
2021-04-16 14:50

加拿大麦克马斯特大学Ali A. Ashkar研究组发现,代谢的灵活性决定了人类NK细胞在肿瘤微环境中的功能命运。相关论文于2021年4月13日在线发表于国际学术期刊《细胞—代谢》。




Title: Metabolic flexibility determines human NK cell functional fate in the tumor microenvironment

Author: Sophie M. Poznanski, Kanwaldeep Singh, Tyrah M. Ritchie, Jennifer A. Aguiar, Isabella Y. Fan, Ana L. Portillo, Eduardo A. Rojas, Fatemeh Vahedi, Abdullah El-Sayes, Sansi Xing, Martin Butcher, Yu Lu, Andrew C. Doxey, Jonathan D. Schertzer, Hal W. Hirte, Ali A. Ashkar

Issue&Volume: 2021-04-13

Abstract: NK cells are central to anti-tumor immunity and recently showed efficacy for treatinghematologic malignancies. However, their dysfunction in the hostile tumor microenvironmentremains a pivotal barrier for cancer immunotherapies against solid tumors. Using cancerpatient samples and proteomics, we found that human NK cell dysfunction in the tumormicroenvironment is due to suppression of glucose metabolism via lipid peroxidation-associatedoxidative stress. Activation of the Nrf2 antioxidant pathway restored NK cell metabolismand function and resulted in greater anti-tumor activity in vivo. Strikingly, expanded NK cells reprogrammed with complete metabolic substrate flexibilitynot only sustained metabolic fitness but paradoxically augmented their tumor killingin the tumor microenvironment and in response to nutrient deprivation. Our resultsuncover that metabolic flexibility enables a cytotoxic immune cell to exploit themetabolic hostility of tumors for their advantage, addressing a critical hurdle forcancer immunotherapy.

DOI: 10.1016/j.cmet.2021.03.023

Source: https://www.cell.com/cell-metabolism/fulltext/S1550-4131(21)00130-3

Cell Metabolism:《细胞—代谢》,创刊于2005年。隶属于细胞出版社,最新IF:31.373

