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zcgweb 2012-12-17 02:19
我们实验室今年被接受发表的第8篇论文由 任长虹 完成。 GLB-13 is associated with oxidative stress resistance in Caenorhabditis elegans Changhong Ren 1,4 *, Yuan Li 1,2 *, Rongrong Han 1,2 *, Dawen Gao 1 *, Weiguang Li 1 , Jinping Shi 1 , David Hoogewijs 3 , Bart P Braeckman 3 , Sasha De Henau 3 , Yiming Lu 1 , Wubin Qu 1 , Yan Gao 1 , Yonghong Wu 1 , Zhihui Li 1 , Huqi Liu 2 , Zhaoyan Wang 5 , Chenggang Zhang 1§ § Corresponding author: Chenggang Zhang, Beijing Institute of Radiation Medicine, Taiping Road 27, Beijing 100850, China. Tel/Fax: +86-10-68169574, E-mail: zhangcg@bmi.ac.cn Running title : GLB-13 associate with oxidative stress resistance Abstract Globins constitute a superfamily of heme-binding proteins that is widely present in many species. There are 33 putative globins in the genome of C. elegans , where glb-13 is a homolog of neuroglobin (Ngb) based on sequence analysis and specific expression in neurons. Here we examined whether glb-13 as well as Ngb is also associated with resistance to reactive oxygen species (ROS) induced by paraquat. Our results showed that the mRNA level of glb-13 was significantly upregulated after paraquat exposure. Expression of a GFP reporter gene directed by the glb-13 promoter was increased by paraquat exposure. The mutant C. elegans strain glb-13( tm2825) was sensitive to paraquat-induced oxidative stress. Overexpression of human Ngb (hNgb) in C. elegans neuronal cells can rescue the paraquat sensitive phenotype of the mutant strain. glb-13 mutation or hNgb overexpression did not affect the expression of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase (SOD). To examine the ROS-scavenging capabilities of hNgb and glb-13 , we further examined the level of ROS in glb-13 mutant and hNgb transgenic (hNgb-Tg) worms. There was no statistical difference in ROS levels in the untreated controls, however in paraquat-treated worms, the ROS level was statistically repressed in the hNgb-Tg relative to enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP)-Tg worms or wildtype animals. Additionally, the ROS level of glb-13 mutant was statistically higher than the wildtype animals. Furthermore, hNgb overexpression diminished the ROS level of glb-13 mutant. In conclusion, hNgb can rescue the ROS sensitive phenotype of the glb-13 mutant strain. The protein GLB-13 seems to have an hNgb-like function, suggesting the importance of the globin protein family in maintaining the homeostasis of ROS signals. Our data provided evidence for the first time that glb-13 is associated with the resistance against oxidative stress-induced toxicity. Keywords: glb-13 ; neuroglobin; paraquat; ROS; transgenic; Caenorhabditis elegans
个人分类: 论文发表|3425 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 fatworm 2010-12-23 15:43
秀丽线虫( C. elegans )是研究发育、衰老和长寿等很好的模式生物。近 10 年来,越来越多的研究人员利用它来研究脂肪代谢和肥胖症机制。 研究人员首选面对的问题是:如何检测秀丽线虫的脂肪含量。 我在美国的导师 Jennifer Watts 和 John Browse 较早利用并完善薄层分析和气相色谱法 (Thin Layer Chromatography/Gas Chromatography, TLC/GC) 定性、定量地检测秀丽线虫脂肪含量。该方法主要是利用氯仿 / 甲醇提取秀丽线虫总的脂类,随后利用薄层分析把甘油三酯 (TAG) 、磷脂( PL )、自由脂肪酸、甘油二酯( DAG )等不同脂类分子分开。分别回收这些脂类后再通过气相色谱仪,定性、定量检测不同脂类的含量,最后得到甘油三酯 (TAG) 在总脂类中的相对含量,或者甘油三酯 (TAG) 与总蛋白质的比例。该方法非常灵敏、稳定,但缺点是需要大量的秀丽线虫,很难进行大规模筛选改变脂肪含量的突变体。 2003 年,哈佛大学 Gary Ruvkun 实验室的 Kaveh Ashrafi 在秀丽线虫上首先用一种中性脂染料 Nile Red 活体染秀丽线虫脂肪 (Living Nile Red staining) ,全基因组 RNAi 筛选影响脂肪含量的基因,获得了 110 个高脂肪含量基因和 300 多个低脂肪含量基因。由于 Living Nile Red staining 操作非常简单,而且不影响秀丽线虫其它功能,该方法迅速被秀丽线虫研究人员采用,研究调控秀丽线虫脂肪含量的基因。