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[转载] 郭可信先生:“五重旋转对称和二十面体准晶的发现”
热度 3 jianxu 2011-11-3 21:12
我早年曾在欧洲从事过近 10 年的合金钢中的碳化物及合金相研究,除了 Χ 射线衍射外,还使用过当时还算比较新颖的电子显微镜。在 1953 年曾在 Acta Metallurgica 发表了 3 篇有关 ηM6C , η2- ( Ti,Ta ) 4Ni2C , Laves 相和 sigma 相的论文。这些合金相的晶体结构中都有众多稍微畸变了的二十面体原子团簇。正二十面体是由 20 个正三角面围成的凸正多面体, 5 个正三角面围出一个正五重顶,通过每一对相对着的五重顶有一个五重旋转对称轴,通过每一对相对着的三角面中心有一个三重旋转轴;通过每一对相对着的棱的中点有一个二重旋转轴。二十面体点对称群的符号是 235 ,立方晶系中四面体点对称群的符号是 23 ,前者的对称性比后者高的多,相当于 5 个 23 点群对称地交叉在一起。    1956 年春天,我在海牙读到周总理 “ 向科学进军 ” 的号召,深受感动,在五一节前回到北京,随后分配到金属研究所,直到 1987 年才转到新成立的北京电子显微镜开放实验室。前后在沈阳工作 31 年,时间不算短,又正值壮年。本应有所作为,但是生不逢时,前后赶上 “ 大跃进 ” 和 “ 文化大革命 ” 两次大动荡,我的基础研究一直没能在祖国大地扎根。幸好在打倒四人帮后迎来了科学的第二个春天,我才得以在 1983 年 60 岁时重新开始合金相的电子显微镜研究。我与叶恒强、李斗星同志合作在镍基和铁基合金中发现了一系列与 sigma 相和 Laves 相有关的四面体密堆合金相。我的研究生王大能在 1984 年夏在这些合金相的纳米畴中发现了五重旋转对称,张泽在 1985 年春发现了 Ti-V-Ni 二十面体准晶。我们五人共同的研究成果 “ 五次对称性及 Ti-Ni 准晶相的发现与研究 ” 在 1987 年获得了国家自然科学一等奖。我总算在过了花甲之年后才做出一点成绩,以谢国人,也有了一些值得回忆的事。    大约是在 1980 年的一天,王元明同志从北京回来对我说,他从中国科学院进口装备 处了解到院里准备引进一两台电子显微镜。我随即去北京活动,向郁文秘书长立下军令状,保证在电镜安装后三年内做出出色成绩,就这样决定为金属研究所订购一台当时分辨率最高的 JEM200CX 透射电子显微镜。同时积极培养科研骨干。除了组织大家系统学习电子衍射动力学理论和高分辨电子显微镜成像理论外,还安排叶恒强先后去美国和比利时师从 Cow1ey 及 Amelinckx ,关若男去日本师从 Hashimoto ,李斗星去瑞典师从 Andersson ,乔桂文去剑桥大学师从 Howie ,学习高分辨电子显微学。我和叶恒强、吴玉琨合著的《电子衍射图》也在 1983 年出版(科学出版社)。从日本引进的电镜也在 1983 年初调试好,就安排十几位研究生使用这台电镜做学位论文工作。大家排队一天三班倒使用这台电镜,实验室在夜里总是灯火辉煌,热闹非常。据统计,那几年这台电镜加高压的运转时间每年多达 5000 多小时,平均每天工作十几个小时,几乎每天都会有一些新结果,我也经常处于兴奋状态。至今我仍很怀念那时上下一心、忘我献身的精神。李斗星曾对我说过,有时忙了一夜,毫无结果,天已朦亮,人也疲惫不堪,眼睛酸疼,准备停机。但又不忍就此罢手无功而返,就又坚持一段。几经反复,终于在天大亮时找到一些新鲜结果,顿时喜出望外,所有的疲惫一下子都飞到九霄云外去了。这些经验告诉我们,坚持到最后一刻往往会得到意想不到的回报。    与基础研究告别了 1/4 世纪后,一时不知从何下手,于是我们就在材料科学这个战场上摆开一条宽广的战线。由叶恒强带领张泽、张锦平、王大能做合金相研究;吴玉琨,黑祖昆带领赖宗和、郭永翔、蒋维吉做非晶态研究;李斗星带领秦禄昌、李膺海、张京做半导体研究;邹本三带领王岩国做矿物研究;关若男带领关庆丰做氧化物研究;乔桂文带领王龙做催化剂研究;杨奇斌带领王曾楣做高维晶体学的研究;王元明带领曲华、陈江华做电子模拟像计算;我自已带着张卫平做有机分子的研究。浩浩荡荡地开始了大规模的电镜 “ 普查 ” 。 到了 1984 年夏,这些工作都取得一些进展,我们在 1984 年发表了 7 篇论文,另有 7 篇在印刷中。根据这些内容我和叶恒强主编了一本《高分辨电子显微学在固体科学中的应用》(科学出版社, 1985 )。研究工作中意义较大的结果有两方面。一是叶恒强和李斗星在镍基和铁基高温合金中发现了一些新的四面体密堆相(在高温合金界称拓扑密堆相,在物理界称 Frank-Kasper 相)和它们的畴结构。 Laves 相和 μ 相的不同相畴中的五角反棱柱(二十面体去掉上下两个五重顶)有相同取向,我们写了一组 3 篇论文投 Phi1osophical Magazine 。二是吴玉琨和黑祖昆在非晶合金晶化过程中发现一些亚稳相。到了这年秋天,王大能在叶恒强指导下发现了一个新的四面体密堆相 —C 相,其电子衍射图列的衍射斑点构成一个二维点列,周围有 10 个呈五重旋转对称的强斑点。随后又发现 Laves 相和 μ 相的电子衍射图也有此现象。中间的二维点列是晶体的正常衍射现象,反映这个合金相的周期性特征。周围的 10 个五重旋转对称的斑点是 “ 反常现象 ” ,显示其非周期性特征。这是实验观察上的一个突破,值得进一步推敲,把感性认识上升为理性认识。经过认真分析,我们认为这是这些合金相中的不同相畴(取向差为 720 )中的五角反棱柱有相同取向的缘故。为了验证这个假想,计算了单个五角反棱柱的傅里叶变换,得出的最外圈的 10 个呈五重旋转对称的光学衍射斑点与实验观察得到的周围的 10 个电子衍射斑点相重。我们在 1984 年底写了一篇 “ 正空间与倒易空间中的五重对称 ” 论文投寄给 Ultramicroscopy ,于 1985 年刊出。    此外我们还发现,当四面体密堆相的畴结构小到纳米尺寸时,电子衍射图中竟没有显示周期晶体结构的二维周期衍射点列,所有衍射斑点都呈五重旋转对称,因此它们的分布也是非周期性的。这一现象引起我们很大的兴趣。将这些合金相熔化后再急冷凝固,会不会得到单个的五角反棱柱呢?为此,最好选一种既与四面体密堆相的成分相近又有生成非晶倾向的合金。我就此事与当时正在做非晶态晶化的吴玉琨和黑祖昆讨论,并参考一篇 Rong Wang (不是我的研究生王蓉)撰写的论文,其中有 Ti2Ni , NiMo , NiNb 生成非晶的倾向比较强的报道,当即决定选用 Ti2Ni , NiMo , NiNb 及 NiZr 合金做这个实验。当时张泽正在做( Ti,V ) 3Ni 长周期结构的硕士学位论文,由他做( Ti,V ) 2Ni 合金急冷凝固的研究,蒋维吉做 NiZr 等合金急冷凝固的研究。到了 1984 年底,张泽先后得到( Ti0 。 9Vo 。 1 ) 2Ni 及 Ti2Ni 的五重旋转非周期电子衍射图,与我们预期相符。蒋维吉也得到了一种五重旋转对称的电子衍射图,但高分辨电子显微像指出它是正交 NiZr 相的五重旋转孪晶。    1985 年初张泽去上海硅酸盐研究所做大角度倾转电子衍射实验,除了得到五重对称电子衍射图外,还得到了三重及二重对称电子衍射图,这些轴之间的夹角关系符合二十面体对称。就在这个时候( 3 月 13 日),我在北京钢铁学院的研究生邹进寄来 Shechtman 等在 1984 年 11 月 12 日在《物理评论快报》上发表的论文 “ 一种具有长程取向序而无周期对称性的金属相 ” 的复制件。这篇文章中叙述的合金是 A1-16 原子% Mn ,急冷凝固后给出五重、三重、二重电子衍射图,而这些五重轴、三重轴、二重轴间的角度关系满足二十面体点群 235 的要求。稍后,这种金属相就被  命名为准晶体( Quasiperiodic Crysta1 ),简称准晶( Quasicrystal )。    显然, Shechtman 等与我们做的是同一类实验,他们用的是 A1-Mn 合金 , 我们用的是 Ti-V-Ni 合金,他们发表在前,我们发表在后。事后我才知道 ,Shechtman 在 1982 年为了发展高强度铝合金,采用急冷凝固的工艺迫使更多的锰固溶在铝中(锰在 5000C 时在铝中的固溶度仅为 0.2 原子%)。那时他就得到了五重对称电子衍射图,为此,他请教了冶金学权威 J.W.Cahn ,得到的答复是这是五重孪晶的复合电子衍射图。 Shechtman 没有被说服,继续做细致的电镜实验才在 1984 年肯定它是二十面体准晶。当然,我们的 Ti-V-Ni 二十面体准晶是独立的发现,并且是首次在 Ti 合金中的发现。    值得指出的是,我们发现 Ti-V-Ni 准晶的过程中并没受到五重孪晶这种想法的干扰,因为蒋维吉同时已经得到 NiZr 五重孪晶,它的高分辨像与张泽得到的 Ti-V-Ni 准晶的高分辨像(经邹本三同志做过图像处理)不一样。前者显示取向差为 720 的 5 个二维周期分布的像点,后者是呈五重旋转对称的非周期分布的像点。我们写了 “ 一种新的具有 m3 5 对称的二十面体相 ” ,和 “ 急冷 NiZr 合金的十重孪晶 ” 两篇简报在 1985 年的同一期 Phi1osophica1 Magazine A 中刊出。两相对应,说服力很强。 Shechtman 的合作者 Gratias 称我们的 Ti-V-Ni 准晶为中国相( China Phase ),并邀请我去参加他在法国组织的第一届国际准晶会议,我在会议中的报告题目是 “From Frank-Kasper Phases to Quasicrystal” ,说明我们的准晶是研究四面体密堆合金相的直接结果,同时指出准晶与四面体密堆合金相都是由二十面体原子团簇构成的,只不过它们在准晶中呈非周期排列,而在四面体密堆合金相中呈三维周期性排列。后来的工作证明这个观点是正确的。    在准晶取得突破后,我的研究工作就逐渐集中到这个方面来,并且取得一些在国际上有影响的结果。王宁、曹巍等分别在 Cr-Ni-Si 和 Mn-Si 合金中首先发现八重旋转对称二维准晶,它们都与具有 β-Mn 结构的合金相共存。我们在 1984 年底写就的 “ 正空间与倒空间中的五重对称 ” ,一文中已明确指出,既然 Laves 相、 μ 相中的二十面体原子团簇可以给出五重对称衍射图, sigma 相中的二十四面体原子团簇(六角反棱柱)应能给出六重(或十二重)对称衍射图。在这之后。 Ishimasa 等首先在 Cr-Ni 合金中发现十二重旋转对称准晶,陈焕等接着在 V-Ni-Si 合金中发现十二重旋转对称准晶与 sigma 相共存。何伦雄、李兴中、张泽、吴玉琨等首先发现 A1-Co-Cu 稳定的十重旋转对称二维准晶以及一维准晶。张洪等用相位子理论分析了十重旋转对称二维准晶转变为一维准晶和晶体相之间的晶体学关系,找出这些晶体相的点阵常数规律。董闯等在 Ti2Fe 合金中发现二十面体准晶与 α-(TiFeSi) 相共存。此外,我们还在 A1-Pt 族金属( Ru , 0s , Rh , Ir )二元合金中发现一些十重对称二维准晶。第二届国际准晶会议得以在 1987 年夏在北京召开,从一个侧面说明我们的准晶研究在那时已经得到国际上的承认。    为什么我们能在 1985 年在金属研究所发现这么多类型的准晶呢?如上所述,我们是在研究高温合金中的四面体密堆合金相( Laves 相, μ 相等)时偶然观察到五重旋转对称电子衍射斑点的。其实这里面也有其必然性。德国的准晶学家 Urban 在 1986 年见到我时曾说: “ 看到你们在 1985 年发表的那 3 篇关于五角四面体密堆相的论文中对畴结构的详尽论述,就会理解为什么你们会发现五重旋转对称和二十面体准晶了 ” 。那时,发展高温合金正是金属研究所的一个研究热点。为了提高使用温度,措施之一就是增加 Ti , A1 , Mo 等合金元素的含量 , 伴随而来的后果就是容易出现片状 sigma , Laves 等脆化相,这就为我们提供了大量丰富的研究素材。如前所述,国外首先发现的 Al-Mn 及 A1-Li-Cu 准晶也是发展高强超轻铝合金的附产物。由此可见生产实践是基础研究的源泉。另外,金属研究所在急冷凝固制造非晶合金方面也有一支队伍及实验条件,在准晶研究的开始阶段,为我们提供了方便。后来周大顺去昆明贵金属研究所借来一台锤钻设备,大批急冷凝固合金主要是利用它制备的。    其次,我们无论在理论上还是在实验方面都有所储备。我在 20 世纪 50 年代初曾研究过 Laves 相及 η2-(Ti,Ta)4Ni2C (与 Ti2Ni 有相同的结构)、 β-Mn 结构、 sigma 相等,它们分别是五重对称二十面体准晶、八重对称二维准晶、十二重对称二维准晶的近似晶体相。换句话说,这些合金相中的原子团簇与相应的准晶中的原子团簇相同或类似。我对这些合金相的合金化学和晶体结构的了解的确有助于后来的准晶研究。此外,即使在文化大革命中,我们对合金相理论、晶体的对称理论和电子显微镜技术的学习也从未中断过。在 “ 文化大革命 ” 中,对我的批判也主要是办电子衍射学习班以对抗毛泽东思想学习班。准晶研究需要三个方面知识的结合,即合金学、晶体学、电子显微学。我们正好在这三方面都有所储备,因此才能在早期的准晶研究中得心应手,左右逢源。有些人的晶体学理论比我们高明的多,但是他们不熟悉电子显微学,对急冷凝固产生的微米级准晶的结构研究束手无策;另外,有些人的电子显微学造诣很深,但是他们不懂合金学或晶体学,看到五重或八重对称电子衍射斑点,却不知道怎么去理解它。    应当指出,我们在合金学、晶体学、电子显微学三方面都有一定储备,这使得我们在准晶的发现中占了一些便宜,但在准晶研究进入深层次后就未免有功底不深、力不从心之感。在合金学方面,我们没有真空甩带急冷设备,无法去控制钛合金准晶中的氧含量(少量氧有助于准晶的生成),后来美国华盛顿大学的一个研究小组在这方面做了大量工作,长出毫米尺寸、稳定的 Ti-Zr-Ni 准晶单晶并 进行 X 射线结分析,现在是国际上钛、锆合金准晶研究的中心。在晶体学方面,德国慕尼黑大学晶体学实验室(劳厄在此发明 X 射线衍射)的准晶研究起步较晚,但是由于这里的晶体学理论和 X 射线衍射实验技术都很强,他们在准晶的六维晶体学和 X 射线漫散衍射研究中都是后来居上。在电子显微学方面,日本学者在用会聚束衍射研究准晶的对称性和用广角环形暗场像技术产生 Z 衬度高分辨原子像(像的衬度与原子序数 Z 有关),研究准晶中不同原子的分布,一直领先国际。我未能及时进行纵深部署,把广与专结合好,失掉一些机会。此外,研究队伍不够稳定也有关系。今后应当吸取这个教训,注意科研工作的进一步深入与提高。    最后也是最重要的,我们有一支学术精、学风好的科研队伍,我过去主张过 “ 清清白白地做人,认认真真地做学问 ” ,在 “ 文化大革命 ” 中,这却成为我的罪状。但是这种认识并没有被批倒,仍是我们这个集体遵守的信条。我们这支准晶研究队伍,包括四、五位骨干和十几位研究生,都能兢兢业业地、踏踏实实地做学问。在扎实的实验工作基础上勇于创新,又耐得住寂寞不急于求成,敢想敢干而不浮躁、不浮夸。张泽、王大能因发现准晶和五重旋转对称而获第一届吴健雄物理奖,王宁、陈焕因发现八重和十二重旋转对称准晶而获第二届吴健雄物理奖。他们并未因此而骄傲,得奖后也未敢稍有懈怠。张泽接着又获得二十面体准晶向面心立方近似晶体相 η2-Ti2Ni 转变的中间过渡结构及二者间的取向关系,王大能从 C 相的高分辨电子显微像得出它的晶体结构模型。我们的准晶研究也有不顺利的时候,即使一次接着一次的实验都失败了,还能发扬百折不挠的精神,坚持到最后并得到预期的结果。我们这个集体出的论文多,出国深造的机会多,但从未因排名选人而有过什么争议。这是一个团结合作的集体,胜不骄败不馁,这种好学风是我们成功的保证。    我很幸运,能在 20 世纪 80 年代这个关键时期,在金属研究所这个优越的科研环境里,带领一批优秀中青年科研人员冲锋陷阵,占领准晶研究这个制高点。 ( http://www.synl.ac.cn/historyt.asp ) 相关链接 2011 年诺贝尔化学奖揭晓 2011 诺贝尔化学奖:与中国擦身而过 叶恒强院士报告:准晶闪耀光芒 http://aip.org/ojs/NobelChemistry2011.html?track=BMFNOV11
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[转载][Reproduced]Getting squishier
eatbutthin 2011-10-6 09:44
The changing chemical affinities of the Nobel Committee ALFRED NOBEL, himself a chemist, founded his prizes in the late 19th century, when scientific excitement centred on chemistry. Boffins were busily filling in the blanks in the periodic table and probing unknown atomic phenomena (like radioactivity and bonding). Little wonder, then, that at the start of the 20th century most of the Nobel prizes in the discipline went to these and other discoveries under the broad label of physical chemistry. Soon, however, chemists reached a point where further advances became the province of chemical physics, rather than physical chemistry. As our chart shows, topics like the nature of organic compounds and of biological substances and processes grew more prominent. (Where the winning work straddled two categories, we ascribed half a prize to each.) The trend towards squishiness moved into reverse in the last two decades of the 20th century, however, in part because of developments in physics which yielded precision devices like the scanning-tunnelling microscope that permitted chemists to study the structure of chemical compounds close up. The 21st century, meanwhile, has again been dominated by mushier matters. Until this year's prize, that is. On October 5th it was awarded to Daniel Shechtman for the discovery of a new type of atomic lattice called quasicrystals —a discovery that, it must be remembered, was first reported in 1984 in Physical Review Letters , the world's leading physics journal.(repoduced from the economist)
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热度 1 duke01361 2011-9-10 08:34
个人分类: Science in action|3253 次阅读|2 个评论
chongyangzi 2010-10-14 10:08
若有差错请批评指正,感谢szwj 诺贝尔化学奖 钯催化交叉偶联反应试管中的伟大艺术 当地时间 10 月 6 日 11 时 45 分,诺贝尔化学奖在瑞典科学院隆重揭晓,这是继生理学或医学奖、物理学奖之后第三个揭晓的奖项。美国化学家理查德 赫克( Richard F. Heck )、日本化学家根岸荣一( Ei-ichi Negishi )和铃木章( Suzuki Akira )因在有机合成领域中钯催化交叉偶联反应方面的卓越贡献,共同获得今年的诺贝尔化学奖,三人将一起分享约 146 万美元的奖金。 诺贝尔奖评审委员会给予三人的研究以高度评价,将钯催化交叉偶联反应称为 迄今最精湛的化学技术之一 ,它使得化学家能够更为高效和精准地合成复杂的有机物,这项技术现在已广泛应用于药物、农用化学品、石油工业以及材料的合成领域,并称赞 科学家们在实验室中的非凡创造赋予化学这个传统学科以艺术的价值 ,这是 试管中的伟大艺术 。 获奖的喜悦 当得知获得诺贝尔奖,三位获奖人都非常高兴。据赫克教授所在的特拉华大学同日发表的声明称,赫克接到通知他获奖的电话时,正在菲律宾,他开始感到很惊喜但随即恢复平静,因为他的研究早已被公认应该获得很高的荣誉,诺贝尔奖也是意料之中的事。不过,赫克仍然表示获得诺贝尔奖是一个非常完美的结局。 相比赫克的淡然, 根岸荣一 则是非常激动,在珀杜大学为他举办的新闻发布会上,他喜极而泣,并对恩师布朗教授和妻子致以深深的感激。如果说,我从未想过获得诺贝尔奖,那肯定在撒谎,根岸自年轻时就一直把诺贝尔奖看作一个现实的梦想,虽然他深知诺贝尔奖的获奖几率很小,甚至几乎不能报以希望,但仍然是包括他在内的众多科学家梦寐以求的目标。 铃木章在记者招待会上,回答了近一个小时的记者提问。他描述说,接到电话时是当地时间下午六点,电话刚接通就断了一下,彷佛有种预感似的,他对妻子讲该不会有什么不可思议的事情发生了吧?话音未落,电话铃声再起,通知他获得了诺贝尔奖。铃木章和根岸荣一都曾师从布朗教授,虽然布朗教授曾评价铃木和根岸定能成为诺贝尔奖获选人,但他自己从未想过会得奖。 布朗教授曾教导他不要去做那些叠箱子似的重复研究,要去做那些从未有人去做过的研究,要去做那些能记入教科书的研究。这对他产生了深深的影响。高兴之余,他还不忘居安思危,深忧日本化学学界的现状。现在有志于理科的高中生和初中生越来越少,这是非常让人心痛的事情,希望今后能让年轻人提高这方面的兴趣。 为碳原子 做媒 钯催化交叉偶联反应,咋一听这个反应名称,很多人都有不知所云之感,简单说来就是在金属催化剂钯的催化下,有机物之间形成碳碳键的反应。从高中化学课本中,我们知道有机物被定义为含碳的化合物。但一些简单的含碳化合物如 CO 2 、 CO 、 H 2 CO 3 、碳酸盐、金属碳化物、氰化物、硫氰化物等除外。我们身边的很多物质都属于有机物的范畴,比如组成生物的各种大分子 糖、蛋白质和脂肪,再比如石油、化纤、生物信息素、塑料、有机农药等等。这些物质的共同特征就是都含有碳元素,碳元素彼此以共价键相连成碳链,构成了有机物的 骨架 ,其他元素如 氢 、卤素等则构成 骨架 上的 血肉 。 复杂有机物的合成,就是将包含较短碳链分子的简单有机物合成为拥有更长碳链分子的复杂有机物,结果是碳链的长度变长了,有机物分子也更大了,这个过程中最关键的环节就是 碳 - 碳 键的形成。 然而,碳并不是活泼的元素,在有机分子中碳原子与相邻原子之间的化学键往往非常稳定,不易发生反应。就像两位性格内向的情侣,很难走到一起,这时候就需要一位媒人的介入了,金属催化剂钯就此隆重登场。钯原子把不同的碳原子吸引到自己身边,使碳原子之间的距离变得很近,容易结合,也就是偶联。 例如,在卤代烃( R-X )和烯烃( R H )的反应中,钯原子( Pd )先插入卤代烃的碳卤键之间,形成 R-Pd-X 的结构,然后卤素原子( -X )和烯烃中的烷基( R - )发生交换,脱去卤代物分子,最后,卤代烃的碳原子和烷基的碳原子相连,形成新的化合物( R-R ),释放出来的催化剂钯投入下一个循环的反应中。这一过程不需要把碳原子激活到很活跃的程度,副产物比较少,因此更加精确而高效。 这个反应由美国化学家理查德 赫克发明,并以他的名字命名为赫克反应( Heck Reaction )。赫克 1931 年生于美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德。 1954 年,他在加州大学洛杉矶分校( UCLA )取得博士学位,现为美国特拉华大学名誉退休教授。 1957 年,他开始在赫克力士公司( Hercules )工作,从 60 年代晚期起,他开展了芳基汞化合物与烯烃在钯催化下偶联反应的研究,并且成果斐然。他将研究成果发表于《美国化学会刊》上,一连发了七篇以他为唯一作者的连号文章。 赫克反应迅速成为当时有机合成的重要手段,对当时的合成工业产生了极大的影响,即便在现在,赫克反应也是构建碳 - 碳键的常用方法之一。赫克的工作为后来发明的一系列钯催化反应奠定了基础。 两位日本科学家的贡献 自赫克反应发明之后,各方面都在尝试进行反应条件的优化,使之更适于工业生产的需要。其中具有代表性的就是根岸偶联反应( Negishi-coupling )和铃木反应( Suzuki-coupling )。 赫克反应的反应物使用烯烃和卤代烃,卤代物的脱去需要加入强碱,然后还需要很高的反应温度,一般要 100 ℃以上;经过根岸的改进,使用反应活性更高的烷基锌试剂代替烯烃去和卤代烃发生反应,因为锌容易与卤素原子结合,所以使卤代物的脱去更容易了,因而反应可以在 60 ℃左右甚至是室温下进行。同时根岸发现,一些比较便宜但是惰性的卤代烃,例如氯代烃也可以发生交叉偶联反应。 从 1976 年至 1978 年间,根岸将他的这些研究成果发表了 10 篇论文。 铃木的改进则是使用了硼酸试剂代替根岸反应中的锌试剂。这种试剂反应活性没有锌试剂高,对空气和水蒸气都很稳定,因而对实验环境的要求相对比较低。同时,铃木反应有很强的选择性,不同的卤素甚至不同位置的相同卤素的反应活性也可能有差别,这个反应优先选择反应活性高的卤素位发生反应,所以可以达到定向合成的目的,减少有机反应中的副产物。而且铃木反应毒性更低,适合进行大规模的生产。 理查德 赫克、根岸荣一和铃木章 三人没有共事过,却分别在钯催化交叉偶联反应的研究中做出了重要的贡献, 1972 年 赫克发明了钯催化下碳 - 碳键合成的赫克反应, 1977 年根岸在其基础上进行改进,使得反应条件大大降低,而铃木章再次优化,于 1979 年提出使用硼酸试剂的铃木反应,使得复杂有机物合成的大规模生产成为现实。 他们的研究极大地发展了有机物的化工合成技术。从此,人类不再只能从自然界中提取天然的有机物,更可以在实验室中以智慧和创造力制造出新的更复杂的物质,科学和艺术竟如此相似。今年的诺贝尔化学奖,可谓名至实归。
个人分类: 科普|5287 次阅读|0 个评论
yaoronggui 2010-10-10 19:40
2010年诺贝尔化学奖早就公布了,关于化学奖得主的丰功伟绩我就不再累赘了,在此我将以三个人人名命名化学反应及其机理罗列出来,请看: http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2010/10/238373.shtm 。详细的有机人名反应及其机理请看我的博文: http://www.sciencenet.cn/m/user_content.aspx?id=13050 。 1、Heck Reaction R. F. Heck, J. P. Nolley, Jr., J. Org. Chem. 37, 2320 (1972). Stereospecific palladium-catalyzed coupling of alkenes with organic halides or triflates lacking sp 3 -hybridized -hydrogens: Variation of reaction parameters in the context of the asymmetric synthesis of (+)-vernolepin: K. Ohrai et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc. 116, 11737 (1994). Review of intramolecular reactions: L. E. Overman, Pure Appl. Chem. 66, 1423-1430 (1994); S. E. Gibson et al., Contemp. Org. Syn. 3, 447-471 (1996); J. T. Link, L. E. Overman, Met.-Catal. Cross-Coupling React. 1998, 231-269. Reviews: R. F. Heck, Org. React. 27, 345-390 (1982); A. de Meijere, F. E. Meyer, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 33, 2379-2411 (1994); W. Cabri, I. Candiani, Accts. Chem. Res. 28, 2-7 (1995). Review of mechanism: G. T. Crisp, Chem. Soc. Rev. 27, 427-436 (1998); of enantioselective syntheses: M. Shibasaki, E. M. Vogl, J. Organometal. Chem. 576, 1-15 (1999); O. Loiseleur et al., ibid. 16-22; U. Iserloh, D. P. Curran, Chemtracts 12, 289-296 (1999). Cf. Stille Coupling ; Suzuki Coupling . 2、Negishi Cross Coupling E. Negishi et al., J. Org. Chem. 42, 1821 (1977). Formation of unsymmetric biaryls by cross coupling arylhalides with arylzinc reagents in presence of catalytic Ni or Pd: Synthetic application: S. Superchi et al., Tetrahedron Letters 37, 6057 (1996); J. A. Miller, R. P. Farrell, ibid. 39, 6441 (1998). Extension to additional functional groups: E. Negishi, Acc. Chem. Res. 15, 340 (1982). Review: P. Knochel, R. D. Singer, Chem. Rev. 93, 2117-2188 (1993); idem et al., Ber. 130, 1021-1027 (1997). 3、Suzuki Coupling N. Miyaura et al., Tetrahedron Letters 1979, 3437; N. Miyaura, A. Suzuki, Chem. Commun. 1979, 866. Palladium-catalyzed cross coupling of organic halides or perfluorinated sulfonates with organoboron derivatives proceeding with high stereo- and regioselectivity: Competition with Heck reaction , q.v., when using an alkenyl boronate ester: A. R. Hunt et al., Tetrahedron Letters 34, 3599 (1993). Alternative palladium catalysts: G. Marck et al., ibid. 35, 3277 (1994); T. I. Wallow, B. M. Novak, J. Org. Chem. 59, 5034 (1994). Reviews: A. Suzuki, Pure Appl. Chem. 63, 419-422 (1991); A. R. Martin, Y. Yang, Acta Chem. Scand. 47, 221-230 (1993). Cf. Hydroboration Reaction ; Stille Coupling .
个人分类: 科研研究|7815 次阅读|1 个评论
xupeiyang 2010-10-8 16:58
