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热度 1 mirrorjinjun 2013-3-5 02:26
来法四个月了,给人的第一感觉是,不会法语什么都难办,比如办银行卡,租房子,买电话卡,买保险,办网络,办地铁卡,寄信件,甚至逛超市,更气愤的是就连大学负责国际学生注册的工作人员居然也不会说英语!!! 在未出国之前,我一直觉得只要学会英语那么在西方国家就能一切应付自如,因为从小就被老师教育着西方国家教育普及率高,大众素质高,英语自然不在话下,可现在感觉法国人会说英语的比例可能也就10%。 前几天,有个西班牙的博后来实验室交流,他居然让我帮他看看他写给新老板的英语邮件是否有问题,汗!!!上周跟一个新来实验室的master2的法国实习生一起吃午餐,当我们谈到英语的时候,我说英语是scientific语言,只要搞science的人就一定要把英语学好,他居然生气了!!!
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热度 2 qpzeng 2012-10-13 11:30
由法国卡昂大学塞拉利尼等投给《食品与化学毒物学》杂志的两年转基因玉米毒性试验论文已出铅字印刷版,发表在该刊2012年第50卷第11期4221-4231页。 中国农业大学食品科学与营养工程学院许文涛课题组投给该杂志的90天转基因玉米毒性试验论文的状态仍为“印刷中,未校正稿”。 本人将继续关注中。 附:塞拉利尼印刷版论文链接 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0278691512005637 Food and Chemical Toxicology Volume 50, Issue 11 , November 2012, Pages 4221–4231 Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize Universally Available Gilles-Eric Séralini a , , , Emilie Clair a , Robin Mesnage a , Steeve Gress a , Nicolas Defarge a , Manuela Malatesta b , Didier Hennequin c , Jol Spiroux de Vendmois a a University of Caen, Institute of Biology, CRIIGEN and Risk Pole, MRSH-CNRS, EA 2608, Esplanade de la Paix, Caen Cedex 14032, France b University of Verona, Department of Neurological, Neuropsychological, Morphological and Motor Sciences, Verona 37134, Italy c University of Caen, UR ABTE, EA 4651, Bd Maréchal Juin, Caen Cedex 14032, France Received 11 April 2012Accepted 2 August 2012Available online 19 September 2012 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2012.08.005 , How to Cite or Link Using DOI Permissions Reprints Abstract The health effects of a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize (from 11% in the diet), cultivated with or without Roundup, and Roundup alone (from 0.1 ppb in water), were studied 2 years in rats. In females, all treated groups died 2–3 times more than controls, and more rapidly. This difference was visible in 3 male groups fed GMOs. All results were hormone and sex dependent, and the pathological profiles were comparable. Females developed large mammary tumors almost always more often than and before controls, the pituitary was the second most disabled organ; the sex hormonal balance was modified by GMO and Roundup treatments. In treated males, liver congestions and necrosis were 2.5–5.5 times higher. This pathology was confirmed by optic and transmission electron microscopy. Marked and severe kidney nephropathies were also generally 1.3–2.3 greater. Males presented 4 times more large palpable tumors than controls which occurred up to 600 days earlier. Biochemistry data confirmed very significant kidney chronic deficiencies; for all treatments and both sexes, 76% of the altered parameters were kidney related. These results can be explained by the non linear endocrine-disrupting effects of Roundup, but also by the overexpression of the transgene in the GMO and its metabolic consequences. Highlights ► A Roundup-tolerant maize and Roundup provoked chronic hormone and sex dependent pathologies. ► Female mortality was 2–3 times increased mostly due to large mammary tumors and disabled pituitary. ► Males had liver congestions, necrosis, severe kidney nephropathies and large palpable tumors. ► This may be due to an endocrine disruption linked to Roundup and a new metabolism due to the transgene. ► GMOs and formulated pesticides must be evaluated by long term studies to measure toxic effects.. Abbreviations GM, genetically modified; R, Roundup; MRL, maximal residual levels; GMO, genetically modified organism; OECD, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development; GT, glutamyl-transferase; PCA, principal component analysis; PLS, partial least-squares; OPLS, orthogonal partial least-squares; NIPALS, Nonlinear Iterative Partial Least Squares; OPLS-DA, Orthogonal Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis; G, glycogen; L, lipid droplet; N, nucleus; R, rough endoplasmic reticulum (on microscopy pictures only); U, urinary; UEx, excreted in urine during 24 h; APPT, Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time; MCV, Mean Corpuscular Volume; PT, Prothrombine Time; RBC, Red Blood Cells; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; MCHC, Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration; A/G, Albumin/Globulin ratio; WBC, White Blood Cells; AST, aspartate aminotransferase Keywords GMO; Roundup; NK603; Rat; Glyphosate-based herbicides; Endocrine disrupting effects 1. Introduction There is an ongoing international debate as to the necessary length of mammalian toxicity studies in relation to the consumption of genetically modified (GM) plants including regular metabolic analyses ( Séralini et al., 2011 ). Currently, no regulatory authority requests mandatory chronic animal feeding studies to be performed for edible GMOs and formulated pesticides. However, several studies consisting of 90 day rat feeding trials have been conducted by the biotech industry. These investigations mostly concern GM soy and maize that are rendered either herbicide tolerant (to Roundup (R) in 80% of cases), or engineered to produce a modified Bt toxin insecticide, or both. As a result these GM crops contain new pesticide residues for which new maximal residual levels (MRL) have been established in some countries. If the petitioners conclude in general that there is no major change in genetically modified organism (GMO) subchronic toxicity studies ( , , and ), significant disturbances have been found and may be interpreted differently ( and ). Detailed analyses have revealed alterations in kidney and liver functions that may be the signs of early chronic diet intoxication, possibly explained at least in part by pesticide residues in the GM feed ( and ). Indeed, it has been demonstrated that R concentrations in the range of 10 3 times below the MRL induced endocrine disturbances in human cells ( Gasnier et al., 2009 ) and toxic effects thereafter ( Benachour and Seralini, 2009 ), including in vivo ( Romano et al., 2012 ). After several months of consumption of an R-tolerant soy, the liver and pancreas of mice were affected, as highlighted by disturbances in sub-nuclear structure ( , and ). Furthermore, this toxic effect was reproduced by the application of R herbicide directly to hepatocytes in culture ( Malatesta et al., 2008b ). Since then, long-term and multi-generational animal feeding trials have been performed with some possibly providing evidence of safety, while others conclude on the necessity of further investigations because of metabolic modifications ( Snell et al., 2011 ). However, none of these studies have included a detailed follow-up of the animals with up to 11 blood and urine samples over 2 years, and none has investigated the NK603 R-tolerant maize. Furthermore, toxicity evaluation of herbicides is generally performed on mammalian physiology through the long-term study of only their active principle, rather than the formulation used in agriculture, as was the case for glyphosate ( Williams et al., 2000 ), the active herbicide constituent of R. It is important to note that glyphosate is only able to efficiently penetrate target plant organisms with the help of adjuvants present in the various commercially used R formulations ( Cox, 2004 ). When R residues are found in tap water, food or feed, they arise from the total herbicide formulation, which is the most commonly used mixture in agriculture; indeed many authors in the field have strongly emphasized the necessity of studying the potential toxic effects of total chemical mixtures rather than single components ( , and ). Even adjuvants and not only glyphosate or other active ingredients are found in ground water ( Krogh et al., 2002 ), and thus an exposure to the diluted whole formulation is more representative of an environmental pollution than the exposure to glyphosate alone in order to study health effects. With a view to address this lack of information, we have performed a 2 year detailed rat feeding study. The actual guideline 408 of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) was followed by some manufacturers for GMOs even if it was not designed for that purpose. We have explored more parameters and more frequently than recommended in this standard ( Table 1 ) in a long-term experiment. This allowed us to follow in details potential health effects and their possible origins due to the direct or indirect consequences of the genetic modification itself in GMOs, or due to the formulated herbicide mixture used on GMOs (and not glyphosate alone), or both. Because of recent reviews on GMOs ( and ) we had no reason to settle at first for a carcinogenesis protocol using 50 rats per group. However we have prolonged the biochemical and hematological measurements or disease status recommended in combined chronic studies using 10 rats per group (up to 12 months in OECD 453). This remains the highest number of rats regularly measured in a standard GMO diet study. We have tested also for the first time 3 doses (rather than two in the usual 90 day long protocols) of the R-tolerant NK603 GM maize alone, the GM maize treated with R, and R alone at very low environmentally relevant doses starting below the range of levels permitted by regulatory authorities in drinking water and in GM feed. Table 1. Protocol used and comparison to existing assessment, and to non-mandatory regulatory tests. Treatments and analyses In this work Hammond et al., 2004 Regulatory tests Treatments + controls GMO NK603, GMO NK603 + Roundup, Roundup, and closest isogenic maize GMO NK603 + Roundup, closest isogenic maize, and six other maize lines non substantially equivalent GMOs or chemicals (in standard diet or water) Doses by treatment 3 2 At least 3 Duration in months 24 (chronic) 3 (subchronic: 13 weeks) 3 Animals measured/group/sex 10/10 SD rats (200 rats measured) 10/20 SD rats (200 rats measured/total 400) At least 10 rodents Animals by cage (same sex) 1–2 1 1 or more Monitoring/week 2 1 1 or more Feed and water consumptions Measured For feed only At least feed Organs and tissues studied For high dose and controls Histology/animal 34 17/36 At least 30 Organs weighted 10 7 At least 8 Electronic microscopy Yes No No Behavioral studies (times) 2 1 (no protocol given) 1 Ophtalmology (times) 2 0 2 Number of blood samples/animal 11, each month (0–3) then every 3 months 2, weeks 4 and 13 1, at the end Blood parameters 31 (11 times for most) 31 (2 times) At least 25 (at least 2 times) Plasma sex steroids Testosterone, estradiol No No, except if endocrine effects suspected Liver tissue parameters 6 0 0 Number of urine samples 11 2 Optional, last week Urine parameters studied 16 18 7 if performed Microbiology in feces or urine Yes Yes No Roundup residues in tissues Studied Not studied Not mandatory Transgene in tissues Studied Not studied Not studied The protocol used in this work was compared to the regulatory assessment of NK603 maize by the company ( Hammond et al., 2004 ), and to non mandatory regulatory in vivo tests for GMOs, or mandatory for chemicals (OECD 408). Most relevant results are shown in this paper. Full-size table Table options View in workspace Download as CSV 2. Materials and methods2.1. Ethics The experimental protocol was conducted in accordance with the regulations of our ethics in an animal care unit authorized by the French Ministries of Agriculture and Research (Agreement Number A35-288-1). Animal experiments were performed according to ethical guidelines of animal experimentations (CEE 86/609 regulation). Concerning field studies of plant species, no specific permits were required, nor for the locations/activities. The maize grown (MON-00603-6 commonly named NK603) was authorized for unconfined release into the environment and use as a livestock feed by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (Decision Document 2002-35). We confirm that the location is not privately-owned or protected in any way and that the field studies did not involve endangered or protected species. The GM maize was authorized for import into the European Union (CE 258/97 regulation). 