城市大学 7 篇、上海交通大学 7 篇、中山大学 7 篇、安徽医科大学 6 篇。 6595 篇 SCI 、 SSCI 老年人生活质量 论文其中 ESI 高被引论文 80 篇、热点论文 1 篇, 发文主要国家与地区有美国 49 篇、加拿大 14 篇、英国 10 篇、澳大利亚 9 篇、德国 4 篇、中国 2 篇等,涉及 49 种期刊如: Annals of Internal Medicine 《内科学纪事》 8 篇、 Journal of the American GeriatricsSociety 《美国老年病学会志》 6 篇、 JAMAJournal of the American Medical Association 《美国医学会志》 5 篇、 Circulation 《循环》 4 篇 等。 老年人生活质量80篇ESI高被引论文、1篇热点论文.doc 中国学者 2 篇 ESI 高被引论文如下: 第 1 条,共 2 条 标题 : Socio-economic factors related with the subjective well-being of the rural elderly people living independently in China 作者 : Zhou, YC (Zhou, Yicheng); Zhou, LY (Zhou, Linyi); Fu, CL (Fu, Changluan); Wang, Y (Wang, You); Liu, QL (Liu, Qingle); Wu, HT (Wu, Hongtao); Zhang, RJ (Zhang, Rongjun); Zheng, LF (Zheng, Linfeng) 来源出版物 : INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR EQUITY IN HEALTH 卷 : 14 文献号 : 5 DOI: 10.1186/s12939-015-0136-4 出版年 : JAN 17 2015 Web of Science 核心合集中的 被引频次 : 4 被引频次合计 : 4 引用的参考文献数 : 46 摘要 : Background: Many Chinese elderly increasingly face the serious problem of the empty nest phenomenon. The elderly living independently, also called empty-nest elderly, refers to elderly people living alone whose children left home. However few studies concerned about the subjective well-being (SWB) of the elderly living independently. Methods: This study employs The Memorial University of Newfoundland Scale of Happiness (MUNSH) to explore the SWB of the elderly living independently in rural areas of Wenzhou, a relatively developed region in China . 536 sampled are randomly selected. Results: The results indicate that participants obtained low scores in positive affect, positive experience, and the total SWB score, but high scores in negative affect and negative experience. Age, low education, poor health condition and little income were found to be negatively correlated with SWB. The SWB score of the elderly living with a spouse is higher than those who divorced or lost their spouse and the score of women is lower than that of men. In addition, the survey revealed that children's support has a positive influence on the SWB of the rural elderly living independently. Conclusions: The elderly living independently in rural Wenzhou, China have unfavorable SWB. Poor socio-economic statuses are negative impact factors. But the children's support can help to improve. Special attention is needed to those with lower socio-economic status and less children's support. 