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张海霞 2018-11-13 11:19
PIAGET Scientific Award(伯爵科学奖)是一个待遇优厚的一年特别研究资助计划,鼓励从事微型化和微机电工程研究的博士和博士后申请,由世界名表伯爵公司全额资助获奖人在瑞士EPFL做一年的自由研究和探索。获奖人还会获得一块刻有名字的定制款伯爵表做为纪念。 申请截止日期:2019年5月31日 申请条件和要求以及资助详情,请访问网站:piaget-award.epfl.ch \0
个人分类: 科研心得|3348 次阅读|0 个评论
PSA Lyric Poetry Award in 2010 获奖作品
mazheng 2010-10-20 17:41
抒情诗奖(Lyric Poetry Award)是美国诗歌学会PSA的系列奖项之一,每年度颁发一次,授予任何主题的抒情诗作品,奖金500美元。该奖项遵照诗人Consuelo Ford (笔名Althea Urn)女士的遗嘱而设立,同时也是为了纪念另一位诗人Mary Carolyn Davies。 2010年度的获奖者是Ira Sadoff,获奖作品是Lament。原作和博主拙译如下: LAMENT While I was gone, I lost my finches. The first lilies bloomed. The second and third. My town lost a lamp store and light in its windows. My camellias, how pale they seem. And the grass, how impatient, acting out With its spray of weeds. Hummingbirds, I am so sorry. I fell in love a little while I was gone. I sugared a few doughnuts in her kitchen. I liked it best when we fumbled around In the pitch searching for each other. In the silences there was a great sea between us. All right, it was more like a pond. But an icy little pond. My finches, How they would dip and peck. How bright they were. The finches: how I miss them. 悔 当我离开的时候, 放飞了我的云雀。 它们接二连三地冲上天空, 如同一朵朵百合花儿绽开。 我的灯具店关门了, 再也看不到灯光透出窗棂。 我的山茶花凋谢了, 到处都是繁杂乱生的荒草。 我的鸟儿啊,对不起了, 我不得不离开,因为我恋爱了。 在他的厨房里,我做的小食多甜蜜。 我们一起捉迷藏,彼此摸索、追逐, 这是我的最爱。 但是,当我们平静下来, 竟又宛若彼此相隔一片大海。 唉,那隐隐的一丝感觉,如临寒潭。 我的云雀,它们会如何奔波求生呢。 当初它们是多么机灵啊。 我那些可爱的云雀, 我又在怀念它们了。 附:另一位美国诗人Meghan O'Rourke的点评: Lament begins and ends with birdsinvoking the long tradition of the lyric as song, and the singer troubled (and excited) by the plight of consciousness. The poet introduces irony, playfulness, and wit to its lamentation; these lines lightly echo lines we've heard before, opening them up and turning them over. A catalogue that staves off pain and gestures toward lost pleasures, Lament brightly invokes the personal and the mythic, the high and the mundane, at once. 参考文献: http://www.poetrysociety.org/psa/awards/annual/winners/
个人分类: 艺不压身|4003 次阅读|0 个评论

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