2.2. Plants, diets and chemicals The varieties of maize used in this study were the R-tolerant NK603 (Monsanto Corp., USA), and its nearest isogenic non-transgenic control. These two types of maize were grown under similar normal conditions, in the same location, spaced at a sufficient distance to avoid cross-contamination. The genetic nature, as well as the purity of the GM seeds and harvested material, was confirmed by qPCR analysis of DNA samples. One field of NK603 was treated with R at 3 L ha −1 (WeatherMAX, 540 g/L of glyphosate, EPA Reg. 524-537), and another field of NK603 was not treated with R. Corns were harvested when the moisture content was less than 30% and were dried at a temperature below 30 °C. From these three cultivations of maize, laboratory rat chow was made based on the standard diet A04 (Safe, France). The dry rat feed was made to contain 11, 22 or 33% of GM maize, cultivated either with or without R, or 33% of the non-transgenic control line. The concentrations of the transgene were confirmed in the three doses of each diet by qPCR. All feed formulations consisted in balanced diets, chemically measured as substantially equivalent except for the transgene, with no contaminating pesticides over standard limits. All secondary metabolites cannot be known and measured in the composition. However we have measured isoflavones and phenolic acids including ferulic acid by standard HPLC-UV. All reagents used were of analytical grade. The herbicide diluted in the drinking water was the commercial formulation of R (GT Plus, 450 g/L of glyphosate, approval 2020448, Monsanto, Belgium). Herbicides levels were assessed by glyphosate measurements in the different dilutions by mass spectrometry. 2.3. Animals and treatments Virgin albino Sprague-Dawley rats at 5 weeks of age were obtained from Harlan (Gannat, France). All animals were kept in polycarbonate cages (820 cm 2 , Genestil, France) with two animals of the same sex per cage. The litter (Toplit classic, Safe, France) was replaced twice weekly. The animals were maintained at 22 ± 3 °C under controlled humidity (45–65%) and air purity with a 12 h-light/dark cycle, with free access to food and water. The location of each cage within the experimental room was regularly moved. This 2 year life-long experiment was conducted in a GPL environment according to OECD guidelines. After 20 days of acclimatization, 100 male and 100 female animals were randomly assigned on a weight basis into 10 equivalent groups. For each sex, one control group had access to plain water and standard diet from the closest isogenic non-transgenic maize control; six groups were fed with 11, 22 and 33% of GM NK603 maize either treated or not with R. The final three groups were fed with the control diet and had access to water supplemented with respectively 1.1 × 10 −8 % of R (0.1 ppb of R or 50 ng/L of glyphosate, the contaminating level of some regular tap waters), 0.09% of R (400 mg/kg, US MRL of glyphosate in some GM feed) and 0.5% of R (2.25 g/L, half of the minimal agricultural working dilution). This was changed weekly. Twice weekly monitoring allowed careful observation and palpation of animals, recording of clinical signs, measurement of any tumors that may arise, food and water consumption, and individual body weights. 2.4. Biochemical analyses Blood samples were collected from the tail vein of each rat under short isoflurane anesthesia before treatment and after 1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21 and 24 months: 11 measurements were obtained for each animal alive at 2-years. It was first demonstrated that anesthesia did not impact animal health. Two aliquots of plasma and serum were prepared and stored at −80° C. Then 31 parameters were assessed ( Table 1 ) according to standard methods including hematology and coagulation parameters, albumin, globulin, total protein concentration, creatinine, urea, calcium, sodium, potassium, chloride, inorganic phosphorus, triglycerides, glucose, total cholesterol, alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, gamma glutamyl-transferase (GT), estradiol, testosterone. In addition, at months 12 and 24 the C-reactive protein was assayed. Urine samples were collected similarly 11 times, over 24 h in individual metabolic cages, and 16 parameters were quantified including creatinine, phosphorus, potassium, chloride, sodium, calcium, pH and clairance. Liver samples at the end made it possible to perform assays of CYP1A1, 1A2, 3A4, 2C9 activities in S9 fractions, with glutathione S- transferase and gamma-GT. 2.5. Anatomopathology Animals were sacrificed during the course of the study only if necessary because of suffering according to ethical rules (such as 25% body weight loss, tumors over 25% body weight, hemorrhagic bleeding, or prostration), and at the end of the study by exsanguination under isoflurane anesthesia. In each case, the following organs were collected: brain, colon, heart, kidneys, liver, lungs, ovaries, spleen, testes, adrenals, epididymis, prostate, thymus, uterus, aorta, bladder, bone, duodenum, esophagus, eyes, ileum, jejunum, lymph nodes, lymphoreticular system, mammary glands, pancreas, parathyroid glands, Peyer’s patches, pituitary, salivary glands, sciatic nerve, skin, spinal cord, stomach, thyroid and trachea. The first 14 organs (at least 10 per animal depending on the sex, Table 1 ) were weighted, plus any tumor that arose. The first nine organs were divided into two parts and one half was immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen/carbonic ice. The remaining parts including other organs were rinsed in PBS and stored in 4% formalin before anatomopathological study. These samples were used for further paraffin-embedding, slides and HES histological staining. For transmission electron microscopy, kidneys, livers and tumors were cut into 1 mm 3 fragments. Samples were fixed in pre-chilled 2% paraformaldehyde/2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.1 M PBS pH 7.4 at 4 °C for 3 h and processed as previously described ( Malatesta et al., 2002a ). 2.6. Statistical analysis Biochemical data were treated by multivariate analysis with the SIMCA-P (V12) software (UMETRICS AB Umea, Sweden). The use of chemometrics tools, for example, principal component analysis (PCA), partial least-squares to latent structures (PLS), and orthogonal PLS (OPLS), are robust methods for modeling, analyzing and interpreting complex chemical and biological data. OPLS is a recent modification of the PLS method. PLS is a regression method used in order to find the relationship between two data tables referred to as X and Y. PLS regression ( Eriksson et al., 2006b ) analysis consists in calculating by means of successive iterations, linear combinations of the measured X-variables (predictor variables). These linear combinations of X-variables give PLS components (score vectors t). A PLS component can be thought of as a new variable – a latent variable – reflecting the information in the original X-variables that is of relevance for modeling and predicting the response Y-variable by means of the maximization of the square of covariance (Max cov 2 (X,Y)). The number of components is determined by cross validation. SIMCA software uses the Nonlinear Iterative Partial Least Squares algorithm (NIPALS) for the PLS regression. Orthogonal Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis (OPLS-DA) was used in this study ( and ). The purpose of Discriminant Analysis is to find a model that separates groups of observations on the basis of their X variables. The X matrix consists of the biochemical data. The Y matrix contains dummy variables which describe the group membership of each observation. Binary variables are used in order to encode a group identity. Discriminant analysis finds a discriminant plan in which the projected observations are well separated according to each group. The objective of OPLS is to divide the systematic variation in the X-block into two model parts, one linearly related to Y (in the case of a discriminant analysis, the group membership), and the other one unrelated (orthogonal) to Y. Components related to Y are called predictive, and those unrelated to Y are called orthogonal. This partitioning of the X data results in improved model transparency and interpretability ( Eriksson et al., 2006a ). Prior to analysis, variables were mean-centered and unit variance scaled. 