
2024-04-12 16:52

美国福克斯蔡斯癌症中心免疫学中心Siddharth Balachandran,美国塔夫茨大学医学院Alexei Degterev,美国圣裘德儿童研究医院Paul G. Thomas和美国休斯敦大学Gregory D. Cuny共同合作,近期取得重要工作进展。他们研究提出利用坏死阻断剂预防严重流感肺损伤的观点。相关研究成果2024年4月10日在线发表于《自然》杂志上。




Title: Necroptosis blockade prevents lung injury in severe influenza

Author: Gautam, Avishekh, Boyd, David F., Nikhar, Sameer, Zhang, Ting, Siokas, Ioannis, Van de Velde, Lee-Ann, Gaevert, Jessica, Meliopoulos, Victoria, Thapa, Bikash, Rodriguez, Diego A., Cai, Kathy Q., Yin, Chaoran, Schnepf, Daniel, Beer, Julius, DeAntoneo, Carly, Williams, Riley M., Shubina, Maria, Livingston, Brandi, Zhang, Dingqiang, Andrake, Mark D., Lee, Seungheon, Boda, Raghavender, Duddupudi, Anantha L., Crawford, Jeremy Chase, Vogel, Peter, Loch, Christian, Schwemmle, Martin, Fritz, Lawrence C., Schultz-Cherry, Stacey, Green, Douglas R., Cuny, Gregory D., Thomas, Paul G., Degterev, Alexei, Balachandran, Siddharth

Issue&Volume: 2024-04-10

Abstract: Severe influenza A virus (IAV) infections can result in hyper-inflammation, lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome1,2,3,4,5 (ARDS), for which there are no effective pharmacological therapies. Necroptosis is an attractive entry point for therapeutic intervention in ARDS and related inflammatory conditions because it drives pathogenic lung inflammation and lethality during severe IAV infection6,7,8 and can potentially be targeted by receptor interacting protein kinase 3 (RIPK3) inhibitors. Here we show that a newly developed RIPK3 inhibitor, UH15-38, potently and selectively blocked IAV-triggered necroptosis in alveolar epithelial cells in vivo. UH15-38 ameliorated lung inflammation and prevented mortality following infection with laboratory-adapted and pandemic strains of IAV, without compromising antiviral adaptive immune responses or impeding viral clearance. UH15-38 displayed robust therapeutic efficacy even when administered late in the course of infection, suggesting that RIPK3 blockade may provide clinical benefit in patients with IAV-driven ARDS and other hyper-inflammatory pathologies.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-024-07265-8

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-024-07265-8


