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英语标点符号hyphen, en dash, em dash
热度 1 lcqq 2017-4-6 19:51
http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_63724f620100gdv4.html 1、em dash连接的句子前后都不能有空格。 2、除非遇到天生大写的字母,em dash后接的单词不能大写,例: Juan tried begging, bribing, and even demanding cooperation from his staff—all of whom were swamped with other work—before he gave up and wrote the report himself. 3、en dash和em dash的得名,en dash的长度等于一个typesetter's letter N,而em dash的长度则与一个M字母的长度相当。因此,前者 称为en dash,后者称为em dash,都是英文写作中经常用到的破折号。 4、en dash也要求前后不加空格。 5、表示时间、日期、空间等范围时,一律用en dash,而不是hyphen。 hyphen只用于连接单词构成复合词。 例如:Sitting-room, left-handed It takes 3–6 days to get there. 5、-、–、— (这三个符号依次为hyphen、en dash、em dash,长 度由左向右递增。可是,看上去第一个与第二个一样长,这是网页 字体格式显示有误所致,copy到写字板或者记事薄中查看就会看到 真实效果了。 6、在记事本或者别的字处理软件中打出这三个符号的方法:  hyphen(-):非常简单,就是键盘上+号前那个符号  em dash(–):如果使用笔记本电脑,首先打开Numlock,如果使用 桌面电脑,打开数字锁定键,然后按下ALT,同时按下数字建0150 Guide to authors, a guide for the preparation of Geological Survey of Canada maps and reports http://ftp.maps.canada.ca/pub/nrcan_rncan/publications/ess_sst/209/209973/of_3600.pdf Hyphens, En Dashes, Em Dashes First of all, there are three lengths of what are all more or less dashes: hyphen (-), en dash (–), and em dash (—). I frame it this way because the work they do is roughly related to their length (though I don’t think CMOS puts it this way outright). The hyphen connects two things that are intimately related, usually words that function together as a single concept or work together as a joint modifier (e.g., tie-in, toll-free call, two-thirds). The en dash connects things that are related to each other by distance, as in the May–September issue of a magazine; it’s not a May-September issue, because June, July, and August are also ostensibly included in this range. And in fact en dashes specify any kind of range, which is why they properly appear in indexes when a range of pages is cited (e.g., 147–48). En dashes are also used to connect a prefix to a proper open compound: for example, pre–World War II. In that example, “pre” is connected to the open compound “World War II” and therefore has to do a little extra work (to bridge the space between the two words it modifies—space that cannot be besmirched by hyphens because “World War II” is a proper noun). Now, that is a rather fussy use of the en dash that many people ignore, preferring the hyphen. The em dash has several uses. It allows, in a manner similar to parentheses, an additional thought to be added within a sentence by sort of breaking away from that sentence—as I’ve done here. Its use or misuse for this purpose is a matter of taste, and subject to the effect on the writer’s or reader’s “ear.” Em dashes also