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热度 1 junzhao37 2015-7-14 10:40
昨天,看了很多关于生物地理分布以及多样性方面的文章,感触颇多,现在分享给大家。 1. “Everything is everywhere, but the environmant selects, 与之相对应的模型是”Everything is everwhere (EiE) model, 或者称为ubiquity model, no dispersal limitation. 另一种模型是“moderate endemicity model, 近年来被发现很多类群的分布都遵循这个模型。 2. ”Not only all the species adapted to its conditions (environment filtering) but also a seed bank of many others that arrived and survived, but not thrived. Everything seems to be everywhere, even if it is not immediately obvious. 目前关于这些模型的比较研究主要集中在海洋微生物,因为海洋微生物可以随着海水的移动而移动。而在土壤微生物中的研究寥寥无几。我个人认为两个模型都有他的道理和意义,对于case study, 很可能就是符合moderate endemicity model. 但是从整体上来思考,everything is everywhere, but the environment selects, 这句话相当经典。
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潘学峰诗歌:If everything goes rational, love will be due
热度 1 duke01361 2013-10-5 09:22
If everything goes rational, love will be due By Xuefeng Pan BSc MSc PhD Summer comes so quickly the sun is still young it can be excited easily it wouldn't last long it behaves like a young man lands like his girls they are making flirts things always be blurred I cannot forget the days when I met you It was those days that I lost my pursuit I no more make them back to me, since you decide to go If everything goes rational, love will be due Chinese Translation 夏天来临 如此之快 阳光依然 年轻 它 可以很容易地 兴奋 它 不会持续很长时间 它就像 一个 年轻人 大地是他的女朋友 他们正在 调情 事情总是 被 模糊 当 我遇见你 的 时候 , 我不能忘记 的日子 那些日子里 ,我失去了 我的追求 我不能让 他们 回来 ,既然你 决定离开 如果一切顺乎 理性, 爱情 将会到期 (潘学峰原创作品)
个人分类: 潘学峰诗选|3076 次阅读|4 个评论
热度 9 blownsand 2013-3-17 10:27
俺一直以来都以为地理学是文科,只不过是国务院学位办在学科划分时错误地将其划入理科,因为教材上缺乏最基本的定律。2011年在新疆参加地理学大会时,来自广东的一位老师在报告中提及到地理学第一定律。 Waldo Tobler的原话是“ Everything is related to everything else, but near things are more related than distant things.”按字面理解, 任何事物都相关,只是相近的事物关联更紧密。 如果再没有其他定律或定理,仅从这条定性“定律”似乎很难定量推导出地理教材上那么多的“结论”。 地理学离现代科学体系太远了吧?怎么有点儿像中医和巫术的亲戚?
8676 次阅读|24 个评论
jiao1 2013-3-6 23:15
Thanks everyone, Especially, thanks every former researchers in this field for their devotion of knowlege point , Accumulation is the most important for everything.
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[转载]How to be a Winner--Advice for students starting into resear
tyranthu 2013-2-15 03:20
Advice for students starting into research workDon't get hung up trying to understand everything at the outset The biggest challenge you face at the onset of any new project is that there is a huge (seemingly overwhelming) amount of stuff you need to know to tackle your problem properly. While this phenomenon is true in the small for the beginning researcher, it is also true in the large for any research project. So learning how to cope with this challenge is an important skill to to master to become a good researcher. In contrast, blocking your action and progress while waiting for complete knowledge is the road to failure. Coping mechanisms employed by winners include: prioritizing (what do I need to know most) read (everything made available to you, and seek out more; but don't put months of reading between you and getting started doing things.) multithreading (when blocked on one item or path, is there another I can productively pursue?) pursuing multiple, possible solution techniques (maybe some have easier/less blocks paths than others) wishful thinking (ok, let's assume this subproblem is solved, does that allow me to go on and solve other problems?) pester people who might have some of the information you need (you might think they should know what you need to know, but often they don't have a clear idea of what you do and don't know; start by getting them to give you pointers to things you can use to help yourself. Show respect for their time and always follow up on the resources you've been given before asking for a personal explanation.) propose working models --- maybe they are wrong or different from others, but they give you something to work with and something concrete to discuss and compare with others. You will refine your models continually, but it's good to have something concrete in mind to work with. Losers will stop the first time they run into something they don't know, cannot solve a problem, or encounter trouble slightly out of what they consider ``their part'' of the problem and then offer excuses for why they cannot make any progress. Winners consider the whole problem theirs and look for paths around every hangup. Losers make sure there is someone or something to blame for their lack of progress. Winners find ways to make progress despite complications. Losers know all the reasons it cannot be done Winners find a way to do it. Communicate and Synchronize Often Of course, when you do have to build your own models, solve unexpected problems, make assumptions, etc. do make sure to communicate and synchronize with your fellow researchers. Do they have different models from yours? What can you learn from each others' models and assumptions? Let them know what you're thinking, where you're stuck, and how you're trying to get around your problems. Decompose The whole problem often seems overwhelming. Decompose it into manageable pieces (preferably, with each piece a stable intermediate). Tackle the pieces one at a time. Divide and conquer. This may sound obvious, but it works. I've turned numerous problems which appeared ``frightening'' in scope into many 1-day or 2-day tasks, and then tackled each nice, contained 1--2 day task as I came to it. As I understood more, new problems and tasks arose, but they could all be broken back down to bite sized pieces which would be tackled one at a time. Be Organized In computer systems especially, the biggest limitation to our ability to conquer