2010年诺贝尔化学奖揭晓 http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2010/10/238373.shtm http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=enq=A+SuzukibtnG=Searchas_sdt=2000as_ylo=as_vis=0 Evidence for oscillation of atmospheric neutrinos from cern.ch , H Ogawa, J Shirai, A Suzuki , F Tsushima, M - Physical Review Letters, 1998 - APS We present an analysis of atmospheric neutrino data from a 33.0 kton yr (535-day) exposure of the Super-Kamiokande detector. The data exhibit a zenith angle dependent deficit of muon neutrinos which is inconsistent with expectations based on calculations of the ... Cited by 2083 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions Palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reactions of organoboron compounds from orgchembase.com N Miyaura, A Suzuki - Chemical Reviews, 1995 - ACS Publications Palladium-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions of Organoboron Compounds ... DivisMn of Molecukr Chemistry, FacuKy of Engfm~ing, Hokkaa Univemw, Sappew NO, Japan ... R W January 31, 1995 (Revised Manmpt Received August 17, lN5) ... I. lntmduction II. Svnthesis of ... Cited by 2443 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 16 versions Observation of a neutrino burst from the supernova SN1987A from kyushu-u.ac.jp M Nakahata, Y Oyama, N Sato, A Suzuki , M Takita, Y - Physical Review Letters, 1987 - APS I. Shelton, International Astronomical Union (IAU) Circular No. 4316. Note also that RH McNaught subsequently communicated visual magnitude of 6.0 on 23.44 UT February. The first confirmed observation of optical brightening was by G. Garradd, 23.44 February (IAU Circular No. ... Cited by 951 - Related articles - All 8 versions Negative regulation of PKB/Akt-dependent cell survival by the tumor suppressor PTEN from cell.com V Stambolic, A Suzuki , JL de la Pompa, GM Brothers, C - Cell, 1998 - Elsevier PTEN is a tumor suppressor with sequence homology to protein tyrosine phosphatases and the cytoskeletal protein tensin. mPTEN-mutant mouse embryos display regions of increased proliferation. In contrast, mPTEN-deficient immortalized mouse embryonic fibroblasts ... Cited by 1239 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 17 versions The palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction of phenylboronic acid with haloarenes in the presence of bases N Miyaura, T Yanagi, A Suzuki - Synthetic Communications, 1981 - informaworld.com ... N. Miyaura, T. Yanagi, and A . Suzuki * Faculty of Engineering, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060, Japan ... Chem., 42, 5. JM Davidson and C. Triggs, J. Chem. SOC. A , 1324 (1968). 6. N. Miyaura, K. Yamada, and A . Suzuki , Tetrahedron Lett., 7. N. Miyaura and A . Suzuki , J. Chem. ... Cited by 641 - Related articles Measurement of a small atmospheric muon-neutrino / electron-neutrino ratio , Y Suzuki , Y Takeuchi, Y Totsuka, S Yamada, M Earl, A - Physics Letters B Cited by 565 - Related articles Solar neutrino data covering solar cycle 22 from u-tokyo.ac.jp Okumura, A Sakai, M Shiozawa, J Suzuki , Y Suzuki , - Physical Review Letters, 1996 - APS Results from 1036 days of solar neutrino data accumulated in the upgraded Kamiokande detector (Kamiokande III) are presented. The 8 B solar neutrino flux observed in Kamiokande III is 2.82 -0.24 +0.25 (stat) 0.27 (syst) 10 6 cm -2 s -1 ; the combined flux from Kamiokande II ... Cited by 748 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 8 versions Observation of a small atmospheric muon-neutrino / electron-neutrino ratio in Kamiokande Yaginuma, M Mori, Y Oyama, A Suzuki , K Takahashi, M - Physics Letters B Cited by 534 - Related articles Survivin initiates procaspase 3/p21 complex formation as a result of interaction with Cdk4 to resist Fas-mediated cell death A Suzuki , T Ito, H Kawano, M Hayashida, Y Hayasaki, Y - Oncogene, 2000 - cat.inist.fr Caspase 3 is an essential death factor for the Fas-mediated cell death, and its inactivation in cells is initiated by an interaction with p21 on mitochondria or with IAP family member ILP. Survivin is also a member of IAP family and is specifically expressed during embryogenesis and in ... Cited by 566 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 2 versions Study of the atmospheric neutrino flux in the multi-GeV energy range from cern.ch , M Koga, T Maruyama, H Ogawa, A Suzuki - Arxiv preprint hep-ex/ , 1998 - cdsweb.cern.ch Y.Fukudaa, T.Hayakawaa, E.Ichiharaa, K.Inouea, K.Ishiharaa, H.Ishinoa, Y.Itowa, T.Kajitaa, J.Kamedaa, S.Kasugaa, K.Kobayashia, Y.Kobayashia, Y.Koshioa, K.Martensa;1, M.Miuraa, M.Nakahataa, S.Nakayamaa, A .Okadaa, M.Oketaa, K.Okumuraa, M.Otaa, N.Sakuraia, M. ... Cited by 579 - Related articles - View as HTML - All 5 versions Measurements of the solar neutrino flux from Super-Kamiokande's first 300 days from cern.ch , T Maruyama, H Ogawa, A Suzuki , F Tsushima, M - Physical Review Letters, 1998 - APS The first results of the solar neutrino flux measurement from Super-Kamiokande are presented. The results shown here are obtained from data taken between 31 May 1996, and 23 June 1997. Using our measurement of recoil electrons with energies above 6.5 MeV, ... Cited by 532 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions Recent advances in the cross-coupling reactions of organoboron derivatives with organic electrophiles, 1995-1998 from A Suzuki - Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 1999 - The palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction between organoboron compounds and organic halides or triflates provides a powerful and general methodology for the formation of carboncarbon bonds. Recently, this reaction has been called the Suzuki coupling, ... Cited by 665 - Related articles - View as HTML - All 14 versions Solar^{8} B and hep Neutrino Measurements from 1258 Days of Super-Kamiokande Data from cern.ch , T Maruyama, J Shirai, A Suzuki , M Koshiba, Y - Physical Review Letters, 2001 - APS Solar neutrino measurements from 1258 days of data from the Super-Kamiokande detector are presented. The measurements are based on recoil electrons in the energy range 5.020.0 MeV. The measured solar neutrino flux is 2.320.03(stat) -0.07 +0.08 (syst)10 6 cm -2 s ... Cited by 519 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 14 versions First results from KamLAND: Evidence for reactor antineutrino disappearance from cern.ch , I Shimizu, J Shirai, F Suekane, A Suzuki , K Tada, O - Physical Review Letters, 2003 - APS KamLAND has measured the flux of ? e 's from distant nuclear reactors. We find fewer ? e events than expected from standard assumptions about ? e propagation at the 99.95% CL In a 162 tonyr exposure the ratio of the observed inverse -decay events to the expected ... Cited by 542 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 9 versions The JHF-Kamioka neutrino project from arxiv.org S Aoki, T Hara, A Suzuki , A Ichikawa, T Nakaya - Arxiv preprint hep-ex/ , 2001 - arxiv.org ... S. Aoki3, T. Hara3, A . Suzuki3, A . Ichikawa4, T. Nakaya4, K. Nishikawa4, T. Hasegawa5, K. Ishihara5, A . Suzuki5, A . Konaka6 ... A high intensity narrow band neutrino beam is produced by secondary pions created by a high intensity proton synchrotron at JHF (JAERI). ... Cited by 578 - Related articles - View as HTML - All 15 versions Kamiokande-II Collaboration Mori, Y Oyama, A Suzuki , K Takahashi, H - New and exotic , 1990 - books.google.com 449 Analysis of Atmospheric Neutrinos and Search for Dark Matter Using the Kamiokande Detector KAMIOKANDE-II COLLABORATION KS Hitata, T. Kajita, T. Kifune, K. Kihara, M. Nakahata, K. Nakamura, S. Ohara, N. Sato, Y. Suzuki , Y. Totsuka and Y. Yaginuma Institute} OT ... Cited by 462 - Related articles Experimental study of the atmospheric neutrino flux* 1 , S Ohara, Y Oyama, N Sato, A Suzuki , M Takita, T - Physics Letters B, 1988 - Elsevier Volume 205, number 2,3 PHYSICS LETTERS B 28 April 1988 EXPERIMENTAL STUDY OF THE ATMOSPHERIC NEUTRINO FLUX KS HIRATA, T. KAJITA, M. KOSHIBA, M. NAKAHATA, S. OHARA, Y. OYAMA, N. SATO, A . SUZUKI , M. TAKITA, Y. TOTSUKA ICEPP, Department ... Cited by 527 - Related articles - All 4 versions Measurement of the flux and Zenith-angle distribution of upward throughgoing muons by super-kamiokande from tohoku.ac.jp , H Ogawa, J Shirai, A Suzuki , F Tsushima, M - Physical Review Letters, 1999 - APS A total of 614 upward throughgoing muons of minimum energy 1.6 GeV are observed by Super-Kamiokande during 537 detector live days. The measured muon flux is 10 -13 cm -2 s -1 sr -1 compared to an expected flux of Protein kinase C activates the MEK-ERK pathway in a manner independent of Ras and dependent on Raf from jbc.org Ueda, S Hirai, S Osada, A Suzuki , K Mizuno, S - Journal of Biological , 1996 - ASBMB Although the involvement of protein kinase C (PKC) in the activation of the mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase pathway has been implicated through experiments using 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), there has been no direct demonstration that ... Cited by 401 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions Functional haplotypes of PADI4, encoding citrullinating enzyme peptidylarginine deiminase 4, are associated with rheumatoid arthritis A Suzuki , R Yamada, X Chang, S Tokuhiro, T - Nature genetics, 2003 - nature.com 1 Laboratory for Rheumatic Diseases, SNP Research Center, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), 1-7-22, Suehirocho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa 230-0045, Japan. ... 3 Department of Allergy and Rheumatology, Graduate School of Medicine, the ... Cited by 487 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions Constraints on neutrino oscillation parameters from the measurement of day-night solar neutrino fluxes at Super-Kamiokande from arxiv.org , H Ogawa, J Shirai, A Suzuki , F Tsushima, M - Physical Review Letters, 1999 - APS A search for day-night variations in the solar neutrino flux resulting from neutrino oscillations has been carried out using the 504 day sample of solar neutrino data obtained at Super-Kamiokande. The absence of a significant day-night variation has set an absolute ... Cited by 396 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 8 versions Constraints on neutrino oscillations using 1258 days of Super-Kamiokande solar neutrino data from cern.ch , T Maruyama, J Shirai, A Suzuki , M Koshiba, Y - Physical Review Letters, 2001 - APS We report the result of a search for neutrino oscillations using precise measurements of the recoil electron energy spectrum and zenith angle variations of the solar neutrino flux from 1258 days of neutrino-electron scattering data in Super-Kamiokande. The absence of significant ... Cited by 408 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 14 versions A truncated bone morphogenetic protein receptor affects dorsal-ventral patterning in the early Xenopus embryo from pnas.org A Suzuki , RS Thies, N Yamaji, JJ - Proceedings of the , 1994 - National Acad Sciences ATSUSHI SUZUKI *, R. ScoTT THIESt, NOBORU YAMAJIt*, JEFFREY J. SONGt, JOHN M. WOZNEYt, KAZUO MURAKAMI, AND NAOTO UENO*1 *Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 060, Japan; tGenetics Institute Inc., 87 ... Cited by 337 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions An intronic SNP in a RUNX1 binding site of SLC22A4, encoding an organic cation transporter, is associated with rheumatoid arthritis , X Chang, A Suzuki , Y Kochi, T Sawada, M Suzuki , - Nature genetics, 2003 - nature.com 1 Laboratory for Rheumatic Diseases, SNP Research Center, The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research (RIKEN), 1-7-22, Suehiro-cho, Tsurumi-ku, Yokohama City, Kanagawa 230-0045, Japan. ... 2 Laboratory for Rheumatic Diseases, SNP Research Center, The Institute of ... Cited by 361 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions Orangutan cultures and the evolution of material culture from reed.edu Galdikas, CD Knott, I Singleton, A Suzuki , SS Utami, M - Science, 2003 - sciencemag.org Geographic variation in some aspects of chimpanzee behavior has been interpreted as evidence for culture. Here we document similar geographic variation in orangutan behaviors. Moreover, as expected under a cultural interpretation, we find a correlation between ... Cited by 411 - Related articles - All 11 versions A phase II study of CPT-11, a new derivative of camptothecin, for previously untreated non-small-cell lung cancer from ascopubs.org M Fukuoka, H Niitani, A Suzuki , M - Journal of Clinical , 1992 - jco.ascopubs.org Purpose: Camptothecin-11 (CPT-11) is a new semisyn- thetic derivative of CPT, and has been shown to inhibit DNA topoisomerase I and to have a strong antitumor activity with low toxicity in murine tumors. To evaluate the effectiveness of CPT-11 in patients with non-small-cell ... Cited by 335 - Related articles - All 7 versions High cancer susceptibility and embryonic lethality associated with mutation of the PTEN tumor suppressor gene in mice from cell.com A Suzuki , JL de la Pompa, V Stambolic, AJ Elia, T - Current Biology, 1998 - Elsevier Results: Homozygous mutant mice lacking exons 35 of the PTEN gene (mPTEN 35 ) had severely expanded and abnormally patterned cephalic and caudal regions at day 8.5 of gestation. Embryonic death occurred by day 9.5 and was associated with defective chorio-allantoic ... Cited by 412 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions Lesions of perirhinal and parahippocampal cortex that spare the amygdala and hippocampal formation produce severe memory impairment from jneurosci.org , LR Squire, DG Amaral, WA Suzuki - Journal of , 1989 - Soc Neuroscience ... Squire,' David G. Amaral,2 and Wendy A . Suzuki2J ... Based on these 2 find- ings, we evaluated the severity of memory impairment in a group of monkeys that received bilateral lesions limited to the perirhinal cortex and parahippocampal gyrus (the PRPH lesion). ... Cited by 486 - Related articles - All 8 versions Function of PI3K in thymocyte development, T cell activation, and neutrophil migration from wlstanfordlab.com , I Kozieradzki, N Joza, TW Mak, PS Ohashi, A Suzuki , - Science, 2000 - sciencemag.org (4), were incubated for 20 min at room temperature with a freshly diluted solution (100 to 300 M) of LY 294002 in modified Hank's balanced salt solution (4). Clostridium difficile toxin-B (TechLab, Blacksburg, VA), was added directly to the cell culture medium at a final ... Cited by 388 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 11 versions The role of sulfur-containing amino acids in superoxide production and modification of low density lipoprotein by arterial smooth muscle cells. from jbc.org JW Heinecke, H Rosen, LA Suzuki , A Chait - Journal of Biological , 1987 - ASBMB Jay W. HeineckeSB, Henry Rosen, Lucy A . Suzuki , and Alan Chaitfl From the Departments of $Biochemistry and Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195 ... Extracellular superoxide (OZ) was detected in cul- tures of monkey arterial smooth muscle cells as ... Cited by 370 - Related articles - All 5 versions Primate Communication and the Gestural Origin of Language from uni-muenchen.de , MJ Raliegh, R Stopa, A Suzuki , SL Washburn, RW - Current , 1973 - JSTOR ... Grover S. Krantz, Glen McBride, Fernando Nottebohm, John Pfeiffer, Duane G. Rumbaugh, Horst D. Steklis and Michael J. Raleigh, Roman Stopa, Akira Suzuki , SL Washburn, and Roger W. Wescott. Their comments are printed after the text and are followed by a reply from the ... Cited by 377 - Related articles - All 12 versions Real-time, directional measurement of^{8} B solar neutrinos in the Kamiokande II detector from lbl.gov Yaginuma, M Mori, Y Oyama, A Suzuki , K Takahashi, M - Physical Review D, 1991 - APS The method of 8 B solar-neutrino measurement by means of the reaction e e e e in the Kamiokande II detector is described in detail. A data sample of 1040 live detector days in the time period January 1987 through April 1990 yields a clear directional correlation of the ... Cited by 367 - Related articles - All 6 versions Measurement of atmospheric neutrino oscillation parameters by Super-Kamiokande I from tohoku.ac.jp T Hasegawa, K Inoue, J Shirai, A Suzuki , M Koshiba, Y - Physical Review D, 2005 - APS We present a combined analysis of fully-contained, partially-contained and upward-going muon atmospheric neutrino data from a 1489 d exposure of the Super-Kamiokande detector. The data samples span roughly five decades in neutrino energy, from 100 MeV to 10 TeV. A ... Cited by 354 - Related articles - All 10 versions Measurement of the solar neutrino energy spectrum using neutrino-electron scattering from arxiv.org , H Ogawa, J Shirai, A Suzuki , F Tsushima, M - Physical Review Letters, 1999 - APS A measurement of the energy spectrum of recoil electrons from solar neutrino scattering in the Super-Kamiokande detector is presented. The results shown here were obtained from 504 days of data taken between 31 May 1996 and 25 March 1998. The shape of the measured ... Cited by 298 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 9 versions Electroencephalographic derivatives as a tool for predicting the depth of sedation and anesthesia induced by sevoflurane T Katoh, A Suzuki , K Ikeda - Anesthesiology, 1998 - journals.lww.com Wolters Kluwer Health may email you for journal alerts and information, but is committed to maintaining your privacy and will not share your personal information without your express consent. For more information, please refer to our Privacy Policy. ... Skip Navigation Links Home March ... Cited by 286 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions Musashi1: an evolutionally conserved marker for CNS progenitor cells including neural stem cells Kaneko, S Sakakibara, T Imai, A Suzuki , - Developmental , 2000 - content.karger.com In situ detection of neural progenitor cells including stem-like cells is essential for studying the basic mechanisms of the generation of cellular diversity in the CNS, upon which therapeutic treatments for CNS injuries, degenerative diseases, and brain tumors may be based. We ... Cited by 281 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions PTEN1 is frequently mutated in primary endometrial carcinomas D Kong, A Suzuki , TT Zou, A Sakurada, LW Kemp, S - Nature genetics, 1997 - nature.com ... in Cancer Incidence and Mortality Statistics in Osaka, 19631989 (eds Fujimoto, I. et al) 49214 (Shinohara, Osaka, Japan, 1993). Okamoto, A . et al. ... 