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热度 1 hspf 2014-5-9 18:03
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热度 12 hillside 2013-5-3 16:11
水文模型在气候变化与水资源问题日益引起关注的当代具有丰富的应用前景。现对水文模型作一些介绍。 目前堪称水文模型龙头老大的开放兼开源软件是SWAT(行业老大的SHE水文模型集群是商业软件,与ARCGIS在地理信息领域的地位相似),它在水文模拟、环境模拟、气候模拟领域已经大显身手,国内最近出版了SWAT模型从使用方法到理论文件的译作三大册。《中国气象报》甚至用《SWAT模型:让水资源评估“技高一筹”》进行了专题报道。 现提供一位国内网友 http://swatmodel.blog.sohu.com/ 关于SWAT从安装到使用的服务一条龙的综合页面。 在当今的水文模型搜索与介绍网站中,堪称水文模型、地表模型(地貌过程等)、海岸模型等地学模型世界第一门户的 http://csdms.colorado.edu/wiki/Model_download_portal 网站中的模型总数已达166个,提供源程序下载链接或者内容介绍,堪称地学模型超级仓库。 就国内而言,尽管研发的水文模型数量已不在少数,但多羞羞答答、不愿公开程序,总体而言未成气候。寒旱所建设的冰雪冻土环境本底与可持续发展专题数据库提供了部分国外水文模型的下载,可称水文模型小型展览馆 http://www.cryosphere.csdb.cn/html/modelList.jsp 下面介绍一些常见的水文模型: BASINS流域模型系统——水文模型大套餐 官方下载网址 http://water.epa.gov/scitech/datait/models/basins/index.cfm 美国环保署的BASINS流域模型整合了HSPF、SWAT、PLOAD、AGWA等水文模型,在非点源污染等领域有广泛的应用。国内已出版《流域水文水质模拟软件HSPF应用指南》。 SWIM水文模型(德国) 官方下载网址: http://www.pik-potsdam.de/research/climate-impacts-and-vulnerabilities/models/swim/swim-description 此模型国内已有一本应用类书籍出版。 颇具特色然而难度系数较高的大尺度VIC水文模型 VIC水陆两用模型由华人梁旭女士读博期间牵头开发,其内核与原理与河海大学早年出生的国际名模—新安江模型据称有密切的关联,可惜新安江未能以电子化产品占领国际市场,遂至美人迟暮,近年主要现身于国内水科学研究舞台。VIC模型的版权属于美国华盛顿大学等。 VIC在国内运用的典范之作可能当属河海大学吴志勇博士的全国百篇优秀博士论文《定量降雨与实时洪水预报研究》,在吴志勇博士论文的基础上,他与其导师合作撰著的《水文循环过程及定量预报》已经由科学出版社2010年出版。据该书提要称:本书详细介绍了流域水文循环关键要素大气水、降水、蒸发的计算、预报、估算的技术与方法,并分别给出了大气水分析计算实例、定量降水估算、预报技术与方法的应用实例、蒸发估算方法及其在干旱监测预测中的应用实例等;探讨了陆面过程模型和大尺度水文模型应用中的技术问题。 VIC水文模型由C语言编写,linux系统运行(可用CYGWIN等进行仿真),命令行操作,不太方便。 VIC模型官网下载网页:h ttp://www.hydro.washington.edu/Lettenmaier/Models/VIC/ 与VIC同出一门的区域尺度水文模型—DHSVM DHSVM模型官网下载网页 http://www.hydro.washington.edu/Lettenmaier/Models/DHSVM/index.shtml 小巧玲珑的TOPMEDEL水文模型 TOPMEDEL水文模型属于比较概化的水文模型,常被称作半分布式水文模型。 常用于计算不透水面水文影响的LTHIA水文模型 LTHIA目前作为ARCVIEW GIS的一个模块进行运行。 暴雨水文模型SWMM 官网下载网址: http://www.epa.gov/nrmrl/wswrd/wq/models/swmm/ 在城市内涝日益引起注意的今天,SWMM将得到广泛的重视。 HBV水文模型 下载网址: http://people.su.se/~jseib/HBV/HBV_light.html 美国ucdavis(加州理工学院 davis分校 )提供的流域模型列表 http://cwam.ucdavis.edu/models.htm Watershed Modeling This page connects you to descriptions of computer models designed to address particular watershed functions or processes. It includes models for hydrology, ecology, water quality, overall watershed condition, and other topic areas. You can scroll down through the list, or Quick Link to a category of models in the pull-down list below. The model title is highlighted in the left-hand column, and its corresponding short description is to the right. Just click on th model title to go to the description, which is a pdf file. QUICK LINK TO A MAJOR CATEGORY: Please Choose a Category Climate Decision Support Ecological Geomorphology Habitat Classification Hydrology Water Use Population Modeling Water Quality Climate CALVIN CALVIN is an economic-engineering optimization model for the entire water system of California. The model operates facilities and allocates water so as to maximize statewide agricultural and urban economic value from water use. PRMS PRMS is a distributed-parameter modeling system used for evaluating the impacts of precipitation, climate and landuse on stream flow, sedimentation and general hydrology. Decision Support ANNIE ANNIE is a Data Analysis Package that assists users with watershed modeling projects, regional regression analysis projects, and time-series data management efforts. ARSP ARSP is designed to determine optimal water allocation within a time series for virtually any water resource system. BRANCH BRANCH is a physical model used to simulate flow in single or network of channels. CALVIN CALVIN is an economic-engineering optimization model for the entire water system of California. The model operates facilities and allocates water so as to maximize statewide agricultural and urban economic value from water use. CORMIX CORMIX allows users to assess the mixing zones associated with continuous point-source discharges. CWHR CWHR is a model of potential wildlife habitat in California that aids in resource conservation, planning, and predictive modeling ECOFATE ECOFATE is a computer tool used for assessing chemical emissions from point and non-point source pollution sources for the purpose of developing Ecosystem-based risk assessments and determining potential effect on human health. EMDS EMDS is an application framework for knowledge-based decision support of ecological assessments at any geographic scale. The system integrates GIS and knowledge-based reasoning and decision modeling technologies to provide decision support for a substantial portion of the adaptive management process of ecosystem management. EMSOFT EMSOFT is a computer application that determines concentrations of contaminants in the soil over time, quantifies the transfer rate of the contaminants into the atmosphere and calculates the contaminant air concentrations. EXAMS EXAMS is a computer modeling program that evaluates the fate, transport and exposure of pesticides, industrial materials and other leaching materials from disposal sites. GEOWEPP GeoWEPP is a continuous simulation model that allows for simulation of soil and water conservation management in terms of agricultural land, range land and forested sites in small watersheds. LISEM LISEM is a soil erosion model used to simulate the hydrology and sediment transport during and after rainfall events. The model is most ideally used as a research tool. MODBRNCH MODBRNCH is a finite-difference ground-water flow model that can be used to simulate steady and unsteady flows in irregularly shaped channel systems. MOSES MOSES provides managers a tool to predict the outcomes of different management strategies associated with erosion control practices and associated remediation efforts. NetWeaver NetWeaver is a knowledge base construction, maintenance, documentation, and debugging tool to provide an efficient knowledge engineering environment for knowledge based systems development. PACFISH PACFISH monitoring modules were created to track implementation of USFS and BLM management plans for the salmon, steelhead, and bull trout listed in the