problems is complexity. You need to work continually to structure the problem and your understanding of it to tackle the inherent complexity. Keep careful track of what you have done and what you need to do. Make lists; write it down; don't rely on your memory (or worse, yet, your supervisor's memory) to hold all the things you need to do and all the intermediate issues you need to address. Prioritize Make priorities in your efforts and check your priorities with your supervisor. A common occurrence is for your supervisor to ask you to do A, forget about it, and then ask you to do B before you could possibly have finished A. If you are uncertain on whether B should take priority over A, definitely ask. Sometimes it will, but often it won't, and your supervisor will be glad that you reminded him you were busy solving A. Keep track of B, and when you finish A, see if B still makes sense to pursue. Realize that your supervisor is busy Your professor or graduate student supervisor is busy. He hired you to help him get more accomplished than he could have on his own. Your biggest benefit to him is when you can be self moving and motivating. Do not expect your supervisor to solve all your problems. Find out what he has thought about and suggests for a stating point and work from there. But , realize there may become a time when you have put more quality thought into something than he has (and this will happen more and more often to you as you get into your work). So, when you think you see or know a better way to solve a problem, bring it up . In an ideal scenario this is exactly what should happen. Your supervisor gives you the seed and some directions, then goes off to think about other problems. You put in concentrated time on your problem and ultimately come back with more knowledge and insight into your subproblem than your supervisor. As a supervisor, I work in two modes: Until a student has demonstrated that he has thought more deeply about the problem than I have, I strongly advocate that he start things my way. Once a student has examined a problem in depth, then we can discuss it as peers, and generally the student becomes the expert on this subproblem, and I can offer general advise from my experience and breadth. Deliver Once you've signed up you have to deliver. But, you do not have to deliver the final solution to everything at once. This, in fact, is a fallacy of many people and research projects. Losers keep promising a great thing in the future but have nothing to show now. Winners can show workable/usable results along the way to the solution. These pieces can include: solutions to simplified models pieces of a flow intermediate output/data measurements of problem characteristics stable intermediates (see below) Demonstrate progress. This allows your supervisor to offer early feedback and to help you prioritize your attention---this will often help you both make mid-course corrections increasing the likelihood you will end up with interesting results in the end. Requirements and understanding invariable evolve (remember the key challenge at the beginning is incompletely knowledge). Change and redirection is normal, expected, and healthy (since it is usually a result of greater knowledge and understanding). The incremental model is robust and prepared for this adaptation while the monolithic (all-at-once) model is brittle and often leads to great solutions which don't address the real problem. Incrementally grow your solutions (especially software). In the new chapters which appear in the 20th Anniversary edition of Mythical Man Month , Brooks identifies incremental development and progressive refinement towards the goal as one of the best, new techniques which he's come to appreciate since the original writing of MMM . From my own experience, I whole heartedly agree with this, and it does have a very positive impact on morale (yours, your team's, your supervisor's). Target stable intermediates Look for stable intermediate points on your incremental path to solving some problem. points where some clear piece of the problem has been solved (has a nice interface to this subproblem, produces results at this stage) things you can build upon things you can spin-out things you can share with team members (allow them to help) points of accomplishment Don't turn problems (subtasks) into research problems unnecessarily. Often you'll run into a subtask with no single, obviously right solution. If solving this piece right is key to the overall goals, maybe it will be necessary to devote time to studying and solving this subproblem better than it has ever been solved before. However, for most sub-problems, this is not the case. You want to keep focussed on the overall goals of the project and come up with an ``adequate'' solution for this problem. In general, try to do the obvious or simple thing which can be done expediently. Make notes on the the possible weaknesses and the alternatives you could explore should these weakness prove limiting. Then, if this does become a bottleneck or weak link in the solution chain, you can revisit it and your alternatives and invest more effort exploring them. Learn to solve your own problems In general, in life, there won't always be someone to turn to who has all the answers. It is vitally important that you learn how to tackle all the kinds of problems you may encounter. Use your supervisors as a crutch or scaffolding only to get yourself started. Watch them and learn not just the answers they help you find, but how they find the answers you were unable to obtain on your own. Strive for independence. Learn techniques and gain confidence in your own ability to solve problems now.