substitute for something missing. For example, in a bibliographic list, rather than repeating the same author over and over again, three consecutive em dashes (also known as a 3-em dash) stand in for the author’s name. http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/qanda/data/faq/topics/HyphensEnDashesEmDashes.html Hyphen For most writers, the hyphen’s primary function is the formation of certain compound terms. The hyphen is also used for word division, which is briefly explained here. Never use a hyphen in place of an en dash or an em dash. http://www.thepunctuationguide.com/hyphen.html 符号大全:破折号怎么打 在中文输入法中,输入 ctrl+ - (减号键)可以打出破折号。 http://www.fhdq.net/bd/298.html The grammar school version (for English usage) is: - (known as an hyphen) between the elements of compound words -- (known as an en-dash) for ranges 3--7 --- (known as a em-dash) punctuation for digressions in a sentence---though how it differs from a parenthetical comment I have never known---which is why you don't see it much http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/3819/dashes-vs-vs No. 9 连字符 Hyphen ,短破折号 En dash ,长破折号 Em dash a. 连字符Hyphen: Used as a connector 例子: 1. 把前缀或者后缀和词干连接起来: ex-husband, self-inflicted, meta-analysis, etc. 2. 连接复合词: light-year, cure-all 3. 连接第二个元素是过去或现在分词的复合修饰语 : seizure-inducing drugs, well-known physicist, well-established rules 4. 当不使用连字符时可能不明确时连接复合修饰语: low-frequency amplitudes, a large-bowel obstruction 5. 连接修饰语与数值和单位。年龄术语采用双连字符: a 5-g dose, 50-km radius, a 3-year-old child 6. 连接拼写的分数: one-third of the population, thirty-two hundredths 7. 当拼写出来时,将从 21到99的复合 基数词 和复合序数词连接起来: Eighty-five samples were collected. He pointed to the Sixty-Sixth Congress. 8. 连接需要连字符的才能得到 正确含义的 动词: a) He re-covered the explored well. ...BUT He recovered quickly from the operation. b) Such patients are usually re-treated. ...BUT The water retreated from the structures. 9. 在引用中连接页码范围: 454-455, 35-37. 10. 连接所谓的“电子术语”,其中“e”代表“电子”: e-mail, e-commerce, e-business b. 短破折号En dash: 大写字母N.的长度,主要用于连接,在大多数情况下意味着“through”。 例子: 1. link 2 words representing items of equal rank, including compound modifiers. In this case, the en dash means and or to: north–south avenues, cost–benefit analysis, hexane–benzene solvent, author–editor relationship 2. 以齐名的方式连接2个人的姓名: Mann–Whitney U test, Michaelis–Menten kinetics 3. 连接包含连字符元素的词语: sugarmaple– dominated forest c. 长破折号Em dash: 大写字母M.的长度, 用作分隔符,用于在句子中强烈的中断。 例子: 1. 像逗号和括号一样使用:Cancer—the major cause of death in this population—is often difficult to detect in the early stages. http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-288924-1048271.html
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【写作提醒】 常用标点符号的使用
Enago 2016-3-31 12:44
