
2023-06-18 22:24

比利时鲁汶大学Guy Boeckxstaens团队发现,专门的巨噬细胞组织和维护肠道神经系统。2023年6月14日,《自然》杂志在线发表了这一最新研究成果。




Title: Dedicated macrophages organize and maintain the enteric nervous system

Author: Viola, Maria Francesca, Chavero-Pieres, Marta, Modave, Elodie, Delfini, Marcello, Stakenborg, Nathalie, Estvez, Maria Cuende, Fabre, Naomi, Appeltans, Iris, Martens, Tobie, Vandereyken, Katy, Theobald, Hannah, Van Herck, Jens, Petry, Philippe, Verheijden, Simon, De Schepper, Sebastiaan, Sifrim, Alejandro, Liu, Zhaoyuan, Ginhoux, Florent, Azhar, Mohamad, Schlitzer, Andreas, Matteoli, Gianluca, Kierdorf, Katrin, Prinz, Marco, Berghe, Pieter Vanden, Voet, Thierry, Boeckxstaens, Guy

Issue&Volume: 2023-06-14

Abstract: Correct development and maturation of the enteric nervous system (ENS) is critical for survival1. At birth, the ENS is immature and requires considerable refinement to exert its functions in adulthood2. Here we demonstrate that resident macrophages of the muscularis externa (MM) refine the ENS early in life by pruning synapses and phagocytosing enteric neurons. Depletion of MM before weaning disrupts this process and results in abnormal intestinal transit. After weaning, MM continue to interact closely with the ENS and acquire a neurosupportive phenotype. The latter is instructed by transforming growth factor-β produced by the ENS; depletion of the ENS and disruption of transforming growth factor-β signalling result in a decrease in neuron-associated MM associated with loss of enteric neurons and altered intestinal transit. These findings introduce a new reciprocal cell–cell communication responsible for maintenance of the ENS and indicate that the ENS, similarly to the brain, is shaped and maintained by a dedicated population of resident macrophages that adapts its phenotype and transcriptome to the timely needs of the ENS niche.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06200-7

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06200-7


