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Journal of Mountain Science-Manuscript editing suggestions
waterlilyqd 2015-8-12 12:35
As both editiorial members and scientific editors of the Journal of Mountain Science play the role of editors, i.e., managing manusripts, including inviting peer-reviewers, communicating withe peer-reviewers and authors, and the EEIC, making recommendation whether a paper is rejected, being revised , and accepted. After a manuscript is accepted, the editor should have a thorough editing on it. ------------------------------- Check the completeness of a manuscript and make corresponding editng. A manuscript should contain these sections: 1. Title (required) 2. Author (the family names should be capitalized) ( required ) 3. Author affiliation ( required. Countries or regions are a must. zip code is better to be added) 4. The first author's and the corresponding author's email addresses (required) 5. Abstract (required) 6. Key words (required) 7. Main body (required) : 1 ) checking the structure and organization of the paper and the numbering of each section; 2) checking the writing and language including the spelling and grammar; 3) Checking the text, tables, figures and see whether they have duplicate contents that one of them should be removed; 4) checking the figure legend and caption to see whether there are any mistakes; 5) checking the sequence of the figures and tables; 6)checking whether the figures and the words in the figures are clear enough and the words are correct, and whether the words and the lines are in proportion; 7) checking whether the table heads are correct and can be shortened or condensed (to save space). 8. Acknowledgement ( Funding source should be provided ) 9. Reference ( required . Doi should be added if that item of reference has one) 10. Supplementary materials can be provided, including documents, videos, pictures, etc. ----------------------------- This suggestions is also helpful to an author!
个人分类: JMS信息|2828 次阅读|0 个评论
Journal of Mountain Science Manuscript System Workflow
waterlilyqd 2015-5-28 11:21
Journal of Mountain Science稿件审理流程 Abbreviations ED-Editor SE-Scientific Editor LE-Language Editor EEIC-Executive Editor-in-Chief The manuscript system workflow: Awaiting Admin Checklist: The admin will review the submission to ensure it is complete and has followed journal submission requirements before sujecting to plagiarism Check process. In this stage, the admin may unsubmit the manuscript and notify the authors to supplement necessary materials or files. Awaiting SE Assignment: The EEIC will assign manuscripts to the Scientific Editor for initial review. Awaiting SE Recommendation: The Scientific Editor will do initial review and make recommendation: Reject, Revision or Sent out for peer review. Awaiting EEIC Check: The EEIC will make a decision based on comments and recommendation from the SE. Awaiting ED Assignment: The EEIC will assign the manuscript to the Editor, or reject the manuscript, or suggest revision, and send email to notify the authors. Awaiting Reviewer Selection/Awaiting Reviewer Invitation/Awaiting Reviewer Assignment: The Editors select, invite and assign Reviewers: •Select – is to create the pick list of reviewers •Invite – is to send out the Invitations to the reviewers •Assign – is to assign the manuscript to the reviewers Notes: In the JMS manuscript system, there are two required reviews, as indicated in the progress indicator on the Manuscript Details page. Awaiting reviewer Selection status: Less than two reviewers have accepted the review invitation. Awaiting Reviewer Scores The manuscript is under peer-review. . Awaiting ED Recommendation The ED will make a recommendation to the EEIC based on the peer-review comments. Awaiting EEIC Final Decision The EEIC will make a final decision on the manuscript to decide reject, review, or accept. Production Checklist The accepted manuscript is under final editing and format layout.
个人分类: JMS信息|13444 次阅读|0 个评论
向Journal of Mountain Science 投稿须确认的内容
waterlilyqd 2015-5-20 16:28
Confirm that the manuscript has been submitted solely to this journal and is not published, in press, or submitted elsewhere. Confirm that all the research meets the ethical guidelines, including adherence to the legal requirements of the study country. Confirm that you have prepared a complete text minus the title page, acknowledgments, and any running headers with author names, to allow blinded review. (A Main document and a Title papge should be prepapred separately. The main document should contain Title, Abstract, Key words, Main body, References. Author names and affiliations and the funding source should not be included in the Main document. The title page includes Title, Author names, Affiliations, Author contact information, and Funding source. Tables and figures can be submitted separately from the main document. ) Confirm the corresponding author has filled in the ORCID number in the user information as all published papers are required to provide ORCID number since the first issue of 2015.
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副主编Iain Taylor教授对本刊的评价及对审稿和编辑人员的建议
waterlilyqd 2015-3-12 22:15
Comments and Suggestions from JMS editorial member Prof. Iain Iain on editoral practices Notes: At the end of 2014, I made review on the development and challenges of the Journal of Mountain Science and sent the report to all editorial board members and request their suggestions and commens. I received about ten members' response. Most of them gave high praise on the journal's great development in the past years. Many gave concrete suggestions on how to attact high quality papers and how to raise journal's international impact. The follows are the comments and suggestions from Prof. Iain Taylor, the University of British Columbia, Canada. I think what he said is quite right about how to make decison based on peer-review comments: We always reminded ourselves that we were NOT running an Election. Rarely we got two positive reviews that were badly justified or 2 negatives that were unprofessional. The criteria HAD TO BE THE QUALITY OF THE SCIENCE. I think it can be useful for editors of other journals, thus I paste his letter here. ---------------------------- Dunlian: I have spent some time thinking about your challenge to raise the influence of JMS in the scientific community. I used Volume 11, Number 2, March 2014 as one example for my comments. I still think that worrying about Impact is not the correct path. JMS is already publishing some good papers and we need to see just which ones are cited, say 3 years after publication. The Issue in question contained 24 papers; authors were from 15 countries; 10 papers included authors from China mainland and Taiwan, Korea and Pakistan. It seems that JMS is attracting papers from mountainous areas, which suggests that the title is a reasonable choice. Time from Submission to Acceptance looks good - only one took longer than 10 months. 4 accepted in less that 2 months seems very fast - review and revision in this time is VERY RARE and at Can J. Bot. always had us wondering if the review was really that professional. How long is Springer taking to bring a paper from your acceptance letter note to actual publication? What is your assessment of reviewers? We always checked timeliness, clarity, professionalism and constructive comment to rank reviewers. We also checked to see if serious reviewer comments were actually being acted upon and authors explained their changes AND the items they did not change or were properly justified one way or another. We occasionally used a reviewer who was personally known to one or more of the authors, but always used a 3rd reviewer in these cases. We tried to use at least one reviewer whose first language was English. This was often the way we detected poor language in the paper. Periodically we got conflicting or sloppy reviews. We always reminded ourselves that we were NOT running an Election. Rarely we got two positive reviews that were badly justified or 2 negatives that were unprofessional. The criteria HAD TO BE THE QUALITY OF THE SCIENCE. DO REMEMBER THAT THE EDITOR WITH ANY BEHAVIOUR THAT IS UNPROFESSIONAL (for or against publication) will always add to distrust of the Journal. Enough for now. More if anything comes up later. All the very Best Iain
个人分类: 编辑杂谈|1992 次阅读|0 个评论
JMS 采用的schloarOne稿件系统改版升级啦!