每种标点符号都有其特定的使用功能,不能随便乱用。英文标点符号中最容易出错的三个当属逗号、破折号和括号,这篇文章就集中讨论于这些符号最常用错的情况。 --- 阅读原文 请点击链接造访 【英论阁学术院】写作提醒-常用标点符号的使用 --- 一、 逗号 看似简单,但是它的用法可以找出十来种。比如: 1) 用做介绍语的断句 。它是在介绍性的词、短语之后使用逗号来分隔主句。例句:For the students, the most important thing is to pass the oral exam. 2) 列举 。逗号可以用于分隔一系列的简单内容,如:I like apples, pears and many other fruit. 再体会一下这个例子:We played the technicians, Lin, and Yao. 以及We played the technicians, Lin and Yao. 是不是有所不同?第一种情况play的对象3个都是特指的,而第二种情况则是 Lin and Yao都是technicians,实际上play的对象只有2个人。 3) 分隔衬托同位语的词或短语 。比如The Pakistanis, like the Australians before them, have exposed the shortcomings of the England batting order. 在这里The Pakistanis跟like the Australians before them实际上指的是同一个东西。 4) 逗号也可以用来表示省略“and”或平行结构标志 。比如:When it comes to eating, people differ in their tastes. 这个时候如果省去逗号则是错误的。 二、 破折号 主要是用来衬托强调后 面的内容。When the car was finally delivered—nearly three months after it was ordered—she decided she no longer wanted it. 在这种情况下, 也是可以用逗号还替代这两个破折号的,但是在语气上就没有破折号那么强烈了。 三、 括号 跟破折号不同的是,它可以用来补充说明不重要的内容。比如: The president (and his assistant) travelled by private jet. 有时候括号也容易被误用,这个时候通过将括号中的内容去掉再读一遍,如果仍然可以准确表达意思,那就说明括号的使用是正确的,否则就是错误的。比如: The president (and his assistant) were expected to arrive by 10:00 a.m. 这里的括号使用就是错误的,因为句子想要表达的是president以及his assistant都会到达。 正确使用标点符号,可以使句式变化多样,帮助作者吸引读者的注意力。 § 博客内容皆由 英论阁 资深学术专家团队撰写提供 § ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 您可能感兴趣的博文: 1. cannot 和 can not 2. 面子很重要——好好写文章标题、摘要与关键词 3. 常见英文语法错误案例分享 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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ynwaterbird 2015-3-20 10:53
本文转载自: http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4aa57de3010140i1.html 对原作者致谢! 怎么输入英文破折号dash? (2012-05-01 00:19:58) 转载 ▼ 签: 杂谈 因为评阅学生论文,发现学生的英文标题用了破折号,有的用了“——”,有的用了“---”,也有用“ ── ”。我明明知道这些都不正确,但不知道正确答案是什么。搜了半天,终于在这里有个参考: 这三个符号要分清楚(为了看明白,截图): hyphen - 这是连字号,前后不空,如 twenty-four。 (直接按键盘上的“-”) N-dash – 这是减号。做减号时前后有一个空,表示什么至什么时前后不空,如 10 – 8 = 2,1999–2003。 (按 control 和 number pad 上面的 hyphen) M-dash — 这是破折号,前后不空,如 Three boys have been caught breaking into the old man's house—Abe, Butch, and Cody. (按 ctrl+alt 和 number pad 上面的 hyphen) 笔记本电脑输入英文破折号方法: 1)先调出数字键盘,也就是能在文档中输入数字,fn + num lk,我用的是东芝笔记本,fn + F11。 2)然后再用上面的方法,“ctrl+alt 和 number pad 上面的 hyphen”,我本本的hyphen在冒号和分号按钮上。
3365 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 李万春 2013-11-12 08:56
刚才无意看见中国科学专辑的名字:《自然科学基金进展专栏—半导体纳米线》 http://image.sciencenet.cn/album/201311/07/145240kxm5obmg5kg445g6.jpg 按理说,这个破折号应该是“——”吧?印象中现在用“—”来代替的越来越普遍了。 信息时代,各种媒体上由于都是电脑打字,将“——”排成“— —”的也不少;由于分段将“— —”分割成2行的也很常见。 也许就是与时俱进吧。传统的标点符号也在进化。至少在我编辑的杂志里,“。”一律改成“.”排版。当然,这比较常见。 其实引号也和原来的引号不一致。很遗憾,我用的谷歌拼音输入法,也打不出来原来的引号。 还有就是我一直弄不清楚,用于副标题时,是用破折号呢还是用冒号?好像都很常见。 联想起逢年过节时,挂的对联,上联在左,或上联在右,似乎都比较普遍。 不知道国家语言文字工作委员会怎么看?