55, 19221926 (1995). | PubMed | ISI | ChemPort |; Orita, M., Suzuki , Y., Sekiya, T. Hayashi, K. Genomics 5, 874879 (1989). ... Cited by 226 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions Results from one thousand days of real-time, directional solar-neutrino data from tohoku.ac.jp , M Mori, Y Oyama, A Suzuki , K Takahashi, M - Physical Review Letters, 1990 - APS A data sample of 1040 days from the Kamiokande II detector, consisting of subsamples of 450 days at electron-energy threshold E e 9.3 MeV and 590 days at E e 7.5 MeV, yields a clear directional correlation of the solar-neutrino-induced electron events with respect to the ... Cited by 245 - Related articles - All 8 versions Bone marrow is a reservoir of repopulating mesangial cells during glomerular remodeling from asnjournals.org T Ito, A Suzuki , E Imai, M Okabe, M - Journal of the American , 2001 - Am Soc Nephrol ABSTRACT. The renal glomerulus, whose cellular components are developmentally derived from the mesenchyme, plays a pivotal role in filtratating plasma. Irretrievable changes of glomerular components are responsible for the initiation and progression of impaired renal function. ... Cited by 248 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions CIS3/SOCS3/SSI3 plays a negative regulatory role in STAT3 activation and intestinal inflammation from rupress.org A Suzuki , T Hanada, K Mitsuyama, T - The Journal of , 2001 - jem.rupress.org Immune and inflammatory systems are controlled by multiple cytokines, including interleukins (ILs) and interferons. These cytokines exert their biological functions through Janus tyrosine kinases and signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) transcription factors. ... Cited by 239 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 8 versions Handbook of multicultural counseling JG Ponterotto, LA Suzuki , JM Casas, CM Alexander - 2009 - books.google.com The editors and contributing authors of this third edition of the Handbook of Multicultural Counseling dedicate their efforts to the 12 pioneers and elders whose respective life stories open Part I of this volume. Eduardo Duran Carolyn G. Barcus Rosie Phillips Bingham Joseph L. White ... Cited by 278 - Related articles - All 3 versions T cell-specific loss of Pten leads to defects in central and peripheral tolerance from cell.com A Suzuki , MT Yamaguchi, T Ohteki, T Sasaki, T Kaisho, - Immunity, 2001 - Elsevier PTEN, a tumor suppressor gene, is essential for embryogenesis. We used the Cre-loxP system to generate a T cell-specific deletion of the Pten gene (Pten flox/ mice). All Pten flox/ mice develop CD4 + T cell lymphomas by 17 weeks. Pten flox/ mice show increased thymic cellularity ... Cited by 274 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 13 versions Multi-branched nature of amylose and the action of debranching enzymes S Hizukuri, Y Takeda, M Yasuda, A Suzuki - Carbohydrate Research, 1981 - Elsevier Convenient and sensitive methods are described for analyses of the reducing and non-reducing residues of amylose. The multi-branched nature of amylose samples from several plant sources was revealed quantitatively by these methods. Pseudomonas isoamylase partially (30%) ... Cited by 259 - Related articles Lesions of the perirhinal and parahippocampal cortices in the monkey produce long-lasting memory impairment in the visual and tactual modalities from jneurosci.org WA Suzuki , S Zola-Morgan, LR Squire, - Journal of , 1993 - Soc Neuroscience Lesions of the Perirhinal and Parahippocampal Cottices in the Monkey Produce Long-lasting Memory Impairment in the Visual and Tactual Modalities ... Wendy A . Suzuki , I,* Stuart Zola-Morgan,1~3 ... Larry R. Squire,lv3 and David G. AmaraP* Cited by 313 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions Ca2+-specific removal of Z lines from rabbit skeletal muscle from rupress.org Busch, MH Stromer, DE Goll, A Suzuki - The Journal of Cell , 1972 - jcb.rupress.org ABSTRACT Removal of rabbit psoas strips immediately after death and incubation in a saline solution containing 1 mM Ca2+ and 5 MM Mg2+ for 9 hr at 37C and pH 7.1 causes complete Z- line removal but has no ultrastructurally detectable effect on other parts of the myofibril. ... Cited by 248 - Related articles - All 6 versions Memory reconsolidation and extinction have distinct temporal and biochemical signatures from cjb.net A Suzuki , SA Josselyn, PW Frankland, S - Journal of , 2004 - neuro.cjb.net Memory retrieval is not a passive phenomenon. Instead, it triggers a number of processes that either reinforce or alter stored information. Retrieval is thought to activate a second memory consolidation cascade (reconsolidation) that requires protein synthesis. Here, we show that the ... Cited by 264 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 9 versions Localization of brain electrical activity via linearly constrained minimum variance spatial filtering from ntu.edu.tw Van Drongelen, M Yuchtman, A Suzuki - Biomedical , 2002 - ieeexplore.ieee.org Abstract A spatial filtering method for localizing sources of brain electrical activity from surface recordings is described and analyzed. The spatial filters are implemented as a weighted sum of the data recorded at different sites. The weights are chosen to minimize the filter output ... Cited by 290 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 12 versions Clonal identification and characterization of self-renewing pluripotent stem cells in the developing liver from rupress.org A Suzuki , Y Zheng, S Kaneko, M Onodera, - The Journal of cell , 2002 - jcb.rupress.org Using flow cytometry and single cellbased assays, we prospectively identified hepatic stem cells with multilineage differentiation potential and self-renewing capability. These cells could be clonally propagated in culture where they continuously produced hepatocytes and ... Cited by 283 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 9 versions Concentration-dependent patterning of the Xenopus ectoderm by BMP4 and its signal transducer Smad1 from biologists.org PA Wilson, G Lagna, A Suzuki , A Hemmati- - Development, 1997 - dev.biologists.org In the early embryo, the specification of cell fates relies in large part on secreted signaling molecules. In many cases, these signals appear to mediate traditional inductive interactions, in which cells or groups of cells assume one fate in the presence of a signal from ... Cited by 234 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions Indications of neutrino oscillation in a 250 km long-baseline experiment from cern.ch Suga, LR Sulak, A Suzuki , Y Suzuki , Y Takeuchi, N - Physical Review Letters, 2003 - APS The K2K experiment observes indications of neutrino oscillation: a reduction of flux together with a distortion of the energy spectrum. Fifty-six beam neutrino events are observed in Super-Kamiokande (SK), 250 km from the neutrino production point, with an expectation ... Cited by 187 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 9 versions Atypical protein kinase C is involved in the evolutionarily conserved par protein complex and plays a critical role in establishing epithelia-specific junctional from rupress.org A Suzuki , T Yamanaka, T Hirose, N - The Journal of cell , 2001 - jcb.rupress.org We have previously shown that during early Caenorhabditis elegans embryogenesis PKC-3, a C. elegans atypical PKC (aPKC), plays critical roles in the establishment of cell polarity required for subsequent asymmetric cleavage by interacting with PAR-3 from jneurosci.org WA Suzuki , DG Amaral - Journal of Neuroscience, 1994 - Soc Neuroscience WA SuzukP and DG Amara12 'Group in Neurosciences, University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, California 92093 and 'Center for Behavioral Neuroscience, SUNY at Stony Brook, Stony Brook, New York 11794 ... The perirhinal and parahippocampal cortices ... Cited by 257 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 7 versions
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xupeiyang 2010-10-8 16:52
2010年诺贝尔化学奖揭晓 http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2010/10/238373.shtm http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=enq=E+NegishibtnG=Searchas_sdt=2000as_ylo=as_vis=0 Palladium-or nickel-catalyzed cross coupling. A new selective method for carbon-carbon bond formation E Negishi - Accounts of Chemical Research, 1982 - ACS Publications The cross-coupling reaction of organometallic species with organic halides and related electrophiles represents one of the most straightforward methods for carbon- carbon bond formation (eq 1). Despite its inherent R'M + R2X - R'R2 + MX (1) ... Ei-ichi Negishi obtained has ... Cited by 320 - Related articles Handbook of organopalladium chemistry for organic synthesis from lavoisier.fr E Negishi , A De Meijere - 2002 - books.google.com This book is printed on acid-free paper. Copyright 2002 by John Wiley Sons, Inc., New York. All rights reserved. Published simultaneously in Canada. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, ... Cited by 271 - Related articles - All 5 versions Selective carbon-carbon bond formation via transition metal catalysis. 3. A highly selective synthesis of unsymmetrical biaryls and diarylmethanes by the nickel-or E Negishi , AO King, N Okukado - The Journal of Organic , 1977 - ACS Publications Sir: Recently, the Ni- or Pd-catalyzed reactions of organo- metallics containing highly electropositive main group metals, such as Li and Mg, with organic halides have provided a new approach to selective cross-~oupling.~~~ In particular, the ability of organoaluminum compounds,' ... Cited by 212 - Related articles Palladium-catalyzed alkynylation E Negishi , L Anastasia - Chem. Rev, 2003 - ACS Publications Luigi Anastasia was born in Mede (Pavia), Italy. He received a Laurea degree with honors in chemistry from the Universit degli Studi di Pavia, Italy, in 1998, under the supervision of Prof. Giovanni Vidari. He was also presented the Best Graduating Student in Chemistry of ... Cited by 208 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 7 versions FE Cederbaum, and T. Takahashi E Negishi - Tetrahedron Lett, 1986 Cited by 188 - Related articles Organometallics in Organic Synthesis E Negishi - 1980 - getcited.org ... Organometallics in organic synthesis. Post a Comment. CONTRIBUTORS: Author: Negishi , Ei-ichi (b. 1935, d. ----. PUBLISHER: Wiley (New York). SERIES TITLE: YEAR: 1980. PUB TYPE: Book (ISBN 0471031933 ). VOLUME/EDITION: PAGES (INTRO/BODY): ... Cited by 187 - Related articles - Cached - All 2 versions Cyclic carbopalladation. A versatile synthetic methodology for the construction of cyclic organic compounds E Negishi , C Coperet, S Ma, SY Liou, F Liu - Chem. Rev, 1996 - ACS Publications Ei-ichi Negishi received the bachelor's degree from the University of Tokyo in 1958. While he was a research chemist at Teijin, Ltd., Japan, he came to the University of Pennsylvania as a Fulbright Scholar in 1960 and received his Ph.D. degree in 1963. He joined Professor HC ... Cited by 172 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions Patterns of Stoichiometric and Catalytic Reactions of Organozirconium and Related Complexes of Synthetic Interest from uwindsor.ca EI Negishi , T Takahashi - Accounts of Chemical Research, 1994 - ACS Publications ... (2) For our previous reviews, see: (a) Negishi , E .; Takahashi, T. Aldrichimica Acta 1985,18,31. (b) Negishi , E .; Takahashi, T. Synthesis 1988, 1, 1. (c) For a review, see: Schwartz, J.; Labinger, J. A. Angew. ... (5) Negishi , E .; Cederbaum, FE; Takahashi, T. Tetrahedron Lett. ... Cited by 117 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions S. j. Holmes, JM Tour, JA Miller, FE Cederbaum, DR Swanson, T. Takahashi E Negishi - J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1989 Cited by 125 - Related articles Palladium-catalyzed acylation of organozincs and other organometallics as a convenient route to ketones* 1 E Negishi , V Bagheri, S Chatterjee, FT Luo, JA Miller - Tetrahedron Letters, 1983 - Elsevier The reaction of organozincs with acyl chlorides catalyzed by palladium-phosphine complexes, eg, Pd(PPh 3 ) 4 , provides a highly general and convenient route to ketones. ... These results were obtained by LD Boardman of our laboratories. ... *1 Selective Carbon- ... Cited by 87 - Related articles - All 2 versions Selective carbon-carbon bond formation via transition metal catalysts. 9. Double metal catalysis in the cross-coupling reaction and its application to the stereo-and E Negishi , N Okukado, AO King, DE Van - Journal of the , 1978 - ACS Publications The precise mechanism of the carbometalation reported here is not yet clear. However, our preliminary investigation has revealed that the product 1 in the reaction of phenylacetylene with Me3Al-CI2ZrCp2 is largely an ( E )-2-phenylpropenyl- alane species (-95%) mixed with a minor amount ... Cited by 95 - Related articles Palladium-or nickel-catalyzed reactions of alkenylmetals with unsaturated organic halides as a selective route to arylated alkenes and conjugated dienes: scope, E Negishi , T Takahashi, S Baba, DE Van Horn, - J. Am. Chem. Soc.;( , 1987 - osti.gov Stereo- and regiodefined alkenylmetals containing Al, Zr, and Zn react with aryl and alkenyl iodides and bromides in the presence of catalytic amounts of Pd or Ni complexes containing phosphine ligands, such as PPh/sub 3/, to give the corresponding cross-coupled products. Palladium ... Cited by 99 - Related articles - Cached - All 2 versions Palladium-catalyzed cross-coupling reaction of homoallylic or homopropargylic organozincs with alkenyl halides as a new selective route to 1, 5-dienes and 1, 5- E Negishi , LF Valente, M Kobayashi - Journal of the American , 1980 - ACS Publications 2 pling has been achieved in most cases by the Biellmann and related allyl-allyl coupling reactions.' While these reactions appear well suited for synthesizing 1,5-dienes represented by 1, their application to the synthesis of 2 is often complicated by regiochemical ... Cited by 100 - Related articles Bimetallic Catalytic Systems Containing Ti, Zr, Ni, and Pd. Their Applications to Selective Organic Syntheses from iupac.org E Negishi - Pure Appl. Chem, 1981 - media.iupac.org Although a number of metallic elements have been shown to be synthetically useful (1), it has become increasing clear that the synthetic capability of each metal is limited. One po- tentially promising way of overcoming this limitation would be to consider the simultaneous use of ... Cited by 94 - Related articles - View as HTML - All 5 versions Selective carbon-carbon bond formation via transition metal catalysts. 