3. Results3.1. Mortality Control male animals survived on average 624 ± 21 days, whilst females lived for 701 ± 20, during the experiment, plus in each case 5 weeks of age at the beginning and 3 weeks of stabilization period. After mean survival time had elapsed, any deaths that occurred were considered to be largely due to aging. Before this period, 30% control males (three in total) and 20% females (only two) died spontaneously, while up to 50% males and 70% females died in some groups on diets containing the GM maize ( Fig. 1 ). However, the rate of mortality was not proportional to the treatment dose, reaching a threshold at the lowest (11%) or intermediate (22%) amounts of GM maize in the equilibrated diet, with or without the R application on the plant. It is noteworthy that the first two male rats that died in both GM treated groups had to be euthanized due to kidney Wilm’s tumors that were over 25% of body weight. This was at approximately a year before the first control animal died. The first female death occurred in the 22% GM maize feeding group and resulted from a mammary fibroadenoma 246 days before the first control. The maximum difference in males was 5 times more deaths occurring during the 17th month in the group consuming 11% GM maize, and in females 6 times greater mortality during the 21st month on the 22% GM maize diet with and without R. In the female cohorts, there were 2–3 times more deaths in all treated groups compared to controls by the end of the experiment and earlier in general. Females were more sensitive to the presence of R in drinking water than males, as evidenced by a shorter lifespan. The general causes of death represented in histogram format ( Fig. 1 ) are linked mostly to large mammary tumors in females, and other organic problems in males. img class="figure large" border="0" alt="Full-size image (76 K)" src="http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0278691512005637-gr1.jpg" data-thumbsrc="http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0278691512005637-gr1.sml" data-fullsrc="http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0278691512005637-gr1.jpg" Fig. 1. Mortality of rats fed GMO treated or not with Roundup, and effects of Roundup alone. Rats were fed with NK603 GM maize (with or without application of Roundup) at three different doses (11, 22, 33% in their diet: thin, medium and bold lines, respectively) compared to the substantially equivalent closest isogenic non-GM maize (control, dotted line). Roundup was administrated in drinking water at 3 increasing doses, same symbols (environmental (A), MRL in agricultural GMOs (B) and half of minimal agricultural levels (C), see Section 2 ). Lifespan during the experiment for the control group is represented by the vertical bar ± SEM (grey area). In bar histograms, the causes of mortality before the grey area are detailed in comparison to the controls (0). In black are represented the necessary euthanasia because of suffering in accordance with ethical rules (tumors over 25% body weight, more than 25% weight loss, hemorrhagic bleeding, etc.); and in hatched areas, spontaneous mortality. View thumbnail images Figure options View in workspace Download full-size image Download as PowerPoint slide 3.2. Anatomopathological observations All rats were carefully monitored for behavior, appearance, palpable tumors, infections, during the experiment, and at least 10 organs per animal were weighted and up to 34 analyzed post mortem, at the macroscopic and/or microscopic levels ( Table 1 ). All data cannot be shown in one report, and the most relevant are described here. There was no rejection by the animals of the diet with or without GMOs, nor any major difference in the body weight. The largest palpable growths (above a diameter of 17.5 mm in females and 20 mm in males) were found to be in 95% of cases non-regressive tumors, and were not infectious nodules. These growths progressively increased in size and number, but not proportionally to the treatment dose over the course of the experiment ( Fig. 2 ). As in the case of rates of mortality, this suggests that a threshold in effect was reached at the lowest doses. They were rarely equal but almost always more frequent than in controls for all treated groups, often 2–3 times more in both sexes. Tumors began to reach a large size on average 94 days before in treated females, and up to 600 days earlier in 2 male groups eating the GM maize (11 and 22% with or without R). img class="figure large" border="0" alt="Full-size image (75 K)" src="http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0278691512005637-gr2.jpg" data-thumbsrc="http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0278691512005637-gr2.sml" data-fullsrc="http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0278691512005637-gr2.jpg" Fig. 2. Largest non-regressive tumors in rats fed GMO treated or not by Roundup, and effects of Roundup alone. The symbols of curves and treatments are explained in the caption of Fig. 1 . The largest tumors were palpable during the experiment and numbered from 20 mm in diameter for males and 17.5 mm for females. Above this size, 95% of growths were non-regressive tumors. Summary of all tumors are shown in the bar histograms: black, non regressive largest tumors; white, small internal tumors; grey, metastases. View thumbnail images Figure options View in workspace Download full-size image Download as PowerPoint slide In female animals, the largest tumors were in total 5 times more frequent than in males after 2 years, with 93% being mammary tumors. Adenomas, fibroadenomas and carcinomas were deleterious to health due to a very large size, rather than the grade of the tumor itself. Large tumor size caused impediments to either breathing or nutrition and digestion because of their thoracic or abdominal location and also resulted in hemorrhaging. In addition, one metastatic ovarian cystadenocarcinoma and two skin tumors were identified. Metastases were observed in only 2 cases; one in a group fed with 11% GM maize, and another in the highest dose of R treatment group. Up to 14 months, no animals in the control groups showed any signs of tumors whilst 10–30% of treated females per group developed tumors, with the exception of one group (33% GMO + R). By the beginning of the 24th month, 50–80% of female animals had developed tumors in all treated groups, with up to 3 tumors per animal, whereas only 30% of controls were affected. The R treatment groups showed the greatest rates of tumor incidence with 80% of animals affected with up to 3 tumors for one female, in each group. A summary of all mammary tumors at the end of the experiment, independent of the size, is presented in Table 2 . The same trend was observed in the groups receiving R in their drinking water; all females except one (with metastatic ovarian carcinoma) presented, in addition mammary hypertrophies and in some cases hyperplasia with atypia ( Table 2 ). Table 2. Summary of the most frequent anatomical pathologies observed. Organs and associated pathologies Controls GMO 11% GMO 22% GMO 33% GMO 11% + R GMO 22% + R GMO 33% + R R (A) R (B) R (C) Males, in liver 2 (2) 5 (4) 11 (7) 8 (6) 5 (4) 7 (4) 6 (5) 11 (5) 9 (7) 6 (5) In hepatodigestive tract 6 (5) 10 (6) 13 (7) 9 (6) 9 (6) 13 (6) 11 (7) 23 (9) 16 (8) 9 (5) Kidneys, CPN 3 (3) 4 (4) 5 (5) 7 (7) 5 (5) 4 (4) 4 (4) 6 (6) 5 (5) 3 (3) Females, mammary tumors 8 (5) 15 (7) 10 (7) 15 (8) 10 (6) 11 (7) 13 (9) 20 (9) 16 (10) 12 (9) In mammary glands 10 (5) 22 (8) 10 (7) 16 (8) 17 (8) 16 (8) 15 (9) 26 (10) 20 (10) 18 (9) Pituitary 9 (6) 23 (9) 20 (8) 8 (5) 19 (9) 9 (4) 19 (7) 22 (8) 16 (7) 13 (7) After the number of pathological abnormalities, the number of rats reached is indicated in parentheses. In male animals pathological signs are liver congestions, macroscopic spots and microscopic necrotic foci. Hepatodigestive pathological signs concern the liver, stomach and small intestine (duodenum, ileum or jejunum). Only marked or severe chronic progressive nephropathies (CPN) are listed, excluding two nephroblastomas in groups consuming GMO 11% and GMO 22% + Roundup. In females, mammary fibroadenomas and adenocarcinomas are the major tumors detected; galactoceles and hyperplasias with atypia are also found and added in mammary glands pathological signs. Pituitary dysfunctions include adenomas, hyperplasias and hypertrophies. For details of the various treatment groups see Fig. 1 . Full-size table Table options View in workspace Download as CSV The second most affected organ in females was the pituitary gland, in general around 2 times more than in controls for most treatments ( Table 2 ). At this level again, adenomas and/or hyperplasias and hypertrophies were noticed. For all R treatment groups, 70–80% of animals presented 1.4–2.4 times more abnormalities than controls in this gland. The big palpable tumors in males (in kidney, and mostly skin) were by the end of the experimental period on average twice as frequent as in controls, in which one skin fibroma appeared during the 23rd month. At the end of the experiment, internal non-palpable tumors were added, and their sums were lower in males than in females. They were not really different from controls, although slightly above in females (Histograms Fig. 2 ). The most affected organs in males were the liver, together with the hepatodigestive tract and kidneys ( Table 2 and Fig. 3 ). Hepatic congestions, macroscopic and microscopic necrotic foci were 2.5–5.5 times more frequent in all treatments than in control groups. Gamma GT hepatic activity was increased in particular for GMO + R groups (up to 5.4 times), this being probably due to a liver disorder. In addition, cytochrome activities also generally increased in the presence of R (in drinking water or GM diet) according to the dose up to 5.7 times at the highest dose. Transmission electron microscopic observations of liver samples confirmed changes for all treated groups in relation to glycogen dispersion or appearance in lakes, increase of residual bodies and enlargement of cristae in mitochondria ( Fig. 4 ). The GM maize fed groups either with or without R application (in plants) showed a reduced transcription in mRNA and rRNA because of higher heterochromatin content, and decreased nucleolar dense fibrillar components. In the GMO + R group (at the highest dose) the smooth endoplasmic reticulum was drastically increased and nucleoli decreased in size, becoming more compact. For R treatment alone similar trends were observed, with a partial resumption of nucleolar activity at the highest dose. img class="figure large" border="0" alt="Full-size image (279 K)" src="http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0278691512005637-gr3.jpg" data-thumbsrc="http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0278691512005637-gr3.sml" data-fullsrc="http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0278691512005637-gr3.jpg" Fig. 3. Anatomopathological observations in rats fed GMO treated or not by Roundup, and effects of Roundup alone. Macroscopic and microscopic photographs show male livers (A–E) and left kidneys (F–I′), female mammary glands (J–P) and pituitaries (Q–T), according to Table 2 . The number of each animal and its treatment is specified. Macroscopic pale spots (D) and microscopic necrotic foci in liver (C clear-cell focus, E basophilic focus with atypia), and marked or severe chronic progressive nephropathies, are illustrated. In females, mammary tumors (J,J′,N adenocarcinoma and K,K′,L,L′,O,P fibroadenomas) and pituitary adenomas (R–T) are shown and compared to controls (C after the rat number). View thumbnail images Figure options View in workspace Download full-size image Download as PowerPoint slide img class="figure large" border="0" alt="Full-size image (167 K)" src="http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0278691512005637-gr4.jpg" data-thumbsrc="http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0278691512005637-gr4.sml" data-fullsrc="http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0278691512005637-gr4.jpg" Fig. 4. Ultrastructure of hepatocytes in male rats from groups presenting the greatest degree of liver pathology. (1) Typical control rat hepatocyte (Bar 2 μm except in 4). (2) Effects with Roundup at the lowest dose. Glycogen (G) is dispersed in the cytoplasm. L, lipid droplet; N, nucleus; R rough endoplasmic reticulum. (3) Hepatocytes of animal fed GM maize (GMO) at 22% of total diet. Large lakes of glycogen occur in the cytoplasm. M, mitochondria. (4) Details of treatment effects with 22% dietary GMO (Bar 1 μm). (a) Cluster of residual bodies (asterisks). (b) Mitochondria show many enlarged cristae (arrows). View thumbnail images Figure options View in workspace Download full-size image Download as PowerPoint slide Degenerating kidneys with turgid inflammatory areas demonstrate the increased incidence of marked and severe chronic progressive nephropathies, which were up to 2-fold higher in the 33% GM maize or lowest dose R treatment groups ( Table 2 and Fig. 3 ). 