文献类型 : Article 作者关键词 : MUNSH; SWB; The elderly living independently; Wenzhou; China KeyWords Plus: QUALITY-OF-LIFE; MOUNTAINOUS COUNTY; OLDER-ADULTS; AREA; CARE; SATISFACTION; LONELINESS; HAPPINESS; SAMPLE; SCALE 地址 : Soochow Univ, Sch Polit Publ Adm, Collaborat Innovat Ctr New Type Urbanizat Socia, Suzhou, Peoples R China. Yunnan Univ Finance Econ, Sch Stastist Mathemet, Kunming, Peoples R China . Zhejiang Int Studies Univ, Sch Management, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, Peoples R China . NW Univ Xian, Sch Philosophy Sociol, Xian 710069, Peoples R China . Cent Univ Finance Econ, Sch Govt, Beijing, Peoples R China . Soochow Univ, Affiliated Hosp 1, Suzhou, Peoples R China . Nanjing Univ Sci Technol, Nanjing, Jiangsu, Peoples R China . Chinese Acad Sci, Nanjing, Jiangsu, Peoples R China . 通讯作者地址 : Zhang, RJ ( 通讯作者 ),Nanjing Univ Sci Technol, Nanjing, Jiangsu, Peoples R China. 电子邮件地址 : zhangrj1973@sohu.com; linfengzh@126.com 来源出版物页码计数 : 9 第 2 条,共 2 条 标题 : Physical activity in older people: a systematic review 作者 : Sun, F (Sun, Fei); Norman, IJ (Norman, Ian J.); While, AE (While, Alison E.) 来源出版物 : BMC PUBLIC HEALTH 卷 : 13 文献号 : 449 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2458-13-449 出版年 : MAY 6 2013 Web of Science 核心合集中的 被引频次 : 44 被引频次合计 : 45 引用的参考文献数 : 73 摘要 : Background: Physical activity (PA) in older people is critically important in the prevention of disease, maintenance of independence and improvement of quality of life. Little is known about the physical activity of the older adults or their compliance with current physical activity guidelines. Methods: A systematic literature search of the published literature was conducted. Included were published reports of original research that independently reported: the PA level of non-institutional older adults (aged 60 years and over); and the proportion of older adults in the different samples who met PA recommendations or guidelines. The review was restricted to studies published since 2000 to provide a current picture of older adults' PA levels. Results: Fifty three papers were included in the review. The percentage of older adults meeting recommended physical activity ranged from 2.4 - 83.0% across the studies. Definitions of recommended physical activity in older adults varied across the studies as did approaches to measurement which posed methodological challenges to data analysis. Older age groups were less likely than the reference group to be regularly active, and women were less likely than men to achieve regular physical activity, especially leisure time physical activity, when measured by both subjective and objective criteria. Conclusion: The review highlights the need for studies which recruit representative random samples of community based older people and employ validated measurement methods consistently to enable comparison of PA levels over time and between countries. 