
Pressure-Driven Reverse Intersystem Crossing: New Path toward Bright Deep-Blue Emission of Lead-Free Halide Double Perovskites
2021-09-14 15:23




此外,在5.01 GPa,深蓝色发射对应于国际航空委员会(CIE)坐标(0.16,0.06),符合Rec.2020显示标准的要求。同样,压力作为一种有效的工具被引入,以排除自由激子复合的可能性,并澄清关于Cs2AgInCl6低波长发射起源的长期传统争议。



Title: Pressure-Driven Reverse Intersystem Crossing: New Path toward Bright Deep-Blue Emission of Lead-Free Halide Double Perovskites

Author: Zhiwei Ma, Qian Li, Jiajun Luo, Shunran Li, Laizhi Sui, Dianlong Zhao, Kaijun Yuan, Guanjun Xiao, Jiang Tang, Zewei Quan, Bo Zou

Issue&Volume: September 10, 2021

Abstract: Maximizing the regeneration of singlet excitons remains a considerable challenge in deep-blue emission systems to obtain low-cost, high-efficiency fluorescent materials. However, the formation of the long-lifetime triplet excitons generally dominates the radiative process, making it greatly difficult to harvest deep-blue emission with high color purity because of the depression of singlet excitons. Here, a very bright deep-blue emission in double perovskite Cs2Na0.4Ag0.6InCl6 alloyed with Bi doping (CNAICB) was successfully achieved by pressure-driven reverse intersystem crossing (RISC), an abnormal photophysical process of energy transfer from the excited triplet state back to the singlet. Therein, the inherently broad emission of CNAICB was associated with the self-trapped excitons (STEs) at excited triplet states, whereas the radiative recombination of STEs populated in excited singlet states was responsible for the observed deep-blue emission. Moreover, the deep-blue emission corresponds to Commission Internationale de L’Eclairage (CIE) coordinates (0.16, 0.06) at 5.01 GPa, which meets the requirement of Rec. 2020 display standards. Likewise, pressure was introduced as an efficient tool to rule out the possibility of the recombination of free excitons and clarify the long-standing conventional dispute over the origin of the low-wavelength emission of Cs2AgInCl6. Our study not only demonstrates that pressure can be a robust means to boost the deep-blue emission but also provides deep insights into the structure–property relationship of lead-free CNAICB double perovskites.

DOI: 10.1021/jacs.1c06207

Source: https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/jacs.1c06207