个人分类: Research Tips|1 次阅读|0 个评论
[转载]Wide Awake
sunbukuan 2012-11-11 19:19
歌词 Wide Awake Katy Perry I'm wide awake I'm wide awake I'm wide awake Yeah, I was in the dark I was falling hard With an open heart I'm wide awake How did I read the stars so wrong I'm wide awake And now it's clear to me That everything you see Ain't always what it seems I'm wide awake Yeah, I was dreaming for so long I wish I knew then What I know now Wouldn't dive in Wouldn't bow down Gravity hurts You made it so sweet Till I woke up on On the concrete Falling from cloud 9 Crashing from the high I'm letting go tonight (Yeah I'm) Falling from cloud 9 I'm wide awake Not losing any sleep Picked up every piece And landed on my feet I'm wide awake Need nothing to complete myself - nooohooo I'm wide awake Yeah, I am born again Outta the lion's den I don't have to pretend And it's too late The story's over now, the end I wish I knew then What I know now Wouldn't dive in Wouldn't bow down Gravity hurts You made it so sweet Till I woke up on On the concrete Falling from cloud 9 Crashing from the high I'm letting go tonight (yeah, I'm letting go) I'm Falling from cloud 9 Thunder rumbling Castles crumbling I am trying to hold on God knows that I tried Seeing the bright side But I'm not blind anymore... I'm wide awake I'm wide awake Yeah, I'm Falling from cloud 9 Crashing from the high You know I'm letting go tonight I'm Falling from cloud 9 I'm wide awake I'm wide awake I'm wide awake I'm wide awake I'm wide awake
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A Ph.D. is one who knows everything about something...
myfang888 2012-10-10 20:33
Read two sentences from the exposition of the motto of Fudan University by its first President, Dr. Wen, "Know something in everything" and "Know everything in something", which seem to be quite true. I search for their source, but could not find one. The closest I can get is an anonymous quote "A Ph.D. is one who knows everything about something and knows something about everything". Indeed, a successful Ph.D. must have breadth in knowledge (know something in everything), but also depth (know everything in something). Without breadth, research findings will have limited impact and researchers would lose any vision on what has been discovered. Without depth, one would not get solid work done and research findings would be just superficial. Thus, a Ph.D. student needs to work on both.
个人分类: 学术研究|2602 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 10 caojun 2012-5-13 03:26
前几天在意大利Gran Sasso国家实验室参加了一个中微子研讨会,这是专门因大亚湾实验的新发现而召开的研讨会,讨论大亚湾测得大的$\theta_{13}$混合角后,欧洲中微子的研究计划。 前两天的报告讲现状,我的报告排在第一个。到第三天好戏才开演,原来主要就是两个方案,一个是安德.鲁比亚,坐在会场左前方,要在芬兰修一个巨大的液氩探测器,欧洲核子中心(CERN)的中微子向北打2千多公里。另一个是他爹,诺贝尔奖获得者卡罗.鲁比亚,对称地坐在会场右前方,要在Gran Sasso以现有600吨的ICARUS探测器为原型,修几个同样大小的探测器,CERN的中微子向南打7百多公里,并称液氩探测器技术(是他发明的)唯一被证明可行的,就是ICARUS的设计,费米实验室和小鲁的大探测器方案根本不可行,只能模块化。小鲁的方案我们早就听说过,老鲁的还不知名。老鲁的报告大概是他自己算、自己写的,小鲁在底下直嚷嚷:你应该考虑能量精度!5MeV那里没有流强!支持在芬兰修探测器的还有其它方案和其他人,不知道小鲁不出面的话,有没有人敢站出来跟老鲁叫板。 小鲁开会第一天没来,老鲁第一二天都没来。第二天晚上聚餐时,老鲁晃来了,来到我们桌说:“听说Chinese can do everything,very good!”在我第一天的报告中,说大亚湾二期可以测中微子质量等级,可以精确测量4个混合参数,同时,如果小型超导回旋加速器取得突破的话,It is possible to do everything(即同时精确测量全部6个混合参数)。他没来听报告,不知道谁向他汇报了。我没搞明白他什么意思,大概不算是好话。如果我们都干了,他们还干什么? 