
2022-08-21 22:43

近日,英国布里斯托大学Philip C. J. Donoghue等研究人员合作发现,皱囊虫是一种早期蜕皮动物而非最早的后口动物。2022年8月17日,《自然》杂志在线发表了这项成果。

研究人员报告了冠状皱囊虫(Saccorhytus coronarius)的新材料,它被重建为一种毫米级椭圆的小型底栖动物,有刺状的盔甲和一个末端的嘴,但没有肛门。支持后口动物假说的咽部开口被证明是埋葬学的假象。系统发育分析表明,S. coronarius属于蜕皮动物总类,这扩大了寒武纪早期蜕皮动物的形态差异和生态多样性。

据悉,由脊索动物、棘皮动物和半脊索动物组成的后口动物的早期历史仍有争议,这主要是因为这些支系的主要代表很少。寒武纪早期的微型动物S. coronarius被定义为早期的后口动物,其依据是据称的咽部开口,为小型动物的祖先提供了证据,并解释了动物进化的古生物学和分子钟时间尺度之间的不匹配。


Title: Saccorhytus is an early ecdysozoan and not the earliest deuterostome

Author: Liu, Yunhuan, Carlisle, Emily, Zhang, Huaqiao, Yang, Ben, Steiner, Michael, Shao, Tiequan, Duan, Baichuan, Marone, Federica, Xiao, Shuhai, Donoghue, Philip C. J.

Issue&Volume: 2022-08-17

Abstract: The early history of deuterostomes, the group composed of the chordates, echinoderms and hemichordates1, is still controversial, not least because of a paucity of stem representatives of these clades2,3,4,5. The early Cambrian microscopic animal Saccorhytus coronarius was interpreted as an early deuterostome on the basis of purported pharyngeal openings, providing evidence for a meiofaunal ancestry6 and an explanation for the temporal mismatch between palaeontological and molecular clock timescales of animal evolution6,7,8. Here we report new material of S. coronarius, which is reconstructed as a millimetric and ellipsoidal meiobenthic animal with spinose armour and a terminal mouth but no anus. Purported pharyngeal openings in support of the deuterostome hypothesis6 are shown to be taphonomic artefacts. Phylogenetic analyses indicate that S. coronarius belongs to total-group Ecdysozoa, expanding the morphological disparity and ecological diversity of early Cambrian ecdysozoans.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-022-05107-z

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-022-05107-z