Upper Columbia and Snake River Basins. Data is stored in the form of surveys using an Access Database. PHABSIM PHABSIM is a tool that offers prediction capabilities associated with flow changes such as microhabitat, physical habitat and life stage changes. RAMAS-GIS4.0 RAMAS GIS links GIS to an ecological model for use in population viability analysis with landscape-based data that incorporate changes in habitat into a meta-population and combine geographic and demographic data for risk assessments. RAMAS MULTISPECIES RAMAS Multispecies links GIS to an ecological model allowing the user to incorporate landscape data in population viability analyses, incorporate changes in habitat into a meta-population model, combine geographic and demographic data for risk assessments, and compute the Multispecies Conservation Values (MCV) across a study site. RAMAS REDLIST RAMAS Red List allows for users to characterize species a risk assessment category based on input information. RAMAS RISK CALC3.0 RAMAS Risk Calc is used to compute values based on precise or uncertain numbers. R STATISTICAL PACKAGE The R Statistical Package can be used for statistical analysis, simulation modeling and advanced data analysis. SITES SITES is a physical model used to create conservation portfolios that represent examples of all native species and plant communities. UPLAN UPLAN is an urban growth model that tests the effects of land use and transportation policies on growth. WEPP The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model is used to predict erosion on hillslopes and small watersheds. Ecological CWHR CWHR is a model of potential wildlife habitat in California that aids in resource conservation, planning, and predictive modeling PACFISH PACFISH monitoring modules were created to track implementation of USFS and BLM management plans for the salmon, steelhead, and bull trout listed in the Upper Columbia and Snake River Basins. Data is stored in the form of surveys using an Access Database. RAMAS-ECOTOX RAMAS Ecotoxicology is a data analysis package used for modeling population-level ecological risk assessments. Geomorphology BRANCH BRANCH is a physical model used to simulate flow in single or network of channels. CGAP CGAP allows for the analysis, interpretation and quantification of properties associated with open channels. ECOFATE ECOFATE is a computer tool used for assessing chemical emissions from point and non-point source pollution sources for the purpose of developing Ecosystem-based risk assessments and determining potential effect on human health. FOURPT FOURPT simulates unsteady one-dimensional flow in open channel networks and can be used for simulation complex and meandering networks and hydraulic structures. GEOWEPP GeoWEPP is a continuous simulation model that allows for simulation of soil and water conservation management in terms of agricultural land, range land and forested sites in small watersheds. HSCTM2D HSCTM2D is a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model that is used to simulate surface water flow, sediment and contaminant transport. LISEM LISEM is a soil erosion model used to simulate the hydrology and sediment transport during and after rainfall events. The model is most ideally used as a research tool. MODBRNCH MODBRNCH is a finite-difference ground-water flow model that can be used to simulate steady and unsteady flows in irregularly shaped channel systems. MOSES MOSES provides managers a tool to predict the outcomes of different management strategies associated with erosion control practices and associated remediation efforts. RIVERMORPH RiverMorph is designed to streamline time consuming tasks performed by river restoration professionals. RUSLE2 RUSLE is a physical model that can be used for assessing run-off and erosion. SEDSIZE SEDDISCH is used to compute fluvial discharge based on user preferences. SHALSTAB SHALSTAB is a physical model used for mapping the patter of shallow slope instabilities. WEPP The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model is used to predict erosion on hillslopes and small watersheds. WMS The Watershed Modeling System (WMS) is a modeling system for watershed hydrology and hydraulics. WMS is capable of automated delineation of sub-watershed boundaries and flood extent, and includes graphic display options to aid in understanding the drainage characteristics of terrain surfaces as well as several computation features. Habitat Classification CWHR CWHR is a model of potential wildlife habitat in California that aids in resource conservation, planning, and predictive modeling FUZZY CASIMIR The Fuzzy Fish Model applies fuzzy-logic methodology to flow regimes, bed flow statistics and hydraulic and morphologic criteria in order to more efficiently model fish habitat. PACFISH PACFISH monitoring modules were created to track implementation of USFS and BLM management plans for the salmon, steelhead, and bull trout listed in the Upper Columbia and Snake River Basins. Data is stored in the form of surveys using an Access Database. PATCH PATCH is a physical model that provides population viability modeling for territorial terrestrial vertebrate species. RAMAS REDLIST RAMAS Red List allows for users to characterize species a risk assessment category based on input information. SALMOD SALMOD is used to simulate the dynamics of freshwater, anadromous and resident salmonid populations. Hydrology Water Use AIRSLUG AIRSLUG is a conceptual model used for assessing the capabilities of aquifers for storing and transmitting water by presenting the resulting values in plotted curves. ANALGWST ANALGWST can be used to predict 1, 2, and 3-dimensional solute transport in groundwater based on the findings of E.J. Wexler. ANNIE ANNIE is a Data Analysis Package that assists users with watershed modeling projects, regional regression analysis projects, and time-series data management efforts. ANSWERS-2000 Answers-2000 is a physical model that can be used for the continuous-simulation of agricultural and urban ‘Best-Management-Practices’ in terms of sediment and nutrient delivery to surface runoff, and the associated leaching of nitrogen through the root zone. AQTESTSS The AQTESTSS model allows users to analyze aquifer tests and associated ‘slug’ data through a series of spreadsheets. ARSP ARSP is designed to determine optimal water allocation within a time series for virtually any water resource system. BASINS BASINS is a physical model used for the evaluation of point and non-point source watershed pollution and TMDL modeling. BRANCH BRANCH is a physical model used to simulate flow in single or network of channels. CALVIN CALVIN is an economic-engineering optimization model for the entire water system of California. The model operates facilities and allocates water so as to maximize statewide agricultural and urban economic value from water use. CHECK-RAS CHECK-RAS is a data analysis package that allows users to evaluate the outputs from HEC-RAS to determine their reasonableness. DADFLOW DADFLOW is used for modeling and assessing stream flow based on Lagrangian methods while predicting discharge and transport velocity. DR3M DR3M is a watershed model that can be used to assess the routing of storm-water-runoff through a system / network of pipes or natural channels and is usually used to simulate small urban basins FEMWATER FEMWATER can be used to apply assimilative capacity criterion to development of wellhead protection areas and model the movement of moisture and solute transport through variably saturated porous media as required under the 1986 Safe Drinking Water Act Amendments. FESWMS-2DH FESWMS-2DH simulates two-dimensional surface water flow for uses such as analyzing complicated hydraulic conditions, such as bridge crossings. FOURPT FOURPT simulates unsteady one-dimensional flow in open channel networks and can be used for simulation complex and meandering networks and hydraulic structures. GEOWEPP GeoWEPP is a continuous simulation model that allows for simulation of soil and water conservation management in terms of agricultural land, range land and forested sites in small watersheds. HEC-DSSVUE HEC-DSSVUE allows storage and retrieval ofscientific data that is typically sequential in nature. Examples include time series data, curve data, etc. HEC-GEOHMS HEC-GEOHMS permits development of hydrologic modeling inputs for HEC-HMS. HEC-GEORAS 3.1.1ARCVIEW HEC-GEORAS 3.1.1 ARCVIEW is used in preparing data for HEC-RAS 3.1.1 through ArcView 3.x. Also enables the viewing of exported results from RAS. HEC-GEORAS - ARCINFO HEC-GEORAS-ARCINFO is used to view and manipulate geospatial data for the use in HEC-RAS. HEC-HMS 2.2.2 HEC-HMS 2.2.2 is used to simulate the precipitation-runoff processes of dendritic watersheds. HEC-RAS 3.1.1 HEC-RAS allows you to perform one-dimensional steady and unsteady flow calculations. HMR52 HMR52 is a physical model used for computing precipitation for ‘Probable Maximum Storms’ and ‘Probable Maximum Precipitation’ for basins and sub-basins. HSCTM2D HSCTM2D is a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model that is used to simulate surface water flow, sediment and contaminant transport. HST3D HST3D models three-dimensional ground water flow and associated heat and solute transport. HYDROTHERM HYDROTHERM is a finite-difference model used for 3-dimensional modeling of pure-water flow and temperature. HYSEP HYSEP can be used for separating hydrographs, estimate ground water and base flows. MODBRNCH MODBRNCH is a finite-difference ground-water flow model that can be used to simulate steady and unsteady flows in irregularly shaped channel systems. MODFE MODFE was developed to help solve two-dimensional ground-water-flow problems. MODFLOW MODFLOW is used to simulate steady and unsteady flow in irregularly shaped flow and channel systems. MODFLOWP MODFLOWP is an improved version of MODFLOW which can be used to simulate steady and unsteady flow in irregularly shaped flow and channel systems while incorporating non-linear regression techniques. MODTOOLS MODTOOLS translates data from MODFLOW and MODPATH into a GIS ready format NFF3.2 NFF is a set of regression equations published for each US State, allowing mangers and decision makers to assess flood-peak discharges at gauged or un-gauged sites. PHABSIM PHABSIM is a tool that offers prediction capabilities associated with flow changes such as microhabitat, physical habitat and life stage changes. PHREEQC PHREEQC is a computer program used to perform a variety of low-temperature aqueous geochemical reactions. PRMS PRMS is a distributed-parameter modeling system used for evaluating the impacts of precipitation, climate and landuse on stream flow, sedimentation and general hydrology. PRZM3 PRZM3 is a group of models that predicts pesticide transport and transformation through the crop root and unsaturated zones of the soil. QUICK-2 QUICK-2 is a simpler version of HEC-2 or HEC-RAS that can be used to compute flood Water Surface Elevations. RASPLOT RASPLOT is used to create Flood Insurance Study (FIS) profiles based on data extracts from HEC-RAS or HEC-2. RMS RMS is used to compute water surface profiles for modeling various hydrologic features. SMS8.0 SMS is used for one, two and three dimensional finite hydrodynamic modeling associated with surface elevations and flow velocities for shallow-water flow problems. SWAT Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is a river basin scale model developed to quantify the impact of land management practices in large, complex watersheds. WEPP The Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model is used to predict erosion on hillslopes and small watersheds. WHAEM2000 WHAEM2000 is a US EPA analytic element model for groundwater and geohydrology designed to facilitate capture zone delineation and protection area mapping. WMS The Watershed Modeling System (WMS) is a modeling system for watershed hydrology and hydraulics. WMS is capable of automated delineation of sub-watershed boundaries and flood extent, and includes graphic display options to aid in understanding the