waterlilyqd 2014-7-4 10:15
《山地科学学报(英文版)》自2011年8月开始正式使用ScholarOne 稿件系统。今年5月,为配合新修改的作者指南,对稿件系统也作了相应的修改,如要求投稿人在系统中填写所有作者的姓名,机构,邮箱,同时,系统在向作者发送与该篇稿件有关的信息(投稿,修改,接收,等等)时,会同时向所有作者发送该篇文章的相关邮件。此次修改的主要目的有以下几个方面:1)所有作者均应该对论文负责,特别是文章的通讯作者;2)避免不相干的人员进入作者名单;3)避免冒用知名专家学者的名字;4)避免稿件处理期间和接收后的作者纠纷; 5) 所有共同作者均会收到编辑部发给作者的往来邮件, 也会对作者起到互相监督的作用 (如有数据造假之类的会很谨慎). 汤森路透最新改版升级的ScholarOne 稿件系统增加了一些新的功能,如用户可以根据自己的需要,自行选用英、中、法、日四种语言中的任何一种语言,增加了详细的帮助信息,增加了FundRef模块,可以让作者在投稿的时候填写基金名称,也可以在系统中查找规范的基金名称,还新增了Reviewer Locator模块,该模块根据文章的相关性从Web of Science中自动匹配和推荐一批审稿人,供编辑人员送审时进行选择。 以下是新改版的ScholarOne Manuscript 的功能介绍。 New features of the ScholarOne Manuscript: 1. H eader and footer redesign that is both clean and modern. 对网页的头尾进行了重新设计,使页面看起来更现代,更整洁; 2. The debut of the Language Toggle — giving you the option to see your ScholarOne Manuscripts site in English, French, Chinese, or Japanese. 提供英、法、汉、日四种语言的界面, 用户可以根据需求自行选择; 3. N ew features such as type-ahead search and support for sub-organizational funding relationships have been added to the FundRef functionality。 提供FundRef功能模板的搜索 4. The addition of two new Publisher-Level Reports — Submissions Over Time and Transferred Manuscripts. 新增针对出版者的两种新的报告-- 投稿超期,稿件转移(稿件从一个刊转到另外一个刊) 5. Improvements for duplicate account management. 对一人有多个帐户的管理(可以合并) 6. The ability to grant an extension from the Reviewer List 可以对审稿人的审稿时间进行延期 7. New dashboard queues: Overdue Manuscripts Awaiting Revision and Unsubmitted Manuscripts. 新增主板上的排队显示:等待修改超期的稿件,撤稿的稿件 8. The option to proxy as an author from the Manuscript Header and Manuscripts Lists within ScholarOne Manuscripts 编辑人员可以代替作者进行相关的操作 9. The ability to quickly distinguish between manuscripts in draft form and unsubmitted manuscripts 可以快速识别草稿和撤稿的稿件 10. The addition of a new email tag that enables you to email all reviewers who submitted reviews. 添加了新的邮件标签,使得编辑人员能够同时给所有递交了审稿意见的审稿人发邮件 。
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The Chinese are coming...
热度 1 zuojun 2013-4-15 22:24
First of all, I am Chinese. If you have ever met me, you would know that I have small but sharp eyes. (Recently, I did some proofs and impressed my co-authors with my ability to catch mistakes.) This Blog is about manuscripts written by Chinese. In one week, I was asked by three different journals to review three manuscripts in English, all written by Chinese. I managed to say no to two journals, and ended up regreting I said yes to one journal. So, today I am sitting in my hotel room by the Thousand-Island Lake, and have just finished reviewing this ms. This experience makes me feel more hopeful than ever that I will be able to make a decent living as a freelance English editor.
个人分类: Scientific Writing|3587 次阅读|3 个评论
A promise is a promise is a promise...
