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2020年审稿的6-7篇论文,其中两篇是elsevier体系的,给发了reviewer award
HpJi 2020-9-20 18:09
1637 次阅读|0 个评论
Review award from Journal of Luminescence
HpJi 2020-9-12 15:58
整理文件夹,突然发现之前Journal of Luminescence还给发了一个review award;刚好今年审稿了几篇,说不定年底还会给发一个award呢~
1679 次阅读|0 个评论
RSC Merck Award颁奖典礼在英国驻华大使馆举行!
yolandahongmei 2015-11-2 17:12
10 月 29 日,英国皇家化学会 2015 年度 Merck Award 颁奖典礼在英国驻华大使官邸举行。英国驻华 公使 Martyn Roper 先生为首位获得该奖项的中国学者 - 中科院上海有机化学研究所游书力研究员颁奖并致欢迎词。他表达了对游书力研究员获奖的祝贺,并高度评价了中国科学的发展和进步,希望进一步加强中英两国之间的科学文化教育交流。 颁奖现场,英国皇家化学会 中国区总经理 Amy Lam 博士代表英国皇家化学会致辞。她首先表达了对英国驻华大使馆愿意承办此次仪式的感谢,然后简要介绍了英国皇家化学会的奖项及奖励,特别是 RSC Merck Award 的背景信息。同时, 游书力研究员也现场发表了讲话 , 并向大家介绍了他的研究经历及目前所从事的研究。 2016 年 4 月,他还将前往英国高校进行获奖巡回演讲。 来自北京大学、清华大学和北京化工大学的老师和学生代表也受邀参加了此次颁奖典礼。 RSC Prizes and Awards: 英国皇家化学会 Prizes Awards 系列奖项是为了奖励在推动化学科学发展上做出杰出贡献的个人、团队或组织。其设置的奖项和奖励超过60余种,涵盖了化学科学所有领域。 迄今为止,英国皇家化学会系列奖项的获得者中共产生了47位诺贝尔奖得主,包括 Harry Kroto, Fred Sanger 和 Linus Pauling 。 RSC Merck Award: Merck Award 是为了奖励在有机化学领域取得的重大成就的年龄在45岁以下的研究学者,游书力和他的团队在催化不对称去芳构化反应领域做出了杰出的工作,催化不对称去芳构化策略将为药物分子中广泛存在的手性螺环和多环化合物提供高效构建方法。 英国皇家化学会简介 英国皇家化学会是历史上最悠久、欧洲最大的化学学会,是一个致力于推动化学科学发展的国际领先组织和非营利机构,目前在全球拥有超过5万名会员, RSC 的出版业务、教育资源、国际会议和交流网络等涉及到化学科学的方方面面。
个人分类: 英国皇家化学会在中国|1649 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]南信大博士获 2015 James Holton Junior Scientist award
zuojun 2015-9-12 01:12
Lu Receives the 2015 James R. Holton Junior Scientist Award Chunsong Lu will receive the 2015 James R. Holton Junior Scientist Award at the 2015 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, to be held 14–18 December in San Francisco, Calif. The award recognizes outstanding research contributions by a junior atmospheric scientist within three years of his or her Ph.D. More at: https://eos.org/agu-news/lu-receives-the-2015-james-r-holton-junior-scientist-award
个人分类: News|1612 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 wanghaha 2013-9-14 01:56
被拒稿了,甚至没有送审,很难过,不过也认了,编辑说的很客观也很公平。不过如果想达到他所期待的研究(免去下次投稿费用),将是又一个三年的项目,因为需要 inducibletransgenic rat with podocyte specific gene expression. 这是一个 250KD 的蛋白,即便是细胞和生化的实验都费心劳力了很久,更何况到动物水平去建立工具并予以验证呢,只能说目前是一个 Missionimpossible ,看看将来会不会更容易些吧。会改投一个领域内的杂志,希望能被认可。其实当年选择肿瘤或者干细胞可能积累文章会相对更容易些,但还是不后悔。 足细胞是一个很难研究的领域,有很多这样那样的限制,不过还是蛮有挑战性,希望将来还能坚持下去。人生如果有那么一个让你能坚持去面对的难关其实挺不错的,无论结局如何,至少自己努力过,家人很支持,日子也过得比较开心。 Journal of Clinical Investigation (JCI) 最近更换了 Editorial board (5 年一换 ) ,从密歇根移到了 Duke ,据我教授的说法,在密歇根的时候,很多做足细胞的人,相对而言他们会更体谅工作的难度也更能发现我们投送的文章的闪光点,而现在领域外的编辑会要求更高一些。对我们来说是坏事,但是对这个杂志来说却是好事 . 感觉 JCI 的风头最近很盛,很多足够 Nature Medicine 的工作都发表在这个杂志上。这个杂志对于转化医学的贡献是值得称道的。 最近 JCI 和 LaskerFoundation 合作公布了 Lasker 奖, Genetech 的 RichardScheller 和斯坦福大学的 Thomas Südhof 教授因为在神经递质的机制研究 “discoveriesconcerning the molecular machinery and regulatory mechanisms that underlie therapid release of neurotransmitters” 共享了基础医学奖。不知道科学网上是不是有人会翻译或者科普介绍一下今年的这个奖。 Lasker 奖励被看做是诺贝尔生理医学奖的前奏,中国科学家 屠呦呦 教授因为青蒿素的发现和研究曾于 2011 年获得该奖项,也曾在科学网上引发广泛的讨论。 希望了解 2013 Lasker 奖的朋友可以点击下面链接: http://www.jci.org/articles/view/72681 据稿信 Dear Dr. @@@@ After careful consideration by the Editorial Board, I regret to inform you that your manuscript in its current form is not appropriate for publication in the Journal of Clinical Investigation. However, the Editorial Board found your work of interest. A number of substantive concerns would need to be addressed to our satisfaction before we would be willing to send your manuscript for external review. These concerns are as follows: This is a beautiful biochemical study suggesting a novel and important role for *** to modulate ### signaling and to protect podocyte viability in glomerular disease. What is missing here is an in vivo functional study where *** function and/or expression is modulated prospectively in the intact animal, and the effects on glomerular function are determined. The Editorial Board recognizes that addressing these concerns may necessitate considerable effort on your part and that you may elect not to pursue this direction. However, if you are able to provide new data as outlined above, we will reconsider this manuscript to determine its suitability for the JCI and will not require you to pay a second submission fee. I must caution that this invitation to re-submit does NOT constitute a guarantee that your manuscript will be sent for external review. Thank you for allowing us to review your work. We welcome the opportunity to read a revised version. Sincerely, Professor of Medicine Editor in Chief For the JCI Editorial Board