drainage characteristics of terrain surfaces as well as several computation features. Habitat and Population Modeling CWHR CWHR is a model of potential wildlife habitat in California that aids in resource conservation, planning, and predictive modeling PATCH PATCH is a physical model that provides population viability modeling for territorial terrestrial vertebrate species. RAMAS-CAST RAMAS-CAST provides functionality for the display and statistical characterization of disease clusters. RAMAS-ECOTOX RAMAS Ecotoxicology is a data analysis package used for modeling population-level ecological risk assessments. RAMAS-GIS4.0 RAMAS GIS links GIS to an ecological model for use in population viability analysis with landscape-based data that incorporate changes in habitat into a meta-population and combine geographic and demographic data for risk assessments. RAMAS MULTISPECIES RAMAS Multispecies links GIS to an ecological model allowing the user to incorporate landscape data in population viability analyses, incorporate changes in habitat into a meta-population model, combine geographic and demographic data for risk assessments, and compute the Multispecies Conservation Values (MCV) across a study site. SALMOD SALMOD is used to simulate the dynamics of freshwater anadromous and resident salmonid populations. VORTEX VORTEX is a Population Viability Analysis model that is used to understand deterministic forces as well as genetic, environmental and genetic events on wildlife populations. Water Quality AGNPS AGNPS is a set of programs and models that allows for the prediction of non-point source pollution loading within agricultural watersheds and can be used to assist in the creation of Best Management Practices and other planning-related decisions. ANALGWST This model can be used to predict 1, 2, and 3-dimensional solute transport in groundwater based on the findings of E.J. Wexler. ANSWERS-2000 Answers-2000 is a physical model that can be used for the continuous-simulation of agricultural and urban ‘Best-Management-Practices’ in terms of sediment and nutrient delivery to surface runoff, and the associated leaching of nitrogen through the root zone. BASINS BASINS is a physical model used for the evaluation of point and non-point source watershed pollution and TMDL modeling. BATHTUB BATHTUB is a steady-state water quality model that simulates eutrophication-related water quality conditions in lakes and reservoirs. BIOMOC BIOMOC is a physical model that simulates the 2-Dimensional transport of solutes through a water system as well as biodegradation rates and microbial growth. BRANCH BRANCH is a physical model used to simulate flow in single or network of channels. CORMIX CORMIX allows users to assess the mixing zones associated with continuous point-source discharges. ECOFATE ECOFATE is a computer tool used for assessing chemical emissions from point and non-point source pollution sources for the purpose of developing Ecosystem-based risk assessments and determining potential effect on human health. EMSOFT EMSOFT is a computer application that determines concentrations of contaminants in the soil over time, quantifies the transfer rate of the contaminants into the atmosphere and calculates the contaminant air concentrations. EXAMS EXAMS is a computer modeling program that evaluates the fate, transport and exposure of pesticides, industrial materials and other leaching materials from disposal sites. GWLF GWLF is a watershed loading model developed to assess non-point source flow and sediment and nutrient loading from urban and rural watersheds. HSCTM2D HSCTM2D is a two-dimensional hydrodynamic model that is used to simulate surface water flow, sediment and contaminant transport. HSPF HSPF simulates watershed hydrology and water quality for toxic and organic pollutants and can be used to model fate and transport in one-dimensional stream channels. HST3D HST3D models three-dimensional ground water flow and associated heat and solute transport. LISEM LISEM is a soil erosion model used to simulate the hydrology and sediment transport during and after rainfall events. The model is most ideally used as a research tool. MODFLOW MODFLOW is used to simulate steady and unsteady flow in irregularly shaped flow and channel systems. MODFLOWP MODFLOWP is an improved version of MODFLOW which can be used to simulate steady and unsteady flow in irregularly shaped flow and channel systems while incorporating non-linear regression techniques. PATRIOT PATRIOT provides for the simulation of pesticide movement in unsaturated soil systems within and immediately below the plant root zone. PHREEQC PHREEQC is a computer program used to perform a variety of low-temperature aqueous geochemical reactions. SLAMM SLAMM is an urban watershed pollutant source area identification and management tool. SWAT Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) is a river basin scale model developed to quantify the impact of land management practices in large, complex watersheds. QUAL2EU QUAL2EU is a steady state model and planning tool used for evaluating conventional pollutants in branching streams and well mixed lakes. WASP WASP is a model used to assess contaminant fate and transport in surface waters. 