8. Controlled carbometalation. Reaction of acetylenes with organoalane-zirconocene dichloride DE Van Horn, E Negishi - Journal of the American Chemical , 1978 - ACS Publications Journal of the American Chemical Society / 100:7 / March 29, 1978 ... U Figure 1. Tris(N-methylthioformohydroxamato)iron(III) viewed down the C3 axis. Principal bond lengths (angstroms) follow: Fe-S, 2.444 (1); Fe-O,2.OlO(l);C(l)-S, 1.681 (2);C(l)-N, 1.295 (2);NC(2), ... Cited by 78 - Related articles Conversion of methyl ketones into terminal acetylenes and ( E )-trisubstituted olefins of terpenoid origin E Negishi , AO King, WL Klima, W - The Journal of , 1980 - ACS Publications Ei-ichi Negishi ,*' Anthony 0. King, and William L. Klima ... Department of Chemistry, Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York 13210 ... Department of Chemistry, SUNY College at Oswego, Oswego, New York 13126 ... Carbonyl olefination reactions, such as the Wittig ... Cited by 63 - Related articles Clean and convenient procedure for converting primary alkyl iodides and. alpha.,. omega.-diiodoalkanes into the corresponding alkyllithium derivatives by treatment E Negishi , DR Swanson, CJ - The Journal of Organic , 1990 - ACS Publications (32) Shriver, D. F.; Drezdzon, M. A. The Manipulation of Air Sen- sitive Compounds; Wiley: New York, 1986. (33) Watson, S. C.; Eastham, JF J. Oganomet. Chem. 1967,9,165. (34) Still, CW; Kahn, M.; Mitra, A. J. Org. Chem. 1978, 43, 2923. (35) Krafft, F. Chem. Ber. 1886, 19, ... Cited by 72 - Related articles - All 2 versions A novel stereospecific alkenyl-alkenyl cross-coupling by a palladium-or nickel-catalyzed reaction of alkenylalanes with alkenyl halides S Baba, E Negishi - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1976 - ACS Publications (1) This is paper 3 of a series dealing with complexed radicals. Paper 2 is V. W. Day. D. H. Campbell, and CJ Michejda, J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Com- mun., 118 (1975). (2) The neutral fraction was also examined, but not in as much detail. No ep- oxides were found in this fraction for ... Cited by 70 - Related articles FJ Vallani, jr. and A. Silverira, Jr AO King, EI Negishi - J. Org. Chem, 1978 Cited by 70 - Related articles SJ Holmes. JM Tour. JA Miller EI Negishi - J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1985 Cited by 64 - Related articles Selective carbon-carbon bond formation via transition metal catalysis. 4. A novel approach to cross-coupling exemplified by the nickel-catalyzed reaction of E Negishi , DE Van Horn - Journal of the American Chemical , 1977 - ACS Publications References and Notes (1) (a) The enantiomeric purity of 3 was determined by use of Whitesides' chiral shift reagent, Eu(dcm)BMD McCreary, DW Lewis, DL Wernick, and GM Whitesides, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 96, 1038 (1974). We wish to thank Dr. Whitesides for the ... Cited by 57 - Related articles Selective carbon-carbon bond formation via transition-metal catalysis. Part 18. Palladium-catalyzed stereo-and regiospecific coupling of allylic derivatives with alkenyl- H Matsushita, E Negishi - Journal of the American Chemical , 1981 - ACS Publications X-ray quality crystals of unsolvated 3 have not yet been isolated, but we have prepared and crystallized (by vacuum sublimation) a diglyme adduct of 3. The structure of Wz(0zCCF3)4-z/3- (CH30CH2CH20CH2CH20CH3) was determined from dif- fraction data collected at -160 ... Cited by 53 - Related articles Metal-Catalyzed Cross-Coupling Reactions E Negishi , F Liu - Vol Cited by 60 - Related articles Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation Via Transition-Metal Catalysis. 19. a Versatile and Selective Route to Difunctional Trisubstituted ( E )-Alkene Synthons Via CL Rand, DE Vanhorn, MW Moore, E Negishi - J. Org. Chem, 1981 Cited by 46 - Related articles Alkene and Alkyne Complexes of Zirconocene. Their Preparation, Structure, and Novel Transformations from csj.jp E Negishi , T Takahashi - Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan, 1998 - J-STAGE 756 Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn., 71, No. 4 (1998) ACCOUNTS ArX cat. NiLn HZrCp2Ci RH RCHCH ? = s, H ZrCp2CI r=\ , H R1 XH cat. PdLn Scheme 1. RH M H Ar RH Counts, and Weigold published in 197415) allocated less than a page on Cp2Zr11 chemistry. We became ... Cited by 46 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 9 versions Zirconium-Catalyzed Enantioselective Alkylalumination of Monosubstituted Alkenes Proceeding via Noncyclic Mechanism DY Kondakov, E Negishi - J. Am. Chem. Soc, 1996 - ACS Publications We recently reported a Zr-catalyzed enantioselective methylalumination of monosubstituted alkenes. 1 In contrast, the initial outlook for achieving a similar Zr-catalyzed enantioselective alkylmetalation with ethyl-, propyl-, and higher alkylmetals was not promising. The ... Cited by 43 - Related articles - All 4 versions Organozirconium Compounds as New Reagents and Intermediates EI Negishi , T Takahashi - Aldrichimica Acta, 1985 Cited by 46 - Related articles Y. Uchida DR Swanson, CJ Rousset, E Negishi , T Takahashi, T - J. Org. Chem, 1989 Cited by 45 - Related articles A genealogy of Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling E Negishi - Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 2002 - Elsevier This paper describes (a) a very brief history leading to the birth of the Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling, (b) its birth in the mid-1970s, (c) the development of the Pd-catalyzed cross-coupling with organometals containing Zn, Al, Zr, and Mg (the 'first-generation' Pd-catalyzed cross- ... Cited by 41 - Related articles - All 7 versions Palladium-Catalyzed Cyclization of. omega.-Haloallenes. A New General Route to Common, Medium, and Large Ring Compounds via Cyclic Carbopalladation S Ma, E Negishi - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1995 - ACS Publications Palladium-Catalyzed Cyclization of o-Haloallenes. A New ... General Route to Common, Medium, and Large Ring ... Contribution ji-om the Department of Chemistry, Purdue University, West Lufayette, Indiana 47907 Received February 9, 1 9 9 9 Cited by 46 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 3 versions Highly Stereoselective Synthesis of (1E)‐2‐Methyl‐1, 3‐dienes by Palladium‐Catalyzed trans‐Selective Cross‐Coupling of 1, 1‐Dibromo‐1‐alkenes with Alkenylzinc X Zeng, M Qian, Q Hu, E Negishi - Angewandte Chemie, 2004 - Wiley Online Library Methyl-branched conjugated dienes and oligoenes represent a wide variety of natural products including carotenoids, antibiotics, and antitumor agents. Consequently, a number of synthetic methods have been devised for their synthesis. The Wittig and other carbonyl olefination ... Cited by 39 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions Multiple Mechanistic Pathways for Zirconium-Catalyzed Carboalumination of Alkynes. Requirements for Cyclic Carbometalation Processes Involving C H Activation E Negishi , DY Kondakov, D Choueiry, K Kasai, - J. Am. Chem. , 1996 - ACS Publications The reactions of internal and terminal alkynes with organoalanes containing Et, n-Pr, and i-Bu groups in the presence of Cp 2 ZrCl 2 and MeZrCp 2 Cl were investigated with the goal of clarifying mechanistic details of some representative cases. Three fundamentally different ... Cited by 44 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions Highly Satisfactory Procedures for the Pd-Catalyzed Cross Coupling of Aryl Electrophiles with in Situ Generated Alkynylzinc Derivatives L Anastasia, E Negishi - Org. Lett, 2001 - ACS Publications We report herein that in situ treatment of terminal alkynes with LDA or its equivalent followed by addition of ZnBr 2 or ZnCl 2 (Procedure A, eq 1 in Scheme 1) serves as a superior procedure in many cases for generating alkynylzinc reagents used in the Pd-catalyzed alkynylation. ... Cited by 36 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 3 versions An Efficient and Stereoselective Synthesis of Xerulin via Pd-Catalyzed Cross Coupling and Lactonization Featuring ( E )-Iodobromoethylene as a Novel Two-Carbon E Negishi , A Alimardanov, C Xu - Org. Lett, 2000 - ACS Publications All seven CC single bonds linking the six acetylene-derived C C and CC units were formed via Pd-catalyzed cross coupling. Some notable steps include (i) direct terminal alkyne synthesis using ethynylzinc bromide without silyl protectiondeprotection, 4 (ii) double ... Cited by 31 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 3 versions Zirconium-catalyzed enantioselective methylalumination of monosubstituted alkenes DY Kondakov, E Negishi - Journal of the American Chemical , 1995 - ACS Publications Catalytic enantioselective carbon-carbon bond formation involving simple alkenes without heteroatom functional groups represents a highly desirable but formidable synthetic task.' Aside from the long-known asymmetric cyclopropanation catalyzed by various late transition metal ... Cited by 30 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 3 versions One-step construction of fused tricyclic and tetracyclic structures from acyclic precursors via cyclic carbopalladation Zhang, GZ Wu, G Agnel, EI Negishi - Journal of the American , 1990 - ACS Publications ... ( I ) The critical results described in this paper were orally presented. (a) Zhang, Y.; Negishi , E . Presented at the 5th IUPAC Symposium on Or- ganometallic Chemistry Directed towards Organic Synthesis, Florence, Italy, Oct 1-6, 1989; OP-BO7. ... Y.; Negishi , E . J. Am. Chem. SOC. ... Cited by 31 - Related articles - All 3 versions Deferred Carbonylative Esterification in the Pd-Catalyzed Cyclic Carbometalation-Carbonylation Cascade , Z Owczarczyk, LS Harring, E Negishi - Journal of the , 1994 - ACS Publications Takumichi Sugihara,la Christophe Cop6ret,lb Zbyslaw Owczarczyk, Lori S. Harring,lc and Ei-ichi Negishi ' ... Department of Chemistry, Purdue University West Lafayette, Zndiana 47907 ... In any cascading carbometalation process, an intricate com- petition between the ... Cited by 30 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions A highly efficient and selective synthesis of lissoclinolide featuring hydrogen transfer hydrozirconation, trans-selective Pd-catalyzed cross coupling of C Xu, E Negishi - Tetrahedron Letters, 1999 - Elsevier TETRAHEDRON LETTERS Pergamon Tetr~edronLette~40(1999)431M34 A highly efficient and selective synthesis of lissoclinolide featuring hydrogen transfer hydrozirconation, trans- selective Pd-catalyzed cross coupling of alkenyizirconiums with 1,1-dibromoalkenes and Ag- ... Cited by 32 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions A novel, highly selective, and general methodology for the synthesis of 1, 5-diene-containing oligoisoprenoids of all possible geometrical combinations exemplified by E Negishi , SY Liou, C Xu, S Huo - Org. Lett, 2002 - ACS Publications We report herein an unprecedentedly efficient, highly selective, and general methodology for the synthesis of stereo- and regiodefined isoprenoids containing 1,5-diene moieties of all conceivable geometrical combinations via one-pot chain elongation by one E or Z C 5 isoprene unit ... Cited by 32 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 3 versions Anti-Carbometalation of Homopropargyl Alcohols and Their Higher Homologues via Non-Chelation-Controlled Syn-Carbometalation and Chelation-Controlled S Ma, E Negishi - J. Org. Chem, 1997 - ACS Publications We report herein a novel strategy for achieving net anti-carbometalation of homopropargyl alcohols and even some higher homologues. This strategy critically hinges on our finding that the syn- and stereorandom-carboalumination products obtained from -hydroxyalkynes ... Cited by 31 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 2 versions
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xupeiyang 2010-10-8 16:47
2010年诺贝尔化学奖揭晓 http://news.sciencenet.cn/htmlnews/2010/10/238373.shtm http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=enq=RF+HeckbtnG=Searchas_sdt=2000as_ylo=as_vis=0 Palladium reagents in organic syntheses RF Heck - 1985 - Academic Press Cited by 916 - Related articles - All 2 versions Palladium‐Catalyzed Vinylation of Organic Halides RF Heck - Wiley Online Library The organic halide employed is limited to aryl, heterocyclic, benzyl, or vinyl types, with bromides and iodides seen most often. Halides with an easily eliminated beta-hydrogen atom (ie, alkyl derivatives) cannot be used since they form only olefins by elimination under the normal ... Cited by 595 - Related articles Palladium-catalyzed vinylic hydrogen substitution reactions with aryl, benzyl, and styryl halides RF Heck , JP Nolley Jr - The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1972 - ACS Publications Registry No.