热度 2 zuojun 2012-11-15 14:11
Yeah, I finished a draft for our Paper #2 today! It was weeks in the making, figures, captions, new tests, and outline. Still, it takes tremendous efforts to write a research letter. My friends and I jokingly call this process ... ; you guess it right, squeezing tooth paste out of a nearly empty tube
个人分类: My Research Interests|2929 次阅读|5 个评论
How long will the manuscript process typically takes for JMS
热度 1 waterlilyqd 2012-11-5 13:55
How long will the manuscript process typically takes for JMS
We often meet this question from authors: how long can a manuscriptcan have final decision for the Journal of Mountain Science? For this question,Ireally can't give the authors a definite and certain answer. In fact, the manscript processing period is affected by many factors. The most important, I think, is the manscript quality. Other factors include whether the editors have assigned theappropriate and suitable peer-reviewers in the most shortest time, and whether the peer-reviewers send their comments within the required time, and if a manuscript needs to be revised after review, whether the authors send backtheir manuscripts in the possibly short time. Today, oneauthor write to ask me the same question about the mansucriptprocessing period. The follows is my answer to him and to other authors who want to ask the same queston. Dearauthors, The review process will vary with different manuscripts. For an accepted manuscript, it will experience the process of anti-plagiarism checking (within one day), initial review by the scientific editor (within four days, about 30 percent ofmanuscripts will be rejected after the initial review), peer-review (only manuscripts that have passed the initial review will be sent out for peer-review. We require the reviewers to return comments within 20 days after they formally accept the review invitation), author revision (Some revised manuscript may be sent to the previous reviewersto check their revision once again ), editor'sdecision and finally the executive editor-in-chief'sdecision. Usually peer reviewoccupies the longest time, sometimesit's becauseit costs along time to find sufficientand suitable peer-reviewers. The quality of a manuscript is also a very important factor to attract reviewers to accept the review and give constructive suggestions on the manuscript. Any way, we always try to take any possible measures to shorten the manuscript processing period. Best regards to you QIU Dunlian
个人分类: JMS信息|3701 次阅读|1 个评论
If you want to consult your manuscript status......
waterlilyqd 2012-8-30 10:03
JMS has adopted Tompson Reuters' ScholarOne Manuscript system since last September. All manuscripts are processed online and authors can check their manuscript status online by themselves. In spite of that, some authors still write emails to JMS to consult their manuscript status possibly because the manuscript has been processed for a relatively long time or they are urgent to know the final result although the time from submission is only several days. No matter which case it belongs to, we'd like to reply any email consultation by the authors. The following example to consult manuscript status is not desirable. "Dear Editor Kindly let me know the present status of my manuscript." In this email the author didn't tell us the manuscript ID number, nor the article title, evendidn't leave his or hername, only one email address.In such case, the editors will have to write back to request the authors to provide their MS ID number. As JMS has received a large number of manuscripts, and the manuscripts are handled by several editors. Any time when you consult affairs related to your manuscripts, you are suggested to tell us your manuscript ID number and write the MS ID number in the email title too. Otherwise it's difficult for us to check it.
个人分类: JMS信息|5223 次阅读|0 个评论
稿件退稿的原因分析 Reasons that manuscripts are rejected
waterlilyqd 2012-6-4 17:35
All manuscripts submitted to the Journal of Mountain Science (JMS) will besubjected to crosschecking, and then assigned to Scientific Editors (SE) for initial review. SE will make three types of recommendation:(1) Rejection; (2)Revision; (3) sent out for peer-review. After that, the manuscript recommended "sent out for peer-review" willbe sent for peer review. A manuscript may be rejected in the first step--crosschecking. If a manuscript has high similarity with the previously published literature (including the authors'themselves), then it will be rejected directly. During the initial review stage, the SE will make recommendation to reject a manuscript because ofthe following reasons: (1)It is outsidethe scope of the journal; (2)The research is the repetition of old knowledge; (3) The experiment design has serious defects; (4) The languge is extremely poor that may affect understanding; (5) The whole article lacks of logic organization. The peer-reviewer may recommend rejectforsimilar reasons. But peer-reviewers will give more specific comments on amanuscript.
个人分类: 科技写作|4439 次阅读|0 个评论
I am tough...
zuojun 2012-4-4 05:05
Our never-ending project is being wrapped up. I predicted that the manuscript could be finished and submitted by mid April, so I purchase a r/t to go away for four weeks. Well, my conservative prediction failed. The manuscript will not be submitted in April. I cannot delay my trip, but I am willing to cut it short, if necessary. (The airline usually does not allow a cheap ticket to change its outbound, but may allow change for the return trip, with some penalty.) In the mean time, I discovered a potentially better solution. So, I spent yesterday to investigate it quietly. After having made half a dozen test exps, I understood most of the new solutions. So, I brought up this issue to the team this morning. The evidence I presented was convincing, but it may require extensive revision of the current manuscript (not to mention additional tuning of some model parameters and repeating of all the exps that are reported in the paper). But, science is to advance our understanding of the nature. If it takes more time, so be it. (Ok, young researchers, if you are reading this Blog, be aware that I no longer care about publishing papers or not. This will be my last paper, and it will be a very good one.)