得克萨斯农工大学提供的“水 文建模 清单” http://hydrologicmodels.tamu.edu/models.htm Hydrologic Modeling Inventory Website Precipitation-Runoff Models Distributed Models · 3D-Catchment Conceptual Multilayer Model (ArcEGMO) · Bochum Water Balance Model (BWBM) · CASCade of Planes, 2-Dimensional (CASC2D) · CEQUEAU · Central Valley Groundwater and Surface water model (C2VGSM) · Dynamic Watershed Simulation Model (DWSM) · Hydrological River Basin Environment Assessment Model (HydroBEAM) · Hydrospheric Atmospheric Sciences Model (IHAS) · Integrated Water Flow Model (IWFM) · Kinematic Runoff and Erosion Model, Version 2 (KINEROS2) · Physically-Based Distributed Erosion Model (MEFIDIS) · MIKE SHE · MIKE SWMM · Object Watershed Link Simulation (OWLS) · One-Dimensional Numerical Model (SVAT-HYCY) · Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) · TOPographic Kinematic Approximation and Integration (TOPIKAPI) · WASH123D Lumped and Parametric Models · Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender (APEX) · FHAR · Geomorphology-Based Hydrological Model (GBHM) · Hydrologic Modeling System (HEC-HMS) · Hydrologic Simulation Model (HSIMHYD) · Integrated Hydro Meteorological Model (IHMM) · Illinois Urban Catchment Runoff Simulation (ILUCAT) · Large Basin Runoff Model (LBRM) · MIKE 11 RR (Rainfall Runoff) · PARCHED-Thirst · Rainfall-Runoff Modeling Toolbox (RRMT) Monte-Carlo Analysis (RRMTMCAT) · Soil Conservation Service Curve Number Model (SCS-CN) · SIRMODII · Soil-Plant-Air-Water System (SPAW) · Hydrograph Simulation Model (SYN-HYD) · Utah Energy Balance Snowmelt Model (UEB) · Hydrological Model and Forecasting System (WATFLOOD) · Watershed Bounded Network Simulation Model (WBNM) · Mathematical Model for Rainfall-Runoff Transformation (WISTOO) Environmental Models · Agricultural Non-Point Source Pollution Models (AGNPS 98) · Areal Nonpoint Source Watershed Environmental Simulation (ANSWERS) · Continuous Annual Simulation Model (CALSIM) · Erosion Productivity-Impact Calculator/ Environmental Policy Integrated Climate (EPIC) · Hydrologic Simulation Program-Fortran (HSPF) · LOAD ESTimator (LOADEST) · One-dimensional Transport with EQuilibrium chemistry (OTEQ) · Illinois Least-Cost Sewer System Design Model (ILSD) · Illinois Urban Storm Runoff Model (IUSR) · Water Quality/Solute Transport (OTIS) · Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) · Large Scale Catchment Model, formerly CALSIM (WRIMS) Monthly Water Balance Models · Two-Parameter Water Balance Model (TPWBM) · Truckee - Carson Water Operations Model · Water Balance Simulation Model (WASMOD) Real Time Flow Forecasting Models · National Weather Service River Forecast System (NWSRFS) · Watershed Bounded Network Model (WBNM2007) Hydraulic Models · Branched Lagrangian Transport model (BLTM ) · Diffusion Analogy Flow Model (DAFLOW) · Full Equations Model (FEQ) · Illinois Hydrodynamic Watershed Model III (IHW-III) · MIKE 11 · Two-Dimensional Alluvial River and Floodplain Model (MIKE21 CHD CST) · Two-Dimensional Floodplain Model (MIKE21 HD) · Urban Drainage and Sewer Model (MOUSE) · Physical Habitat Simulation System (PHABSIM) · Pennsylvania Runoff Simulation Model (PRSM) · RootCanal River and Watershed Management Models · Hydrologic River Operations Study System (HYDROSS) · Interactive River-Aquifer Simulation Program (IRAS) · Water Demand Management Suite (IWR-MAIN) · MIKE BASIN · Generalized River Basin Network Flow Model (MODSIM) · NETSTORM · Model for Analysis of Sportfishery Management Policy (RIOFISH) · RiverWare · Water Rights Analysis Package (WRAP) GIS Application in Hydrology and Hydraulics · Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment Tool · eCoastal Program · BASINS version 4.0 · GIS Weasel · HAZUS-MH · HEC-GeoRAS · HEC-GeoHMS · MapWindow · NHDPlus Append Tool · NRCS Geo-Hydro_ArcGIS · NRCS Geo-Hydro_ArcView · StreamStats · Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) Regional and Global Hydrology Models · Global Hydrologic Evaluation Model (GHEM) · Regional Hydro-climate Model (Reg-HCM) Stochastic Models · Stochastic Analysis, Modeling and Simulation (SAMS) · Stochastic Event Forecasting Model (SEFM) Parameter Analysis Models · Multi-Model Analysis (MMA) · Universal Inversion Code (UCODE) Questionnaires for the model inventory · Questionnaire 2010 · Guidelines for Questionnaire 2010 美国地质调查局“水资源应用类”软件 http://water.usgs.gov/software/ Water Resources Applications Software Alphabetical Listing General Use Water Quality and Chemistry Groundwater Statistics Graphics Surface Water New or Recently Updated The software and related documentation on these Web pages were developed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) for use by the USGS in fulfilling its mission. The software can be used, copied, modified, and distributed without any fee or cost. Use of appropriate credit is requested. The software is provided as a minimum in source code form as used on USGS computers. In many cases, the executable runfiles also are provided for these computers. The USGS provides no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the correctness of the furnished software or the suitability for any purpose. The software has been tested, but as with any complex software, there could be undetected errors. Users who find errors are requested to report them to the USGS. The USGS has limited resources to assist non-USGS users; however, we make an attempt to fix reported problems and help whenever possible. Obtaining documentation and reports - Information about the availability of electronic and (or) print versions of USGS reports and documentation not included with the software distributions. “美国戈达德空间飞行中心全球变化主目录”网站提供的水文与陆地水循环模型 http://gcmd.gsfc.nasa.gov/KeywordSearch/Keywords.do?Portal=GCMD_ServicesKeywordPath=ServiceParameters%7CMODELS%7CHYDROLOGIC+AND+TERRESTRIAL+WATER+CYCLE+MODELSMetadataType=1lbnode=mdlb4 1. Options AnalysiS in Irrigation Systems Options AnalysiS in Irrigation Systems (OASIS) is a model that simulates irrigation interventions in medium to large-scale irrigation systems (thousands of ha), describes return flows and integrates ... 2. A two-constituent solute transport model for ground water having variable density The two-constituent solute transport model for ground water having variable density model simulates solute transport in flowing ground water. It is applicable to two-dimensional, cross-sectional ... 3. An Interactive Code For Modeling Net Geochemical Reactions Along a Flow Path NETPATH is an interactive Fortran 77 computer program used to interpret net geochemical mass-balance reactions between an initial and final water along a hydrologic flow path. Alternatively, NETPATH ... 4. Chemical Modeling of Acid Waters WATEQ4F is a chemical speciation code for natural waters. It uses field measurements of temperature, pH, Eh, dissolved oxygen and alkalinity, and the chemical analysis of a water sample as input and ... 