个人分类: 生活点滴|4079 次阅读|2 个评论
热度 3 shimudongren 2013-10-17 17:34
- –— − 先看看这4个符号的长相,从左到右依次是:Hyphen ,En dash ,Em dash ,Minus sign 一、区别 HYPHEN (-) 1. 用于复合词,如: upper-case letter 2. 用于分隔数字或字母,例如电话号码: 或名字的拼写: 1-800-621-2376 My name is Phyllis; that's p-h-y-l-l-i-s. 3. 用于排版时连接因断行而被打断的单词,例如: Trust Law ranks the Congo as one of themost dangerous coun- tries for sexual violence. EN DASH (–) 1. 相当于 to 。主要用于连接数字或单词,表示「到并包括」( up to andincluding )。不过应注意,在 from...to... 和 between...and... 的结构中,不要用 en dash 去替代中间的 to 和 and 。 例句: Her college years, 1998–2002, were thehappiest in her life. For documentation and indexing, see chapters 16–18. In Genesis 6:13–22 we find God's instructions to Noah. Join us on Thursday, 11:30 a.m.–4:00 p.m., to celebrate the New Year. The London–Paris train leaves at two o'clock. I have blocked out December 2002–March 2003 to complete my manuscript. Her articles appeared in Postwar Journal (3 November 1945–4 February 1946). Green Bay beat Denver 31–24. The legislature voted 101–13 to adopt the resolution. 2. 后面什么也不接。比如用于表示年代,若事件仍在进行中, en dash 后面不要加空格 。 例句: Professor Plato's survey (1999–) willcover the subject in the final volume. Jane Doe (1950–); or Jane Doe (b. 1950) 3. 代替 hyphen 的用途。在复合型形容词中,如果其中一个构成元素是开放型复合词,或者如果其中两个或多个构成元素是开放型复合词或带 hyphen 的复合词,那么应使用 en dash 。 例句: the post–World War II years a hospital–nursing home connection a nursing home–home care policy a quasi-public–quasi-judicial body (or, better, a judicial body that isquasi-public and quasi-judicial) 在上述前三例中, post 和 World War II , hospital 和 nursing home ,以及 nursing home 和 home 都是所属新的复合词中的元素,这些元素本身已经是开放型复合词,为了避免混淆和层次清晰,应使用 en dash 来连接。第四例中, quasi-public 和 quasi-judicial 是两个独立的均带 hyphen 的复合词,它们需要进一步连接起来,所以中间用了 en dash 。 用来对照的反例如下: non-English-speaking peoples a wheelchair-user-designed environment (or, better, an environment designed forwheelchair users) U.S.-Canadian relations 上述前两例都是单个词的复合,尽管由三个以上元素构成,一律都用 hyphen 。第三例中,复合词的缩写( U.S. )视为一个词,所以也用 hyphen 。 EM DASH (—) 1. 它的用法最复杂、最灵活。为了避免混淆,一个句子不应包含超过两个 em dash ,如果实在需要,应使用圆括弧。 2. 用于详述或解释。基本相当于一组逗号、圆括弧,或冒号的用途。 例句: It was a revival of the most potentimage in modern democracy—the revolutionary idea. The influence of three impressionists—Monet, Sisley, and Degas—is obvious inher work. The chancellor—he had been awake half the night—came down in an angry mood. She outlined the strategy—a strategy that would, she hoped, secure the peace. My friends—that is, my former friends—ganged up on me. 3. 用于分隔引导从句的代词。 例句: Consensus—that was the will-o’-the wisphe doggedly pursued. Broken promises, petty rivalries, and false rumors—such were the obstacles heencountered. Darkness, thunder, a sudden scream—nothing alarmed the child. Kingston, who first conceived the idea; Barber, who organized the fundraisingcampaign; and West, who conducted the investigation—those were the women mostresponsible for the movement's early success. 