个人分类: My Research Interests|2737 次阅读|0 个评论
waterlilyqd 2011-9-18 23:59
Collection of refusal letters to manuscript review invitation Many scientists or scholars do volunteer peer-reviewforjournals even though they are very busy. It’s the international convention and it’s a great spirit! All JMS’s manuscripts willbe sent out for peer review after they pass the initial review. An appropriate peer-reviewer sometimes is not easytofind. The invited referrees may refuse doing manuscript review for various reasons: some are overloaded with work or with other manuscript review tasks but tell us to keep themin mind next time when we have similar manusccripts, some are not familiar with the contents of the manuscripts or don’t have interest in the contents of the manuscripts, some are in field trip or in vacation so they can’t have time to make comments. Of coursethere are people whojust don’t want to do this job without any reasons. We know most researchers and scholars are very busy. They need to do their daily work and share many otherpublic affairs. It is rare that the invited referrees have no response to us. In most cases when theycan’t review the manuscript, they will immediately write back to explainreasons, andrecommend suitable reviewers.We aregrateful tothese scientists and scholars too. The follows are the collections of refusal letters on manuscript review invitation. 1. Dear colleagues, Thank you for your offer to review. However, I have other commitments now that prevent me from taking more work.I would suggest Terry Jorgenson or Tongyuan Zhang for the review. Thank you, XXX 2 . Dear Editor, Thanks for your request for review. I am very interested in the subject matter, but am unable to assist with the review at this time because I already have several reviews that I need to complete. Please keep me in mind for future assistance. Listed below are some other possible reviewers. Possible reviewer one Possible reviewer two Possible reviewer three Good luck, XXX 3 . Dear Editor, I'm sorry for my late response. Regarding your revision inquire, unfortunately I do not believe to be sufficiently inside the paper's topics in order to accomplish an adequate revision. Anyway, I can suggest you Professor XXX XXX, an important Italian Geologist at the National Insitute for Hydrogeological Protection of the National Research Council (CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), as a potential reviewer. If you want, you can contact Professor Iovine at the following email address XXX. Best regards XXX 4 . Dear Editor, Thank you very much for the invitation to review a manuscript for your journal. Unfortunately, though, I have to decline your invitation because I am too busy with other reviews at the moment. Thank you very much in advance for your understanding. Best regards, XXX 5 . Dear Editor, Greetings from Scotland. In regard to the manuscript you invited me to review, I'm afraid that I don't really have expertise in phytosociology to enable me to give a fair review of it. Sorry that I cannot help you this time. Best wishes XXX 6. Dear Editor, I am very busy with several projects at the moment. I am sorry, but I will not be able to review this manuscript. Sincerely yours, XXX 7 . Dear JMS, I will not be able to review this manuscript. Thank you for considering me. Sincerely, XXXX 8 . Dear Editor, I am sorry. I cannot conduct this review because I am currently overloaded by other duties during the next weeks, including several pending reviews. Sincerely, XXXX 9 . Dear Editor, Thank you for the invitation to review the manuscript about soil temperature on the Tibetan Plateau. I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, but it will not be possible for me to review this manuscript. I am traveling extensively in September and October, and most of this is associated with field work. It simply would not be possible to complete a review in a reasonable time frame. I'm sorry to have to refuse this assignment. Your request came at a very difficult time for me. Yours sincerely, XXX 10 . Dear Editor, I'm afraid I don't have the opportunity to review this at the moment, but I would suggest the following people would be possible good alternatives for you: XXX, University of XXX. Best regards, XXX 11 . I am away until 16th September with only occasional email. With best wishes XXX 12 Dear Editor, Thank you for your invitation to review this manuscript. Unfortunately on this occasion I am too busy and must herefore decline your offer. Best wishes XXX 13 . Sorry, I'll be out of office till end of Sept. 14 . Dear Editor, Sorry, I can not accept your invitation to review. I can not share my time for research issue because my current position is administration staff. Best wished Respectfully yours XXX 15. Dear editor, I am extremely grateful to you for your kind invitation, but I have to refuse it in this moment because I am currently applying for promotion at my University and I am really very busy. Anyway, my topic of research is valuation of cultural heritage instead of natural heritage. I can recommend you others colleagues specialized in economic valuation techniques. XXX 16. Dear editor, Thanks for the invitation. However I am not qualified in the topic. This article would be better reviewed by a soil scientist. XXX 17. Dear editor, Thank you for the invitation to review. Unfortunately I am in the field and unable to review at this time. Best regards, XXX 18. Unfortunately, I must decline the invitation. The abstract looks interesting but I am already overcommitted for the next month and will be doing fieldwork. You might consider my colleague Dr. XXXXXX as an alternative. Best Regards, XXXXXX
个人分类: 编辑杂谈|19806 次阅读|4 个评论
Revision makes perfect
waterlilyqd 2011-9-10 13:32
Revision makes perfect
I dare say no one manuscript is published without any revision or editingafter itssubmission. Whena manuscript submitted to JMS isaccepted, it doesn't mean theauthors of this manuscript have beencompletely relieved. In fact, in somewhat, it's just the beginning of the essential revision work. Somemanuscripts are possibly requiredfor revisionformore than tentimes tillevery detail has met the publication requirements. The revision process generally includes these steps: 1. Content revision For a manuscript that needs major revision, it can't be accepted till it has beenrevised according to the reviewers' and edtior's requirements and suggestions. Generally speaking,for an accepted manuscript, the content part only needs minor revision, such as supplementing more recent literature, having an extended discussion, or making the abstract more representativeof the paper, checking the consistency of the cited literature in the text and the literature indexing after the text (the authors, publication date, source, and so on). 2. Style revision Although JMS follows international journal conventions in paper style, it still has some unique styles from other journals, especially in the reference part. Authors are generally instructed to revise their manuscripts according to the requirements in the Guide to Authors or to follow the sample paper style. 3. Revision on figures This is a very important step tohavea beautifully printed journal. Fuzzy images,imageswith low resolution can't meet therequirements. Poorly drawn figures mustbe reproduced. Wordsand the figures shouldbein proportion.Figures (pictures)that canaccurately express the meaningwhen inblack and white coloraresuggested to be transformed into grey scale images. JMShas requirements on the images in a manuscript. The fonts in the figures and pictures are required to use Times New Roman, and word sizes should be in proportion to the figures (charts, pictures), and the resolution for grey scale image is required to be 150~225dpi, and the resolution for bitmap image is 600~900dpi. All figures (including pictures, maps, etc.) are required to be in Tiff format . 4. Language revision All accepted manuscripts will experience a language editing process. Some manucripts will be sent to native English speakers for language editing, some language editing will be conductedby editors or those who can write in fluent English.Awkward expression, grammarserrors,spelling mistakes, misused words will be corrected,missed words will be added, inaccurate expression will be improved. All in all, we try to make a manuscript concise, accurate,readable, informative. Sometimes a manuscript is required to be revised again and agian,in most ofthe cases, it is because the authors don't strictly follow the editors' requirements, andin some cases, it's because the edtiors find other problems in further editing process. Authors can have a comparison on theirfirstly submitted manuscripts with their finalpublished papers andcan find the great improvement in the whole paper quality. Many authors feel very satisfied when they get the printed journals or theirpublishedpapers in pdf files. They sendemails to us to show their codial thanks to our editing work. Just as the saying"practice makes perfect", we, as journal edtiors, want to say, fora manuscript, revision makes perfect! Extended reading: We love you, you're perfect, now edit http://www.physicstoday.org/daily_edition/points_of_view/we_love_you_you_re_perfect_now_edit?type=PTPICKS#commentsForm-2587192
个人分类: 编辑杂谈|4838 次阅读|0 个评论
What are researchers doing in summer?