5. Conduit Flow Process for MODFLOW-2005 The conduit flow process for MODFLOW-2005 (CFP) has the ability to simulate turbulent or laminar ground-water flow conditions by: (1) coupling the traditional ground-water flow equation with formulations ... 6. Coupled Ground-water and Surface-water FLOW model GSFLOW is a coupled Ground-water and Surface-water FLOW model based on the integration of the U.S. Geological Survey Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS, Leavesley and others, 1983) and the ... 7. Full EQuations Model The Full EQuations Model is a computer model for simulation of one-dimensional unsteady flow in open channels and through control structures. The structure of the program is designed to follow the ... 8. Hydrologic Analysis and Modeling Toolbox The Hydrologic Analysis and Modeling Toolbox is a collection of program modules to support the analysis and modeling of rainfall-runoff dynamics of watersheds. 9. Large Area Runoff Simulation Model LARSIM is an acronym for Large Area Runoff Simulation Model. It is a hydrologic model, which describes continuous runoff processes in catchments and river networks. This project provides a graphical ... 10. ModelMate - A Graphical User Interface (GUI) for Model Analysis ModelMate is a graphical user interface designed to facilitate use of model-analysis programs with models. This initial version of ModelMate supports one model-analysis program, UCODE_2005, and one ... 11. QUICK-2: Hydraulic Analysis Program Quick-2, Version 1.0, is a Microsoft DOS hydraulic analysis program (similar to HEC-2) used to compute water-surface elevations in open channels. Quick-2 was developed to accompany the FEMA guidance ... 12. Reservoir System Simulation The Reservoir System Simulation program is one of the next generation (NexGen) software package which is designed to be used to model reservoir operations at one or more reservoirs whose operations ... 13. STRMDEPL, A One-Dimensional Model Using Two Analytical Solutions to Calculate Streamflow Depletion by a Nearby Pumping Well STRMDEPL, a one-dimensional model using two analytical solutions to calculate streamflow depletion by a nearby pumping well, was extended to account for two additional analytical solutions. The extended ... 14. Two-dimensional method-of-characteristics ground-water flow and transport model The Two-dimensional method-of-characteristics ground-water flow and transport model model simulates solute transport in flowing ground water. It is applicable to one- or two-dimensional problems ... 15. Umtanum Fluid Flow Simulation The Umtanum Fluid Flow Simulation is an object oriented numerical model simulating fluid flow in a porous medium using Cellular Automata techniques. Uses the DotNet Framework. Intended to be extensible ... 16. VS2DI - A graphical software package for simulating fluid flow and solute or energy transport in variably saturated porous media VS2DI is a graphical software package for simulating flow and transport in variably saturated porous media. This software package consists of three components: - VS2DTI, for ... 17. PODIUMSim - Policy Dialogue Model and Water and Food Security Planning Tool PODIUMSim provides a framework to develop scenarios of water and food supply at river basin, sub-national and national level. It is an interactive tool that runs on a personal computer, and has a ... 18. APEX – Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender Model APEX – Agricultural Policy/Environmental eXtender Model has components for routing water, sediment, nutrients, and pesticides across complex landscapes and channel systems to the watershed outlet ... 19. Great Lakes Observing System Data Portal The GLOS Data Portal provides access to near-realtime and archived observations and to model forecasts for the Great Lakes. This includes lake conditions, water levels, wave heights, air and water ... 20. Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM) The Stochastic Empirical Loading and Dilution Model (SELDM) is designed to transform complex scientific data into meaningful information about the risk of adverse effects of runoff on receiving waters, ... 21. P2S—Coupled Simulation with the Precipitation-Runoff Modeling System (PRMS) and the Stream Temperature Network (SNTemp) Models A software program, called P2S, has been developed which couples the daily stream temperature simulation capabilities of the U.S. Geological Survey Stream Network Temperature model with the watershed ... 22. A Monthly Water-Balance Model Driven By a Graphical User Interface Monthly water-balance models have been used as a means to examine the various components of the hydrologic cycle (for example, precipitation, evapotranspiration, and runoff). Such models have been ... 23. GIS interface to Penn State Integrated Hydrologic Model Physically-based fully-distributed hydrologic models try to simulate hydrologic state variables in space and time while using information regarding heterogeneity in climate, land use, topography and ... 24. Chesapeake Bay Program Community Watershed Model The Chesapeake Bay Watershed Model estimates the delivery of nutrients and sediments to the Bay by simulating hydrologic and nutrient cycles, using inputs such as atmospheric nutrient deposition, ... 25. Soil - Plant - Atmosphere - Water (SPAW) Hydrologic Budget Model The Soil - Plant - Atmosphere - Water (SPAW) Hydrologic Budget Model is a daily hydrologic budget model for agricultural fields and ponds (wetlands, lagoons, ponds and reservoirs). Included are irrigation ... 26. Branched Lagrangian Transport Model The Branched Lagrangian Transport Model (BLTM) has received wide use within the U.S. Geological Survey over the past 10 years. This report documents the enhancements and modifications that have been ... 27. Culvert Analysis Program (CAP) The Culvert Analysis Program (CAP) follows USGS standardized procedures for computing flow through culverts. It can be used to develop stage-discharge relationships for culverts and to determine ... 