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alphaDa 2019-8-27 18:01
研究中经常会碰到数据需要上升到团队,使用团队层面数据进行分析的情况。如果要加总,大部分的研究都会报告三个数据: rwg 、 ICC(1) 、 ICC(2) 。即要加总,要符合 3 个条件, rwg0.7 、 ICC(1)0.05 、 ICC(2)0.5 。 有直接计算的excel表,只要将数据代入即可,可以发邮件kuanghongda@163.com ICC(1) 组内一致性,是 reliability of score within group; 用中文来说,如果我们在小组内找了几个人,他们的一致性就是 ICC(1). 如果在 ICC(1) 大的时候, 我们就可以用小组的平均分来代表小组的成员的分数了(因为组内的信度高)。 但是这个新的指标(组的平均数)的信度高吗? ICC(2) 组间一致性,是 reliability of mean group score 。什么叫平均数的信度呢?现在不像组内的情形,可以用 internal consistency reliability 。但是我们可以借用 test-retest reliability 的观念。那就是如果我们再从原来的母体随机的抽样,抽出同样的这么多个小组,然后再计算每个小组的平均。那么,我们得到同样的(或是相近的)小组平均分的机会是多少。这就可以叫做“小组平均数”的信度了。那就是 ICC(2) 。 所以如果要加总,要符合两个条件。 第一、组内要合一。 第二、是小组的平均数要稳定。 前者是 .ICC(1) ,后者是 ICC(2) 。 对于 ICC(1): 多大才能加总? “We encourage researchers to adopt traditional conventions used when interpreting effect sizes (i.e., percentage of variance explained). Specifically, a value of .01 might be considered a ‘small’ effect, a value of .10 might be considered a ‘medium’ effect, and a value of .25 might be considered a ‘large’ effect“ 对于 ICC(2): So in most instances, ICC(K) and ICC(A,K) values .90 are likely unnecessary. However, depending on the quality of the measures being used in multilevel analysis, researchers will probably want to choose between .70 and .85 to justify aggregation.” 0 Rwg 组内一致性,管理类,大于 0.7 , Reference: 1 b: k r1 T' G0 C; @$ x' P LeBreton, J.M. Senter, J.L. (2008). Answers to 20 questions about interrater reliability and interrater agreement. Organizational Research Methods, 11(4), 838-839. 视频讲解教程 http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/O1UkwZ8gGwI/?spm=a2h0k.8191414.O1UkwZ8gGwI.A 计算 在 spss 中可以通过方差分析得到组间方差、组内方差、组内自由度、组间自由度, 那么 MSB= 组间方差 / 组间自由度, MSW= 组内方差 / 组内自由度, ICC ( 1 ) = (MSB-MSW)/{MSB+ } , k 为组数 icc ( 2 ) =MSB-MSW/MSB In each dataset, you then need to open the Analyze menu, select Scale , and click on Reliability Analysis . Move all of your rater variables to the right for analysis. Click Statistics and check Intraclass correlation coefficient at the bottom. Specify your model (One-Way Random, Two-Way Random, or Two-Way Mixed) and type (Consistency or Absolute Agreement). Click Continue and OK . You should end up with something like this: Results of a Two-Way Random Consistency ICC Calculation in SPSS In this example, I computed an ICC(2) with 4 raters across 20 ratees. You can find the ICC(2,1) in the first line – ICC(2,1) = .169. That means ICC(2, k), which in this case is ICC(2, 4) = .449. Therefore, 44.9% of the variance in the mean of these raters is “real”. So here’s the summary of this whole process: 1. Decide which category of ICC you need. i. Determine if you have consistent raters across all ratees (e.g. always 3 raters, and always the same 3 raters). If not, use ICC(1), which is “One-way Random” in SPSS. ii. Determine if you have a population of raters. If yes, use ICC(3), which is “Two-Way Mixed” in SPSS. iii. If you didn’t use ICC(1) or ICC(3), you need ICC(2), which assumes a sample of raters, and is “Two-Way Random” in SPSS. Determine which value you will ultimately use. . If a single individual, you want ICC(#,1), which is “Single Measure” in SPSS. i. If the mean, you want ICC(#,k), which is “Average Measures” in SPSS. Determine which set of values you ultimately want the reliability for. . If you want to use the subsequent values for other analyses, you probably want to assess