个人分类: 研究|14490 次阅读|2 个评论
Student Travel Award
yolandahongmei 2013-8-19 12:16
Student Travel Award Roche-RSC International Symposium onMedicinal Chemistry October 24-25, 2013, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry 你想对药物化学的前沿领域加深了解吗? 你想和同行一起交流学术研究成果吗? 你想亲历药企巨头罗氏上海研发中心吗? 那么还犹豫什么?赶快申请这趟免费之旅吧! 参与活动: 1) 全程参加 10 月 24 号在上海有机所举办的罗氏 - 英国皇家化学会 药物化学研讨会; 2 ) 10 月 25 日和其他获胜者一起参观罗氏上海研发中心(国际 3 位,国内 7 位),并进行学术交流(每人 30 分钟的学术交流报告)。 申请要求 : 以下研究领域的在职博士研究生,具备较强的英语口语交流能力: 1) chemical biology 2) medicinal chemistry 3) natural product synthesis 4) methodology development 申请材料: 1. 学术交流报告摘要一份; 2. 申请人简历一份(包含教育经历,所获荣誉,文章发表情况,联系方式及指导老师信息等)。 3. 申请人指导老师的推荐信一封。 申请方式: 申请日期: 2013 年 8 月 19 日 ---9 月 13 日 请申请者严格按照以上申请日期将所需的申请材料通过电子邮件发送到以下邮箱: pengh@rsc.org , 迟于截止日期的申请将不被接收。 如果您对本奖项及申请有任何疑问,请联系英国皇家化学会上海办公室彭博士: pengh@rsc.org 021-64047330 。 请查看会议网站获知更多详情: http://rsc.li/rochersc13
个人分类: 英国皇家化学会在中国|5387 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载] Le Bistro: Chef’s Choice Award (2012)
zuojun 2012-10-12 08:29
Niu Valley Shopping Ctr. 5730 Kalanianaole Hwy. (Halemaumau St.) Honolulu, HI 96821 808-373-7990 http://www.yelp.com/biz/le-bistro-honolulu
个人分类: Uniquely Hawaii|1654 次阅读|0 个评论
2011ACM - Infosys Foundation Award in the Computing Sciences
huangfuqiang 2012-3-30 09:05
获奖者: Princeton University Sanjeev Arora Charles C. Fitzmorris Professor of Computer Science Press Release Citation For contributions to computational complexity, algorithms, and optimization that have helped reshape our understanding of computation. Press Release Full Citation Sanjeev Arora is one of the architects of the Probabilistically Checkable Proofs (PCP) theorem , which revolutionized our understanding of complexity and the approximability of NP-hard problems. He helped create new approximation algorithms for fundamental optimization problems such as the Sparsest Cuts problem and the Euclidean Travelling Salesman problem, and contributed to the development of semi-definite programming as a practical algorithmic tool. He has played a pivotal role in some of the deepest and most influential results in theoretical computer science, and continues to inspire colleagues and new generations of researchers. 获奖教授主页 信息来自ACM网站
个人分类: ACM图灵奖|3119 次阅读|0 个评论
ACM - IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award 2011
huangfuqiang 2012-1-13 08:28
Citation For foundational compilation algorithms and programming tools; research and discipline leadership; and exceptional mentoring. Susan L. Graham Pehong Chen Distinguished Professor Computer Science Division Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences University of California at Berkeley Short Biography Susan L. Graham is the Pehong Chen Distinguished Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Emerita and a Professor in the Graduate School at the University of California , Berkeley . Her research spans many aspects of programming language implementation, software tools, software development environments, and high-performance computing. As a participant in the Berkeley Unix project, she and her students built the Berkeley Pascal system and the widely used program profiling tool gprof . Their paper on that tool was selected for the list of best papers from twenty years of the Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (1979-1999). She has done seminal research in compiler code generation and optimization. She and her students have built several interactive programming environments, yielding a variety of incremental analysis algorithms. Her most recent projects are the Titanium system for language and compiler support of explicitly parallel programs and the Harmonia framework for high-level interactive software development. Professor Graham received an A.B. in mathematics from Harvard University and M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer Science from Stanford University . She is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and a fellow of the Association for Computing Machinery, the American