第三天小鲁抨击老鲁时说,你的方案没有考虑质量等级测量,只考虑了CP破坏(表征电荷宇称对称性破坏的相位角),当然,你可以说some Chinese guys will do it……。话音刚落,周围好几个意大利人朝我笑表示歉意。老鲁的方案造价只有2亿多欧元,小鲁的方案没说造价,问了就说先关注科学目标。估计要贵好几倍。 接下来CERN的加速器代表报告,说:“向南走还是向北走?做为一个希腊人,我当然希望向南,不过最近希腊的日子不太好过……”最后会议总结人说,在接下来的几个月内,大家接着打…… 大亚湾之后的中微子研究,日本T2K实验的发言人小林隆和郑章基教授给大亚湾的贺信最有代表性:“中微子振荡实验的光明前景令人激动不已。有了这个大的$\theta_{13}$混合角,若上天继续眷顾我们,或许在我们有生之年可以揭开质量等级和CP破坏的奥秘。” 上个月美国出现了戏剧性的一幕,美国能源部任命的一个研究小组提交了报告,在美国的长基线实验方案LBNE( L ong B aseline N eutrino E xperiment)中,倾向于选择水切伦科夫探测器方案,并公开了。不料上交能源部后被否决,要求选液氩探测器方案。研究小组的人气得要死,你自己早就有主意了,还假模假样地让我们提交研究报告干什么?这次来报告的就是33k吨、位于南达科它州的DUSEL实验室( Deep Underground Science and Engineering Laboratory )的液氩探测器方案。美国人还是很尊重领导的,不再提水切伦科夫了,毕竟钱攢在他手上。 日本的方案是Hyper-K,在现在Super-K附近,一百万吨的水切伦科夫方案。看上去可能最靠谱。 大亚湾二期实验是唯一的反应堆实验(韩国人也厚着脸皮说了一句,他们也可以做),除非天上掉馅饼(好象也掉过),在几年内加速器小型化取得突破,否则我们测不了CP破坏,但是质量等级和混合参数的精确测量是最有竞争力的。
个人分类: 物理八卦|6796 次阅读|17 个评论
Bearjazz 2012-5-12 09:59
解决 Everything 搜索覆盖问题 熊荣川 六盘水师范学院生物信息学实验室 xiongrongchuan@126.com http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/Bearjazz Everything 是一款非常不错的电脑本地文件搜索软件 http://www.voidtools.com/ 优点就是速度快,可以直接在搜索结果框打开文件或是文件路径,还可以复制文件路径,对于 xp 体统往往在文件中无法显示复制完整文件夹路径来说是一个很好的工具利器。 但是,最近我发现 Everything 搜索不到某些磁盘,到官网一查原因,原来是磁盘的文件体统格式不同, Everything 只支持 NTFS 文件系统,因此,如果你的磁盘是 FAT16 或 FAT32 格式,可以先转换成 NTFS 文件系统在使用 Everything 。 具体转换方法网上较多也比较详细,大家可以搜搜 主要过程就是打开命令提示符后 如果我们要把转换 E 盘,则输入 E : /fs:ntfs ,然后回车 之后体统会提示你输入卷标,这里我们输入 E ,然后回车 转化就开始了, 这里有几点个人体验 1 如果你说转化的磁盘有程序正在运行或是文件正被打开使用,建议先关闭在转换,如果本人在转化 D 时就因为当时打开了一些程序而得到相应的提示 2 转换之前检查之前,务必检查你的磁盘名称,越简单约好,最好就是使用传统的 D 、 E 之类的,否则可能会遇到问题,转化之后你想怎么改就怎么改。 3 转换文件系统始终是一件有风险的事情,温馨提示,做好数据备份,系统盘不要随便转换。
个人分类: 我的研究|4377 次阅读|0 个评论
everything is 临时的
zhangxp 2012-1-7 02:47
  上大学的时候老师曾经讲过一个事,说中国的哪个企业不会管理,管理水平低,要请国外的专家才管理得好。我就很纳闷,想不通管理有什么难的,把工作的流程定好,条条框框的按章执行不就好了么?   不知道是被什么害了,也许课本上的一条条定理,一个个公式,使得人产生一种严重的错觉,以为这个世界有固定的条条框框的规矩,顺着这些条条框框走就行了。   既然世间有规矩,顺着规矩走就行了,那么享受这个福利的同时,肯定就要承担制定规矩的责任,制定规矩肯定就要破坏些以前的规矩,也就是说规矩都是临时的,哪有一劳永逸的事情呢?   所谓做事情,就不要有长治久安之类的想法,想定好一个流程,我就休息了,没这事,想都别想,死了都不行。
个人分类: 生活点滴|1599 次阅读|0 个评论
huozhenhua 2011-11-11 09:59
if v:lang =~ "utf8$" || v:lang =~ "UTF-8$" set fileencodings=ucs-bom,utf-8,latin1 endif set nocompatible " Use Vim defaults (much better!) set bs=indent,eol,start " allow backspacing over everything in insert mode "set ai " always set autoindenting on "set backup " keep a backup file set viminfo='20,\"50 " read/write a .viminfo file, don't store more " than 50 lines of registers set history=50 " keep 50 lines of command line history set ruler " show the cursor position all the time " Only do this part when compiled with support for autocommands if has("autocmd") augroup fedora autocmd! " In text files, always limit the width of text to 78 characters " autocmd BufRead *.txt set tw=78 " When editing a file, always jump to the last cursor position autocmd BufReadPost * \ if line("'\"") 0 line ("'\"") = line("$") | \ exe "normal! g'\"" | \ endif " don't write swapfile on most commonly used directories for NFS mounts or USB sticks autocmd BufNewFile,BufReadPre /media/*,/mnt/* set directory=~/tmp,/var/tmp,/tmp " start with spec file template autocmd BufNewFile *.spec 0r /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/template.spec augroup END endif if has("cscope") filereadable("/usr/bin/cscope") set