文献类型 : Review 作者关键词 : Physical activity; Exercise; Older people; Older adults KeyWords Plus: FACTOR SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM; BRITISH WOMENS HEART; UNITED-STATES; ACTIVITY GUIDELINES; BUILT ENVIRONMENT; ACTIVITY PATTERNS; BRAZILIAN ADULTS; HEALTH BEHAVIORS; TEMPORAL TRENDS; LIFE EXPECTANCY 地址 : Second Mil Med Univ, Sch Nursing, Shanghai 200433, Peoples R China. Kings Coll London, Florence Nightingale Sch Nursing Midwifery, London SE1 8WA, England . 通讯作者地址 : While, AE ( 通讯作者 ),Kings Coll London, Florence Nightingale Sch Nursing Midwifery, 57 Waterloo Rd, London SE1 8WA, England. 电子邮件地址 : alison.while@kcl.ac.uk 来源出版物页码计数 : 17
个人分类: SCI投稿|6922 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 yindazhong 2015-12-5 11:09
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个人分类: 生命科学|3835 次阅读|4 个评论
liyikui 2015-1-27 08:30
能成为周文泉教授的学生,是我的幸运。 周 老师是一位严师,也是关心学生的好老师。周老师离开我们已经有一段时间了,但音容笑貌仍历历在目。回忆起与老师相处的点点滴滴,心中泛起不尽的感激,还有不能再聆听老师教诲的遗憾与伤感。 “记得最后时刻,周老师安静的躺在 ICU 病床上,是那么安静慈祥,为使老师不受打扰,我从周老师的手腕上把跟随老 师多年的旧手表取下,从衣兜里取出手机。”当准备开周老师的传授的处方时,这一幕情景总是时常跃入我的脑海,周老师安静慈祥 的 面容也浮现在我的眼前,每当此时,我都想到周老师对我的教诲,想到是周老师在鼓励我,鼓励我大胆用药,小心治病。 周老师 是我国负有声望的中医老年医学专家,从事中医工作五十余,对肾病、心血管病、清代宫廷医学、老年医学及养生康复医学进行了深入的研究,有非常高的造诣,一生成就斐然。周老师性情谦恭,在《周文泉老年病临证经验集》出版时自序言曰:“光阴荏苒,岁月悠悠,弹指在医海流连 50 余年,虽经不断努力,承“博学而不穷,笃学而不倦”的古训,身体力行,又有医学先进提携,然自愧不敏,无甚建树。经验不多,多是记录而已,或仅为一得之见,非鸿篇巨制,难登大雅,故题曰:“医海流连”。”当时周老师曾将该书命名为“医海流连”,最后在我们的坚持下才将书名更为现名。 周老师出生及求学在地处东北寒冷之域的长春,先工作于我国西南潮湿之地重庆十余载,其后到华北四季分明的北京工作,从东北到西南,再到华中。对不同地域、环境下发生的复杂疾病的治疗,积累了丰富的临床实 践经验,形成了独特的验方。周老师 善用经方,如 参附汤、保元汤,生脉饮、天王补心丹,香砂六君子汤,加味一贯煎,桂附地黄汤,逍遥散,二陈汤,当归四逆汤、附子甘草汤等数十方剂治疗冠心病; 清心莲子饮、疏凿饮子、理中胃苓汤、六味地黄汤、五子衍宗丸等治疗肾病;柴胡龙骨牡蛎汤加味治疗气血阴阳失调引起的多种复杂疾病,当归六黄汤加减治疗多汗病的多个经方。而周师在数十年的临床中有探索创造了了如红龙夏海汤汤与加味红龙夏海汤治疗多种原因造成的高血压。石南藤汤加味治疗老年多种原因引起的腰痛的新方剂,为我们后学者提供了非常宝贵的的经验。 周老师曾担任 全国中医老年病医疗中心学术带头人,全国老中医药专家学术经验继承工作指导老师,世界中医药学会联合会老年病专业委员会会长, 倡导并主持起草了《延缓衰老临床观察规范及实验研究规程》,至今仍被广泛采用。 出版专著多部,培养学生数十名, 与我国著名医学专家陈可冀院士共同筹备创建了中国第一所中医药领域的老年医学研究所。可以说周老师一生经验良多为我们后学者留下了丰富的临床经验。周老师的学习精神,勤奋与合作的思想,以及不拘一格培养后人的高尚品德更值得我们学习与继承。 周老师的学习精神为我们树立了良好榜样。周老师 善于学习、善于总结。 周老师就读于长春中医学院,大学的业余时间多是在图书馆中度过的,期间阅读了大量的中医古代文献,曾写下百余万字的读书笔记,奠定了坚实专业的基础。毕业后分配到重庆市中医研究所,紧张而忙碌地在临床一线工作的同时积极向四川名老中医唐阳春、龚志贤、熊寥笙等老先生学习经验。70年代调入中国中医研究院西苑医院,与我国著名医学家郭士魁老先生一起工作,聆听教诲,颇得薪传。 周老师曾总结自己的学习方法,首先要在读书上下功夫,强调诸如《内经》、《伤寒论》、《金匮要略》、《温病条辨》、《温疫论》、《湿热论》、《温热论》和《临证指南医案》等中医经典。其次要善领悟,跟师学习,需要的就是悟性。不仅学习老师的经验,还要根据经验的来龙去脉寻求经验的拓展应用。