Association for the Advancement of Science, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. She was the founding editor-in-chief of the ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems. Among her awards are the ACM SIGPLAN Career Programming Language Achievement Award (2000), the ACM Distinguished Service Award (2006) , the Harvard Medal (2008), the IEEE von Neumann Medal (2009), and the Berkeley Citation (2009). She has served on numerous advisory committees; among them, the U.S. President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee (PITAC). She served as the Chief Computer Scientist for the NSF-sponsored National Partnership for Advanced Computational Infrastructure (NPACI) from 1997 to 2005. She co-chaired a National Research Council study on the Future of Supercomputing. She was a member of the Harvard Board of Overseers from 2001 to 2007and was President in 2006-2007. She currently serves as Vice-chair of the Council of the NSF-sponsored Computing Community Consortium, and as the Vice-chair and Treasurer of the Board of Trustees of Cal Performances. 信息来自ACM与作者主页
个人分类: 计算机软件理论与工程|3288 次阅读|0 个评论
2011 Jonathan B. Postel Service Award
huangfuqiang 2011-11-19 21:21
Kilnam Chon Receives 2011 Jonathan B. Postel Service Award — The Internet Society today announced that its prestigious Jonathan B. Postel Service Award was presented to leading technologist Professor Kilnam Chon for his significant contributions in the development and advancement of the Internet in Asia. Professor Chon contributed to the Internet’s growth in Asia through his extensive work in advancing Internet initiatives, research, and development. In addition, his pioneering work inspired many others to promote the Internet’s further growth in the region. The international award committee, comprised of former Jonathan B. Postel award winners, noted that Professor Chon was active in connecting Asia, and that his efforts continue today in the advancement of the Internet in other regions. The Postel Award was established by the Internet Society to honour individuals or organisations that, like Jon Postel, have made outstanding contributions in service to the data communications community. Lynn St. Amour, President and CEO of the Internet Society, commented, “I met Professor Chon nearly fifteen years ago. He has long been a pioneer in the advancement of the Internet, striving to ensure its robust development. Beyond the amazing breadth of Professor Chon’s work, perhaps his most remarkable achievement is his ability to inspire others. As a result of his work and the efforts of those he has motivated, Kilnam Chon has helped to ensure the global Internet is truly for everyone.” The Internet Society presented the award, including a US$20,000 honorarium and a crystal engraved globe , during the 82nd meeting of the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in Taipei, 13-18 November 2011. About the Internet Society The Internet Society is the world’s trusted independent source of leadership for Internet policy, technology standards and future development. Based on its principled vision and substantial technological foundation, the Internet Society works with its members and Chapters around the world to promote the continued evolution and growth of the open Internet through dialog among companies, governments, and other organizations around the world. For more information, see: http://www.internetsociety.org Kilnam Chon教授的主页
个人分类: 计算机网络理论与工程|2736 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Yale’s Horwich Wins Lasker Award
chengzhongxing 2011-9-15 19:43
Yale’s Horwich Wins Lasker Award, One of Science’s Top Honors posted: September 12, 2011 Arthur L. Horwich Arthur L. Horwich of the Yale School of Medicine was named co-winner of the prestigious 2011 Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award for his discoveries of how proteins form their complex shapes, the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation announced Monday. Horwich, Sterling Professor of Genetics and professor of pediatrics, joins Franz-Ulrich Hartl of the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry in Germany as co-winner of this year’s research award. Since the inception of the Lasker