csprg=/usr/bin/cscope set csto=0 set cst set nocsverb " add any database in current directory if filereadable("cscope.out") cs add cscope.out " else add database pointed to by environment elseif $CSCOPE_DB != "" cs add $CSCOPE_DB endif set csverb endif " Switch syntax highlighting on, when the terminal has colors " Also switch on highlighting the last used search pattern. if t_Co 2 || has("gui_running") syntax on set hlsearch endif filetype plugin on if term=="xterm" set t_Co=8 set t_Sb= ESCi :inoremap ] c-r=ClosePair(']')CR :inoremap ESCi :inoremap c-r=ClosePair('')CR " 打开文件时,总是跳到退出之前的光标处 autocmd BufReadPost * \ if line("'\"") 0 line("'\"") = line("$") | \ exe "normal! g`\"" | \ endif " 用浅色高亮当前行 if has("gui_running") autocmd InsertLeave * se nocul autocmd InsertEnter * se cul endif filetype plugin on "允许使用ftplugin目录下的文件类型特定脚本 filetype indent on "允许使用indent目录下的文件类型缩进 " 设置自动粘贴功能。 set pastetoggle=F3 " 设置以缩进的方式自动折叠和设置快捷方式 set foldmethod=indent " map F3 zO " 打开折叠 map F4 zc " 关闭折叠 map F5 zR " 打开所有折叠 map F6 zM " 关闭所有折叠 " 使用 murphy 调色板 colo torte " 用空格键来开关折叠 set foldenable set foldmethod=manual nnoremap space @=((foldclosed(line('.')) 0) ? 'zc' : 'zo')CR " 隐藏掉菜单和工具条。 set guioptions-=m set guioptions-=T map silent F2 :if guioptions =~# 'T' Bar \set guioptions-=T Bar \set guioptions-=m bar \else Bar \set guioptions+=T Bar \set guioptions+=m Bar \endifCR " 标签页设置 if has("gui_running") set showtabline=2 map! tn tabnew nmap C-c :tabcloseCR endif " 标签页只显示文件名 function ShortTabLabel () let bufnrlist = tabpagebuflist (v:lnum) let label = bufname (bufnrlist ) let filename = fnamemodify (label, ':t') return filename endfunction set guitablabel=%{ShortTabLabel()} " 使回格键(backspace)正常处理indent, eol, start等 set backspace=eol,start,indent " 允许backspace和光标键跨越行边界 " set whichwrap+=,,h,l " 可以在buffer的任何地方使用鼠标(类似office中在工作区双击鼠标定位) set mouse=a set selection=exclusive set selectmode=mouse,key " 启动的时候不显示那个援助索马里儿童的提示 set shortmess=atI " 通过使用: commands命令,告诉我们文件的哪一行被改变过 set report=0 " 不让vim发出讨厌的滴滴声 set noerrorbells " 在被分割的窗口间显示空白,便于阅读 set fillchars=vert:\ ,stl:\ ,stlnc:\ """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " 搜索和匹配 " """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " 高亮显示匹配的括号 set showmatch " 匹配括号高亮的时间(单位是十分之一秒) set matchtime=3 " 在搜索的时候忽略大小写 set ignorecase " 不要高亮被搜索的句子(phrases) " set nohlsearch " 在搜索时,输入的词句的逐字符高亮(类似firefox的搜索) set incsearch " 输入:set list命令是应该显示些啥? set listchars=tab:\|\ ,trail:.,extends:,precedes:,eol:$ " Tab补全时忽略这些忽略这些 set wildignore=*.o,*.obj,*.bak,*.exe " 光标移动到buffer的顶部和底部时保持3行距离 set scrolloff=3 "搜索出之后高亮关键词 set hlsearch nmap silent leadercr :nohcr """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" " CTags的设定 " """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" set tags=tags; " 按照名称排序 let Tlist_Sort_Type = "name" " 在右侧显示窗口 let Tlist_Use_Right_Window = 1 " 压缩方式 let Tlist_Compart_Format = 1 " 如果只有一个buffer,kill窗口也kill掉buffer let Tlist_Exist_OnlyWindow = 1 " 不要关闭其他文件的tags let Tlist_File_Fold_Auto_Close = 0 " 不要显示折叠树 let Tlist_Enable_Fold_Column = 0
个人分类: Linux使用|3236 次阅读|0 个评论
Smile in Singles Day
Ripal 2011-11-11 00:08
Smile in Singles Day
笑能止住眼泪! 自从研一的师妹们,进入实验室! 我比以前笑的多多了! Smile in 千年一遇的Singles Day 再回首, 过去的时光, 真的很美好! 笑对以后的生活, 我相信我的人生更精彩! Ripal,加油!
