
2020-07-04 17:27

美国哈佛医学院Sandeep Robert Datta研究团队近日揭示出气味空间在皮层表示中的结构与灵活性。相关论文于2020年7月1日在线发表在《自然》杂志上。

据了解,皮层收集感觉信息,从而进行区分和归纳。由于嗅觉皮层中尚未报道化学气味空间的系统构成,因此还不清楚气味信息如何编码,从而将化学上独特但相似的气味进行区分 。

Title: Structure and flexibility in cortical representations of odour space

Author: Stan L. Pashkovski, Giuliano Iurilli, David Brann, Daniel Chicharro, Kristen Drummey, Kevin Franks, Stefano Panzeri, Sandeep Robert Datta

Issue&Volume: 2020-07-01

Abstract: The cortex organizes sensory information to enable discrimination and generalization1,2,3,4. As systematic representations of chemical odour space have not yet been described in the olfactory cortex, it remains unclear how odour relationships are encoded to place chemically distinct but similar odours, such as lemon and orange, into perceptual categories, such as citrus5,6,7. Here, by combining chemoinformatics and multiphoton imaging in the mouse, we show that both the piriform cortex and its sensory inputs from the olfactory bulb represent chemical odour relationships through correlated patterns of activity. However, cortical odour codes differ from those in the bulb: cortex more strongly clusters together representations for related odours, selectively rewrites pairwise odour relationships, and better matches odour perception. The bulb-to-cortex transformation depends on the associative network originating within the piriform cortex, and can be reshaped by passive odour experience. Thus, cortex actively builds a structured representation of chemical odour space that highlights odour relationships; this representation is similar across individuals but remains plastic, suggesting a means through which the olfactory system can assign related odour cues to common and yet personalized percepts.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2451-1

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2451-1