Awards in 1945, 80 Lasker laureates have gone on to win the Nobel Prize: 28 in the last two decades. “Art is a spectacular researcher with an extraordinary commitment to science,” said Dr. Robert J. Alpern, dean of the Yale Medical School and the Ensign Professor of Medicine. “His keen intellect led us to a new understanding of one of biology’s basic questions: How do proteins fold into their precise shapes?” Proteins are produced from DNA’s instruction manual and manufactured in cellular structures called ribosomes, emerging single-file in a chain of amino acids. Proteins are crucial to the function of all life but become biologically active only when they fold into complex, origami-like structures. Scientists used to think that proteins folded into shape by themselves, without any cellular energy input. Over more than two decades of work, Horwich and Hartl showed that proteins fold in the cell with the assistance of specialized proteins called chaperonins, which form a sort of a dressing room in which nascent proteins are assisted into their functional shapes. Today, scientists know that malfunctions of protein folding activity can cause proteins to clump together, a process implicated in neurodegenerative illnesses such as Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease, Huntington’s disease, mad cow and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. “We had a hard time believing there was such a thing as a folding machine when our initial genetic work suggested it in the late 1980s, but 20 years of work have allowed us to see the chaperonin machine at x-ray structural resolution and dissect how it works,” said Horwich, an investigator for the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. “Nature has come up with something amazingly beautiful to help proteins fold inside the cell." "I'm elated, enormously honored, and humbled to be recognized for this work,” he said. Arthur L. Horwich, MD Age: 60 Education: Brown University MD from Brown University Resident, Yale School of Medicine Titles: Sterling Professor of Genetics and Professor of Pediatrics, Yale School of Medicine Investigator, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Major Awards: Gairdner International Award 2004 Wiley Prize in Biomedical Sciences 2007 Rosenstiel Award for Distinguished Work in Basic Medical Science 2008 Louisa Gross Horwitz Prize 2008 Links: Horwich Home Page Horwich Lab Howard Hughes Medical Institute In addition to Horwich, two current Yale faculty members have won Laskers: James Rothman, the Wallace Professor of Biomedical Sciences, professor and chair of cell biology, and Vincent DeVita, the Joseph and Amy Perella Professor of Medicine at Yale Cancer Center. Both men were honored while working at different institutions. Tu Youyou of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Beijing, will receive the 2011 Lasker~DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award for saving millions of lives by discovering artemisinin, the most effective treatment now available against malaria. The Clinical Center of the National Institutes of Health received the foundation’s public service award for serving as a model institution that has transformed scientific advances into innovative therapies and provided high-quality care to patients. “The awards further underscore the ways in which research advances deepen our knowledge of the fundamentals of biology and have had a transformative effect upon the lives and health of people all over the world,” said Alfred Sommer, chair of the Lasker Foundation board of directors. The Lasker Awards, which carry an honorarium of $250,000 for each category, will be presented at a ceremony on Friday, September 23 in New York City. Founded in 1942 The Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation fosters the prevention and treatment of disease and disabilities by honoring excellence in basic and clinical science, by educating the public, and by advocating for support of medical research. More details on the 2011 Lasker Award recipients, the full citations for each award category, video interviews and photos of the awardees and additional information on the foundation are available at www.laskerfoundation.org .