热度 1 zuojun 2011-8-24 10:20
As far as I know, they are writing research papers, lots of them and in English...
个人分类: Scientific Writing|2421 次阅读|3 个评论
Editing a manuscript and buying a pair of socks
热度 3 zuojun 2011-6-13 17:26
Today, a client said to me that I paid for your editing service and you failed me. He used the example of buying a pair of socks. I was speechless... Ok, editing a manuscript costs much more than buying a pair of socks. We all know that. But, what else do they differ? About once or twice a year, a client or two would complain to me that the journal editor didn't think "the edited paper" was good enough to be accepted. Trouble for me, because I need to find out why so. (Note: I edited about 70 papers last year, so I still consider myself a good English editor even with one or two complaints each year.) Quite often, I find "new text" was added to the paper after my editing. Once or twice, I feel every sentence is perfect, but the paper is on a topic that I don't know well so I cannot defend my editing. That is why I do not like to edit papers outside of my training (meteorology and physical oceanography--still a lot of topics in these fields may read like Greek to me). I can edit each sentence, but I may not make the reviewers understand a paragraph. Because, it is the author's job to explain what the research is about. I try to make it read more like native English, but I cannot explain something that is not there... Oh, it's so frustrating when someone thinks editing a manuscript is like buying a pair of socks. Revision, revision, revision. That is the key to good writing. I have no magic ward to edit a manuscript (only) once and ensure it will be accepted. I would love to put a sticker on it, EDITED BY ZUOJUN YU, if that would help. (I am not joking, some of my clients did put my name in their replies to show that it should not have language problem.) So, please do not contact me, if you are trying to buy a pair of socks... Related Blog: 编辑手稿和定做礼 服 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=306792do=blogid=455368
个人分类: Scientific Writing|3476 次阅读|6 个评论
热度 18 wsyokemos 2011-6-5 22:35
首先澄清一下,为何我的博文言必称 SCI, 因为近日有一匿名网友在我的一个博文的评论中质问我为何"言必称 SCI" ,其实我的博文中所提到的 SCI 论文,我个人心中的概念是指国际科技期刊上的英文论文,说是 SCI 论文只是为了简单起见也是为了吸引眼球,更重要的是,我尽管也曾经发表过一些中文论文,但是我已经有些年头基本没看、更没有写过中文论文了(就连写中文博文也是近一两年的事),所以原来的对于中文论文的写作和体会都已经 out 了,所以不敢对中文论文写作指手画脚,另外我国当前的科技界评价体系,不发表一些 SCI 论文,似乎很难在学术界混得开(至少在生物医学领域如此),所以也为了 “ 与时俱进 ” ,我的博文只谈英文 SCI 论文的写作与投稿。 现在开始正题, 之所以写这个标题的博文,是由于科学网博主孙学军老师曾经在去年底写了一篇相关博文,标题为: “ 从论文审阅看国内外学术期刊的区别 ” ( 点击查看原文 ),在该文中,孙老师在谈到国内外学术期刊在决定稿件是否录用方面 ,谦虚地说 “ 因为不了解国际杂志的具体运行模式,就不多说外行话了 ” ,我的水平远不如孙老师,何德何能有资格在这儿班门弄斧呢,尽管有俗话说 “ 没吃过猪肉,还没见过猪跑? ” ,但是即使见过一万只猪跑,也未必就知道猪肉是何滋味,我尽管也给一些国际 SCI 期刊审过稿,也曾做过一段时间的某 SCI 期刊的兼职编辑,但是基本还是属于没有吃过猪肉的类型。但是有吃过猪肉的,国际知名科技论文写作专著 “How to write and publish a scientific paper” (该书的第6版封面见文首图片) 的作者 Dr. Day 曾任包括 Journal of Bacteriology 在内的多种期刊的 Managing Editor ,所以他对本文的话题应该有资格、有水平来评论。尽管我们都知道:我们的论文不像我的青春我做主,而是由 editor 做主的,但是下面的具体细节您未必都知道。 在上述专著的第六版中,第 21 章的标题是 :” The review process (how to deal with editors) 专门有大量的篇幅讲审稿的过程,结合我们今天的话题以及自己的一些体会和理解(夹杂了一点自己的私货,但相信都是正确的,如有谬误之处,欢迎高手的板砖),摘要如下: 1 . 一篇论文投到国际 SCI 期刊后, editor (或 Managing Editor 、 associate editor, 甚至是 editor in chief )会对稿件由一个初步的意见或结论。