到去年底,我估计约有 80 篇文章都用到这个方法。除此以外,也有其它一些染色的方法如 Sudan Black 、 Oil-Red O 、 Bodipy 等方法观测秀丽线虫脂肪含量,但这些方法不如 Living Nile Red staining 使用广泛。 我 2006 年加入 Jennifer Watts 和 John Browse 实验室,开始也想利用 Living Nile Red staining 作一些其它基因的筛选,在验证 Kaveh Ashrafi 报道的 110 个高脂肪含量基因时,发现看不到报道的表型。另外,我用这个方法检测一些已经报道的高脂肪含量的突变体(这些突变体是用其它方法检测脂肪含量),有些观测结果和报道的不一致。当时一方面觉得有些郁闷,另一方面对这个方法 Living Nile Red staining 报有怀疑。随后,我导师 Jennifer Watts 和其它实验室进行 glo-4 突变体脂肪含量测定时发现, Living Nile Red 不能染 glo-4 突变体脂肪,但我们的 TLC/GC 检测到其脂肪含量正常。这让我们觉得 Living Nile Red staining 可能没有真正染到脂肪。 随后,我们借鉴了 Sudan Black 染色法和其它人的建议,把秀丽线虫先用 paraformaldehyde 固定,再用 Nile Red 染色,我们能检测到 glo-4 突变体脂肪。我们称这个方面为 Nile Red of Fixation 。随后,我们利用该方法和 TLC/GC 检测了10多个已经脂肪含量改变的突变体,发现这个方法和 TLC/GC 基本上 100%   match 。我们在 PloS ONE 上报道了该研究。两周后, Gary Ruvkun 自己实验室在 Cell Metabolism 上报道了, Living Nile Red staining 染的是 lysosome-related organelles ,否定了6年前自己实验室用的方法。 Gary Ruvkun 在给我导师 Jennifer Watts 的信中说,他的实验室这几年来误导了大家的研究。 我们的报道和 Gary Ruvkun 自己实验室的报道在秀丽线虫脂肪研究领域掀起了悍然大波!当时,我的一篇文章正在投 PLoS Genetics 。 Ashrafi 离开 Gary Ruvkun 实验室后到加州大学旧金山分校作 Assistant Professor ,他目前是 PLoS Genetics 的 editor 。我的文章在一审回来时,两个 reviewers 都很 positive ,只要求补两个小实验。我很快作完,把文章返回。没想到,二审回来, reviewer 1不谈任何东西,指责我们检测秀丽线虫的方法( TLC/GC ),而且信的用词和语气非常不理性。我的大老板 John Browse 说他从来没有见过这种回信!我们完全可以推测这个审稿人是谁。没办法,我倒霉!只好把文章改投 PLoS ONE, 该文立即被接受。 今年7月份我回国工作,没有参加8月在 University of Wisconsin 进行的关于秀丽线虫衰老、长寿、代谢等会议。但我老板和其他人给我的信中告诉我这个会议上发生的一些有趣的事,主要是 Ashrafi 实验室和其他人的争吵。我给我老板回信说,争吵很好,说明我们很快就要接近事实的真相,我们这个领域很快会确定下检测秀丽线虫脂肪含量的方法。 我本来有一些想法,想对此作一些研究,比较这几种方法的优缺点。但回国搬家、建自己实验室等让我没有时间和条件作这些研究。 今年9月 Heidi Tissenbaum ( University of Massachusetts Medical School) 实验室在 PLoS ONE 上报道了他们分析比较了几种检测秀丽线虫的方法,肯定了我们的方法。这儿我直接引用他们的结论: We find that CARS (coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering) imaging gives quantification similar to standard biochemical triglyceride quantification. Further, we independently confirm   that feeding worms with vital dyes does not lead to the staining of fat stores, but rather the sequestration of dyes in   lysosome-related organelles. In contrast, fixative staining methods provide reproducible data but are prone to errors due to   the interference of autofluorescent species and the non-specific staining of cellular structures other than fat stores. 我看到这篇文章后,给 Heidi Tissenbaum 写了一封信,谈了几种检测方法我的经验。她很快给我回信,谢谢我的经验。 随后这个月, Ho Yi Mak (Stowers Institute for Medical Research) 实验室在 BMC Cell Biology 也报道了 Living Nile Red staining 染的是 lysosome-related organelles ,发现我们的固定线虫的方法染的是真正的 lipid droplets 。下面是他们这篇文章的结论: In this study, we provide biochemical, histological and ultrastructural evidence of lipid droplets in wildtype and mutant C. elegans that lack lysosome related organelles (LROs). The formation of lipid droplets and the targeting of BODIPY fatty acid analogs to lipid droplets in live animals are not dependent on lysosomal trafficking or peroxisome dysfunction. However, the targeting of Nile Red to lipid droplets in live animals occurs only in mutants with defective peroxisomes. Nile Red labelled-lipid droplets are characterized by a fluorescence emission spectrum distinct from that of Nile Red labelled-LROs. Moreover, we show that the recently developed post-fix Nile Red staining method labels lipid droplets exclusively. 到此为止,秀丽线虫脂肪含量的检测方法似乎逐渐明朗!但个人觉得还需要更多的试验证据支持! CARS 的方法好,但是很少有实验室能用得起! TLC/GC 不错,但国内购买、使用成本还是高! Nile Red of Fixation 可以快速的知道脂肪含量的变化,优点是每个实验室都可以做,可以大规模筛选;缺点是很难检测到小的变化,难于定量。 (注: Ho Yi Mak 和 Heidi Tissenbaum 都来自 Gary Ruvkun 实验室)
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