第三是及时对近期的工作和学习进行书面总结。 周老师的勤奋与合作精神值得我们学习。周老师勤奋耕耘,乐于合作。周老一生著作良多, 编撰有《周文泉老年病临证经验集》等 20 余部 专著;先后主持国家级和部级课题等 10 余项,获得多项国家、部、局、科学院级科研成果奖,发表学术论文两百余篇。 《周易大传 》曰:“二人同心,其利断金”,强调了合作的重要性。周老师也向我们讲授合作的重要 。 与我国著名医学专家中国科学院陈可冀院士共同筹备创建了中国第一所中医药领域的老年医学研究所,合作主编出版了《中国传统老年医学文献精华》。陈院士与周老师相处共事约四十余年,陈院士曾说过,与周文泉教授这种相逢、合作的际遇,应是佛门所说的一种生命中难得的缘分。我们在上一个世纪七十年代,一起致力于清代宫廷原始医药档案的整理和研究,一起经年往返于故宫博物院与海淀西苑之间;曾经在人们欢度春节“新桃换旧符”的时刻,我们却在灯下热议和共论《慈禧光绪医案选议》的撰写和评述,我们还一起参与了清廷医方的临床观察和现代科学研究;可以说在缘分的天空下,我们体验到了走在一起的是缘分,以及工作在一起更是情谊和幸福的感受。人生苦短,来日无多,但我们的生命心路历程却是怡悦而永不陌生的。 周老师不拘一格培养后学的精神令人感动。周老师一生,培养人才良多, 先后培养全国老中医药专家学术经验继承人、博士后、博士、硕士等各级人才共三十多人。而我既不是周老师硕士、博士、也不是周老师博士后,更不是周老师的学术继承人,但是却受到周老师的悉心培养和教诲。我自幼受父亲影响,喜欢中医,后又跟随我们当地的中医抄方学习,亲身感受到中医治病的确实有效,因此对中医怀有极大敬仰和信心,从喜欢中医到热爱中医。在大学、硕士和博士阶段又进行了系统的中医药学习,但是我博士毕业后,由于多方面的原因,在一家医药公司从事药物研究,后来调到医院里也是继续从事药物研究工作,始终没有接触中医临床工作的机会。后来我的导师李连达院士知道了我有上临床的想法,就向周老师推荐了我,周老师在没有任何要求的条件下就同意了我跟师学习。现在回想,我当时跟周老师学习没有任何的名分,周老师除了知道我喜欢中医外几乎对我没有任何了解的情况下就同意了。在跟周老师学习期间,由于我还有其他的工作,因此跟师变成了不定期,有空就去坐在周老师旁边抄方,忙了就不去了,后来因为不去的次数太多,每次向周老师请假又太麻烦,因此就渐渐便成了有空就去,没空就不去的自由人。但是周老师从来没有因为此事而责备我。这样过了有两年多的时间,我就想着到门诊上试试,自己单独给病人看病。我向周老师汇报,周老师说可以试试,我向医院申请出门诊,医院说出单独门诊需要周老师撰写推荐,周老师什么也没问就给我写了推荐书,我拿着周老师的推荐书如获至宝,我时刻都倍感珍惜周老师的临床指导和推荐。我的出诊资格,在以其他工作为主,无名分学生的情况,得到了周老师的临床指导和推荐,顺利地获得的资格。我时刻都倍感珍惜,更感怀周老师不拘一格培养学生的高尚品德。 我本人资质鲁钝, 能成为周文泉教授的学生,是我的幸运。能在周老师的指导和帮助下,做一点自己喜欢的工作,感激之情无以言表。 写下了一些自己尚不成熟的想法,不知 能触及周老师神采之万一,又担心与周老师的思想有较多的文不对题,请各位给予批评指正。 医海流连——献给尊敬的周老师 医海流连, 实践做舟。 扬老年医学的风帆, 傲游中华医学大海。 胸怀扶危济困的理想, 秉承学习与合作的信念, 不惧风雨, 不怕逆流。 唯愿多载, 解疾苦, 渡后生, 引领新学, 医海流连共风流。 仅以此文缅怀周文泉教授 2015 年 1 月 24 日星期六
4592 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 rongqiaohe 2015-1-5 09:11
疾病是否发病取决于遗传因素与环境因素的相互作用。但是,对于非传染性疾病来说,存在一个一般性规律(如图所示):越是在生命个体早期发生的疾病,就越与遗传因素相关;反之,越是在老年时期发生的疾病,就越环境因素相关。 老年病的发生,往往与环境变化、空气污染、情绪激动、饮食不佳、冷热不均、扭伤摔倒、抽烟饮酒、熬夜劳累、儿女不孝、家庭矛盾等等密切相关。伴随老龄化,某种老年病与基因的相关性会越来越小。 因此,在研究老年病,选择课题的时候,要多考虑环境因素及其作用机制。如果你在研究老年病(比如老年痴呆)时,选择并从事其相关基因的研究,我可以预测你5年后工作的结果: (1)你会发现,老年痴呆与许多基因都相关,而与某一种基因的相关性很低; (2)在分子、细胞和动物水平,你发现基因有一定的效果,你完全可能发表Nature、Science、Cell的论文; (3)你设计了针对某种基因的药物,你会发现,到了临床试验阶段,药物就没有好的效果了; (4)若干年之后,你将体会到,从基因的角度研究和试图解决老年病的问题,仅仅是一种“纸上谈兵”。
个人分类: 浅谈|5465 次阅读|2 个评论
《氢气生物学》第六章 氢气治疗疾病的研究进展
孙学军 2013-1-28 15:22
2007 年日本医科大学老年病研究所太田成男教授发表氢气选择性抗氧化,启动了氢气分子生物学的研究热潮。到 2012 年底,国际上发表的论文已经超过 300 余篇。从各类器官缺血再灌注损伤,到糖尿病、动脉硬化、高血压、肿瘤等各类重大人类疾病,再到各类颇具新意的研究设想和假说,更有数篇初步的临床研究报道。在这些研究中,大家比较公认的前提是把氢气作为一种新型的抗氧化物质,推测在那些氧化应激和氧化损伤相关疾病可能具有治疗作用,当然在研究上述疾病过程中,关于氢气的抗细胞凋亡、抗炎症反应等也有许多证据。由于氧化应激几乎涉及到所有细胞、组织和器官类型,几乎和所有疾病都存在程度不同的联系,因此国际上各类基础和临床研究单位相继去验证各自所关注的疾病。由于篇幅限制,很难对所有的研究进展都全面详细地介绍,另考虑到读者的背景,也没有必要重复这些论文的具体描述。因此本章针对一些比较典型的疾病类型,如神经系统疾病、肝脏疾病、代谢性疾病为主和部分临床研究分别综述,以方便读者对氢气分子生物学主要研究领域相对全面地了解。 