2221 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]An Award Ceremony Not to Miss
zuojun 2010-12-19 04:47
Its 88-min long , with two great speeches. If you are too busy, then please watch the last 15 mins, which shows how much love a man has for his wife and his country.
个人分类: Thoughts of Mine|2169 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载] The 2010 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee: HUO Daishan
zuojun 2010-8-3 07:03
From http://www.rmaf.org.ph/Awardees/Citation/CitationHuoDai.htm The 2010 Ramon Magsaysay Awardee CITATION for Huo Daishan Ramon Magsaysay Award Presentation Ceremonies 31 August 2010, Manila, Philippines Water pollution is one of the biggest environmental challenges facing the government and people of China. Massive industrialization has left seventy percent of China's rivers gravely contaminated, threatening the health and livelihood of hundreds of millions of its people. A stark example is Huai River, China's third largest, that runs a thousand kilometers through four provinces and forms a major agricultural basin which is home to over 150 million people. Industries have dumped millions of tons of waste and sewage into Huai, transforming it into China's most polluted river. Pollution's threat to health is dramatized in the emergence of so-called cancer villages -- poor riverine communities where there is an extraordinarily high incidence of tumors and cancers associated with contaminated water. The Huai river is dying, and so are people living along its most toxic stretches. In 1994, China's government responded to this problem with a multi-billion, basin-wide pollution control project. The project's impact, however, proved inadequate. One of the most seriously threatened areas along the Huai river is Henan province, and in Henan the county of Shenqiu has the largest cluster of cancer villages in China. In 1987, Huo Daishan, a newspaper photographer from Shenqiu, was so shocked by the river's blackened water, poisonous fumes, and dead fish that he started to document the river's pollution. Armed with a cheap camera, pen and notebook, he began a one-man campaign to publicize the issue, taking it up as a full-time mission in 1998, and organizing a group called Guardians of the Huai River in 2000. The following year, he staged his first exhibit by stringing together on a clothesline photographs of the river along a street in his village, with the help of his wife and two sons. Operating out of his family's small apartment in Shenqiu, Huo worked with very meager resources and little outside assistance. But he threw himself into his mission with such determination, he eventually succeeded in calling wide public attention to the tragedy of Huai. With over fifteen thousand images, Huo has laboriously documented the river's pollution in over twenty cities and counties across Henan. He has mounted seventy exhibitions in cities, universities, and villages; written letters exposing the illegal activities of local officials and factory owners; and championed the cause of the river and its people in media and conferences. His images of waters wreathed with noxious foam and village children wearing gas masks stirred wide public debate. Still, Huo went beyond taking pictures: he engaged in research and documentation; organized site visits for students and concerned groups; and recruited and trained hundreds of volunteer guardians who now work in teams to regularly monitor the river and conduct water-testing along the river communities. Harassed by local officials and factory owners, he did not relent in his campaign. By dint of his sincerity and persistence, Huo has since succeeded in building cooperative relations with local authorities and industries. A major polluter in the area, and one of China's biggest MSG manufacturers, is now working collaboratively with Huo in implementing pollution-control measures. Moving forward, Huo has taken other steps to address the urgent needs of affected villagers: linking up with government and private institutions, he has installed deepwater wells and low-cost water filtration systems in local communities; hundreds of cancer patients have also been provided much-needed medicines. Efforts by government and citizens have resulted in some improvement in the condition of the Huai. But the problem of pollution remains critical. When Huo started out in his crusade, he dreamed, he said, of returning the river to its pristine condition when I was still a child. In his lifetime, this may remain only a dream. But in passionately pursuing this dream, fifty-six-year-old Huo has already shown what great things can be done by a single, ordinary citizen in protecting a river and its people. In electing Huo Daishan to receive the 2010 Ramon Magsaysay Award, the board of trustees recognizes his selfless and unrelenting efforts, despite formidable odds, to save China's great river Huai and the numerous communities who draw life from it.
