
2020-12-03 16:56

美国宾夕法尼亚大学Amita Sehgal及其研究组的最新研究发现,食物的可获得性决定了记忆巩固过程中对睡眠的需求。相关论文在线发表在2020年12月2日的《自然》杂志上。


但是,睡眠和记忆是耦合的,因此睡眠依赖性记忆所需的蘑菇体神经元也可以促进睡眠。缺乏Neuropeptide F的果蝇即在饥饿情况下也会表现出与睡眠有关的记忆,这表明电路选择是由饥饿决定的。存储器电路的这种可塑性使果蝇能够在不断变化的环境中保留必要的信息。



Title: Availability of food determines the need for sleep in memory consolidation

Author: Nitin S. Chouhan, Leslie C. Griffith, Paula Haynes, Amita Sehgal

Issue&Volume: 2020-12-02

Abstract: Sleep remains a major mystery of biology, with little understood about its basic function. One of the most commonly proposed functions of sleep is the consolidation of memory1,2,3. However, as conditions such as starvation require the organism to be awake and active4, the ability to switch to a memory consolidation mechanism that is not contingent on sleep may confer an evolutionary advantage. Here we identify an adaptive circuit-based mechanism that enables Drosophila to form sleep-dependent and sleep-independent memory. Flies fed after appetitive conditioning needed increased sleep for memory consolidation, but flies starved after training did not require sleep to form memories. Memory in fed flies is mediated by the anterior–posterior α′/β′ neurons of the mushroom body, while memory under starvation is mediated by medial α′/β′ neurons. Sleep-dependent and sleep-independent memory rely on distinct dopaminergic neurons and corresponding mushroom body output neurons. However, sleep and memory are coupled such that mushroom body neurons required for sleep-dependent memory also promote sleep. Flies lacking Neuropeptide F display sleep-dependent memory even when starved, suggesting that circuit selection is determined by hunger. This plasticity in memory circuits enables flies to retain essential information in changing environments.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-020-2997-y

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-2997-y