第一节 氢气治疗疾病的研究概况 从 2007 年到 2012 年,人们使用多种动物模型和临床观察,确定了氢气可以治疗 63 种人类疾病,这些研究大部分采用啮齿类动物疾病模型。氢气最重要的效应是对氧化应激相关疾病有很好的治疗效果,例如新生儿脑缺氧、巴金森、组织缺血再灌注(脊髓、心脏、肺、肝、肾和小肠)。 尽管存在许多质疑,氢气的选择性抗氧化仍是目前公认的氢气治疗疾病的最主要机制。另外,氢气对细胞死亡、炎症反应的作用也是氢气生物学效应研究的重要内容。 一、氢气治疗疾病的概况 2007 年, Ohsawa 的关于氢气选择性抗氧化和对大鼠脑缺血治疗作用的报道是该领域具有开创意义的工作。虽然早在 1975 年和 2001 年就有关于氢气抗氧化的报道,但 2001 年是研究呼吸 800 kpa 氢气 14 天的效应,而 2007 年报道是呼吸2 kpa 氢气不足 1 小时的效应,两者分压相差 400 倍,呼吸时间相差 600 倍,所以这绝对是完全不同性质的工作。该研究将大鼠中动脉临时阻断 90 分钟(将一根缝合线插到大脑中动脉起始段),然后再灌流,这是经典的脑中风动物模型,类似脑缺血后再恢复血流的情况。在恢复血液供应前 5 分钟开始给动物呼吸含氢气 1 、 2 、 4 %的混合气体 35 分钟,结果发现动物脑组织坏死体积非常显著地减少。他们将这种作用归因于氢气可以选择性中和羟基自由基(羟基自由基是生物体毒性最强的自由基),尽管氢气也可以中和亚硝酸阴离子,但作用比较弱。关于这一点,文章发表后就有人提出质疑,因为氢气和这些自由基反应的速度远低于其他生物体内物质,例如蛋白质核酸等物质(也是这些物质容易受到自由基攻击,产生氧化损伤的根本原因)。氢气又如何发挥这选择性抗氧化? 该文章发表后,迅速引起国际上的广泛关注,大批临床和基础医学学者迅速跟进,到现在已经有 63 个疾病类型被用于证明是否可以被氢气有效治疗。每年氢气生物学文章数量,如 2007 年 3 篇、 2008 年 15 篇、 2009 年 26 篇、 2010 年 50 篇、 2011 年 63 篇、 2012 年 95 篇,呈现爆发式增长。而引用第一篇论文的次数更是达到惊人的 300 次以上。在 87 篇关于氢气治疗各类疾病效果的文章中,摄取氢气的方法包括呼吸氢气 21 篇、饮用氢气水 23 篇、腹腔注射或局部使用氢 气生理盐水 27 篇、氢气溶解细胞培养液 10 篇、使用透析液或其他方法 6 篇。 87 篇文章中使用 5 种实验动物和细胞,其中使用啮齿类动物 67 篇、人类 7 篇、兔 1 篇、猪 1 篇、细胞 11 篇。 上述研究中,有 2 篇证明 2 种疾病使用氢气无效的文章。尽管呼吸氢气对大鼠脑缺血、注射氢气生理盐水对新生儿脑缺血缺氧效果显著,但有一项研究表明呼吸氢气对重型新生儿脑缺血缺氧治疗无效。过去也曾经大量研究发现,许多治疗措施对重型疾病治疗无效,当然氢气也不例外。另一个是证明饮用氢气水对废用性肌肉萎缩无效。尽管过去研究证明氧化应激参与废用性肌肉萎缩的发病过程,但使用氢气治疗该疾病并没有获得任何效果,对废用性肌肉萎缩无效或许暗示氧化应激可能不是该疾病最重要的病理生理机制。 氢气的分子效应可在多种组织和疾病存在,例如大脑、脊髓、眼、耳、肺、心、肝、肾、胰腺、小肠、血管、肌肉、软骨、代谢系统、围产期疾病和炎症等。在上述这些器官、组织和疾病状态中,氢气对器官缺血再灌注损伤和炎症相关疾病的治疗效果最显著。有意思的是,目前只有 4 篇文章涉及到恶性肿瘤。首先,有研究证明氢气可以对 HSC-4 人类舌癌细胞和 HT-1080 人类纤维肉瘤细胞的增殖有显著抑制作用,但不影响对 DOK 正常人类舌上皮样细胞的生长。其次,氢气可以抑制血管内皮细胞生长因子 (VEGF) 的表达,而 VEGF 是决定癌肿增长中血管生成的关键调节因子。在 A549 人类肺腺癌细胞中,氢气可以通过下调细胞外信号调节激酶。第三项研究发现,氢气可以保护 BALB/c 小鼠辐射诱导的胸腺淋巴瘤。氢气清除自由基可能是降低体细胞突变几率的原因。最近有学者在研究非酒精性脂肪肝病时,发现饮用氢气水可减少脂肪肝病诱导的原发性肝癌发病率,而且肿瘤体积也明显减少,关于氢气对这种原发性肝癌的作用,作者认为这主要是来自氢气对脂肪性肝病治疗。与其他疾病模型不同,恶性肿瘤研究中 4 篇论文有2篇采用细胞学研究。从肿瘤发生的角度,用清除自由基减少细胞突变来解释比较合理,但对肿瘤生长和转移的作用机制则需要更多分析研究。
个人分类: 氢气生物学|3159 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 qpzeng 2012-6-14 09:43
【文献导读】 最近,Cell子刊Cell Metabolism发表了一篇由荷兰和瑞士科学家撰写的有关肥胖者服用白藜芦醇30天后其能量代谢及代谢谱影响的研究论文,虽然因为试验周期太短而没有表现出立即瘦掉几公斤的明显效果,但白藜芦醇组的各项血清生化指标都好于安慰剂组,尤其是能明显降低睡眠与休息时的代谢率,可以像限食(CR)一样激活SIRT1等,因而具有潜在的减肥及延寿效果。 文章中提到,参与试验的是11位肥胖但无糖尿病及其他内分泌疾病家族史的健康男性志愿者,一组服用安慰剂,另一组服用白藜芦醇(服用量150毫克/天),服用时间30天。试验结束后测定受试者血浆中的白藜芦醇及其转化产物二氢白藜芦醇的含量,安慰剂组未测出,白藜芦醇组分别为183纳克/毫升和289纳克/毫升。请注意,服用白藜芦醇后,血糖及胰岛素水平均下降,预示代谢指标好转的其他测定数据如下表所示。 白藜芦醇可以明显降低静息状态下的能量消耗,改善心血管功能,如收缩压平均降低5毫米汞柱,平均动脉血压明显降低(见下表)。 经过基因微阵列分析发现,白藜芦醇使线粒体氧化磷酸化的相关基因上调,而与炎症有关的细胞因子基因下调。同时,线粒体活性增强,其证据包括柠檬酸合酶活力提升,线粒体脂肪酸呼吸作用改善,肌细胞内脂肪水平升高,肝细胞内脂肪含量、循环葡萄糖、甘油三酯、丙氨酸转氨酶、炎症标志物的水平均降低。 总之,白藜芦醇的短期应用具有改善心血管功能指标的良好作用,其降压功效尤其令人印象深刻。由于白藜芦醇可以模拟限食效果,并且没有副作用,因此预计长期服用可能有助于缓解衰老相关疾病。因此,我建议中老年人尤其是肥胖者平常可以适量饮用一些红葡萄酒以补充白藜芦醇,也可以考虑服用白藜芦醇片(保健品)。 该研究论文可免费下载: http://www.cell.com/cell-metabolism/retrieve/pii/S155041311100386X
