
2019-11-14 14:14

英国弗朗西斯克里克研究所Simon J. Boulton团队,研究提出TRF2的CDK磷酸化在细胞周期中控制t-环动力学。这一研究成果2019年11月13日发表在国际学术期刊《自然》上。




Title: CDK phosphorylation of TRF2 controls t-loop dynamics during the cell cycle

Author: Grzegorz Sarek, Panagiotis Kotsantis, Phil Ruis, David Van Ly, Pol Margalef, Valerie Borel, Xiao-Feng Zheng, Helen R. Flynn, Ambrosius P. Snijders, Dipanjan Chowdhury, Anthony J. Cesare, Simon J. Boulton

Issue&Volume: 2019-11-13

Abstract: The protection of telomere ends by the shelterin complex prevents DNA damage signalling and promiscuous repair at chromosome ends. Evidence suggests that the 3 single-stranded telomere end can assemble into a lasso-like t-loop configuration1,2, which has been proposed to safeguard chromosome ends from being recognized as DNA double-strand breaks2. Mechanisms must also exist to transiently disassemble t-loops to allow accurate telomere replication and to permit telomerase access to the 3 end to solve the end-replication problem. However, the regulation and physiological importance of t-loops in the protection of telomere ends remains unknown. Here we identify a CDK phosphorylation site in the shelterin subunit at Ser365 of TRF2, whose dephosphorylation in S phase by the PP6R3 phosphatase provides a narrow window during which the RTEL1 helicase can transiently access and unwind t-loops to facilitate telomere replication. Re-phosphorylation of TRF2 at Ser365 outside of S phase is required to release RTEL1 from telomeres, which not only protects t-loops from promiscuous unwinding and inappropriate activation of ATM, but also counteracts replication conflicts at DNA secondary structures that arise within telomeres and across the genome. Hence, a phospho-switch in TRF2 coordinates the assembly and disassembly of t-loops during the cell cycle, which protects telomeres from replication stress and an unscheduled DNA damage response. A phospho-switch is identified in the shelterin subunit TRF2 that regulates transient recruitment of the RTEL1 helicase to, and release from, telomeres, and provides a narrow window during which RTEL1 can unwind t-loops to facilitate telomere replication.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-019-1744-8