3.3. Biochemical analyses For the different corns and diets, the study of the standard chemical composition revealed no particular difference; this is why they were classified as substantially equivalent, except for transgene DNA quantification. For instance, there was no difference between total isoflavones. In addition, other specific compounds not always requested for substantial equivalence establishment were assayed. Among phenolic acids, the only consistent and significant ( p 0.01) results concerned ferulic acid that was decreased in both GM and GM + R diets by 16–30% in comparison to the control diet (889 ± 107, 735 ± 89 respectively vs control 1057 ± 127 mg/kg) and caffeic acid by 21–53% (17.5 ± 2.1, 10.3 ± 1.3 vs control 22.1 ± 2.6 mg/kg). For biochemical measurements in rats, statistical analysis was performed on the results obtained from samples taken at the 15th month time point, as this was the last sampling time when most animals were still alive (in treated groups 90% males, 94% females, and 100% controls). OPLS-DA 2-class models were built between each treated group per sex and controls. Only models with an explained variance R 2 (Y) ⩾ 80%, and a cross-validated predictive ability Q 2 (Y) ⩾ 60%, were used for selection of the discriminant variables ( Fig. 5 A), when their regression coefficients were significant at 99% confidence level. Thus, in treated females, kidney failures appeared at the biochemical level (82% of the total disrupted parameters). Ions (Na, Cl) or urea increased in urine. Accordingly, the same ions decreased in serum ( Fig. 5 B) as did the levels of P, K and Ca. Creatinine or clairance decreased in urine for all treatment groups in comparison to female controls ( Table 3 ). In GM maize treated males (with or without R), 87% of discriminant variables were kidney related, but the disrupted profiles were less obvious because of advanced chronic nephropathies and deaths. In summary, for all treatments and both sexes, 76% of the discriminant variables versus controls were kidney related. img class="figure large" border="0" alt="Full-size image (114 K)" src="http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0278691512005637-gr5.jpg" data-thumbsrc="http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0278691512005637-gr5.sml" data-fullsrc="http://ars.els-cdn.com/content/image/1-s2.0-S0278691512005637-gr5.jpg" Fig. 5. Orthogonal Partial Least Squares-Discriminant Analysis (OPLS-DA) for biochemical data (females fed 33% GMO versus controls). (A) OPLS-DA regression coefficients for predictive component, with jack-knifed confidence intervals at 99% confidence level, indicate discriminant parameters versus controls at month 15 (Abbreviations: U Urinary, UEx Excreted in urine during 24 h, APPT Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time, MCV Mean Corpuscular Volume, PT Prothrombine Time, RBC Red Blood Cells, ALT ALanine aminoTransferase, MCHC Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration, A/G Albumin/Globulin ratio, WBC White Blood Cells, AST aspartate aminotransferase). (B) In this case, detailed examples of significant discriminant variables distribution between females fed 33% GMO (bold line) and controls (dotted line). On x axis: animals; on y axis: serum or urine biochemical values for Na, Cl, estradiol, testosterone. Profiles evidence kidney ion leakages and sex hormonal imbalance versus controls. View thumbnail images Figure options View in workspace Download full-size image Download as PowerPoint slide Table 3. Percentage variation of parameters indicating kidney failures of female animals. Discriminant variables GMO 11% + R GMO 22% + R GMO 33% + R GMO 11% GMO 22% GMO 33% R (A) R (B) R (C) Urinary decrease Clairance −4 −11 −20 −20 −20 −19 −20 −24 −40 Creatinine −5 −32 −37 −19 −37 −36 −43 −23 −1 Creatinine ex −5 −11 −19 −18 −17 −21 −21 −22 −39 Urinary increase Urea 12 18 15 15 12 −1 0 13 32 Na 25 33 30 52 −2 95 62 65 91 Na ex 24 50 68 50 24 125 108 51 7 Cl 14 35 28 46 5 101 67 56 94 Cl ex 20 63 70 51 31 138 121 48 13 Serum decrease Na 2 1 1 −1 −4 −6 −7 0 −3 Cl −1 −2 −2 −5 −7 −6 −8 −1 −4 P −6 −11 −13 −17 −18 −20 −32 −9 −13 K 4 5 10 2 −4 0 −4 8 −5 Ca 4 3 3 2 −2 −5 −6 3 −6 Gonads Estradiol 8 −1 2 5 −2 −25 −26 −73 39 Testosterone 5 −9 27 56 17 81 97 −72 10 OPLS-DA was performed on 48 variables at month 15. Here we showed mean differences (%) of variables (discriminant at 99% confidence level, in bold character) indicating kidney parameters of female animals, together with sex hormones. Male kidney pathologies are already illustrated in Table 2 . Full-size table Table options View in workspace Download as CSV Moreover, in females ( Table 3 ) the androgen/estrogen balance in serum was modified by GM maize and R treatments (at least 95% confidence level, Fig. 5 B), and for male animals at the highest R-treatment dose, levels of estrogens were more than doubled. 4. Discussion This report describes the first life-long rodent (rat) feeding study investigating possible toxic effects rising from an R-tolerant GM maize (NK603) and a complete commercial formulation of R-herbicide. Our data show that, as is often the case for hormonal diseases, most observed effects in this study were not proportional to the dose of the treatment (GM maize with and without R application; R alone), non-monotonic and with a threshold effect ( Vandenberg et al., 2012 ). Similar degrees of pathological symptoms were noticed in this study to occur from the lowest to the highest doses suggesting a threshold effect. This corresponds to levels likely to arise from consumption or environmental exposure, such as either 11% GM maize in food, or 50 ng/L of glyphosate in R-formulation as can be found in some contaminated drinking tap waters, and which fall within authorized limits. The lifespan of the control group of animals corresponded to the mean rat lifespan, but as is frequently the case with most mammals including humans ( WHO, 2012 ), males on average died before females, except for some female treatment groups. All treatments in both sexes enhanced large tumor incidence by 2–3-fold in comparison to our controls but also for the number of mammary tumors in comparison to the same Harlan Sprague Dawley strain ( Brix et al., 2005 ), and overall around 3-fold in comparison to the largest study with 1329 Sprague Dawley female rats ( Chandra et al., 1992 ). In our study the tumors also developed considerably faster than the controls, even though the majority of tumors were observed after 18 months. The first large detectable tumors occurred at 4 and 7 months into the study in males and females respectively, underlining the inadequacy of the standard 90 day feeding trials for evaluating GM crop and food toxicity ( Séralini et al., 2011 ). Suffering inducing euthanasia and deaths corresponded mostly in females to the development of large mammary tumors. These appeared to be clearly related to the various treatments when compared to the control groups. These tumors are generally known to be mostly estrogen-dependent ( Harvell et al., 2000 ). We observed a strikingly marked induction of mammary tumors by R alone, a major formulated pesticide, even at the very lowest dose administered. R has been shown to disrupt aromatase which synthesizes estrogens ( Richard et al., 2005 ), but to also interfere with estrogen and androgen receptors in cells ( Gasnier et al., 2009 ). In addition, R appears to be a sex endocrine disruptor in vivo , also in males ( Romano et al., 2010 ). Sex steroids are also modified in treated rats. These hormone-dependent phenomena are confirmed by enhanced pituitary dysfunction in treated females. An estrogen modified feedback mechanism may act at this level ( and ). The similar pathological profiles provoked by the GM maize containing R residues may thus be explained at least by R residues themselves, knowing that the medium dose of the R treatment corresponds to acceptable levels of this pesticide residues in GMOs. Interestingly, in the groups of animals fed with the NK603 without R application, similar effects with respect to enhanced tumor incidence and mortality rates were observed. A possible explanation for this finding is the production of specific compound(s) in the GM feed that are either directly toxic and/or cause the inhibition of pathways that in turn generate chronic toxic effects. This is despite the fact that the variety of GM maize used is this study was judged by industry and regulators as being substantially equivalent to the corresponding non-GM closest isogenic line. As the total chemical composition of the GM maize cannot be measured in details, the use of substantial equivalence is insufficient to highlight potential unknown toxins and therefore cannot replace long-term animal feeding trials for GMOs. A cause of the effects of the effects could be that the NK603 GM maize used in this study is engineered to overexpress a modified version of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) ( Hammond et al., 2004 ) allowing the R tolerance. The modified EPSPS is not inhibited by glyphosate by contrast to the wild enzyme. This enzyme is known to drive the first step of aromatic amino acid biosynthesis in the plant shikimate pathway; in addition estrogenic isoflavones and their glycosides are also products of this pathway ( Duke et al., 2003 ). They were not disturbed in our study. By contrast, the levels of caffeic and ferulic acids in the GM diets, which are also secondary metabolites from this pathway, but not always measured in regulatory tests, are significantly reduced. This may lower their protective effects against carcinogenesis and even mammalian tumors ( and ). Moreover, these phenolic acids