
2023-06-25 17:52

美国加州大学尔湾分校Maksim V. Plikus等研究人员合作发现,衰老的黑色素细胞发出的信号过度激活头发的生长。相关论文于2023年6月21日发表在《自然》杂志上。




Title: Signalling by senescent melanocytes hyperactivates hair growth

Author: Wang, Xiaojie, Ramos, Raul, Phan, Anne Q., Yamaga, Kosuke, Flesher, Jessica L., Jiang, Shan, Oh, Ji Won, Jin, Suoqin, Jahid, Sohail, Kuan, Chen-Hsiang, Nguyen, Truman Kt, Liang, Heidi Y., Shettigar, Nitish Udupi, Hou, Renzhi, Tran, Kevin H., Nguyen, Andrew, Vu, Kimberly N., Phung, Jennie L., Ingal, Jonard P., Levitt, Katelyn M., Cao, Xiaoling, Liu, Yingzi, Deng, Zhili, Taguchi, Nobuhiko, Scarfone, Vanessa M., Wang, Guangfang, Paolilli, Kara Nicole, Wang, Xiaoyang, Guerrero-Juarez, Christian F., Davis, Ryan T., Greenberg, Elyse Noelani, Ruiz-Vega, Rolando, Vasudeva, Priya, Murad, Rabi, Widyastuti, Lily Halida Putri, Lee, Hye-Lim, McElwee, Kevin J., Gadeau, Alain-Pierre, Lawson, Devon A., Andersen, Bogi, Mortazavi, Ali, Yu, Zhengquan, Nie, Qing, Kunisada, Takahiro, Karin, Michael, Tuckermann, Jan, Esko, Jeffrey D., Ganesan, Anand K., Li, Ji, Plikus, Maksim V.

Issue&Volume: 2023-06-21

Abstract: Niche signals maintain stem cells in a prolonged quiescence or transiently activate them for proper regeneration1. Altering balanced niche signalling can lead to regenerative disorders. Melanocytic skin nevi in human often display excessive hair growth, suggesting hair stem cell hyperactivity. Here, using genetic mouse models of nevi2,3, we show that dermal clusters of senescent melanocytes drive epithelial hair stem cells to exit quiescence and change their transcriptome and composition, potently enhancing hair renewal. Nevus melanocytes activate a distinct secretome, enriched for signalling factors. Osteopontin, the leading nevus signalling factor, is both necessary and sufficient to induce hair growth. Injection of osteopontin or its genetic overexpression is sufficient to induce robust hair growth in mice, whereas germline and conditional deletions of either osteopontin or CD44, its cognate receptor on epithelial hair cells, rescue enhanced hair growth induced by dermal nevus melanocytes. Osteopontin is overexpressed in human hairy nevi, and it stimulates new growth of human hair follicles. Although broad accumulation of senescent cells, such as upon ageing or genotoxic stress, is detrimental for the regenerative capacity of tissue4, we show that signalling by senescent cell clusters can potently enhance the activity of adjacent intact stem cells and stimulate tissue renewal. This finding identifies senescent cells and their secretome as an attractive therapeutic target in regenerative disorders.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06172-8

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06172-8