首先看论文的内容是否符合期刊的定位或 scope, 比如一篇有关临床的 case report 论文投到了 JBC ,其下场是可以想像的,像这种情况, editor (我下面坚持用 editor 是由于我国不少报道将该词翻译为主编,事实上并非所有的期刊的 editor 都是主编的)就不用再浪费时间了,不用外审了,直接退稿,当然退稿信会简单解释原因,但都应该是通用格式,像这这种情况,作者不用太不爽,因为 editor 并不是拒绝你的数据和 / 或结论,下一步很简单:就是再找一个适合论文内容的期刊,再投。 2 .如果论文是适合在该期刊发表的,接下来 editor 就会看下面两个问题: 1) 论文投稿是否完整,有没有缺少某些部分,图和表有无遗漏?; 2 )投稿的格式是否符合期刊的格式?最起码要符合基本格式。上面两个问题如果有一个问题的答案是“ NO”, 论文也会立马退回,绝大多数期刊的 editor 都不会让审稿人去浪费时间去审阅明显有上述问题的稿件,这也是对繁忙的审稿人的起码尊重。 3. 上面 1 、 2 条通过后 , 有些稿源丰富的相对高端期刊(一般而言是高影响因子期刊)还会由作为大同行的编辑对稿件的内容本身,尤其是创新性等方面对稿件进行评估,这个编辑内部初审,对于牛期刊而言也会拒掉许多投稿,这一过程通常比较快,一般两个周甚至一周之内即可搞定。科学网有些博主根据自己的投稿经验说 Nature 或者其子刊的审稿很快的,只有 1-2 个周,这实际上是个误解,这些投稿应该没有经过真正意义上的同行评审 (peer review) ,没有通过编辑内部初审这一关。因为从投稿到同行评审结束这整个过程, 1-2 个周的时间是不大可能完成的。初审通过的稿件,下面 editor 要干的活的就是找合适的审稿人(一般是两个,当然也有多达 8 位的)进行外审,下面审稿过程就是科学网大多数网友比较熟悉的,略去不提。 4. 两位同行的评审意见(这一过程可能不止一轮)收到后,往下 editor 要干的活,有时候很容易,比如两位审稿人都建议接受( accept ),并且都有很强的理由,论文只需小修甚至无需修改,这种情况下, editor 要做的决定是显而易见的。但现实往往并非如此简单,不然是个人都可以干这活了,很多情况下,两个审稿的意见是不一致的,甚至是完全相反的,或者其对稿件的推荐意见并没有很强的证据说明,这种情况下 , editor 有两种选择:或自己直接做最后决定,或再找一个或更多地审稿人继续审,看是否能有一致的评审意见。如果 editor 对文章的内容可以说是大同行 (reasonably expert in the subject area of the manuscript) ,此时他 / 她就可以作为第三个审稿人做出自己的判断, editor 很可能会如此做,尤其是当其中一个审稿人的意见比另外一个明显更有说服力的时候。当然,第二个选择,即再外审显然需要花更长的时间,但比较弱的编辑往往会如此选择,尤其是对论文的内容自己不熟悉的时候。有些期刊,比如像 CNS ( Cell 、 Nature 、 Science )等牛刊,所收到的稿件要远远大于其所能发表的能力,这些牛刊,一篇文章即使是收到两个 ”accepts” ,文章照样可能被据。当然这种杯具还是相当让人痛苦的,这就像申请基金的标书之结局: “approved but not funded” (批准啦,但是没钱给你)。 5 . 外审结束, editor 也做出决定后,此时作者就会收到 editor 的通知 ( 现在几乎都用 email 了 ), 注意:这是 editor 的最后决定,审稿人或者 editorial Board members 只对文章是否录用做出推荐意见, 最后的决定是、而且一定是由 editor( 当然这活有时是由 associate editor, editor in chief 来干的 ) 做出的 ,尤其是对于采取匿名审稿方式的期刊,更是如此。 6. 一般而言, editor 的决定由三种类型:“ accept’, “reject”, “modify/revise” (当然这个又可分为:小修、大修、大修后重投) 。上述决定一般在文章投稿后 4-6 周内都能搞定(请注意,这个时间不同学科可能有较大差别,对于生物医学领域至少如此,但是对于有些学科如数学、某些工程领域则审稿时间可能比这长的多)。如果您在投稿 8 周后,还没有收到 editor 的最后决定(或者解释稿件耽搁的理由),此时,就不要再犹豫,赶快和 editor 联系。作为作者,我们有权利在合理的时间内 (4-6 周 ) 知道稿件的命运,或者至少知道论文的进展情况。上述时间问题对于新手而言尤其重要,在丁香园论文版上,几乎每周都有站友问,文章已经投了 X(X= 个位数 ) 天,还没有消息,是否该问问了。 8 个周或者说两个月是一个很重要的参考时间。事实上, editor 这活,估计永远也满足不了他们的客户 ( 作者 ) 的需要或者说期望值,因为作者对 editor 的期望/态度往往如一位牛人说的 : “I expect the editor to accept all my papers, accept them as they are submitted, and publish them promptly. I also expect him to scrutinize all other papers with the utmost care, especially those of my competitors." 大意是说, editor 对我要像“春天般的温暖”,对待我的竞争对手要像“秋风扫落叶一样冷酷无情”。这当然是 “ mission impossible” 。不过还有期望值更猛的网友:希望今天投出稿件,明天就接受发表,后天就被引用无数,大后天就获得诺贝尔奖!这个世界,没有想不到,只有做不到。 另外值得一提的是,论文投稿不用修改,直接录用的可能性非常小,对于绝大多数期刊的绝大多数稿件都要经过至少一轮的修改过程,当然也有例外,我所知道的唯一一个例外期刊是 Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications (即 BBRC ),该刊的 绝大多数发表的论文都是不用修改,直接接受 (点击参见我的另一博文: BBRC 算是同行评审期刊 (Peer Reviewed Journal) 吗 ?! ),这对于亟需论文来毕业或者评职称的人而言,无疑是救命稻草(当然这只限于生命科学领域)。 ( 王守业草于 2010 年 12 月,修改于 2011 年 6 月 5 日,初稿曾贴于丁香园,文中图片来自网络,感谢作者。未经同意,请勿转载 )
个人分类: 论文写作|40526 次阅读|32 个评论
写论文如导大片, 投论文如谈恋爱
热度 22 wsyokemos 2011-4-24 08:26
写论文如导大片, 投论文如谈恋爱