and in particular ferulic acid may modulate estrogen receptors or the estrogenic pathway in mammalian cells ( Chang et al., 2006 ). This does not exclude the action of other unknown metabolites. This explanation also corresponds to the fact that the observed effects of NK603 and R are not additive and reached a threshold. This implies that both the NK603 maize and R may cause hormonal disturbances in the same biochemical and physiological pathway. As expected, mammary tumors in males occurred far less frequently than in females. Death in male rats was mostly due to the development of severe hepatorenal insufficiencies, confirming the first signs of toxicity observed in 90 day feeding trials with NK603 maize ( Spiroux de Vendmois et al., 2009 ). In females, kidney ion leakages were evidenced at the biochemical levels at month 15, when severe nephropathies were evidenced in dead male animals afterwards, at the anatomopathological level. Early signs of toxicity at month 3 in kidney and liver were also observed for 19 edible GM crops containing pesticide residues ( Séralini et al., 2011 ). As a matter of fact, only elderly male rats are sensitive to chronic progressive nephropathies ( Hard and Khan, 2004 ). The disturbed kidney parameters may have been induced by the reduction of phenolic acids in our study, since caffeic and ferulic acids are beneficial in the kidney as they prevent oxidative stress ( and ). Accordingly, we previously demonstrated that plant extracts containing ferulic and caffeic acids were able to promote detoxification of embryonic kidney cells after R contamination ( Gasnier et al., 2011 ). It is thus possible that NK603 consumption by reducing these compounds may well provoke an early aging of kidney physiology in this study, like R by oxidative stress. Disturbances that we found to occur in the male liver are characteristic of a chronic intoxication, confirmed by alterations in biochemical liver and kidney function parameters. The observation that liver function in female animals is less affected may be due to their physiology being better adapted to estrogen metabolism. Furthermore, liver enzymes have been clearly demonstrated as sex-specific in their expression patterns, including in a 90-day rat feeding trial of NK603 maize ( Spiroux de Vendmois et al., 2009 ). However, in a long-term study, evidence of early liver aging was observed in female mice fed with R-tolerant GM soy ( Malatesta et al., 2008a ). In the present investigation, deeper analysis at an ultrastructural level revealed evidence of impediments in transcription and other defects in cell nuclear structure that were comparable in both sexes, and dose-dependent in hepatocytes in all treatments. This is consistent with the well-documented toxic effect of very low dilutions of R on apoptosis, mitochondrial function, and cell membrane degradation inducing necrosis of hepatocytes, and other cell lines ( , , and ). The disruptions of at least the estrogen-related pathways and/or enhancement of oxidative stress by all treatments need further investigations. This can be addressed through the application of transcriptomic, proteomic and metabolomic methods to analyze the molecular profiles of kidneys and livers, as well as the GM NK603 maize ( , and ). Other possible causes of observed pathogenic effects may be due to disturbed gene expression resulting from the transgene insertional, general mutagenic or metabolic effects ( and ) as has been shown for MON810 GM maize ( Rosati et al., 2008 ). A consequent disruption of general metabolism in the GMO cannot be excluded, which could lead, for example, to the production of other potentially active compounds such as miRNAs ( Zhang et al., 2012 ) or leukotoxin diols ( Markaverich et al., 2005 ). In conclusion, it was previously known that glyphosate consumption in water above authorized limits may provoke hepatic and kidney failures ( EPA ). The results of the study presented here clearly demonstrate that lower levels of complete agricultural glyphosate herbicide formulations, at concentrations well below officially set safety limits, induce severe hormone-dependent mammary, hepatic and kidney disturbances. Similarly, disruption of biosynthetic pathways that may result from overexpression of the EPSPS transgene in the GM NK603 maize can give rise to comparable pathologies that may be linked to abnormal or unbalanced phenolic acids metabolites, or related compounds. Other mutagenic and metabolic effects of the edible GMO cannot be excluded. This will be the subject of future studies, including transgene and glyphosate presence in rat tissues. Reproductive and multigenerational studies will also provide novel insights into these problems. This study represents the first detailed documentation of long-term deleterious effects arising from the consumption of a GM R-tolerant maize and of R, the most used herbicide worldwide. Altogether, the significant biochemical disturbances and physiological failures documented in this work confirm the pathological effects of these GMO and R treatments in both sexes, with different amplitudes. We propose that agricultural edible GMOs and formulated pesticides must be evaluated very carefully by long term studies to measure their potential toxic effects. Conflict of Interest The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest. Acknowledgments We thank Michael Antoniou for English assistance and constructive comments on the manuscript, as well as Herrade Hemmerdinger for proofreading. We gratefully acknowledge the Association CERES, the Foundation “Charles Leopold Mayer pour le Progrès de l’Homme”, the French Ministry of Research, and CRIIGEN for their major support. References Baskaran et al., 2010 N. Baskaran, S. Manoharan, S. Balakrishnan, P. 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寻正 由于时间关系,我没有全面关注中国人以及“世界顶尖科学家”针对法国人Seralini等人转基因玉米毒性实验的批评,更没有看到曾庆平老师打击法国人长期实验,力捧中国人短期实验的壮举,由于友人关注此事,我专门写了一篇分析,最终还被科学网精选,因此我稍微关注了一下,不由得 被滚烫的战火吓了一跳 。 谁说法国人实验无懈可击了?谁又那么大胆指责曾老师读不懂法国人科学报告了?我不得而知,但滚烫的战火还是让我感受到几分热意,毕竟我公开维护过法国人的研究而贬斥过中国朱雅西等人的研究。 首先,我批评中国人一轰而上带着利益倾向恶评法国人Seralini等人的报告,并不等于我认为法国人的研究无懈可击地完美。Seralini等的报告有两大缺点,一是可读性不强,二是统计分析做得不到位,后者曾庆平老师正确地指出来了。这二者某种程度上是相关的,如何做统计分析,往往决定了作者如何表述其发现。 原文的图表由于信息量大,而作者没有刻意考虑受众的需要,使之不易理解,容易被误解。转基因玉米有防癌效果原来并非方舟子这种科学的二百五才会得出的结论,包括正活跃在科研第一线的曾庆平老师也会有,还理直气壮地宣称读懂了原图,还要继续接受媒体的采访,把这种谬论传播开去。那就产生一种需要,需要全面地评估法国人的发现,用更易懂的方式把Seralini等人的报告展示出来。我在此进行此类尝试。 我们逐个图表评述,让读者有一个清晰的思路。 表1. 本研究设计与现有的研究设计以及非强制的法定管理机构推荐设计的比较 这个表格表示作者在实验设计中参考了现有最佳设计以及法定管理部门推荐的设计,与之对比,有两个显著亮点:一是长期喂养达到两年,二是针对实验动物的监测更为详尽。中国学者或者中国学者代表“世界顶尖学者”针对此研究的对照组的吹毛求疵式的批评是没有道理的,朱雅西等人针对每一剂量转基因玉米都设立了对照组,而其结果就起码证明了这些对照组之间没有差异,从另一角度支持了只设一个对照组是有道理的,节约了成本。 接下来我们看图1. 动物的死亡率: 这里左边的是雄性动物,右边的是雌性动物,最上边的是转基因玉米,中间的是转基因玉米施加了农达(Roundup)培育的玉米,最下边的是在饲料中加入三种浓度的农达。大图表示的是死亡率,图中粗实线是33%或者最高的农达浓度,而虚线是对照组,其它两组是不同粗细的实线,在图中不易于区分。在大图的最右边有一个对照组寿命区间,垂直的实竖线为平均寿命,而虚竖线则是标准误。 怎么读这些图呢?以雌鼠转基因玉米组(右上)图为例,在接近300天时,22%的组迎来了第一只鼠的死亡,在大约500天时又有一只鼠死亡,其曲线在这里再拐一次;33%的组在接近400天死亡一只鼠,很快又死了两只鼠,所以看到两个急拐;对照组在接近550天有了第一只鼠的死亡,而11%的组则在接近650天才有第一只鼠的死亡。在雌鼠可以明显看到实验组的鼠比对照组死亡更早更快,而雄鼠效果在农达组不明显,在转基因玉米加农达组明显,而单纯转基因组不那么明显。 在每一幅大图中,有一幅小图,显示的是大鼠死亡原因,白色表示未死亡,黑色表示因为肿瘤而死亡,而灰色表示自然死亡(即非肿瘤性死亡)。对比大图小图可知,死亡的截止时间为对照组寿命期。又以右上图的雌鼠转基因玉米组为例,在对照组有2只鼠因肿瘤死亡,在11%组有2只,而自然死亡1只,在22%组有6只,而自然死亡1只,在33%组有4只因肿瘤死亡。 很明显,无论是雄鼠,还是雌鼠,实验组因为肿瘤而死亡的鼠显著多于对照组。Seralini等人的一个失误是没有做统计分析,为什么呢?因为样本太小,每组只有10只鼠,死亡率差别最大也不过40%,在组样本只有10的情况下不会有统计学显著性。我们以雌鼠的最大差别为例,对照组2/10,实验组22%组6/10(也可用6/9,自然死亡让因变量具有不确定性),那么费氏(Fisher’s)确切概率计算p值为0.170;又同样地对待雄鼠,对照组0/10,实验组22%转基因加农达组3/10,那么费氏确切概率计算p值为0.211。 很明显,Seralini等人没有做统计对比是藏拙,因为样本太小而做这种统计对比没有意义。在批评者欢呼之前,我还要指出,根据Seralini等人的图估计的数据,换一种分析方法,比如生存率分析,则雌性22%转基因玉米组与对照组相比有统计显著性,p=0.040。 现在我们来看图2.动物肿瘤数量 首先我们需要理解一个曾庆平老师可能仍然糊涂着的概念,Non-regressive Tumor,曾老师译为“非退化性肿瘤”,这是什么玩意儿啊?这就是肿瘤。在肿瘤学中,由于部分肿瘤(癌)会自消(Regression自愈),这主要发生在比较小的肿瘤,比如乳腺癌中,如果凭现代高科技比如乳腺照相发现的早期癌肿,可能超过1/5会自消,没有任何治疗,或者治疗手段不足以杀死癌细胞时,人们身体的免疫系统把癌细胞给消灭了,癌瘤自然地消失了。癌肿的体积大了,自消的可能性呈几何组数递减。本研究中用了摸得到(Palpable)一词,摸得到的肿瘤,就几乎完全不可能自消(概率一般低于10万分之一),也就是我们一般所言的肿瘤,在普通人的概念中,肿瘤是不会自消的,因此,我们用不着这么麻烦,处处要用“非自消性肿瘤”这个专业词汇。 该图的小图表示发现肿瘤数量,其中黑色表示大的肿瘤,即摸得到的肿瘤,更精确地说,在雄性肿瘤直径在20毫米以上,在雌性则为17.5毫米以上——这不是说研究者在搞性别歧视,而是在两种性别中发现的最小的大肿瘤。摸不着的是如何发现的呢?记住,所有的大鼠在实验结束时是要杀死,用显微镜检查组织器官的,在尸检时就会发现在体外摸不着的内脏的小肿瘤,所以文章中特地称之为小的内脏肿瘤。 那么大图表示的是什么呢?大图表示是摸得到的大肿瘤的发生时间,跟此前图1类似,其横轴是时间,竖轴是大肿瘤的个数。总的趋势很明显,在实验组出现大肿瘤的次数以及出现时间要早于对照组。以右上图为例,在240天左右,转基因玉米22%组即出现了大肿瘤,而对照组要等到430天左右才出现第一例大肿瘤。由于同一只鼠可以出现多个肿瘤,所以肿瘤数可以超过动物样本数。 图2的小图具有欺骗性,叠加图让读者易于误会这三种肿瘤状态(大肿瘤、小肿瘤、肿瘤转移)是可以叠加的。这三种状态相当于西瓜、李子、与西瓜籽儿。现在发表文章有篇幅压力,作者为了尽可能性呈递信息,把不应当叠加的叠加在一起了,但显然作者并不认为这些状态具有可加和性,故而其大图集中对比大肿瘤的发生数与发生时间。分辨苹果与梨子的不可加和性是统计学基本功,方舟子不懂不奇怪,曾庆平老师战斗在科研第一线,居然也跳入此陷阱,是怪基本功太差,还是洋鬼子太恶劣,居然无意挖了这么一个坑? 由于Seralini等人选择的数据汇报方式,使得直接对比三种肿瘤状态十分困难,我们不能象前面那样从图中提取数据进行统计分析。我们要意识到,这里有两个分析单元(Unit of Analysis),一是动物,二是肿瘤数,要进行统计分析,我们必须确切地知道每一只鼠对应的肿瘤数。肿瘤发生率的统计模型更为复杂,也不可能从图中提取数据分析。但我们凭观察可以估计,从大肿瘤数而言,可能凭每组10只的样本量达不统计比较的显著性,而如果同时考虑发生时间,则会有统计显著性。 在表2提供了更多更详尽的关于病变的统计 这一表格依次统计了雄鼠的肝、肝消化道管道、以及慢性进行性肾病,而在雌鼠则统计了乳腺肿瘤、乳腺病变、以及垂体病变。这个表格在括号内的数据是累及鼠只数,所以有了两级分析单元的数据,起码可以在鼠只数这个分析单元上进行统计分析。 以肿瘤为例,雌鼠乳腺发生肿瘤在对照组为5只,而实验组为6-10只。其中达到10只均发生肿瘤的与对照组相比有统计显著性,p=0.033,其它组没有显著性。由于在不同浓度之间未观察到量效的反应,可以假定实验组效果相似,因此,可以合并所有实验组以克服样本小的缺陷,那么,对照组为5/10,实验组为72/90发生乳腺肿瘤,确切概率p值为0.047,而皮尔森卡方p值为0.032。也就是说,从肿瘤发生率上说,即使不考虑发生的时间关系,实验组有增加的患肿瘤风险也具有统计上的确定性。 在原文的图4与表3中还有更多的数据显示实验组的异常,并且作者进行了复杂的统计分析。 针对图3、图4、与表3,批评者的争议甚少涉及,本身也属于支持性的资料,在此不做进一步的分析。 探索性的研究 在讨论到Seralini等人的研究时,我们面临一个巨大的挑战,那就是样本量太小,导致看到的明显的毒性作用都无法得到统计学支持,比如肝病变,在对照组为2/10,如果要达到统计学差异,实验组得有8/10这么大效应!如果我们要强求统计分析的显著性,那么我们可以直接叫停所有的毒性分析研究了,因为这么强的毒性,往往不用正规的动物实验就能观察到。 为什么科学家又要进行这种小样本的动物实验呢?为什么法定管理机构也推荐10只动物作为标准样本大小呢?原来研究还分为两种情况,一是探索性的研究(Exploratory Study),二是确定性的研究(Definitive Study)。 当我们处于对研究话题完全无知的状态时,我们进行探索性的研究,比如毒性实验中,我们不知道具体毒性是什么,更谈不上估计毒性大小了,这时进行探索性的实验就致关重要。探索性的实验是在寻找线索,而非确定因果关系,所以通样采用小样本,为的是控制成本。在Seralini等人的研究中,他们是在寻找转基因玉米的潜在毒性,而不是确定转基因玉米是否的确引起了肿瘤,统计分析的缺乏,实际上无伤大雅——即使是可以下确定性统计学结论,这种单一的孤立的实验仍然不足为凭,确认相应的因果关系。 在社会科学领域内,探索性的研究还有一种特殊形式,叫定性研究(Qualitative Study),不但没有统计学,可能连数据统计也没有,但你不能凭此否认探索性研究的科学价值。相反,某些探索性研究,尤其是这种毒性实验,在样本量明显不足的时候,依赖统计学结论就是忽悠与欺骗,研究者的结论应当更多地依靠对实验参数的病理生理学解释,而非简单地因为缺乏统计显著性而认为实验组与对照组相同。 有了探索性研究,我们知道转基因玉米可以引起乳腺癌,然后我们专门设计验证这种因果关系的实验就叫确定性实验。由于有了探索性研究给出的参数,比如自然发生乳腺癌为50%左右,而转基因玉米可以增加净风险30%,那么我们可以设计实验来确定性地判断转基因玉米与乳腺癌的关系,凭探索性研究的结果,我们可以估计需要的样本量达到每组45只鼠。 研究问题 法国研究的批评者应当牢记,Seralini等人的研究并不回答所有的问题,他们在试图判断转基因玉米是否安全,这一判断只涉及转基因玉米是否有潜在的致病性,而非确定的致病性。他们的研究表明转基因玉米可能导致肿瘤,就观察到的数据而言,是不安全的,这并没有跨出数据所提示的结论,因为涉及食品安全,我们是宁可错估而不错失的。 批评法国研究者,请不要跨越探索性研究的前提要求探索性研究解决确定性研究的问题。 结论 Seralini等人的研究报告的确存在统计分析不足的情况,但无伤大雅。从研究呈述的数据中,我们可以判断,如果作者进行了相关的统计分析,不少安全性指标上的差异也会具有统计学确定性的。Seralini等人的研究有力地质疑了转基因玉米的安全性。 批评者针对探索性的实验要求确定性的结论是带着严重偏见的,这种偏见导致了即使是值得尊敬的学者也失了方寸。方舟子说Seralini等人的数据表明转基因玉米对肿瘤发生有保护作用是因为无知,这种无知对科学研究影响不大,因为他毕竟只能遥远地制造无意义的噪声。而活跃在一线的研究人员也鹦鹉学舌,那就值得警惕了。更可笑的是,曾庆平老师指责Seralini等人未进行统计结论,并且代为进行了统计估计,认为对照组与实验组并无不同,一转身,就重复起方舟子的无知论调,指责该实验结果有吃转基因玉米多的比吃得少的更少肿瘤。Seralini等人的数据“不洽”在可理解范围内,但曾庆平老师的逻辑不洽则不在。 急欲批评法国研究者,你们真把这一篇论文读懂了吗?
个人分类: 实事评论|7423 次阅读|37 个评论
转基因大辩论(3): 法国人的转基因玉米试验错在哪?