28. Distributed Routing Rainfall-Runoff Model The Distributed Routing Rainfall-Runoff Model (DR3M) is a watershed model for routing storm runoff through a Branched system of pipes and (or) natural channels using rainfall as input. DR3M provides ... 29. Hydrograph Separation Program The Hydrograph Separation Program (HYSEP) performs hydrograph separation, estimating the ground-water, or base flow, component of streamflow. The program provides an automated and consistent method ... 30. One-Dimensional Transport With Inflow and Storage (OTIS): A Solute Transport Model For Streams and Rivers One-Dimensional Transport With Inflow and Storage (OTIS) is a mathematical simulation model used to characterize the fate and transport of water-borne solutes in streams and rivers. The governing ... 31. Streamflow routing in upland channels or channel networks Streamflow routing in upland channels or channel networks (DAFLOW) is a digital model for routing streamflow using the diffusion analogy form of the flow equations in conjunction with a Lagrangian ... 32. RIPPLE: A Computer Program for Incompressible Flows with Free Surfaces RIPPLE: A Computer Program for Incompressible Flows with Free Surfaces is a computer program for modeling transient, two-dimensional, incompressible fluid flows with surface tension on free surfaces ... 33. PHAST: A Computer Program for Simulating Ground-Water Flow, Solute Transport, and Multicomponent Geochemical Reactions The computer program PHAST simulates multi-component, reactive solute transport in three-dimensional saturated ground-water flow systems. PHAST is a versatile ground-water flow and solute-transport ... 34. Software for Hydrologic and Sediment Response Modeling The cumulative effects of land management activities on water `quality, stream channels, and water dependent resources from the introduction of sediment and changes in quantity and timing of water ... 35. Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment (AGWA) The Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment tool is a GIS-based hydrologic modeling tool that was developed as an extension for ArcView 3X. Using digital data in combination ... 36. Geospatial Stream Flow Model The monitoring of wide-area hydrologic events requires the manipulation of large amounts of geospatial and time series data into concise information products that characterize the location and magnitude ... 37. Operational Nowcast and Forecast Hydrodynamic Model Systems The primary objective of the National Operational Coastal Modeling Program (NOCMP) is to develop and operate a national network of Operational Nowcast and Forecast Hydrodynamic Model Systems (called ... 38. Loading Simulation Program in C++ (LSPC) The Loading Simulation Program in C++ (LSPC) model is a watershed modeling system that includes streamlined Hydrologic Simulation Program Fortran (HSPF) algorithms for simulating hydrology, sediment, ... 39. Watershed Assessment Model (WAM) WAM is a tool that has been shown to be useful in the assessment of watershed-related properties. WAM was developed to allow engineers and planners to assess the water quality of both surface water ... 40. TOPMODEL: The Rainfall-Runoff Model TOPMODEL is a rainfall-runoff model that bases its distributed predictions on an analysis of catchment topography. The model predicts saturation excess and infiltration excess surface runoff and subsurface ... 41. Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) Macroscale Hydrologic Model The Variable Infiltration Capacity (VIC) Macroscale Hydrologic Model is a macroscale hydrologic model that solves full water and energy balances, originally developed by Xu Liang at the University ... 42. Water Simulator Tool The Water Simulator Tool is an integrated hydrologic and economic model designed to better understand the key linkages between water, food security, and environment. The tools helps develop scenarios ... 43. Integrated Landscape Hydrology Model The Integrated Landscape Hydrology Model (ILHM) is a framework of existing and novel codes to simulate the entire hydrologic cycle at large watershed scales. ILHM is capable of modeling all the major ... 44. Water Evaluation And Planning System The Water Evaluation And Planning System (WEAP) operates on the basic principle of a water balance and can be applied to municipal and agricultural systems, a single watershed or complex transboundary ... 45. VSIM - Water Balance Model VSIM is a simple water balance model embedded in an Excel spreadsheet that simulates the daily and seasonal water balance for a vineyard (block) given data on weather, soils, and leaf ... 46. Penn State Integrated Hydrologic Model The Penn State Integrated Hydrologic Model (PIHM) is a fully coupled multiprocess hydrologic model. Instead of coupling through artificial boundary conditions, major hydrological processes are fully ... 47. The Massachusetts Aquatic Landscape Characterization Tool AQUALAND analyzes the contribution of upstream aquatic and terrestrial systems to aquatic habitats. It is a grid-based watershed model. The software has two main components, the Watershed Delineator ... 48. SEAWAT: A Computer Program for Simulation of Three-Dimensional Variable-Density Ground-Water Flow The SEAWAT program was developed to simulate three-dimensional, variable- density, transient ground-water flow in porous media. The source code for SEAWAT was developed by combining MODFLOW and MT3DMS ... 49. Aquarius: A Modeling System for River Basin Water Allocation Aquarius is a state-of-the-art computer model devoted to the temporal and spatial allocation of water among competing uses in a river basin. The model is driven by an economic efficiency operational ... 50. R-UNSAT Mathematical Model for Simulating Transport of Volatile Organic Compounds The Galloway research team has developed and documented three computer models (AIR2D, AIR3D, and R-UNSAT) for simulating flow and transport in the unsaturated zone that are available to the public. ... 