
2020-09-30 23:24

瑞士日内瓦大学Daniel Huber小组开发出在自然环境中研究神经行为学的新方法。2020年9月29日,国际知名学术期刊《自然—方法学》在线发表了这一成果。

研究人员了EthoLoop,这是一个研究自由行走动物神经行为学的框架。该系统将实时光学跟踪和行为分析与远程控制的奖励盒相结合,可以与栖息地中的动物直接互动。 EthoLoop不断提供被跟踪动物的特写视图,因此可以使用深度学习方法进行高分辨率的行为分析。可以通过经典条件或通过无线控制的便携式设备进行光遗传学刺激来自动增强实时检测到的行为。

Title: EthoLoop: automated closed-loop neuroethology in naturalistic environments

Author: Ali Nourizonoz, Robert Zimmermann, Chun Lum Andy Ho, Sebastien Pellat, Yannick Ormen, Clment Prvost-Soli, Gilles Reymond, Fabien Pifferi, Fabienne Aujard, Anthony Herrel, Daniel Huber

Issue&Volume: 2020-09-29

Abstract: Accurate tracking and analysis of animal behavior is crucial for modern systems neuroscience. However, following freely moving animals in naturalistic, three-dimensional (3D) or nocturnal environments remains a major challenge. Here, we present EthoLoop, a framework for studying the neuroethology of freely roaming animals. Combining real-time optical tracking and behavioral analysis with remote-controlled stimulus-reward boxes, this system allows direct interactions with animals in their habitat. EthoLoop continuously provides close-up views of the tracked individuals and thus allows high-resolution behavioral analysis using deep-learning methods. The behaviors detected on the fly can be automatically reinforced either by classical conditioning or by optogenetic stimulation via wirelessly controlled portable devices. Finally, by combining 3D tracking with wireless neurophysiology we demonstrate the existence of place-cell-like activity in the hippocampus of freely moving primates. Taken together, we show that the EthoLoop framework enables interactive, well-controlled and reproducible neuroethological studies in large-field naturalistic settings. EthoLoop enables real-time tracking and behavioral analysis of animals in naturalistic environments and can be combined with behavioral conditioning, optogenetic stimulation or wireless recording of neural activity. The system is illustrated with freely behaving mice and mouse lemurs.

DOI: 10.1038/s41592-020-0961-2

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-020-0961-2

Nature Methods:《自然—方法学》,创刊于2004年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:47.99