-1, 121-46-0; 2a, 1070-71-9; 2b, 22237-84-9; 2c, 2003-31-8; 2d, 536-74-3; 2e, 33064- 30-1; 2f, 28112-07-4; 3a, 34627-34-4; 3b, 34627-35-5; 3c, 34627-36-6; 4, 34627-45-7; 5, 34627-37-7; 9a, 34627-38-8; 9b, 27593-62-0; 9c, 16723-30-1; 10, ... Cited by 423 - Related articles Palladium-catalyzed reactions of organic halides with olefins RF Heck - Accounts of Chemical Research, 1979 - ACS Publications Et,NH'Cl- (1) yield of the product is obtained if a base such as tri- ethylamine is present to neutralize the HC1 formed, since HC1 otherwise destroys the unreacted organo- palladium complex. The detailed mechanism of this reaction is not known, and the product in brackets has not ... Cited by 326 - Related articles Acylation, methylation, and carboxyalkylation of olefins by Group VIII metal derivatives RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1968 - ACS Publications 5518 of a dianion from water into the micellar nonaqueous phase could therefore increase its reactivity. These general explanations of the role of electro- static effects upon the heterolysis of the phosphorus- oxygen bond are consistent with the observation that the cationic ... Cited by 248 - Related articles - All 2 versions The reaction of cobalt hydrotetracarbonyl with olefins RF Heck , DS Breslow - Journal of the American Chemical , 1961 - ACS Publications That cobalt hydrotetracarbonyl adds to olefins to form alkylcobalt tetracarbonyls, as the hst step in the hydroformyla- tion reaction, has been demonstrated by isolation of the resulting products as their monotriphenylphosphine adducts. Ad- dition to 1-pentene gives approximately ... Cited by 187 - Related articles Organotransition metal chemistry: a mechanistic approach RF Heck - 1974 - Academic Press Cited by 151 - Related articles - All 2 versions Palladium-catalyzed carboalkoxylation of aryl, benzyl, and vinylic halides A Schoenberg, I Bartoletti, RF Heck - The Journal of Organic , 1974 - ACS Publications (8) L. Fieser and M. Fieser, Reagents for Organic Synthesis, Vol. I, Wlley, New York, NY, 1967, p 153. (9) M. W. Rathke and D. F. Suiihran, Sun. Commun., 3, 87 (1973). (10) EJ Corey and A. Venkateswarlu, J. Amer. Chem. SOC., 94, 9191 (1972). (1 1) Numerous references ... Cited by 148 - Related articles Organophosphinepalladium complexes as catalysts for vinylic hydrogen substitution reactions HA Dieck, RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1974 - ACS Publications + R3'N + Pd + RS'NH'X- action in most respects was a significant improvement over the earlier version which employed organomer- cury compounds rather than organic halides, it still had two major problems. The most serious of these was that the reaction was limited to ... Cited by 142 - Related articles Palladium-catalyzed amidation of aryl, heterocyclic, and vinylic halides A Schoenberg, RF Heck - The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1974 - ACS Publications Department of Chemistry, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19711 Received June 18, 1974 Aryl, heterocyclic, and vinylic halides react with CO and primary or secondary amines with a dihalobistriphen- ylphosphinepalladium(I1) catalyst at looo or below and 1 atm ... Cited by 108 - Related articles Palladium catalyzed reductions of halo-and nitroaromatic compounds with triethylammonium formate NA Cortese, RF Heck - The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1977 - ACS Publications ... References and Notes (1) P. Roffia, G. Gregorio, F. Conti, and G. F. Pregaglia, J. Organornet. Chem.. (2) JP Neilan, R. M. kine, N. Cortese, and RF Heck , J. Org. Chern., 41, 3455 (3) T. R. Bosin, M. G. Raymond, and AR Buckpitt, Tetrahedron Lett., 4699 55, 405 (1973). (1976). ... Cited by 91 - Related articles Palladium-catalyzed conjugated diene synthesis from vinylic halides and olefinic compounds HA Dieck, RF Heck - The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1975 - ACS Publications Registry No.-1, 10497-56-0; 2, 28673-75-8; 4a, 54003-44-0; 4b, 54003-45-1; 5, 54003-46-2; 6, 54003-47-3; 7, 54019-69-1; 7 3,5-dini- trobenzamide derivative, 54003-48-4; 8, 54003-49-5; 9, 53075-01-7; 11, 53075-02-8: 12, 53075-00-6; 13, 53075-04-0; 14, ... Cited by 89 - Related articles Comprehensive Organic Synthesis RF Heck - 1991 - Pergamon Oxford Cited by 88 - Related articles Mechanism of arylation and carbomethoxylation of olefins with organopalladium compounds RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1969 - ACS Publications Table N. pK,'s and Hydrogen Bonding with Phenol in CCl4 of Sulfoxides t-BuSOMe DMSO PhSOMe PbSO ... PK ~ -1.62 -1.80 -2.27 -2.54 Free. YOH = 3615 cm-l. ... RF Heck Contribution from the Research Center of Hercules, Inc., Wilmington, Delaware 19899. Received April 7, 1969 Cited by 67 - Related articles Palladium-catalyzed vinylic substitution with highly activated aryl halides CB Ziegler Jr, RF Heck - The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1978 - ACS Publications ... JULY 21,1978 Palladium-Catalyzed Vinylic Substitution with Highly Activated Aryl Halides Carl B. Ziegler, Jr., and Richard F. Heck * ... Chem.., Vol. 43, No. 15, 1978 Ziegler and Heck Table I. Relative Rates of PhosDhonium Salt Formation at 100 C registry aryl halide no. ... Cited by 61 - Related articles Acylcobalt carbonyls and their triphenylphosphine complexes RF Heck , DS Breslow - Journal of the American Chemical , 1962 - ACS Publications This same order has been found in the tetra- hedral nickel-carbonyl-phosphine complexes10~12 and has been correlated with the a-bonding ability of the phosphine, the best a-bonding phosphines yielding complexes with the highest carbonyl absorp- tion ... Cited by 55 - Related articles Palladium-catalyzed synthesis of 2-quinolone derivatives from 2-iodoanilines , CB Ziegler Jr, BJ Hrnjez, RF Heck - The Journal of Organic , 1978 - ACS Publications Acknowledgment. This work was supported by a grant from the Nat,ional Science Foundation. We also are grateful to the Matthey-Bishop Co., Inc., for the loan of the palladium used in this work. ... Registry No. --Ia epoxide, 66374-02-5; IIIb, 66374-03-6; IIIc, ... Cited by 56 - Related articles Dicarboalkoxylation of olefins and acetylenes RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1972 - ACS Publications NEW APPLICATIONS OF PALLADIUM IN ORGANIC SYNTHESES from iupac.org RF Heck - Pure Appl Chem, 1978 - iupac.org ... NEW APPLICATIONS OF PALLADIUM IN ORGANIC SYNTHESES Richard F. Heck Department of Chemistry, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 19711, USA ... Page 2. 692 RICHARD F. HECK (2) Amidation RX + CO + R1R2NH + RN Pd RCONR1R2 + RNH+X ... Cited by 54 - Related articles - View as HTML - All 6 versions Palladium catalyzed synthesis of aryl, heterocyclic and vinylic acetylene derivatives HA Dieck, FR Heck - Journal of Organometallic Chemistry, 1975 - Elsevier ... Article Outline. References. References. 1. RF Heck . J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 94 (1972), p. 2712. Full Text via CrossRef | View Record in Scopus | Cited By in Scopus (45). 2. RF Heck . J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 91 (1969), p. 6707. ... Cited by 241 - Related articles Allylation of aromatic compounds with organopalladium salts RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1968 - ACS Publications Acknowledgment. The author gratefully acknowl- edges the assistance of Mr. Joseph Keelins with the experimental work. The nmr spectra were measured by Dr. George Ward. ... Allylation of Aromatic Compounds with Organopalladium Salts ... RF Heck Contribution from the ... Cited by 48 - Related articles Palladium-catalyzed arylation of ethylene JE Plevyak, RF Heck - The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1978 - ACS Publications 2454 J. Org Chem., Vol. 43, N o . 12, 1978 ... (29) G. M. Whitesides, CP Casey, and JK Krieger, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 93, 1379 (1971). (30) (a) 0. Grummitt, EP Budewitz, and CC Chudd, ref 20a, Collect. Vol. 4, 1963, p 748; (b) JCH Hwa, and H. Sims, ref 20a, Collect. ... Cited by 48 - Related articles The Reaction of Epoxides with Cobalt Hydrocarbonyl and Cobalt Tetracarbonyl Anion RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1963 - ACS Publications Cobalt hydrocarbonyl, carbon monoxide and epoxides react at 0 to give high yields of P-hydroxyacylcobalt tetracarbonyls. Complexes from ethylene oxide, propylene oxide and cyclohexene oxide have been isolated as their mono-( triphenylphosphine) derivatives. The cyclohexene oxide ... Cited by 47 - Related articles Alkyl-and Acyl-cobalt Carbonyls Containing Olefinic Unsaturation. Allylcobalt Tricarbonyl and Related Compounds1 RF Heck , DS Breslow - Journal of the American Chemical , 1961 - ACS Publications Allyl bromide reacts with NaCo(CO)a to form allylcobalt tricarbonyl. A symmetrical, non-classical structure (I) is suggested for this compound. Acrylyl chloride reacts with NaCo( CO) to form acrylylcobalt tricarbonyl (IV), in which the double bond is coordiriated with the cobalt. Cited by 46 - Related articles Palladium-catalyzed triethylammonium formate reductions. 4. Reduction of acetylenes to cis-monoenes and hydrogenolysis of tertiary allylic amines JR Weir, BA Patel, RF Heck - The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1980 - ACS Publications N-Methyltriazolinedione Addition to 1. Reaction of MTAD (630 mg, 4.57 mmol) with isodicyclopentadiene (740 mg, 5.60 mmol) in 15 mL of ethyl acetate at -35 C as before gave 1.2 g (88%) of 14 as transparent prisms: mp 129 OC dec; IR (CC14) 2960, 1785, 1728, 1448, 1182. 1010 cm-l; 'H NMR ... Cited by 46 - Related articles Electronic and steric effects in the olefin arylation and carboalkoxylation reactions with organopalladium compounds RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1971 - ACS Publications Abstract: The arylation and carboalkoxylation of olefins with aryl- and carboalkoxypalladium compounds to form styrene derivatives and unsaturated esters, respectively, has been further studied in order to better determine the factors affecting the direction of addition of the ... Cited by 44 - Related articles The arylation of allylic alcohols with organopalladium compounds. A new synthesis of 3-aryl aldehydes and ketones RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1968 - ACS Publications Compounds. A New Synthesis of 3-Aryl Aldehydes and Ketones ... RF Heck Contribution from the Research Center of Hercules Inc., Wilmington, Delaware 19899. Received December 7, 1967 ... Abstract: Arylpalladium salts, prepared in situ from arylmercuric salts and a ... Cited by 45 - Related articles Palladium-catalyzed vinylic substitution reactions with heterocyclic bromides WC Frank, YC Kim, RF Heck - The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 1978 - ACS Publications The palladium-catalyzed vinylic substitution reaction of olefins has been shown to proceed in good to excellent yields with a variety of heterocyclic bromides. The reaction was used to prepare nornicotine in four steps from 3- bromopyridine and N-3-butenylphthalimide. Cited by 44 - Related articles The palladium-catalyzed arylation of enol esters, ethers, and halides. A new synthesis of 2-aryl aldehydes and ketones RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1968 - ACS Publications The Palladium-Catalyzed Arylation of Enol Esters, Ethers, and ... Halides. A New Synthesis of 2-Aryl Aldehydes and Ketones ... R. F. Heck Contribution from the Research Center of Hercules Inc., Wilmington, Delaware 19899. Received December 7, 1967 Cited by 43 - Related articles Palladium-catalyzed formylation of aryl, heterocyclic, and vinylic halides A Schoenberg, RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical , 1974 - ACS Publications Palladium-Catalyzed Formylation of Aryl, Heterocyclic, and ... A. Schoenberg and R. F. Heck * Contribution from the Department of Chemistry, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 1971 1. Received June 17, I974 ... Abstract: Aryl, heterocyclic, and vinylic halides react ... Cited by 43 - Related articles The mechanism of the allyl halide carboxylation reaction catalyzed by nickel carbonyl RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1963 - ACS Publications 1-6 0 X Of course, larger molecules generate larger ACM's. However, assembly of the array is not any more complicated, and, since the sum of atomic connectivity terms generally does not exceed about 4 or 5 for most atoms, a large number of off-diagonal zero ele- ments is ... Cited by 41 - Related articles Synthesis and Reactions of Alkylcobalt and Acylcobalt Tetracarbonyls RF Heck - Advances in Organometallic Chemistry, 1966 - books.google.com Synthesis and Reactions of Alkylcobalt and Acy I cobalt Tetracarbonyls RF HECK Research Center, Hercules Powder Company, Wilmington, Delaware I. Synthesis of Alkylcobalt and Acylcobalt Tetracarbonyls 243 A. Alkylcobalt Tetracarbonyls 243 B. Acylcobalt Tetracarbonyls 245 II. ... Cited by 39 - Related articles - All 3 versions Alkyne reactions with arylpalladium compounds W Tao, LJ Silverberg, AL Rheingold, RF Heck - Organometallics, 1989 - ACS Publications We have reported that aryl iodides react differently with diphenylacetylene than they do with 3-hexyne. The di- phenylacetylene reaction yields 1,2,3,4-tetraphenyl- naphthalene derivatives (eq 1) while 3-hexyne forms a t ... CsH5 hexacyclic 4:2 alkyne to aryl iodide product ... Cited by 42 - Related articles - All 2 versions The addition of alkyl-and arylpalladium chlorides to conjugated dienes RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1968 - ACS Publications 5542 (cymmetrical multiplets of total relative areas of 8 from the ethyl groups), and at -6.78 ppm (narrow multipet of relative area 1 from the aromatic proton), ... Reaction of Cupric Chloride with Benzylmercuric Chloride. ... Acknowledgments. The author gratefully acknowl- edges the ... Cited by 38 - Related articles Aromatic haloethylation with palladium and copper halides RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1968 - ACS Publications 5538 A reaction mixture containing 10 mmol of 4-chloromercuribenzoic acid, 2 ml of isopropenyl ace- tate, 5 ml of water, and 100 ml of 0.1 M LizPdClr in acetic acid was stirred at room temperature for 3 days. The reaction mixture was then filtered to remove precipitated palladium metal ... Cited by 35 - Related articles Palladium-catalyzed reductions of a, -unsaturated carbonyl compounds, conjugated dienes, and acetylenes with trialkylammonium formats NA Cortese, RF Heck - J Org Chem, 1978 Cited by 36 - Related articles Process for the preparation of carboxylic acid esters from organic halides RF Heck - US Patent 3,988,358, 1976 - Google Patents 3,988,358 Generally no solvent is necessary for the reaction if the reactant mixture is liquid at the reaction tempera- ture. Solvents such as excess reactant amine, excess reactant alcohol, tetrahydrofuran, toluene, N-methyl- pyrrolidone and dimethylformamide may be used, ... Cited by 33 - Related articles - All 2 versions Palladium-catalyzed vinylic substitution reactions with carboxylic acid derivatives Plevyak, TC Zebovitz, M Terpko, RF Heck - The Journal of , 1977 - ACS Publications Babu A. Patel, Carl B. Ziegler, Nicholas A. Cortese, Joseph E. Plevyak, Thomas C. Zebovitz, Marc Terpko, and Richard F. Heck * ... Chemistry Department, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware 1971 I Received April 8,1977 ... Palladium-catalyzed vinylic ... Cited by 33 - Related articles 2-(Phenylazo) phenyl complexes of the transition metals RF Heck - Journal of the American Chemical Society, 1968 - ACS Publications 2- ( Phenylazo) phenyl Complexes of the Transition Metals ... Richard F. Heck Contribution from the Research Center, Hercules Incorporated, Wilmington, Delaware 19899. Received July 13, 1967 ... Abstract: ligand-exchange reaction of the metal carbonyl anions with ... Cited by 34 - Related articles Palladium-catalyzed annulation of aryl iodides with diphenylacetylene G Wu, AL Rheingold, SJ Geib, RF Heck - Organometallics, 1987 - ACS Publications ... 1941 Palladium-Catalyzed Annelation of Aryl Iodides with Diphenylacetylene Guangzhong Wu, Arnold L. Rheingold, Steven J. Geib, and Richard F. Heck * ... Lett. 1986,797. (4) Wu, G.; Rheingold, A. L.; Heck , R. F. Organometallics 1986, 5, 6203. 5625. 1922. ... Cited by 34 - Related articles - All 2 versions
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热度 1 lvnaiji 2010-10-8 07:56
吕乃基 入夜,随意翻阅小报。突然一行醒目的标题跃入眼帘: 生在中国的日本教授获化学诺奖 副标题是: 同获诺贝尔化学奖的还有一名日本教授和一名美 国 教授 晕 国人对诺奖的痴迷到如此地步!先是热衷于华裔,然后是高锟,当然是中国。今年到目前为止实在没什么稻草,发现现年 75 岁的根岸英一出生于中国长春,遂细心地将其挑出来上了主标题,不是生于中国的另两位获奖者则打入另册。 生于中国?嘻嘻,一位东非友人笑了起来。所有的诺奖得主,所有的地球人,可都是咱东非人的后裔 无言。 国人对诺奖居然这般痴迷。怎一个惨字了得? 上帝,赐中国以诺奖
个人分类: 社会评论|5735 次阅读|35 个评论
Synthon 2010-10-6 22:42
看看本世纪前10年的诺贝尔化学奖,真是很有意思,2001-2010十年,6年给了生物,4年给了催化 而上个世纪最后十年则完全不同,1991-2000年间,有反应机理(Marcus、Olah),有谱学(Zewail、Ernst),有材料(碳球、导电高分子),有生物(PCR、ATP/离子输运),有大气化学(臭氧降解),还有理论计算(密度泛函) 两者对比,似乎上个世纪的奖项更平衡一些,化学的各个分支都有涉及,而本世纪则过于集中。 另外一个区别,则是上个世纪的奖项感觉跟我们都很近,我作为一个高中生,能够基本上理解1991-2000十年化学奖的主要意义,但是本世纪这10年,我作为一个在化学相关学科的博士生,却发现有好几年的奖项理解不了。。。 很明显,诺奖的口味变了,只是不知道,是变好了,还是变坏了呢?