热度 13 jiangjiping 2012-9-27 07:28
转基因大辩论( 3 ): 法国人的转基因玉米试验错在哪? 蒋继平 据说最近法国的一个科研小组发现用孟山都的转基因玉米喂养的小白鼠比用非转基因的常规玉米喂养的同类小白鼠患肿瘤的几率要明显高出许多。 这一研究结果遭到许多科技人员的质疑。 其质疑的主要依据是这一研究结果与以往别的同类研究的结果截然不同。 不过, 这次法国科研小组用的实验方法确实与以往的不一样, 以往的实验期限一般是 90 天, 而这次法国团队的实验期限是 2 年。 根据科学的原理, 我本人觉得这次法国的实验设计更符合科学实验设计要求。 这是因为要使健康的小白鼠患上肿瘤, 至少也要喂养六个月的致癌物。 以往的实验只用 3 个月, 无论如何也说明不了任何问题。 而这次法国的试验用了两年时间, 就有足够的时间来使小白鼠显示病症。 因而,我认为那些质疑法国科技人员试验设计合法性的人是猪八戒倒打一耙。 还有的人说实验设计的另一个缺陷是对照组的小白鼠数量与实验组的数量不对称, 因而,试验结果无效。 我真不知道这是什么科学逻辑。 从科学理论上来说, 对照组用的是正常玉米, 人们都知道正常玉米很少会引起动物的癌症,所以,用正常玉米喂养小白鼠的对照组只要有一定的数量就行了。 这个对照组的主要目的是确保这个实验没有受到外界其他重大因素的干扰。我在几十年的科学实验中, 所用的正负对照的个体从来与试验样本不是对称的。 在同一组测试中, 正负对照的个体数通常要比试验样本少得多。 这是因为我们已经知道对照的个性特征, 没有必要用很多这样的个体来证明试验的可靠性。用过量的对照只会起到增加工作量的作用,因而,是浪费时间和资源的一个不明智之举。 现在让我用一个具体的例子来与各位商榷。 我在大约两个星期前用镰刀菌( Fusarium ) 接种蕃茄幼苗, 一共四个实验品种和两个对照品种。 结果见图一和表一。 图一: 西红柿幼苗接种镰刀菌后的抗性反应。 表一。 四个西红柿品种对镰刀菌的抗性反应。 品种 感病株数 抗病株数 总株数 抗病百分比 评价 A 1 20 21 95 分离 B 0 21 21 100 抗病 C 0 21 21 100 抗病 D 21 0 21 0 感病 抗病对照 0 7 7 100 抗病 感病对照 7 0 7 0 感病 备注 数据可信 图一是表一的实物显示。 从上面的例子中, 不论是图,还是表中的数字, 读者都能清楚地看到两个对照组的个体数与试验品种有很大的差异, 对照组的个体数要比试验样本的个体数少得多, 是不是? 但是,从图中的实物和表中的数字反映的情况来看, 难道还不足以证明这个实验是成功的吗? 简言之, 我对一些质疑很是奇怪。 这明明是正常的实验设计,反而被说成是不正常的。我觉得那些“内行”的质疑是有目的的,而那些外行的质疑是被那些所谓的内行忽悠了! 难道不是吗? 当然,我在此必须明确声明, 虽然我对这次法国科研团队对转基因玉米引起小白鼠肿瘤的试验设计没有多少质疑, 但是, 对于他们的实验结果是不是真实的,却保持观望态度。 附记:我对孟山都和转基因都持支持态度。 其主要原因之一是我曾经是孟山都的一名雇员, 现在我的一部分劳保退休福利仍然在孟山都公司。 因而,孟山都公司每年都要向我提供一份公司的年度福利报告。从这点上来说,孟山都的利益也关系到我的利益。 但是, 科学是科学,利益是利益, 在这两点上, 我坚守科研人员应该遵守的道德规范, 决不会因为个人利益而抛弃科学原则。
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热度 21 fs007 2012-9-26 18:42
寻正 转基因技术是人类生物科学发展的一个里程碑,为现代医学与农业做出了巨大的贡献,新技术总是意味着广泛的未知领域,因此,争议不断是普遍而常见的现象,也是科学发展的推动力,争议为科学家提供研究的动机与灵感。遗憾的是,在中国科学争议往往不在科学家手中,而是在望文生义以及一无所知的普通人手中,更惨的是,中国的科学家一旦卷入其中,他们也往往因为种种原因丧失专业修养,跟普通人一样地执着于偏见与无知,并乐于其中。 针对转基因的安全性,法国学者Seralini等人做了一个长期喂养实验【注1】,观察时间长达两年,这是史无前例的努力,本应获得广泛关注与赞扬,但是,由于实验结论不利于转基因作物,它成了中国无条件拥护转基因者诋毁的对象——这极具讽刺意味,法国人不利于转基因作物的研究,无形中转了某些中国人的“基因”:理性“基因”被偏执与自以为是的愚昧取代了。 Seralini等人的研究发表后网易的编辑就找到我,希望我针对转基因撰稿,并转述了中国拥转人士们针对该研究的质疑,我由于俗务缠身,暂时不能答应供稿,但也花了时间查看原文,指出转基因爱好者的质疑是缺乏常识的,Seralini等人的研究并非十全十美,但中国拥转人士的质疑也未免太不靠谱了——跟实验缺陷全不靠边。 所有的科学研究都允许质疑,但质疑也要质疑得有水平,有道理,质疑的目的应当是发展科学,而不是一味地否定结论——当质疑没有水平与道理时,人们就要考证这些人质疑的动机:你没有水平与能力质疑一项科学研究,却要强而为之,其间杂夹着某种阴险的动机是不言而喻的事情。 友人转来一份发表在《新语丝》的一份质疑,该文极具代表性:代表了拥转人士普遍针对Seralini等人的批评,也代表了极端拥转人士的最高“学术”水平——从学术界内饶毅教授造谣最早的抵制转基因研究源于反转人士,到学术界外海归博士方舟子造谣美国人直接食用转基因甜玉米,我们对拥转人士的“学术”就不要期望太多,而对他们的拥转热情可能始终估计不足。 一、实验有精心设计的对照组 拥转人士曾诋毁该研究没有对照组,这种说法纯属造谣,因为实验中有对照组,而且设计者精心设置了对照组(食用含33%对照玉米),让对照组与各实验组之间的差异仅仅为转基因、Roundup农药(即草甘磷)、或者二者的混合。实验中共有10个组,对照组,饲料中含11%,22%,33%转基因玉米三个组,饲料中含11%,22%,33%的加农药种植的转基因玉米三个组,以及饲料中人为添加农药分微量、中量、及多量三个组。所有组又有雌雄鼠的实验,每组10只鼠,所以共有200只鼠。 这个实验设计考虑了两个因素,即转基因玉米与转基因特定的农药,这里的转基因是对付草甘磷的,这种玉米让农民可以大量使用草甘磷,也必然导致农民大量使用草甘磷,实验研究的是转基因玉米本身以及现实中草甘磷对动物的毒性。实验设计中考虑了每种因素的量效反应。这个实验从设计上说,是比较经典的。 二、实验用鼠并无不当 由于设置了对照组,即使是研究者使用了易患肿瘤的鼠,其结论也是适当的。 该研究中使用的是Virgin albino Sprague-Dawley rats,即未育的斯-窦氏大白鼠,从五周龄开始实验。在医学实验研究中最常见的是Wistar(威斯达)大白鼠,不过,相对于威氏大白鼠而言,斯-窦氏鼠性格更加温顺,这是为什么Seralini等人选择该鼠的根本原因——他们在做长期研究,当然要选乖的养了,减少操作成本。斯-窦氏鼠也是最常见的医学研究用鼠之一,尤其是长期实验研究的首选。威氏鼠是1906年发展起来的,斯-窦氏鼠是1925年发展起来的,都算历史悠久了。 拥转人士批评该实验用的是癌症易感鼠是缺乏科学常识的,或者是故意忽略科学常识的欺骗,因为医学上的确有肿瘤易感鼠用于肿瘤相关研究,称为路易斯鼠(Lewis Rat),该鼠是路斯易博士在1950年代发展出来的,历史久远,做医学实验研究者不知道是很奇怪的。 批评者宣称研究用鼠最终90%都会自然“感染”癌症,这一句话彰显了评论者对科学的极度无知。即使这些鼠都发癌症,也不会是“感染”而来的。由于这些鼠不是路氏鼠,绝对不会90%死于癌症,也与该实验研究数据不合,以雌鼠为例,93%的肿瘤是乳腺肿瘤,而对照组只有5只(即50%)罹患肿瘤,在农药组中达到90%以上,而因肿瘤死亡者,对照组只有2只(20%)。在雄鼠的对照组,无一只死于肿瘤。面对这样的实验数据,批评者是读不懂科学论文,还是别有用心?请读者自己判断。 拥转批评者的无知还表现在选择易患肿瘤的鼠实际上却是非常有利于安全性的结论。比如用他们口中的90%会患肿瘤的鼠实验,能产生的最大效应就其只能是10%的差异,使得实验组达到100%患肿瘤。如果用这样的参数设计实验,要达到80%的统计检出效能(Power),实验样本起码要每组93只!而如果用的是10%几率发生肿瘤的鼠,最大差异则可以达到90%,那么,达到同样的统计效能,样本只需要每组6只!选择易患肿瘤鼠来做实验的,只可能是存心证明转基因作物安全的拥转人士。 三、样本小才有利于安全结论 拥转人士批评Seralini等人的实验样本太小,并称之为“致命的弱点”。这好比批评一个欲证明自己力气大的人举起了千斤之鼎,批评者得意洋洋地说,他应该搬一搬那个两百斤的石墩。这属于基本统计学常识,统计学差异越小,在同样的变异度下,需要的样本越大。在实验设计中要进行样本量设计,是要计算每组需要多少只鼠的。由于Seralini等人首次做如此长期的实验,他们只能估计组间差异,如果高估了组间差异,就会导致样本量过小。样本量小的最大麻烦就是假阴性——即两组间本身有差异,但差异小于估计值,样本量设置过小,统计学分析就会表明对照组与实验组没有组间差异,从而得出错误的两组没有差异,从而转基因玉米是安全的这个结论。 事实上,如果Seralini等人的研究结果说明转基因玉米与农药是安全的,样本小才是本研究的“致命弱点”,因为样本量太小,检出差异的能力就很小,反对转基因的人就可以依此质疑(正当地质疑)该研究的结论是否在大样本的情况下依然有效。一个人搬得起1000斤,当然能搬得起200斤,在小样本下即检出巨大差异,那么大样本只会使结果更加显著。但如果你搬得动200斤,质疑你能否搬动1000斤,那绝对是合理的。 批评者对人群调查研究的上万样本量对比,足以体现其用心险恶,缺乏科学常识不应到如此地步,实验研究控制因素多,可比性强,与完全没有控制机制的人群调查在样本量要求上根本不可同日而语,相提并论。 Seralini等人在文中也有解释,每组10只鼠,在相应研究中已是较(原文为“最”)大样本。 四、转基因玉米的抗癌功效? 方舟子宣称转基因玉米有抗癌功效,以此讽刺Seralini等人的研究“自相矛盾”,因为无论是转基因玉米,还是相应的农药,在致肿瘤性上没有量效反应——即越多地吃转基因玉米,越多地产生肿瘤。方舟子这里放弃了跟对照组的比较,而是单纯地考查量效反应,即使方舟子的说法有理,也只能说,一旦你开始吃转基因,就要多吃,多吃可能得肿瘤少些! 针对量效反应的缺乏,Seralini等人的解释是阈值反应,实验中使用的最小剂量就达到致病效果,再增加并不增加致病性,而实验各组的差异正是拥转人士口中的“随机效应”。这个实验意味着在将来的安全性实验中,转基因食品的量应进一步调低,比如1%-5%-10%,或者增加各组之间的差幅,比如1%-10%-30%。 稍有实际研究经验,Seralini等人的结果不出乎意料,他们也提供了完全可接受的解释,缺乏“随机效应”正是许多编造的研究结果的特征,方舟子针对该研究的曲解,彰显的正是其人基本科学知识的缺乏——谁在学术界行此批评,都会成为学术生涯的终止符:不缺常识就缺德,这样的人是需要从学术界淘汰掉的。 五、“不引起注意的”中国人转基因玉米实验 Seralini等人的研究被杂志接受发表的同时,《食品与化学物质毒理学》杂志还接受了来自中国农业大学与农业部的学者的论文,该文题目是“A 90-day feeding study of glyphosate-tolerant maize with the G2-aroA gene in Sprague-Dawley rats”(意:用转G2-aroA基因的抗草甘磷玉米在斯-窦鼠进行的90天饲喂实验)【注2】,该研究发现转基因玉米是安全的。 