4. 表示思考或对话中句子结构的突然中断,有时也可用省略号代替。 例句: Will he—can he—obtain thenecessary signatures? asked Mill. Well, I don't know, I began tentatively. I thought Imight— Might what? she demanded. 但如果中断来自于所引用材料的外部, em dash 应当出现在引号的外面。例如: Someday he's going to hit one ofthose long shots, and—his voice turned huffy—I won't be there tosee it. 5. 替代逗号,或与逗号一起使用。如果在需要使用 em dash 时,需要用逗号来分隔从句和独立分句时,逗号可以省略。 例句: Because the data had not been fullyanalyzed—the reason for this will be discussed later—the publication of thereport was delayed. 但如果 em dash 出现在引用材料的末尾表示中断,应当在说话人的身份之前用逗号。例句: I assure you, we shallnever—, Sylvia began, but Mark cut her short. 6. 和其他标点连用。一般来说, em dash 可以跟在问号、感叹号的后面,但不能跟在逗号、冒号、分号的后面,也几乎不能跟在句号的后面。 例句: All at once Richardson—can he have beenout of his mind?—shook his fist in the ambassador's face. Only if—heaven forbid!—you lose your passport should you call home. 7. 用于代替引号。有些法语作家常用 em dash 代替引号表示对话,每段话另起一段。 例句: —Will he obtain the necessarysignatures? —Of course he will! 8. 用于索引。 例句: —body armor: cuirass, 135–36, 147, 152, 244, 258, 260, 311; greaves, 135, 179, 260; helmets, 101, 135, 147, 221, 243, 258 2-EM 和 3-EM DASHES (—— and ———) 双重和三重的 em dash 相对少见,但也是正规的标点符号,可以介绍一下。 2-em dash 用来表示单词拼写不全,或名字的省略,或粗话的省略,或无法识别的字迹等。如果整个单词都丢失了, 2-em dash 的左右两侧都应留出空格,如果只有一部分丢失,那么在 2-em dash 和单词现存部分之间不应有空格。如果 2-em dash 代表整个单词的结束,那么之后应留出正常的词间空格。 例句: The region gives its —— to thelanguage spoken there. Admiral N—— and Lady R—— were among the guests. David H——h voted aye. 3-em dash 用于参考文献( bibliography ),后面接一个句号( . ),表示和上一条是同一个作者。 例句: ———. The Last Dinosaur Book. Chicago:University of Chicago Press, 1998. 关于 en dash 和 em dash 的用法,在英、美略有习惯差异,例如有的英国出版机构,如剑桥大学出版社、企鹅、劳特里奇等,喜欢用两边带空格的 en dash 来替代两边不带空格的 em dash ,但这在美国很少见,而另一部分英国出版机构,如牛津大学出版社,也支持美国那种两边不带空格的 em dash 风格。 二、注意事项 1. 慎用 en dash 为了避免和减号混淆,有的地方最好不要用 en dash 。 例句: with temperature of −5 to 25°C 【正确】 with temperature of −5–25°C 【错误】 −4 to −6°C 【正确】 −4– −6°C 【错误】 2. 少用 em dash 三、输入方法 · Hyphen (-) Hyphen 的 Unicode 编码是 U+2010 ,在 MS Word 里可以先输入 2010 再按 Alt + X 。 不过在 ASCII 编码系统中, hyphen 被编为 45 号字符「 hyphen-minus 」,也就是我们电脑键盘上「 0 」和「 = 」之间的那个「 - 」。在通常情况下我们直接使用这个符号就可以了。 · En dash (–) En dash 的 Unicode 编码是 U+2013 ,在 MS Word 里可以先输入 2013 再按 Alt + X ,更简便的方法是利用 MS Word 的自动更正功能:按空格,按两下「 - 」,再按空格,例如输入「 this is -- atest 」,将转换为「 this is – a test 」(当然,要注意 en dash 前后一般是不留空格的)。 En dash 在 Windows 里可以用 Alt + 0150 (即按下 Alt 键的同时依次按下 0150 )来输入,在 Mac 里可以用 ⌥ + - 来输入,在 TeX 里可以用 -- 输入,在 HTML 里可以用 ndash; 来输入。 · Em dash (—) Em dash 的 Unicode 编码是 U+2014 ,在 MS Word 里可以先输入 2014 再按 Alt + X ,更简便的方法是利用 MS Word 的自动更正功能:不加空格,直接按两下「 - 」,例如 输入「 this is--a test 」,将转换为「 this is—a test 」 Em dash 在 Windows 里可以用 Alt + 0151 来输入,在 Mac 里可以用 ⌥ + ⇧ + - 来输入,在 TeX 里可以用 --- 输入,在 HTML 里可以用 mdash; 来输入。 · Minus sign (−) 减号的 Unicode 编码是 U+2212 ,在 MS Word 里可以先输入 2212 再按 Alt + X 。 减号在 TeX 里可以用 $-$ 输入,在 HTML 里可以用 minus; 来输入。 来源: http://www.zhihu.com/question/20332423 http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/qanda/data/faq/topics/HyphensEnDashesEmDashes.html?old=HyphensEnDashesEmDashes07.html http://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/qanda/data/faq/topics/HyphensEnDashesEmDashes/faq0002.html