个人分类: 科教评论|13532 次阅读|5 个评论
zhengyongjun 2010-10-6 18:16
Richard F. Heck Ei-ichi Negishi Akira Suzuki 2010年诺贝尔化学奖由Richard F. Heck, Ei-ichi Negishi 和 Akira Suzuki 获得。 成就for developing new, more efficient ways of linking carbon atoms together to build the complex molecules that are improving our everyday lives. Richard F. Heck Born: 1931 Affiliation at the time of the award: University of Delaware, USA Ei-ichi Negishi Born: 1935 Affiliation at the time of the award: Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA Akira Suzuki Born: 1930 Affiliation at the time of the award: Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan 今年的化学奖颁给搞钯催化的几个大牛了。 我没猜对。Thomson Reuters公司,生理、物理、化学三大奖,一个都没猜对。
个人分类: 科研笔记|4694 次阅读|1 个评论
qpzeng 2010-10-6 18:03
据最新消息,今年诺贝尔化学奖得主是美国特拉华大学的Richard F. Heck(1931年生)、美国普渡大学的日本人根岸英一(Ei-ichi Negishi,1935年生)以及日本北海道大学的铃木章(Akira Suzuki,1930年生),他们因发明有机合成中钯催化的交叉偶联方法(For Palladium-catalyzed cross coupling in organic synthesis)而获奖。这个结果说明: 诺贝尔奖可以通过规划获得 日本在2000年科学技术基本计划中提出:要在今后50年内获得30个诺贝尔奖!并在瑞典设立了研究联络中心。 虽然以往获得的奖都是计划提出之前做出来的,但计划的提出无疑是一剂强心针,只会进一步加大日本未来获得诺贝尔奖的后劲! 英国在诺奖问世后的百年间曾有89人获奖,而今天的日本就国力与科学研究规模而言完全能够与当年的英国匹敌。日本政府在1990年代中期已经提出了科学技术创新立国战略,并制定了相应的政策措施。2000年,日本投入的科学研究经费为1305亿美元,在全球仅次于美国(2280亿美元)。在近年经济萧条的条件下,2002年度日本的财政预算总额比上年大幅减少,但反而增加了科技领域的预算。科研经费在GDP中所占的比例一直保持在3%以上,这在工业发达国家中居于首位。而在研究人员方面,据2004年4月的统计,日本科研人员达72.8万人,这也仅次于美国(110万人)而位居世界第二。 诺贝尔奖可以通过大跃进的方式获得 2000年以来的10年间,共有10名日本科学家获得诺贝尔奖,其中2008年有4位获奖,2010年有两位获奖! 两年共有6位日本人扎堆获奖,真是多快好省啊! 他们分别是2000年化学奖获得者白川英树、2001年化学奖获得者野依良治、2002年物理学奖获得者小柴昌俊、2002年化学奖获得者田中耕一、2008年物理学奖获得者小林诚、益川敏英、南部阳一郎、2008年诺贝尔化学奖获得者下村修、2010年诺贝尔化学奖获得者根岸荣一、铃木章。 诺贝尔奖可以由汉文化圈的本土科学家获得 1949-2010年已有十八位日本籍(或日本裔)科学家获得诺奖,其中物理学奖七人、化学奖七人、生理学或医学奖一人、文学奖两人、和平奖一人。 汤川秀树,获1949年物理学奖,预言在质子和中子之间起作用的中介子的存在。 朝永振一郎,获1965年物理学奖,以超多时间理论和重整化理论闻名。 川端康成,获1968年文学奖,主要作品《雪国》、《伊豆舞女》等。 江崎玲于奈,获1973年物理学奖,致力于半导体、超电导体隧道研究。 佐藤荣作,获1974年和平奖,反对日本拥有核武。 福井谦一,获1981年化学奖,先端电子轨道理论。 利根川进,获1987年生理学或医学奖,对遗传和免疫学有重大贡献。 大江健三郎,获1994年文学奖,主要作品《个人的体验》。 白川英树,获2000年化学奖,开辟高分子电子学的先河。 野依良治,获2001年化学奖,为有机化合物的合成的发展作出贡献。 小柴昌俊,获2002年物理学奖,对查找宇宙中微子作出贡献。 田中耕一,获2002年化学奖,他的研究使癌症的早期诊断成为可能。 小林诚、益川敏英、南部阳一郎,获2008年物理学奖,他们在基础粒子论方面取得重要成绩。 下村修,获2008年诺贝尔化学奖,发现了在飞速发展的生命科学研究领域中不可或缺的工具绿色荧光蛋白(GFP)。 根岸英一、铃木章,获2010年诺贝尔化学奖,发明有机合成中钯催化的交叉偶联方法。
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xupeiyang 2009-10-8 10:18
http://scholar.google.com/scholar?hl=enq=R+VenkataramanbtnG=Search 美国科学家Venkatraman Ramakrishnan的论著: Scaling theory of localization: Absence of quantum diffusion in two dimensions - ? lodz.pl , DC Licciardello, TV Ramakrishnan - Physical Review Letters, 1979 - APS Arguments are presented that the T=0 conductance G of a disordered electronic system depends on its length scale L in a universal manner. Asymptotic forms are obtained for the scaling function (G)=dlnG / dlnL, valid for both G?G c ... Cited by 1774 - Related articles - All 5 versions Disordered electronic systems PA Lee, TV Ramakrishnan - Reviews of Modern Physics, 1985 - APS This paper reviews the progress made in the last several years in understanding the properties of disordered electronic systems. Even in the metallic limit, serious deviations from the Boltzmann transport theory and Fermi-liquid ... Cited by 1655 - Related articles - All 2 versions Structure of the 30S ribosomal subunit , C Vonrhein, T Hartsch, V Ramakrishnan - Nature, 2000 - nature.com Genetic information encoded in messenger RNA is translated into protein by the ribosome, which is a large nucleoprotein complex comprising two subunits, denoted 30S and 50S in bacteria. Here we report the crystal structure of ... Cited by 1064 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions Identification of the platelet ADP receptor targeted by antithrombotic drugs G Li, L England, V Ramakrishnan , RB Yang, P - Nature, 2001 - nature.com Platelets have a crucial role in the maintenance of normal haemostasis, and perturbations of this system can lead to pathological thrombus formation and vascular occlusion, resulting in stroke, myocardial infarction and unstable ... Cited by 800 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions Functional insights from the structure of the 30S ribosomal subunit and its interactions with -Warren, BT Wimberly, V Ramakrishnan - Nature, 2000 - nature.com The 30S ribosomal subunit has two primary functions in protein synthesis. It discriminates against aminoacyl transfer RNAs that do not match the codon of messenger RNA, thereby ensuring accuracy in translation of the genetic ... Cited by 621 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions Recognition of cognate transfer RNA by the 30 S ribosomal subunit - ? ns02.info , MJ Tarry, AP Carter, V Ramakrishnan - Science, 2001 - sciencemag.org Crystal structures of the 30S ribosomal subunit in complex with messenger RNA and cognate transfer RNA in the A site, both in the presence and absence of the antibiotic paromomycin, have been solved at between 3.1 and 3.3 angstroms ... Cited by 509 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 28 versions Ribosome structure and the mechanism of translation - ? ucsc.edu V Ramakrishnan - Cell, 2002 - Elsevier In translation, the sequence of codons on mRNA directs the synthesis of a polypeptide chain. This process takes place on the ribosome, and the movement of tRNA and mRNA through the ribosome is a complicated process that combines ... Cited by 331 - Related articles - All 48 versions The structural basis for the action of the antibiotics tetracycline, pactamycin, and - ? -Warren, BT Wimberly, V Ramakrishnan - Cell, 2000 - Elsevier The ribosome is an important target for a wide variety of antibiotics (Gale et al. 1981). Many of them, such as streptomycin and tetracycline, were of great clinical importance when they were first discovered, but unfortunately ... Cited by 293 - Related articles - All 18 versions Structure of the 70 S Ribosome Complexed with mRNA and tRNA Petry, AC Kelley, JR Weir, V Ramakrishnan - Science, 2006 - sciencemag.org The crystal structure of the bacterial 70S ribosome refined to 2.8 angstrom resolution reveals atomic details of its interactions with messenger RNA (mRNA) and transfer RNA (tRNA). A metal ion stabilizes a kink in the mRNA that ... Cited by 260 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions Selection of tRNA by the ribosome requires a transition from an open to a closed form - ? cell.com Ogle, FV Murphy, MJ Tarry, V Ramakrishnan - Cell, 2002 - Elsevier A structural and mechanistic explanation for the selection of tRNAs by the ribosome has been elusive. Here, we report crystal structures of the 30S ribosomal subunit with codon and near-cognate tRNA anticodon stem loops ... Cited by 254 - Related articles - All 27 versions Structure, electron-transport properties, and giant magnetoresistance of hole-doped Tiwary, AK Raychaudhuri, TV Ramakrishnan - Physical Review B, 1996 - APS Results of a detailed investigation of the structure and electron-transport properties of La 1-x A x MnO 3 (A=Ca, Sr) over a wide range of compositions are presented along with those of parent LaMnO 3 containing different ... Cited by 239 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions The Proteinase-activated Receptor 2Is Induced by Inflammatory Mediators in Human - ? jbc.org S Nystedt, V Ramakrishnan , J Sundelin - Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1996 - ASBMB The proteinase-activated receptor 2 (PAR-2) belongs to the family of seven transmembrane region receptors, and, like the related thrombin receptor, it is activated by specific proteolytic cleavage of its extracellular amino ... Cited by 251 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions Structure of a bacterial 30S ribosomal subunit at 5.5 resolution - ? cam.ac.uk JP McCutcheon, MS Capel, V Ramakrishnan - Nature, 1999 - nature.com The 30S ribosomal subunit binds messenger RNA and the anticodon stem-loop of transfer RNA during protein synthesis. A crystallographic analysis of the structure of the subunit from the bacterium Thermus thermophilus is ... Cited by 210 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 17 versions Crystal structure of an initiation factor bound to the 30 S ribosomal subunit - ? cam.ac.uk , T Hartsch, BT Wimberly, V Ramakrishnan - Science, 2001 - sciencemag.org Initiation of translation at the correct position on messenger RNA is essential for accurate protein synthesis. In prokaryotes, this process requires three initiation factors: IF1, IF2, and IF3. Here we report the crystal structure ... Cited by 205 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 12 versions ? A detailed view of a ribosomal active site: the structure of the L11-RNA complex JP McCutcheon, SW White, V Ramakrishnan - Cell, 1999 - mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk Cell, Vol. 97, 491502, May 14, 1999, Copyright 1999 by Cell Press ... A Detailed View of a Ribosomal Active Site: ... The Structure of the L11RNA Complex ... Brian T. Wimberly,* Rebecca Guymon,* John P. McCutcheon,* ... Cited by 223 - Related articles - View as HTML - BL Direct - All 14 versions Crystal structure of the 30 S ribosomal subunit from Thermus thermophilus: structure of the - ? unc.edu , AP Carter, BT Wimberly, V Ramakrishnan - Journal of molecular biology, 2002 - Elsevier We present a detailed analysis of the protein structures in the 30 S ribosomal subunit from Thermus thermophilus, and their interactions with 16 S RNA based on a crystal structure at 3.05 resolution. With 20 different polypeptide ... Cited by 215 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions Efficient model checking using tabled resolution - ? psu.edu , CR Ramakrishnan , IV Ramakrishnan , SA - Lecture notes in computer science, 1997 - Springer Abstract. We demonstrate the feasibility of using the XSB tabled logic programming system as a programmable fixed-point engine for implement- ing efficient local model checkers. In particular, we present XMC, an XSB- ... Cited by 209 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions First-principles order-parameter theory of freezing TV Ramakrishnan , M Yussouff - Physical Review B, 1979 - APS ... For ci, cf (or T 2790 1. V . RAMAKRISHNAN are not fixed, but can be on the curve shown in Fig. 2. There are no accurate experiments for S(q) (say as a function of pressure, on the freezing line) to check whether this is true. ... Cited by 214 - Related articles - All 2 versions Structural insights into translational fidelity - ? ucsf.edu JM Ogle, V Ramakrishnan - 2005 - Annual Reviews ? Abstract The underlying basis for the accuracy of protein synthesis has been the subject of over four decades of investigation. Recent biochemical and structural data make it possible to understand at least in outline the ... Cited by 168 - Related articles - All 13 versions Insights into the decoding mechanism from recent ribosome structures - ? cam.ac.uk JM Ogle, AP Carter, V Ramakrishnan - Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 2003 - Elsevier During the decoding process, tRNA selection by the ribosome is far more accurate than expected from codonanticodon pairing. Antibiotics such as streptomycin and paromomycin have long been known to increase the error rate of ... Cited by 161 - Related articles - All 21 versions receptor function for platelet glycoprotein IbIX unmasked by cleavage of glycoprotein V - ? nih.gov V Ramakrishnan , F DeGuzman, M Bao, SW Hall - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2001 - National Acad Sciences Glycoprotein (GP) V is a major substrate cleaved by the protease thrombin during thrombin-induced platelet activation. Previous analysis of platelets from GP V -null mice suggested a role for GP V as a negative modulator of platelet ... Cited by 122 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 7 versions A complete mapping of the proteins in the small ribosomal subunit of Escherichia coli , M Kjeldgaard, JA Langer, V Ramakrishnan , - Science(Washington, DC), 1987 - cat.inist.fr MS CAPEL, DM ENGELMAN, BR FREEBORN, M KJELDGAARD, JA LANGER, V RAMAKRISHNAN , DG SCHINDLER, DK SCHNEIDER, BP SCHOENBORN, IY SILLERS, S YABUKI, PB MOORE Science(Washington, DC) 238:48324832, 1403-1406, American Association for the ... Cited by 153 - Related articles - All 7 versions Quantifying the predictability of diaphragm motion during respiration with a noninvasive Vedam, VR Kini, PJ Keall, V Ramakrishnan , - Medical Physics, 2003 - link.aip.org The aim of this work was to quantify the ability to predict intrafraction diaphragm motion from an external respiration signal during a course of radiotherapy. The data obtained included diaphragm motion traces from 63 ... Cited by 137 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions Logic based modeling and analysis of workflows M Kifer, CR Ramakrishnan , IV Ramakrishnan - Proceedings of the seventeenth ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD- , 1998 - portal.acm.org ... IV Ramakrishnan SUNY at Stony Brook ram@cs.sunysb.edu ... Apart from the classical V , A, 7, V , and 3, CJR has two additional connectives, Q (serial conjunction) and ] (con- current conjunction), and two modal operators, 0 (esecu- tional ... Cited by 144 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 3 versions ? Structure of the Histone Acetyltransferase Hat1 , ST Tafrov, R Sternglanz, V Ramakrishnan , J - Cell, 1998 - cell.com We have solved the crystal structure of the yeast histone acetyltransferase Hat1acetyl coenzyme A (AcCoA) complex at 2.3 resolution. Hat1 has an elongated, curved structure, and the AcCoA molecule is bound in a cleft on ... Cited by 134 - Related articles - Cached - BL Direct - All 17 versions Characterization of an extremely large, ligand-induced conformational change in WF Mangel, BH Lin, V Ramakrishnan - Science, 1990 - sciencemag.org Native human plasminogen has a radius of gyration of 39 angstroms. Upon occupation of a weak lysine binding site, the radius of gyration increases to 56 angstroms, an extremely large ligand-induced conformational change. There ... Cited by 106 - Related articles - All 4 versions Relationships of race and socioeconomic status with prevalence, severity, and symptoms of , L Becker, E Hernandez, V Ramakrishnan , J - Annals of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, 1998 - ingentaconnect.com Background: Asthma mortality rates in Chicago are among the highest in the United States, with substantially greater rates in poor and minority populations. How much of the differential can be attributed to differences ... Cited by 120 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions Position and orientation of the globular domain of linker histone H5 on the nucleosome YB Zhou, SE Gerchman, V Ramakrishnan , A - Nature, 1998 - nature.com It is essential to identify the exact location of the linker histone within nucleosomes, the fundamental packing units of chromatin, in order to understand how condensed, transcriptionally inactive chromatin forms. Here, using a ... Cited by 110 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 7 versions Magnetoresistance of weakly disordered electrons PA Lee, TV Ramakrishnan - Physical Review B, 1982 - APS The magnetoresistance of a weakly disordered electron gas arising from spin splitting of conduction-electron energies is calculated and found to be positive. For large fields h=g B H / kT?1, it goes as lnh in two and as ... Cited by 117 - Related articles - All 2 versions Sexual orientation and suicidality A co-twin control study in adult men , J Goldberg, WR True, V Ramakrishnan , M - Archives of General Psychiatry, 1999 - Am Med Assoc Methods This study used twins from the population-based Vietnam Era Twin Registry, Hines, Ill. An analytic sample of 103 middle-aged male-male twin pairs from the registry was identified in which one member of the pair reported ... Cited by 112 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions 美国科学家Thomas A. Steitz的论著: The complete atomic structure of the large ribosomal subunit at 2.4 A resolution - ? psu.edu Ban, P Nissen, J Hansen, PB Moore, TA Steitz - Science, 2000 - sciencemag.org The large ribosomal subunit catalyzes peptide bond formation and binds initiation, termination, and elongation factors. We have determined the crystal structure of the large ribosomal subunit from Haloarcula marismortui at 2.4 ... Cited by 1744 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 43 versions The structural basis of ribosome activity in peptide bond synthesis - ? uga.edu Nissen, J Hansen, N Ban, PB Moore, TA Steitz - Science, 2000 - sciencemag.org Using the atomic structures of the large ribosomal subunit from Haloarcula marismortui and its complexes with two substrate analogs, we establish that the ribosome is a ribozyme and address the catalytic properties of its all-RNA ... Cited by 989 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 9 versions DNA polymerases: structural diversity and common mechanisms - ? jbc.org TA Steitz - Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1999 - ASBMB Possibly the earliest enzymatic activity to appear in evolution was that of the polynucleotide polymerases, the ability to replicate the genome accurately being a prerequisite for evolution itself. Thus, one might anticipate that the ... Cited by 348 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 3 versions Structural studies of protein-nucleic acid interaction: the sources of sequence-specific TA Steitz , S Moodie - 1993 - orton.catie.ac.cr ... 1 / 1 Seleccione referencia / Select reference. Signatura : 575.1. Autor : Steitz , Thomas A. Ttulo : Structural studies of protein-nucleic acid interaction : the sources of sequence-specific binding. P. imprenta : Cambridge. 