标题中的前半部分,我已经在另外一个博文中谈过(参见: 治大国如烹小鲜,写论文如导大片 ),本文就谈后本半部分。谈恋爱和论文投稿(本文主要谈英文论文投稿)看起来是风马牛不相及的两个事情,但是两者都需要两情相悦,互相欣赏,两者还是许多相通之处的,下面就结合恋爱这件事,谈谈自己对论文投稿的“ 一忌两要 ”,但愿这个“一忌两要”,您看了之后等真正成为您论文投稿的“ 一剂良药 ”。 1. “忌早恋 ” :对于谈恋爱而言,早恋的危害,在知名作家肖复兴先生写的小说《早恋》已有深刻描述。未成年人过早谈恋爱可能会危害人的一生,同样的道理,一篇文章,其实很多情况下就相当于一个故事,故事还没有讲完,还不完整,还没有发育成熟,就由于种种原因(比如急着毕业、职称晋升等)仓促投出去,这样做的害处是很明显的,和早恋类似,有点自己作践自己,因为这样的稿件,投出去,往往都过不了编辑部内审这一关,现在象样点的 SCI 期刊都是先将投稿初步筛选一下,像这样明显不完整、有硬伤的稿件不经外审就直接据稿了。当然这样的稿件也许最终还是会在影响因子 (impact factor, IF) 很低的期刊上发表,这就像有些未成年少女早恋,少不更事失了身,最后草草把自己嫁给了一个自己不满意的男人。 2. “要门当户对” :此言一出,估计会惹板砖无数,认为我现在都什么年代了,还在提封建社会那一套,我所说的“门当户对”是指大致的门当户对,不但包括家庭条件,更包括自身条件。古今中外,甚至上朔至古埃及时代,一直以来都有各种版本的有关灰姑娘的故事(当然这也包括男版灰姑娘的故事,英语都是 Cinderella ) , 就是现在这个社会还有 N 多的靓女想嫁入豪门(当然也有不少男人也想入赘豪门)。对于科研人员而言,著名刊物 Science 、 Nature 等牛刊无疑就是“豪门”,多少人想将自己的稿件能嫁入这样的豪门。有这样的想法很正常,但是,问题是:我们投稿是否都要先往这些牛刊撞撞大运?! Science 的现任主编(即: Dr. Bruce Alberts ) 曾经在中国访问时就曾公开说来自中国的稿件(指投向 Science )的据稿率是最高的,说明有这种想法的人不是少数,现在我们国家一切都看 IF 的奖励政策,就更加加剧了许多人的灰姑娘的梦想,“有枣没枣来一杆”,先投一把再说,一般而言,高 IF 的期刊一般要首先由专业学术编辑对稿件进行初审,初审通过后,一般还要邀请至少两位(当然,有的只有一位,有的期刊则高达 8 位)审稿人外审,通过这样的专家评审,一篇明显很烂的文章想蒙混过关的很能性很小。一位有经验的科研人员对于的稿件是何水平,有几斤几两会有比较清楚的判断,比如他 / 她如果认为自己的文章大致是 IF=5 的水平,可能会先投稍微 IF 稍微高一些的期刊,比如 6-8 分的,最多不超过 10 分的,一般不会不自量力的去投 Science 、 Nature 。这就像江苏卫视《非诚勿扰》曾经的一位女嘉宾,其貌不扬、家境也很一般,却扬言月收入 10 万以下的男人免谈(这个收入即使是在发达国家也是高收入),除了被人耻笑,没有多大用处,这样自视甚高的男女嘉宾最后挑来挑去就成了剩男剩女,投稿也是如此,最后一路被拒(杯具)期间,可能别的研究组抢了先,发表了类似的论文,本来还可以发 IF=5 左右的期刊,结果不得不降价处理,最后蜗居在一个 IF 低的可怜的期刊上。所以,论文投稿,豪门梦适可而止。不然,下场可能会很惨。 3.“ 要培养感情 ”: “一见钟情”对于恋爱和投稿(比如主编看稿后直接接受了)都可能会发生,但是毕竟这种概率并不太高,谈恋爱更多的是一个培养、加深感情的过程。而投稿对于感情培养,虽然没有谈恋爱期间那么重要,但是也是值得重视的,这个培养贯穿于整个投稿的全过程,比如:初投稿时,稿件是否符合期刊的格式,期刊的投稿须知部分是否读了,一篇明显不符合期刊格式,稿件内容有许多明显错误的稿件是很容易让编辑上火的,觉得自己没被尊重,问题严重时,如上所述,直接被被拒了。另外,在稿件修回时,修回稿的回复信(即 response letter )更是培养感情的一个绝佳机会(我不日将会有博文专门讨论这个话题),本文就不多谈了,总的原则是:要充分尊重编辑和审稿人。一个课题组如果经常在某个期刊发高质量的论文,建起了信誉,也和编辑 / 主编建立了感情,以后在该期刊发表论文就会越来越容易,这是一个良性循环的过程。再牛的作者,如果太“拽”了,也照样“杯具”。比如 Nature 的一个子刊 (Nature Review 系列 ) 的编辑就曾发文谈到,有的作者在投稿的 cover letter 中想仗势欺人或者耍大牌,有的作者就写到:本文主要内容已在某个国际会议上交流时被某诺贝尔奖得主所肯定、赞赏(言外之意:诺贝尔奖得主都放话肯定了,你们看着办!),像这样的牛刊的编辑可不是吓大的(当然,哪个期刊的编辑都不是,照样还要经过常规的同行评审),人家见的诺贝尔奖得主多的去了,作者这种“拽”法,只能导致自己的稿件死的快! 总之:论文投稿至少要注意上述的“一忌两要”,最终才会进入婚姻的殿堂(论文发表)。也顺祝科学网的年轻网友恋爱、投稿两不误,爱情、事业双丰收! P.S.上述三点的都还算不上大问题,我们知道,恋爱中的一个大忌是 脚踏两只船 (甚至N只),投稿同样的道理,好女不可多嫁,一稿也不可多投,这是严重学术不端行为,尽管在我国有许多人这么干,但在欧美可能会导致严重后果,就是在我国,由于 一稿多投 被撤稿的也有不少案例了。所以希望刚入科研这条道的网友重视这一点。 ( 王守业写于 2011 年 4 月 23 日,引文地址: http://blog.sciencenet.cn/home.php?mod=spaceuid=563591do=blogid=436645 )
个人分类: 论文写作|14152 次阅读|35 个评论
热度 3 waterlilyqd 2011-3-14 11:05
ProblemsinManuscript Reviewer Recommendation Generally speaking, many English journals require authors recommend two to five reviewers for their own manuscripts. I find several issues exist in the reviewer recommendation. 1. Don't knowwho to recommend Some authors, especiallythose who have neverhad their papers publishedin anEnglish journals, feel difficult to recommend reviewers. So they ask the editors to choose reviewers for their manuscripts. Sure, the editors can try to find the suitable reviewers for all manscripts. But sometimes it may prolong themanuscript handling process if editors have to look for reviewers for all manuscripts. So it's better for the authors to recommend several reviewers closely related to the research fields of their papers. 2.Only recommend one's acquaintance as reviewers In order to have one's manuscript to pass review, many authors only recommend their acquaintance as reviewers. If the reviewer isvery familiar to your research and give pertinent comments and suggestions, then it's agood recommendsation. If the revieweris not quite familiar to your researchandgive some irrelevant comments and suggestions, it will not helpful to your future research and development. If the reviewer is familiar to your research but still give high comments to your paper even he knows it's not worth it, it is harmful both to the journal and the author. So, I suggest authors recommend reviewerswho they are not familiar toand who do research closely related to their research field. Then they can get objective comments andsuggestions! 