
2022-01-16 19:46

德国癌症研究中心Oliver Stegle、Britta Velten等研究人员合作利用MEFISTO从多模态数据中识别时空变化的模式。该研究于2022年1月13日在线发表于国际一流学术期刊《自然—方法学》。





Title: Identifying temporal and spatial patterns of variation from multimodal data using MEFISTO

Author: Velten, Britta, Braunger, Jana M., Argelaguet, Ricard, Arnol, Damien, Wirbel, Jakob, Bredikhin, Danila, Zeller, Georg, Stegle, Oliver

Issue&Volume: 2022-01-13

Abstract: Factor analysis is a widely used method for dimensionality reduction in genome biology, with applications from personalized health to single-cell biology. Existing factor analysis models assume independence of the observed samples, an assumption that fails in spatio-temporal profiling studies. Here we present MEFISTO, a flexible and versatile toolbox for modeling high-dimensional data when spatial or temporal dependencies between the samples are known. MEFISTO maintains the established benefits of factor analysis for multimodal data, but enables the performance of spatio-temporally informed dimensionality reduction, interpolation, and separation of smooth from non-smooth patterns of variation. Moreover, MEFISTO can integrate multiple related datasets by simultaneously identifying and aligning the underlying patterns of variation in a data-driven manner. To illustrate MEFISTO, we apply the model to different datasets with spatial or temporal resolution, including an evolutionary atlas of organ development, a longitudinal microbiome study, a single-cell multi-omics atlas of mouse gastrulation and spatially resolved transcriptomics. MEFISTO models bulk and single-cell multi-omics data with temporal or spatial dependencies for interpretable pattern discovery and integration.

DOI: 10.1038/s41592-021-01343-9

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-021-01343-9

Nature Methods:《自然—方法学》,创刊于2004年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:47.99

