
2020-09-09 17:18

英国弗朗西斯·克里克研究所Vivian S. W. Li和伦敦大学Paolo De Coppi团队合作发现,可利用肠道衰竭患者的类器官来设计可移植的空肠黏膜移植物。这一研究成果于2020年9月7日发表在《自然-医学》上。






Title: Engineering transplantable jejunal mucosal grafts using patient-derived organoids from children with intestinal failure

Author: Laween Meran, Isobel Massie, Sara Campinoti, Anne E. Weston, Riana Gaifulina, Lucinda Tullie, Peter Faull, Michael Orford, Anna Kucharska, Anna Baulies, Laura Novellasdemunt, Nikolaos Angelis, Elizabeth Hirst, Julia Knig, Alfonso Maria Tedeschi, Alessandro Filippo Pellegata, Susanna Eli, Ambrosius P. Snijders, Lucy Collinson, Nikhil Thapar, Geraint M. H. Thomas, Simon Eaton, Paola Bonfanti, Paolo De Coppi, Vivian S. W. Li

Issue&Volume: 2020-09-07

Abstract: Intestinal failure, following extensive anatomical or functional loss of small intestine, has debilitating long-term consequences for children1. The priority of patient care is to increase the length of functional intestine, particularly the jejunum, to promote nutritional independence2. Here we construct autologous jejunal mucosal grafts using biomaterials from pediatric patients and show that patient-derived organoids can be expanded efficiently in vitro. In parallel, we generate decellularized human intestinal matrix with intact nanotopography, which forms biological scaffolds. Proteomic and Raman spectroscopy analyses reveal highly analogous biochemical profiles of human small intestine and colon scaffolds, indicating that they can be used interchangeably as platforms for intestinal engineering. Indeed, seeding of jejunal organoids onto either type of scaffold reliably reconstructs grafts that exhibit several aspects of physiological jejunal function and that survive to form luminal structures after transplantation into the kidney capsule or subcutaneous pockets of mice for up to 2 weeks. Our findings provide proof-of-concept data for engineering patient-specific jejunal grafts for children with intestinal failure, ultimately aiding in the restoration of nutritional autonomy. In a first step toward developing autologous tissue grafts for the treatment of children with intestinal failure, patient-derived jejunal organoids seeded on scaffolds of decellularized human intestinal matrix formed grafts that had jejunal properties and formed luminal structures when transplanted into mice.

DOI: 10.1038/s41591-020-1024-z

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-1024-z



Nature Medicine:《自然—医学》,创刊于1995年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:87.241