个人分类: 科普集萃|10005 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 4 daodezhenjing 2011-10-14 09:00
肾与衰老的关系中国医学中论述很多,如《上古天真论》明确指出:“女子七岁,肾气盛,齿更,发长。二七而天葵至(青春腺发育),任脉(子宫)通,大冲脉(卵巢)盛,月事(月经)以时下,故有子。三七肾气平均,故真牙生而长极。……六七三阳脉衰于上,面皆焦,发始白。七七任脉虚,太冲脉衰少,天葵竭,地道不能。故形坏而无子也。”男子“八岁,肾气实,发长,齿更。二八肾气盛,天葵至,精气溢泻,阴阳和,故能有子。……五八肾气衰,发堕,齿槁。六八阳气衰竭于上,面焦,发鬓颁白。七八肝气衰,筋不能动,天葵竭,精少,肾气衰,形体皆极,八八则齿发去。……五脏皆衰,筋骨懈堕,天葵尽矣。故发鬓白,身体重,行步不正而无子耳。” 又如明代虞搏在《医学正传》中曰:“肾气盛则寿延,肾元衰则寿夭。”明确指出了肾之元气得盛衰,决定着人之寿命的长短。 清代叶天士认为:“男子向老,下元先亏” 、“高年下焦,根蒂已虚”等。所谓下元亏,下焦虚即指肾虚。 另外,北京某大医院曾对460例60岁以上的老人进行检查,结果肾虚最多占78.2%;上海某医科大学对932名老年人调查结果,肾虚者(阴、阳、气虚)占92.7%,进一步说明了肾精气不足在人体衰老进程中的重要作用。 可人们要问,肾不过是组织液调节的一个普通器官,何以有这么大的功能。要了解这一点,就必须从人与自然的内在联系说起。 人与自然的关系就象是企业和社会的关系一样,企业为什么会死,不顺应社会需求变化而已,人何以会亡,不顺应自然变化而已。而人与自然联系的主导物质就在于人体的组织液。大家都知道潮汐效应,大海有潮汐,固体同样有潮汐,但它们的能量幅度差异巨大,大海的潮汐波涛壮阔,而固体的潮汐几乎看不见。为什么会出现这种情况?原来,自然物质对大自然变化能量的吸收是不一样的,水分子有一种特殊的机制,可以更强地吸收大自然能量。这是因为水分子的特殊性,即当外在能量作用于它时,水分子中的氢键会断裂,使其中一个氢原子失去一个电子从水分子中游离出来,成为一个自由氢质子,自由氢质子是活化能量,它很快就会作用于另一个水分子,把这个水分子中的氢原子置换出来,产生一个新的自由氢质子,以此类推,一种全新的能量形式出现了,它就是通过自由氢质子在水分子链上的快速递进传递能量。组织液在人体分布是不均匀的,因此,身体各部对大自然变化的能量吸收也是不均衡的,组织液多的地方对自然变化的感应比组织液少的地方要大得多,人体组织液的流动就是这种对自然能量吸收的不均衡引起的,组织液多的地方产生的自由氢质子量大,它引起的电位就高,而组织液少的地方产生的自由氢质子就少,它引起的电位就低,组织液就是从电位高的地方向地位低的地方流动。 我们再来看看肾,为什么称它为先天之本,就是因为它周围有两个大水包,一个是膀胱,一个是穴位命门,膀胱大家都知道,而穴位很多人并不清楚,它其实就是神经血管和微循环联系的点,神经血管负责信息和能量的快速传递,而微循环负责将这些信息和能量传递到每一个细胞,穴位就是整体和局部之间联系的关键点。从形态结构上,它不是一个点,而是富集组织液的一大片,特别是软组织部位的丹田和命门,它们的范围更大,这使他们可以更大限度地吸收大自然能量。肾为什么重要,就是因为它是人体吸收大自然能量的关键区域的管理者,人体能量的起点。况且它管理着组织液的代谢,直接影响着人体对大自然能量的吸收,作用不可谓不大。 在现代医学中,人们整体忽视了大自然变化对人体的决定性作用。人为什么会衰老?就是人的体质是相对不变的,而自然却在不对称变化当中,当人体的体质适应不了自然变化的时候,人就会衰老。从分子学的角度来说,它就是自由氢质子对基因的破坏。我们都知道,生物大分子主要是靠氢键连接起来的,它最怕自由氢质子,它可以把氢键打断,使基因变异。所有细胞都生存在组织液当中,可组织液当中的自由氢质子数量和自然的变化有着最直接的关系,因此,随着自然的不对称变化,组织液中自由氢质子数量也在不断变化,细胞对它的适应能力越来越差,这就是衰老的根本原因。 人有两种生活,一种是自然生活,一种是社会生活,人顺应社会则事业顺遂,人顺应自然则身体健康,疾病就是大自然对不顺应它的人的一种惩罚,而衰老就是人逐渐无法适应大自然变化的一种物质性反应。肾作为沟通人与自然最主要的器官,当然它的作用极为重要,它功能强,人就能够顺应自然,身体就会健康,它功能差,人对自然的顺应就会越来越差,身体就会自然地衰老,当这种矛盾激化到一定程度,人就会死亡。 现代人对衰老的研究,总是忽视了衰老的根本,那就是人与自然之间的矛盾,单纯地从内在分子的变化来分析。不错,我们可以分析到这种变化,但这能够解决衰老的问题吗?这就象一个企业,你只看到了员工动力越来越低,虽然你可以用一些胡萝卜和大棒来暂时加强这种动力,但它能解决根本问题吗?不能,因为真正的原因在于管理,你不从管理上解决问题,而只知道胡萝卜和大棒,注定企业要灭亡的。人体也是一样,人们总是倾向于用什么外来药物来抗击衰老,这其实就是胡萝卜和大棒,它只能解决一时的问题,却无法从根本上解决衰老的问题。要真正地控制衰老,就需要从管理上下功夫,而肾作为调节人与自然矛盾的核心,其作用之大无以言表,当然,其它组织器官也相当重要,如脾胃,它是人的后天之本,关系着人体对营养的吸收能力,自然也要关注。要真正地使人长寿,就需要从改善器官的功能入手,特别是先天之本的肾和后天之本的脾胃,它们是控制衰老的核心。 看到不少人谈论衰老,就由敢而发,谈谈自己的想法,无知者无畏,我敢想却不知道天高地厚,权当笑话!