个人分类: My Research Interests|2979 次阅读|0 个评论
zuojun 2010-7-30 08:56
Nowadays, there is too much depressing news. Just look at today's front page of Yahoo!... I am here to share some good news. If you use satellite winds, or study air-sea interaction, you probably know Tim Liu at NASA/JPL. Well, he is the winner of 2010 Suomi Award by the AMS (American Meteorological Society). It's a big deal. Congratulations belated, Tim! VERNER E. SUOMI AWARD W. Timothy Liu Jet Propulsion Lab, Pasadena, CA For research in space-borne measurements of air-sea interactions and the water cycle, and for inspiring progress through interdisciplinary science team leadership. The Verner E. Suomi Award The Verner E. Suomi Award is granted to individuals in recognition of highly significant technological achievement in the atmospheric or related oceanic and hydrologic sciences. The term technological is here used in the broadest sense; it encompasses the entire spectrum of observational, measurement, data transmission, and data analysis and synthesis methodologies. The award is in the form of a medallion. Nominations are considered by the Atmospheric Research Awards Committee in even-numbered years and by the Oceanographic Research Awards Committee in odd-numbered years, which makes recommendations for final approval by AMS Council.
个人分类: From the U.S.|3499 次阅读|3 个评论
2008Computer History Museum Fellow Awards
huangfuqiang 2009-6-1 08:54
奖项简介: 信息来自 http://www.computerhistory.org/fellowawards/about_the_awards.html The annual Computer History Museum Fellow Awards program publicly recognizes individuals of outstanding merit who have significantly contributed to the development of computing broadly-defined. Chosen on the basis of accomplishmentformal education is not a factorFellows are nominated by the Museums community and selected by a panel composed of Museum staff, historians, industry peers, and other Computer History Museum Fellows. Sufficient time must have elapsed between a specific contribution and an individual's nomination in order to properly assess the historical importance of his/her achievements. No preference is given to accomplishments in software or hardware, to computer science over electrical engineering or any other formal discipline, to commercial success, or to the nominee's age. Each year, a whos who of the technology world assembles at the museum for a banquet and ceremony to honor these industry leaders who have forever changed the world with their accomplishments. The event is made possible through corporate and individual sponsorships. Individual tables and tickets are also available. 2008授奖人: 其中之一在开源界大名鼎鼎 , 另两位也功勋卓著 http://www.computerhistory.org/fellowawards/past_fellow_awards/2008_fellow_awards.html The 2008 Fellow Awards honorees: Jean Bartik was one of the first programmers of the groundbreaking ENIAC computing system in 1945. She later assisted in converting the ENIAC system into one of the first stored-program computers. Bob Metcalfe led the invention, standardization, and commercialization of Ethernet. Linus Torvalds created the Linux kernel and oversaw open source development of the widely used Linux operating system. For the creation of the Linux kernel and the management of open source development of the widely used Linux operating system. Linus Torvalds Linus Torvalds created the Linux kernel and oversaw open source development of the widely-used Linux operating system. Torvalds was born on December 28, 1969 in Helsinki, Finland. Torvalds enrolled at the University of Helsinki in 1988, graduating with a master's degree in computer science. His M.Sc. thesis was titled Linux: A Portable Operating System. An avid computer programmer, Linus authored many gaming applications in his early years. After purchasing a personal computer with an Intel 386 CPU, he began using Minix, an Unix-inspired operating system created by Andrew Tannenbaum for use as a teaching tool. Torvalds started work on a new kernel, later to be named Linux, in the fall of 1991 and after forming a team of volunteers to work on this new kernel, released V1.0 in the spring of 1994. In 1996, Torvalds accepted an invitation to visit the California headquarters of Transmeta, a start-up company in the first stages of designing an energy saving central processing unit (CPU). Torvalds then accepted a position at Transmeta and moved to California with his family. Along with his work for Transmeta, Torvalds continued to oversee kernel development for Linux. In 2003, Torvalds left Transmeta to focus exclusively on the Linux kernel, backed by the Open Source Development Labs (OSDL), a consortium formed by high-tech companies, which included IBM, Hewlett-Packard, Intel, AMD, RedHat, Novell and many others. The purpose of the consortium was to promote Linux development. OSDL merged with The Free Standards Group in January 2007 to become The Linux Foundation. Torvalds remains the ultimate authority on what new code is incorporated into the standard Linux kernel.