1702 次阅读|0 个评论
热度 1 lianghailong 2011-11-3 11:00
- 1. Wilson 13 hours ago Seems China is doing everything right..Here come the China haters..lol 看起来土鳖想大干一票,憎恨中国的网络喷子正在路上,马上赶到,哈哈。 2. Truth Hurts • Willards, United States • 9 hours ago Why can't we forgo our petty differences, and work as one to explore the space? I'm sure its more beneficial and productive to collaborate and cooperate, instead of trying to sabotage each other's plans. Too bad our politicians doesn't have the vision, tolerance, and greatness to come together... 为毛我们忘记我们的不同了,为毛不开发太空?这很有用,合作更有效,而不是互相拆台。 很遗憾我们的政客木有这个眼光、耐性和胸怀,干不成大事。 3. London, United Kingdom • 11 hours ago woohoo, go China 中国,猛搥吧,看好你哟。 4. Reality Check 13 hours ago Nasa used to be the World leader in space exploration... I guess, since China actually has money and didn't participate in a pile of failed but very costly wars, they have money and we hire the Russian taxi service to go into space. 想当年NASA气吞万里如虎。领导一切,我想,自从土鳖有钱,被国际合作拒之门外之后,他们有钱来烧,而我们雇佣毛子的火箭的士来运送太空物资。 5. Barry • Texarkana, United States • 13 hours ago Wonderful next stop the moon then mars... 先到月球,再到火星,土鳖牛逼。 6. JonT • Wadsworth, United States • 13 hours ago China our new world leader. I don't think no one hates china they are just doing what any country would do to open doors to money. I think the haters are hating Corp. America for not being responsible enough to stay at home in the US. I believe in trade but equal trade you send me 50 cars I send... 土鳖是世界新领袖,闪瞎俺们的狗眼,我不认为有人恨中国,丫们中国只是开门搂钱,罔顾一切。这些憎恨着理性只是恨美帝大公司不成钢,不负责任,没有把业务留在国内,便宜了土鳖。 7. Peng Chau 13 hours ago China is taking it one step at a time, and will pass the USA's space program which is almost dead now. 土鳖是步步为营,稳扎稳打,超越美帝的太空项目只是时间问题,美帝已死。 8. Insidious Banana 12 hours ago The Chinese are 30 years behind America in just about everything, and are incapable of original thought. 土鳖和美帝相比,还有30年差距,而且木有原创力。要蛋定。 9. John • Fort Myers, United States • 13 hours ago Why is this news....even Japan has launched space missions. 这新闻有啥意思?倭寇早就发射太空船了。 10. Timur • Washington, United States • 12 hours ago The size, the size. US could not do it for heavier rockets and has to rely on Russians. 别提倭寇,美帝的规模都木有如此牛逼,还是租的毛子的。 11. London, Canada • 5 hours ago "US against China participation in Int'l station...." The funny thing is that at time the ISS decommisioneded in 2028, the CSS may be the only one in space. 美帝不让土鳖参与?真搞笑,那是国际空间站,2028年就不存在了。土鳖是唯一的。 http://www.cqzg.cn/viewthread-1366806.html
2020 次阅读|1 个评论
The first two weeks in Sydney
qiyin546 2011-10-17 20:01
The first two weeks in Sydney
Since I have been Sydney two weeks ago, nearly everything is unknown for me, I need to change and broaden myself to adapte the new word, so that to quickly get a ecological inche for me and make sure the upcoming learning fitness, that is might be the “evolution”process. During those days, several training items have ocurred on me. Firstly, I need to follow the new work and rest timetable. We have three hours’s time difference between Sydney and China, that I will start to work whereas all Chinese friends are still in sleep. Three hours is not so much, but forget a long term time rhythm and set up a new one is not so easy, so much Chinese news and things always remind me that it is not time to work and not time to sleep, I always go to sleep very late althouth I am very tired. The second items is the food, not only the food content, but the food habit. People here do not pay so much on lunch but the dinner, that is opposite to China. For lunch, teachers and students do not eat very much. There is a Kitchen in the research building, professors and students could cook their lunch there for free. That is a good way to save time and money, I like it. boys with a hamburg and few yoghourt, girls with some fruit, somebody even have nothing given not being so hungery. They generally do not have specific rest time at noon. By contrast, their dinner time will be very colorful, and eat too much. I do not adapt this absolutely at the beginning, and I always need to eat too much for lunch so that to delay the afternoon hungery time, and will be very tired aftern the dinner time. The third training item relates to the traffic. This is an very important item to broaden living space, and is also the priority to control time. The straight proximity from my temporay rent house to research building was 2.5 km, but I need to walk nearly 4 km. I need to choose the most convenient bus and train line. Bicycle is impossible here, from one aspect, there is no space for bicycle, few person ride bicycle, from another aspect, there is specific for bicycle, you need to wear helmet and specical bicycle dress, otherwise you will be fired. Train here is convenient, but the management system is so different,they have so many different train lines, and each line is consistent with specific platform, you need to know your traveling plan from traffict websit of New South Wales (131500.com). From this website, you could control your travelling time presise to minutes, I have be good at this now. Up to now, the daily training has been finished, I have adjust myself to the new world now. I could control my daily work and life time, and know where I should go if I what to buy something, I also know how to prepare the lunch food so that to join in the students at noon. Next step for me is science traning, keep going. Lunch time. The girl is laura, a volunteer from germany. The boy is one Ph.D candidate.
