
2021-09-05 11:36

美国佛罗里达州立大学Xiao Feng团队在研究中取得进展。他们研究了放松管制、干旱和日益严重的火灾如何影响亚马逊地区的生物多样性。相关论文于2021年9月1日发表于国际顶尖学术期刊《自然》杂志上。

他们使用火灾和森林砍伐的遥感估计以及亚马逊 11,514 种植物物种和 3,079 种脊椎动物物种的综合范围评估来量化过去二十年其对生物多样性影响。森林砍伐导致大量栖息地丧失,火灾进一步加剧了这种对亚马逊生物多样性早已存在的本质影响。自 2001 年以来,103,079-189,755平方公里的亚马逊雨林受到了火灾的影响,可能影响到该地区 77.3-85.2% 的被列为受威胁物种的范围。火灾对亚马逊地区物种范围的影响可能高达 64%,更大的影响通常与范围有限的物种有关。

他们发现森林政策、受火灾影响的森林面积及其对生物多样性的潜在影响之间存在密切联系。在巴西,20年代中期启动的森林政策与降低的燃烧率相对应。然而,2019 年这些政策的宽松执行似乎开始扭转这一趋势:大约 4,253-10,343 平方公里的森林受到火灾影响,导致自 2009 年以来对生物多样性的一些最严重的潜在影响。这些结果凸显了政策执行在保护亚马逊地区生物多样性中的关键作用。



Title: How deregulation, drought and increasing fire impact Amazonian biodiversity

Author: Feng, Xiao, Merow, Cory, Liu, Zhihua, Park, Daniel S., Roehrdanz, Patrick R., Maitner, Brian, Newman, Erica A., Boyle, Brad L., Lien, Aaron, Burger, Joseph R., Pires, Mathias M., Brando, Paulo M., Bush, Mark B., McMichael, Crystal N. H., Neves, Danilo M., Nikolopoulos, Efthymios I., Saleska, Scott R., Hannah, Lee, Breshears, David D., Evans, Tom P., Soto, Jos R., Ernst, Kacey C., Enquist, Brian J.

Issue&Volume: 2021-09-01

Abstract: Biodiversity contributes to the ecological and climatic stability of the Amazon Basin1,2, but is increasingly threatened by deforestation and fire3,4. Here we quantify these impacts over the past two decades using remote-sensing estimates of fire and deforestation and comprehensive range estimates of 11,514 plant species and 3,079 vertebrate species in the Amazon. Deforestation has led to large amounts of habitat loss, and fires further exacerbate this already substantial impact on Amazonian biodiversity. Since 2001, 103,079–189,755km2 of Amazon rainforest has been impacted by fires, potentially impacting the ranges of 77.3–85.2% of species that are listed as threatened in this region5. The impacts of fire on the ranges of species in Amazonia could be as high as 64%, and greater impacts are typically associated with species that have restricted ranges. We find close associations between forest policy, fire-impacted forest area and their potential impacts on biodiversity. In Brazil, forest policies that were initiated in the mid-2000s corresponded to reduced rates of burning. However, relaxed enforcement of these policies in 2019 has seemingly begun to reverse this trend: approximately 4,253–10,343km2 of forest has been impacted by fire, leading to some of the most severe potential impacts on biodiversity since 2009. These results highlight the critical role of policy enforcement in the preservation of biodiversity in the Amazon.

DOI: 10.1038/s41586-021-03876-7

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-021-03876-7