个人分类: 开源软件项目研究与分析|3467 次阅读|0 个评论
2008 ACM-Infosys Foundation Award in the Computing Sciences
huangfuqiang 2009-5-20 20:47
信息来源: http://awards.acm.org/2008/acm-infosys-award.cfm Jon Kleinberg Named Recipient of the 2008 ACM-Infosys Foundation Award in the Computing Sciences Network Pioneer Recognized for Revolutionary Advances in Web Search Techniques Award Citation For his contributions to the science of networks and the World Wide Web. His work is a deep combination of social insights and mathematical reasoning. Jon Kleinberg, 37, a professor at Cornell University, developed models that document how information is organized on the Web, how it spreads through large social networks, and how these networks are structured to create the small world phenomenon known as six degrees of separation . Kleinberg's use of mathematical models to illuminate search and social networking tools that underpin today's social structure has created interest in computing from people not formerly drawn to this field. As the recipient of the 2008 ACM-Infosys Foundation Award, Kleinberg was cited for his work on the use of link analysis, a search technique that ranks the absolute number as well as the most relevant, trusted sources of pages linked to a Web search query. His Hubs and Authorities algorithm along with Google's PageRank algorithm appeared at a time when Web search techniques were based on keyword indexing. Together, this work revealed a basic relationship between network structure and information that fundamentally changed the direction of research and commercial activity on the Web. In 2005, Kleinberg was named a MacArthur Fellow. He was awarded the Nevanlinna Mathematics Prize in 2006, and in 2008, he was named one of the best brains under 40 by Discover Magazine . He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Since 1996, he has been a visiting scientist at IBM's Almaden Research Center, in addition to a professor of computer science at Cornell where he has also built a reputation as an engaging teacher with a creative ability to explain complex ideas in a clear and lucid manner. View Videos with Jon Kleinberg Challenges in Social Network Data , from the ACM SIGKDD 2007 Conference. The Structure of Information Pathways in a Social Communication Network, from ACM SIGKDD 2008. Additional information. An Interview with Jon Kleinberg, Cornell University . Captured at ACM SIGKDD 2007, interviewer Davor Orlic discusses Kleinberg's popularity at Cornell, how students affectionately call him Rebel King, his text book on algorithms, and his future plans. Standing-Room-Only Turnout for Jon Kleinberg Lecture Cornell University Professor. Jon Kleinberg drew in a standing-room-only crowd with his lecture on Diffusion and Cascading Behavior in Complex Networks at Yahoo! Research on Thursday, August 3, 2006. 2008 ACM-Infosys Award Citation Page Read ACM's Press Release on the 2008 ACM-Infosys Award recipient 个人主页 infosys-science-foundation infosys Six degrees of separation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
个人分类: ACM图灵奖|3545 次阅读|0 个评论
huangfuqiang 2008-11-24 20:26
Wenfei Fan wins Roger Needham Award 2008 and Yangtze River Scholar Award The Roger Needham award is awarded by the British Computer Society for distinguished research contribution in computer science by a UK based researcher within ten years of their PhD. The Yangtze River Scholar Award (also known as the Chang Jiang Scholar Award), is awarded by the Ministry of Education of China. It is considered one of the most prestigious academic awards given by the People's Republic of China. Professor Wenfei Fan is, simply put, one of the top all-around database researchers in his generation. He has made substantial contributions both to the theory and to the practice of a subject. Wenfeis PhD work opened up a new field of constraints for semi-structured data, which eventually led to the study of constraints for XML, now a mature area well-represented in the full spectrum of database research, from theory to practice to standards. The continuation of this work, which started when Wenfei was at Bell Labs and continued after his arrival to Edinburgh, has now embraced XML