consistency. i. If you want to know the reliability of individual scores, you probably want to assess absolute agreement. Run the analysis in SPSS . . AnalyzeScaleReliability Analysis. i. Select Statistics. ii. Check “Intraclass correlation coefficient”. iii. Make choices as you decided above. iv. Click Continue. v. Click OK. vi. Interpret output. Intraclass Correlations (ICC) and Interrater Reliability in SPSS http://neoacademic.com/2011/11/16/computing-intraclass-correlations-icc-as-estimates-of-interrater-reliability-in-spss/ 用 SPSS 来计算 Rwg 的程序 2005 年11月3日 李超平 李超平教授学术网站 » 用SPSS来计算Rwg的程序 http://www.lichaoping.com/obhrresearchmethods/statistics/10.html
个人分类: 心理测量与统计|19131 次阅读|1 个评论
richor 2018-10-25 10:20
intel 编译器的安装: 2017 update5 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1qvHSvnXqUIZfkNfbihKAcA 密码:oq7h 在centos 6.4上安装成功。update4不成功,卡住 checking那步 不走。 但在centos 5.3上安装不成功。 安装成功后,运行出现error: Error: A license for Comp-CL is not available 解决办法: https://software.intel.com/en-us/forums/intel-software-development-products-download-registration-licensing/topic/595085 source compilervars.sh intel64 -- 更多知识: intel 1968 年创建于美国硅谷。摩尔是英特尔公司的创始人,提出了计算机领域里的摩尔定理。 1985 年,英特尔公司继摩托罗拉后,第二个研制出 32 位的微处理器 80386 。这个芯片的研制费用超过 三亿美元 ,这笔研制费超过中国当时在一个五年计划中对 半导体科研全部投入 的好几倍。英特尔靠 80386 完成了对 IBM PC 兼容机市场一统江湖的伟业。 1989 年,英特尔推出了从 80386 到奔腾处理器的过渡产品 80486 ,它其实是 80386 加一个浮点处理器 80387 以及缓存( Cache )。靠 80486 的销售,英特尔超过所有的日本半导体公司,坐上了半导体行业的头把交椅。 1993 年,英特尔公司推出 奔腾处理器 。从奔腾起,英特尔公司不再以数字命名它的产品了,但是在工业界和学术界,大家仍然习惯性地把 英特尔的处理器称为 x86 系列 。 奔腾的诞生,使英特尔甩掉了只会做低性能处理器的帽子。由于奔腾处理器的速度已经达到工作站处理器的水平,高端的微机从那时起,开始取代低性能的图形工作站。 cpu 跟指令集一起的,是 cpu 的设计方式。 x86 是基于复杂指令集( CISC )的, intel 靠市场打败了 RISC 。 在整个九十年代,英特尔和 AMD 虽然打打闹闹,但是,它们在开拓 x86 市场,对抗精简指令集的工作站芯片方面利益是一致的。 2000 年之后, AMD 率先搞出了 64 位的 cpu ,指令集代号 amd64 ,占据了服务器市场。个人机方面,由于 Windows vista 在 2005 年才推出,之前大家对 amd64 的需求并不大。 Intel 很会抓时机, 2006 年推出了酷睿处理器。 x86-64 ”,有时会简称为“ x64 ”,是 Intel x86 架构的延伸产品。“ x86-64 ”于 1999 年由 AMD 首先设计, AMD 首次公开 64 位集以扩充给 IA-32 ,称为 x86-64 (后来改名为 AMD64 )。其后也 为英特尔所采用 ,现时英特尔称之为“ Intel 64 ”。 外界多使用 x86-64 或 x64 去称呼此 64 位架构,从而保持中立,不偏袒任何厂商。 所以 ubuntu 版本里含 amd64 的,也适用于 x86-64. A microprocessor is a computer processor on a microchip. What is the difference between a processor and a microprocessor? A processor is a very general term. Take a look at what Wikipedia has to say about a processor, it gives you a disambiguation page, because the term can refer to so many things. Generally, processor would be the part of a computer that interprets (and executes) instructions. A microprocessor is a CPU that is in just one IC (chip). Intel announced Parallel Studio during their Intel Developer Forum in August 2008. Intel released Intel Parallel Studio XE 2013, on September 5, 2012. 之后就一直这个名字。 该 studio 包括: Intel C++ Compiler with OpenMP ; Intel MPI Library – a multi-fabric message passing library that implements the Message Passing Interface (MPI) specification across Intel platforms; On Linux and Mac, it is compatible with GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) 。 the same for Windows: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/6562da9e-29d3-415b-a555-19378e0578c1/intel-parallel-studio-vs-visual-studio icc是基于gcc或者cl的。
个人分类: 计算机|11467 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]The installation of the Intel Compilers (ifort, icc)
plgongcat 2013-9-20 16:42
个人分类: unbutu常见问题|1404 次阅读|0 个评论

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