个人分类: 医学|200 次阅读|10 个评论
wanyuehua 2010-8-26 08:21
万跃华 Aging Cell 《老化细胞》美国 ISSN:1474-9718,2002年创刊,双月刊,美国(WILEY-BLACKWELL PUBLISHING, INC, COMMERCE PLACE, 350 MAIN ST, MALDEN, USA, MA, 02148)出版, SCI 收录期刊 , 2003 年入选 Web of Scienc e 的 Science Citation Index Expanded ,目前在SCI数据库可以检索到该期刊2002年的第1卷第1期到2010年的第9卷第4期共557篇论文。 该刊 SCI 2005 年影响因子 6.013 , 2006 年影响因子 6.276 , 2007 年影响因子 5.584 , 2008 年影响因子 7.791 , 2009 年影响因子 7.554 , 2009 年 5 年期影响因子 7.207 。 2009 年 JCR 细胞生物学排名第 23 位( 161 种)、 老年病学与老年学 排名第 1 位( 40 种)。 SCI收录该刊的557篇文章包括学术论文415篇、社论65篇、评论57篇、更正15篇、通讯3篇。 557篇文章的作者涉及40个国家与地区,主要国家与地区分布:美国357篇,英国79篇,加拿大29篇,意大利24篇,德国23篇,法国16篇,荷兰、西班牙各15篇,澳大利亚14篇,瑞典13篇,日本、韩国各12篇,中国10篇(其中台湾地区2篇),奥地利9篇,丹麦7篇,比利时6篇,巴西、以色列、墨西哥各5篇,希腊、瑞士各4篇等。 中国学者 以通讯作者 在《老化细胞》(Aging Cell )期刊上发表论文的单位有中国科学院(Chinese Acad Sci)1篇, 北京生命科学研究所 (Natl Inst Biol Sci)1篇、香港理工大学(Hong Kong Polytech Univ)1篇、中国医科大学(China Med Univ)1篇。 557篇文章的作者单位涉及546个研究机构,在该刊发表论文最多的研究机构为美国诺瓦托巴克老年研究所(BUCK INST AGE RES)25篇、哈佛大学(HARVARD UNIV)21篇、 德克萨斯大学 (UNIV TEXAS)21篇、 华盛顿大学 (UNIV WASHINGTON)21篇、 布朗大学 (BROWN UNIV)16篇、 密歇根大学 (UNIV MICHIGAN)16篇。 557 篇文章共被引用 9710 次 (其中2006年被引用805次、2007年被引用1268次、2008年被引用2070次,2009年被引用2425次,2010年被引用2144次), 平均引用 17.43 次 ,年均引用次数1213.75, H 指数为 47 (有47篇文章每篇最少被引用47次)。 利用Scopus统计该刊2002-2010年515篇文章的参考文献发现,515篇文章共引用了14416篇参考文献,其中下面刊物被该刊引用最多Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America(627)篇、Journal of Biological Chemistry(538)篇、re(401)篇、Science(379)篇、Mechanisms of Ageing and Development(367)篇、Experimental Gerontology(315)篇、Cell(278)篇、Journal of Neuroscience(258)篇、Aging Cell(221)篇(自引)。 利用Scopus统计该刊2002-2010年515篇文章的被引情况发现,515篇文章共被6620篇文献他引,其中下面刊物引用该刊论文最多Experimental Gerontology(233)篇、Aging Cell(228) (自引)、Mechanisms of Ageing and Development(200)篇、Journals of Gerontology Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences(112)篇、Journal of Biological Chemistry(109)篇。 利用Scopus统计该刊2002-2010年515篇文章的关键词发现,515篇文章主要关键词为Priority journal (443)篇、Article (406)篇、Aging (367)篇、Animals (341)篇、Nonhuman (333)篇、Controlled study (318)篇、Human (217)篇、Humans (203)篇、Longevity (190)篇、Lifespan (179)篇、Male (179)篇、Metabolism (150)篇、Female (142)篇、Animal (137)篇、Mice (126)篇、Mouse (124)篇、Oxidative stress (119)篇、Genetics (116)篇、Physiology (111)篇、Animal cell (107)篇、Cell aging (105)篇、Animal tissue (103)篇、Signal transduction (100)篇、 Cell Aging (96)篇、Aged (95)篇、Unclassified drug (88)篇、Protein expression (84)篇、Human cell (82)篇、Animal experiment (81)篇、Oxidative Stress (76)篇、Phenotype (76)篇、Review (72)篇、Animalia (71)篇、Caenorhabditis elegans (71)篇、Enzyme activity (68)篇、Senescence (66)篇、Mus (65)篇、Mitochondria (62)篇、Apoptosis (61)篇、Mutation (61)篇、Insulin (60)篇。 