1993. ... Cited by 334 - Related articles - Cached - Find in ChinaCat - All 3 versions ? Structure of catabolite gene activator protein at 2.9 resolution suggests binding to left- DB McKay, TA Steitz - Nature, 1981 - chemistry.gatech.edu 744 Nature Vol. 290 30 April 1981 Received S July 1980; accepted 9 February 1981. 1. Will, С M. in General Relativity (eds Hawking, SW Israel, W.) (Cambridge University Press, New York, 1979). 2. Dirac, PAM Nature 139, 323 ... Cited by 329 - Related articles - All 4 versions RNA tertiary interactions in the large ribosomal subunit: the A-minor motif - ? nih.gov , JA Ippolito, N Ban, PB Moore, TA Steitz - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of , 2001 - National Acad Sciences Analysis of the 2.4- resolution crystal structure of the large ribosomal subunit from Haloarcula marismortui reveals the existence of an abundant and ubiquitous structural motif that stabilizes RNA tertiary and quaternary ... Cited by 292 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 14 versions Placement of protein and RNA structures into a 5 -resolution map of the 50S ribosomal - ? ucla.edu , J Hansen, M Capel, PB Moore, TA Steitz - Nature, 1999 - nature.com We have calculated at 5.0 resolution an electron-density map of the large 50S ribosomal subunit from the bacterium Haloarcula marismortui by using phases derived from four heavy-atom derivatives, intercrystal density averaging ... Cited by 284 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 14 versions ? Metals, motifs, and recognition in the crystal structure of a 5 S rRNA domain CC Correll, B Freeborn, PB Moore, TA Steitz - Cell, 1997 - biosci.ohio-state.edu RNAs, it has internal non-Watson-Crick base-paired re- gions of loops, and one of them, loop E, adopts struc- ture only in the presence of millimolar Mg2 (Leontis et ... Carl C. Correll,* Betty Freeborn, Peter B. ... Cited by 274 - Related articles - View as HTML - BL Direct - All 13 versions Structure of the replicating complex of a pol family DNA polymerase - ? wwu.edu MC Franklin, J Wang, TA Steitz - Cell, 2001 - Elsevier We describe the 2.6 resolution crystal structure of RB69 DNA polymerase with primer-template DNA and dTTP, capturing the step just before primer extension. This ternary complex structure in the human DNA polymerase family shows ... Cited by 261 - Related articles - All 18 versions The structures of four macrolide antibiotics bound to the large ribosomal subunit - ? cell.com , N Ban, P Nissen, PB Moore, TA Steitz - Molecular Cell, 2002 - Elsevier Crystal structures of the Haloarcula marismortui large ribosomal subunit complexed with the 16-membered macrolide antibiotics carbomycin A, spiramycin, and tylosin and a 15-membered macrolide, azithromycin, show that they bind ... Cited by 238 - Related articles - All 24 versions Structural and functional insights provided by crystal structures of DNA polymerases and CA Brautigam, TA Steitz - Current opinion in structural biology, 1998 - Elsevier New levels in the understanding of DNA replication have been achieved from recent crystal structure determinations of several DNA polymerases and their substrate complexes. The structure of an family DNA polymerase from ... Cited by 210 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions Insights into editing from an Ile-tRNA synthetase structure with tRNAIle and mupirocin - ? uleth.ca LF Silvian, J Wang, TA Steitz - Science, 1999 - sciencemag.org Isoleucyl-transfer RNA (tRNA) synthetase (IleRS) joins Ile to tRNA Ile at its synthetic active site and hydrolyzes incorrectly acylated amino acids at its editing active site. The 2.2 angstrom resolution crystal structure of ... Cited by 201 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions Structural basis for initiation of transcription from an RNA polymerasepromoter complex GMT Cheetham, D Jeruzalmi, TA Steitz - Nature, 1999 - nature.com ... Graham MT Cheetham 1, 3 , David Jeruzalmi 1, 4 Thomas A Steitz 1, 3, 2. ... Correspondence to: Thomas A Steitz 1, 3, 2 Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to TAS. Top of page ... Cited by 153 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 7 versions Building a Replisome from Interacting Pieces Y Shamoo, TA Steitz , JB Bruning - Cell, 1999 - cell.com We have solved the crystal structures of the bacteriophage RB69 sliding clamp, its complex with a peptide essential for DNA polymerase interactions, and the DNA polymerase complexed with primertemplate DNA. The editing complex ... Cited by 182 - Related articles - Cached - BL Direct - All 10 versions Crystal structure of the site-specific recombinase resolvase complexed with a 34 by W Yang, TA Steitz - Cell, 1995 - cell.com The structure of resolvase complexed with a 34 bp substrate DNA has been determined at 3.0 resolution. The DNA is sharply bent by 60 toward the major groove and away from the resolvase catalytic domains at the ... Cited by 151 - Related articles - Cached - BL Direct - All 8 versions ? A 9 A resolution X-ray crystallographic map of the large ribosomal subunit , R Sweet, J Frank, PB Moore, TA Steitz - Cell, 1998 - Citeseer Cell, Vol. 93, 11051115, June 26, 1998, Copyright 1998 by Cell Press ... A 9 A Resolution X-Ray Crystallographic Map ... All of the current information on the ribosome struc- ture derives from physical and chemical methods capa- ... Cited by 159 - Related articles - View as HTML - BL Direct - All 14 versions Recombining the structures of HIV integrase, RuvC and RNase H - ? cell.com W Yang, TA Steitz - Structure, 1995 - Elsevier Thirty years after the proposal of the Holliday junction as an intermediate in homologous recombination of DNA, the crystal structures of Escherichia coli RuvC , an endonuclease that specifically cleaves Holliday junctions, and HIV ... Cited by 138 - Related articles - All 9 versions RNA, the first macromolecular catalyst: the ribosome is a ribozyme - ? psu.edu TA Steitz , PB Moore - Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 2003 - Elsevier The RNA world hypothesis gained great support and prominence from the discovery that the RNA molecules of tetrahymena Group I intron and RNase P catalyze enzymatic reactions . These results established that, in addition ... Cited by 134 - Related articles - All 16 versions Structures of five antibiotics bound at the peptidyl transferase center of the large ribosomal - ? psu.edu JL Hansen, PB Moore, TA Steitz - Journal of molecular biology, 2003 - Elsevier Structures of anisomycin, chloramphenicol, sparsomycin, blasticidin S, and virginiamycin M bound to the large ribosomal subunit of Haloarcula marismortui have been determined at 3.0 resolution. Most of these antibiotics bind ... Cited by 148 - Related articles - All 11 versions Glucose-induced conformational change in yeast hexokinase - ? pnas.org WS Bennett, TA Steitz - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1978 - National Acad Sciences ... WILLIAM S. BENNETT, JR., AND THOMAS A. STEITZ Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520 Communicated by Julian M. Sturtevant, July 31, 1978 ... Cited by 139 - Related articles - All 10 versions Identification of residues critical for the polymerase activity of the Klenow fragment of DNA AH Polesky, TA Steitz , ND Grindley, CM Joyce - Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1990 - ASBMB ... (Received for publication, March 30, 1990) Andrea H. Polesky, Thomas A. Steitz $, Nigel DF Grindley, and Catherine M. Joyce8 From the Department of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry, Yale University Medical School, ... Cited by 145 - Related articles - All 4 versions Structural basis for the transition from initiation to elongation transcription in T7 RNA YW Yin, TA Steitz - Science, 2002 - sciencemag.org To make messenger RNA transcripts, bacteriophage T7 RNA polymerase (T7 RNAP) undergoes a transition from an initiation phase, which only makes short RNA fragments, to a stable elongation phase. We have determined at 2.1 angstrom ... Cited by 142 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions Structural insights into peptide bond formation - ? pnas.org Hansen, TM Schmeing, PB Moore, TA Steitz - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2002 - National Acad Sciences The large ribosomal subunit catalyzes peptide bond formation and will do so by using small aminoacyl- and peptidyl-RNA fragments of tRNA. We have refined at 3- resolution the structures of both A and P site substrate and product ... Cited by 139 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 20 versions A pre-translocational intermediate in protein synthesis observed in crystals of enzymatically - ? pubget.com Scaringe, SA Strobel, PB Moore, TA Steitz - Nature Structural Molecular Biology, 2002 - nature.com ... T. Martin Schmeing 1 , Amy C. Seila 2 , Jeffrey L. Hansen 1 , Betty Freeborn 3 , Juliane K. Soukup 1, 4 , Stephen A. Scaringe 5 , Scott A. Strobel 1, 3 , Peter B. Moore 1, 3 Thomas A. Steitz 1, 3, 6 ... Cited by 131 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 8 versions Crystal structure of the ribosomal RNA domain essential for binding elongation factors - ? pnas.org Munishkin, YL Chan, Z Ren, IG Wool, TA Steitz - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1998 - National Acad Sciences The structure of a 29-nucleotide RNA containing the sarcin/ricin loop (SRL) of rat 28 S rRNA has been determined at 2.1 resolution. Recognition of the SRL by elongation factors and by the ribotoxins, sarcin and ricin, requires a ... Cited by 121 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 13 versions Structures of MLSBK antibiotics bound to mutated large ribosomal subunits provide a - ? cell.com D Tu, G Blaha, PB Moore, TA Steitz - Cell, 2005 - Elsevier Crystal structures of H. marismortui large ribosomal subunits containing the mutation G2099A (A2058 in E. coli) with erythromycin, azithromycin, clindamycin, virginiamycin S, and telithromycin bound explain why eubacterial ribosomes ... Cited by 119 - Related articles - All 15 versions Crystal structure of a DinB lesion bypass DNA polymerase catalytic fragment reveals a BL Zhou, JD Pata, TA Steitz - Molecular Cell, 2001 - Elsevier The UmuC/DinB family of bypass polymerases is responsible for translesion DNA synthesis and includes the human polymerases , , and . We determined the 2.3 resolution crystal structure of a catalytic fragment of the DinB ... Cited by 118 - Related articles - All 8 versions Structural principles for the inhibition of the 3-5 exonuclease activity of Escherichia CA Brautigam, TA Steitz - Journal of molecular biology, 1998 - Elsevier A two-metal-ion catalytic mechanism has previously been proposed for several phosphoryl-transfer enzymes. In order to extend the structural basis of this mechanism, crystal structures of three single-stranded DNA substrates bound ... Cited by 110 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 6 versions Crystal structures of the Klenow fragment of DNA polymerase I complexed with LS Beese, JM Friedman, TA Steitz - Biochemistry, 1993 - pubs.acs.org ABSTRACT: Crystal structures of the Klenow fragment (KF) of DNA polymerase I from Escherichia coli complexed with deoxynucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) or with pyrophosphate (PPJ determined to 3.9-A resolution by X-ray crystallography ... Cited by 104 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions The involvement of RNA in ribosome function PB Moore, TA Steitz - Nature, 2002 - nature.com The discovery of the ribosome and the elucidation of its role in gene expression was one of the main achievements of molecular biology in the 1950s and '60s. Early investigations revealed that ribosomes invariably consist of a large ... Cited by 108 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions Crystal structure of the RAG1 dimerization domain reveals multiple zinc-binding motifs Rodgers, DG Schatz, JE Coleman, TA Steitz - Nature Structural Molecular Biology, 1997 - nature.com 1 These authors contributed equally to this work. ... 3 Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 06520-8114, USA. ... 4 Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Section of Immunobiology, Yale University ... Cited by 106 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions Structural basis for transfer RNA aminoacylation by Escherichia coli glutaminyl-tRNA JJ Perona, MA Rould, TA Steitz - Biochemistry, 1993 - pubs.acs.org ABSTRACT: The structure of Escherichia coli glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase complexed with tRNAzGln and ATP refined at 2.5-8L resolution reveals structural details of the catalytic center and allows description of the specific roles of ... Cited by 101 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions The structural mechanism of translocation and helicase activity in T7 RNA polymerase - ? utexas.edu YW Yin, TA Steitz - Cell, 2004 - Elsevier RNA polymerase functions like a molecular motor that can convert chemical energy into the work of strand separation and translocation along the DNA during transcription. The structures of phage T7 RNA polymerase in an elongation ... Cited by 98 - Related articles - All 13 versions A 1.3-A resolution crystal structure of the HIV-1 trans-activation response region RNA stem - ? pnas.org JA Ippolito, TA Steitz - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1998 - National Acad Sciences The crystal structure of an HIV-1 trans-activation response region (TAR) RNA fragment containing the binding site for the trans-activation protein Tat has been determined to 1.3- resolution. In this crystal structure, the ... Cited by 91 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 7 versions Crystal structure of unmodified tRNAGln complexed with glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase and ATP JG Arnez, TA Steitz - Biochemistry, 1994 - pubs.acs.org ABSTRACT: tRNA:' made in vitro by transcription with T7 RNA polymerase does not contain the pseudo- uridines at positions 38, 39, and 55, the 4-thiouridine at position 8, or any of the methylated bases found in the tRNA:' made in ... Cited by 83 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions Model of specific complex between catabolite gene activator protein and B-DNA suggested - ? nih.gov IT Weber, TA Steitz - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1984 - National Acad Sciences Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 81, pp. 3973-3977,July 1984 Biochemistry ... Model of specific complex between catabolite gene activator protein and B-DNA suggested by electrostatic complementarity Cited by 81 - Related articles - All 9 versions T HE S TRUCTURAL B ASIS OF L ARGE R IBOSOMAL S UBUNIT F UNCTION PB Moore, TA Steitz - Annual review of biochemistry, 2003 - Annual Reviews ? Abstract The ribosome crystal structures published in the past two years have revolutionized our understanding of ribonucleoprotein structure, and more specifically, the structural basis of the peptide bonding forming activity ... Cited by 83 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions An induced-fit mechanism to promote peptide bond formation and exclude hydrolysis of - ? rochester.edu Schmeing, KS Huang, SA Strobel, TA Steitz - Nature, 2005 - nature.com The large ribosomal subunit catalyses the reaction between the -amino group of the aminoacyl-tRNA bound to the A site and the ester carbon of the peptidyl-tRNA bound to the P site 1 , while preventing the nucleophilic attack of water ... Cited by 75 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions Predicted structures of cAMP binding domains of type I and II regulatory subunits of cAMP- IT Weber, TA Steitz , J Bubis, SS Taylor - Biochemistry, 1987 - pubs.acs.org Rijken, DC, Wijngaards, G., Welbergen, J. (1980) Thromb. Res. 18, 815. Rijken, DC, Hoylaerts, M., Collen, D. (1982) J. Biol. Chem. 257, 2920. Sigler, PW, Blow, DM, Matthews, BW, Henderson, R. (1968) J. Mol. Biol. 35, 143. ... Cited by 76 - Related articles - All 3 versions How glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase selects glutamine , LF Silvian, B Beijer, BS Sproat, TA Steitz - Structure, 1998 - Elsevier Background: Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases covalently link a specific amino acid to the correct tRNA. The fidelity of this reaction is essential for accurate protein synthesis. Each synthetase has a specific molecular mechanism to ... Cited by 77 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 2 versions 以色列科学家Ada E. Yonath的论著: High resolution structure of the large ribosomal subunit from a mesophilic eubacterium - ? , I Agmon, H Bartels, F Franceschi, A Yonath - Cell, 2001 - Elsevier We describe the high resolution structure of the large ribosomal subunit from Deinococcus radiodurans (D50S), a gram-positive mesophile suitable for binding of antibiotics and functionally relevant ligands. The over-all structure of ... Cited by 539 - Related articles - All 22 versions Structure of functionally activated small ribosomal subunit at 3.3 resolution - ? cell.com , H Bartels, I Agmon, F Franceschi, A Yonath - Cell, 2000 - Elsevier The small ribosomal subunit performs the decoding of genetic information during translation. The structure of that from Thermus thermophilus shows that the decoding center, which positions mRNA and three tRNAs, is constructed ... Cited by 501 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 21 versions Structural basis for the interaction of antibiotics with the peptidyl transferase centre in - ? weizmann.ac.il , A Bashan, A Tocilj, R Albrecht, A Yonath , F - Nature, 2001 - nature.com Ribosomes, the site of protein synthesis, are a major target for natural