个人分类: 感悟生活|1716 次阅读|0 个评论
xiaolu8755 2011-8-15 21:47
1.我 恨 秦 始 皇。 他 烧 书。 居 然 没 有 烧 完。 2.男人,你说我胖,我减肥!你说我丑,我整容!你说我穷,我去挣! 当我瘦了,美了,有钱了,你认为我还会选择沵庅.? 3.你 露 出 半 个 屁 股 不 代 表 你 性 感 只 能 说 明 你 内 裤 买 小 了. 4.别在分手的时候和我说:“其实你很好”草,那你还甩我? 5.别以为我不知道你上课发短信、 有谁会对着自己的裤裆傻笑 。 6.爸爸:“下次再考低了,就别叫我爸!” 第二天儿子回来了:“对不起,哥!” 7.老板给我得多少钱,我祝老板活多少岁. 8.都 说 小 三 是 贱 货 、 其 实 那 个 出 轨 的 男 人 也 不 是 好 东 西 。。。 9.神州行,我看行,不交话费行不行? 10.其实自恋的人很聪明,因为爱上自己永远不会受伤、 11.上 帝 最 大 的 败 笔,就 是 让 你 妈 生 了 你、 12.有一天女孩问男孩:ABCDEFG是什么意思?男孩回答:A boy can do everything for girl 13.____做男人,自己苦点无所谓 - 别苦了跟自己过一辈子的女人- 14.每次考试的时候老师都说:“接下来,把与考试无关的东西放到讲台桌上来。”那个时候,我很想把自己放上去。 15.老师说:"女人都是感性的动物 最讨厌讲道理 所以跟女朋友吵架的时候不用说话 直接按到墙上强吻她。 16.男人都喜欢干净的女人,而每个男人都喜欢把干净的女人弄脏 17.一 首 忐 忑 让 多 少 五 音 不 全 的 孩 子 得 到 了 自 信 18.将来我死了。把QQ捐给希望工程。让孩子们一上来就能用带太阳的 QQ。 19.物理不及格?正常!你跳楼用得着考虑空气阻力吗? 20.你就像只刺猬,当我抱着你,血滴在你身上时,你说我把你伤害了,可你却不知道那血是我的。 21.﹌你又不是我的美瞳,我凭什么把你放在眼里,? 22.我 单 身 我 骄 傲 , 我 为 祖 国 省 套 套 . つ 23.等谁跟我结婚了,我就马上把离婚办事处给炸了。 24. 如果 , 电视剧没有那么多纠结的情节 , 哪来那么多集。 25.下课铃声比国歌还悦耳,上课铃声比忐忑还奔溃…… 26. 我 不 是 牛 奶 , 你 也 不 是 奥 利 奥 , 别 跟 我 来 泡 一 泡 。 27.虽然你已名花有主 但我可以移花接木. 28.那是你第一次放我鸽子,一放就是一辈子、 29.说什么我爱你 结果都是对不起、 30.非要现实给你一巴掌,你才懂什么叫社会 31.我在马路边捡到10块钱,把它交到网管帅哥手里面,帅哥拿着钱,对我把头点,我高兴的说了声,冲个会员 32.迅 雷 、 你 下 载 得 了 幸 福 吗 ?··· 33.女 人 ,要 么 忍 要 么 残 忍 。 34.政治不及格?正常!中国13亿人,轮到你当国家主席吗? 35.一 个 月 总 有 那 么 3 0 天 不 想 学 习·· 36.吃喝玩乐那是货 同甘共苦才是妻 37.男人,要记住你年轻一无所有时陪在你身边的女人/ 38.皇上自称为“寡人”,皇太后就应称为“寡妇! 39.老师是拿钱,学生是交钱,老师拿我们钱还在我们前面狂。 40.你妹的敢诅咒我吃方便面没有调味料,我诅咒你吃方便面只有调味料。 41.当金钱站起来说话时,所有的真理都沉默了。 42.姑娘们啊!哪有那么多白马啊?找个驴凑合得了,别等到有一天驴都被抢没了,剩一堆骡子。 43.江 山 如 此 多 娇 , 引 无 数 小 三 竟 犯 骚 。 44.只有10086,在我没钱时关心我,每天给我发短信,打他的电话永远都不会拒绝 45.你就是我的优乐美,但垃圾桶才是你的归宿、 46.一个人、一盒烟、 一台电脑过一天|一个人、一瓶酒、 一盘蚕豆过一宿 47.什么时候接红包的时候,打开红包里面写着再来一包。 