51. Hydrologic Engineering Centers River Analysis System The Hydrologic Engineering Centers River Analysis System (HEC- RAS) llows you to perform one-dimensional steady flow, unsteady flow, sediment transport/mobile bed computations, and water temperature ... 52. HST3D:A Computer Code for Simulation of Heat and Solute Transport in Three-Dimensional Ground-Water Flow Systems The Heat- and Solute-Transport Program (HST3D) simulates ground-water flow and associated heat and solute transport in three dimensions. Over the years since the release of Versions 1.0 through 1.4, ... 53. Branch-Network Dynamic Flow Model The Branch-Network Dynamic Flow Model (BRANCH) is used to simulate steady or unsteady flow in a single open-channel reach (branch) or throughout a system of branches (network) connected in a dendritic ... 54. Numerical model of glacier thermo-mechanics In English: Three-dimensional transient model of glacier thermo-mechanics. It consists of three main sub-models: -Dynamical sub-model (full Stokes system). -Thermal sub-model. -Free-surface evolution 一些水文、水力、水环境模型名称 (摘自《Model Selection and Recommendation Report for Central Oahu Watershed Study, Phase 2 Part A》)
个人分类: 水文科学|42629 次阅读|33 个评论
xmsong 2013-4-19 19:33
水文模型与气候研究中逐步红火的陆面模式既有差异、又有紧密联系与适当重复。 由于专业不同,气象类网友对于水文模型比较陌生,然而它在气候领域其实是具有丰富潜力的,只能说这方面目前尚缺跨学科的人才。曾见网友发帖讨论水文模型,现介绍一些常见的水文模型。 目前堪称水文模型龙头老大的开放兼开源软件是SWAT(行业老大的SHE水文模型集群是商业软件,与ARCGIS在地理信息领域的地位相似),它在水文模拟、环境模拟、气候模拟领域已经大显身手,国内最近出版了SWAT模型从使用方法到理论文件的译作三大册。 SWAT模型下载 官网: http://swat.tamu.edu/ 。现提供一位国内网友( http://swatmodel.blog.sohu.com/ )关于SWAT从安装到使用的服务一条龙的综合页面。 SWAT新手安装指南 http://user.qzone.qq.com/94527257/blog/1222245869 做SWAT之前需要了解的事儿 http://user.qzone.qq.com/94527257/blog/1235467945 SWAT使用过程中遇到的问题收集 http://user.qzone.qq.com/94527257/blog/1229495700 SWAT官网下载链接汇总 http://user.qzone.qq.com/94527257/blog/1226740324 SWAT模型土壤数据库建立方法 http://user.qzone.qq.com/94527257/blog/1226409838 关于在SWAT中建立自己的土壤数据库的一些心得 http://user.qzone.qq.com/94527257/blog/1224664511 我为什么推荐用AVSWAT做论文——对校准过程的记录 http://user.qzone.qq.com/94527257/blog/1226032505 SWAT自带例子与自有数据目录的对比说明 http://user.qzone.qq.com/94527257/blog/1225883547 SWAT中水文部分的校准 http://user.qzone.qq.com/94527257/blog/1225029951 气象数据库文件各个参数的说明 http://user.qzone.qq.com/94527257/blog/1224670119 SWAT数据整理工具——pcpSTAT http://user.qzone.qq.com/94527257/blog/1222314826 BASINS流域模型系统——水文模型大套餐 官方下载网址: http://water.epa.gov/scitech/datait/models/basins/index.cfm 美国环保署的BASINS流域模型整合了HSPF、SWAT、PLOAD、AGWA等水文模型,在非点源污染等领域有广泛的应用。国内已出版《流域水文水质模拟软件HSPF应用指南》。 SWIM水文模型(德国) 官方下载网址: http://www.pik-potsdam.de/research/climate-impacts-and-vulnerabilities/models/swim/swim-description 此模型国内已有一本应用类书籍出版。 颇具特色然而难度系数较高的大尺度VIC水文模型 (兼具水文模型与陆面模式之特点) VIC水陆两用模型由华人梁旭女士读博期间牵头开发,其内核与原理与河海大学早年出生的国际名模—新安江模型据称有密切的关联,可惜新安江未能以电子化产品占领国际市场,遂至美人迟暮,近年主要现身于国内水科学研究舞台。VIC模型的版权属于美国华盛顿大学等。 VIC在国内运用的典范之作当属河海大学吴志勇博士的全国百篇优秀博士论文《定量降雨与实时洪水预报研究》,可惜目前知网尚未提供下载(相关报道见 http://www.edu.cn/gao_xiao_zi_xun_1091/20101125/t20101125_544683.shtml )。不过,在吴志勇博士论文的基础上,他与其导师合作撰著的《水文循环过程及定量预报》已经由科学出版社2010年出版。据该书提要称:本书详细介绍了流域水文循环关键要素大气水、降水、蒸发的计算、预报、估算的技术与方法,并分别给出了大气水分析计算实例、定量降水估算、预报技术与方法的应用实例、蒸发估算方法及其在干旱监测预测中的应用实例等;探讨了陆面过程模型和大尺度水文模型应用中的技术问题。 VIC水文模型由C语言编写,linux系统运行(可用CYGWIN等进行仿真),命令行操作,不太方便。 VIC模型官网下载网页: http://www.hydro.washington.edu/Lettenmaier/Models/VIC/ 与VIC同出一门的区域尺度水文模型—DHSVM DHSVM模型官网下载网页: http://www.hydro.washington.edu/Lettenmaier/Models/DHSVM/index.shtml 比较小巧的TOPMEDEL水文模型 TOPMEDEL水文模型属于比较概化的水文模型,常被称作半分布式水文模型。 常用于计算不透水面水文影响的LTHIA水文模型 LTHIA目前作为ARCVIEW GIS的一个模块进行运行。 暴雨水文模型SWMM 官网下载网址: http://www.epa.gov/nrmrl/wswrd/wq/models/swmm/ http://www.chiwater.com/Software/SWMM/swmmdownload.asp 在城市内涝日益引起注意的今天,SWMM将得到广泛的重视。 HBV水文模型 下载网址: http://amir.eng.uci.edu/education.html http://people.su.se/~jseib/HBV/HBV_light.html 附1:转一个2008年的老帖:常用水文模型链接 SWAT http://www.brc.tamus.edu/swat/soft_model.html VIC http://www.hydro.washington.edu/Lettenmaier/Models/VIC/VIChome.html The BROOK Hydrologic Models http://users.rcn.com/compassbrook/brook90.htm Hydrus1D http://www.tu-harburg.de/rzt/tuinfo/software/sim/Hydrus1D.html TOPMODEL模型 http://www.es.lancs.ac.uk/hfdg/freeware/hfdg_freeware_top.htm SRM-融雪径流模型 http://hydrolab.arsusda.gov/cgi-bin/srmhome PRMS模型 http://water.usgs.gov/software/PRMS/ HBV模型 http://www.smhi.se/foretag/m/hbv_demo/html/welcome.html modflow http://water.usgs.gov/nrp/gwsoftware/modflow.html DHSVM模型 http://www.hydro.washington.edu/Lettenmaier/Models/DHSVM/index.shtml
5749 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 spritecoca 2012-6-26 15:26
上世纪50年代以来,伴随着计算机计算的发展,世界各地的水文模型犹如雨后春笋般出现。为了将水文模型更好的应用于水文预报工作,1968年至1974年,世界气象组织(WH0)开展了对作业水文预报的概念性模型进行检验和对比。以期通过模型见的相互比较,提供有关模型的特性、适用条件和模型精度等情况提供说明和指南。 模型要求:必须是实时预报模型的降雨径流模型,而非频率计算模型。最后,组织者从7个国家选出10个模型进行对比。模型资料来源与6个代表不同气候和自然地理条件的的大中流域。6个流域中,最小的流域面积的1445km2,最大的流域面积为131500km2。半干旱流域1个,其他大多都比较湿润。10个模型分别为:澳大利亚的CBM模型;发过巴黎大气研究厅的Girard I模型;日本的tank I和tank II模型。美国的NWSH(修正斯坦福模型),SRFCH(萨拉门托模型)和SSARR(有可能的现在美国工兵团的HEC-HMS前身)。还有意大利的CLS和苏联的HMC。(很遗憾,我们引以为豪的新安江没有参加,当时新安江模型两水源模型刚被提出来,还没有改为三水源模型,在国内外的影响力还不够。) 每个流域提供8年的资料,率定期为6年,检验期为2年。经过不同模型检验好,主要结论如下: (1)湿润地区,不必刻意挑选模型,无论是简单模型还是复杂模型都可以得到很好的模拟效果。; (2)对于干旱半干旱地区,各模型模拟精度要小于湿润地区,且显式计算土壤含水量的模型(比如:萨拉门托)要比隐式模型(tank)效果好。但tank这种不直接计算土壤含水量的模型,在不同的气候和地理条件下有更好的适应力和弹性。 (3)如果资料条件不好,则隐式计算土壤含水量的模型,特别是系统模型(比如:CLS)有更好的处理这种缺陷的能力。 负责模型检验工作的Naef表达了自己的观点: (1)相比与复杂的概念模型,简单的模型往往能够取得更好的效果。(类似于目前比较火的分布式模型模拟结果往往低于概念性模型一样。模型越复杂,参数率定越困难。) (2)无论什么模型,总能找出若干次模拟误差很大的洪水。 (3)在小流域,绝对误差与相对误差并不一定大于大流域。(本人对这个观点打一个问号?对应流域面积特别小的流域,比如几平方公里的流域,流域径流对降雨的响应特别敏感,洪水过程对各影响因素的反应十分敏感,因而模拟出来的误差在一般都大于大中流域。) 这次WHO组织的工作和结果对国家水文学界产生了深远的影响。对当时兴起是水文模拟工作提供了方向指导和借鉴。 或许是受这次活动的影响,1997年,我国水利部水文司等部门也组织了一次类似的水文预报技术竞赛。在这次竞赛中,共有10个流域水文模型参赛,从我国半干旱、半湿润和湿润地区选择了6个流域进行模型检验和对比。流域面积集中在1500-5000km2之间。 检验结果有许多地方类似于WHO得到结论。主要结果如下: (1)6个竞赛流域中有5个流域确定性系数达到0.6以上的有2个参赛队;4个流域达到0.6以上的有9个队,3个流域达到0.6以上的有9个队。分别占参赛队综述的5.2%,32%,32%。 (2)模型的复杂程度和模拟精度直接没有必然联系,有时简单模型反而比复杂模型精度更高。 (3)对应干旱半干旱地区,几乎没有一个模型能取得满意的效果。
个人分类: 科学杂谈|5425 次阅读|1 个评论
fengyang1985 2010-11-22 10:30
水文模型群号:53562953。 欢迎广大水文爱好者、热心老师、专家加盟学习指导。本群旨在交流思想,共享资源,为普通学习者提供指导,为研究遇难者答疑解惑,集思广益,共同促进,并进一步扩大学术氛围。也许群里并非知名专家,但都是爱好者,我们可以从最基本的交流;也许群里对某些问题不知甚解,但大家的业外交流也是我们学习的动力;也许群里会有本科生,但经过大家的熏陶,未来之星即会产生。群内以研究性人才为主,欢迎您的加入、期待您的到来!
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