个人分类: 科研|130608 次阅读|4 个评论
orient 2013-2-7 02:25
configure latex reference break line at hyphen http://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/3033/forcing-linebreaks-in-url \usepackage {url}
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AbbyZhang 2012-12-13 11:16
第一种说法 http://forum.chasedream.com/archiver/GMAT_SC/thread-326343-1.html 英文破折号的基本用法  英文破折号的用法主要分为两种情况:英文破折号前后留空格和英文破折号前后不留空格 。  1.前后需用空格的英文破折号  (1)用于插入语  在这种情况,英文破折号的用途是隔开插入句中的附加信息,也可用于补充说明或评语。  The materials used—copper,stainless steel,concrete and glass—give the buildings a striking beauty.这些使用的材料——铜、不锈钢、混凝土和玻璃等,使这些建筑更具非凡魅力。  She was seventeen then——a beautiful young creature.她那时17岁——是一个年轻漂亮的姑娘。  (2)代替冒号或分号  这种英文破折号的用途与冒号和分号相同,主要对前面的话进行解释、总结或作出结论。  He is modest,considerate,warm-hearted—he is a good man. 他谦逊、体谅他人、热心——是一个不错的人。  He has only one interest—music.他只有一个兴趣——音乐。  Uncle Wang laughingly answered一“No,no:stay where you are.” 王大叔笑着回答:“不用了,不用了,你就待在那儿吧。”  (3)用于话语的中断和转折  前后用空格的英文破折号可表示思想的突然中断或转移。如:  I assure you that—but you wouldn’t understand.我向你保证——可你不会理解的。  “And may I ask一”said Xiao Wu;“but I guess it’s better for you to ask him about it.”“我可以问——”小吴说,“不过我想还是你问他的好。”  I believed she was wise—well,she was I suppose—in a way.我相信她有几分聪明——噢,我料想她如此。  (4)代替括号  英文破折号的此用法与括号相似,但不像括号那样正式。如:  Mary comes every week—on Thuesdays—to help with the laundry. 玛利每周(每周二)都来帮忙洗衣服。  During my vacation—I must have been insane—I decided I would ski.假期中,我决定去滑雪(我准是发疯了)。  (5)用于省略  前后空格的英文破折号可以用来表示未说完的话。如:  She was said to have had an affair with——that season.据说那时她与——有点不清不白。  Would Mr T—consider taking responsibility? T——先生打算对此事负责吗?  “But—”she stopped short.“可是——”她突然停住了。  2.前后不空格的英文破折号  (1)用来区别不同意义的英文破折号通常总是紧靠前后内容,不空格。例如:  Labour—Liberal alliance(工党—自由党联盟)  oil—water interface(油一水分界面)  gas—liquid chromatography(气体一液体层析)  London—Glasgow railway(伦敦一格拉斯哥铁路)  Chengdu—Chongqing railway(成渝铁路)  Input—output ratio(输入一输出率)  (2)代表“从……到……”的英文破折号,前后不空格。例如:  9 a.m.—5 P.m. 上午9点到下午5点  1921—1949 1921年至1949年  1914—18 war 1914—18战争(注:第一次世界大战)  Queen Elizabeth I  伊丽莎白女王一世  (1558—1603) (1558年至1603年)  PP221—235(或221—235) 第221页至第235页  chapters 8—9,101—150 第8—9章,第101—150章 第二种说法 http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_495f96e3010008sm.html 最早在英语文章中看到这个长长的横线“—”时还以为是把连 字号Hyphen打印错了,后来多次遇到它,便做了一些研究。这并非 hyphen,而是破折号,英语写作中经常用到。英语名称叫:em dash。 另一个长度为其一半的符号叫en dash, 最短的才是连字号hyphen。 以下是三者的对比: hyphen - en dash – em dash —   我在GSC Guide to Authors上查到了关于En dash和em dash的 详细用法。