
2022-05-31 13:08

瑞典查尔默斯理工大学Christoph Langhammer、Barbora Špaková等研究人员合作开发出无标签纳米流体散射显微镜,可用于单个扩散分子和纳米颗粒的尺寸和质量研究。相关论文于2022年5月30日在线发表在《自然—方法学》杂志上。




Title: Label-free nanofluidic scattering microscopy of size and mass of single diffusing molecules and nanoparticles

Author: pakov, Barbora, Klein Moberg, Henrik, Fritzsche, Joachim, Tenghamn, Johan, Sjsten, Gustaf, pov-Jungov, Hana, Albinsson, David, Lubart, Quentin, van Leeuwen, Daniel, Westerlund, Fredrik, Midtvedt, Daniel, Esbjrner, Elin K., Kll, Mikael, Volpe, Giovanni, Langhammer, Christoph

Issue&Volume: 2022-05-30

Abstract: Label-free characterization of single biomolecules aims to complement fluorescence microscopy in situations where labeling compromises data interpretation, is technically challenging or even impossible. However, existing methods require the investigated species to bind to a surface to be visible, thereby leaving a large fraction of analytes undetected. Here, we present nanofluidic scattering microscopy (NSM), which overcomes these limitations by enabling label-free, real-time imaging of single biomolecules diffusing inside a nanofluidic channel. NSM facilitates accurate determination of molecular weight from the measured optical contrast and of the hydrodynamic radius from the measured diffusivity, from which information about the conformational state can be inferred. Furthermore, we demonstrate its applicability to the analysis of a complex biofluid, using conditioned cell culture medium containing extracellular vesicles as an example. We foresee the application of NSM to monitor conformational changes, aggregation and interactions of single biomolecules, and to analyze single-cell secretomes. Nanofluidic scattering microscopy enables label-free, quantitative measurements of the molecular weight and hydrodynamic radius of biological molecules and nanoparticles freely diffusing inside a nanofluidic channel.

DOI: 10.1038/s41592-022-01491-6

Source: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41592-022-01491-6

Nature Methods:《自然—方法学》,创刊于2004年。隶属于施普林格·自然出版集团,最新IF:47.99

