
2022-03-27 14:16

美国陈扎克伯格生物中心Loic A. Royer、Bin Yang研究组合作开发出高分辨率、大成像体积、多视图单物镜光片显微镜。2022年3月21日出版的《自然—方法学》杂志发表了这一成果。

他们提出了 DaXi,这是一种基于斜面照明的单物镜光片显微镜设计,可实现:(1)通过定制的远程聚焦物镜实现更宽的视野和高分辨率成像;(2) 在不影响图像质量或需要平铺采集的情况下对较大体积进行快速体积成像;(3) 通过多视图成像对大样本进行更全面的图像覆盖;(4) 通过远程盖玻片放置实现更高通量的多孔成像。他们的仪器在 3,000 × 800 × 300μm 的成像体积上实现了横向 450 nm 和轴向 2 μm 的分辨率。他们通过对各种系统进行成像来展示他们仪器的速度、视野、分辨率和多功能性,包括果蝇卵室发育、斑马鱼全脑活动和斑马鱼胚胎发育——一次最多 9 个胚胎。



Title: DaXi—high-resolution, large imaging volume and multi-view single-objective light-sheet microscopy

Author: Yang, Bin, Lange, Merlin, Millett-Sikking, Alfred, Zhao, Xiang, Bragantini, Jordo, VijayKumar, Shruthi, Kamb, Mason, Gmez-Sjberg, Rafael, Solak, Ahmet Can, Wang, Wanpeng, Kobayashi, Hirofumi, McCarroll, Matthew N., Whitehead, Lachlan W., Fiolka, Reto P., Kornberg, Thomas B., York, Andrew G., Royer, Loic A.

Issue&Volume: 2022-03-21

Abstract: The promise of single-objective light-sheet microscopy is to combine the convenience of standard single-objective microscopes with the speed, coverage, resolution and gentleness of light-sheet microscopes. We present DaXi, a single-objective light-sheet microscope design based on oblique plane illumination that achieves: (1) a wider field of view and high-resolution imaging via a custom remote focusing objective; (2) fast volumetric imaging over larger volumes without compromising image quality or necessitating tiled acquisition; (3) fuller image coverage for large samples via multi-view imaging and (4) higher throughput multi-well imaging via remote coverslip placement. Our instrument achieves a resolution of 450nm laterally and 2μm axially over an imaging volume of 3,000×800×300μm. We demonstrate the speed, field of view, resolution and versatility of our instrument by imaging various systems, including Drosophila egg chamber development, zebrafish whole-brain activity and zebrafish embryonic development – up to nine embryos at a time.

DOI: 10.1038/s41592-022-01417-2

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-022-01417-2


Nature Methods:《自然—方法学》,创刊于2004年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:47.99