and synthetic antibiotics. Detailed knowledge of antibiotic binding sites is central to understanding the mechanisms of drug action. Conversely, drugs are ... Cited by 399 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 8 versions ? Crystal structures of complexes of the small ribosomal subunit with tetracycline, edeine and , T Auerbach, C Jacobi, T Hartsch, A Yonath , - The EMBO Journal, 2001 - pubmedcentral.nih.gov The small ribosomal subunit is responsible for the decoding of genetic information and plays a key role in the initiation of protein synthesis. We analyzed by X-ray crystallography the structures of three different ... Cited by 245 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 5 versions A tunnel in the large ribosomal subunit revealed by three-dimensional image reconstruction - ? weizmann.ac.il A Yonath , KR Leonard, HG Wittmann - Science, 1987 - sciencemag.org TO BETrER UNDERSTAND THE ROLE ofribosomes in protein biosynthesis, we have initiated structural studies of these particles by diffraction methods, and we have developed an in vitro crystallization procedure for intact ribosomal ... Cited by 126 - Related articles - All 12 versions A High Resolution Structure of an Inhibitor Complex of the Extracellular Nuclease - ? jbc.org , DC Richardson, JS Richardson, A Yonath - Journal of Biological Chemistry, 1971 - ASBMB ... A . ARNONE, CJ BIER, I?. A . COTTON, VW DAY, EE HAZEN, JR., DC RICHARDSON,/] JS RICHARDSON,/ AND, IN PART, A . YONATH ** From the Department of Chemistry, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 ... Cited by 113 - Related articles - All 2 versions Structural basis of the ribosomal machinery for peptide bond formation, translocation, and - ? cell.com , HAS Hansen, E Kossoy, M Kessler, A Yonath - Molecular Cell, 2003 - Elsevier Crystal structures of tRNA mimics complexed with the large ribosomal subunit of Deinococcus radiodurans indicate that remote interactions determine the precise orientation of tRNA in the peptidyl-transferase center (PTC). The PTC ... Cited by 127 - Related articles - All 19 versions Structural basis for the antibiotic activity of ketolides and azalides - ? cell.com HAS Hansen, H Bartels, R Zarivach, A Yonath - Structure, 2003 - Elsevier The azalide azithromycin and the ketolide ABT-773, which were derived by chemical modifications of erythromycin, exhibit elevated activity against a number of penicillin- and macrolide-resistant pathogenic bacteria. Analysis ... Cited by 102 - Related articles - All 10 versions Structural insight into the role of the ribosomal tunnel in cellular regulation - ? , A Bashan, T Auerbach, D Baram, A Yonath - Nature Structural Molecular Biology, 2003 - nature.com ... Nature 319, 693695 (1986). | Article | PubMed | ISI | ChemPort |; Yonath , A ., Leonard, KR Wittmann, HG A tunnel in the large ribosomal subunit revealed by three-dimensional image reconstruction. Science 236, 813816 (1987). ... Cited by 94 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 10 versions from Thermus thermophilus at 4.5 A resolution: pattern fittings and the identification of a - ? pnas.org , H Bartels, I Agmon, F Franceschi, A Yonath - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1999 - National Acad Sciences The electron density map of the small ribosomal subunit from Thermus thermophilus, constructed at 4.5 resolution, shows the recognizable morphology of this particle, as well as structural features that were ... Cited by 80 - Related articles - All 14 versions Structural insight into the antibiotic action of telithromycin against resistant mutants - ? nih.gov , R Zarivach, HAS Hansen, P Fucini, A Yonath - Journal of bacteriology, 2003 - Am Soc Microbiol Macrolide drugs, which have been used for decades, provide effective coverage against most pathogenic bacteria. Nevertheless, the rapid development of antibiotic resistance severely hampers modern medicine and has prompted a ... Cited by 77 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 9 versions Polymers of tripeptides as collagen models. IV. Structure analysis of poly (L-proly-glycyl-L- A Yonath , W Traub - Journal of molecular biology, 1969 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov 1969 Aug 14;43(3):461-77. Polymers of tripeptides as collagen models. IV. Structure analysis of poly(L-proly-glycyl-L-proline). Yonath A , Traub W. Mesh Terms: Collagen*. Substances: Collagen. PMID: 5401228 . Cited by 96 - Related articles - All 2 versions Crystallographic studies on the ribosome, a large macromolecular assembly exhibiting - ? weizmann.ac.il A Yonath , J Harms, HAS Hansen, A Bashan, F - Acta Crystallographica Section A : Foundations of , 1998 - scripts.iucr.org Crystals, diffracting best to around 3 , have been grown from intact large and small ribosomal subunits. The bright synchrotron radiation necessary for the collection of the higher-resolution X-ray diffraction data introduces ... Cited by 54 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 17 versions ? Inhibition of peptide bond formation by pleuromutilins: the structure of the 50S ribosomal F Schlnzen, E Pyetan, P Fucini, A Yonath , - Molecular Microbiology, 2004 - weizmann.ac.il ... Mol Cell 11: 91102. Berisio, R., Harms, J., Schluenzen, F., Zarivach, R., Hansen, HA, Fucini, P., and Yonath , A . (2003a) Structural Insight into the Antibiotic Action of Telithromycin against Resistant Mutants. ... Cited by 63 - Related articles - View as HTML - BL Direct - All 12 versions ? Alterations at the peptidyl transferase centre of the ribosome induced by the synergistic , F Schlnzen, P Fucini, H Bartels, A Yonath - BMC biology, 2004 - biomedcentral.com The investigation of the crystal structure of the 50S ribosomal subunit from Deinococcus radiodurans in complex with the clinically relevant streptogramins quinupristin and dalfopristin reveals their unique inhibitory mechanism. ... Cited by 60 - Related articles - Cached - All 19 versions The structure of triclinic lysozyme at 2.5 A resolution J Moult, A Yonath , W Traub, A Smilansky, A - Journal of Molecular Biology (UK), 1976 - fao.org ... Personal Authors, Moult, J. (Dep. Structural Chem. + Chem. Physics, Weizmann Inst. Sci., Rehovot (Israel)); Yonath , A .; Traub, W.; Smilansky, A .; Podjarny, A .; Rabinovich, D.; Saya, A . Publication Date, (1976). AGRIS Subj. Cat. ... Cited by 49 - Related articles - Cached - All 2 versions Cryocrystallography of ribosomal particles - ? weizmann.ac.il P Webster, KS Bartels, HG Wittmann, A Yonath - Acta Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, 1989 - scripts.iucr.org 2D,AS 148 x 360; 109;Pl 25 * N,H = crystallographic data collected from (N) native and (H) derivatized crystals. t All forms are of three-dimensional crystals, unless marked by 2D. A , M, P, AS = crystals were grown by vapor ... Cited by 52 - Related articles - All 7 versions Antibiotics targeting ribosomes: resistance, selectivity, synergism, and cellular regulation A Yonath - 2005 - Annual Reviews ? Abstract Antibiotics target ribosomes at distinct locations within functionally relevant sites. They exert their inhibitory action by diverse modes, including competing with substrate binding, interfering with ... Cited by 54 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 4 versions Structure of trigger factor binding domain in biologically homologous complex with - ? pnas.org , T Auerbach-Nevo, A Bashan, A Yonath - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2005 - National Acad Sciences Trigger factor (TF), the first chaperone in eubacteria to encounter the emerging nascent chain, binds to the large ribosomal subunit in the vicinity of the protein exit tunnel opening and forms a sheltered folding space. Here, we ... Cited by 46 - Related articles - BL Direct - All 12 versions Crystallographic studies of protein denaturation and renaturation. 2. Sodium dodecyl sulfate A Yonath , A Podjarny, B Honig, A Sielecki, W - Biochemistry, 1977 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov Cross-linked triclinic lysozyme was denatured with sodium dodecyl sulfate. Removal of the denaturant resulted in a refolding of the protein to a conformation similar to but not identical with the native one. ... Cited by 43 - Related articles - All 2 versions
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2001 - 2009年诺贝尔化学奖得主的科学成就
xupeiyang 2009-10-8 09:08
http://news.xinhuanet.com/tech/2009-10/07/content_12191227.htm 2009年,美国科学家文卡特拉曼拉马克里希南、托马斯施泰茨和以色列科学家阿达约纳特3人共同获得今年的诺贝尔化学奖,其中约纳特是自1964年以来首位获得诺贝尔化学奖的女科学家。三位科学家对核糖体结构和功能的研究而获奖,核糖体是进行蛋白质合成的重要细胞器,了解核糖体的工作机制对了解生命具有重要意义。 2008年,日本科学家下村修、美国科学家马丁沙尔菲和美籍华裔科学家钱永健。这三位科学家因在发现和研究绿色荧光蛋白方面作出贡献而获奖。  2007年,德国科学家格哈德埃特尔因在表面化学研究领域作出开拓性贡献而获奖。  2006年,美国科学家罗杰科恩伯格因在真核转录的分子基础研究领域作出贡献而获奖。  2005年,法国科学家伊夫肖万、美国科学家罗伯特格拉布和理查德施罗克因在烯烃复分解反应研究领域作出贡献而获奖。  2004年,以色列科学家阿龙切哈诺沃、阿夫拉姆赫什科和美国科学家欧文罗斯因发现泛素调节的蛋白质降解而获奖。  2003年,美国科学家彼得阿格雷和罗德里克麦金农因在细胞膜通道领域作出了开创性贡献而获奖。  2002年,美国科学家约翰芬恩、日本科学家田中耕一和瑞士科学家库尔特维特里希。他们发明了对生物大分子进行识别和结构分析的方法。  2001年,诺贝尔化学奖奖金一半授予美国科学家威廉诺尔斯与日本科学家野依良治,以表彰他们在手性催化氢化反应领域所作出的贡献;另一半授予美国科学家巴里夏普莱斯,以表彰他在手性催化氧化反应领域所取得的成就。
个人分类: 科学研究|2676 次阅读|0 个评论
xupeiyang 2009-10-8 09:00
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2009 for studies of the structure and function of the ribosome Photo: MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Credits: Michael Marsland/Yale University Credits: Micheline Pelletier/Corbis Venkatraman Ramakrishnan Thomas A. Steitz Ada E. Yonath 1/3 of the prize 1/3 of the prize 1/3 of the prize United Kingdom USA Israel MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology Cambridge, United Kingdom Yale University New Haven, CT, USA; Howard Hughes Medical Institute Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot, Israel b. 1952 (in Chidambaram, Tamil Nadu, India) b. 1940 b. 1939 Titles, data and places given above refer to the time of the award. Printer Friendly Comments Questions Tell a Friend The 2009 Prize in: Physics Chemistry Medicine Prev. year The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2009 Prize Announcement Press Release Scientific Background Information for the Public Speed Read Venkatraman Ramakrishnan Nobel Lecture Interview Other Resources Thomas A. Steitz Nobel Lecture Interview Photo Gallery Other Resources Ada E. Yonath Nobel Lecture Interview Photo Gallery Other Resources See Also 'Imaging Life' - The story of advances in imagi var flashvars = {}; flashvars.CalendarDate = "2009-10-08"; var params = {}; params.quality = "best"; params.wmode = "opaque"; var attributes = {}; swfobject.embedSWF("/images/shortcuts/shortcut_bigblue_followus.swf?rand=818", "banner_zone818", "160", "250", "", false, flashvars, params, attributes); 美以三位科学家分享2009年诺贝尔化学奖(图) 2009年10月08日 08:02:44  来源: 新华网 【字号 大 中 小 】   【 留言 】   【 打印 】   【 关闭 】 【Email推荐: 】    这是瑞典皇家科学院在斯德哥尔摩举行的新闻发布会上展示3位科学家的照片。 新华社记者吴平摄 图表:美以科学家分享2009年诺贝尔化学奖 新华社发 新华网斯德哥尔摩10月7日电(记者和苗 吴平)瑞典皇家科学院7日宣布,美国科学家文卡特拉曼拉马克里希南、托马斯施泰茨和以色列科学家阿达约纳特3人共同获得今年的诺贝尔化学奖,其中约纳特是自1964年以来首位获得诺贝尔化学奖的女科学家。  瑞典皇家科学院常任秘书贡诺厄奎斯特首先宣读了获奖者名单。他说,拉马克里希南、施泰茨和约纳特因对核糖体结构和功能的研究而获奖,核糖体是进行蛋白质合成的重要细胞器,了解核糖体的工作机制对了解生命具有重要意义。  随后,化学奖评选委员会主席贡纳尔冯海伊内和评委莫恩斯艾伦贝里通过投影仪图片展示,分别详细地介绍了3名获奖者的成就。他们介绍说,生物体每个细胞中都含有脱氧核糖核酸(DNA),基于DNA上携带的信息,核糖体便能合成蛋白质,如血红蛋白、免疫系统的抗体、胰岛素、皮肤中的胶原蛋白等。这些蛋白质在生命中具有不同的形式和功能,它们在化学层面上组成并控制着生命。因此,有关核糖体结构和功能的研究能够被迅速应用到实际中,没有核糖体存在,病菌就无法存活,当今医学上很多抗生素类药物都是通过抑制病菌的核糖体来达到治疗目的的。  他们说,3名获奖者通过独立的研究工作,分别采用X射线蛋白质晶体学方法绘制出3D模型来体现合成核糖体的成千上万个原子的位置,他们绘制的模型已被广泛应用于新抗生素的研制,以减少患者的病痛和拯救生命。  在记者招待会上,厄奎斯特拨通了约纳特的电话向她表示祝贺。约纳特在接受媒体现场电话连线采访时表示,获悉这一消息时她非常高兴,从来没想到自己能获此殊荣。她说,虽然自己的研究成果在生命科学中很重要,但仍有许多未解之谜等待科学家们继续寻找答案。  拉马克里希南1952年出生于印度金奈,施泰茨1940年出生于美国威斯康星州,约纳特1939年出生于耶路撒冷。他们将平分诺贝尔化学奖奖金1000万瑞典克朗(约合140万美元)。 成果解读: 核糖体生命化学工厂中的工程师 生命体就像一个极其复杂而又精密的仪器,不同零件在不同岗位上各司其职,有条不紊。而这一切,就要归功于仿佛扮演着生命化学工厂中工程师角色的核糖体:它翻译出DNA所携带的密码,进而产生不同的蛋白质,分别控制人体内不同的化学过程。 点击详细 诺贝尔化学奖揭晓 时隔多年女性再获殊荣 约纳特的获奖对女科学家,尤其是生化领域的女科学家将是一大鼓励。诺贝尔化学奖自1901年颁发以来,共有156名获奖者,但包括约纳特在内仅有4名女性,她们分别是居里夫人、约里奥-居里和霍奇金。 点击详细    诺贝尔化学奖得主感言: 诺贝尔化学奖得主约纳特:女性能有大作为 诺贝尔化学奖得主施泰茨:能得到重视真令人幸福 拉马克里希南:我太高兴了,今晚将开宴会庆祝 诺贝尔奖得主感言:我们只是一群努力者的代表 背景资料:近年诺贝尔化学奖得主及主要成就
个人分类: 科学研究|2450 次阅读|0 个评论
cuncaoxin 2009-4-6 10:54
  傅蕴德 1999 年 10 月 13 日深夜诺贝尔化学奖刚公布,复旦大学化学系陆靖 副教授 在 15 日《谱学导论》课上讲‘瞬态光谱’一节时,结合课程用多媒体介绍了 艾哈迈德 . 泽维尔 ( Ahmed H.Zewail ) 博士 的工作和主要成就。 艾哈迈德 . 泽维尔 ( Ahmed H.Zewail ) 博士 1946 年出生于埃及, 1967 毕业于埃及亚历山大大学并获学士学位, 1969 年在该校获得硕士学位,同年赴美国宾夕法尼亚大学化学系攻读博士学位, 1974 年获博士学位。现为加州理工学院化学物理系和物理系教授。泽维尔博士首先采用超短脉冲激光以飞秒的时间尺度实时观察分子运动并目击分子的诞生,给化学和相关学科带来了革命性的变化。 1999 年艾哈迈德 . 泽维尔博士被授予诺贝尔化学奖,以表彰他在飞秒化学领域的杰出贡献。 泽维尔博士目前的研究领域主要有:超快激光和电子散射技术,飞秒化学,反应控制和多脉冲相位相干光谱,生物系统、 DNA 和蛋白质动力学等。 艾哈迈德 . 泽维尔教授 2004 年 6 月 -7 月在北京大学、复旦大学分别做了题为 “ 瞬间的奇迹和奥秘( Mysteries Miracles of Time ) ” 、 “21 世纪的科学与技术 —— 我的诺贝尔成长之路 ” 的学术报告。 化学反应究竟是怎样发生的,这是几百年来化学家们一直在孜孜不倦探索的课题。要想准确地回答这个问题,最直接的办法就是对分子的碰撞过程实行实时追踪和观测。自从 泽维尔 1987 年实现第一个真正意义上的飞秒化学实验以来的短短二十年中,飞秒化学已经为人们提供了丰富的基元反应信息,大大加深了人们对于化学反应进程的了解程度,从而成为近期极其活跃的一个新开拓的研究领域。 在环丁烷裂解为两个乙烯分子的实验中,他第一次测得了光解反应的过渡态寿命为 700 飞秒。这是人类第一次直接从实验上观察到过渡态的变化过程。在另一个重要实验, NaI → Na+I 的光解反应中,他第一次观察到了反应的过渡态在势能面上的震荡和解离过程。在 1996 年,美国物理化学杂志创刊 100 周年纪念特刊的 40 多篇文章中,泽维尔教授关于飞秒化学的文章列在第一篇。他在文章中指出,从本世纪末和下世纪初,是化学动力学发展的辉煌时期。这一时期内,科学家们将通过使用现代的实验技术和数学物理知识,利用高速度计算机,从分子层次上去了解化学反应的本质,进而试图去控制化学反应。 飞秒化学( Femtochemistry ),一个使化学人感到迷茫、神奇、兴奋不已的陌生英文单词、专业术语、新学科领域,为整个化学及其相关科学带来了一场革命。激光曾被视为神秘之光,并已被人类广泛使用。近年来,科学家研究发现了一种更为奇特的光——飞秒激光(飞秒 femtosecond ,简写 fs ),亦称超短激光,它是飞秒化学的技术基础。 图:中国科学院大连化学物理研究所 分子反应动力学国家重点实验室 飞秒即 10 - 15 秒 (fs) , 这个时标与分子中的电子或质子的运动速率大致相对应。一般的化学反应 ( 热化学 ) 过程大约在 10 6 秒 (Ms) 的量级 , 特快反应也不过在毫秒 (ms) 的量级 ; 大分子 ( 液态 ) 的转动和平移运动的速率也只需要用到微秒 (Ls) 时间分辨技术 ; 所以跟踪这类化学反应或分子运动过程一般不需要利用皮秒 (ps) 或飞秒 (fs) 量级的时间分辨技术 , 可是要检测到反应过程中某些寿命极短的中间体 , 特别是在电子转移或质子转移初期所形成的过渡态或中间体 , 并获得有关它们的结构与能量状态方面的确切信息 , 就必需采用与其相对应的皮秒或飞秒时间分辨技术。 飞秒激光的出现使人类第一次在原子和电子的层面上观察到这一超快运动过程。基于这些科学上的发现,飞秒激光在物理学、生物学、化学控制反应、光通讯等领域中得到了广泛应用。 香山科学会议第 22 次学术讨论会于 1994 年 8 月 7 日至 9 日在北京香山饭店召开。会议以飞秒化学为主题,由张存浩和楼南泉两位院士主持。中科院、国家科委、国家自然科学基金委、核工业部及高等院校等 17 个单位的 26 名专家学者参加了会议。在飞秒化学研究方面做出开创性工作并取得突出成绩的美国 U. C. Berkeley 大学的陈永勤教授也应邀参加,并就飞秒化学和飞秒激光技术做出主题发言。与会学者在自由热烈的气氛中讨论了飞秒化学及飞秒激光技术的进展、现状、意义和发展方向。与会者经过讨论在如下几方面取得共识: 1 、飞秒激光器的出现是研究化学过程的一个新的里程碑,把观测化学变化过程推进到飞秒尺度,随之一些新的化学现象将展现在人类面前。特别是 1991 年掺钛蓝宝石固体飞秒激光器的成功,表明了飞秒激光技术已经成熟,能够为飞秒化学提供有力的工具。我国在飞秒化学这一前沿学科的基础研究方面,已经具备了理论基础和实验技术,应尽快建立和发展这一新的学科研究领域,走入国际前列。 2 、深入地讨论了高分辨光谱与飞秒时域谱之间的关系。从基本原理上说,频率谱和时域谱之间是由付氏变换和反变换联系起来的,但是在实践中我们还无法则得由频谱反变换到时域谱所需的全部信息,也就无法实现这种反变换。因此,两者在研究化学过程中都同样具有不能替代的重要作用。要全面认识化学过程,采用两种互补的谱学方法是必要的。 3 、在飞秒时间尺度下,无论在原理上和具体实验研究中,测不准原理的制约强烈地表现出来,因此在飞秒化学研究中,无论是立项选题还是实验测量均应考虑这一基本原理的作用。 经过 20 年的努力 , 飞秒化学研究的深度与广度都有明显的变化。国际上已形成若干研究中心 , 引导着该学科向前发展。如飞秒化学的先驱美国加州理工学院的 A. H. Zewail 的研究兴趣 , 几乎涉及从气相至凝聚相 , 从小分子到超分子 , 从基元反应到复杂反应等众多课题 ; 又如美国加州大学 San Diego 分校的 K. W ilson 教授以其雄厚的经济实力作后盾 , 广招天下英才 , 购置与研制最先进的技术设备 , 从实验与理论两方面开拓飞秒化学研究的新局面 , 他目前正致力于发展超快 X 光脉冲技术用来研究物质超快的时间演化过程。在飞秒化学的理论方面 , 美国的 E. J. Heller 、 D. J. Tannor 、 S. A. Rice 、 H. Rabitz 以及 S.Mukamel, 以色列的 R. Kosloff , 加拿大的 A. D. Bandrauk, 美籍华人林圣贤和中国的严以京等都正在坚持不懈地在激光控制化学反应理论、溶液理论等领域进行着意义深远但又艰难的探索。 随着研究的拓展,飞秒化学已经渗透到许多领域,不仅对分子束而且在表面化学方面(如理解和改良催化剂)、液体和溶剂方面、聚合物方面(如导体材料)等都得到应用。另一个重要的应用领域是生命科学方面。总之,泽维尔的飞秒光学实验技术,犹如电视节目通过慢动作来观看足球精彩镜头那样,他的研究成果可以让人们通过“慢动作”观察处于化学反应过程中的原子与分子的转变状态,从根本上改变了我们对化学反应过程的认识。 参考文献: 【 1 】 傅 萱, 诺贝尔奖获得者泽维尔被我校授予名誉教授,复旦新闻网, 2004.7.2 【 2 】黄坤林,飞 秒 化 学—— 1999 年诺贝尔化学奖, 化学教育 , 2000 年第 5 期 【 3 】宋心琦, 飞秒化学及其启示, 化学教育, 2000 年第 5 期 【4】 The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1999, http://nobelprize.org 【 5 】 飞秒化学, 香山科学会议第 22 次学术讨论会 , www.xssc.ac.cn , 1994 年 8 月 7 日 【6 】Femtochemistry, Nobel Lecture , by Ahmed H. Zewail, 1999     【7 】 何国钟,飞秒化学一匹黑马 ? , 化学进展,第 9 卷第 2 期, 1997 年 6 月 【8 】The decisive moments in the life of molecules http://www.zewail.caltech.edu/nobel/Poster_Nobel_Eng.pdf
个人分类: 科普百科|4295 次阅读|0 个评论
jlpemail 2008-10-9 16:53
若干年前,笔者在医院发现了这样的现象。 他们把白蛋白当成了赚钱的借口。出生不 足10天的婴儿注射若干毫升的白蛋白。 家长的花费是数百元。婴儿的白蛋白注射 量其实不足一个针剂的10分之一。医院 不是让需要白蛋白的婴儿分享针剂,而是 让他们的家长各自购买。这些自费药是不 列入报销药单的。同样,负责接生的大夫 还和销售保胎药的供货商联合办公。一个 极力推荐,一个大量推销。在提供了一些 医疗服务的同时,这些医院以及他们的大夫 们顺便提高了自己的福利待遇。这里,胆小 的家长们成了他们增加额外收入的基金库。 这样的时候和地方,婴儿家长们成了一种 恶劣体制的替罪羊和受害者。从此,白衣 者不一定是天使的事实,改变了他们以前 单方面的幻想。   这里的白蛋白与诺贝尔化学奖无关。与 天使们的奖金有关;与他们的贬值和蜕化 有关。
个人分类: 编作交流场|4530 次阅读|0 个评论
钱永健“略懂”中文 曾回中国爬黄山、逛北京
麦立强 2008-10-9 08:19
中新社旧金山十月八日电 通讯:他早就应该得诺贝尔奖诺贝尔化学奖得主钱永健的同事和学生访谈   中新社记者 刘丹   美国华裔化学家钱永健教授因发现和研究绿色荧光蛋白技术而成为今年诺贝尔化学奖三位得主之一,他的华裔同事和学生为此感到荣耀和骄傲。   他早就应该得奖   十月八日清晨六时多,美国约翰霍普金斯大学医学院助理教授张瑾就给昔日的博士后导师钱永健发了一封电子邮件,里面只有一句话:祝贺您!   只有一句话的这封邮件包含了许多张瑾想说的话。她告诉记者:我和我们这个领域的同事期待这一刻已经很久了。罗杰(钱永健的英文名)早就应该得到这份荣誉!   和钱永健共事十三年的科学家姜涛对记者说,罗杰得奖不是问题,只是时间早晚。我们关心的是他得几个奖。   姜涛于一九九五年加入钱永健在加州大学圣地亚哥分校的研究团队。钱永健前几年研究的钙离子荧光探针技术,是生理和药物筛选技术的革命性突破,在化学界开辟了新的领域。姜涛认为,仅凭这项技术,罗杰就应该获得诺贝尔奖。   他是一个智慧而勤奋的人   他是一个充满智慧的人,同时异常勤奋。钱永健实验团队的华裔学者对他如此评价。美国索克生物研究所助理教授王磊曾经在钱永健指导下做了三年博士后,罗杰是我见过的最有天份、最勤奋的科学家。他不仅对数学、化学、物理、生物等学科有深入广泛的研究,并把这些学科很好地结合起来,还花费大量时间在实验室作研究。   他是一个非常有智慧的人,总能想到别人想不到的事情。和钱永健甚熟的姜涛说,罗杰认为世界上没有比科学研究更重要的事情。   以开阔的心胸去接纳他人,给他人最大空间发挥才能,是华裔同事和学生对钱永健在学术研究上的另一评价。在钱永健实验室工作了十三年的研究员熊庆说,每个来到实验室的人都带着自己的想法和观念。罗杰即使有时不赞同,但他也会聆听,并和我们沟通,让我们有空间发挥各自的智慧和创造力,这很难得。   他是一个简朴、幽默、不拘小节的人   在同事和学生眼中,钱永健外表实在很不起眼,走在大街上,没人认为他是科学家。他平素不拘小节,也不在乎衣着打扮,每天骑自行车上下班,拎着头盔进实验室。即使在八日上午,学校为他举行记者招待会,系里接着开庆祝会,他也没穿西装,只是一件普通短袖上衣和长裤。   在纽约出生、新泽西长大、略懂中文的钱永健几乎不说中文,但有时蹦出来几句让华裔同事忍俊不禁。熊庆回忆说,实验室里的华裔同事讨论枇杷这种水果怎么好吃,罗杰很好奇地插话,琵琶这种乐器怎么可以吃。   博士后李文红在做论文答辩时,钱永健一边介绍李文红,一边用中文把他的名字写在黑板上说,你一闻到酒就脸红,所以叫李文红。   五十六岁的钱永健闲暇时弹钢琴,爱好潜水,刚参加了圣地亚哥的半马拉松长跑比赛。他和夫人没有生育,有一位继子。大约三、四年前,他曾经陪同母亲和夫人回中国,爬黄山,逛北京。 http://auto.chinanews.com.cn/hr/kong/news/2008/10-09/1405538.shtml
个人分类: 励志修身|3771 次阅读|0 个评论
麦立强 2008-10-8 22:22
org 瑞典皇家科学院8日在斯德哥尔摩宣布,日本科学家小泉修(Osamu Shimomura ),美国科学家马丁.查尔菲(Martin Chalfie)和美国华裔科学家钱永键(Roger Y. Tsien)三人因发现和应用荧光蛋白而共同获得2008年诺贝尔化学奖。 虽然早有传言说中国导弹之父钱学森的堂侄钱永键因其利用水母发出绿光的能量用在实验中有望获得诺奖化学奖,钱永键在回答人民网记者电话采访时还是觉得有些惊讶。 点 击 图 片 看 原 图 中国导弹之父钱学森的堂侄钱永健 虽然有谣传和预测,但我还是没有想到真的能获奖。钱说。 可能因为我是华裔,很多中国人可能受到很大鼓舞,希望更多的中国年轻人也投身到基础理论研究中来。 http://www.popyard.com/cgi-mod/newspage.cgi?num=234796r=0v=0
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