
2023-08-06 14:57

瑞典哥德堡大学Fredrik Bäckhed研究组发现,协同作用和氧气适应性可用于开发新一代益生菌。相关论文于2023年8月2日在线发表在《自然》杂志上。

研究人员介绍了普拉梭菌(Faecalibacterium prausnitzii)和Desulfovibrio piger(一种硫酸盐还原菌)的共同分离及其交叉饲养以促进生长和丁酸盐的产生。为了生产新一代益生菌制剂,研究人员改造了F. prausnitzii,使其能够耐受氧气暴露。在概念验证研究中,研究人员证明了小鼠和人类能够耐受这种共生产品(ClinicalTrials.gov编号:NCT03728868),并在部分研究参与者的人体肠道中检测到了这种共生产品。这项研究描述了一种生产新一代益生菌的技术,该技术基于严格厌氧细菌的适应性,使其能够在不降低潜在有益特性的情况下耐受氧气暴露。这项技术可用于开发其他严格厌氧菌株作为新一代益生菌。

据悉,人类肠道微生物群作为一种环境因素已引起人们的兴趣,它可能会促进健康或疾病。开发新一代益生菌是调节肠道微生物群和改善人类健康的一种有前途的策略;然而,几种关键的候选新一代益生菌都是严格厌氧菌,可能需要与其他细菌协同作用才能实现最佳生长。F. prausnitzii是一种与人类健康相关的高流行率、高含量的人类肠道细菌,但它尚未被开发成益生菌制剂。


Title: Synergy and oxygen adaptation for development of next-generation probiotics

Author: Khan, Muhammad Tanweer, Dwibedi, Chinmay, Sundh, Daniel, Pradhan, Meenakshi, Kraft, Jamie D., Caesar, Robert, Tremaroli, Valentina, Lorentzon, Mattias, Bckhed, Fredrik

Issue&Volume: 2023-08-02

Abstract: The human gut microbiota has gained interest as an environmental factor that may contribute to health or disease1. The development of next-generation probiotics is a promising strategy to modulate the gut microbiota and improve human health; however, several key candidate next-generation probiotics are strictly anaerobic2 and may require synergy with other bacteria for optimal growth. Faecalibacterium prausnitzii is a highly prevalent and abundant human gut bacterium associated with human health, but it has not yet been developed into probiotic formulations2. Here we describe the co-isolation of F. prausnitzii and Desulfovibrio piger, a sulfate-reducing bacterium, and their cross-feeding for growth and butyrate production. To produce a next-generation probiotic formulation, we adapted F. prausnitzii to tolerate oxygen exposure, and, in proof-of-concept studies, we demonstrate that the symbiotic product is tolerated by mice and humans (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT03728868) and is detected in the human gut in a subset of study participants. Our study describes a technology for the production of next-generation probiotics based on the adaptation of strictly anaerobic bacteria to tolerate oxygen exposures without a reduction in potential beneficial properties. Our technology may be used for the development of other strictly anaerobic strains as next-generation probiotics.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-023-06378-w

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06378-w


