
2020-11-05 13:36

美国圣路易斯华盛顿大学Camillo Padoa-Schioppa团队发现,眶额皮质编码的价值与经济选择存在因果关联。该研究于2020年11月2日在线发表于国际一流学术期刊《自然》。

据研究人员介绍,在18世纪,丹尼尔·伯努利(Daniel Bernoulli)、亚当·史密斯(Adam Smith)和杰里米·边沁(Jeremy Bentham)提出,经济选择依赖于主观价值的计算和比较。这个假设继续为现代经济学理论和行为经济学研究提供信息,但是行为措施最终不足以验证该假设。与该假设一致,当个体做出选择时,眼眶额皮质(OFC)中的神经元会编码所提供和选择商品的主观价值。价值编码细胞整合了多个维度,每个细胞群活动的变异性与选择的变异性相关,并且群体动态表明决策的形成。但是,尚不清楚这些神经过程是否与选择有因果关系。一般来说,将经济选择与大脑中的价值信号联系起来的证据仍然只是相关的。

Title: Values encoded in orbitofrontal cortex are causally related to economic choices

Author: Sbastien Ballesta, Weikang Shi, Katherine E. Conen, Camillo Padoa-Schioppa

Issue&Volume: 2020-11-02

Abstract: In the eighteenth century, Daniel Bernoulli, Adam Smith and Jeremy Bentham proposed that economic choices rely on the computation and comparison of subjective values1. This hypothesis continues to inform modern economic theory2 and research in behavioural economics3, but behavioural measures are ultimately not sufficient to verify the proposal4. Consistent with the hypothesis, when agents make choices, neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) encode the subjective value of offered and chosen goods5. Value-encoding cells integrate multiple dimensions6,7,8,9, variability in the activity of each cell group correlates with variability in choices10,11 and the population dynamics suggests the formation of a decision12. However, it is unclear whether these neural processes are causally related to choices. More generally, the evidence linking economic choices to value signals in the brain13,14,15 remains correlational16. Here we show that neuronal activity in the OFC is causal to economic choices. We conducted two experiments using electrical stimulation in rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). Low-current stimulation increased the subjective value of individual offers and thus predictably biased choices. Conversely, high-current stimulation disrupted both the computation and the comparison of subjective values, and thus increased choice variability. These results demonstrate a causal chain linking subjective values encoded in OFC to valuation and choice.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2880-x

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2880-x