《老化细胞》(Aging Cell )投稿指南: 《老化细胞》(Aging Cell )是大不列颠及爱尔兰解剖学会出版的刊物,内容涉及遗传学、生物化学及细胞生物学等领域。刊载有关老化生物学研究方面的基础论文,包括基因与基因组研究、生物体、细胞及分子老化过程研究以及有关老化与长寿的新理论。 网址: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1474-9726 编委会: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1474-9726/homepage/EditorialBoard.html 作者指南: http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1474-9726/homepage/ForAuthors.html 在线投稿: http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/agingcell 该刊在 SCI 数据库被引最多的 10 篇论文: 1.标题: Uncoupled and surviving: individual mice with high metabolism have greater mitochondrial uncoupling and live longer 作者: Speakman JR, Talbot DA, Selman C, et al. 来源出版物: AGING CELL 卷: 3 期: 3 页: 87-95 出版年: JUN 2004 被引频次: 148 2.标题: Transcriptional outputs of the Caenorhabditis elegans forkhead protein DAF-16 作者: McElwee J, Bubb K, Thomas JH 来源出版物: AGING CELL 卷: 2 期: 2 页: 111-121 出版年: APR 2003 被引频次: 148 3.标题: Lifespan extension by conditions that inhibit translation in Caenorhabditis elegans 作者: Hansen M, Taubert S, Crawford D, et al. 来源出版物: AGING CELL 卷: 6 期: 1 页: 95-110 出版年: FEB 2007 被引频次: 126 4.标题: Neurogenesis and aging: FGF-2 and HB-EGF restore neurogenesis in hippocampus and subventricular zone of aged mice 作者: Jin KL, Sun YJ, Xie L, et al. 来源出版物: AGING CELL 卷: 2 期: 3 页: 175-183 出版年: JUN 2003 被引频次: 122 5.标题: Calcium and neurodegeneration 作者: Mattson MP 来源出版物: AGING CELL 卷: 6 期: 3 页: 337-350 出版年: JUN 2007 被引频次: 113 6.标题: The chronological life span of Saccharomyces cerevisiae 作者: Fabrizio P, Longo VD 来源出版物: AGING CELL 卷: 2 期: 2 页: 73-81 出版年: APR 2003 被引频次: 112 7.标题: Aging activates adipogenic and suppresses osteogenic programs in mesenchymal marrow stroma/stem cells: the role of PPAR-gamma 2 transcription factor and TGF-beta/BMP signaling pathways 作者: Moerman EJ, Teng K, Lipschitz DA, et al. 来源出版物: AGING CELL 卷: 3 期: 6 页: 379-389 出版年: DEC 2004 被引频次: 107 8.标题: Oxidative stress and aging: beyond correlation 作者: Golden TR, Hinerfeld DA, Melov S 来源出版物: AGING CELL 卷: 1 期: 2 页: 117-123 出版年: DEC 2002 被引频次: 107 9.标题: Oxidative stress and aberrant signaling in aging and cognitive decline 作者: Droge W, Schipper HM 来源出版物: AGING CELL 卷: 6 期: 3 页: 361-370 出版年: JUN 2007 被引频次: 105 10.标题: SIRT1 transgenic mice show phenotypes resembling calorie restriction 作者: Bordone L, Cohen D, Robinson A, et al. 来源出版物: AGING CELL 卷: 6 期: 6 页: 759-767 出版年: DEC 2007 被引频次: 95
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