and its various schema formalisms, and has broadened to the static analysis of XML query languages. It has resulted in a succession of theoretical papers of outstanding quality and has also influenced the design of XML schema. The general goal of Wenfeis work has been to bring the efficiency and functionality of databases to bear on data on the web. In the past few years his research has resulted in several practical developments: A system for efficiently mapping relational databases into an XML documents with a specified type using a generalization of attribute grammars and a new theory of tree transducers. This is currently in use for generating exportable scientific data sets. A system for imposing secure views of an XML document based on the DTD of that document. The use of partial evaluation (borrowed from functional programming) for the efficient evaluation of boolean queries on distributed data. A method of data cleaning based on conditional functional dependencies,which Wenfei proposed for this purpose. This is a nice application of his early ideas on constraints in databases to the highly practical problem of data cleaning (unclean data is estimated to cost US companies alone more than billions of dollars a year). Wenfei is part of the DatabaseGroup at the Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science . Edinburgh is proud to claim 3 out of the the 5 Roger Needham Awards so far. In addition to Wenfei, Professor Jane Hillston was awarded the prize in 2004 (she was the first researcher in the UK to win this prize) and in 2006 the prize went to Edinburgh graduate, Andrew Fitzgibbon . 以上信息来源于 https://www.inf.ed.ac.uk/events/news/wenfeifan.html Wenfei Fan(University of Edinburgh)
个人分类: 数据库与知识库|4721 次阅读|0 个评论
A. M. Turing Award - 2007
huangfuqiang 2008-10-19 18:25
伟大贡献 :For his role in developing Model-Checking into a highly effective verification technology , widely adopted in the hardware and software industries. 具体情况: In 1981, Edmund M. Clarke and E. Allen Emerson, working in the USA, and Joseph Sifakis working independently in France, authored seminal papers that founded what has become the highly successful field of Model Checking. This verification technology provides an algorithmic means of determining whether an abstract model--representing , for example, a hardware or software design--satisfies a formal specification expressed as a temporal logic formula. Moreover, if the property does not hold, the method identifies a counterexample execution that shows the source of the problem. The progression of Model Checking to the point where it can be successfully used for complex systems has required the development of sophisticated means of coping with what is known as the state explosion problem. Great strides have been made on this problem over the past 27 years by what is now a very large international research community. As a result many major hardware and software companies are now using Model Checking in practice. Examples of its use include the verification of VLSI circuits, communication protocols, software device drivers, real-time embedded systems, and security algorithms. The work of Drs. Clarke, Emerson, and Sifakis continues to be central to the success of this research area. Their work over the years has led to the creation of new logics for specification, new verification algorithms, and surprising theoretical results. Model Checking tools, created by both academic and industrial teams, have resulted in an entirely novel approach to verification and test case generation. This approach, for example, often enables engineers in the electronics industry to design complex systems with considerable assurance regarding the correctness of their initial designs. Edmund M Clarke E Allen Emerson Joseph Sifakis ACM President Stuart Feldman, Alan Eustace (Senior VP of Engineering and Research, Google), Andrew Chien (Vice President of Corporate Technology Group, Intel, and Director of Intel Research), Edmund Clarke, E. Allen Emerson, Joseph Sifakis, and ACM CEO John White at the 2008 ACM Awards Banquet. 原文地址 http://acm.org
个人分类: ACM图灵奖|3718 次阅读|0 个评论

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