3. Wrongly write the reviewers' emails and other relevant information Some authors search by Google and casually select the reviewers from the internet.Internet is a good way to obtain the reviewer information. But it needs double checking whether the email address are still effective. One author recommended3 reviewers for their manuscript, but I found two of them are no longer effective.I have tosearch the effective email address of the recommended reviewers (judged based on their institution and research fields)on the internetand thenhave a try. It cost me lots of time for dealing with one manuscript. 建议: 1.如果期刊要求作者推荐审稿人,作者最好推荐,这样可以节省编辑处理稿件的时间,缩短稿件处理周期.中国作者最好推荐国外的审稿人(特别是英语国家的审稿人),审稿人还有可能能够从文字上对稿件进行修改润色.本刊也极力主张中国作者推荐英语国家的审稿人,或者以英语为工作语言的审稿人. 2.建议最好推荐与论文的研究领域密切相关的非熟人,这样可以得到非常中肯的意见和建议; 3.选取论文中最相关的关键词,从文献数据库(Springer, Elsevier)中搜索最相关的文献,根据通讯作者的信箱在网上搜索作者的相关信息,选取最合适的审稿人;另外,通过相关英文期刊的网站公布的编委信息查找审稿人也是一个不错的办法. 4.对通过熟人得到的或者是网上搜索到的审稿人邮箱地址和其它相关信息,最好进行认真核实,以免因审稿人信息不正确而影响稿件的送审.
个人分类: 编辑杂谈|8872 次阅读|3 个评论
热度 1 waterlilyqd 2011-2-20 17:34
Evaluating a Manuscript From its Cited Literature Reference (literature citation) is an important part of a science paper, and itis an important criteria for me to do initial review on the manuscripts sumbitted to the JMS. For those manuscripts that have no reference or only several references and they are mainly papers that the authors previously published, I'll reject the papers or send them back to the authors for revision; For those manuscripts that contain a long list of literature, I'll check whether what they cite in the text are in consistency with the listed literature in the reference. If not, the manuscripts will be rejected or sent back to the authors forrevision. For those manuscripts that only cite literature written in Chinese or written in the mother tongue of the authors, I'll ask the authors tosupplementrelated literatureswritten in other languages, especially in English. General issues in referenceand thecitation in the text ofthe manuscripts: 1. No oronly a few literature are listed in the reference; 2. Only the authors' literature are listed in the reference; 3. Only Chinese literature orliterature written in the authors' mother tongue are listed in the reference; 4. The literature listed in the Reference are not in consistent to the cited literature in the text in content or in author names, publication years, ect.; 5.No citation is mentionedin the text whereothers' views andmethods are quoted; 6. A great deal of citation is accumulated intheoneor two places in the text.
个人分类: 编辑杂谈|3821 次阅读|2 个评论
Rejected a manuscript today
热度 1 zuojun 2011-2-1 14:57
I hardly reject any manuscripts, unless it’s way out of line. Instead, I choose “major revision” to give authors a second chance, if I think the work needs serious revision. However, I rejected a manuscript after 40 minutes. The reason? Lack of literature research. Repeating published work without knowing, a lesson we should all remember.
个人分类: My Research Interests|39 次阅读|1 个评论

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