来自中国农大的朱雅西(音)等人的实验使用了同一种大鼠,大鼠鼠龄未知,只知道是断奶后的大鼠,这导致了大鼠的个体差异可能比Seralini等人的实验用鼠要大。同样地,朱等人的实验各组也只有10只。与朱雅西等人的实验相比,Seralini等人的控制更为严格,不说别的,朱雅西等人的研究中,大鼠住处的是学生宿舍,五鼠一间,而Seralini等人提供的是星级旅馆,标准间一房两鼠。 与Seralini等人研究相比,朱雅西等人的研究要粗糙得多,严谨程度远比不上后者,受关注的区别大致体现了实验研究质量上的区别。朱雅西等人设计了2(性别)×7组,其中转基因玉米含量为12.5%,25%,50%,每一浓度都有一对照组,在此之外,还有一用普通饲料喂养的对照组。在Seralini的实验中,对照组为含有33%(转基因玉米的)对照玉米,只有一个对照组。从理论上说,对照组应当没有效果,因此,一个对照组有利于节约成本。朱雅西等人设置这么多的对照组还不如把这些对照用于实验更有价值。对照组多了的一个显著好处是如果有什么异常,这个异常也容易被多设置的对照组解释掉——朱雅西等人正是这么干的。 对于转基因抗草甘磷玉米而言,一个不言而喻的事实就是这样的玉米必然大量使用草甘磷,这是研究此类转基因作物安全性的必然伴随因素。朱等人对此视若不见,连讨论中都未提及,而Seralini等人的研究表明增加的草甘磷有害健康,即使朱雅西等人的研究成立,该研究也对抗草甘磷转基因玉米的安全性毫无价值——唯一的价值大概是宣传价值? 朱雅西等人的不严谨几乎直接写在脸上,比如病理结果,作者宣称,没有发现大体或者微观上跟研究相关的病变。在这里,朱雅西等人相当于拍了胸脯做了保证,即使有病变,也是“不相关”的,而有没有病变,有多少,读者是不知道的,必须依赖作者的判断。更严谨的报道,是要具体报道结果的,让读者检验判断的合理性或者自己判断。 他们明确提出已有研究证实玉米含量超过33%就有健康风险了,但并不妨碍他们设计了含玉米达50%的研究与对照组——中国的伦理委员会是不考虑动物福利的?这种非理性的实验设计其实让作者作茧自缚,连公认的玉米含量超过33%就有健康风险你们都没有重复出来,如何让人相信你们的其它数据?这里朱雅西等人为Seralini等人研究设计中只使用含33%对照玉米作为对照提供了完美注解。 朱雅西等人做了一个经典的90天饲喂实验,这不妨碍他们将之称为“亚长期”(Subchronic)实验,结论的时候,就变长期(Long term)了。要说严谨二字,估计这是最不严谨的科学论文之一了。 然而,即使朱雅西等人的数据是真实的,其结论也丝毫无损于Seralini等人的研究!因为在Seralini等人的研究中,在100多天前,无论是对照组,还是实验组,都没有一只鼠死亡的。根据Seralini等的研究,就死亡率而言,差别出现在400-500天,没有一年三个月以上的观察,不可枉称“长期”研究,这是该研究对鼠饲喂实验的提示。 因此,我们可以下结论说,中国朱雅西等人的研究不引起关注是名至实归的,设计上的缺陷、不完全的报道、不严谨的讨论与结论,以及致命性的短期观察长期效果,使得该研究价值有限。该研究从特定角度支持了Seralini等人的观察的真实性。 结论 如果你不想自己的理性基因被转,最好针对强烈主张提倡转基因的转基因主义者与激烈地反对转基因人士都保持高度警惕,要以第一手资料为准进行自己的判断,兼听则明,不少中国人试图以舆论控制别人的思想的欲望是没有底线的,这些人的无知程度也永远无法被高估。 无论Seralini等人的研究多么严谨真实,它是孤立单一的实验,其结论需要更多重复实验证实,这才是正确的科学态度。根据这一研究,不要说现有300篇文章证实转基因食品的安全,即使有三千篇、三万篇,只要这些研究观察时间达不到400天以上,它们在证明转基因食品慢性安全性上就毫无价值。 不懂科学,最好不要暴露自己的动机,免得成了笑料之余,连人品的名誉也丧失了。 注: 【1】Séralini, G.-E., et al. Long term toxicity of a Roundup herbicide and a Roundup-tolerant genetically modified maize. Food Chem. Toxicol. (2012), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2012.08.005 【2】Zhu, Y., et al. A 90-day feeding study of glyphosate-tolerant maize with the G2-aroA gene in Sprague-Dawley rats. Food Chem. Toxicol. (2012), http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fct.2012.09.008 附:拥转人士的可笑质疑 (http://www.xys.org/xys/ebooks/others/science/dajia13/zhuanjiyin48.txt) 最近有法国科学家在《食品化学毒物学》上发表研究文章称,抗除草剂的玉米喂食大鼠导致致癌率大幅上升。这一惊人新闻被很多媒体和反转基因的组织和人士转发,引起了不小的轰动。其不实之处,已经有很多人予以了批驳和澄清。 比如说,对照也致癌,用的试验鼠是易感鼠,这些老鼠最终90%都会自然感染癌症而死亡,本试验无法区分是衰老导致还是转基因玉米导致,喂食的玉米没有做毒性成分检测,等等。具体就这个试验来看,假定所有的过程都正确无误,还有一个致命的弱点就是样本太小。什么意思呢,比如说你调查了10个女孩的身高,平均为1.7米,另外也调查了10个男孩的身高,平均为1.6米,如果你根据这个结果说女孩比男孩身高要高,大家一定会觉得很荒谬。要得出男孩和女孩到底哪个身高更高的结果,最好的办法就是把所有小孩的身高都调查一遍,然后再比较,实际操作过程中,显然做不到,所以常用抽样的结果来估计实际的结果,这就要用到统计分析。例如这篇文章的对照组也有大鼠致癌,我们可以问:为什么同样的老鼠,吃同样的东西,最后有的感染有的不感染呢?这就是随机效应,它无法避免,只能估计,要准确估计,必须要用大样本。而本试验每组别所用的实验鼠的数量不过10只,从统计上讲太小(样本数的下限是30,否则统计学意义有限,比如人类对疾病等的研究,调查的样本可能高达几万)。当然试验鼠因为遗传背景和培养条件相对一致,所用样本可以相对较小,但基于每组10只大鼠做出与普遍结果不符(有几百篇文献证明转基因食品无害)的结论仍然过于草率,尤其是在没有其他证据支持的情况下。而且对照和处理都有同样的结果出现,甚至有些对照出现致癌鼠的数量还更多,不同处理之间结果也不一致(比如吃更多转基因玉米的大鼠致癌率更低)。难怪方舟子据这个不严谨和自相矛盾的结果“戏称”转基因玉米和普通玉米相比更有抗癌功效。在该文发表的前一天,来自中国的一个研究团队也在同一个杂志发表了类似试验,结果却完全想反,得出的结论是,转基因玉米和普通玉米都不会导致试验鼠致癌。与前一篇文章不同的是,该文的发表没有引起任何注意。迄今,估计有超过300个以上的独立试验,证明了转基因食品是安全的,但这些文章加起来的影响估计还不及这样一篇“不正常”文章所引起的关注。从科学角度上讲,对于这样一个不寻常的结果,我们应该需要更多的证据和更加严格的论证。
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热度 5 smallland 2012-7-23 08:42
法 国人的浪漫,同志们都听说过。当然,不管多么浪漫,总还是人,总还有人类共同的行为特征。我们常说***员是特殊材料制成的,一旦涉及人之常情,就会说他 们也是人嘛。总之,只要是人,就摆脱不了人的思想和行为逻辑,就不免落入俗套。下面要讲的这个实验,就只有法国人能想出来,但说明的却是普世价值观。 实验大概的程序是,找一些帅哥,给他们配上不同档次的车,第一个档次的是7万多美元的奥迪A5,第二、第三档次分别是3万USD左右的雷诺和$1000以下的旧车。别的细节不清楚,但其中的法国式浪漫还值得一提: 选择天气晴朗的初夏,在靠近著名的人行道的停车场,帅哥们被轮流安排在不同层次的车上,向路过的年轻女性抛媚眼送微笑,说几句赞美的话,并索要电话号码。整个过程规定严格,说什么话,做什么表情,都有人暗中监视--科学实验嘛,总是基本要求。 实验结果当然不用多解释,一样的帅哥,不同的汽车,三个档次的汽车决定了索要号码的成功率:23.3%,12.8%,7.8%。 中国人不如法国人浪漫,这个数字或许会更夸张吧。 资源,资源!资源是决定人类交配和生殖是否成功的重要因素。
3894 次阅读|10 个评论
阿路龟 2012-4-30 22:13
和外国人谈话时,总是会被问到“这个周末做了什么事?”,我会习惯性的说nothing,结果会遇到一顿批评。 前不久,和课题组其他成员聊天时,问一个法国人“这个周末做了什么事?” 法国人脱口而出,“nothing”,哈哈。看来法国人的思维和中国人很想啊,囧。。。。
个人分类: 生活|4955 次阅读|0 个评论
xuwenlan 2011-12-28 09:33
( 1 )法国人 B 到上海旅游,住在老乡 JP 租借的房子里,一室一厅, JP 住卧室,来客 B 自然只能住客厅了。两个老外和楼下的门卫混熟了,这边喊“笨猪”( Bonjour ,您好),那边就会答“傻驴”( Salut ,你好)。一日 JP 外出,让 B 晚上回家自己掏钥匙开门。半夜, B 在酒吧喝得醉醺醺的,踉踉跄跄拔出钥匙,怎么捅都捅不开门。好个 B 居然还记得去找门卫,因为是商住两用楼,门卫有每套房子的钥匙,很快为 B 打开了房门, B 进门倒在客厅沙发上就呼呼大睡。也不知道过了多久, B 只觉得人声鼎沸,睁开醉眼一看,几个警察外加一个漂亮的姑娘正围着他,原来 B 走错了房间。这个家只有姑娘一人,晚上睡得也够沉的了,居然不知道半夜三更进来一个洋男人。早上出卧室一看,吓得可不轻,忙拨 110 。面对中国警察,法国人 B 的舌头打结了,“笨猪”、“傻驴”外加一连串的“没戏、没戏( Merci ,谢谢)”。还没戏啊?这个戏可是演得够邪乎的了! ( 2 ) 意大利的小偷世界闻名,意大利人 A 享受着上海的平安无事。一日背了个包逛城隍庙,正兴致勃勃着呢,忽听身旁有人大喝一声,只见两位年轻人扭住了一个拿着他钱包的家伙,原来是便衣警察在小偷行窃时抓了个现场。一会儿警车便呼啸而至, A 和小偷都被带到了警署。为了量刑,警察要了解被窃物品的价值。 A 的钱包里有护照、信用卡、现金,这些都一一记录了下来。那个钱包呢,看起来价值不菲。值多少?民警问。 A 说不知道,因为这是太太送的生日礼物。还没有等民警继续询问,他那边就已经用手机拨通了意大利国际长途。 A 的认真倒也让中国警察有几分感动。 A 就更加感动了,因为太太送的生日礼物失而复得、安然无恙啊。一激动, A 就说起了意大利语,对警察又是 “割拉窃” ( Grazie ,谢谢) ,又是 “ 布恩救了侬” ( Buongiorno ,你好) 。弄得中国警察直纳闷,怎么?这个意大利人还知道中文的“窃”啊,“救”啊的?莫非是在说他失窃的时候我们救了他?厉害,厉害!
