
2020-12-17 15:00

美国犹他大学Stavros G. Drakos和Jared Rutter研究组合作的研究发现丙酮酸-乳酸轴调节心脏肥大和心力衰竭(HF)。该研究于2020年12月16日在线发表于国际学术期刊《细胞-代谢》。





Title: The pyruvate-lactate axis modulates cardiac hypertrophy and heart failure

Author: Ahmad A. Cluntun, Rachit Badolia, Sandra Lettlova, K. Mark Parnell, Thirupura S. Shankar, Nikolaos A. Diakos, Kristofor A. Olson, Iosif Taleb, Sean M. Tatum, Jordan A. Berg, Corey N. Cunningham, Tyler Van Ry, Alex J. Bott, Aspasia Thodou Krokidi, Sarah Fogarty, Sophia Skedros, Wojciech I. Swiatek, Xuejing Yu, Bai Luo, Shannon Merx, Sutip Navankasattusas, James E. Cox, Gregory S. Ducker, William L. Holland, Stephen H. McKellar, Jared Rutter, Stavros G. Drakos

Issue&Volume: 2020-12-16

Abstract: The metabolic rewiring of cardiomyocytes is a widely accepted hallmark of heart failure(HF). These metabolic changes include a decrease in mitochondrial pyruvate oxidationand an increased export of lactate. We identify the mitochondrial pyruvate carrier(MPC) and the cellular lactate exporter monocarboxylate transporter 4 (MCT4) as pivotalnodes in this metabolic axis. We observed that cardiac assist device-induced myocardialrecovery in chronic HF patients was coincident with increased myocardial expressionof the MPC. Moreover, the genetic ablation of the MPC in cultured cardiomyocytes andin adult murine hearts was sufficient to induce hypertrophy and HF. Conversely, MPCoverexpression attenuated drug-induced hypertrophy in a cell-autonomous manner. Wealso introduced a novel, highly potent MCT4 inhibitor that mitigated hypertrophy incultured cardiomyocytes and in mice. Together, we find that alteration of the pyruvate-lactateaxis is a fundamental and early feature of cardiac hypertrophy and failure.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2020.12.003

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell-metabolism/fulltext/S1550-4131(20)30658-6

Cell Metabolism:《细胞—代谢》,创刊于2005年。隶属于细胞出版社,最新IF:31.373

