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热度 15 pukin 2013-12-18 13:28
科学网著名博主,人称江湖大侠、捕头的邢志忠老师,以一篇介绍 2012 年科学界第一巨奖“ 科学突破奖 ”得主,普林斯顿高等研究院教授, 40 岁出头就在美国高能物理学界呼风唤雨的大明星“ 尼马 ”博士的博文而被编辑 MM 加精置顶。 恰好今天看到科学网首页一篇新闻【 2014 年“科学突破奖”揭晓 为科学界第一 巨奖 】: 从获奖名单里看到了一个熟悉的名字——Alexander Varshavsky。 Alexander Varshavsky 教授何许人也? 他乃科学网大名鼎鼎的博主:饶海饶大侠在加州理工的博士后导师 。 饶海兄在科学网好久不露面了,是不是也该出来冒个泡呢。 Alexander Varshavsky 教授是世界著名的俄裔美国生物化学家。上世纪七十年代毕业于苏联莫斯科大学化学系, 1974 年在苏联科学院取得博士学位, 1977 年通过去美国开会的机会离开苏联移民美国,先后在 MIT 和加州理工工作。 Alexander Varshavsky 教授拿到了除诺奖之外的几乎所有的重要大奖: 1999 年获盖尔德纳国际奖, 2000 年获拉斯克基础医学研究奖, 2001 年获路易莎·格罗斯·霍维茨奖和沃尔夫医学奖, 2013 年获科学突破奖。
个人分类: 博客新闻|17686 次阅读|17 个评论
linpandr 2012-8-5 20:48
比较完整的国外博士后基金及奖学金申请 1.德国洪堡基金(alexander von humboldt) http://www.humboldt-foundation.de/web/home.html 2.日本学术振兴会博士后奖学金(JSPS) http://www.jsps.go.jp/english/e-fellow/postdoctoral.html 3.欧盟玛丽居里IIF奖学金(Marie Curie IIF) http://cordis.europa.eu/mariecurie-actions/iif/home.html 4.英国牛顿国际奖学金(Newton International Fellowship) http://www.newtonfellowships.org/ 5.澳大利亚博士后奖学金(APD) http://www.arc.gov.au/applicants/researcher_fellowships.htm 6.新加坡李光耀博士后奖学金(LKY PDF) http://www.scholarshipnet.info/postdoc/singapore-lee-kuan-yew-postdoctoral-fellowship/ 7.爱尔兰政府博士后奖学金(EMPOWER) http://www.ircset.ie/Default.aspx?tabid=78 8.葡萄牙FCT基金(FCT) http://alfa.fct.mctes.pt/apoios/bolsas/concursos/individuais2010.phtml.en 9.荷兰Rubicon基金(Rubicon) http://www.nwo.nl/subsidiewijzer.nsf/pages/NWOP_6H2G7R_Eng 10.荷兰VENI基金(VENI) http://www.nwo.nl/nwohome.nsf/pages/NWOP_5TTCVA_Eng 11.比利时FWO基金(FWO) http://www.fwo.be/Visiting-postdoctoral-fellowships.aspx 12.奥地利科学基金(FWF) http://www.fwf.ac.at/en/projects/meitner.html 13.南非 NRF postdoc fellowship. www.nrf.ac.za 和 CLAUDE LEON FOUNDATION 14.韩国 BK21 15.巴西 16.挪威。。。ABCDE FellowShip Programme http://fellowship.ercim.eu/
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chrujun 2011-1-4 23:49
一般认为,指南针是从中国经阿拉伯由十字军传到欧洲的。然而,现有文献表明,西方人独立发明了指南针!在1186年,Alexander Neckham在书中指出,指南针在欧洲早就用作导航设备。 在A.A. Kaufman等人主编的PRINCIPLES OF THE MAGNETIC METHODS IN GEOPHYSICS 中,有这样一段文字: For a long time it has been an opinion that this discovery in China was brought by Arabs to the Mediterranean and was used the Crusaders . At the same time, there are indications that the compass was independently invented in north-western Europe, probably in England, earlier than elsewhere . For instance, in the year 1186, the monk Alexander Neckham mentioned the compass as if it is already a well known device. 在维基百科关于 Alexander Neckham 的条目( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Neckam )中,也有如下文字: Neckam has preserved to us the earliest European notices of the magnet as a guide to seamen, the early compass. Outside China, these seem to be the earliest records (the Chinese encylopaedist Shen Kuo gave the first clear account of suspended magnetic compasses a hundred years earlier in 1088 AD with his book Mengxibitan, or Dream Pool Essays). It was probably in Paris that Neckam heard how a ship, among its other stores, must have a needle placed above a magnet (the De utensilibus assumes a needle mounted on a pivot), which would revolve until its point looked north, and guide sailors in murky weather or on starless nights. Neckam does not seem to think of this as a startling novelty: he merely records what had apparently become the regular practice of many seamen of the Catholic world.
个人分类: 地球物理及仪器|9393 次阅读|0 个评论

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