2244 次阅读|0 个评论
chengqi2009 2011-8-18 14:44
欧洲古国之一比利时也是个颇有些历史的小国,其之所以大不了,跟她饱受周边列强的欺凌有些关系。譬如德国人,法国人,西班牙人等均肆无忌惮地踏上过这块领地,有些不大的城市至今语言仍未统一。但是比利时人民历来也是不屈不饶的,甚至可以说英雄辈出。然而最出名的可能还要数,按中国人说法是,穿开裆裤的小孩。所以到了小小比利时首都,如今她也成了欧盟的首府,参观王宫时自然会有意无意地遇上在那个不起眼的拐角口的那个英雄小孩撒尿的纪念碑。其上仍在撒尿的小孩好像比想象中的还要小,但好歹是个碑,会记下一段历史,毕竟这泡尿救过这个小城市。 比利时
个人分类: 五洲四海|4603 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 2 卫军英 2011-7-5 10:16
不知道是否可以上传视频,第一次尝试。 看看有点惊心动魄,不想被革命就要搞好自己。
个人分类: 社会人生|2875 次阅读|2 个评论
baidawei 2011-5-7 12:52
大哲学家一般都是光棍,如柏拉图,休谟,斯密,康德,尼采,叔本华等等。不过他们都不是法国人。法国哲学家的灵感必须由爱情来激励,比如说伏尔泰和萨特。他们的爱情是络绎不绝,而且至为生动。我这里讲的是伏尔泰的故事。 1733年39岁的伏尔泰遇到了27岁的爱茉莉,顿时坠入爱河,写到:为什么我这么晚才见到你呢?在你到来之前,我一直在寻找爱情,可得到的却只是海市蜃楼。 爱茉莉当时已是名花有主,老公是个职业军人。法国人对爱情比较豁达,老公在前方征战美女,把乡下的别墅送给老婆和她的情人住,而伏尔泰还花钱对这个别塾大肆翻修。 可是爱茉莉不是一般的女人,她的魅力不是一般的魅力。虽然伏尔泰说,“你是如此美丽,让人类的一半成为你的敌人”,我想那是情人眼里出西施了。然而伏尔泰的下一句话确是真切,“你是如此聪慧,让世人惧服。” 爱茉莉“聪慧”得让人震惊。她在18世纪的中叶就推测到了红外线,还触碰到了爱因斯坦E=MC2公式的一小角,推测到光是波,没有质量。她翻译的牛顿的《自然哲学的数学原理》是如此之好,以至于法国人对牛顿的理解超过了英国人,在物理学上后来居上。 想像一下爱茉莉说话的样子:按照牛顿,光用几分钟从太阳到达地球,那它的速度一定是非常快的。如果光有质量,那非把我们打死不可。再说,这些质量如果原来都在太阳上的话,太阳一定是非常的重,引力无穷的大,那光怎么能出来呢?太阳还是亮的吗? 伏尔泰只好点头。爱茉莉又说:如果按牛顿的光学,光穿过棱镜分成七色,而光是有热量的,那么我们量一下每种色的温度有什么不同吧。如果她的温度计放偏了一点,超出了七色的范围,她还是测到了什么,她会说:哼,好像七色之外还有什么东西! 爱茉莉和伏尔泰在这个别墅里宴请欧洲各地文人,科学家,并表演伏尔泰的话剧。夜晚一人一翼,灯光与智慧相互照应,爱情至为灿烂。 可惜爱茉莉做错了一件事,41岁的时候和伏尔泰斗气或者由于爱情不再炽烈,再一次红杏出墙,这次却是致命的,在生孩子的时候离开人世,否则,谁知道科学的发展进程是什么样呢! 我们的诗人哲学家虽然浪漫,对爱茉莉却是极痴情的。他对人说:她不是我的情人,她是我的灵魂。 法国人的不同表现在爱茉莉的葬礼上,她的丈夫,情人,年轻时的情人和最后致命的情人都要出席。 那可是真是法国人的作派呀,换了别的民族,这几个还不是要刀剑出鞘了。 道德贞节品德在这时候都没话可说了。尤其是伏尔泰,他根本想不到这些,只能说:“我的一半已经离开我的躯体,那是一颗灵魂,让我之所以是我的灵魂”。 几个月之后,伏尔泰离开了那个乡下的别墅,回到了巴黎。 可是人们看到,他有时会在傍晚徘徊在一个公寓的外面,那是爱茉莉年轻时他们相会的地方,喃喃地说:“我将在我们乡下的那个田野,仰望天空,注视我唯一的星星,等待我的爱茉莉。” “I’ve lost the half of myself -- a soul for which mine was made”. “I shall await you, quietly, in my meridian, in the fields of Cirey, watching one star only, watching my Emilie.” 2009-08-09 21:25
4210 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 5 Bobby 2011-3-31 05:32
常言道:君子守恒,小人易变。 法国总统萨科齐曾与和卡扎菲握手言欢,在国际场合展现出亲近的一面。日前,卡扎菲的儿子赛义夫在接受欧洲媒体采访时还披露,利比亚曾经资助了萨科齐 2007 年的总统竞选活动,而此次军事行动,萨科齐却成为 “ 带头大哥 ” 。 2007 年 12 月 8 日 ,在葡萄牙首都里斯本举行的第二届欧盟 - 非洲首脑会议上,利比亚领导人卡扎菲 ( 左 ) 与法国总统萨科齐交谈。(《翻脸比翻书快!曾与卡扎菲把手言欢的西方政要 》: http://forum.home.news.cn/detail/83260630/1.html ) 为什么会如此?除了国家之间只有赤裸裸的利益之外,恐怕还要到法国人的民族性格中去找找原因。 法国思想家 Jean-Jacques Rousseau (让 - 雅克·卢梭)在其自传体作品 The Confessions (《忏悔录》)中谈到法国人时说: “I must, however, do justice to the French; they do not exhaust themselves so much in protestations as is said, and those they make are nearly always sincere; but they have a way of appearing to be interested in you, which is more deceptive than words. The coarse compliments of the Swiss can only impose upon fools. The manners of the French are more seductive, for the very that they are simpler; one would think that they are not telling you all they mean to do for you, in order to give you a more agreeable surprise. I will say more: they are not false in their professions; they are naturally obliging, kindly, benevolent, and even, whatever one may say, more sincere than any other nation; but they are fickle and flighty. The feelings which they express towards you are genuine; but these feelings are no sooner come than they are gone. When you converse with them, they are full of you; as soon as you are out of their sight, they forget you. Nothing is permanent in their hearts; with them everything is the work of the moment.” 你看看,卢梭说得没错吧?
个人分类: 科学感想|3277 次阅读|15 个评论
[转载]世界第一高楼 160层 高828米
xupeiyang 2011-3-29 12:01
中新网3月29日电 据媒体综合报道,攀爬高手、49岁的法国人阿兰?罗伯特于28日开始攀爬当今世界第一高楼——阿联酋迪拜的哈利法塔,并于当地时间28日傍晚成功登顶。   据了解,哈利法塔原名迪拜塔,这座摩天大楼有160层,总高828米,是人类历史上首个高度超过800米的建筑物。
个人分类: 文化艺术|1173 次阅读|0 个评论
历史上的今天 3月28日
xupeiyang 2011-3-28 07:58
3月28日是阳历一年中的第87天(闰年第88天),离全年的结束还有278天。 1272年,中国元朝改中都为 大都 1868年, 苏联 文学奠基人 高尔基 诞生 1910年,法国人 法布尔 成功试飞第一架 水上飞机 1941年,英国女作家 伍尔夫 投水自杀 2008年,美国研究人员发现人类最早 录音
个人分类: 我的日记|1803 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 6 ximujushi0051 2011-3-17 13:42
今天上午有个法国人来做报告,去听了听,还行。主要讲比较基因组方面的东东,有些启发,提了两个问题。但临到后面,有个老兄想卖弄自己的法语,于是就和法国人讲起法语来了,法国人迎合了几句,还比较有功德,说还是将国际语(ENGLICH),照顾一下听众,是哈,这位仁兄无奈,只好改成英文,是啊,这不英文讲得也还过得去啊,并非不会。有些人就这样,以为自己有多高深,喜欢卖弄炫耀,不分场合不分时间地点,总以为自己很牛!想起四年前参加一个学术会议上,一个鬼子作报告,有位仁兄也是为了炫耀自己的日语,开始狂轰滥炸起日语来,简直非常无语,这是典型的不尊重别人! 其实做人还是低调一点好,越是大牛越虚怀若谷,越低调,从不盛气凌人!正应了一句俗语,一瓶醋摇不响,半瓶醋响叮当!
个人分类: 白话杂记|8491 次阅读|12 个评论
flowerofmay 2011-2-15 19:51
Vous me demandez ce que je pense de la Chine d'aujourd'hui. La première chose que j'ai noté, c'est la différence entre les gens qui ont fait des études et les autres. Cette différence existe bien sr dans tous les pays du monde, mais elle me semble plus forte en Chine qu'ailleurs. La seconde chose, c'est que la plupart des chinois paraissent très satisfaits de leur sort. Je l'avais déjà remarqué il y a 5 ans, mais cela m'a paru encore plus net cette fois. En 5 ans, beaucoup de choses ont évolué: le nombre de voitures, la circulation, le pouvoir d'achat. Sur ce point, j'ai noté que les gens dépensent plus pour la nouriture comme pour le reste. On inaugure beaucoup de nouveaux btiments, de nouveaux commerces etc. L'amélioration rapide et perceptible du niveau de vie pousse les gens à être optimistes, à acheter et à investir. Nous avons connu ce genre de situation en France dans la période 1950-1975 principalement quand le général de Gaulle dirigeait le pays (1958-1969). L'accueil des visiteurs étrangers est très bon: les gens sont aimables et cherchent à faire le mieux possible. Les bons htels sont nombreux. J'ai beaucoup aimé notre htel à Pékin dans une rue ancienne. Dans les grands htels on a le choix entre de nombreuses chanes de télévision (rarement en franais). Les programmes des chaines chinoises sont très gais dans l'ensemble. Un problème touristique est à signaler: lorsqu'on fait une excursion en bus, les "arrêts commerciaux" sont plus longs qu'il y a 5 ans. A Shanghai et dans certaines villes résidentielles, les gens conduisent prudemment leur voiture. Dans les petites villes c'est moins bien: les chauffeurs de camions roulent dans la file la plus à gauche et n'hésitent pas à doubler à droite. Les chauffeurs des petits autocars bleus sont redoutables. Je pense que la Chine aurait intérêt à installer des "ronds-points anglais". Cela ne cote pas cher, cela fluidifie la circulation et améliore la sécurité. Nous avons utilisé 3 belles gares de TGV (toutes construites sur le même modèle). Le voyage en TGV est très confortable et plus pratique qu'en avion quand la distance n'est pas trop longue. Nous avons visité une dizaine d'entreprises (des PME). certaines d'entre elles étaient neuves, bien organisées et offraient de bonnes conditions de travail. Dans tous les cas, les chefs d'entreprises nous disaient qu'ils essayaient de conserver longtemps leurs salariés. Beaucoup de ces derniers étaient là depuis 15 ans. On nous a parlé de salaires pouvant atteindre 300 à 400
个人分类: 世界看中国|1 次阅读|0 个评论
统计: 催化领域的诺贝尔奖的个数
热度 1 zxczxc0417 2011-1-29 07:15
刚刚查了一下。诺贝尔化学奖从1901年开始,一直到今年,总共有102次授奖,其中有15次和催化直接相关或者密切相关,约占到总数的15%,具体的获奖列在下面。催化领域还有很多很有价值,也具有挑战性的课题,很值得去做。 1901年   范霍夫 (Jacobus Henricus van't Hoff,1852—1911) 荷兰人,第一个诺贝尔化学奖获得主-范霍夫 研究化学动力学和溶液渗透压的有关定律。(算是有点关系) 1911年    萨巴蒂埃 (Paul Sabatier,1854—1941) 法国人,研究有机脱氧催化反应。 1912年 維克多·格林尼亞(法) 发明了格氏试剂,促进了有机化学的发展 保罗·萨巴捷(法) 发明了有机化合物的催化加氢的方法,促进了有机化学的发展 1916年 未授奖    1917年 未授奖 1918年   哈伯 (Fritz Haber,1868—1930) 德国人,发明工业合成氨方法 1919年 未授奖 1924年 未授奖 1929年   哈登 (Sir Arthur Harden,1865—1940) 英国人,研究糖的发酵作用及其与酶的关系    奥伊勒(Sir Arthur Harden,1865—1940) 瑞典人,研究辅酶 1932年   兰米尔 (Irving Langnuir,1881—1957) 美国人,研究表面化学和吸附理论 1933年 未授奖 1940年 未授奖    1941年 未授奖    1942年 未授奖 1956年   谢苗诺夫 (Nikolay Senyonov,1896-) 苏联 研究气相反应化学动力学    欣谢尔伍德(Sir Cril Hinshelwood,1897—1967) 美国人,研究气相反应化学动力学 (跟催化有直接关系) 1963年   纳塔 (Giulio Natta,1903—1979) 意大利人,研究乙烯和丙烯的催化聚合反应    齐格勒(Kafl Ziegler,1898—1973) 德国人,研究乙烯和丙烯的催化聚合反应 1972年   安芬林 (Christian Borhmer Anfinsen,1916-) 美国人,研究酶化学的基本理论    摩雷(Stanford Moore,1913-1982) 美国人,研究酶化学的基本理论    斯坦(William H.Stein,1911—1980 ) 美国人,研究酶化学的基本理论 1983年   陶布 (Henry Taube,1915-) 美国人,研究络合物和固氮反应机理 1988年   罗伯特·休伯(Robert Huber) 德国人,首次确定了光合作用反应中心的立体结构,揭示了模结合的蛋白质配合物的结构特征    约翰·戴森霍弗(Johann Deisehofer) 德国人,首次确定了光合作用反应中心的立体结构,揭示了模结合的蛋白质配合物的结构特征    哈特穆特·米歇尔 (Hartnut Michel) 德国人,首次确定了光合作用反应中心的立体结构,揭示了模结合的蛋白质配合物的结构特征 1989年   奥特曼(S.Altman) (1939-) 美国人、切赫(T.R.Cech)因发现RNA的生物催化作用而获奖 2001年   授予美国科学家威廉·诺尔斯、日本科学家野依良治和美国科学家巴里·夏普雷斯,以表彰他们在不对称合成方面所取得的成绩。 2007年   诺贝尔化学奖授予德国科学家格哈德·埃特尔,以表彰他在2007年诺贝尔化学奖格哈德·埃特尔 “固体表面化学过程”研究中作出的贡献,他获得的奖金额将达1000万瑞典克朗(约合154万美元)。 2010年   美国科学家理查德·海克(Richard F, Heck)、伊智根岸(Ei-ichi Negishi)和日本2010诺贝尔化学奖得主 科学家铃木彰(Akira Suzuki)因在有机合成领域中钯催化交叉偶联反应方面的卓越研究获奖。
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