48.男人被甩,金钱问题;女人被甩,面貌问题,我被甩,你他妈脑袋有问题 49.沵说过没有我你会死 - 可这么久了、你怎么还活着? 50.知道你有名,拍了100多部电影,就是现在扫黄不让播。 51.地理不及格?正常!你还不认识回家的路? 52.你都好意思对我撒谎/ 我怎么好意思不相信呢/ 53.等我找到女朋友,我第一时间就是抽她两巴掌,我要问问,这些年你他妈的躲哪里去了。 54.酒,不喝不醉。人,不疲不睡。心,不伤不碎。情,不学不会。 55.女人如衣服...没了⒈件还有⒈件...你以为我没了你这件衣服就要裸奔么?... 56.逃课太多,昨天想去上课,见到老师,老师惊讶地说,这么长时间不见,长这么大了。 57.小时候我喜欢玩捉迷藏,当朋友们都藏好后,我就回家。 58.语文不及格?正常!你骂人要用修辞手法吗? 59.要么忍,要么残忍,做人要狠,在这肮脏的社会才站得稳. 60.绊倒我的人、我让他永远起不来。扶起我的人、我让他永远不会摔倒 61.喂,大娘.把您闺女借我1.年,明年还您一大一小。╮ 62.我把百度给杀了,因为它知道的太多了。 63.明白了小偷的苦衷、没人牵他手、他就揣别人兜里。 64.抽一支香烟减寿5秒,笑一笑则长寿10秒,所以每次抽烟我就要笑一笑,为生命赚回5秒钟。 65.牵起你的手微笑,让全世界都知道,你是我一生中最大的骄傲ゝ 66.我 他 妈 的 不 是 神 ,长 不 出 你 要 的 模 样 .! 67.还是QQ管理员对我好,知道我生日送我一个蛋糕 68.把最后一口水留给需要的同志吧!把那瓶橙汁给我 69.学校就是你一天骂个八百遍的却不许别人骂一下的地方. 70. 悟空也性感,豹纹加钢管﹏丶 ◎ 71.老 五 跟 老 四 说 老 三 的 老 二 老 大 了 72.两只老虎,两只老虎,谈恋爱,谈恋爱,两只都是公的,两只都是公的,真变态,真变态╮ 73.别说你想通了,后悔了,所以回来找我了.我告诉你,我想不通了 74.我爱你但是我家人不同意,这句话拆散了多少情侣。。 75.老师讲完课后道:还有哪不懂? 我伸个懒腰道:老师这节什么课啊 76.有人把你放心上丶有人把你放床上 77.新一代女性:上得了厅堂、下得了厨房、杀得了木马、翻得了围墙、斗得过小三、打得过流氓 78.中 国 移 动 什 么 时 候 才 举 行 “ 交 话 费 ,送美 女 " 活 动 。 79.谁要敢调戏我女友,哥夜里趴你家窗户唱忐忑。 80.︶︶, 签名再美.也写不出自己旳伤悲。
个人分类: 搞笑|1595 次阅读|0 个评论
zhilinyang 2011-2-4 20:24
古人有“二句三年得,一吟双泪流”的说法,可见佳句得来不容易。昨天 The New York Times 文章 In Egypt and Tunisia, Lessons for Autocrats Everywhere 中有这样一段话 : “ These processes aren’t linear,” Mr. El-Erian said. “Nothing happens, and nothing happens and nothing happens, and then everything happens. The protest movement got ahead of policy makers in both Egypt and the West .” 其中 Nothing happens, and nothing happens and nothing happens, and then everything happens 就是难觅的佳句,也是最给力的句子。不着一字,尽得风流,此之谓也 。
个人分类: 沉思录|2358 次阅读|0 个评论

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