(GSC - The Geological Survey of Canada) 原文链接: http://www.nrcan.gc.ca/ess/pubs/guide/index_e.html Note: There are two kinds of dashes: the en dash, which is longer than the hyphen, and the em dash (space-long dash-space), which is twice as long as an en dash: I. En dash The en dash is used in these cases: 1)To join inclusive numbers or series: p. 9–15 W.E. Logan (1798–1875) 10–15°C January–June but -8 to -20°C 2)In compound expressions joining place names: the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence Lowlands the Laurentide–Greenland ice sheets 3)in joining a one-word noun to a two-word noun in a compound adjective a granodiorite–quartz monzonite phase 2. Em dash This is usually referred to as the dash, and is a useful, but overworked, punctuation mark. The em dash is used in these instances: 1)as the equivalent of, or as a substitute for, parentheses. A pair of dashes sets off material in parenthesis more directly and decisively than a pair of commas: The Gadfly Formation—the name is the subject of much controversy—is found at only one locality in the map area. 2)to mark an unexpected turn of thought, particularly one that causes an abrupt break in sentence structure: The Englishman must not express great joy or sorrow or even open his mouth too wide when he talks—his pipe might fall out if he did.                 — E.M. Forster 3)to mark the insertion of material that explains, amplifies, complements, or corrects: The outcrop consists of limestone, gneiss, and salt—an unlikely combination that had been juxtaposed by faulting. 4)to gather up the subject of a sentence when it is a very long one: Rich stores of minerals, good agricultural land, forests stretching over millions of acres, coastal waters teeming with fish, and energetic and enterprising people—all these assure Canada a bright future. The em dash is not used immediately after a colon, semicolon, or comma.   只是有一点不明。研究《英语世界》数期杂志发现所有用到 Em Dash的地方前后都没有空格,而且后面紧接的句子首字母不大写。 GSC上介绍的例句里em dash前后故意用了一个空格。正确用法如何, 有待进一步研究。 2006.8.11修改此文时,已经删去了从GSC上引用的 例句中不正确的em dash用法,即前后不应有空格。 (写于2005年4月13日) =================   关于em dash的正确用法,2006年早已找到标准答案: 1、em dash连接的句子前后都不能有空格。 2、除非遇到天生大写的字母,em dash后接的单词不能大写,例: Juan tried begging, bribing, and even demanding cooperation from his staff—all of whom were swamped with other work—before he gave up and wrote the report himself. 3、en dash和em dash的得名,en dash的长度等于一个typesetter's letter N,而em dash的长度则与一个M字母的长度相当。因此,前者 称为en dash,后者称为em dash,都是英文写作中经常用到的破折号。 4、en dash也要求前后不加空格。 5、表示时间、日期、空间等范围时,一律用en dash,而不是hyphen。 hyphen只用于连接单词构成复合词。 例如:Sitting-room, left-handed It takes 3–6 days to get there. 5、-、–、— (这三个符号依次为hyphen、en dash、em dash,长 度由左向右递增。可是,看上去第一个与第二个一样长,这是网页 字体格式显示有误所致,copy到写字板或者记事薄中查看就会看到 真实效果了。 6、在记事本或者别的字处理软件中打出这三个符号的方法:  hyphen(-):非常简单,就是键盘上+号前那个符号  em dash(–):如果使用笔记本电脑,首先打开Numlock,如果使用 桌面电脑,打开数字锁定键,然后按下ALT,同时按下数字建0150
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