
2020-01-16 10:36

美国耶鲁大学医学院Smita Krishnaswamy与瑞士苏黎世大学Bernd Bodenmiller等研究人员合作实现了对单细胞癌标本中变化轴的绘制。相关论文2020年1月13日在线发表在《自然—方法学》上。


为此,研究人员开发了PhEMD(phenotypic earth mover’s distance)。PhEMD是一种嵌入“manifold of manifolds”的通用方法,其中(生物样本的)较高水平的流形中的每个数据点代表跨越(细胞)较低水平的流形的点的集合。研究人员将PhEMD应用于新生成的药物筛选数据集,并证明PhEMD揭示了一大组扰动条件之间的细胞亚群变化轴。此外,研究人员表明PhEMD可用于推断未直接分析的生物标本的表型。将PhEMD应用于临床数据集,可生成患者状态空间图,从而突出显示患者之间差异的来源。PhEMD具有可扩展性,可以与领先的批量效应校正技术兼容,并且可以推广到多个实验设计中。


Title: Uncovering axes of variation among single-cell cancer specimens

Author: William S. Chen, Nevena Zivanovic, David van Dijk, Guy Wolf, Bernd Bodenmiller, Smita Krishnaswamy

Issue&Volume: 2020-01-13

Abstract: While several tools have been developed to map axes of variation among individual cells, no analogous approaches exist for identifying axes of variation among multicellular biospecimens profiled at single-cell resolution. For this purpose, we developed ‘phenotypic earth mover’s distance’ (PhEMD). PhEMD is a general method for embedding a ‘manifold of manifolds’, in which each datapoint in the higher-level manifold (of biospecimens) represents a collection of points that span a lower-level manifold (of cells). We apply PhEMD to a newly generated drug-screen dataset and demonstrate that PhEMD uncovers axes of cell subpopulational variation among a large set of perturbation conditions. Moreover, we show that PhEMD can be used to infer the phenotypes of biospecimens not directly profiled. Applied to clinical datasets, PhEMD generates a map of the patient-state space that highlights sources of patient-to-patient variation. PhEMD is scalable, compatible with leading batch-effect correction techniques and generalizable to multiple experimental designs.

DOI: 10.1038/s41592-019-0689-z

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-019-0689-z

Nature Methods:《自然—方法学》,创刊于2004年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:47.99

